C1 Cash and Cash Equivalents
C1 Cash and Cash Equivalents
C1 Cash and Cash Equivalents
• Cash on Hand
includes undeposited cash collections and other cash items awaiting deposits
such as customers’ checks, cashier’s or manager’s checks, traveler’s checks, bank
drafts and money orders
• Cash in Bank
includes demand deposit or checking account and savings deposit which are
unrestricted as to withdrawal
• Cash Fund
fund set aside for current purposes such as petty cash fund, payroll fund, and
dividend fund
What are Cash Equivalents?
(Based on PAS7, par 6)
Use/Purpose Classification
• Should parallel the classification of the related liability. Example: Bond Sinking Fund
Classification of Liability Classification of Fund
• Cash fund set aside for the acquisition of non-current asset should be classified as
non-current (long-term investment) regardless of the year of disbursement.
Bank Overdraft
Bank Balance Accounting Treatment
Current Liability:
(P200,000) Bank Overdraft
Exception to the rule on overdraft
(Rule: Overdrafts are not permitted in the Philippines.)
Can be offset
Current Asset:
Can be offset
Current Asset:
• Check drawn, recorded and given to the payee but bears a date
subsequent to the end of the reporting period.
• No payment until the check can be presented to the bank for
encashment or deposit.
• AJE:
Cash xxx
Accounts Payable or Appropriate Account xxx
Stale Check or Check Long
• A check not encashed by the payee within a relatively long period
of time.
The Negotiable In banking practice, a As a matter of entity
Instruments Law check becomes stale if policy, even after three
provides that where the not encashed within six months only, the entity
instrument is payable months from the time may issue “stop
on demand, of issuance. payment order” to the
presentment must be bank for the
made within a cancelation of
reasonable time after previously issued check.
Stale Check or Check Long
Amount AJE
Cash xxx
Miscellaneous Income xxx
Cash xxx
Accounts Payable or Appropriate Account xxx
Cash Shortage or Overage
Cash Count Result Journal Entry Cashier is held responsible Cause can’t be
(CC) VS (money of Cashier) determined (no claim on
Balance overage)
per Book
CC < BB Cash Shortage Cash Short or Over Due from Cashier Loss from Cash Shortage
Cash Cash Short or Over Cash Short or Over
CC > BB Cash Overage Cash Cash Short or Over Cash Short or Over
Cash Short or Over Payable to Cashier Miscellaneous Income
Imprest System
• A system of control of cash which requires that ALL cash receipts be deposited
intact and ALL cash disbursements should be made by means of check.
• Ideally, all payments should be made thru check, but this is sometimes
• There are instances when issuance of checks becomes impractical or
• Consequently, in such instances, it may be more economical and convenient to
pay in cash rather than issue checks.
Petty Cash Fund