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Networking Essentials Companion Guide
v3: Cisco Certified Support Technician (C
CST) Networking 100-150
Cisco Press
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Networking Essentials Companion Guide v3: Cisco Certifi
ed Support Technician (CCST) Networking 100-150
Copyright© 2024 Cisco Systems, Inc.
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ISBN-10: 0-136-63366-8
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About the Contributing Authors
Rick Graziani teaches computer science and computer networking at Cabrillo C
ollege and the University of California, Santa Cruz. Rick is best known for autho
ring the Cisco Press book IPv6 Fundamentals. Prior to teaching, Rick worked in
the information technology field for Santa Cruz Operation, Tandem Computers,
Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, and served in the U.S. Coast Guard. He
holds an MA in Computer Science and Systems Theory from California State Un
iversity, Monterey Bay. Rick also works as a curriculum developer for the Cisco
Networking Academy Curriculum Engineering team. When Rick is not working,
he is most likely surfing at one of his favorite Santa Cruz surf breaks.
Allan Johnson entered the academic world in 1999 after 10 years as a business o
wner/operator to dedicate his efforts to his passion for teaching. He holds both an
MBA and an MEd in training and development. He taught CCNA courses at the
high school level for seven years and has taught both CCNA and CCNP courses
at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas. In 2003, Allan began to commit mu
ch of his time and energy to the CCNA Instructional Support Team providing ser
vices to Networking Academy instructors worldwide and creating training materi
als. He now splits his time between working as a Curriculum Lead for Cisco Net
working Academy and as Account Lead for Unicon (unicon.net) supporting Cisc
o’s educational efforts.
Contents at a Glance
Chapter 1 Communication in a Connected World
Chapter 26 Transport Layer
Chapter 29 ICMP
Chapter 1. Communication in a Connected World
Key Terms
Introduction (1.0)
Network Types (1.1)
Data Transmission (1.2)
Bandwidth and Throughput (1.3)
Communications in a Connected World Summary (1.4)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Wireless Standards (4.3)
Set Up a Home Router (4.4)
Build a Home Network Summary (4.5)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Check Your Understanding Questions
Check Your Understanding Questions
Virtual Terminals (16.6)
Email and Messaging (16.7)
Application Layer Services Summary (16.8)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Check Your Understanding Questions
Check Your Understanding Questions
Introduction (28.0)
Basic Switch Configuration (28.1)
Configure Initial Router Settings (28.2)
Secure the Devices (28.3)
Connecting the Switch to the Router (28.4)
Summary (28.5)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Key Terms
Introduction (32.0)
How a Host Routes (32.1)
Routing Tables (32.2)
Summary (32.3)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Chapter 36. Troubleshoot Common Network Problems
Introduction (36.0)
The Troubleshooting Process (36.1)
Physical Layer Problems (36.2)
Troubleshoot Wireless Issues (36.3)
Common Internet Connectivity Issues (36.4)
Customer Support (36.5)
Troubleshoot Common Network Problems Summary (36.6)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Key Terms
Introduction (39.0)
Security Foundations (39.1)
Access Control (39.2)
Antimalware Protection (39.4)
Firewalls and Host-Based Intrusion Prevention (39.5)
Secure Wireless Access (39.6)
Network Security Summary (39.7)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Command Syntax Conventions
The conventions used to present command syntax in this book are the same conv
entions used in the IOS Command Reference. The Command Reference describe
s these conventions as follows:
• Boldface indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as s
hown. In actual configuration examples and output (not general command s
yntax), boldface indicates commands that are manually input by the user (s
uch as a show command).
• Italic indicates arguments for which you supply actual values.
• Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
• Square brackets ([ ]) indicate an optional element.
• Braces ({ }) indicate a required choice.
• Braces within brackets ([{ }]) indicate a required choice within an option
al element.
Networking Essentials Companion Guide version 3 is the official supplemental t
extbook for the Cisco Network Academy Networking Essentials version 3 course
. Cisco Networking Academy is a comprehensive program that delivers informat
ion technology skills to students around the world. The curriculum emphasizes re
al-world practical application while providing opportunities for you to gain the s
kills and hands-on experience needed to design, install, operate, and maintain net
works in small- to medium-sized businesses as well as enterprise and service pro
vider environments.
As a textbook, this book provides a ready reference to explain the same network
ing concepts, technologies, protocols, and devices as the online curriculum. This
book emphasizes key topics, terms, and activities and provides some alternate ex
planations and examples as compared with the course. You can use the online cu
rriculum as directed by your instructor and then use this Companion Guide’s stu
dy tools to help solidify your understanding of all the topics.
Book Features
The educational features of this book focus on supporting topic coverage, readab
ility, and practice of the course material to facilitate your full understanding of th
e course material.
Topic Coverage
The following features give you a thorough overview of the topics covered in eac
h chapter so that you can make constructive use of your study time:
• Objectives: Listed at the beginning of each chapter, the objectives refere
nce the core concepts covered in the chapter. The objectives match the obje
ctives stated in the corresponding chapters of the online curriculum; howev
er, the question format in the Companion Guide encourages you to think ab
out finding the answers as you read the chapter.
• Notes: These are short sidebars that point out interesting facts, timesaving
methods, and important safety issues.
• Chapter summaries: At the end of each chapter is a summary of the cha
pter’s key concepts. It provides a synopsis of the chapter and serves as a st
udy aid.
• Practice: At the end of chapter there is a full list of all the labs, class acti
vities, and Packet Tracer activities to refer back to for study time.
The following features assist your understanding of the networking vocabulary:
• Key terms: Each chapter begins with a list of key terms, along with a pag
e-number reference from inside the chapter. The terms are listed in alphabe
tical order. This handy reference allows you to find a term, flip to the page
where the term appears, and see the term used in context. The Glossary def
ines all the key terms.
• Glossary: This book contains an all-new Glossary with more than 1000 t
Practice makes perfect. This Companion Guide offers you ample opportunities to
put what you learn into practice. You will find the following features valuable an
d effective in reinforcing the instruction that you receive:
• Check Your Understanding questions and answer key: Review questi
ons are presented at the end of each chapter as a self-assessment tool. Thes
e questions match the style of questions that you see in the online course. A
ppendix A, “Answers to the ‘Check Your Understanding’ Questions,” prov
ides an answer key to all the questions and includes an explanation of each
• Labs and activities: Throughout each chapter, you will be directed back
to the online course to take advantage of the activities created to reinforce c
oncepts. In addition, at the end of each chapter, there is a “Practice” section
that collects a list of all the labs and activities to provide practice with the t
opics introduced in this chapter.
• Page references to online course: After headings, you will see, for exam
ple, (1.1.2). This number refers to the page number in the online course so t
hat you can easily jump to that spot online to view a video, practice an acti
vity, perform a lab, or review a topic.
Interspersed throughout the chapters you’ll find a few Cisco Packet Tracer activ
ities. Packet Tracer allows you to create networks, visualize how packets flow in
the network, and use basic testing tools to determine whether the network would
work. When you see this icon, you can use Packet Tracer with the listed file to p
erform a task suggested in this book. The activity files are available in the course
. For self-enrolled courses on SkillsForAll.com, Packet Tracer software is availa
ble through a link in your course after you enroll. For instructor-led courses on t
he Cisco Networking Academy website (netacad.com), Packet Tracer software is
available from the Resources menu.
• Chapter 4, “Build a Home Network”: This chapter covers how to confi
gure an integrated wireless router and wireless client to connect securely to
the Internet including a description of the components required to build a h
ome network, and the wired and wireless network technologies used.
• Chapter 5, “Communication Principles”: This chapter underscores the
importance of standards and protocols in network communications, explain
s the role of network communication protocols in regulating data exchange
, outlines network communication standards for consistent implementation,
and compares the OSI and TCP/IP models as frameworks for understandin
g network layers and protocols.
• Chapter 6, “Network Media”: This chapter covers the various common
types of network cables used for data transmission.
• Chapter 7, “The Access Layer”: This chapter covers the communicatio
n process on Ethernet networks, including the explanation of encapsulation
and Ethernet framing, along with insights into how to improve network co
mmunication at the access layer.
• Chapter 8, “The Internet Protocol”: This chapter covers the features of
an IP address, the purpose of an IPv4 address, and how IPv4 addresses and
subnets are used together for network communication.
• Chapter 9, “IPv4 and Network Segmentation”: This chapter covers the
utilization and segmentation of IPv4 addresses in network communication,
including a comparison of unicast, broadcast, and multicast addresses, as w
ell as an explanation of public, private, and reserved IPv4 addresses, and h
ow subnetting enhances network communication through segmentation.
• Chapter 10, “IPv6 Addressing Formats and Rules”: This chapter discu
sses the features of IPv6 addressing, the necessity for its implementation, a
nd the methods for representing IPv6 addresses.
• Chapter 11, “Dynamic Addressing with DHCP”: This chapter explores
the comparison between static and dynamic IPv4 addressing, and demonstr
ates the configuration of a DHCPv4 server for the dynamic assignment of I
Pv4 addresses.
• Chapter 12, “Gateways to Other Networks”: This chapter introduces n
etwork boundaries and discusses the purpose of Network Address Translati
on in small networks.
• Chapter 13, “The ARP Process”: This chapter compares the roles of M
AC and IP addresses, discusses the significance of containing broadcasts w
ithin a network, and covers how ARP facilitates network communication.
• Chapter 14, “Routing Between Networks”: This chapter discusses the
necessity of routing, explains how routers use routing tables, and demonstr
ates how to configure a fully connected network.
• Chapter 15, “TCP and UDP”: This chapter discusses the comparison of
TCP and UDP, explains the use of port numbers, and details how clients ac
cess Internet services.
• Chapter 16, “Application Layer Services”: This chapter covers the fun
ctions of common application layer services that typically use client/server
interactions. It describes various network applications including DNS, HTT
P, HTML, FTP, Telnet, SSH, and email protocols.
• Chapter 17, “Network Testing Utilities”: This chapter describes the use
of various tools to test and troubleshoot network connectivity.
• Chapter 18, “Network Design”: This chapter outlines the four fundame
ntal prerequisites for a dependable network and delves into the operational
role of each layer within a three-layer hierarchical network design.
• Chapter 19, “Cloud and Virtualization”: This chapter covers the chara
cteristics of clouds and cloud services, as well as the purpose and attributes
of virtualization.
• Chapter 20, “Number Systems”: This chapter covers converting numbe
rs between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal systems.
• Chapter 21, “Ethernet Switching”: This chapter details Ethernet operati
ons within a switched network, covering OSI model Layer 1 and Layer 2 fu
nctions, the relationship between Ethernet sublayers and frame fields, vario
us types of Ethernet MAC addresses, and the process by which a switch co
nstructs its MAC address table and forwards frames.
• Chapter 22, “Network Layer”: This chapter describes how routers use n
etwork layer protocols and services to facilitate end-to-end connectivity, in
cluding the use of IP protocols for dependable communication, and the sign
ificance of key header fields within both IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
• Chapter 23, “IPv4 Address Structure”: This chapter describes the struc
ture of an IPv4 address, its network portion, host portion, and subnet mask
. It then details how to calculate an efficient IPv4 subnetting scheme for ne
twork segmentation.
• Chapter 24, “Address Resolution”: This chapter highlights the purpose
of ARP in establishing efficient data transmission. It discusses how ARP fa
cilitates communication within a local area network by resolving IP addres
ses to MAC addresses.
• Chapter 25, “IP Addressing Services”: This chapter explains how DNS
and DHCP services operate.
• Chapter 26, “Transport Layer”: This chapter provides an overview of t
he transport layer’s role in end-to-end communications, detailing TCP and
UDP characteristics, their use of port numbers, the reliability facilitated by
TCP’s session establishment and termination, the transmission and acknow
ledgment of TCP protocol data units for assured delivery, and the UDP clie
nt processes involved in establishing communication with a server.
• Chapter 27, “The Cisco IOS Command Line”: This chapter covers th
e use of Cisco IOS, including the correct command usage for navigating its
modes, guidance on configuring network devices, and the use of show com
mands for monitoring device operations.
• Chapter 28, “Build a Small Cisco Network”: This chapter covers the p
rocess of building a basic computer network using Cisco devices, including
initial Cisco switch and router configuration, secure remote management c
onfiguration, and default gateway configuration.
• Chapter 29, “ICMP”: This chapter explains how ICMP works and explo
res using ICMP diagnostic tools, ping and traceroute, to test network conne
• Chapter 30, “Physical Layer”: This chapter explores how physical layer
protocols, services, and network media facilitate communication within dat
a networks, including topics such as the role and functions of the physical l
ayer, characteristics of copper cabling, the utilization of UTP cable in Ether
net networks, and the distinct advantages of fiber-optic cabling in comparis
on to other communication media.
• Chapter 31, “Data Link Layer”: This chapter covers how media access
control in the data link layer facilitates communication across physical and
logical networks, including a comparison of the attributes of physical and l
ogical topologies, and an explanation of how devices access a LAN to tran
smit frames.
• Chapter 32, “Routing at the Network Layer”: This chapter describes t
he use of routing tables by network devices to effectively route packets to t
heir intended destination networks. It further explains the significance and
role of the various fields within a router’s routing table.
• Chapter 33, “IPv6 Addressing”: This chapter covers the implementatio
n of an IPv6 addressing scheme, including a comparison of different types
of IPv6 network addresses, explanations of configuring static global unicas
t and link-local IPv6 addresses, dynamic configuration of global unicast ad
dresses, configuring link-local addresses dynamically, and the identificatio
n of IPv6 addresses.
• Chapter 34, “IPv6 Neighbor Discovery”: This chapter describes how IP
v6 neighbor discovery facilitates network communication by explaining its
discovery mechanisms and operations.
• Chapter 35, “Cisco Switches and Routers”: This chapter provides an o
verview of Cisco routers and switches, including Cisco LAN switches, swit
ch forwarding methods, port settings on Layer 2 switch ports, the Cisco LA
N switch boot process, Cisco small business routers, and the Cisco router b
oot process.
• Chapter 36, “Troubleshoot Common Network Problems”: This chapt
er covers troubleshooting basic network connectivity issues, including appr
oaches for network troubleshooting, detecting physical layer problems, add
ressing wireless network problems, explaining common Internet connectivi
ty issues, and using external sources and Internet resources for effective tro
• Chapter 37, “Network Support”: This chapter covers effective troubles
hooting methodologies and help desk best practices, including creating net
work documentation, explaining help desk best practices, verifying networ
k connectivity on various operating systems, troubleshooting network issue
s, and explaining remote connectivity troubleshooting.
• Chapter 38, “Cybersecurity Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attacks”: T
his chapter provides an overview of common threats, vulnerabilities, and at
tacks on end points that occur in various domains, the deception methods u
sed by attackers, as well as prevalent types of network, wireless, mobile de
vice, and application attacks.
• Chapter 39, “Network Security”: This chapter covers foundational secu
rity concepts, access control configuration, cybersecurity processes, malwa
re mitigation methods, endpoint security operation, and how to configure b
asic wireless security on a home router using WPAx.
• Appendix, “Answers to the ‘Check Your Understanding’ Questions”:
This appendix lists the answers to the “Check Your Understanding” review
questions that are included at the end of each chapter.
• Glossary: The Glossary provides you with definitions for all the key term
s identified in each chapter.
Chapter 1. Communication in a Connecte
d World
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the concept of a network?
• What is network data?
• What is network transmission speed and capacity?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
small office/home office (SOHO)
Introduction (1.0)
Welcome to Communications in a Connected World! Hi, I’m Webster! I’ll be ac
companying you as you move through this course. Let me introduce you to my fr
iend Kishori! Kishori has been a nurse in a hospital in Karnataka, India for about
20 years. When Kishori went to nursing school, she had no idea how much netw
orking technology she would be using every day. At home, she only has a laptop,
a smartphone, and a tablet. At work she uses a laptop, a desktop, a printer, and n
etwork-connected hospital equipment. Sometimes these devices do not always co
mmunicate. When equipment does not work properly in a hospital, lives can be a
t risk! Kishori would like to better understand how it all works. Would you?
Video - Welcome to the World of Networking (1.1.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
In business, large networks can be used to advertise and sell products, order supp
lies, and communicate with customers. Communication over a network is usually
more efficient and less expensive than traditional forms of communication, such
as regular mail or long distance phone calls. Networks allow for rapid communic
ation such as email and instant messaging, and provide consolidation and access
to information stored on network servers.
Business and SOHO networks usually provide a shared connection to the interne
t. The internet is considered a “network of networks” because it is literally made
up of thousands of local networks that are connected to each other.
Mobile Devices (1.1.5)
The internet connects more computing devices than just desktop and laptop com
puters. There are devices all around that you may interact with on a daily basis th
at are also connected to the internet. These include mobile devices, home devices
, and a variety of other connected devices.
Smartphones (Figure 1-6) are able to connect to the internet from almost anywhe
re. Smartphones combine the functions of many different products together, such
as a telephone, camera, GPS receiver, media player, and touch screen computer.
Tablets (Figure 1-7), like smartphones, also have the functionality of multiple de
vices. With the additional screen size, they are ideal for watching videos and rea
ding magazines or books. With on-screen keyboards, users are able to do many o
f the things they used to do on their laptop computer, such as composing emails
or browsing the web.
A smartwatch (Figure 1-8) can connect to a smartphone to provide the user with
alerts and messages. Additional functions, such as heart rate monitoring and cou
nting steps, like a pedometer, can help people who are wearing the device to trac
k their health.
Smart Glasses
A wearable computer in the form of glasses, such as Google Glass, contains a tin
y screen that displays information to the wearer in a similar fashion to the Head-
Up Display (HUD) of a fighter pilot. A small touch pad on the side allows the us
er to navigate menus while still being able to see through the smart glasses (Figu
re 1-9).
Figure 1-9 An Example of Smart Glasses
Security System
Many of the items in a home, such as security systems, lighting, and climate cont
rols, can be monitored and configured remotely using a mobile device, as shown
in Figure 1-10.
Household appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers can be conne
cted to the Internet, as shown in Figure 1-11. This allows the homeowner to pow
er them on or off, monitor the status of the appliance, and also be alerted to prese
t conditions, such as when the temperature in the refrigerator rises above an acce
ptable level.
Smart TV
A smart TV (Figure 1-12) can be connected to the Internet to access content with
out the need for TV service provider equipment. Also, a smart TV can allow a us
er to browse the web, compose email, or display video, audio, or photos stored o
n a computer.
Gaming Console
Gaming consoles (Figure 1-13) can connect to the internet to download games an
d play with friends online.
Figure 1-13 Example of a Gaming Console
Smart Cars
Many modern cars can connect to the Internet to access maps, audio and video c
ontent, or information about a destination. They can even send a text message or
email if there is an attempted theft or call for assistance in case of an accident. T
hese cars can also connect to smart phones and tablets, as shown in Figure 1-14, t
o display information about the different engine systems, provide maintenance al
erts, or display the status of the security system.
Radio frequency identification (RFIDs) tags, shown in Figure 1-15, can be place
d in or on objects to track them or monitor sensors for many conditions.
Medical Devices
Medical devices such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, and hospital monitors prov
ide users or medical professionals with direct feedback or alerts when vital signs
are at specific levels. A tablet, shown in Figure 1-17, is often used to connect to t
hese devices for monitoring purposes.
Figure 1-17 Using a Table to Monitor Medical Devices
• Capital letter: A = 01000001
• Number: 9 = 00111001
• Special character: # = 00100011
Each group of eight bits, such as the representations of letters and numbers, is kn
own as a byte.
Codes can be used to represent almost any type of information digitally includin
g computer data, graphics, photos, voice, video, and music.
Check Your Understanding - Data Transmission (1.2.4)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Bandwidth (1.3.1)
Streaming a movie or playing a multiplayer game requires reliable, fast connecti
ons. To support these “high bandwidth” applications, networks have to be capabl
e of transmitting and receiving bits at a very high rate.
Different physical media support the transfer of bits at different speeds. The rate
of data transfer is usually discussed in terms of bandwidth and throughput.
Bandwidth is the capacity of a medium to carry data. Digital bandwidth measure
s the amount of data that can flow from one place to another in a given amount o
f time. Bandwidth is typically measured in the number of bits that (theoretically)
can be sent across the media in a second. Common bandwidth measurements are
as follows:
• Thousands of bits per second (Kbps or Kb/s)
• Millions of bits per second (Mbps or Mb/s)
• Billions of bits per second (Gbps or Gb/s)
Physical media properties, current technologies, and the laws of physics all play
a role in determining available bandwidth.
Table 1-1 shows the commonly used units of measure for bandwidth.
Throughput (1.3.2)
Like bandwidth, throughput is the measure of the transfer of bits across the medi
a over a given period of time. However, due to a number of factors, throughput d
oes not usually match the specified bandwidth. Many factors influence throughp
ut including:
• The amount of data being sent and received over the connection
• The types of data being transmitted
• The latency created by the number of network devices encountered betwe
en source and destination
Latency refers to the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from on
e given point to another.
Throughput measurements do not take into account the validity or usefulness of t
he bits being transmitted and received. Many messages received through the net
work are not destined for specific user applications. An example would be netwo
rk control messages that regulate traffic and correct errors.
In an internetwork or network with multiple segments, throughput cannot be fas
ter than the slowest link of the path from sending device to the receiving device.
Even if all or most of the segments have high bandwidth, it will only take one se
gment in the path with lower bandwidth to create a slowdown of the throughput
of the entire network.
There are many online speed tests that can reveal the throughput of an internet co
Small home networks connect a few computers to each other and to the int
ernet. The SOHO network allows computers in a home office or a remote o
ffice to connect to a corporate network, or access centralized, shared resour
ces. Medium to large networks, such as those used by corporations and sch
ools, can have many locations with hundreds or thousands of interconnecte
d hosts. The internet is a network of networks that connects hundreds of mi
llions of computers world-wide.
There are devices all around that you may interact with on a daily basis tha
t are also connected to the internet. These include mobile devices such as s
martphones, tablets, smartwatches, and smart glasses. Things in your home
can be connected to the internet such as a security system, appliances, your
smart TV, and your gaming console. Outside your home there are smart ca
rs, RFID tags, sensors and actuators, and even medical devices which can b
e connected.
• Data Transmission—The following categories are used to classify types
of personal data:
• Volunteered data—This is created and explicitly shared by individual
s, such as social network profiles. This type of data might include video
files, pictures, text, or audio files.
• Observed data—This is captured by recording the actions of individu
als, such as location data when using cell phones.
• Inferred data—This is data such as a credit score, which is based on a
nalysis of volunteered or observed data.
The term bit is an abbreviation of “binary digit” and represents the smallest
piece of data. Each bit can only have one of two possible values, 0 or 1.
There are three common methods of signal transmission used in networks:
• Electrical signals —Transmission is achieved by representing data as
electrical pulses on copper wire.
• Optical signals—Transmission is achieved by converting the electrica
l signals into light pulses.
• Wireless signals—Transmission is achieved by using infrared, microw
ave, or radio waves through the air.
• Bandwidth and Throughput—Bandwidth is the capacity of a medium t
o carry data. Digital bandwidth measures the amount of data that can flow f
rom one place to another in a given amount of time. Bandwidth is typically
measured in the number of bits that (theoretically) can be sent across the m
edia in a second. Common bandwidth measurements are as follows:
• Thousands of bits per second (Kbps or Kb/s)
• Millions of bits per second (Mbps or Mb/s)
• Billions of bits per second (Gbps or Gb/s)
Throughput does not usually match the specified bandwidth. Many factors
influence throughput including:
• The amount of data being sent and received over the connection
• The types of data being transmitted
• The latency created by the number of network devices encountered bet
ween source and destination
Latency refers to the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel fro
m one given point to another.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
c. an application used to access the World Wide Web
d. a small isolated internal network of a company
3. What is an example of a binary value from everyday life?
a. room temperature
b. a simple light switch
c. speed of a traveling car
d. brightness of a light bulb
4. Which category of network components includes wires and cables used in
a wired network?
a. media
b. devices
c. peripherals
d. hosts
5. What type of device is able to create physical movement?
a. actuator
b. sensor
c. RFID tag
d. console
6. What are three options for signal transmission on a network? (Choose thre
a. radio waves
b. vibration pulses
c. sound waves
d.electrical pulses
e. light pulses
7. Who owns the internet?
a. Bill Gates
b. Cisco
c. the government
d. no one person or group
8. Which type of connected device is placed on objects to track and monitor t
a. RFID tags
b. sensors
c. actuators
d. consoles
9. A byte consists of how many bits?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
10. Which two numbers are possible values of a bit? (Choose two.)
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 8
e. 16
11. What measurement is used to indicate thousands of bits per second?
a. Kbps
b. Mbps
c. Tbps
d. Gbps
12. What type of network must a home user access in order to do online shop
a. a SOHO network
b.the internet
c. a local area network
Chapter 2. Network Components, Types,
and Connections
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the roles of clients and servers in a network?
• What are the roles of network infrastructure devices?
• What are ISP connectivity options?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
DSL – Digital Subscriber Line
End devices
Intermediate devices
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Peer-to-peer (P2P)
Introduction (2.0)
Kishori does not yet understand network infrastructure device roles in the networ
k, including end devices, intermediate devices, and network media. When she fir
st started her nursing career, she was writing patient medical notes in a paper not
ebook! At home, Kishori only has a laptop, a smartphone, and a tablet. This mak
es her most familiar with end devices, or hosts. She understands that those device
s are connected to the internet somehow through that box in the corner of her livi
ng room. At work she uses a laptop, a desktop, a printer, and other network-conn
ected hospital equipment. She wants to learn more about network components an
d how they all connect.
Kishori leaves her patient’s room, sets down her laptop, and continues her work
on the desktop computer at the nursing station. She wonders how the electronic n
otes she just took on the laptop appear on the patient’s record on the desktop com
puter. How are they connected? How does the computer reach the internet in the
first place? Kishori has a lot to learn, and you might too! Take this module to lea
rn more.
Servers are hosts that have software installed which enable them to provide infor
mation, like email or web pages, to other hosts on the network. Each service requ
ires separate server software. For example, a host requires web server software in
order to provide web services to the network. Every destination that you visit onl
ine is provided to you by a server located somewhere on a network that is connec
ted to the global internet.
Clients are computer hosts that have software installed that enables the hosts to r
equest and display the information obtained from the server. An example of clien
t software is a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, o
r Chrome.
Table 2-1 describes three of the most common client and server software.
Peer-to-Peer Networks (2.1.3)
Client and server software usually run on separate computers, but it is also possi
ble for one computer to run both client and server software at the same time. In s
mall businesses and homes, many computers function as the servers and clients o
n the network. This type of network is called a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.
The simplest P2P network consists of two directly connected computers using eit
her a wired or wireless connection. Both computers are then able to use this simp
le network to exchange data and services with each other, acting as either a clien
t or a server as necessary.
Multiple PCs can also be connected to create a larger P2P network, but this requi
res a network device, such as a switch, to interconnect the computers.
The main disadvantage of a P2P environment is that the performance of a host ca
n be slowed down if it is acting as both a client and a server at the same time. Th
e figure lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-peer networks.
In larger businesses, because of the potential for high amounts of network traffic
, it is often necessary to have dedicated servers to support the number of service r
The advantages and disadvantages of P2P networking are summarized in Figure
Peer-to-Peer Applications (2.1.4)
A P2P application allows a device to act as both a client and a server within the s
ame communication, as shown in Figure 2-3. In this model, every client is a serv
er and every server is a client. P2P applications require that each end device prov
ide a user interface and run a background service.
Some P2P applications use a hybrid system where resource sharing is decentraliz
ed, but the indexes that point to resource locations are stored in a centralized dire
ctory. In a hybrid system, each peer accesses an index server to get the location o
f a resource stored on another peer. Both clients can simultaneously send and rec
eive messages.
Video - Network Infrastructure Symbols (2.2.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Devices and media are the physical elements, or hardware, of the network. Hard
ware is often the visible components of the network platform such as a laptop, P
C, switch, router, wireless access point, or the cabling used to connect the device
s. Occasionally, some components may not be so visible. In the case of wireless
media, messages are transmitted through the air using invisible radio frequencies
or infrared waves.
Make a list of the network infrastructure components installed in your home net
work. Include the cables or wireless access points that provide your network con
• Mobile devices (such as smart phones, tablets, PDAs, and wireless debit/c
redit card readers and barcode scanners)
An end device (or host) is either the source or destination of a message transmitt
ed over the network, as shown in the animation. In order to uniquely identify hos
ts, addresses are used. When a host initiates communication, it uses the address o
f the destination host to specify where the message should be sent.
Figure 2-6 shows an example of data flowing through a network.
cities within continents. Fiber-optic cables also run under the sea to connect cont
inents, countries, and cities.
Figure 2-8 Connecting a Single User and Multiple Users to the Internet
necting from the internet. A second channel is a faster download channel, u
sed to receive information from the internet. The third channel is used for s
ending or uploading information. This channel is usually slightly slower th
an the download channel. The quality and speed of the DSL connection de
pends mainly on the quality of the phone line and the distance from the cen
tral office of your phone company The farther you are from the central offi
ce, the slower the connection.
Figure 2-9 Internet Connection Options for Individuals, Homes, and Small
Cellular internet access uses a cell phone network to connect. Wherever you can
get a cellular signal, you can get cellular internet access. Performance will be lim
ited by the capabilities of the phone and the cell tower to which it is connected. T
he availability of cellular internet access is a real benefit for people in areas that
would otherwise have no internet connectivity at all, or for people who are const
antly on the move. The downside of cellular connectivity is that the carrier usuall
y meters the bandwidth usage of the connection and may charge extra for bandwi
dth that exceeds the contract data plan.
Satellite service is a good option for homes or offices that do not have access to
DSL or cable. Satellite dishes (see Figure 2-10) require a clear line of sight to the
satellite and so might be difficult in heavily wooded areas or places with other ov
erhead obstructions. Speeds will vary depending on the contract, though they are
generally good. Equipment and installation costs can be high (although check the
provider for special deals), with a moderate monthly fee thereafter. Like cellular
access, the availability of satellite internet access is a real benefit in areas that wo
uld otherwise have no internet connectivity at all.
Dial-up Telephone
An inexpensive option that uses any phone line and a modem. To connect to the
ISP, a user calls the ISP access phone number. The low bandwidth provided by a
dial-up modem connection is usually not sufficient for large data transfer, althou
gh it is useful for mobile access while traveling. A modem dial-up connection sh
ould only be considered when higher speed connection options are not available.
In metropolitan areas, many apartments and small offices are being connected di
rectly with fiber-optic cables. This enables an internet service provider to provid
e higher bandwidth speeds and support more services such as internet, phone, an
d TV.
The choice of connection varies depending on geographical location and service
provider availability.
bling used to connect the devices. Components that are not visible include
wireless media.
End devices, or hosts, form the interface between users and the underlying
communication network. Some examples of end devices include:
• Computers (workstations, laptops, file servers, web servers)
• Network printers
• Telephones and teleconferencing equipment
• Security cameras
• Mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and wireless debi
t/credit card readers and barcode scanners)
• ISP Connectivity Options—An ISP provides the link between the home
network and the internet. An ISP can be the local cable provider, a landline
telephone service provider, the cellular network that provides your smartph
one service, or an independent provider who leases bandwidth on the physi
cal network infrastructure of another company. Each ISP connects to other
ISPs to form a network of links that interconnect users all over the world. I
SPs are connected in a hierarchical manner that ensures that internet traffic
generally takes the shortest path from the source to the destination.
The interconnection of ISPs that forms the backbone of the internet is a co
mplex web of fiber-optic cables with expensive networking switches and r
outers that direct the flow of information between source and destination h
For a home user, connecting to the ISP is a fairly uncomplicated process. T
his is the most common connection option. It consists of using a wireless in
tegrated router to connect to the ISP. The router includes a switch to conne
ct wired hosts and a wireless AP to connect wireless hosts. The router also
provides client IP addressing information and security for inside hosts. The
two most common methods are cable and DSL. Other options include cellu
lar, satellite, and dial-up telephone.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to ‘Check Your Under
standing’ Questions” lists the answers.
1. What type of network is defined by two computers that can both send and
receive requests for resources?
a. client/server
b. peer-to-peer
c. enterprise
d. campus
2. What are two functions of end devices on a network? (Choose two.)
a. They originate the data that flows through the network.
b. They direct data over alternate paths in the event of link failures.
c. They filter the flow of data to enhance security.
d.They are the interface between humans and the communication network.
f. They provide the channel over which the network message travels.
3. A home user is looking for an ISP connection that provides high speed digi
tal transmission over regular phone lines. What ISP connection type should b
e used?
a. DSL
b. dial-up
c. satellite
d. cell modem
f. cable modem
4. What type of internet connection would be best for a residence in a remote
area without mobile phone coverage or wired connectivity?
a. dial-up
b. cellular
c. satellite
d. DSL
5. Which term correctly describes the function of an ISP?
a. responsible for managing local networks
b. responsible for the maintenance of SOHO networks
c. responsible for providing the link between a private network and the int
d. responsible for providing security on private networks
6. Which device is an intermediary device?
a. firewall
b. PC
c. server
d. smart device
7. Which scenario describes a peer-to-peer network?
a. Users access shared files from a file server.
b. A user visits a webpage on the company web site.
c. A user has shared a printer attached to the workstation.
d. Users print documents from a network printer that has a built-in NIC.
8. Which term is used to describe a network device with the primary function
of providing information to other devices?
a. workstation
b. console
c. server
d. client
9. What is an advantage of the peer-to-peer network model?
a. scalability
b. high level of security
c. ease of setup
d. centralized administration
10. What is a characteristic of a peer-to-peer application?
a. Each device using the application provides a user interface and runs a ba
ckground service.
b. Each device can act both as a client and a server, but not simultaneously
c. The resources required for the application are centralized.
d. One device is designated a server and one device is designated a client f
or all communications and services
Chapter 3. Wireless and Mobile Networks
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the different types of networks used by cell phones and mobile
• How do you configure mobile devices for wireless connectivity?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Near Field Communication (NFC)
SSID (Service Set identifier)
Introduction (3.0)
Kishari has just ended her 10-hour shift at the hospital. As she is walking to her c
ar, her mobile phone rings. It is her son, Shridhar, calling to remind her to pick u
p the dinner he ordered. While they are verifying their plans, Kishari gets into he
r car and starts the engine. Her conversation then transfers from her mobile phon
e to her speakers in her car. She confirms that she will pick up the food and that s
he will see him in an hour. Before she drives away, she does an internet search fo
r the restaurant and clicks the directions link. She listens to the directions coming
through her speakers. “Your destination is on the left.” She purchases the food a
nd drives home. While Kishari and Shridhar enjoy their dinner, Kishari tells Shri
dhar how she is starting to think about all of this technology at home and at work
. She knows how to use it but she does not understand how it works. She gives h
im the example of mobile phone. Today she answered calls, texted, did an intern
et search, and used it for driving directions. How does it do all of this? How does
the phone connect to all of these things? Shridhar is familiar with the different ty
pes of networks used by mobile devices. Shridhar explains the 4G/5G mobile net
work, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, and Wi-Fi.
If you do not have a friend or family member like Shridhar to explain this to you,
do not worry! In this module, you will learn about the various ways mobile devic
es communicate. Ready to learn more?
Wireless Networks (3.1)
Wireless networks provides mobility and access to network resources where a wi
red connection may not be available. Wireless networks are also used in commun
ications such as with mobile phones.
Wi-Fi transmitters and receivers located within the smartphone enable the phone
to connect to local networks and the internet. In order to receive and send data on
a Wi-Fi network, the phone needs to be within the range of the signal from a wir
eless network access point. Wi-Fi networks are usually privately owned but ofte
n provide guest or public access hotspots. A hotspot is an area where Wi-Fi signa
ls are available. Wi-Fi network connections on the phone are similar to the netwo
rk connections on a laptop computer.
Bluetooth is a low-power, shorter range wireless technology that is intended to r
eplace wired connectivity for accessories such as speakers, headphones, and micr
ophones. Bluetooth can also be used to connect a smartwatch to a smartphone. B
ecause Bluetooth technology can be used to transmit both data and voice, it can b
e used to create small local networks. Bluetooth is wireless technology that allow
s devices to communicate over short distances. Multiple devices can be connecte
d at the same time with Bluetooth.
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a wireless communication technology tha
t enables data to be exchanged by devices that are in very close proximity to eac
h other, usually less than a few centimeters. For example, NFC can be used to co
nnect a smartphone and a payment system. NFC uses electromagnetic fields to tr
ansmit data.
• Enable security on home networks.
• Use WPA2 or higher encryption for security.
Step 2.
Enter the network SSID.
Operating systems for mobile devices are updated frequently and may be custom
ized by the device manufacturer. The commands listed above may not be exactly
the same on your device. There are online manuals for every type of device whic
h are usually accessible from the website of the manufacturer.
To connect to a Wi-Fi network manually on an iOS device, follow these steps:
Step 1. Select Settings > Wi-Fi > Other.
Mobile devices are preprogrammed to use a Wi-Fi network for internet if one is
available and the device can connect to the access point and receive an IP addres
s. If no Wi-Fi network is available, the device uses the cellular data capability if i
t is configured. Most of the time, transitions from one network to another are not
obvious to the user. For example, as a mobile device moves from an area of 4G c
overage to 3G coverage, the 4G radio shuts off and turns on the 3G radio. Conne
ctions are not lost during this transition.
Bluetooth Pairing (3.2.7)
Bluetooth pairing occurs when two Bluetooth devices establish a connection to s
hare resources. In order for the devices to pair, the Bluetooth radios are turned on
, and one device begins searching for other devices. Other devices must be set to
discoverable mode, also called visible, so that they can be detected. When a Blue
tooth device is in discoverable mode, it transmits the following information whe
n another Bluetooth device requests it:
• Name
• Bluetooth class
• Services that the device can use
• Technical information, such as the features or the Bluetooth specification
that it supports
During the pairing process, a personal identification number (PIN) may be reque
sted to authenticate the pairing process. The PIN is often a number, but can also
be a numeric code or passkey. The PIN is stored using pairing services, so it does
not have to be entered the next time the device tries to connect. This is convenien
t when using a headset with a smart phone, because they are paired automatically
when the headset is turned on and within range.
To pair a Bluetooth device with an Android device, follow these steps:
Step 1. Follow the instructions for your device to place it in discoverable mode
Step 2. Check the instructions for your device to find the connection PIN.
Step 3. Select Settings > Bluetooth.
Remember that mobile device operating systems are updated frequently. Always
refer to the documentation of the manufacturer for your specific model device fo
r the latest command reference.
Bluetooth is wireless technology that allows devices to communicate over s
hort distances. Multiple devices can be connected at the same time with Bl
NFC is a wireless communication technology that enables data to be excha
nged by devices that are in very close proximity to each other, usually less
than a few centimeters.
• Mobile Device Connectivity—Almost all mobile devices are capable of
connecting to Wi-Fi networks. These precautions should be taken to protec
t Wi-Fi communications on mobile devices:
• Never send login or password information using unencrypted text (plai
• Use a VPN connection when possible if you are sending sensitive data.
• Enable security on home networks.
• Use WPA2 or higher encryption for security.
Two of the most popular operating systems for mobile devices are Android
and Apple iOS. Mobile devices are preprogrammed to use a Wi-Fi network
for the internet if one is available, and the device can connect to the access
point and receive an IP address. If no Wi-Fi network is available, the devic
e uses the cellular data capability if it is configured.
Bluetooth technology provides a simple way for mobile devices to connec
t to each other and to wireless accessories. Bluetooth is wireless, automatic
, and uses very little power, which helps conserve battery life. Some examp
les of devices that use Bluetooth include hands-free headsets, keyboards, a
mouse, stereo controls, car speakerphones, and mobile speakers.
Bluetooth pairing occurs when two Bluetooth devices establish a connectio
n to share resources. In order for the devices to pair, the Bluetooth radios a
re turned on, and one device begins searching for other devices. Other devi
ces must be set to discoverable mode, also called visible, so that they can b
e detected.
When a Bluetooth device is in discoverable mode, it transmits the followin
g information when another Bluetooth device requests it:
• Name
• Bluetooth class
• Services that the device can use
• Technical information, such as the features or the Bluetooth specificati
on that it supports
During the pairing process, a PIN may be requested to authenticate the pair
ing process.
I find it fascinating that you can send and receive data without plugging one dev
ice into another using a cable. I am going to get a tablet so I can take this course
while I am at the beach! How many ways does your tablet or smartphone commu
nicate when you are away from your home network?
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
5. Which technology allows a mobile device to establish wireless communica
tion with another mobile device by touching them together?
a. Bluetooth
b. NFC
c. GPS
d. 4G
6. Which technology will allow a mobile device to share an internet connecti
on with other devices via tethering?
a. GPS
b. Bluetooth
c. near field communication
d. Wi-Fi
7. What are two methods typically used on a mobile device to provide interne
t connectivity? (Choose two.)
a. cellular
b. Bluetooth
c. Wi-Fi
d. NFC
e. GPS
8. Which wireless technology allows a customer to connect to a payment syst
em with a smartphone?
a. NFC
b. Wi-Fi
c. GPS
d. Bluetooth
9. A salesperson is using a smartphone map application to locate a business.
What wireless technology enables the smartphone to receive satellite geoloca
tion information for the map application?
a. GPS
b. NFC
c. Wi-Fi
two pieces of information are required when manually connecting e
ither an iOS device or an Android device to a secured wireless network? (Ch
oose two.)
a. the IP address
b. the SSID
c. the username
d. the password
11. Which wireless technology can be used to connect wireless headphones t
o a computer?
a. NFC
b. Bluetooth
c. Wi-Fi
d. 4G
Chapter 4. Build a Home Network
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the components required to build a home network?
• What are wired and wireless network technologies?
• What is Wi-Fi?
• How do you configure wireless devices for secure communications?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Coaxial cable
Fiber-optic cable
wireless LAN (WLAN)
Introduction (4.0)
Kishori and Shridhar are washing the dishes after dinner. Kishori is watching a f
avorite movie on her tablet while putting the dishes away. She asks Shridhar if h
er tablet works exactly as her mobile phone does. He explains that there are some
tablets that do use a mobile network, but that her tablet is works on Wi-Fi networ
k in her house. She tells him that she knows it must come in from that box in the
corner of the living room. That is all she knows!
Shridhar explains that the box in the corner is a home router. The router is conne
cted to the internet. Home routers typically have two primary types of ports: ethe
rnet ports and internet ports. In addition to the wired ports, many home routers in
clude a radio antenna and a built-in wireless access point. Kishori mostly uses w
ireless at home. Now Shridhar is worried about his mother’s wireless security. Si
nce she did not know what the router was, she probably did not change her defau
lt password on the router! Shridhar logs into the router and makes some changes
to keep Kishori’s network and devices safer.
Have you ever set up a router? Have you thought about having secure communic
ations over wireless devices? This module will give you the knowledge to build a
home network and configure wireless devices for secure communication.
Home Network Basics (4.1)
Not long ago, home networks consisted of a desktop PC, a modem for internet, a
nd perhaps a printer. In the homes of today, there are dozens of devices that rely
on network connectivity. We can watch our security cameras from apps on our s
mart phones, make a telephone call from our PCs, and stream live video content
from anywhere in the world.
• Internet Port — This port is used to connect the device to another netwo
rk. The internet port connects the router to a different network than the Eth
ernet ports. This port is often used to connect to the cable or DSL modem i
n order to access the internet.
In addition to the wired ports, many home routers include a radio antenna and a b
uilt-in wireless access point. By default, the wireless devices are on the same loc
al network as the devices that are physically plugged into the LAN switch ports.
The internet port is the only port that is on a different network in the default conf
Figure 4-3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Category 5e Cable
Category 5e (Figure 4-4) is the most common wiring used in a LAN. The cable i
s made up of 4 pairs of wires that are twisted to reduce electrical interference.
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable (Figure 4-5) has an inner wire surrounded by a tubular insulating l
ayer, that is then surrounded by a tubular conducting shield. Most coax cables als
o have an external insulating sheath or jacket.
Fiber-Optic Cable
Fiber-optic cables can be either glass or plastic with a diameter about the same a
s a human hair and it can carry digital information at very high speeds over long
distances. Fiber-optic cables have a very high bandwidth, which enables them to
carry very large amounts of data. One example of a fiber-optic cable is shown in
Figure 4-6.
Figure 4-6 Example of a Fiber-Optic Cable
Wireless Settings (4.3.2)
The Packet Tracer Basic Wireless Settings interface is shown in Figure 4-7. Wire
less routers using the 802.11 standards have multiple settings that have to be con
figured. These settings include the following:
• Network mode — Determines the type of technology that must be suppo
rted. For example, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n or Mixed Mode.
• Network Name (SSID) — Used to identify the WLAN. All devices that
wish to participate in the WLAN must have the same SSID.
• Standard Channel — Specifies the channel over which communication
will occur. By default, this is set to Auto to allow the AP to determine the
optimum channel to use.
• SSID Broadcast — Determines if the SSID will be broadcast to all devic
es within range. By default, set to Enabled.
SSID stands for Service Set Identifier.
Network Mode
The 802.11 protocol can provide increased throughput based on the wireless net
work environment. If all wireless devices connect with the same 802.11 standard
, maximum speeds can be obtained for that standard. If the access point is config
ured to accept only one 802.11 standard, devices that do not use that standard ca
nnot connect to the access point.
A mixed mode wireless network environment can include devices that use any of
the existing Wi-Fi standards. This environment provides easy access for older de
vices that need a wireless connection but do not support the latest standards.
When building a wireless network, it is important that the wireless components c
onnect to the appropriate WLAN. This is done using the SSID.
The SSID is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric string that contains up to 32 characte
rs. It is sent in the header of all frames transmitted over the WLAN. The SSID is
used to tell wireless devices, called wireless stations (STAs), which WLAN they
belong to and with which other devices they can communicate.
We use the SSID to identify a specific wireless network. It is essentially the nam
e of the network. Wireless routers usually broadcast their configured SSIDs by d
efault. The SSID broadcast allows other devices and wireless clients to automatic
ally discover the name of the wireless network. When the SSID broadcast is disa
bled, you must manually enter the SSID on wireless devices.
Disabling SSID broadcasting can make it more difficult for legitimate clients to f
ind the wireless network. However, simply turning off the SSID broadcast is not
sufficient to prevent unauthorized clients from connecting to the wireless networ
k. All wireless networks should use the strongest available encryption to restrict
unauthorized access.
Design Considerations (4.4.2)
Before entering the configuration utility, or manually configuring the router thro
ugh a web browser, you should consider how your network will be used. You do
not want to configure the router and have that configuration limit what you are a
ble to do on the network, nor do you want to leave your network unprotected.
Some wireless routers may label legacy mode as mixed mode.
Video - Wireless Router and Client Configuration (4.4.3)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
e not suitable for carrying data. Other parts of the spectrum are regulated b
y governments and licensed to various organizations for specific applicatio
Certain unlicensed sections of the spectrum are incorporated into consume
r products, including the Wi-Fi routers found in most homes. The wireless t
echnologies most frequently used in home networks are in the unlicensed 2
.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency ranges. Bluetooth is a technology that makes
use of the 2.4 GHz band. Other technologies that use the 2.4 GHz and 5 G
Hz bands are the modern wireless LAN technologies that conform to the va
rious IEEE 802.11 standards. Unlike Bluetooth technology, 802.11 devices
transmit at a much higher power level giving them a great range and impro
ved throughput.
Although many home network devices support wireless communications, t
here are still a few applications where devices benefit from a wired switch
connection. The most commonly implemented wired protocol is the Ethern
et protocol. Directly connected devices use an Ethernet patch cable, usually
unshielded twisted pair. Category 5e is the most common wiring used in a
LAN. The cable is made up of 4 pairs of wires that are twisted to reduce el
ectrical interference. For those homes that do not have UTP wiring, there ar
e other technologies, such as powerline, that can distribute wired connectiv
ity throughout the premises.
• Wireless standards—The IEEE 802.11 standard governs the WLAN env
ironment. Wireless standards for LANs use the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz freque
ncy bands. Collectively these technologies are referred to as Wi-Fi. The W
i-Fi Alliance is responsible for testing wireless LAN devices from different
Wireless routers using the 802.11 standards have multiple settings that hav
e to be configured. These settings include the following:
• Network mode — Determines the type of technology that must be sup
ported. For example, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n or Mixed Mode.
• Network Name (SSID) — Used to identify the WLAN. All devices th
at wish to participate in the WLAN must have the same SSID.
• Standard Channel — Specifies the channel over which communicatio
n will occur. By default, this is set to Auto to allow the access point (AP
) to determine the optimum channel to use.
• SSID Broadcast — Determines if the SSID will be broadcast to all de
vices within range. By default, set to Enabled.
The 802.11 protocol can provide increased throughput based on the wirele
ss network environment. If all wireless devices connect with the same 802.
11 standard, maximum speeds can be obtained for that standard. If the acce
ss point is configured to accept only one 802.11 standard, devices that do n
ot use that standard cannot connect to the access point. A mixed mode wir
eless network environment can include devices that use any of the existing
Wi-Fi standards.
When building a wireless network, it is important that the wireless compon
ents connect to the appropriate WLAN. This is done using the SSID. The S
SID is used to tell wireless devices, called STAs, which WLAN they belon
g to and with which other devices they can communicate. The SSID broadc
ast allows other devices and wireless clients to automatically discover the n
ame of the wireless network. When the SSID broadcast is disabled, you mu
st manually enter the SSID on wireless devices.
• Set up a Home Router—Many wireless routers designed for home use
have an automatic setup utility that can be used to configure the basic se
ttings on the router. To connect to the router using a wired connection, p
lug an Ethernet patch cable into the network port on the computer. Plug t
he other end into a LAN port on the router.
After the computer is connected to the network router and the link lights o
n the NIC indicate a working connection, the computer needs an IP address
. Most network routers are set up so that the computer receives an IP addre
ss automatically from a local DHCP server automatically configured on the
wireless router.
Before entering the configuration utility, or manually configuring the route
r through a web browser, you should consider how your network will be us
ed. Consider what you will call your network and what devices should con
nect to your network. It is not a good practice to include the device model o
r brand name as part of the SSID since internet searches can expose securit
y weaknesses.
The decision regarding who can access your home network should be deter
mined by how you plan to use the network. Many routers support MAC ad
dress filtering. This enables you to specifically identify who is allowed on t
he wireless network. This makes the wireless network more secure, but it a
lso less flexible when connecting new devices. On some wireless routers, it
is possible to set up guest access. This is a special SSID coverage area that
allows open access but restricts that access to using the internet only.
The following Packet Tracer activity provides practice with the topics introduced
in this chapter.
b. Ethernet
c. 802.11
d. channels
5. What can be used to allow visitor mobile devices to connect to a wireless n
etwork and restrict access of those devices to only the internet?
a. MAC address filtering
b. guest SSID
c. encryption
d. authentication
6. What purpose would a home user have for implementing Wi-Fi?
a. to hear various radio stations
b. to connect a keyboard to a PC
c. to connect wireless headphones to a mobile device
d. to create a wireless network usable by other devices
7. What is another term for the internet port of a wireless router?
a. WAN port
b. LAN port
c. local port
d. switch port
8. Which type of network cable consists of 4 pairs of twisted wires?
a. category 5e
b. coaxial
c. Ethernet over powerline
d. fiber optic
9. What is the default SSID Broadcast setting on a wireless router?
a. Enabled
b. Disabled
c. Auto
d. Off
10. Which is a characteristic of the network SSID?
a. It is case sensitive.
b. It contains exactly 16 characters.
c. It is encrypted by default.
d. It is only required for guest access.
Chapter 5. Communication Principles
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are network communication protocols?
• What are network communication standards?
• What is the difference between the OSI and TCP/IP models?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
protocol suite
reference model
Request for Comments (RFC)
Introduction (5.0)
The next day, Kishori has a new patient, Srinivas, who has just been admitted to
a room. He is from Narayanpet and speaks Telugu. Kishori speaks Marathi. Thes
e two Indian languages are very different. Kishori and Srinivas do not speak each
other’s native language. However, they do both speak English. Therefore, they d
ecide to communicate using English.
Before beginning to communicate with each other, we establish rules or agreeme
nts to govern the conversation. Just like Kishori and Srinivas, we decide what me
thod of communication we should use, and what language we should use. We ma
y also need to confirm that our messages are received. For example, Kishori may
have Srinivas sign a document verifying that he has understood Kishori’s care in
Networks also need rules, or protocols, to ensure successful communication. Thi
s module will cover the communication principles for networks. Let’s get started
Communication Protocols (5.1)
Before communicating with one another, individuals must use established rules o
r agreements to govern the conversation. Rules are also required for devices on a
network to communicate.
These rules, or protocols, must be followed in order for the message to be succes
sfully delivered and understood. Among the protocols that govern successful hu
man communication are these:
• An identified sender and receiver
• Agreed upon method of communicating (face-to-face, telephone, letter, p
• Common language and grammar
• Speed and timing of delivery
• Confirmation or acknowledgment requirements
The techniques that are used in network communications share these fundamenta
ls with human conversations.
Think about the commonly accepted protocols for sending text messages to your
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Network Communication Models (5.3)
Network communication models help us understand the various components and
protocols used in network communications. These models help us see the functio
n of each protocol and their relationship to other protocols.
The OSI Reference Model (5.3.4)
There are two basic types of models that we use to describe the functions that m
ust occur in order for network communications to be successful: protocol models
and reference models.
• Protocol model - This model closely matches the structure of a particula
r protocol suite. A protocol suite includes the set of related protocols that t
ypically provide all the functionality required for people to communicate w
ith the data network. The TCP/IP model is a protocol model because it desc
ribes the functions that occur at each layer of protocols within the TCP/IP s
• Reference model - This type of model describes the functions that must b
e completed at a particular layer, but does not specify exactly how a functi
on should be accomplished. A reference model is not intended to provide a
sufficient level of detail to define precisely how each protocol should work
at each layer. The primary purpose of a reference model is to aid in clearer
understanding of the functions and processes necessary for network comm
The most widely known internetwork reference model was created by the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) project at the International Organization for St
andardization (ISO). It is used for data network design, operation specifications
, and troubleshooting. This model is commonly referred to as the OSI model. Th
e OSI layers are described in Table 5-3.
CP/IP model are contained in the network layer of the OSI Model, as shown in F
igure 5-5. The transport layer functionality is the same between both models. Ho
wever, the network access layer and the application layer of the TCP/IP model ar
e further divided in the OSI model to describe discrete functions that must occur
at these layers.
The key similarities are in the transport and network layers; however, the two mo
dels differ in how they relate to the layers above and below each layer:
• OSI Layer 3, the network layer, maps directly to the TCP/IP internet laye
r. This layer is used to describe protocols that address and route messages t
hrough an internetwork.
• OSI Layer 4, the transport layer, maps directly to the TCP/IP transport lay
er. This layer describes general services and functions that provide ordered
and reliable delivery of data between source and destination hosts.
• The TCP/IP application layer includes several protocols that provide spec
ific functionality to a variety of end user applications. The OSI model Laye
rs 5, 6, and 7 are used as references for application software developers and
vendors to produce applications that operate on networks.
• Both the TCP/IP and OSI models are commonly used when referring to p
rotocols at various layers. Because the OSI model separates the data link la
yer from the physical layer, it is commonly used when referring to these lo
wer layers.
• Message format — When a message is sent, it must use a specific for
mat or structure.
• Message size — The rules that govern the size of the pieces communic
ated across the network are very strict. They can also be different, depen
ding on the channel used.
• Timing — Timing determines the speed at which the bits are transmitt
ed across the network. It also affects when an individual host can send d
ata and the total amount of data that can be sent in any one transmission.
• Encoding— Messages sent across the network are first converted into
bits by the sending host. Each bit is encoded into a pattern of sounds, lig
ht waves, or electrical impulses depending on the network media over w
hich the bits are transmitted.
• Encapsulation— Each message transmitted on a network must includ
e a header that contains addressing information that identifies the source
and destination hosts. Encapsulation is the process of adding this inform
ation to the pieces of data that make up the message.
• Message pattern— Some messages require an acknowledgment befor
e the next message can be sent. This type of request/response pattern is a
common aspect of many networking protocols. However, there are other
types of messages that may be simply streamed across the network, with
out concern as to whether they reach their destination.
• Communication Standards—Topologies allow us to see the networking
using representation of end devices and intermediary devices. How does a
device see a network? Think of a device in a bubble. The only thing a devi
ce sees is its own addressing information. How does the device know it is o
n the same network as another device? The answer is network protocols. M
ost network communications are broken up into smaller data units, or pack
A standard is a set of rules that determines how something must be done. N
etworking and internet standards ensure that all devices connecting to the n
etwork implement the same set of rules or protocols in the same manner. U
sing standards, it is possible for different types of devices to send informati
on to each other over the internet.
An internet standard is the end result of a comprehensive cycle of discussio
n, problem solving, and testing. These different standards are developed, p
ublished, and maintained by a variety of organizations. When a new standa
rd is proposed, each stage of the development and approval process is reco
rded in a numbered RFC document so that the evolution of the standard is t
racked. RFCs for internet standards are published and managed by the IET
• Network Communication Models—Protocols are the rules that govern c
ommunications. Successful communication between hosts requires interact
ion between a number of protocols. Protocols include HTTP, TCP, IP, and
Ethernet. These protocols are implemented in software and hardware that a
re installed on each host and networking device.
The interaction between the different protocols on a device can be illustrate
d as a protocol stack. A stack illustrates the protocols as a layered hierarchy
, with each higher-level protocol depending on the services of the protocols
shown in the lower levels. The separation of functions enables each layer i
n the stack to operate independently of others.
The suite of TCP/IP protocols that are used for internet communications fol
lows the structure of this model:
• Application— Represents data to the user, plus encoding and dialog c
• Transport— Supports communication between various devices across
diverse networks
• Internet— Determines the best path through the network
• Network Access— The hardware devices and media that make up the
A reference model describes the functions that must be completed at a part
icular layer but does not specify exactly how a function should be accompl
ished. The primary purpose of a reference model is to aid in clearer unders
tanding of the functions and processes necessary for network communicati
The most widely known internetwork reference model was created by the
OSI project at the International ISO. It is used for data network design, ope
ration specifications, and troubleshooting. This model is commonly referre
d to as the OSI model.
• OSI Model Layer Description—
• 7— Application - The application layer contains protocols used for pr
ocess-to-process communications.
• 6— Presentation - The presentation layer provides for common repres
entation of the data transferred between application layer services.
• 5— Session - The session layer provides services to the presentation la
yer to organize its dialogue and to manage data exchange.
• 4— Transport - The transport layer defines services to segment, trans
fer, and reassemble the data for individual communications between the
end devices.
• 3— Network - The network layer provides services to exchange the in
dividual pieces of data over the network between identified end devices.
• 2— Data Link - The data link layer protocols describe methods for ex
changing data frames between devices over a common media
• 1 — Physical - The physical layer protocols describe the mechanical, e
lectrical, functional, and procedural means to activate, maintain, and de-
activate physical connections for a bit transmission to and from a netwo
rk device.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
b. encapsulation
c. error checking
d. protocol
4. Which layer of the OSI model defines services to segment and reassemble
data for individual communications between end devices?
a. application
b. presentation
c. session
d. transport
e. network
5. What is the purpose of protocols in data communications?
a. specifying the bandwidth of the channel or medium for each type of co
b. specifying the device operating systems that will support the communic
c. providing the rules required for a specific type of communication to occ
d. dictating the content of the message sent during communication
6. Which term refers to a formalized protocol, usually approved by an accept
ed authority or organization, which can then be implemented by different ven
a. standard
b. protocol
c. model
d. domain
7. Which three layers of the OSI model make up the application layer of the
TCP/IP model? (Choose three.)
a. data link
b. network
c. transport
d. session
e. presentation
f. application
8. Which organization publishes and manages the Request for Comments (R
FC) documents?
b. ISO
9. Which two OSI model layers have the same functionality as a single layer
of the TCP/IP model? (Choose two.)
a. data link
b. network
c. physical
d. session
e. transport
Chapter 6. Network Media
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
What are the common types of network cables?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
coaxial cable
fiber-optic cable
Introduction (6.0)
Kishori knows that the 15 to 20 devices in a patient’s room wirelessly connect to
the network. She also uses a wireless tablet. While working at the nurses’ station
, she noticed that the wireless network on her desktop computer was disabled. Ho
wever, she still has access to patient records. How is the desktop connected?
How does communication transmit across a network? The answer is network me
dia. Media provides a channel over which the message travels from source to des
tination. In modern networks, there are primarily three types of media used. Do y
ou know what they are? Take this module to learn about media
Modern networks primarily use three types of media to interconnect devices, as s
hown in Figure 6-1:
• Metal wires within cables - Data is encoded into electrical impulses.
• Glass or plastic fibers within cables (fiber-optic cable) - Data is encod
ed into pulses of light.
• Wireless transmission - Data is encoded via modulation of specific frequ
encies of electromagnetic waves.
The four main criteria for choosing network media are these:
• What is the maximum distance that the media can successfully carry a sig
• What is the environment in which the media will be installed?
• What is the amount of data and at what speed must it be transmitted?
• What is the cost of the media and installation?
Twisted-Pair Cable
Ethernet technology generally uses twisted-pair cables to interconnect devices. B
ecause Ethernet is the foundation for most local networks, twisted-pair is the mos
t commonly encountered type of network cabling.
In twisted-pair, wires are grouped in pairs and twisted together to reduce interfer
ence. The pairs of wires are colored so that you can identify the same wire at eac
h end. Typically, in each pair, one of the wires is a solid color and its partner is t
he same color striped onto a white background, as shown in Figure 6-2
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial was one of the earliest types of network cabling developed. Coaxial cab
le is the kind of copper cable used by cable TV companies. It is also used for con
necting the various components which make up satellite communication systems.
Coaxial cable has a single rigid copper core that conducts the signal, as shown in
Figure 6-3. This core is typically surrounded by a layer of insulation, braided met
al shielding, and a protective jacket. It is used as a high-frequency transmission li
ne to carry high-frequency or broadband signals.
Fiber-optic Cable
Fiber-optic cable can be either glass or plastic with a diameter about the same as
a human hair and it can carry digital information at very high speeds over long di
stances. Because light is used instead of electricity, electrical interference does n
ot affect the signal. Fiber-optic cables, shown in Figure 6-4, have many uses as w
ell as communications. They are also used in medical imaging, medical treatment
, and mechanical engineering inspection.
They have a very high bandwidth, which enables them to carry very large amoun
ts of data. Fiber is used in backbone networks, large enterprise environments, an
d large data centers. It is also used extensively by telephone companies.
The four main criteria for choosing media are the following:
• What is the maximum distance that the media can successfully carry a sig
• What is the environment in which the media will be installed?
• What is the amount of data and at what speed must it be transmitted?
• What is the cost of the media and installation?
The three most common network cables are twisted-pair, coaxial cable, and fiber
-optic cable. Ethernet technology generally uses twisted-pair cables to interconne
ct devices. Coaxial cable is the kind of copper cable used by cable TV companies
. It is also used for connecting the various components which make up satellite c
ommunication systems. Fiber-optic cable can be either glass or plastic with a dia
meter about the same as a human hair and it can carry digital information at very
high speeds over long distances. Because light is used instead of electricity, elect
rical interference does not affect the signal.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
2. What are two common media used in networks? (Choose two.)
a. copper
b. water
c. nylon
d. fiber
e. wood
3. Which type of network cable is commonly used to connect office compute
rs to the local network?
a. coaxial cable
b. twisted-pair cable
c. glass fiber-optic cable
d. plastic fiber-optic cable
4. Which three factors should be considered when choosing the appropriate n
etwork media? (Choose three.)
a. the speed of the CPU and amount of memory in servers
b. the environment in which the media is installed
c. the data security and fault tolerance requirement
d. the amount of data and the data transfer rate desired
e. the distance between hosts that the media will connect
f. the operating systems used on network devices in the network
5. Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?
a. STP
b. UTP
c. coax
d. fiber
6. What makes fiber preferable to copper cabling for interconnecting building
s? (Choose three.)?
a. greater distances per cable run
b. lower installation cost
c. unaffected by electrical interference
d. durable connections
e. greater bandwidth potential
f. easily terminated
7. Which type of network media carries data encoded into electrical impulses
a. copper cable
b. wireless media
c. fiber-optic cable
d. cellular communication media
8. Which two types of network media carries data encoded into electrical imp
ulses? (Choose two.)
a. coaxial cable
b. wireless media
c. twisted-pair cable
d. glass fiber-optic cable
e. plastic fiber-optic cable
9. Which type of network media carries data encoded into impulses of light?
a. coaxial cable
b. wireless media
c. fiber-optic cable
d. twisted-pair cable
10. A network administrator in a small office is upgrading the local network
within the building. New network cables are needed to connect office comput
ers and networking devices. Which network media should the administrator u
a. coaxial cable
b. wireless solution
c. fiber-optic cable
d. twisted-pair cable
11. What is the purpose of using twisted pairs of wires in an Ethernet cable?
a. to reduce interference
b. to provide higher bandwidth
c. to identify paths of data flow
d. to ensure that the transmission of electrical signals is extended over a lo
nger distance
Chapter 7. The Access Layer
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• Can you explain the process of encapsulation and Ethernet framing?
• Can you explain how to improve network communication at the access la
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Protocol Data Unit (PDU)
Introduction (7.0)
During a lunch break, Kishori sees her friend, Rina, and they decide to eat togeth
er. Rina works as an IT support technician at the hospital. Kishori thinks this mig
ht be a good opportunity to ask Rina a question she’s been pondering. Kishori no
w knows that her desktop computer in the nurses’ station connects to the network
using a twisted-pair cable. Most other devices she uses connect to the network wi
relessly. She wonders if there is any difference in the way wired and wireless dev
ices communicate on the network. Rina knows that Kishori has relatives in the U
nited States. She explains that the differences between wired and wireless networ
k communication is similar to the differences in addressing formats used for mail
ing packages to different countries. The contents inside might be exactly the sam
e, but the addressing and possibly packaging could be very different.
How does a message get delivered? When you write a letter and place it in the en
velope, you need to make sure it has the correct address information to be deliver
ed to the recipient. In your network, the process of placing one message format (t
he letter) inside another message format (the envelope) is called encapsulation. R
eady to learn more? Take this module!
lains the process known as encapsulation the fields of an Ethernet frame used to t
ransmit the embedded information.
Encapsulation (7.1.2)
When sending a letter, the letter writer uses an accepted format to ensure that the
letter is delivered and understood by the recipient. In the same way, a message th
at is sent over a computer network follows specific format rules in order for it to
be delivered and processed.
The process of placing one message format (the letter) inside another message fo
rmat (the envelope) is called encapsulation. De-encapsulation occurs when the p
rocess is reversed by the recipient and the letter is removed from the envelope. Ju
st as a letter is encapsulated in an envelope for delivery, so computer messages a
re encapsulated.
Each computer message is encapsulated in a specific format, called a frame, befo
re it is sent over the network. A frame acts like an envelope; it provides the addre
ss of the intended destination and the address of the source host. The format and
contents of a frame are determined by the type of message being sent and the cha
nnel over which it is communicated. Messages that are not correctly formatted ar
e not successfully delivered to or processed by the destination host.
A common example of requiring the correct format in human communications is
when sending a letter, as shown in Figure 7-1. An envelope has the address of th
e sender and receiver, each located at the proper place on the envelope. If the des
tination address and formatting are not correct, the letter is not delivered.
The process of placing one message format (the letter) inside another message fo
rmat (the envelope) is called encapsulation. De-encapsulation occurs when the p
rocess is reversed by the recipient and the letter is removed from the envelope.
Similar to sending a letter, a message that is sent over a computer network follow
s specific format rules for it to be delivered and processed.
Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol with a similar function to the envelope examp
le. In Figure 7-2, the fields of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) packet identi
fy the source of the packet and its destination. IP is responsible for sending a mes
sage from the message source to destination over one or more networks.
The fields of the IPv6 packet are discussed in detail in another module.
Figure 7-3 Ethernet Frame Structure and Field Size
Only one message can be sent through an Ethernet hub at a time. It is possible fo
r two or more hosts connected to a hub to attempt to send a message at the same
time. If this happens, the electronic signals that make up the messages collide wi
th each other at the hub. This is known as a collision. The message is unreadable
by hosts and must be retransmitted. The area of the network where a host can rec
eive a garbled message resulting from a collision is known as a collision domain.
Because excessive retransmissions can clog up the network and slow down netw
ork traffic, hubs are now considered obsolete and have been replaced by Etherne
t switches.
Figure 7-5 shows how a hub delivers messages.
A table on the switch, called a MAC address table, contains a list of all of the ac
tive ports and the host MAC addresses that are attached to them. When a messag
e is sent between hosts, the switch checks to see if the destination MAC address i
s in the table. If it is, the switch builds a temporary connection, called a circuit, b
etween the source and destination ports. This new circuit provides a dedicated ch
annel over which the two hosts can communicate. Other hosts attached to the sw
itch do not share bandwidth on this channel and do not receive messages that are
not addressed to them. A new circuit is built for every new conversation between
hosts. These separate circuits allow many conversations to take place at the same
time, without collisions occurring. Ethernet switches also allow for the sending a
nd receiving of frames over the same Ethernet cable simultaneously. This improv
es the performance of the network by eliminating collisions.
The MAC Address Table (7.2.5)
What happens when the switch receives a frame addressed to a new host that is n
ot yet in the MAC address table? If the destination MAC address is not in the tab
le, the switch does not have the necessary information to create an individual cir
cuit. When the switch cannot determine where the destination host is located, it u
ses a process called flooding to forward the message out to all attached hosts exc
ept for the sending host. Each host compares the destination MAC address in the
message to its own MAC address, but only the host with the correct destination a
ddress processes the message and responds to the sender.
How does the MAC address of a new host get into the MAC address table? A sw
itch builds the MAC address table by examining the source MAC address of eac
h frame that is sent between hosts. When a new host sends a message or respond
s to a flooded message, the switch immediately learns its MAC address and the p
ort to which it is connected. The table is dynamically updated each time a new so
urce MAC address is read by the switch. In this way, a switch quickly learns the
MAC addresses of all attached hosts.
Figure 7-7 through 7-10 demonstrate this operation.
In Figure 7-7, Source PC H3 is sending data to Destination PC H7. The switch d
oes not yet have a MAC address for H7.
In Figure 7-8, the switch floods the frame received from H3 out every other port.
In Figure 7-9, after H7 receives the frame, the IP address of the encapsulated pac
ket matches H7’s IP address. Therefore, H7 replies to H3.
In Figure 7-10, the switch updates its table with the MAC address for H7 to map
the MAC address to the port.
Figure 7-10 The Switch Records the MAC Address for the Destination
Video - MAC Address Tables (7.2.2)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
essage. A table on the switch, called a MAC address table, contains a list o
f all the active ports and the host MAC addresses that are attached to them.
When a message is sent between hosts, the switch checks to see if the desti
nation MAC address is in the table. If it is, the switch builds a temporary c
onnection, called a circuit, between the source and destination ports. Ethern
et switches also allow for sending and receiving frames over the same Ethe
rnet cable simultaneously. This improves the performance of the network b
y eliminating collisions.
A switch builds the MAC address table by examining the source MAC add
ress of each frame that is sent between hosts. When a new host sends a mes
sage or responds to a flooded message, the switch immediately learns its M
AC address and the port to which it is connected. The table is dynamically
updated each time a new source MAC address is read by the switch.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
b. router
c. switch
d. modem
3. What addressing information is recorded by a switch to build its MAC add
ress table?
a. the destination Layer 3 address of incoming packets
b. the destination Layer 2 address of outgoing frames
c. the source Layer 3 address of outgoing packets
d. the source Layer 2 address of incoming frames
4. What is the purpose of the FCS field in a frame?
a. to obtain the MAC address of the sending node
b. to verify the logical address of the sending node
c. to compute the CRC header for the data field
d. to determine if errors occurred in the transmission and reception
5. What is one function of a Layer 2 switch?
a. forwards data based on logical addressing
b. duplicates the electrical signal of each frame to every port
c. learns the port assigned to a host by examining the destination MAC add
d. determines which interface is used to forward a frame based on the desti
nation MAC address
6. Which information does a switch use to keep the MAC address table infor
mation current?
a. the destination MAC address and the incoming port
b. the destination MAC address and the outgoing port
c. the source and destination MAC addresses and the incoming port
d. the source and destination MAC addresses and the outgoing port
e. the source MAC address and the incoming port
7. What process is used to place one message inside another message for tran
sfer from the source to the destination?
a. access control
b. decoding
c. encapsulation
d. flow control
e. the source MAC address and the incoming port
8. Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows a small switched network and the c
ontents of the MAC address table of the switch. PC1 has sent a frame address
ed to PC3. What will the switch do with the frame?
Chapter 8. The Internet Protocol
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the purpose of an IPv4 address?
• How are IPv4 addresses and subnets are used together?
Introduction (8.0)
Kishori is learning a lot from Rina! She understands that when she sends or rece
ives a package in the mail, there is a unique address involved. A postal code is c
ritical in the address to route the package to the correct post office. She asks Rin
a if computers use something like a zip code to route the message to the correct p
lace. Rina goes into more detail about the process and explains that much like Ki
shori’s home address identifies where she lives, an IPv4 address identifies a host
on the network. A host needs an IPv4 address to participate on the internet and a
lmost all LANs today. Every packet sent across the internet has a source and des
tination IPv4 address. This information is required by networking devices to ens
ure the information gets to the destination and any replies are returned to the sou
My friend Kishori never thought she would be so interested in all of this tech inf
ormation, but she really wants to learn more! Do you? Take this module to learn
about the Internet Protocol and the structure of IPv4 addresses!
network printers, and IP phones. Some servers can have more than one NIC and
each of these has its own IPv4 address. Router interfaces that provide connection
s to an IP network will also have an IPv4 address.
Every packet sent across the internet has a source and destination IPv4 address.
This information is required by networking devices to ensure the information get
s to the destination and any replies are returned to the source.
Notice how difficult this address is to read. Imagine having to configure devices
with a series of 32 bits! For this reason, the 32 bits are grouped into four 8-bit by
tes called octets like this:
That’s better, but still difficult to read. That’s why we convert each octet into its
decimal value, separated by a decimal point or period. The above binary IPv4 be
comes this dotted-decimal representation:
For now, you do not need to know how to convert between binary and deci
mal number systems.
Refer to the online course to view this video.
With IPv4 addressing, multiple logical networks can exist on one physical netwo
rk if the network portion of the logical network host addresses is different. For ex
ample: three hosts on a single, physical local network have the same network por
tion of their IPv4 address (192.168.18) and three other hosts have different netw
ork portions of their IPv4 addresses (192.168.5). The hosts with the same networ
k number in their IPv4 addresses will be able to communicate with each other, b
ut will not be able to communicate with the other hosts without the use of routing
. In this example, there is one physical network and two logical IPv4 networks.
Another example of a hierarchical network is the telephone system. With a telep
hone number, the country code, area code, and exchange represent the network a
ddress and the remaining digits represent a local phone number.
Summary (8.3)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
What Did I Learn in this Module? (8.3.1)
• Purpose of the IPv4 Address— The IPv4 address is a logical network ad
dress that identifies a particular host. It must be properly configured and un
ique within the LAN, for local communication. It must also be properly co
nfigured and unique in the world, for remote communication.
An IPv4 address is assigned to the network interface connection for a host.
This connection is usually a NIC installed in the device.
Every packet sent across the internet has a source and destination IPv4 add
ress. This information is required by networking devices to ensure the infor
mation gets to the destination and any replies are returned to the source.
• The IPv4 Address Structure—The logical 32-bit IPv4 address is hierarchi
cal and is made up of two parts, the network, and the host. As an example,
there is a host with an IPv4 address with a subnet mask of 25 The first three octets, (192.168.5), identify the network portio
n of the address, and the last octet, (11) identifies the host. This is known a
s hierarchical addressing because the network portion indicates the network
on which each unique host address is located.
Routers only need to know how to reach each network, rather than needing
to know the location of each individual host. With IPv4 addressing, multipl
e logical networks can exist on one physical network if the network portion
of the logical network host addresses is different.
The following Packet Tracer activity provides practice with the topics introduced
in this chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to ‘Check Your Under
standing’ Questions” lists the answers.
1. What criterion must be followed in the design of an IPv4 addressing sche
me for end devices?
a. Each IPv4 address must match the address that is assigned to the host by
b. Each IPv4 address must be unique within the local network.
c. Each IPv4 address needs to be compatible with the MAC address.
d. Each local host should be assigned an IPv4 address with a unique netwo
rk component.
2. How many octets exist in an IPv4 address?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
3. Which two parts are components of an IPv4 address? (Choose two.)?
a. subnet portion
b. network portion
c. logical portion
d. host portion
e. physical portion
f. broadcast portion
4. What is the purpose of the subnet mask in conjunction with an IP address?
a. to uniquely identify a host on a network
b. to identify whether the address is public or private
c. to determine the network (or subnet) to which the host belongs
d. to mask the IP address to outsiders
5. A technician is setting up equipment on a network. Which three devices wi
ll need IP addresses? (Choose three.)
a. a printer with an integrated NIC
b. a web camera that is attached directly to a host
c. a server with two NICs
d. an IP phone
e. a wireless mouse
6. Which statement describes the relationship of a physical network and logic
al IPv4 addressed networks?
a. A local physical network supports one IPv4 logical network.
b. A physical network can connect multiple devices of different IPv4 logic
al networks.
c. All devices connected to a physical network need to belong to the same
IPv4 logical network.
d. End devices on different IPv4 logical networks can communicate with e
ach other if they all connect to the same switch
7. How large are IPv4 addresses?
a. 8 bits
b. 16 bits
c. 32 bits
d. 64 bits
e. 128 bits
8. What is the network number for an IPv4 address with the sub
net mask of
a. 10
b. 34.10
9. What are two features of IPv4 addresses? (Choose two.)
a. An IPv4 address contains 8 octets.
b. IPv4 is a logical addressing scheme.
c. An IPv4 addressing scheme is hierarchical.
d. IPv4 addresses are only used for communications on the internet.
e. An IPv4 address is bound to a network interface card to make it unique.
10. Consider the group of five IPv4 addresses each with the subnet mask of 2 Which two IPv4 addresses belong to the same local network? (
Choose two.)
11. The IT group needs to design and deploy IPv4 network connectivity in a
new high school computer lab. The network design requires multiple logical
networks be deployed on one physical network. Which technology is require
d to enable computers on different logical networks to communicate with eac
h other?
a. routing
b. hosting
c. mapping
d. switching
Chapter 9. IPv4 and Network Segmentati
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the characteristics and uses of the unicast, broadcast and multica
st IPv4 addresses?
• What are public, private, and reserved IPv4 addresses?
• Can you explain how subnetting segments a network to enable better com
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Broadcast Transmission
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Link-Local address
Loopback address
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Private IPv4 address
Public IPv4 address
Regional Internet Registry (RIR)
Multicast Transmission
Unicast Transmission
Introduction (9.0)
Kishori has a new patient, Divya, who was admitted today. Like Srinivas, Divya
does not speak the same language that Kishori speaks. Divya only speaks Telugu
and has limited English. Kishori wants to send an email to the nurses on the next
shift to determine whether any of them speak Telugu. Kishori can send a multica
st email message, which is a single email message sent to specific multiple recipi
ents. You know about the structure of IPv4 addresses. Now it is time to learn mo
re about them. Have you heard of unicast, broadcast, and multicast IPv4 addresse
s? What are public, private, and reserved IPv4 addresses? Dive into this module t
o get a deeper understanding of IPv4 addresses!
IPv4 Unicast, Broadcast, and Multicast (9.1)
There are three types of destination IPv4 addresses: unicast, broadcast and multic
ast. The type of address determines if the packet is intended for a single device o
r multiple devices.
Unicast (9.1.2)
In the previous topic you learned about the structure of an IPv4 address; each ha
s a network portion and a host portion. There are different ways to send a packet
from a source device, and these different transmissions affect the destination IPv
4 addresses.
Unicast transmission refers to one device sending a message to one other device
in one-to-one communications, as shown in Figure 9-1.
A unicast packet has a destination IP address that is a unicast address which goes
to a single recipient. A source IP address can only be a unicast address, because t
he packet can only originate from a single source. This is regardless of whether t
he destination IP address is a unicast, broadcast, or multicast.
In this course, all communication between devices is unicast unless otherw
ise noted.
IPv4 unicast host addresses are in the address range of to
5. However, within this range are many addresses that are reserved for special pu
rposes. These special purpose addresses will be discussed later in this module.
In the animation, notice that the subnet mask for is represent
ed using slash notion or /24. This indicates that the subnet mask is 24 bits l
ong. The subnet mask in binary is 11111111.11111111.111
Broadcast (9.1.4)
Broadcast transmission refers to a device sending a message to all the devices o
n a network in one-to-all communications.
A broadcast packet has a destination IP address with all ones (1s) in the host port
ion, or 32 one (1) bits.
IPv4 uses broadcast packets. However, there are no broadcast packets with
A broadcast packet must be processed by all devices in the same broadcast doma
in. A broadcast domain identifies all hosts on the same network segment. A broa
dcast may be directed or limited. A directed broadcast is sent to all hosts on a spe
cific network. For example, in Figure 9-2 a host on the network se
nds a packet to Directed broadcasts are not very common in today’
s networks. A limited broadcast is sent to By default, routers d
o not forward broadcasts.
Broadcast packets use resources on the network and make every receiving host o
n the network process the packet. Therefore, broadcast traffic should be limited s
o that it does not adversely affect the performance of the network or devices. Be
cause routers separate broadcast domains, subdividing networks can improve net
work performance by eliminating excessive broadcast traffic.
Multicast (9.1.6)
Multicast transmission reduces traffic by allowing a host to send a single packet
to a selected set of hosts that subscribe to a multicast group.
A multicast packet is a packet with a destination IP address that is a multicast ad
dress. IPv4 has reserved the to addresses as a multica
st range.
Hosts that receive particular multicast packets are called multicast clients. The m
ulticast clients use services requested by a client program to subscribe to the mul
ticast group.
Each multicast group is represented by a single IPv4 multicast destination addres
s. When an IPv4 host subscribes to a multicast group, the host processes packets
addressed to this multicast address, and packets addressed to its uniquely allocate
d unicast address.
Routing protocols such as OSPF use multicast transmissions, as shown in Figure
9-3. For example, routers enabled with OSPF communicate with each other usin
g the reserved OSPF multicast address Only devices enabled with OS
PF will process these packets with as the destination IPv4 address. All
other devices will ignore these packets.
Public IPv4 addresses are addresses which are globally routed between internet
service provider (ISP) routers. However, not all available IPv4 addresses can be
used on the internet. There are blocks of addresses called private addresses that a
re used by most organizations to assign IPv4 addresses to internal hosts.
In the mid-1990s, with the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), the pri
vate IPv4 addresses shown in Table 9-1 were introduced because of the depletion
of IPv4 address space. Private IPv4 addresses are not unique and can be used int
ernally within any network.
Note: The long-term solution to IPv4 address depletion was IPv6.
Private addresses are defined in RFC 1918 and sometimes referred to as R
FC 1918 address space.
Before the ISP can forward this packet, it must translate the source IPv4 address,
which is a private address, to a public IPv4 address using Network Address Tran
slation (NAT). NAT is used to translate between private IPv4 and public IPv4 ad
dresses. This is usually done on the router that connects the internal network to t
he ISP network. Private IPv4 addresses in the organization’s intranet will be tran
slated to public IPv4 addresses before routing to the internet.
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
Loopback addresses
Loopback addresses ( /8 or to are more co
mmonly identified as only These are special addresses used by a host t
o direct traffic to itself. For example, the ping command is commonly used to tes
t connections to other hosts. But you can also use the ping command to test if the
IP configuration on your own device, as shown in Example 9-1.
You will learn more about the ping command later in this course.
Link-Local addresses
Link-local addresses ( /16 or to are m
ore commonly known as the Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) addresse
s or self-assigned addresses. They are used by a Windows client to self-configure
in the event that the client cannot obtain an IP addressing through other methods.
Link-local addresses can be used in a peer-to-peer connection but are not commo
nly used for this purpose.
There is also a Class D multicast block consisting of to
and a Class E experimental address block consisting of - 255.0.0
At the time, with a limited number of computers using the internet, classful addr
essing was an effective means to allocate addresses. As shown in Figure 9-5, Cla
ss A and B networks have a very large number of host addresses and Class C has
very few. Class A networks accounted for 50% of the IPv4 networks. This cause
d most of the available IPv4 addresses to go unused.
Figure 9-5 Classful Addressing
In the mid-1990s, with the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), classf
ul addressing was deprecated to more efficiently allocate the limited IPv4 addres
s space. Classful address allocation was replaced with classless addressing, whic
h is used today. Classless addressing ignores the rules of classes (A, B, C). Publi
c IPv4 network addresses (network addresses and subnet masks) are allocated ba
sed on the number of addresses that can be justified.
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
nd negatively affect the network. In Figure 9-8, LAN 1 connects 400 users that c
ould generate an excess amount of broadcast traffic. This results in slow network
operations due to the significant amount of traffic it can cause, and slow device o
perations because a device must accept and process each broadcast packet.
The solution is to reduce the size of the network to create smaller broadcast dom
ains in a process called subnetting. These smaller network spaces are called subn
In Figure 9-9, the 400 users in LAN 1 with network address /16 have
been divided into two subnets of 200 users each: /24 and /
24. Broadcasts are only propagated within the smaller broadcast domains. Theref
ore, a broadcast in LAN 1 would not propagate to LAN 2.
Notice how the prefix length has changed from a single /16 network to two /24 n
etworks. This is the basis of subnetting: using host bits to create additional subne
The terms subnet and network are often used interchangeably. Most networ
ks are a subnet of some larger address block.
Figure 9-11 Subnetting by Group or Function
Network administrators can create subnets using any other division that makes se
nse for the network. Notice in each figure, the subnets use longer prefix lengths t
o identify networks.
Understanding how to subnet networks is a fundamental skill that all network ad
ministrators must develop. Various methods have been created to help understan
d this process. Although a little overwhelming at first, pay close attention to the
detail and, with practice, subnetting will become easier.
ss. IPv4 has reserved the to addresses as a mult
icast range. Each multicast group is represented by a single IPv4 multicast
destination address. When an IPv4 host subscribes to a multicast group, the
host processes packets addressed to this multicast address, and packets add
ressed to its uniquely allocated unicast address.
• Types of IPv4 Addresses—Public IPv4 addresses are addresses which are
globally routed between ISP routers. However, not all available IPv4 addre
sses can be used on the internet. There are blocks of addresses called priva
te addresses that are used by most organizations to assign IPv4 addresses t
o internal hosts. Most internal networks, from large enterprises to home ne
tworks, use private IPv4 addresses for addressing all internal devices (intra
net) including hosts and routers. However, private addresses are not global
ly routable. Before the ISP can forward this packet, it must translate the so
urce IPv4 address, which is a private address, to a public IPv4 address usin
g NAT.
Loopback addresses ( /8 or to are mor
e commonly identified as only, these are special addresses used b
y a host to direct traffic to itself. Link-local addresses ( /16 or 1 to are more commonly known as the Automa
tic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) addresses or self-assigned addresses. Th
ey are used by a Windows DHCP client to self-configure in the event that t
here are no DHCP servers available.
In 1981, IPv4 addresses were assigned using classful addressing as defined
in RFC 790 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc790), Assigned Numbers. Custom
ers were allocated a network address based on one of three classes, A, B, or
C. The RFC divided the unicast ranges into specific classes as follows:
• Class A ( to - Designed to support extremely larg
e networks with more than 16 million host addresses.
• Class B ( /16 - /16) - Designed to support the nee
ds of moderate to large size networks with up to approximately 65,000 h
ost addresses.
• Class C ( /24 - /24) - Designed to support smal
l networks with a maximum of 254 hosts.
There is also a Class D multicast block consisting of to
and a Class E experimental address block consisting of - 255.0.0
Public IPv4 addresses are addresses which are globally routed over the int
ernet. Public IPv4 addresses must be unique. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresse
s are managed by the IANA. The IANA manages and allocates blocks of IP
addresses to the RIRs. RIRs are responsible for allocating IP addresses to I
SPs who provide IPv4 address blocks to organizations and smaller ISPs. Or
ganizations can also get their addresses directly from an RIR.
• Network Segmentation—In an Ethernet LAN, devices use broadcasts an
d ARP to locate other devices. ARP sends Layer 2 broadcasts to a known I
Pv4 address on the local network to discover the associated MAC address.
Devices on Ethernet LANs also locate other devices using services. A host
typically acquires its IPv4 address configuration using DHCP which sends
broadcasts on the local network to locate a DHCP server. Switches propag
ate broadcasts out all interfaces except the interface on which it was receiv
A large broadcast domain is a network that connects many hosts. A proble
m with a large broadcast domain is that these hosts can generate excessive
broadcasts and negatively affect the network. The solution is to reduce the
size of the network to create smaller broadcast domains in a process called
subnetting. These smaller network spaces are called subnets. The basis of s
ubnetting is to use host bits to create additional subnets. Subnetting reduces
overall network traffic and improves network performance. It helps admini
strators to implement security policies such as which subnets are allowed o
r not allowed to communicate together. It reduces the number of devices af
fected by abnormal broadcast traffic due to misconfigurations, hardware/so
ftware problems, or malicious intent.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
c. It is used to determine to which network the host is connected.
d. It is used to determine the maximum number of bits within one packet t
hat can be placed on a particular network.
2. What is one reason for subnetting an IP network?
a. to reduce the scope of broadcast flooding
b. to increase the number of available host addresses on the network
c. to remove the need for network services that rely on broadcasts, such as
d. to ensure that all devices can communicate with each other without requ
iring a router
3. A message is sent to all hosts on a remote network. Which type of messag
e is it?
a. limited broadcast
b. multicast
c. directed broadcast
d. unicast
4. A user is unable to access the company server from a computer. On issuin
g the ipconfig command, the user finds that the IP address of the computer is
displayed as What type of address is this?
a. private
b. link-local
c. loopback
d. experimental
5. Which three IP addresses are private? (Choose three.)
• IP addresses: –
• IP addresses: –
• IP addresses: –
6. Match each description with an appropriate IP address.
a. a link-local address
b. loopback address
c. public address
d. an experimental address
• Answer: c. public address
• Answer: a. link-local address
• Answer: b. loopback address
• Answer: d. an experimental address
7. Which network device can serve as a boundary to divide a Layer 2 broadc
ast domain?
a. router
b. Ethernet bridge
c. Ethernet hub
d. access point
8. What is the role of IANA?
a. maintaining standards related to electrical wiring and connectors
b. documenting developments for new protocols and updating existing pro
c. managing the allocation of IP addresses and domain names
d. promoting the development and evolution of the Internet around the wo
9. Which address prefix range is reserved for IPv4 multicast?
a. –
b. –
c. –
d. –
10. A high school in New York (school A) is using videoconferencing techno
logy to establish student interactions with another high school (school B) in P
oland. The videoconferencing is conducted between two end devices through
the internet. The network administrator of school A configures the end devic
e with the IP address The administrator sends a request for t
he IP address for the end device in school B and the response is
0. Neither school is using a VPN. The administrator knows immediately that
this IP will not work. Why?
a. This is a loopback address.
b. This is a link-local address.
c. This is a private IP address.
d. There is an IP address conflict.
11. A host is transmitting a broadcast. Which host or hosts will receive it?
a. all hosts in the same network
b. a specially defined group of hosts
c. the closest neighbor on the same network
d. all hosts on the internet
Chapter 10. IPv6 Addressing Formats an
d Rules
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• Why do we need for IPv6 addressing?
• How do you represent IPv6 addresses?
Key Terms
Dual stack
Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64)
Introduction (10.0)
Kishori meets Rina for lunch again. Kishori is excited to tell Rina all that she ha
s learned about IPv4 addresses. Rina congratulates her and asks her if she has he
ard about IPv6. IPv6? Kishori has no idea what IPv6 is! Do you? Let me help yo
u out with that. Let’s get started with this module!
internet, there are not enough IPv4 addresses to accommodate this growth. As sh
own in the figure, four out of the five RIRs have run out of IPv4 addresses.
Internet of Things
The internet of today is significantly different than the internet of past decades. T
he internet of today is more than email, web pages, and file transfers between co
mputers. The evolving internet is becoming an Internet of Things (IoT). No long
er will the only devices accessing the internet be computers, tablets, and smartph
ones. The sensor-equipped, internet-ready devices of tomorrow will include ever
ything from automobiles and biomedical devices, to household appliances and na
tural ecosystems.
With an increasing internet population, a limited IPv4 address space, issues with
NAT and the IoT, the time has come to begin the transition to IPv6.
Dual stack
Dual stack allows IPv4 and IPv6 to coexist on the same network segment. Dual s
tack devices run both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks simultaneously. Known as n
ative IPv6, this means the customer network has an IPv6 connection to their ISP
and is able to access content found on the internet over IPv6.
Figure 10-2 Dual Stack Topology
Tunneling is a method of transporting an IPv6 packet over an IPv4 network. The
IPv6 packet is encapsulated inside an IPv4 packet, similar to other types of data.
Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) allows IPv6-enabled devices to com
municate with IPv4-enabled devices using a translation technique similar to NA
T for IPv4. An IPv6 packet is translated to an IPv4 packet and an IPv4 packet is t
ranslated to an IPv6 packet.
Tunneling and translation are for transitioning to native IPv6 and should o
nly be used where needed. The goal should be native IPv6 communications
from source to destination.
In IPv6 addresses, these 16 digits are represented as hextets (discussed next) allo
wing us to represent these massive addresses in a much more readable format.
Preferred Format
The previous figure also shows that the preferred format for writing an IPv6 addr
ess is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, with each “x” consisting of four hexadecimal values. The t
erm octet refers to the eight bits of an IPv4 address. In IPv6, a hextet is the unoff
icial term used to refer to a segment of 16 bits, or four hexadecimal values. Each
“x” is a single hextet which is 16 bits or four hexadecimal digits.
Preferred format means that you write IPv6 address using all 32 hexadecimal dig
its. It does not necessarily mean that it is the ideal method for representing the IP
v6 address. In this module, you will see two rules that help to reduce the number
of digits needed to represent an IPv6 address.
Several IPv6 addresses in the preferred format as shown in Example 10-1
Video - IPv6 Formatting Rules (10.2.3)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
If an address has more than one contiguous string of all-0 hextets, best practice is
to use the double colon (::) on the longest string. If the strings are equal, the first
string should use the double colon (::). Table 10-2 shows examples of omitting le
ading 0s and all 0 segments.
h “x” is a single hextet, which is 16 bits or four hexadecimal digits. Preferr
ed format means that you write IPv6 address using all 32 hexadecimal digit
s. Here is one example - fe80:0000:0000:0000:0123:4567:89ab:cdef.
There are two rules that help to reduce the number of digits needed to repre
sent an IPv6 address.
Rule 1 — Omit Leading Zeros. You can only omit leading zeros, not traili
ng zeros.
• 01ab can be represented as 1ab
• 09f0 can be represented as 9f0
• 0a00 can be represented as a00
• 00ab can be represented as ab
Rule 2 — Double Colon. A double colon (::) can replace any single, contig
uous string of one or more 16-bit hextets consisting of all zeros. For examp
le, 2001:db8:cafe:1:0:0:0:1 (leading 0s omitted) could be represented as 20
01:db8:cafe:1::1. The double colon (::) is used in place of the three all-0 he
xtets (0:0:0). The double colon (::) can only be used once within an address
, otherwise there would be more than one possible resulting address. If an a
ddress has more than one contiguous string of all-0 hextets, best practice is
to use the double colon (::) on the longest string. If the strings are equal, th
e first string should use the double colon (::).
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
b. faster connectivity
c. higher bandwidth
d. more frequencies
2. What was the reason for the creation and implementation of IPv6?
a. to make reading a 32-bit address easier
b. to relieve IPv4 address depletion
c. to provide more address space in the Internet Names Registry
d. to allow NAT support for private addressing
3. Which letter represents the hexadecimal value of the decimal number 15?
a. f
b. g
c. h
d. b
4. A PC is configured with both an IPv4 and IPv6 address on the same netwo
rk adapter. What IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence strategy is implemented on the P
a. Dual stack
b. NAT64
c. Tunneling
d. NAT
5. What are two methods that can be used to shorten the IPv6 address notatio
n? (Choose two.)
a. use of a double colon (::) to represent a string of all zero hextets
b. omit all leading zeros from all hextets in the address
c. remove all trailing zeros contained in the IPv6 address
d. use double colons to represent a string of the same non-zero value
6. Which network migration technique encapsulates IPv6 packets inside IPv4
packets to carry them over IPv4 network infrastructures?
a. encapsulation
b. translation
c. dual-stack
d. tunneling
7. What does a double colon (::) represent in an IPv6 address notation?
a. a continuous string of one or more hextets that contain only zeros
b. at least eight occurrences of the same non-zero value
c. the boundary between the network portion and the host portion of the ad
d. the beginning of the MAC address assigned to the IPv6 device
8. IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to how many bits?
a. 64
b. 96
c. 128
d. 192
e. 256
9. Which technology enables devices in an IPv6-only network to communicat
e with devices in an IPv4-only network?
a. NAT64
b. tunneling
d. link-local addressing
10. Which IPv6 address notation is valid?
a. 2001:0db8::abcd::1234
b. abcd:160d::4gab:ffab
c. 2001:db8:0:1111::200
d. 2001::abcd::
11. Which two statements are correct about IPv4 and IPv6 addresses? (Choos
e two.)
a. IPv6 addresses are represented by hexadecimal numbers.
b. IPv4 addresses are represented by hexadecimal numbers.
c. IPv6 addresses are 32 bits in length.
d. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits in length.
e. IPv4 addresses are 128 bits in length.
f. IPv6 addresses are 64 bits in length.
Chapter 11. Dynamic Addressing with D
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the difference between static and dynamic IPv4 addressing?
• Configure a DHCPv4 server to dynamically assign IPv4 addresses.
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Introduction (11.0)
Kishori’s nursing station just received a new laptop from the IT department. The
IT specialist, Madhav, is setting it up on the desk and trying to connect to the net
work. He asks Kishori to log in to the computer. She enters her username and pa
ssword and attempts to access a patient file. She explains that there must be a co
nnection error. Madhav takes a seat to further investigate. Madhav checks the ca
ble and it is connected. On his tablet, he pulls up the list of IPv4 addresses for al
l of the computers on this floor on this network. He found the issue! There is an e
rror in the IPv4 address. Madhav explains that the intern in their department may
have manually configured the network information on this host, rather than using
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Kishori has not heard about D
HCP. She is going to do some reading on this topic.
Are you ready to learn about DHCP? I am here to help! Let’s get started with thi
s module!
With a static assignment, the network administrator must manually configure the
network information for a host. At a minimum, as shown in Figure 11-1, this incl
udes the following:
• IP address — This identifies the host on the network.
• Subnet mask — This is used to identify the network on which the host is
• Default gateway — This identifies the networking device that the host us
es to access the internet or another remote network.
Static addresses have some advantages. For instance, they are useful for printers,
servers, and other networking devices that need to be accessible to clients on the
network. If hosts normally access a server at a particular IPv4 address, it would n
ot be good if that address changed.
Static assignment of addressing information can provide increased control of net
work resources, but it can be time consuming to enter the information on each ho
st. When IPv4 addresses are entered statically, the host only performs basic error
checks on the IPv4 address. Therefore, errors are more likely to occur.
When using static IPv4 addressing, it is important to maintain an accurate list of
which IPv4 addresses are assigned to which devices. Additionally, these are per
manent addresses and are not normally reused.
Another benefit of DHCP is that an address is not permanently assigned to a host
but is only leased for a period of time. If the host is powered down or taken off th
e network, the address is returned to the pool for reuse. This is especially helpful
with mobile users that come and go on a network.
Many home networks and small businesses use a wireless router and modem. In t
his case, the wireless router is both a DHCP client and a server. The wireless rout
er acts as a client to receive its IPv4 configuration from the ISP and then acts as a
DHCP server for internal hosts on the local network. The router receives the pub
lic IPv4 address from the ISP, and in its role as a DHCP server, it distributes priv
ate addresses to internal hosts.
In addition to PC-based servers and wireless routers, other types of networking d
evices such as dedicated routers can provide DHCP services to clients, although t
his is not as common.
Video - DHCPv4 Operation (11.2.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
The IPv4 address of and subnet mask of are the defau
lts for the internal router interface. This is the default gateway for all hosts on the
local network and also the internal DHCP server IPv4 address. Most home wirele
ss routers have DHCP Server enabled by default.
On the DHCP configuration screen a default DHCP range is available. You can a
lso specify a starting address for the DHCP range (do not use becaus
e the router is assigned this address) and the number of addresses to be assigned.
The lease time can also be modified (default in the graphic is 24 hours). The DH
CP configuration feature on most routers gives information about connected host
s and IPv4 addresses, their associated MAC address, and lease times.
riod of time. If the host is powered down or taken off the network, the addr
ess is returned to the pool for reuse.
As you enter area with a wireless hotspot, your laptop DHCP client contac
ts the local DHCP server via a wireless connection. The DHCP server assi
gns an IPv4 address to your laptop. With home networks, the DHCP server
may be located at the ISP and a host on the home network receives its IPv4
configuration directly from the ISP. Many home networks and small busine
sses use a wireless router and modem. In this case, the wireless router is bo
th a DHCP client and a server.
• DHCPv4 Configuration—The DHCP server is configured with a range,
or pool, of IPv4 addresses that can be assigned to DHCP clients. A client th
at needs an IPv4 address will send a DHCP Discover message which is a br
oadcast with a destination IPv4 address of (32 ones) and a
destination MAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (48 ones). All hosts on th
e network will receive this broadcast DHCP frame, but only a DHCP serve
r will reply. The server will respond with a DHCP Offer, suggesting an IPv
4 address for the client. The host then sends a DHCP Request asking to use
the suggested IPv4 address. The server responds with a DHCP Acknowled
For most home and small business networks, a wireless router provides DH
CP services to the local network clients. To configure a home wireless rout
er, access its graphical web interface by opening the browser and entering t
he router default IPv4 address. The IPv4 address of and subnet
mask of are the defaults for the internal router interface. Thi
s is the default gateway for all hosts on the local network and also the inter
nal DHCP server IPv4 address. Most home wireless routers have DHCP Se
rver enabled by default.
The following Packet Tracer activity provides practice with the topics introduced
in this chapter.
Packet Tracer Activities
Packet Tracer - Configure DHCP on a Wireless Router (11.2.3)
4. Which destination IPv4 address does a DHCPv4 client use to send the initi
al DHCP Discover packet when the client is looking for a DHCP server?
d. the IP address of the default gateway
5. Which type of packet is sent by a DHCP server after receiving a DHCP Di
scover message?
b. DHCP Discover
c. DHCP Offer
d. DHCP Request
6. What is one advantage of using DHCP to assign addresses to mobile devic
a. Address leases are temporary and are returned to the pool when the devi
ce is turned off.
b. Addresses are permanently assigned to the mobile device and are valid
on any network.
c. Using DHCP creates many more registered IPv4 addresses.
d. DHCP enables multiple internal IPv4 addresses to use a single registere
d global address.
7. A home wireless router is configured to act as a DHCP server. The IP addr
ess range is configured to be - 149. What IP address will be as
signed automatically to the first device that connects to the wireless router?
8. PC1 is configured to obtain a dynamic IP address from the
DHCP server. PC1 has been shut down for two weeks. When PC1 boots and
tries to request an available IP address, which destination IP address will PC1
place in the IP header?
9. Which type of server dynamically assigns an IP address to a host?
a. ARP
c. DNS
d. FTP
10. Which three statements describe a DHCP Discover message? (Choose th
a. The source MAC address is 48 ones (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF).
b. The destination IP address is
c. The message comes from a server offering an IP address.
d. The message comes from a client seeking an IP address.
e. All hosts receive the message, but only a DHCP server replies.
f. Only the DHCP server receives the message.
11. A host PC is attempting to lease an address through DHCP. What messag
e is sent by the server to let the client know it is confirming that this client is
allocated the IP address?
Chapter 12. Gateways to Other Networks
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are network boundaries?
• What is the purpose of Network Address Translation in small networks?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Introduction (12.0)
Kishori receives an email from Rina asking if they can meet in the cafeteria for l
unch. Kishori meets Rina and is eager to ask her a few more networking question
s. Rina is always happy to share her knowledge. When Kishori was speaking wit
h Madhav, she learned that her department is part of a LAN. Each department w
ithin the hospital has its own LAN. Kishori asks Rina how she is able to send an
d receive emails that are outside of her network. Rina explains that gateways and
Network Address Translation (NAT) make all of this seamless communication p
ossible. Rina is impressed with Kishori’s new knowledge and interest in networ
king! She mentions that there are several nurses in the hospital that have this kno
wledge and are paid more because they are able to troubleshoot the devices in th
e patient’s room. She recommends that Kishori take some courses so that she cou
ld eventually apply for this promotion. Wow! Who knew that nurses could get pr
omoted by learning technology!
This module will help Kishori understand gateways and NAT. Are you ready to l
earn more? Let’s go!
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Figure 12-2 Default Router as Both a DHCP Server and a DHCP Client
Many ISPs also use DHCP servers to provide IPv4 addresses to the internet side
of the wireless router installed at their customer sites. The network assigned to t
he internet side of the wireless router is referred to as the external, or outside, ne
When a wireless router is connected to the ISP, it acts like a DHCP client to recei
ve the correct external network IPv4 address for the internet interface. ISPs usual
ly provide an internet-routable address, which enables hosts connected to the wir
eless router to have access to the internet.
The wireless router serves as the boundary between the local internal network an
d the external internet.
Although each host on the internal network has a unique private IPv4 address ass
igned to it, the hosts must share the single internet-routable address assigned to t
he wireless router.
In Figures 12-3 and 12-4, a home router translates packets using NAT.
eing located on an internal, or inside, network. When a wireless router is co
nnected to the ISP, it acts like a DHCP client to receive the correct externa
l network IPv4 address for the internet interface. ISPs usually provide an in
ternet-routable address, which enables hosts connected to the wireless rout
er to have access to the internet. The wireless router serves as the boundary
between the local internal network and the external internet.
• NAT Operation—The wireless router receives a public address from the
ISP, which allows it to send and receive packets on the internet. It, in turn,
provides private addresses to local network clients.
The process used to convert private addresses to internet-routable addresse
s is called NAT. With NAT, a private (local) source IPv4 address is translat
ed to a public (global) address. The process is reversed for incoming packet
s. The wireless router is able to translate many internal IPv4 addresses to th
e same public address, by using NAT.
Only packets destined for other networks need to be translated. These pack
ets must pass through the gateway, where the wireless router replaces the p
rivate IPv4 address of the source host with its own public IPv4 address.
The following Packet Tracer activity provides practice with the topics introduced
in this chapter.
1. A computer has to send a packet to a destination host in the same LAN. H
ow will the packet be sent?
a. The packet will be sent to the default gateway first, and then, depending
on the response from the gateway, it may be sent to the destination host.
b. The packet will be sent directly to the destination host.
c. The packet will first be sent to the default gateway, and then from the de
fault gateway it will be sent directly to the destination host.
d. The packet will be sent only to the default gateway.
2. Typically, which network device would be used to perform NAT for a cor
porate environment?
a. DHCP server
b. host device
c. router
d. server
e. switch
3. Which characteristic describes the default gateway of a host computer?
a. the logical address of the router interface on the same network as the ho
st computer
b. the physical address of the switch interface connected to the host compu
c. the physical address of the router interface on the same network as the h
ost computer
d. the logical address assigned to the switch interface connected to the rou
4. What is the purpose of configuring a default gateway address on a host?
a. to provide a permanent address to a computer
b. to identify the network to which a computer is connected
c. to identify the logical address of a networked computer and uniquely ide
ntify it to the rest of the network
d. to identify the device that allows local network computers to communic
ate with devices on other networks
5. If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on a host, what is the impa
ct on communications?
a. The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
b. The host is unable to communicate with hosts on remote networks.
c. The host is unable to communicate with hosts on both the local and rem
ote networks.
d. The host cannot get an IP address from the DHCP server.
6. Which three IPv4 network addresses are private IP addresses? (Choose thr
7. What is the purpose of NAT?
a. allowing hosts configured with registered public IP addresses to access t
he internet
b. translating private IP addresses to a public registered IP address
c. routing private IP addresses over the public internet
d. assigning a private IP address to a host for internet access
8. What is the primary advantage of using NAT?
a. allows a large group of users to share one or more public IP addresses
b. allows a large group of users to share the same private IP address within
c. allows static mapping of public inside addresses to private outside addre
d. allows dynamic mapping of registered inside addresses to private outsid
e addresses
9. Which three settings must be configured on a PC in order for it to commun
icate with devices located across the internet? (Choose three.)?
a. IP address
b. subnet mask
c. default gateway address
d. DHCP server address
e. hostname
10. The default configuration on a home wireless router provides which type
of addresses to devices using DHCP?
a. private IP addresses
b. public registered IPv4 addresses
c. public registered IPv6 addresses
d. vendor-specific MAC addresses
11. Which type of intermediary device acts as a boundary between a home wi
reless network and the internet?
a. Layer 2 switch
b. access point
c. DNS server
d. wireless router
Chapter 13. The ARP Process
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the difference between the roles of the MAC address and the IP a
• Why it is important to contain broadcasts within a network?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Introduction (13.0)
Kishori was looking at her phone and noticed that her phone actually has its own
IP address. She went home and noticed that the IP address had changed to a valu
e that is different from the address that she had at the hospital. She remembered t
hat DHCP provides addresses to devices automatically, so she thinks that she get
s IP addresses from different places depending on where she is. This makes sens
e to her because she knows these addresses permit devices to join different netwo
rks. Kishori also notices that her phone has a MAC address. She has checked and
she notices that the MAC address is always the same, no matter which network s
he is attached to. It makes sense to Kishori, that her IP address changes when she
is connected to different networks in different locations, but her MAC address is
always the same, because her phone is her phone no matter where she is.
This means that both IP and MAC addresses must be required in order for the ph
one to receive data. The IP address tells the sender of data where she is, and once
the data gets to her location, the MAC address of her phone permits the device to
receive data that is meant just for her. Thinking further, Kishori wonders how M
AC addresses can be known to the network. DHCP provides the correct IP addre
sses for the network, but each device has its own, unique MAC address.
Kishori is ready to learn more! Are you? Keep reading!
Destination on Same Network (13.1.1)
Sometimes a host must send a message, but it only knows the IP address of the d
estination device. The host needs to know the MAC address of that device, but h
ow can it be discovered? That is where address resolution becomes critical.
There are two primary addresses assigned to a device on an Ethernet LAN:
• Physical address (the MAC address) — Used for NIC-to-NIC communi
cations on the same Ethernet network.
• Logical address (the IP address) — Used to send the packet from the so
urce device to the destination device. The destination IP address may be on
the same IP network as the source, or it may be on a remote network.
Layer 2 physical addresses (i.e., Ethernet MAC addresses) are used to deliver the
data link frame with the encapsulated IP packet from one NIC to another NIC tha
t is on the same network. If the destination IP address is on the same network, th
e destination MAC address will be that of the destination device.
In Figure 13-1, PC1 wants to send a packet to PC2. The figure displays the Layer
2 destination and source MAC addresses and the Layer 3 IPv4 addressing that w
ould be included in the packet sent from PC1.
C1, the destination MAC address is that of the local default gateway on the route
Routers examine the destination IPv4 address to determine the best path to forwa
rd the IPv4 packet. When the router receives the Ethernet frame, it de-encapsulat
es the Layer 2 information. Using the destination IPv4 address, it determines the
next-hop device, and then encapsulates the IPv4 packet in a new data link frame
for the outgoing interface.
In our example, R1 would now encapsulate the packet with new Layer 2 address
information, as shown in the Figure 13-3.
The new destination MAC address would be that of the R2 G0/0/1 interface and t
he new source MAC address would be that of the R1 G0/0/1 interface.
Along each link in a path, an IP packet is encapsulated in a frame. The frame is s
pecific to the data link technology that is associated with that link, such as Ethern
et. If the next-hop device is the final destination, the destination MAC address wi
ll be that of the device Ethernet NIC, as shown in Figure 9-4.
How are the IP addresses of the IP packets in a data flow associated with the MA
C addresses on each link along the path to the destination? For IPv4 packets, this
is done through a process called Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). For IPv6 p
ackets, the process is ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND).
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
host. How does the sending host determine what destination MAC address to pla
ce within the frame?
The sending host can use an IPv4 protocol called address resolution protocol (A
RP) to discover the MAC address of any host on the same local network. IPv6 us
es a similar method known as Neighbor Discovery.
ARP (13.2.5)
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) uses a three-step process, as shown in Figur
e 13-7, to discover and store the MAC address of a host on the local network wh
en only the IPv4 address of the host is known:
1. The sending host creates and sends a frame addressed to a broadcast M
AC address. Contained in the frame is a message with the IPv4 address of t
he intended destination host.
2. Each host on the network receives the broadcast frame and compares the
IPv4 address inside the message with its configured IPv4 address.
3. The host with the matching IPv4 address sends its MAC address back to
the original sending host. The sending host receives the message and store
s the MAC address and IPv4 address information in a table called an ARP
Figure 13-7 An Example of a Host Using ARP to Determine the IPv4 Addr
When the sending host has the MAC address of the destination host in its ARP ta
ble, it can send frames directly to the destination without doing an ARP request.
Because ARP messages rely on broadcast frames to deliver the requests, all hosts
in the local IPv4 network must be in the same broadcast domain.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
If too many hosts are connected to the same broadcast domain, broadcast tr
affic can become excessive. The number of hosts and the amount of networ
k traffic that can be supported on the local network is limited by the capabil
ities of the switches used to connect them. To improve performance, you m
ay need to divide one local network into multiple networks, or broadcast do
mains. Routers are used to divide the network into multiple broadcast dom
On a local Ethernet network, a NIC only accepts a frame if the destination
address is either the broadcast MAC address, or else corresponds to the M
AC address of the NIC. Most network applications rely on the logical desti
nation IP address to identify the location of the servers and clients. How do
es the sending host determine what destination MAC address to place withi
n the frame? The sending host can ARP to discover the MAC address of an
y host on the same local network.
ARP uses a three-step process to discover and store the MAC address of a
host on the local network when only the IPv4 address of the host is known:
1. The sending host creates and sends a frame addressed to a broadcast
MAC address. Contained in the frame is a message with the IPv4 addres
s of the intended destination host.
2. Each host on the network receives the broadcast frame and compares
the IPv4 address inside the message with its configured IPv4 address.
3. The host with the matching IPv4 address sends its MAC address back
to the original sending host. The sending host receives the message and
stores the MAC address and IPv4 address information in a table called a
n ARP table.
IPv6 uses a similar method known as Neighbor Discovery.
The following Packet Tracer activity provides practice with the topics introduced
in this chapter.
Packet Tracer Activities
Packet Tracer - Identify MAC and IP Addresses (13.1.3)
5. What are two functions of MAC addresses in a LAN? (Choose two.)
a. to allow the transfer of frames from source to destination
b. to determine which host has priority to transfer data
c. to indicate the best path between separate networks
d. to associate with a specific network IP address
e. to uniquely identify a node on a network
6. PC1 and PC2 have IP addresses on the same network; IPv4 addresses on th
e same network. PC1 issues an ARP request because it needs to send a packet
to PC2. In this scenario, what will happen next?
a. PC2 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
b. RT1 will send an ARP reply with the RT1 Fa0/0 MAC address.
c. RT1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
d. SW1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
e. SW1 will send an ARP reply with the SW1 Fa0/1 MAC address.
7. What addresses are mapped by ARP?
a. IPv4 address to a destination MAC address
b. destination IPv4 address to the source MAC address
c. destination IPv4 address to the destination host name
d. destination MAC address to the source IPv4 address
8. Switches Sw1 and Sw2 are interconnected. Hosts H1 and H2 are both conn
ected to switch Sw1. Hosts H3 and H4 are both connected to switch Sw1. If h
ost H1 sends a frame with destination address FFFF.FFFF.FFFF, what will b
e the result?
a. Sw1 will discard the frame.
b. Sw1 will flood the frame out all ports except the inbound port. The fram
e will be discarded by Sw2 but processed by host H2.
c. Sw1 will flood the frame out all ports except the inbound port. The fram
e will be flooded by Sw2 but discarded by hosts H2, H3, and H4.
d.Sw1 will flood the frame out all ports except the inbound port. The fram
e will be flooded by Sw2 and processed by hosts H2, H3, and H4.
9. Refer to the Figure 13-8. Host A needs to send data to the server, but does
not know its MAC address. When host A sends out an ARP request, what res
ponse will be in the ARP reply?
a. 00:0C:00:B4:00:10
b. 00:0C:00:B4:00:24
c. 00:0D:00:B4:12:F3
d. 00:0D:00:B4:99:AA
e. 02:C8:00:7D:12:33
10. What statement describes a characteristic of MAC addresses?
a. They are the physical address of the NIC or interface.
b. They are only routable within the private network.
c. They are added as part of a Layer 3 PDU.
d. They have a 32-bit binary value.
11. Which two characteristics describe MAC addresses? (Choose two.)
a. physical address assigned to the NIC
b. identifies source and destination in Layer 2 header
c. logical address assigned by DHCP
d. used by routers to select the best path to a destination
Chapter 14. Routing Between Networks
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the need for routing?
• How do routers use tables?
• How do you build a fully connected network?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Default gateway
Introduction (14.0)
Kishori leaves work for the day and begins her drive home. Her friend has called
her to warn her that there is a lot of congestion on her usual route home. She use
d the GPS on her phone to reroute to a less congested road. Kishori wonders if ne
tworks can get congested. Do they find a faster route?
Great question Kishori! Networks can also have this issue of congestion slowing
down its performance. In a network, the router can determine the best path. How
does a network become congested? What can you do to limit that congestion? Yo
u and Kishori will find out in this module!
Now We Need Routing (14.1.2)
In most situations we want our devices to be able to connect beyond our local ne
twork: out to other homes, businesses, and the internet. Devices that are beyond t
he local network segment are known as remote hosts. When a source device send
s a packet to a remote destination device, then the help of routers and routing is n
eeded. Routing is the process of identifying the best path to a destination.
A router is a networking device that connects multiple Layer 3, IP networks. At t
he distribution layer of the network, routers direct traffic and perform other funct
ions critical to efficient network operation. Routers, like switches, are able to dec
ode and read the messages that are sent to them. Unlike switches, which make th
eir forwarding decision based on the Layer 2 MAC address, routers make their fo
rwarding decision based on the Layer 3 IP address, as shown in Figure 14-1.
The packet format contains the IP addresses of the destination and source hosts,
as well as the message data being sent between them. The router reads the netwo
rk portion of the destination IP address and uses it to find which one of the attach
ed networks is the best way to forward the message to the destination.
Anytime the network portion of the IP addresses of the source and destination ho
sts do not match, a router must be used to forward the message. If a host located
on network needs to send a message to a host on network, the hos
t will forward the message to the router. The router receives the message, de-enc
apsulates the Ethernet frame, and then reads the destination IP address in the IP p
acket. It then determines where to forward the message. It re-encapsulates the pa
cket back into a new frame, and forwards the frame on to its destination.
Refer to the online course to view this video.
ards a packet containing an unknown destination IP network address. This defau
lt route usually connects to another router that can forward the packet towards its
final destination network.
Check Your Understanding - The Routing Table (14.2.7)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Figure 14-5 Example of a Local Segment
In a simple network design, it may be beneficial to keep all hosts within a single
local network. However, as networks grow in size, increased traffic will decrease
network performance and speed. In this case, it may be beneficial to move some
hosts onto a remote network.
Advantages of a single local segment:
• Appropriate for simpler networks
• Less complexity and lower network cost
• Allows devices to be “seen” by other devices
• Faster data transfer - more direct communication
• Ease of device access
Disadvantages of a single local segment:
• All hosts are in one broadcast domain which causes more traffic on the se
gment and may slow network performance
• Harder to implement QoS
• Harder to implement security
• More appropriate for larger, more complex networks
• Splits up broadcast domains and decreases traffic
• Can improve performance on each segment
• Makes the machines invisible to those on other local network segments
• Can provide increased security
• Can improve network organization
• Requires the use of routing (distribution layer)
• Router can slow traffic between segments
• More complexity and expense (requires a router)
• Security requirements - Routers in the distribution layer can separate
and protect certain groups of computers where confidential information r
• Physical locations - Routers in the distribution layer can be used to int
erconnect local networks at various locations of an organization that are
geographically separated.
• Logical grouping - Routers in the distribution layer can be used to log
ically group users, such as departments within a company, who have co
mmon needs or for access to resources.
The distribution layer connects these independent local networks and contr
ols the traffic flowing between them. It is responsible for ensuring that traff
ic between hosts on the local network stays local.
A router is a networking device that connects multiple Layer 3, IP network
s. At the distribution layer of the network, routers direct traffic and perform
other functions critical to efficient network operation. Routers, like switche
s, are able to decode and read the messages that are sent to them. Unlike sw
itches, which make their forwarding decision based on the Layer 2 MAC a
ddress, routers make their forwarding decision based on the Layer 3 IP add
Anytime the network portion of the IP addresses of the source and destinati
on hosts do not match, a router must be used to forward the message.
• The Routing Table—Each port, or interface, on a router connects to a di
fferent local network. Every router contains a table of all locally connected
networks and the interfaces that connect to them.
When a router receives a frame, it decodes the frame to get to the packet co
ntaining the destination IP address. It matches the network portion of the d
estination IP address to the networks that are listed in the routing table. If t
he destination network address is in the table, the router encapsulates the p
acket in a new frame in order to send it out. It forwards the new frame out
of the interface associated with the path, to the destination network. The pr
ocess of forwarding the packets toward their destination network is called r
A router forwards a packet to one of two places: a directly connected netw
ork containing the actual destination host, or to another router on the path t
o reach the destination host. When a router encapsulates the frame to forwa
rd it out a routed interface, it must include a destination MAC address. If th
e router must forward the packet to another router through a routed interfac
e, it will use the MAC address of the connected router. Routers obtain thes
e MAC addresses from ARP tables.
A host is given the IPv4 address of the router through the default gateway a
ddress configured in its TCP/IP settings. The default gateway address is the
address of the router interface connected to the same local network as the s
ource host. All hosts on the local network use the default gateway address t
o send messages to the router.
Routing tables contain the addresses of networks, and the best path to reach
those networks. Entries can be made to the routing table in two ways: dyna
mically updated by information received from other routers in the network,
or manually entered by a network administrator.
• Create a LAN—LAN refers to a local network, or a group of interconne
cted local networks that are under the same administrative control. All the l
ocal networks within a LAN are under one administrative control. Other co
mmon characteristics of LANs are that they typically use Ethernet or wirel
ess protocols, and they support high data rates.
Within a LAN, it is possible to place all hosts on a single local network or
divide them up between multiple networks connected by a distribution laye
r device.
Placing all hosts on a single local network allows them to be seen by all oth
er hosts. This is because there is one broadcast domain and hosts use ARP t
o find each other.
Placing additional hosts on a remote network will decrease the impact of tr
affic demands. However, hosts on one network will not be able to commun
icate with hosts on the other network without the use of routing. Routers in
crease the complexity of the network configuration and can introduce laten
cy, or time delay, on packets sent from one local network to the other.
The following Packet Tracer activities provide practice with the topics introduce
d in this chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to ‘Check Your Under
standing’ Questions” lists the answers.
1. Which information is used by routers to forward a data packet toward its d
a. source IP address
b. destination IP address
c. source data-link address
d. destination data-link address
2. If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on the host, what is the im
pact on communications?
a. The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
b. The host can communicate with other hosts on the local network, but is
unable to communicate with hosts on remote networks.
c. The host can communicate with other hosts on remote networks, but is u
nable to communicate with hosts on the local network.
d. There is no impact on communications.
3. What role does a router play on a network?
a. forwarding Layer 2 broadcasts
b. forwarding frames based on a MAC address
c. selecting the path to destination networks and forwarding packets to tho
se networks
d. connecting smaller networks into a single broadcast domain
4. Which address should be configured as the default gateway address of a cl
ient device?
a. the Layer 2 address of the switch management interface
b. the Layer 2 address of the switch port that is connected to the workstati
c. the IPv4 address of the router interface that is connected to the same LA
d. the IPv4 address of the router interface that is connected to the internet
5. Which device is used to transfer data from one IP local network to a remot
e network?
a. NIC card
b. switch
c. router
d. server
6. To allow IP communication between the two separate IP networks, what ty
pe of device is required?
a. server
b. router
c. switch
d. access point
7. What is a benefit of adding a router within an IP network?
a. increases the size of the local network
b. keeps broadcasts contained within a local network
c. reduces the number of hosts that can connect to the network
d. controls host-to-host traffic within a single local network
8. Refer to Figure 14-7. Host H7 sends a packet with the destination IP addre
ss of What does router R1 do when it receives the packet fr
om host H7?
10. What are two reasons to install routers to segment a network? (Choose tw
a. to limit the number of devices that can connect to the network
b. to expand the network to a different geographic location
c. to create smaller broadcast domains within the network
d. to reduce the number of switches needed to connect devices
11. Which table does a router use to determine which interface to use to send
packets to the destination network?
a. ARP table
b. routing table
c. network table
d. forwarding table
12. What action does the router take when it does not find a route to the desti
nation network in its routing table?
a. It drops the packet.
b. It sends the packet as a broadcast.
c. It returns the packet to the sender.
d. It sends the packet out all connected interfaces.
Chapter 15. TCP and UDP
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the difference between TCP and UDP transport layer functions?
• How does TCP and UDP use port numbers?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Introduction (15.0)
Kishori arrives at work early to get on a video conference call on the desktop co
mputer at her nursing station. She logs into the session about mask protocol at th
e hospital. As she intently listens to the presenter, she notices a few dropped wor
ds. She wonders if it is a problem with the network. Is this similar to her tablet lo
sing the connection for a moment? But then she remembers that she is using a co
mputer that is hardwired to the network.
Immediately after the call, she sends an email to Madhav in the IT department.
Madhav comes to Kishori’s desk. She is confused because all of the devices do s
eem to be connected. Madhav explains that UDP and TCP are transport layer pro
tocols that operate a little differently. He tells her that UDP is a ’best effort’ deliv
ery system that does not require acknowledgment of receipt. UDP is preferable w
ith applications such as streaming audio and VoIP. UDP is used for video confer
ence calls.
Kishori had not heard of this before. Have you? In this module you will compare
these protocols. Keep reading!
Protocol Operations (15.1.1)
A web server and a web client use specific protocols and standards in the process
of exchanging information to ensure that the messages are received and understo
od. The various protocols necessary to deliver a web page function at the four dif
ferent levels of the TCP/IP model are as follows:
• Application Layer Protocol - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) gove
rns the way that a web server and a web client interact. HTTP defines the f
ormat of the requests and responses exchanged between the client and serv
er. HTTP relies on other protocols to govern how the messages are transpor
ted between client and server.
• Transport Layer Protocol - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ensur
es that IP packets are sent reliably, and any missing packets are resent. TC
P provides proper ordering of packets received out of order.
• Internetwork Layer Protocol - The most common internetwork protoco
l is Internet Protocol (IP). IP is responsible for taking the formatted segmen
ts from TCP, assigning the logical addressing, and encapsulating them into
packets for routing to the destination host.
• Network Access Layer - The specific protocol at the network access laye
r, such as Ethernet, depends on the type of media and transmission methods
used in the physical network.
Figure 15-1 Common Protocols Used Between Web Servers and Web Clie
TCP Reliability (15.1.3)
With all of the millions and millions of web pages being transmitted at any time
over the internet, how can a server be certain that the page it sent is received by t
he client that requested it? One of the mechanisms that helps ensure reliable deli
very is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
When an application requires acknowledgment that a message is delivered, it us
es TCP. TCP breaks up a message into small pieces known as segments. The seg
ments are numbered in sequence and passed to the IP process for assembly into p
ackets. TCP keeps track of the number of segments that have been sent to a speci
fic host from a specific application. If the sender does not receive an acknowledg
ment within a certain period of time, it assumes that the segments were lost and r
etransmits them. Only the portion of the message that is lost is resent, not the ent
ire message.
On the receiving host, TCP is responsible for reassembling the message segment
s and passing them to the application. FTP and HTTP are examples of applicatio
ns that use TCP to ensure delivery of data.
Video - TCP and UDP Operation (15.1.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Ports are assigned and managed by an organization known as the Internet Corpor
ation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Ports are broken into three ca
tegories and range in number from 1 to 65,535:
• Well-Known Ports - Destination ports that are associated with common
network applications are identified as well-known ports. These ports are in
the range of 1 to 1023.
• Registered Ports - Ports 1024 through 49151 can be used as either sourc
e or destination ports. These can be used by organizations to register specif
ic applications such as IM applications.
• Private Ports - Ports 49152 through 65535 are often used as source ports.
These ports can be used by any application.
Table 15-1 displays some common well-known port numbers and their associate
d applications.
Some applications may use both TCP and UDP. For example, DNS uses UDP w
hen clients send requests to a DNS server. However, communication between tw
o DNS servers always uses TCP.
Search the IANA website for port registry to view the full list of port numbers an
d associated applications.
Figure 15-4 A Client and Server Use Port Numbers to Simultaneously Trac
k FTP and Web Traffic
In the example, the FTP request generated by the PC includes the Layer 2 MAC
addresses and the Layer 3 IP addresses. The request also identifies the source por
t number 1305 (dynamically generated by the host) and destination port, identify
ing the FTP services on port 21. The host also has requested a web page from the
server using the same Layer 2 and Layer 3 addresses. However, it is using the so
urce port number 1099 (dynamically generated by the host) and destination port i
dentifying the web service on port 80.
The socket is used to identify the server and service being requested by the client
. A client socket might look like this, with 1099 representing the source port num
The socket on a web server might be
Together, these two sockets combine to form a socket pair:, 19
Sockets enable multiple processes, running on a client, to distinguish themselves
from each other, and multiple connections to a server process to be distinguished
from each other.
The source port number acts as a return address for the requesting application. T
he transport layer keeps track of this port and the application that initiated the req
uest so that when a response is returned, it can be forwarded to the correct applic
Active Connections
Ports are assigned and managed by an organization known as the ICANN.
Ports are broken into three categories and range in number from 1 to 65,53
• Well-Known Ports - Destination ports that are associated with commo
n network applications are identified as well-known ports. These ports a
re in the range of 1 to 1023.
• Registered Ports - Ports 1024 through 49151 can be used as either sou
rce or destination ports. These can be used by organizations to register s
pecific applications such as IM applications.
• Private Ports - Ports 49152 through 65535 are often used as source po
rts. These ports can be used by any application.
The source port number is dynamically generated by the sending device to
identify a conversation between two devices. This process allows multiple
conversations to occur simultaneously. It is common for a device to send m
ultiple HTTP service requests to a web server at the same time. Each separ
ate HTTP conversation is tracked based on the source ports.
The client places a destination port number in the segment to tell the destin
ation server what service is being requested. A server can offer more than o
ne service simultaneously, such as web services on port 80 at the same time
that it offers FTP connection establishment on port 21.
Unexplained TCP connections can pose a major security threat. They can i
ndicate that something or someone is connected to the local host. Sometim
es it is necessary to know which active TCP connections are open and runn
ing on a networked host. Netstat is an important network utility that can be
used to verify those connections. The command netstat is used to list the pr
otocols in use, the local address and port numbers, the foreign address and
port numbers, and the connection state.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to ‘Check Your Under
standing’ Questions” lists the answers.
1. Which protocol operates at the application layer of the TCP/IP model?
a. IP
b. TCP
2. What is a characteristic of UDP?
a. It establishes sessions with a three-way handshake.
b. It uses sequence numbers to reassemble segments.
c. It adds 20 bytes of overhead to application layer data.
d.It provides unreliable delivery of segments.
3. Which type of applications are best suited to use UDP as the transport laye
r protocol?
a. applications that require flow control
b. applications that require data to be reassembled in a specific order
c. applications that require minimal transmission delay
d. applications that require stateful sessions
4. A student is sending files from a phone to a computer across a network. W
hich layer of the TCP/IP model is responsible for reassembling these messag
es as they are received on the computer?
a. application
b. transport
c. internet
d. network access
5. At which layer of the TCP/IP model does TCP operate?
a. transport
b. application
c. internetwork
d. network access
6. What protocol header information is used at the transport layer to identify
a target application?
a. port number
b. IP address
c. sequence number
d. MAC address
7. What type of port number is assigned by IANA to commonly used service
s and applications?
a. well-known port
b. registered port
c. dynamic port
d. private port
8. What is the purpose of using a source port number in a TCP communicatio
a. to notify the remote device that the conversation is over
b. to assemble the segments that arrived out of order
c. to keep track of multiple conversations between devices
d. to inquire for a non-received segment
9. What is an advantage of UDP over TCP?
a. UDP communication requires less overhead.
b. UDP communication is more reliable.
c. UDP reorders segments that are received out of order.
d. UDP acknowledges received data.
10. When is UDP preferred to TCP?
a. when a client sends a segment to a server
b. when all the data must be fully received before any part of it is consider
ed useful
c. when an application can tolerate some loss of data during transmission
d. when segments must arrive in a very specific sequence to be processed s
11. Which statement correctly describes data transmission at the transport lay
a. Retransmission of lost packets is provided by both TCP and UDP.
b. Segmentation is provided by the window size field when the TCP proto
col is used.
c. A single datagram can include both a TCP and a UDP header.
d. Both UDP and TCP use port numbers.
e. Segmentation is provided by sequence numbers when UDP is used.
Chapter 16. Application Layer Services
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• Can you describe client and server interaction?
• What are common network applications?
• How does DNS operate?
• How do HTTP and HTML operate?
• How does FTP operate?
• How does Telnet and SSH operate?
• How do email protocols operate?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Domain Name System (DNS)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Post Office Protocol (POP)
Secure Shell (SSH)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Introduction (16.0)
Kishori needs to get access to a patient file. She has done this many times, but it i
s only now that she is wondering how this process actually happens in a network.
Where does this electronic document come from? How is she able to access the h
ospital’s intranet? How is she able to access the internet at all? All of this is possi
ble because of application layer services.
Kishori has more to learn before she applies for that position that Rina mentione
d. There are many services that work at the application layer including some you
’re familiar with such as FTP, DHCP, and DNS. Just about any time you want to
retrieve something that is not already located on your computer, you will be the c
lient requesting that the appropriate server send you that item. And of course, by
now you know that there will be protocols involved. Read on!
The term server refers to a host running a software application that provides infor
mation or services to other hosts that are connected to the network. A well-know
n example of an application is a web server. There are millions of servers connec
ted to the internet, providing services such as web sites, email, financial transacti
ons, music downloads, etc. A crucial factor to enable these complex interactions
to function is that they all use agreed upon standards and protocols.
An example of client software is a web browser, like Chrome or Firefox. A singl
e computer can also run multiple types of client software. For example, a user ca
n check email and view a web page while instant messaging and listening to an a
udio stream. Table 16-1 lists three common types of server software.
e requested document back to the client. The combination of a web browser and
a web server is perhaps the most commonly used instance of a client/server syste
m. A web server is usually in a part of the network with other servers called a ser
ver farm, or within a data center.
A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated compo
nents. A data center can occupy one room of a building, one or more floors, or a
n entire building. Data centers are typically very expensive to build and maintain
. For this reason, only large organizations use privately built data centers to hous
e their data and provide services to users. Smaller organizations that cannot affor
d to maintain their own private data center can reduce the overall cost of owners
hip by leasing server and storage services from a larger data center organization i
n the cloud.
Video - Web Traffic in Packet Tracer (16.1.4)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Check Your Understanding - Common Network Applications (1
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Figure 16-4 DNS Server Responding to a Client
Video - HTTP and HTML (16.4.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
The HTTP protocol is not a secure protocol; information could easily be intercep
ted by other users as data is sent over the network. In order to provide security fo
r the data, HTTP can be used with secure transport protocols. Requests for secure
HTTP are sent to port 443. These requests use https in the site address in the bro
wser, rather than http.
There are many different web servers and web clients available. The HTTP proto
col and HTML standards make it possible for these servers and clients from man
y different manufacturers to work together seamlessly.
FTP Clients and Servers (16.5)
In addition to web services, another common service used across the internet is o
ne that allows users to transfer files.
Based on commands sent across the control connection, data can be downloaded
from the server or uploaded from the client.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
Telnet (16.6.2)
Long before desktop computers with sophisticated graphical interfaces existed, p
eople used text-based systems which were often just display terminals physically
attached to a central computer. After networks became available, people needed
a way to remotely access the computer systems in the same manner that they did
with the directly-attached terminals.
Telnet was developed to meet that need. Telnet dates back to the early 1970s and
is among the oldest of the application layer protocols and services in the TCP/IP
suite. Telnet provides a standard method of emulating text-based terminal device
s over the data network. Both the protocol itself and the client software that impl
ements the protocol are commonly referred to as Telnet. Telnet servers listen for
client requests on TCP port 23.
Appropriately enough, a connection using Telnet is called a virtual terminal (vty)
session, or connection. Rather than using a physical device to connect to the serv
er, Telnet uses software to create a virtual device that provides the same features
of a terminal session with access to the server’s command line interface (CLI).
In Figure 16-7, the client has remotely connected to the server via Telnet. The cl
ient is now able to execute commands as if it were locally connected to the serve
Telnet is not considered to be a secure protocol. SSH should be used in mo
st environments instead of Telnet. Telnet is used in several examples in thi
s course for simplicity of configuration.
Figure 16-7 Client Remotely Accessing a Server
Email Clients and Servers (16.7.1)
Email is one of the most popular client/server applications on the internet. Email
servers run server software that enables them to interact with clients and with oth
er email servers over the network.
Each mail server receives and stores mail for users who have mailboxes configu
red on the mail server. Each user with a mailbox must then use an email client to
access the mail server and read these messages. Many internet messaging system
s use a web-based client to access email. Examples of this type of client include
Microsoft 365, Yahoo, and Gmail.
Mailboxes are identified by the format: [email protected]
Various application protocols used in processing email include SMTP, POP3, an
d IMAP4, as shown in Figure 16-9.
n the server, unless they are deleted by the user. The most current version of IM
AP is IMAP4 which listens for client requests on port 143.
Many different email servers exist for the various network operating system plat
When the IP phone software has been installed, the user selects a unique name. T
his is so that calls can be received from other users. Speakers and a microphone,
built-in or separate, are required. A headset is frequently plugged into the compu
ter to serve as a phone.
Calls are made to other users of the same service on the internet, by selecting the
username from a list. A call to a regular telephone (landline or cell phone) requir
es using a gateway to access the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). D
epending on the service, there may be charges associated with this type of call. T
he protocols and destination ports used by internet telephony applications can va
ry based on the software.
• Network Application Services—For most people, the most common int
ernet services that they use include internet searches, social media sites, vi
deo and audio streaming, on-line shopping sites, email, and messaging. Eac
h of these services relies on protocols from the TCP/IP protocol suite to rel
iably communicate the information between the clients and the servers. Co
mmon services include: DNS, SSH, SMTP, POP, IMAP, DHCP, HTTP, an
d FTP.
• Domain Name System—The DNS provides a way for hosts to request th
e IP address of a specific server. DNS names are registered and organized o
n the internet within specific high-level groups, or domains. Some of the m
ost common high-level domains on the internet are .com, .edu, and .net.
When the DNS server receives the request from a host, it checks its table to
determine the IP address associated with that web server. If the local DNS
server does not have an entry for the requested name, it queries another DN
S server within the domain. When the DNS server learns the IP address, th
at information is sent back to the host.
• Web Clients and Servers—When a web client receives the IP address o
f a web server, the client browser uses that IP address and port 80 to reques
t web services. This request is sent to the server using HTTP. The HTTP pr
otocol is not a secure protocol; information could easily be intercepted by o
ther users as data is sent over the network. To provide security for the data,
HTTP can be used with secure transport protocols. Requests for secure HT
TP are sent to port 443. These requests use https in the site address in the b
rowser, rather than http.
When the server receives a port 80 request, the server responds to the clien
t request and sends the web page to the client. The information content of a
web page is encoded using HTML. HTML coding tells the browser how to
format the web page and what graphics and fonts to use.
There are many different web servers and web clients. The HTTP protocol
and HTML standards make it possible for these servers and clients from m
any different manufacturers to work together seamlessly.
• FTP Clients and Servers—FTP provides an easy method to transfer files
from one computer to another. A host running FTP client software can acce
ss an FTP server to perform various file management functions including fi
le uploads and downloads. The FTP server enables a client to exchange file
s between devices. It also enables clients to manage files remotely by sendi
ng file management commands such as delete or rename. To accomplish th
is, the FTP service uses two different ports to communicate between client
and server. To begin an FTP session, control connection requests are sent t
o the server using destination TCP port 21. When the session is opened, the
server uses TCP port 20 to transfer the data files.
Most client operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS, and Linux inclu
de a command-line interface for FTP. There is also GUI-based FTP client s
oftware that provides a simple drag-and-drop interface for FTP.
• Virtual Terminals—Telnet provides a standard method of emulating tex
t-based terminal devices over the data network. Both the protocol itself and
the client software that implements the protocol are commonly referred to a
s Telnet. Telnet servers listen for client requests on TCP port 23. A connec
tion using Telnet is called a vty session, or connection. Rather than using a
physical device to connect to the server, Telnet uses software to create a vir
tual device that provides the same features of a terminal session with acces
s to the server’s CLI.
Telnet is not considered to be a secure protocol. Although the Telnet protoc
ol can require a user to login, it does not support transporting encrypted da
ta. All data exchanged during Telnet sessions is transported as plaintext acr
oss the network. This means that the data can be easily intercepted and und
SSH provides the structure for secure remote login and other secure networ
k services. It also provides stronger authentication than Telnet and supports
transporting session data using encryption. Network professionals should al
ways use SSH in place of Telnet, whenever possible.
• Email and Messaging—Each mail server receives and stores mail for us
ers who have mailboxes configured on the mail server. Each user with a ma
ilbox must then use an email client to access the mail server and read these
messages. Many internet messaging systems use a web-based client to acce
ss email including Microsoft 365, Yahoo, and Gmail. Application protocols
used in processing email include SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4.
SMTP is used by an email client to send messages to its local email server
. The local server then decides if the message is destined for a local mailbo
x or if the message is addressed to a mailbox on another server. If the serve
r must send the message to a different server, SMTP is used between those
two servers. SMTP requests are sent to port 25. A server that supports POP
clients receives and stores messages addressed to its users. When the client
connects to the email server, the messages are downloaded to the client. By
default, messages are not kept on the server after they have been accessed b
y the client. Clients contact POP3 servers on port 110.
A server that supports IMAP clients also receives and stores messages add
ressed to its users. However, unlike POP, IMAP keeps the messages in the
mailboxes on the server, unless they are deleted by the user. The most curr
ent version of IMAP is IMAP4 which listens for client requests on port 143
Text messages may be called instant messages, direct messages, private me
ssages, and chat messages. Text messaging enables users to chat over the in
ternet in real-time. Text messaging services on a computer are usually acce
ssed through a web-based client that is integrated into a social media or inf
ormation sharing site. These clients usually only connect to other users of t
he same site.
An internet telephony client uses peer-to-peer technology similar to that us
ed by instant messaging. IP telephony uses VoIP, which converts analog v
oice signals into digital data. The voice data is encapsulated into IP packets
which carry the phone call through the network.
The following Packet Tracer activities provide practice with the topics introduce
d in this chapter.
b. The server establishes the first connection with the client to control traff
ic that consists of server commands and client replies.
c. Files can be downloaded from or uploaded to the server.
d. The client needs to run a daemon program to establish an FTP connectio
n with a server.
e. The first connection established is for traffic control and the second con
nection is created to transfer a file.
2. Which statement is correct about network protocols?
a. Network protocols define the type of hardware that is used and how it is
mounted in racks.
b. They define how messages are exchanged between the source and the d
c. They all function in the network access layer of TCP/IP.
d. They are only required for exchange of messages between devices on re
mote networks.
3. Which protocol is used by web servers to serve up a web page?
a. FTP
d. POP
4. Match the protocol with the function. (Not all options are used.)
• provides remote access to servers
• retrieves email messages by clients
• automatically configures hosts with IP addresses
• resolves internet names to IP addresses
b. SSH
c. DNS
5. Which two protocols are used in the process of sending and receiving ema
ils? (Choose two.)
c. SSH
e. FTP
6. Which two applications provide virtual terminal access to remote servers?
(Choose two.)
a. SSH
b. DNS
e. Telnet
7. What is the advantage of using SSH over Telnet?
a. SSH is easier to use.
b. SSH operates faster than Telnet.
c. SSH provides secure communications to access hosts.
d. SSH supports authentication for a connection request.
8. Which protocol allows a user to type www.cisco.com into a web browser i
nstead of an IP address to access the web server?
a. DNS
b. FTP
9. Which protocol is used to transfer web pages from a server to a client devi
d. SSH
e. POP
10. Which two application layer protocols manage the exchange of messages
between a client with a web browser and a remote web server? (Choose two.)
a. DNS
11. Match the port number to the email protocol.
• POP3
a. port number 110
b. port number 25
c. port number 143
Chapter 17. Network Testing Utilities
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What network utilities can you use to troubleshoot networks?
Key Terms
There are no key terms for this chapter.
Introduction (17.0)
Kishori tries to reach a website using her desktop computer at her nursing station
. She gets an error message when trying to reach the site. She checks the wired c
onnection, and it is fine. She uses her laptop to try to reach that same website wit
h no success. On the desktop, she goes to the command prompt and pings a diffe
rent website on the internet. Now she realizes she has no connection. She calls th
e IT department. Madhav comes to the station to further investigate the issue. Ma
dhav pings a website. Kishori explains that she tried that already. Then he pings t
he default gateway and receives a reply. The router is working. It is the ISP that i
s down. Madhav is impressed that Kishori has learned so much over the past few
months. He tells her that she should apply for that promotion and that she can us
e him as a reference!
Are you ready to learn some troubleshooting commands? Keep reading!
• netstat - Displays network connections.
• tracert - Displays the route taken to the destination.
• nslookup - Directly queries the name server for information on a destinat
ion domain.
Windows IP Configuration
The command ipconfig /all (Example 17-2) displays additional information incl
uding the MAC address, IP addresses of the default gateway, and the DNS serve
rs. It also indicates if DHCP is enabled, the DHCP server address, and lease info
How can this utility assist in the troubleshooting process? Without an appropriate
IP configuration, a host cannot participate in communications on a network. If th
e host does not know the location of the DNS servers, it cannot translate names i
nto IP addresses.
Windows IP Configuration
Windows IP Configuration
performed on Ethernet while it has its media disconnected.
C:\> ipconfig/renew
Windows IP Configuration
performed on Ethernet while it has its media disconnected.
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
C:\> ping www.cisco.com
[] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=53
The basic ping command usually issues four echoes and waits for the replies to e
ach one. It can, however, be modified to increase its usefulness. The options liste
d in Example 17-5 display additional features available.
ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k
[-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-c compartment]
[-4] [-6] target_name
-t Ping the specified host until stopped.
To see statistics and continue - type
To stop - type Control-C.
-a Resolve addresses to hostnames.
-n count Number of echo requests to send.
-l size Send buffer size.
-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet
-i TTL Time To Live.
-v TOS Type Of Service (IPv4-only. This setting
has been deprecated
and has no effect on the type of service
field in the IP
-r count Record route for count hops (IPv4-only).
-s count Timestamp for count hops (IPv4-only).
-j host-list Loose source route along host-list
-k host-list Strict source route along host-list
-w timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each
-R Use routing header to test reverse route
also (IPv6-only).
Per RFC 5095 the use of this routing
header has been
deprecated. Some systems may drop echo
requests if
deprecated. Some systems may drop echo
requests if
-S srcaddr Source address to use.
-c compartment Routing compartment identifier.
-p Ping a Hyper-V Network Virtualization
provider address.
-4 Force using IPv4.
-6 Force using IPv6.
configuration information from the DHCP server. A host may contain faulty or o
utdated IP configuration information and a simple renewal of this information is
all that is required to regain connectivity.
Probably the most commonly used network utility is ping. Most IP enabled devic
es support some form of the ping command in order to test whether or not netwo
rk devices are reachable through the IP network. When a ping is sent to an IP add
ress, a packet known as an echo request is sent across the network to the IP addre
ss specified. If the destination host receives the echo request, it responds with a p
acket known as an echo reply. If the source receives the echo reply, connectivity
is verified by the reply from the specific IP address.
The following Packet Tracer activities provide practice with the topics introduce
d in this chapter.
c. the path that traffic will take to reach the destination
d. what type of device is at the destination
2. A user who is unable to connect to the file server contacts the help desk. T
he helpdesk technician asks the user to ping the IP address of the default gate
way that is configured on the workstation. What is the purpose for this ping c
a. to obtain a dynamic IP address from the server
b. to request that gateway forward the connection request to the file server
c. to test that the host has the capability to reach hosts on other networks
d. to resolve the domain name of the file server to its IP address
3. Which three pieces of information are revealed by the ipconfig command (
without the /all switch)? (Choose three.)?
a. IP address
b. DHCP server
c. subnet mask
d. default gateway
e. DNS server
f. MAC address
4. Which command is used to test network connectivity and provide a respon
se to each packet received by the remote host?
a. connect
c. text
d. tracert
5. Which command line utility is used to display active network connections
on a PC?
a. nslookup
c. ipconfig
d. ipconfig /all
6. A user needs to find the MAC address on the host PC. Which command lin
e utility can be used to display this information?
a. nslookup
b.ipconfig /all
c. ping
d. tracert
7. A user is able to ping www.cisco.com by its IP address but cannot browse
to www.cisco.com in a browser. What is the possible cause?
a. The IP address of the source PC is wrong.
b. The IP address of the gateway is wrong.
c. The DHCP server is not configured correctly.
d.The DNS server is not working.
8. A technician troubleshooting a network problem has used CLI commands t
o determine that a PC has not been allocated a correct IP addressing informat
ion from the DHCP server. After resolving the problem, which command can
the technician use for the device to receive new IP addressing information fro
m the DHCP server?
a. ping
b. ipconfig /release
c. tracert
d.ipconfig /renew
9. Which command line utility is used to test connectivity to other IP hosts?
a. ping
b. tracert
c. ipconfig
d. nslookup
10. Match the command line utility with its function.
• tracert
• netstat
• ipconfig
• nslookup
• ping
a. Displays IP configuration information.
b. Tests connections to other IP hosts.
c. Displays network connections.
d. Displays the route taken to the destination.
e. Directly queries the name server for information on a destination domai
Chapter 18. Network Design
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the four basic requirements of a reliable network?
• What is the function at each layer of the 3-layer network design model?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
fault tolerant network
scalable network
Quality of Service (QoS)
Introduction (18.0)
Let me introduce you to my friend Bob! Bob works in the IT field in Vancouver,
Canada and has some networking experience. He is consulting for his friends, M
arcy and Vincent, who have purchased a furniture store. They want to expand th
eir brick-and-mortar operations and establish an online store as well. Currently t
he store’s internal network handles in-store transactions and inventory. Marcy an
d Vincent want to add security cameras, VoIP phones, and also expand it to incl
ude ecommerce and shipping. Bob explains that this will be more expensive than
his friends had anticipated. He is thinking about designing the future network for
the furniture store. He explains that he must consider fault tolerance, scalability,
QoS, and security. Also, their network is currently flat, not hierarchical. Hierarch
ical networks scale well and will better accommodate this growing business.
Wow! That is a lot for Marcy and Vincent to understand. They are not familiar w
ith these networking issues. Are you? Take this module to learn more about relia
ble networks and hierarchical network design!
Reliable Networks (18.1)
The network is a platform for distributing a wide range of services to end users i
n a reliable, efficient, and secure manner.
. If one path fails, the messages are instantly sent over a different link. Having m
ultiple paths to a destination is known as redundancy.
Implementing a packet-switched network is one way that reliable networks prov
ide redundancy. Packet switching splits traffic into packets that are routed over a
shared network. A single message, such as an email or a video stream, is broken
into multiple message blocks, called packets. Each packet has the necessary addr
essing information of the source and destination of the message. The routers with
in the network switch the packets based on the condition of the network at that m
oment. This means that all the packets in a single message could take very differ
ent paths to the same destination. In Figure 18-1, the user is unaware and unaffec
ted by the router that is dynamically changing the route when a link fails.
Scalability (18.1.4)
A scalable network expands quickly to support new users and applications. It do
es this without degrading the performance of services that are being accessed by
existing users. Figure 18-2 shows how a new network is easily added to an existi
ng network. These networks are scalable because the designers follow accepted s
tandards and protocols. This lets software and hardware vendors focus on improv
ing products and services without having to design a new set of rules for operatin
g within the network.
s on a phone call. With a QoS policy in place, the router can manage the flow of
data and voice traffic, giving priority to voice communications if the network ex
periences congestion. The focus of QoS is to prioritize time-sensitive traffic. The
type of traffic, not the content of the traffic, is what is important.
Network administrators must also protect the information contained within the p
ackets being transmitted over the network, and the information stored on networ
k attached devices. In order to achieve the goals of network security, there are thr
ee primary requirements.
• Confidentiality - Data confidentiality means that only the intended and au
thorized recipients can access and read data.
• Integrity - Data integrity assures users that the information has not been a
ltered in transmission, from origin to destination.
• Availability - Data availability assures users of timely and reliable access
to data services for authorized users.
n be sent between two devices on the same network or between two devices on d
ifferent networks.
Hierarchical Analogy (18.2.4)
Imagine how difficult communication would be if the only way to send a messag
e to someone was to use the person’s name. If there were no street addresses, citi
es, towns, or country boundaries, delivering a message to a specific person acros
s the world would be nearly impossible.
On an Ethernet network, the host MAC address is similar to a person’s name. A
MAC address indicates the individual identity of a specific host, but it does not i
ndicate where on the network the host is located. If all hosts on the internet (milli
ons and millions of them) were each identified by their unique MAC address onl
y, imagine how difficult it would be to locate a single one.
Additionally, Ethernet technology generates a large amount of broadcast traffic i
n order for hosts to communicate. Broadcasts are sent to all hosts within a single
network. Broadcasts consume bandwidth and slow network performance. What
would happen if the millions of hosts attached to the internet were all in one Ethe
rnet network and were using broadcasts?
For these two reasons, large Ethernet networks consisting of many hosts are not
efficient. It is better to divide larger networks into smaller, more manageable pie
ces. One way to divide larger networks is to use a hierarchical design model.
Access Layer
The access layer provides a connection point for end user devices to the network
and allows multiple hosts to connect to other hosts through a network device, usu
ally a switch, such as the Cisco 2960-XR shown in Figure 18-6, or a wireless acc
ess point. Typically, all devices within a single access layer will have the same n
etwork portion of the IP address.
If a message is destined for a local host, based on the network portion of the IP a
ddress, the message remains local. If it is destined for a different network, it is pa
ssed up to the distribution layer. Switches provide the connection to the distributi
on layer devices, usually a Layer 3 device such as a router or Layer 3 switch.
Distribution Layer
The distribution layer provides a connection point for separate networks and con
trols the flow of information between the networks. It typically contains more po
werful switches, such as the Cisco C9300 series shown in Figure 18-7, than the a
ccess layer as well as routers for routing between networks. Distribution layer de
vices control the type and amount of traffic that flows from the access layer to th
e core layer.
Core Layer
The core layer is a high-speed backbone layer with redundant (backup) connecti
ons. It is responsible for transporting large amounts of data between multiple en
d networks. Core layer devices typically include very powerful, high-speed switc
hes and routers, such as the Cisco Catalyst 9600 shown in Figure 18-8. The main
goal of the core layer is to transport data quickly.
cessed by existing users. Networks can be scalable because the designers fo
llow accepted standards and protocols.
QoS is an increasing requirement of networks today. As data, voice, and vi
deo content continue to converge onto the same network, QoS becomes a p
rimary mechanism for managing congestion and ensuring reliable delivery
of content to all users. Network bandwidth is measured in bps. When simul
taneous communications are attempted across the network, the demand for
network bandwidth can exceed its availability, creating network congestion
. The focus of QoS is to prioritize time-sensitive traffic. The type of traffic,
not the content of the traffic, is what is important.
Network administrators must address two types of network security concer
ns: network infrastructure security and information security. Network admi
nistrators must also protect the information contained within the packets be
ing transmitted over the network, and the information stored on network att
ached devices. There are three primary requirements to achieve the goals of
network security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
• Hierarchical Network Design—IP addresses contain two parts. One part
identifies the network portion. The network portion of the IP address will b
e the same for all hosts connected to the same local network. The second p
art of the IP address identifies the individual host on that network. Both the
physical MAC and logical IP addresses are required for a computer to com
municate on a hierarchical network.
The Network and Sharing Center on a PC shows your basic network infor
mation and set up connections, including your active networks and whether
you are connected wired or wirelessly to the internet and within your LAN.
You can view the properties of your connections here.
On an Ethernet network, the host MAC address is similar to a person’s nam
e. A MAC address indicates the individual identity of a specific host, but it
does not indicate where on the network the host is located. If all hosts on th
e internet (millions and millions of them) were each identified by their uni
que MAC address only, imagine how difficult it would be to locate a single
one. It is better to divide larger networks into smaller, more manageable pi
eces. One way to divide larger networks is to use a hierarchical design mod
Hierarchical networks scale well. The access layer provides a connection p
oint for end user devices to the network and allows multiple hosts to conne
ct to other hosts through a network device, usually a switch or a wireless a
ccess point. Typically, all devices within a single access layer will have the
same network portion of the IP address. The distribution layer provides a c
onnection point for separate networks and controls the flow of information
between the networks. Distribution layer devices control the type and amo
unt of traffic that flows from the access layer to the core layer. The core lay
er is a high-speed backbone layer with redundant connections. It is respons
ible for transporting large amounts of data between multiple end networks.
The main goal of the core layer is to transport data quickly.
The following lab activity provides practice with the topics introduced in this ch
b. scalability
c. quality of service
d. accessibility
3. Match the definition to the security goal?
• ensuring confidentiality
• maintaining integrity
• ensuring availability
a. only the intended recipients can access and read the data
b. the assurance that the information has not been altered during transmiss
c. the assurance of timely and reliable access to data
4. A student is streaming a movie to his computer but the movie keeps stoppi
ng. What service would give streaming traffic higher priority and avoid the m
ovie stopping?
b. security
c. fault tolerance
d. quality of service (QoS)
5. True or False?
The impact of the failure of an important network device can be limited by a
feature called fault tolerance.
a. true
b. false
6. Which type of address never changes on a device and is similar to a person
’s name?
a. MAC address
b. IP address
c. network address
d. logical address
7. What are the three layers of the switch hierarchical design model? (Choos
e three.)?
a. access
b. data link
c. core
d. network access
e. enterprise
f. distribution
8. Which network feature uses redundancy as a means to limit the number of
affected users in the event of a failure?
a. fault tolerance
b. scalability
c. quality of service
d. security
9. What characteristic of a network would allow video traffic to have priority
over traffic from an email application?
a. quality of service
b. fault tolerance
c. scalability
d. reliability
10. What is the responsibility of the distribution layer in a hierarchical netwo
rk design?
a. It controls the traffic flows between the other layers.
b. It provides access to the network for end users.
c. It provides a high-speed backbone for traffic flows.
d. It controls which devices are allowed to connect to the network.
11. Which network design model improves efficiency by dividing the networ
k into smaller pieces?
a. hierarchical
b. redundant
c. fault-tolerant
d. reliable
12. Match the feature with the description
• scalability
• quality of service
• fault tolerance
a. provides reliability
b. allows the network to grow
c. prioritizes traffic
Chapter 19. Cloud and Virtualization
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the characteristics of clouds and cloud services?
• What is the purpose and the characteristics of virtualization?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Cloud computing
Community clouds
Hybrid clouds
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Private clouds
Public clouds
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Introduction (19.0)
In planning the future network, Bob believes that Marcy and Vincent should tak
e advantage of cloud services and virtualization. Bob explained that they can leas
e services from a cloud provider. Marcy and Vincent wanted to know why they s
hould consider this. Bob explains that this will use less energy, require less equip
ment, and less space. It can also help with disaster recovery. He compares this to
Marcy and Vincent’s pictures on their mobile phones being backed up to a cloud.
Even if the mobile phone gets damaged, the photos can still be retrieved.
Can you think of how you use the cloud? How much do you know about the clou
d and virtualization? Let me help you out with learning more. Take this module!
Cloud and Cloud Services (19.1)
Cloud computing is one of the ways that we access and store data. Cloud compu
ting allows us to store personal files, even backup an entire drive on servers over
the internet. Applications such as word processing and photo editing can be acce
ssed using the cloud. Cloud computing is possible because of data centers. Data c
enters house servers, storage devices, and other network infrastructure equipmen
Cloud Services (19.1.3)
Cloud services are available in a variety of options, tailored to meet customer req
uirements. The three main cloud computing services defined by the National Inst
itute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in their Special Publication 800-145 a
re as follows:
• Software as a Service (SaaS) - The cloud provider is responsible for acce
ss to applications and services, such as email, communication, and Office 3
65 that are delivered over the internet. The user does not manage any aspec
t of the cloud services except for limited user-specific application settings.
The user only needs to provide their data.
• Platform as a Service (PaaS) - The cloud provider is responsible for pro
viding users access to the development tools and services used to deliver th
e applications. These users are typically programmers and may have contro
l over the configuration settings of the cloud provider’s application hosting
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - The cloud provider is responsible for
giving IT managers access to the network equipment, virtualized network s
ervices, and supporting network infrastructure. Using this cloud service all
ows IT managers to deploy and run software code, which can include opera
ting systems and applications.
Cloud service providers have extended this model to also provide IT support for
each of the cloud computing services (ITaaS). For businesses, ITaaS can extend t
he capability of the network without requiring investment in new infrastructure, t
raining new personnel, or licensing new software. These services are available o
n demand and delivered economically to any device anywhere in the world witho
ut compromising security or function.
To fully appreciate virtualization, it is first necessary to understand some of the h
istory of server technology. Historically, enterprise servers consisted of a server
OS, such as Windows Server or Linux Server, installed on specific hardware, as
shown in Figure 19-1. All server RAM, processing power, and hard drive space
were dedicated to the service provided (e.g., web, email services, etc.).
The major problem with this configuration is that when a component fails, the se
rvice that is provided by this server becomes unavailable. This is known as a sin
gle point of failure. Another problem was that dedicated servers were underused
. Dedicated servers often sat idle for long periods of time, waiting until there was
a need to deliver the specific service they provide. These servers wasted energy a
nd took up more space than was warranted by the amount of service provided. T
his is known as server sprawl.
Virtualization (19.2)
Network virtualization combines both hardware and software network resources
. Network virtualization comes in many forms and new types of virtualization ar
e being developed.
• Faster server provisioning - Creating a virtual server is far faster than pr
ovisioning a physical server.
• Increased server uptime - Most server virtualization platforms now offe
r advanced redundant fault tolerance features.
• Improved disaster recovery - Most enterprise server virtualization platf
orms have software that can help test and automate failover before a disast
er happens.
• Legacy support - Virtualization can extend the life of OSs and applicatio
ns providing more time for organizations to migrate to newer solutions.
Hypervisors (19.2.2)
The hypervisor is a program, firmware, or hardware that adds an abstraction lay
er on top of the physical hardware. The abstraction layer is used to create virtual
machines which have access to all the hardware of the physical machine such as
CPUs, memory, disk controllers, and NICs. Each of these virtual machines runs
a complete and separate operating system. With virtualization, it is not uncommo
n for 100 physical servers to be consolidated as virtual machines on top of 10 ph
ysical servers that are using hypervisors.
It is important to make sure that the host machine is robust enough to instal
l and run the VMs, so that it does not run out of resources.
• Private clouds - Cloud-based applications and services offered in a pr
ivate cloud are intended for a specific organization or entity, such as the
• Hybrid clouds - A hybrid cloud is made up of two or more clouds, wh
ere each part remains a separate object, but both are connected using a si
ngle architecture.
• Community clouds - A community cloud is created for exclusive use
by a specific community. The differences between public clouds and co
mmunity clouds are the functional needs that have been customized for t
he community.
Virtualization is the foundation of cloud computing. Without it, cloud com
puting, as it is most-widely implemented, would not be possible. Virtualiza
tion means creating a virtual rather than physical version of something, suc
h as a computer. An example would be running a “Linux computer” on you
r Windows PC.
• Virtualization—One major advantage of virtualization is overall reduced
• Less equipment is required - Virtualization enables server consolidati
on, which requires fewer physical devices and lowers maintenance costs.
• Less energy is consumed - Consolidating servers lowers the monthly
power and cooling costs.
• Less space is required - Server consolidation reduces the amount of re
quired floor space.
These are additional benefits of virtualization:
• Easier prototyping - Self-contained labs, operating on isolated networ
ks, can be rapidly created for testing and prototyping network deployme
• Faster server provisioning - Creating a virtual server is far faster than
provisioning a physical server.
• Increased server uptime - Most server virtualization platforms now o
ffer advanced redundant fault tolerance features.
• Improved disaster recovery - Most enterprise server virtualization pl
atforms have software that can help test and automate failover before a d
isaster happens.
• Legacy support - Virtualization can extend the life of OSs and applica
tions providing more time for organizations to migrate to newer solution
The hypervisor is a program, firmware, or hardware that adds an abstractio
n layer on top of the physical hardware. The abstraction layer is used to cr
eate virtual machines which have access to all the hardware of the physical
machine such as CPUs, memory, disk controllers, and NICs. Each of these
virtual machines runs a complete and separate operating system.
Type 1 hypervisors are also called the “bare metal” approach because the h
ypervisor is installed directly on the hardware. Type 1 hypervisors are usua
lly used on enterprise servers and data center networking devices.
A Type 2 hypervisor is software that creates and runs VM instances. The c
omputer, on which a hypervisor is supporting one or more VMs, is a host
machine. Type 2 hypervisors are also called hosted hypervisors. This is be
cause the hypervisor is installed on top of the existing OS, such as macOS,
Windows, or Linux. Then, one or more additional OS instances are installe
d on top of the hypervisor. A big advantage of Type 2 hypervisors is that m
anagement console software is not required.
The following lab activity provides practice with the topics introduced in this ch
1. Which term is associated with Cloud computing?
a. teleworkers
b. wireless
c. tall servers
d. virtualization
2. Which three features represent benefits of virtualization? (Choose three.)
a. less power consumption
b. less employee technical training
c. less device monitoring
d. less equipment
e. improved disaster recovery
f. fewer security requirements
3. Which term describes the type of cloud computing service that provides ap
plications over the web?
a. IaaS
b. ITaaS
c. PaaS
d. SaaS
4. Saving your photos to a storage location maintained by a cloud provider is
an example of ________.
a. virtualization
b. big data
c. cloud computing
5. Which cloud model provides services for a specific organization or entity?
a. a hybrid cloud
b. a community cloud
c. a public cloud
d.a private cloud
6. A company uses cloud services and is setting up the company’s DNS serv
er supplied by the cloud provider. Which cloud model is used by the compan
a. DaaS
b. IaaS
c. PaaS
d. SaaS
7. What term is used to define the software process that creates VMs and perf
orms hardware abstraction to support VMs?
a. hypervisor
b. container
c. element manager
d. Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM)
8. What type of software is installed a host system with an existing OS, such
as MacOS, to support virtual machines?
a. Type 2 hypervisor software
b. bare metal software
c. Type 1 hypervisor software
d. edge computing software
9. Which piece of software is responsible for creating virtual machines and pr
oviding them access to resources on a physical machine?
a. hypervisor
b. supervisor
c. host operating system
d. hosted operating system
10. Which cloud type consists of two or more clouds that are connected throu
gh a single architecture?
a. hybrid
b. private
c. public
d. community
11. Which two are type 2 hypervisors? (Choose two.)
a. VirtualBox
b. VMware ESXi
c. Xen
d. Virtual PC
e. KVM
12. What is a characteristic of a public cloud?
a. It is available to everyone.
b. It is intended for a specific organization.
c. It is made up of two or more clouds.
d. It is customized to meet specific functional needs of organizations.
Chapter 20. Number Systems
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How do you calculate numbers between decimal and binary systems?
• How do you calculate numbers between decimal and hexadecimal system
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Introduction (20.0)
Webster here again! Bob is good at this networking stuff. When he was learning
networking, he had to understand number systems and so do you! You already us
e the base 10 decimal system, which uses integers 0-9. Do you know other numb
er systems too? I’ve seen base-12, base-60, and others. Do you know about the bi
nary system computers use? The binary system uses just two integers, 0 and 1. H
osts, servers, and network devices use binary addressing. There is also something
called the hexadecimal numbering system. It is used in networking to represent I
P Version 6 addresses and Ethernet MAC addresses.
Take this module to learn more about these number systems and how to convert t
Binary is a numbering system that consists of the digits 0 and 1 called bits. In co
ntrast, the decimal numbering system consists of 10 digits which includes 0 thro
ugh 9.
Binary is important for us to understand because hosts, servers, and network devi
ces use binary addressing. Specifically, they use binary IPv4 addresses, as shown
in Figure 20-1, to identify each other.
Each address consists of a string of 32 bits, divided into four sections called octe
ts. Each octet contains 8 bits (or 1 byte) separated with a dot. For example, PC1 i
n the figure is assigned IPv4 address 11000000.10101000.00001010.00001010. I
ts default gateway address would be that of R1 Gigabit Ethernet interface 11000
Binary works well with hosts and network devices. However, it is very challengi
ng for humans to work with.
For ease of use by people, IPv4 addresses are commonly expressed in dotted deci
mal notation. PC1 is assigned the IPv4 address, and its default gat
eway address is, as shown in Figure 20-2.
re able to do the conversion without error. Convert the binary number sho
wn in the octet to its decimal value.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
In Figure 20-4, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (64)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 64 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 64 positional value and subtract 64 from
the decimal number.
In Figure 20-5, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (32)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 32 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 32 positional value and subtract 32 from
the decimal number.
In Figure 20-6, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (16)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 16 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 16 positional value and subtract 16 from
the decimal number.
In Figure 20-7, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (8)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 8 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 8 positional value and subtract 8 from th
e decimal number.
In Figure 20-8, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (4)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 4 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 4 positional value and subtract 4 from th
e decimal number.
In Figure 20-9, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than the
next most-significant bit (2)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 2 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 2 positional value and subtract 2 from th
e decimal number.
In Figure 20-10, is the decimal number of the octet (n) equal to or greater than th
e last most-significant bit (1)?
• If no, then enter binary 0 in the 1 positional value.
• If yes, then add a binary 1 in the 1 positional value and subtract 1 from th
e last decimal number.
Figure 20-10 1 Positional Value
In Figure 20-12, is the remainder 64 equal to or greater than the next high-order
bit 64?
• It is equal, therefore add a 1 to next high-order positional value.
In Figure 20-13, since there is no remainder, enter binary 0 in the remaining posi
tional values.
• The binary value of the first octet is 11000000.
Figure 20-13 Step 3
In Figure 20-14, is the second octet number 168 equal to or greater than the high
-order bit 128?
• Yes it is, therefore add a 1 to the high-order positional value to represent
• Subtract 128 from 168 to produce a remainder of 40.
In Figure 20-15, is the remainder 40 equal to or greater than the next high-order
bit 64?
• No it is not, therefore, enter a binary 0 in the positional value.
In Figure 20-16, is the remainder 40 equal to or greater than the next high-order
bit 32?
• Yes it is, therefore add a 1 to the high-order positional value to represent
• Subtract 32 from 40 to produce a remainder of 8.
In Figure 20-17, is the remainder 8 equal to or greater than the next high-order b
it 16?
• No it is not, therefore, enter a binary 0 in the positional value.
In Figure 20-18, is the remainder 8 equal to or greater than the next high-order b
it 8?
• It is equal, therefore add a 1 to next high-order positional value.
Figure 20-18 Step 8
In Figure 20-18, since there is no remainder, enter binary 0 in the remaining posi
tional values.
• The binary value of the second octet is 10101000.
IPv4 Addresses (20.1.9)
As mentioned in the beginning of this topic, routers and computers only understa
nd binary, while humans work in decimal. It is important for you to gain a thorou
gh understanding of these two numbering systems and how they are used in netw
orking. is an IP address that is assigned to a computer, as shown in Figure
The computer stores the address as the entire 32-bit data stream, as shown in Fig
ure 20-24.
Figure 20-25 Comparing Decimal, Binary, and Hexadecimal Number Syste
Binary and hexadecimal work well together because it is easier to express a valu
e as a single hexadecimal digit than as four binary bits.
The hexadecimal numbering system is used in networking to represent IP Versio
n 6 addresses and Ethernet MAC addresses.
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length and every 4 bits is represented by a single h
exadecimal digit; for a total of 32 hexadecimal values. IPv6 addresses are not cas
e-sensitive and can be written in either lowercase or uppercase.
As shown in Figure 20-26, the preferred format for writing an IPv6 address is x:x
:x:x:x:x:x:x, with each “x” consisting of four hexadecimal values. When referrin
g to 8 bits of an IPv4 address we use the term octet. In IPv6, a hextet is the unoffi
cial term used to refer to a segment of 16 bits or four hexadecimal values. Each “
x” is a single hextet, 16 bits, or four hexadecimal digits.
What Did I Learn in this Module? (20.3.1)
• Binary Number Systems—Binary is a numbering system that consists o
f the digits 0 and 1 called bits. In contrast, the decimal numbering system c
onsists of 10 digits consisting of the digits 0 – 9. Hosts, servers, and networ
k devices use binary addressing. Specifically, they use binary IPv4 address
es. For ease of use by people, IPv4 addresses are commonly expressed in d
otted decimal notation.
This decimal system uses the powers of ten, or base 10. For example, the n
umber 2,146 has a 2 in the thousands place, or two thousand. 2,146 has a 1
in the hundreds place, or one hundred. It has a 4 in the tens place, or forty.
It has a 6 in the ones place, or six.
The binary system is a base 2 number system. Each place value can have a
0 or a 1. A useful tool is the binary positional value table. It is common to
use a table with eight placeholders. 8 bits equal a byte.
• Hexadecimal Number System—The hexadecimal numbering system is
used in networking to represent IP Version 6 addresses and Ethernet MAC
addresses. This base sixteen number system uses the digits 0 to 9 and the le
tters A to F. Binary and hexadecimal work well together because it is easier
to express a value as a single hexadecimal digit than as four binary bits.
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length and every 4 bits is represented by a si
ngle hexadecimal digit; for a total of 32 hexadecimal values. IPv6 addresse
s are not case-sensitive and can be written in either lowercase or uppercase.
• Reflection Questions (20.3.2)—I wasn’t expecting to do math in the mid
dle of my networking course, but I was surprised by how much fun it is to
convert decimal numbers into their binary and hexadecimal equivalents. I h
ave a better understanding of why IP addresses are represented the way that
we see them. Before you took this module, what did you know about binar
y and hexadecimal numbering systems? Take a look at the MAC Address o
n your computer’s NIC. What do you recognize about this address that you
may not have before?
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
a. 10100111
b. 10100101
c. 10101101
d. 10110101
2. How many bits make up an octet in an IPv4 address?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
3. What is the decimal equivalent of 0xC9?
a. 185
b. 200
c. 201
d. 199
4. What is the binary representation of 0xCA?
a. 10111010
b. 11010101
c. 11001010
d. 11011010
5. What is the range of hexadecimal values that can be used in a hextet?
a. 0000 to 1111
b. 0000 to ffff
c. 1111 to aaaa
d. 0000 to 9999
6. What is the hexadecimal equivalent for the binary number 10011101?
a. 85
b. 9D
c. A1
d. D9
7. How many bits are in an IPv4 address?
a. 32
b. 64
c. 128
d. 256
8. A network engineer wants to represent confidential data in binary format.
What are the two possible values that the engineer can use? (Choose two.)
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. A
e. F
9. What is the hexadecimal equivalent for the decimal number 139?
a. 8B
b. 92
c. A1
d. D7
10. Which is a valid hexadecimal number?
a. f
b. g
c. h
d. j
11. What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 232?
a. 11101000
b. 11000110
c. 10011000
d. 11110010
12. Given the binary address of 11101100 00010001 00001100 00001010, w
hich address does this represent in dotted decimal format?
Chapter 21. Ethernet Switching
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How do the OSI model Layer 1 and Layer 2 function in an Ethernet netw
• How do the Ethernet sublayers are related to the frame fields?
• What is the Ethernet MAC address?
• How does a switch build its MAC address table and forward frames?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
contention-based access method
collision fragment
runt frame
jumbo frame
baby giant frames
cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
Introduction (21.0)
Hey! It’s Webster again! Marcy and Vincent are beginning to see the value of B
ob’s advice. But they can’t afford a lot of downtime and they need to operate wit
h the existing network until Bob can make the upgrades. They will not add the V
oIP, security cameras, or online ordering system until then. Bob needs to evaluat
e their existing network prior to the upgrade to better understand what will need t
o be done.
The furniture store’s network is an Ethernet network. Ethernet protocols define h
ow data is formatted and how it is transmitted over the wired network and specifi
es protocols that operate at Layer 1 and Layer 2 of the OSI model.
Are you familiar with Ethernet? Why are the hexadecimal and binary number sy
stems important in an Ethernet network? I think you should take this module to l
earn more about Ethernet, Ethernet frames, and Ethernet MAC addresses! Let’s g
et started!
Ethernet (21.1)
When you are connecting to a network using a wired interface, you are using the
Ethernet protocol. Even most wireless networks ultimately connect to a wired Et
hernet network. Ethernet is an important data link layer protocol used in LANs (
Local Area Networks) and most WANs (Wide Area Networks).
technology standard is assigned a number that refers to the committee that is resp
onsible for approving and maintaining the standard. The committee responsible f
or the Ethernet standards is 802.3.
Since the creation of Ethernet in 1973, standards have evolved for specifying fas
ter and more flexible versions of the technology. This ability for Ethernet to imp
rove over time is one of the main reasons that it has become so popular. Each ver
sion of Ethernet has an associated standard. For example, 802.3 100BASE-T rep
resents the 100 Megabit Ethernet using twisted-pair cable standards. The standar
d notation translates as:
• 100 is the speed in Mbps
• BASE stands for baseband transmission
• T stands for the type of cable, in this case, twisted-pair.
Early versions of Ethernet were relatively slow at 10 Mbps. The latest versions o
f Ethernet operate at 10 Gigabits per second and more. Imagine how much faster
these new versions are than the original Ethernet networks.
Ethernet is one of two LAN technologies used today, with the other being wirele
ss LANs (WLANs). Ethernet uses wired communications, including twisted pair,
fiber-optic links, and coaxial cables.
Ethernet operates in the data link layer and the physical layer. It is a family of net
working technologies defined in the IEEE 802.2 and 802.3 standards. Ethernet su
pports data bandwidths of the following:
• 10 Mbps
• 100 Mbps
• 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps)
• 10,000 Mbps (10 Gbps)
• 40,000 Mbps (40 Gbps)
• 100,000 Mbps (100 Gbps)
As shown in Figure 21-2, Ethernet standards define both the Layer 2 protocols a
nd the Layer 1 technologies.
Recall that LLC and MAC have the following roles in the data link layer:
• LLC Sublayer — This IEEE 802.2 sublayer communicates between the
networking software at the upper layers and the device hardware at the low
er layers. It places information in the frame that identifies which network l
ayer protocol is being used for the frame. This information allows multiple
Layer 3 protocols, such as IPv4 and IPv6, to use the same network interfac
e and media.
• MAC Sublayer — This sublayer (IEEE 802.3, 802.11, or 802.15 for exa
mple) is implemented in hardware and is responsible for data encapsulation
and media access control. It provides data link layer addressing and is integ
rated with various physical layer technologies.
MAC Sublayer (21.2.3)
The MAC sublayer is responsible for data encapsulation and accessing the media
Data Encapsulation
IEEE 802.3 data encapsulation includes the following:
• Ethernet frame — This is the internal structure of the Ethernet frame.
• Ethernet Addressing — The Ethernet frame includes both a source and
destination MAC address to deliver the Ethernet frame from Ethernet NIC t
o Ethernet NIC on the same LAN.
• Ethernet Error detection — The Ethernet frame includes a frame check
sequence (FCS) trailer used for error detection.
Recall that legacy Ethernet using a bus topology or hubs, is a shared, half-duplex
medium. Ethernet over a half-duplex medium uses a contention-based access me
thod, carrier sense multiple access/collision detection (CSMA/CD) This ensures t
hat only one device is transmitting at a time. CSMA/CD allows multiple devices
to share the same half-duplex medium, detecting a collision when more than one
device attempts to transmit simultaneously. It also provides a back-off algorithm
for retransmission.
Ethernet LANs of today use switches that operate in full-duplex. Full-duplex co
mmunications with Ethernet switches do not require access control through CSM
The frame size may be larger if additional requirements are included, such
as VLAN tagging. VLAN tagging is beyond the scope of this course.
Refer to Table 21-1 for more information about the function of each field.
In this lab, you will complete the following objectives:
Part 1: Examine the Header Fields in an Ethernet II Frame
Part 2: Use Wireshark to Capture and Analyze Ethernet Frames
Refer to the online course to complete this lab.
Given that 8 bits (one byte) is a common binary grouping, binary 00000000 to 11
111111 can be represented in hexadecimal as the range 00 to FF, as shown in the
Figure 21-7.
When using hexadecimal, leading zeroes are always displayed to complete the 8-
bit representation. For example, in the table, the binary value 0000 1010 is show
n in hexadecimal as 0A.
Hexadecimal numbers are often represented by the value preceded by 0x (e.g., 0
x73) to distinguish between decimal and hexadecimal values in documentation.
Hexadecimal may also be represented by a subscript 16, or the hex number follo
wed by an H (e.g., 73H).
You may have to convert between decimal and hexadecimal values. If such conv
ersions are required, convert the decimal or hexadecimal value to binary, and the
n to convert the binary value to either decimal or hexadecimal as appropriate.
In the example shown in the animation, a host with IPv4 address (so
urce) requests a web page from the server at IPv4 unicast address
. For a unicast packet to be sent and received, a destination IP address must be in
the IP packet header. A corresponding destination MAC address must also be pr
esent in the Ethernet frame header. The IP address and MAC address combine to
deliver data to one specific destination host.
The process that a source host uses to determine the destination MAC address as
sociated with an IPv4 address is known as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). T
he process that a source host uses to determine the destination MAC address asso
ciated with an IPv6 address is known as Neighbor Discovery (ND).
The source MAC address must always be a unicast.
If the encapsulated data is an IPv4 broadcast packet, this means the packet contai
ns a destination IPv4 address that has all ones (1s) in the host portion. This numb
ering in the address means that all hosts on that local network (broadcast domain
) will receive and process the packet.
In Figure 21-9, the destination MAC address and destination IP address are both
As shown in the animation, the source host sends an IPv4 broadcast packet to all
devices on its network. The IPv4 destination address is a broadcast address, 192.
168.1.255. When the IPv4 broadcast packet is encapsulated in the Ethernet frame
, the destination MAC address is the broadcast MAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-F
F-FF in hexadecimal (48 ones in binary).
DHCP for IPv4 is an example of a protocol that uses Ethernet and IPv4 broadcas
t addresses.
However, not all Ethernet broadcasts carry an IPv4 broadcast packet. For examp
le, ARP Requests do not use IPv4, but the ARP message is sent as an Ethernet br
As with the unicast and broadcast addresses, the multicast IP address requires a c
orresponding multicast MAC address to deliver frames on a local network. The
multicast MAC address is associated with, and uses addressing information from
, the IPv4 or IPv6 multicast address.
In Figure 21-10, the destination MAC address and destination IP address are bot
h multicasts.
Routing protocols and other network protocols use multicast addressing. Applica
tions such as video and imaging software may also use multicast addressing, alth
ough multicast applications are not as common.
MAC addresses are shortened throughout this topic for demonstration purp
The MAC address table is sometimes referred to as a content addressable
memory (CAM) table. While the term CAM table is fairly common, for the
purposes of this course, we will refer to it as a MAC address table.
If the source MAC address does exist in the table but on a different port, th
e switch treats this as a new entry. The entry is replaced using the same M
AC address but with the more current port number.
Figure 21-12 Switch Learns the MAC Address for PC-A
If the destination MAC address is a broadcast or a multicast, the frame is al
so flooded out all ports except the incoming port.
Figure 21-13 Switch Forwards the Frame Out All Other Ports
Next, because the switch has destination MAC address for PC-A in the MAC Ad
dress Table, it will send the frame only out port 1, as shown in Figure 21-15.
Figure 21-15 Switch Forwards the Frame Out the Port Belonging to PC-A
Figure 21-16 Switch Forwards the Frame Out the Port Belonging to PC-D
1. The switch receives another frame from PC-A and refreshes the timer fo
r the MAC address entry for port 1.
2. The switch has a recent entry for the destination MAC address and filter
s the frame, forwarding it only out port 4.
Activity - Switch It! (21.4.6)
Use this activity to check your understanding of how a switch learns and fo
rwards frames.
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
is integrated with various physical layer technologies. Data encapsulatio
n includes the Ethernet frame, Ethernet Addressing, and Ethernet error d
Ethernet LANs of today use switches that operate in full-duplex. Full-dupl
ex communications with Ethernet switches do not require access control th
rough CSMA/CD. The minimum Ethernet frame size is 64 bytes and the e
xpected maximum is 1518 bytes. The fields are Preamble and Start Frame
Delimiter, Destination MAC address, Source MAC address, Type / Length,
Data, and FCS. This includes all bytes from the destination MAC address f
ield through the FCS field.
• Ethernet MAC Address—An Ethernet MAC address consists of a 48-bi
t binary value. Hexadecimal is used to identify an Ethernet address because
a single hexadecimal digit represents four binary bits. Therefore, a 48-bit E
thernet MAC address can be expressed using only 12 hexadecimal values.
A unicast MAC address is the unique address that is used when a frame is s
ent from a single transmitting device to a single destination device. The pr
ocess that a source host uses to determine the destination MAC address ass
ociated with an IPv4 address is ARP. The process that a source host uses to
determine the destination MAC address associated with an IPv6 address is
The features of an Ethernet broadcast are as follows:
• It has a destination MAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF in hexadecim
al (48 ones in binary).
• It is flooded out all Ethernet switch ports except the incoming port.
• It is not forwarded by a router.
The features of an Ethernet multicast are as follows:
• There is a destination MAC address of 01-00-5E when the encapsulate
d data is an IPv4 multicast packet and a destination MAC address of 33-
33 when the encapsulated data is an IPv6 multicast packet.
• There are other reserved multicast destination MAC addresses for whe
n the encapsulated data is not IP, such as STP and LLDP.
• It is flooded out all Ethernet switch ports except the incoming port, unl
ess the switch is configured for multicast snooping.
• It is not forwarded by a router, unless the router is configured to route
multicast packets.
• The MAC Address Table—A Layer 2 Ethernet switch uses Layer 2 MA
C addresses to make forwarding decisions. It is completely unaware of the
data (protocol) being carried in the data portion of the frame. An Ethernet s
witch examines its MAC address table to make a forwarding decision for e
ach frame. The MAC address table is sometimes referred to as a CAM tabl
The switch dynamically builds the MAC address table by examining the so
urce MAC address of the frames received on a port. The switch forwards fr
ames by searching for a match between the destination MAC address in the
frame and an entry in the MAC address table. If the destination MAC addr
ess is a unicast address, the switch will look for a match between the destin
ation MAC address of the frame and an entry in its MAC address table. If t
he destination MAC address is in the table, it will forward the frame out th
e specified port. If the destination MAC address is not in the table, the swit
ch will forward the frame out all ports except the incoming port. This is cal
led an unknown unicast.
As a switch receives frames from different devices, it is able to populate it
s MAC address table by examining the source MAC address of every fram
e. When the MAC address table of the switch contains the destination MA
C address, it is able to filter the frame and forward out a single port. A swi
tch can have multiple MAC addresses associated with a single port. This is
common when the switch is connected to another switch. The switch will h
ave a separate MAC address table entry for each frame received with a diff
erent source MAC address. When a device has an IP address that is on a re
mote network, the Ethernet frame cannot be sent directly to the destination
device. Instead, the Ethernet frame is sent to the MAC address of the defau
lt gateway, the router.
The following lab activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this ch
Lab - Determine the MAC Address of a Host (21.1.4)
Lab - View Captured Traffic in Wireshark (21.2.6)
Lab - Use Wireshark to Examine Ethernet Frames (21.2.7)
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to ‘Check Your Under
standing’ Questions” lists the answers.
1. What is encapsulated into the data field of an Ethernet frame?
a. the Layer 3 PDU
b. a cyclic redundancy check value
c. the encoded physical layer bits
d. the source and destination MAC addresses
2. What is the length restriction of the data field in an Ethernet frame?
a. between 0 to 1500 bytes
b. between 46 to 1500 bytes
c. between 64 to 1518 bytes
d. between 64 to 1548 bytes
3. Refer to Figure 21-17. What is the MAC address of this computer?
a. 00-01-00-01-15-15-BD-53-48-5B-39-A6-0F-3A
b. 87-52-25-78-0F-3A
c. fe80::740c:63a6:e9df:c700
d. fec0:0:0:ffff::1
4. Which Ethernet sublayer is used to control network access using CSMA/C
a. LLC
b. MAC
c. data link
d. physical
5. What addressing information is recorded by a switch to build its MAC add
ress table?
a. the destination Layer 3 address of incoming packets
b. the destination Layer 2 address of outgoing frames
c. the source Layer 3 address of outgoing packets
d. the source Layer 2 address of incoming frames
6. What important information is examined in the Ethernet frame header by a
Layer 2 device in order to forward the data onward?
a. source MAC address
b. source IP address
c. destination MAC address
d. Ethernet type
e. destination IP address
7. What happens to runt frames received by a Cisco Ethernet switch?
a. The frame is dropped.
b. The frame is returned to the originating network device.
c. The frame is broadcast to all other devices on the same network.
d. The frame is sent to the default gateway.
8. What is indicated by the 100 in the 100BASE-T standard?
a. meters
b. feet
c. megabits per second
d. twists per meter
9. Which three fields are found in an 802.3 Ethernet frame? (Choose three.)
a. source physical address
b. source logical address
c. media type identifier
d. frame check sequence
e. destination physical address
f. destination logical address
10. Match the components in the notation 100Base-T to the specification.
• 100
a. baseband transmission
b. twisted-pair cable
c. speed in Mbps
11. Which two characteristics describe Ethernet technology? (Choose two.)
a. It is supported by IEEE 802.3 standards.
b. It is supported by IEEE 802.5 standards.
c. It typically uses an average of 16 Mbps for data transfer rates.
d. It uses unique MAC addresses to ensure that data is sent to the appropri
ate destination.
e. It uses a ring topology.
12. What will a host on an Ethernet network do if it receives a frame with a u
nicast destination MAC address that does not match its own MAC address?
a. It will discard the frame.
b. It will forward the frame to the next host.
c. It will send an error message to the sender.
d. It will strip off the data-link frame to check the destination IP address.
Chapter 22. Network Layer
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How does the network layer use IP protocols for reliable communications
• What is the role of the major header fields in the IPv4 packet?
• What is the role of the major header fields in the IPv6 packet?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
best-effort delivery
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
maximum transmission unit (MTU)
Media Independent
Introduction (22.0)
Hi again! Bob also had to learn a lot about the network layer in his courses befor
e he became an IT specialist. The network layer, or OSI Layer 3, provides servic
es to allow end devices to exchange data across networks. IPv4 and IPv6 are the
principal network layer communication protocols. Network layer protocols perfo
rm four operations: addressing end devices, encapsulation, routing, and de-encap
That sounds like a lot of information to people like Marcy and Vincent who do n
ot have a knowledge of networking! Does it sound overwhelming to you? This m
odule will help you to understand the network layer.
Video - Data Encapsulation (22.1.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
data from one host to another host. Operating without regard to the data carried i
n each packet allows the network layer to carry packets for multiple types of com
munications between multiple hosts.
IP Encapsulation (22.1.3)
IP encapsulates the transport layer (the layer just above the network layer) segme
nt or other data by adding an IP header. The IP header is used to deliver the pack
et to the destination host.
Figure 22-2 illustrates how the transport layer PDU is encapsulated by the netwo
rk layer PDU to create an IP packet.
The process of encapsulating data layer by layer enables the services at the differ
ent layers to develop and scale without affecting the other layers. This means the
transport layer segments can be readily packaged by IPv4 or IPv6 or by any new
protocol that might be developed in the future.
The IP header is examined by Layer 3 devices (i.e., routers and Layer 3 switches
) as it travels across a network to its destination. It is important to note, that the I
P addressing information remains the same from the time the packet leaves the s
ource host until it arrives at the destination host, except when translated by the de
vice performing Network Address Translation (NAT) for IPv4.
NAT is discussed in later modules.
Routers implement routing protocols to route packets between networks. The rou
ting performed by these intermediary devices examines the network layer addres
sing in the packet header. In all cases, the data portion of the packet, that is, the e
ncapsulated transport layer PDU or other data, remains unchanged during the net
work layer processes.
Characteristics of IP (22.1.4)
IP was designed as a protocol with low overhead. It provides only the functions t
hat are necessary to deliver a packet from a source to a destination over an interc
onnected system of networks. The protocol was not designed to track and manag
e the flow of packets. These functions, if required, are performed by other protoc
ols at other layers, primarily TCP at Layer 4.
These are the basic characteristics of IP:
• Connectionless — There is no connection with the destination establishe
d before sending data packets.
• Best Effort — IP is inherently unreliable because packet delivery is not g
• Media Independent — Operation is independent of the medium (i.e., cop
per, fiber-optic, or wireless) carrying the data.
Connectionless (22.1.5)
IP is connectionless, meaning that no dedicated end-to-end connection is created
by IP before data is sent. Connectionless communication is conceptually similar t
o sending a letter to someone without notifying the recipient in advance. Figure 2
2-3 summarizes this key point.
Media Independent (22.1.7)
Unreliable means that IP does not have the capability to manage and recover fro
m undelivered or corrupt packets. This is because while IP packets are sent with i
nformation about the location of delivery, they do not contain information that ca
n be processed to inform the sender whether delivery was successful. Packets ma
y arrive at the destination corrupted, out of sequence, or not at all. IP provides no
capability for packet retransmissions if errors occur.
If out-of-order packets are delivered, or packets are missing, then applications us
ing the data, or upper layer services, must resolve these issues. This allows IP to
function very efficiently. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, reliability is the role of th
e TCP protocol at the transport layer.
IP operates independently of the media that carry the data at lower layers of the p
rotocol stack. As shown in Figure 22-6, IP packets can travel over different medi
a. IP packets can be communicated as electronic signals over copper cable, as opt
ical signals over fiber, or wirelessly as radio signals.
The OSI data link layer is responsible for taking an IP packet and preparing it for
transmission over the communications medium. This means that the delivery of I
P packets is not limited to any particular medium.
There is, however, one major characteristic of the media that the network layer c
onsiders: the maximum size of the PDU that each medium can transport. This ch
aracteristic is referred to as the maximum transmission unit (MTU). Part of the
control communication between the data link layer and the network layer is the e
stablishment of a maximum size for the packet. The data link layer passes the M
TU value up to the network layer. The network layer then determines how large
packets can be.
In some cases, an intermediate device, usually a router, must split up an IPv4 pac
ket when forwarding it from one medium to another medium with a smaller MT
U. This process is called fragmenting the packet, or fragmentation. Fragmentatio
n causes latency. IPv6 packets cannot be fragmented by the router.
IPv4 Packet (22.2)
The ability to provide the end-to-end transfer of data by the network layer is base
d on the content and interpretation of the Layer 3 header. This topic will examine
the structure and contents of the IPv4 header.
• Protocol — This field is used to identify the next level protocol. This 8-b
it binary value indicates the data payload type that the packet is carrying, w
hich enables the network layer to pass the data to the appropriate upper-lay
er protocol. Common values include ICMP (1), TCP (6), and UDP (17).
• Source IPv4 Address — This contains a 32-bit binary value that represe
nts the source IPv4 address of the packet. The source IPv4 address is alway
s a unicast address.
• Destination IPv4 Address — This contains a 32-bit binary value that rep
resents the destination IPv4 address of the packet. The destination IPv4 add
ress is a unicast, multicast, or broadcast address.
The two most commonly referenced fields are the source and destination IP addr
esses. These fields identify where the packet is coming from and where it is goin
g. Typically, these addresses do not change while travelling from the source to th
e destination.
The Internet Header Length (IHL), Total Length, and Header Checksum fields ar
e used to identify and validate the packet.
Other fields are used to reorder a fragmented packet. Specifically, the IPv4 packe
t uses Identification, Flags, and Fragment Offset fields to keep track of the fragm
ents. A router may have to fragment an IPv4 packet when forwarding it from one
medium to another with a smaller MTU.
The Options and Padding fields are rarely used and are beyond the scope of this
Limitations of IPv4 (22.3.1)
IPv4 is still in use today. This topic is about IPv6, which will eventually replace I
Pv4. To better understand why you need to know the IPv6 protocol, it helps to kn
ow the limitations of IPv4 and the advantages of IPv6.
Through the years, additional protocols and processes have been developed to ad
dress new challenges. However, even with changes, IPv4 still has three major iss
• IPv4 address depletion — IPv4 has a limited number of unique public a
ddresses available. Although there are approximately 4 billion IPv4 addres
ses, the increasing number of new IP-enabled devices, always-on connectio
ns, and the potential growth of less-developed regions have increased the n
eed for more addresses.
• Lack of end-to-end connectivity — Network Address Translation (NAT
) is a technology commonly implemented within IPv4 networks. NAT prov
ides a way for multiple devices to share a single public IPv4 address. Howe
ver, because the public IPv4 address is shared, the IPv4 address of an inter
nal network host is hidden. This can be problematic for technologies that re
quire end-to-end connectivity.
• Increased network complexity — While NAT has extended the lifespan
of IPv4 it was only meant as a transition mechanism to IPv6. NAT in its va
rious implementation creates additional complexity in the network, creatin
g latency and making troubleshooting more difficult.
68,211,456, or 340 undecillion addresses. This is roughly equivalent to every gra
in of sand on Earth.
Figure 22-8 provides a visual to compare the IPv4 and IPv6 address space.
In contrast, the simplified IPv6 header shown in Figure 22-10 consists of a fixed
length header of 40 octets (largely due to the length of the source and destination
IPv6 addresses).
The IPv6 simplified header allows for more efficient processing of IPv6 headers.
• Payload Length — This 16-bit field indicates the length of the data porti
on or payload of the IPv6 packet. This does not include the length of the IP
v6 header, which is a fixed 40-byte header.
• Next Header — This 8-bit field is equivalent to the IPv4 Protocol field. I
t indicates the data payload type that the packet is carrying, enabling the ne
twork layer to pass the data to the appropriate upper-layer protocol.
• Hop Limit — This 8-bit field replaces the IPv4 TTL field. This value is d
ecremented by a value of 1 by each router that forwards the packet. When t
he counter reaches 0, the packet is discarded, and an ICMPv6 Time Exceed
ed message is forwarded to the sending host,. This indicates that the packet
did not reach its destination because the hop limit was exceeded. Unlike IP
v4, IPv6 does not include an IPv6 Header Checksum, because this function
is performed at both the lower and upper layers. This means the checksum
does not need to be recalculated by each router when it decrements the Hop
Limit field, which also improves network performance.
• Source IPv6 Address — This 128-bit field identifies the IPv6 address of
the sending host.
• Destination IPv6 Address — This 128-bit field identifies the IPv6 addre
ss of the receiving host.
An IPv6 packet may also contain extension headers (EH), which provide optiona
l network layer information. Extension headers are optional and are placed betwe
en the IPv6 header and the payload. EHs are used for fragmentation, security, to
support mobility and more.
Unlike IPv4, routers do not fragment routed IPv6 packets.
What Did I Learn in this Module? (22.4.1)
• Network Layer Characteristics—The network layer, or OSI Layer 3, pr
ovides services to allow end devices to exchange data across networks. IPv
4 and IPv6 are the principal network layer communication protocols. Other
network layer protocols include routing protocols such as OSPF and messa
ging protocols such as ICMP.
Network layer protocols perform four operations: addressing end devices, e
ncapsulation, routing, and de-encapsulation. IPv4 and IPv6 specify the pac
ket structure and processing used to carry the data from one host to another
host. Operating without regard to the data carried in each packet allows the
network layer to carry packets for multiple types of communications betwe
en multiple hosts.
IP encapsulates the transport layer segment or other data by adding an IP h
eader. The IP header is used to deliver the packet to the destination host. T
he IP header is examined by routers and Layer 3 switches as it travels acros
s a network to its destination. IP addressing information remains the same f
rom the time the packet leaves the source host until it arrives at the destinat
ion host, except when translated by the device performing NAT for IPv4.
The basic characteristics of IP are that it is: connectionless, best effort, and
media independent. IP is connectionless, meaning that no dedicated end-to
-end connection is created by IP before data is sent. IP does not require add
itional fields in the header to maintain an established connection. This redu
ces the overhead of IP. Senders are unaware whether destination devices ar
e present and functional when sending packets, nor are they aware if the de
stination receives the packet, or if the destination device is able to access a
nd read the packet. IP operates independently of the media that carry the da
ta at lower layers of the protocol stack. IP packets can be communicated as
electronic signals over copper cable, as optical signals over fiber, or wirele
ssly as radio signals. One characteristic of the media that the network layer
considers is the maximum size of the PDU that each medium can transport
, or the MTU.
• IPv4 Packet—The IPv4 packet header is used to ensure that a packet is d
elivered to its next stop on the way to its destination end device. An IPv4 p
acket header consists of fields containing binary numbers which are exami
ned by the Layer 3 process. Significant fields in the IPv4 header include: v
ersion, DS, TTL, protocol, header checksum, source IPv4 address, and dest
ination IPv4 address.
The IHL, Total Length, and Header Checksum fields are used to identify a
nd validate the packet. The IPv4 packet uses Identification, Flags, and Frag
ment Offset fields to keep track of the fragments. A router may have to fra
gment an IPv4 packet when forwarding it from one medium to another wit
h a smaller MTU.
• IPv6 Packet—IPv4 has limitations, including: IPv4 address depletion, lac
k of end-to-end connectivity, and increased network complexity. IPv6 ove
rcomes the limitations of IPv4. Improvements that IPv6 provides include t
he following: increased address space, improved packet handling, and it eli
minates the need for NAT.
The 32-bit IPv4 address space provides approximately 4,294,967,296 uniq
ue addresses. IPv6 address space provides 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,3
74,607,431,768,211,456, or 340 undecillion addresses. This is roughly equi
valent to every grain of sand on Earth.
The IPv6 simplified header fields include: version, traffic class, flow label,
payload length, next header, hop limit, source IP address, and destination I
P address. An IPv6 packet may also contain EH, which provide optional ne
twork layer information. Extension headers are optional and are placed bet
ween the IPv6 header and the payload. EHs are used for fragmentation, sec
urity, to support mobility and more. Unlike IPv4, routers do not fragment r
outed IPv6 packets.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
2. Which statement accurately describes a characteristic of IPv4?
a. All IPv4 addresses are assignable to hosts.
b. IPv4 has a 32-bit address space.
c. An IPv4 header has fewer fields than an IPv6 header has.
d. IPv4 natively supports IPsec.
3. Which technology provides a solution to IPv4 address depletion by allowi
ng multiple devices to share one public IP address?
a. ARP
b. DNS
c. NAT
d. SMB
4. Why is IPv6 designed to replace IPv4?
a. because most computers have a 64-bit processor
b. because the IPv4 address space will soon be depleted
c. to allow computers to address more memory
d. to address compatibility issues with mobile devices
5. Which characteristic of the network layer in the OSI model allows carryin
g packets for multiple types of communications among many hosts?
a. the de-encapsulation of headers from lower layers
b. the selection of paths for and direct packets toward the destination
c. the ability to operate without regard to the data that is carried in each pa
d. the ability to manage the data transport between processes running on h
6. Which statement describes a characteristic of the network layer in the OSI
a. It manages the data transport between the processes running on each ho
b. In the encapsulation process, it adds source and destination port number
s to the IP header.
c. When a packet arrives at the destination host, its IP header is checked by
the network layer to determine where the packet has to be routed.
d. Its protocols specify the packet structure and processing used to carry th
e data from one host to another.
7. Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for the logical addressing of p
a. data link
b. network
c. session
d. transport
8. What is the order of encapsulation for the protocol data units passing from
the user application down the stack?
a. bits, segments, packets, frames, data
b. data, segments, packets, frames, bits
c. segments, data, packets, frames, bits
d. segments, packets, frames, bits, data
9. What process involves placing one PDU inside of another PDU?
a. encapsulation
b. encoding
c. segmentation
d. flow control
10. What information is added during encapsulation at OSI Layer 3?
a. source and destination MAC
b. source and destination application protocol
c. source and destination port number
d. source and destination IP address
11. How does the network layer use the MTU value?
a. The network layer depends on the higher-level layers to determine the
b. The network layer depends on the data link layer to set the MTU, and ad
justs the speed of transmission to accommodate it.
c. The MTU is passed to the network layer by the data link layer.
d. To increase speed of delivery, the network layer ignores the MTU.
Chapter 23. IPv4 Address Structure
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the structure of an IPv4 address including the network portion, th
e host portion, and the subnet mask?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
prefix length
Introduction (23.0)
Bob has investigated the current network and has assured Marcy and Vincent tha
t they can use it until he makes the upgrades. Bob has convinced Marcy and Vinc
ent to create a new hierarchical network which will use cloud services. With Bob
’s research and explanations of networking, they are sure this is the best move fo
r them. They really appreciate Bob’s knowledge!
You might have a long way to go before you have all of Bob’s knowledge and sk
ill, but I think you are on the right path! This module will dive deeper into IPv4 a
ddressing. Ready? Keep reading.
The bits within the network portion of the address must be identical for all devic
es that reside in the same network. The bits within the host portion of the addres
s must be unique to identify a specific host within a network. If two hosts have th
e same bit-pattern in the specified network portion of the 32-bit stream, those tw
o hosts will reside in the same network.
But how do hosts know which portion of the 32-bits identifies the network and w
hich identifies the host? That is the role of the subnet mask.
A default gateway IPv4 address is required to reach remote networks and
DNS server IPv4 addresses are required to translate domain names to IPv4
The IPv4 subnet mask is used to differentiate the network portion from the host p
ortion of an IPv4 address. When an IPv4 address is assigned to a device, the subn
et mask is used to determine the network address of the device. The network add
ress represents all the devices on the same network.
Figure 23-3 displays the 32-bit subnet mask in dotted decimal and binary format
Note that the subnet mask does not actually contain the network or host portion o
f an IPv4 address, it just tells the computer where to look for the part of the IPv4
address that is the network portion and which part is the host portion.
The actual process used to identify the network portion and host portion is called
A network address is also referred to as a prefix or network prefix. Therefo
re, the prefix length is the number of 1 bits in the subnet mask.
When representing an IPv4 address using a prefix length, the IPv4 address is writ
ten followed by the prefix length with no spaces. For example, 25 would be written as Using various types of prefix
lengths will be discussed later. For now, the focus will be on the /24 (i.e. 255.255
.255.0) prefix
• 1 AND 0 = 0
• 0 AND 0 = 0
In digital logic, 1 represents True and 0 represents False. When using an A
ND operation, both input values must be True (1) for the result to be True (
To identify the network address of an IPv4 host, the IPv4 address is logically AN
Ded, bit by bit, with the subnet mask. ANDing between the address and the subn
et mask yields the network address.
To illustrate how AND is used to discover a network address, consider a host wit
h IPv4 address and subnet mask of, as shown in th
e Figure 23-5:
• IPv4 host address ( - The IPv4 address of the host in dott
ed decimal and binary formats.
• Subnet mask ( - The subnet mask of the host in dotted de
cimal and binary formats.
• Network address ( - The logical AND operation between t
he IPv4 address and subnet mask results in an IPv4 network address shown
in dotted decimal and binary formats.
Using the first sequence of bits as an example, notice the AND operation is perfo
rmed on the 1-bit of the host address with the 1-bit of the subnet mask. This resul
ts in a 1 bit for the network address. 1 AND 1 = 1.
The AND operation between an IPv4 host address and subnet mask results in the
IPv4 network address for this host. In this example, the AND operation between
the host address of and the subnet mask (/24), resul
ts in the IPv4 network address of This is an important IPv4 ope
ration, as it tells the host what network it belongs to.
Activity - ANDing to Determine the Network Address (23.1.6)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
w the 32-bit hierarchical address that is made up of a network portion and a host
portion? Are you able to explore this on your own network? And who knew abou
t ANDing and the subnet mask?
I am feeling a little more like Bob after this module and I hope you are too.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
b. 1 through 64
c. 0 through 128
d. 0 through 255
e. 1 through 256
5. For what purpose are IPv4 addresses utilized?
a. An IPv4 address is used to uniquely identify a device on an IP network.
b. An IPv4 address is burned into the network card to uniquely identify a d
c. An IPv4 address is used to uniquely identify the application that request
ed the information from a remote device.
d. An IPv4 address is used to identify the number of IP networks available
6. What is the prefix length notation for the subnet mask
a. /25
b. /26
c. /27
d. /28
7. Which two parts are components of an IPv4 address? (Choose two.)
a. subnet portion
b. network portion
c. logical portion
d. host portion
e. physical portion
f. broadcast portion
8. What is obtained when ANDing the address with its subn
et mask?
9. What do devices on the same IPv4 subnet have in common?
a. They all use the same default gateway.
b. They all have a subnet mask of /8, /16, or /24.
c. They all have the same last octet in their IPv4 addresses.
d. They all have the same number in the first three octets of their IPv4 add
10. How many unique addresses are available for assignment to hosts in the n
etwork of with subnet mask
a. 254
b. 510
c. 1022
d. 4094
11. Which is a valid default gateway address for a host configured with IPv4
address and a subnet mask of
12. When IPv4 addressing is manually configured on a web server, which pr
operty of the IPv4 configuration identifies the network and host portion for a
n IPv4 address?
a. DNS server address
b. subnet mask
c. default gateway
d. DHCP server address
Chapter 24. Address Resolution
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the purpose of ARP?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
ARP table
ARP cache
Introduction (24.0)
Webster here again! I have another friend to introduce to you. Her name is Olcay
. Olcay is an IT professional at a power company in Turkey. She is mentoring a n
ew hire named Abay. Abay will be shadowing Olcay for the next month to beco
me more proficient in networking in the power company. Olcay asks Abay what
he knows about address resolution. Abay knows that to send a packet to another
host on the same local IPv4 network, a host must know the IPv4 address and the
MAC address of the destination device. A device uses ARP to determine the dest
ination MAC address of a local device when it knows its IPv4 address.
If Abay is going to be successful at his new job, he needs to learn a little more an
d so do you! I suggest taking this module on Address Resolution.
ARP (24.1)
This section discusses the relationship between MAC and IPv4 addresses, and th
e how the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to map the two addresses.
• Destination MAC address —The Ethernet MAC address of the destinati
on device on the same local network segment. If the destination host is on a
nother network, then the destination address in the frame would be that of t
he default gateway (i.e., router).
• Source MAC address — The MAC address of the Ethernet NIC on the s
ource host.
Figure 24-1 illustrates the problem when sending a frame to another host on the s
ame segment on an IPv4 network.
Figure 24-1 A Host Does Not Know the MAC Address for a Destination
To send a packet to another host on the same local IPv4 network, a host must kn
ow the IPv4 address and the MAC address of the destination device. Device desti
nation IPv4 addresses are either known or resolved by device name. However, M
AC addresses must be discovered.
A device uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to determine the destination
MAC address of a local device when it knows its IPv4 address.
ARP provides two basic functions:
• Resolving IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses
• Maintaining a table of IPv4 to MAC address mappings
ddress. The ARP table temporarily saves (caches) the mapping for the devices on
the LAN.
If the device locates the IPv4 address, its corresponding MAC address is used as
the destination MAC address in the frame. If there is no entry is found, then the d
evice sends an ARP request, as shown in Figure 24-2.
Video - ARP Operation - ARP Reply (24.1.4)
Only the device with the target IPv4 address associated with the ARP requ
est will respond with an ARP reply. The ARP reply is encapsulated in an E
thernet frame using the following header information:
• Destination MAC address — This is the MAC address of the send
er of the ARP request.
• Source MAC address — This is the MAC address of the sender of
the ARP reply.
• Type — ARP messages have a type field of 0x806. This informs th
e receiving NIC that the data portion of the frame needs to be passed
to the ARP process.
Only the device that originally sent the ARP request will receive the unica
st ARP reply. After the ARP reply is received, the device will add the IPv4
address and the corresponding MAC address to its ARP table. Packets dest
ined for that IPv4 address can now be encapsulated in frames using its corr
esponding MAC address.
If no device responds to the ARP request, the packet is dropped because a f
rame cannot be created.
Entries in the ARP table are time stamped. If a device does not receive a fr
ame from a particular device before the timestamp expires, the entry for thi
s device is removed from the ARP table.
Additionally, static map entries can be entered in an ARP table, but this is r
arely done. Static ARP table entries do not expire over time and must be m
anually removed.
IPv6 uses a similar process to ARP for IPv4, known as ICMPv6 Nei
ghbor Discovery (ND). IPv6 uses neighbor solicitation and neighbor
advertisement messages, similar to IPv4 ARP requests and ARP repl
eway. This is the interface of the local router. Whenever a source device ha
s a packet with an IPv4 address on another network, it will encapsulate that
packet in a frame using the destination MAC address of the router.
The IPv4 address of the default gateway is stored in the IPv4 configuration
of the hosts. When a host creates a packet for a destination, it compares the
destination IPv4 address and its own IPv4 address to determine if the two I
Pv4 addresses are located on the same Layer 3 network. If the destination h
ost is not on its same network, the source checks its ARP table for an entry
with the IPv4 address of the default gateway. If there is not an entry, it uses
the ARP process to determine a MAC address of the default gateway.
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Commands may also be used to manually remove some or all of the entries in th
e ARP table. After an entry has been removed, the process for sending an ARP r
equest and receiving an ARP reply must occur again to enter the map in the ARP
1 a03d.6fe1.9d91 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/0/1
On a Windows 10 PC, the arp –a command is used to display the ARP table, as
shown in Example 24-2.
In some cases, the use of ARP can lead to a potential security risk. A threat actor
can use ARP spoofing to perform an ARP poisoning attack. This is a technique u
sed by a threat actor to reply to an ARP request for an IPv4 address that belongs t
o another device, such as the default gateway, as shown in Figure 24-6. The threa
t actor sends an ARP reply with its own MAC address. The receiver of the ARP r
eply will add the wrong MAC address to its ARP table and send these packets to
the threat actor.
n MAC address of a local device when it knows its IPv4 address. ARP provides t
wo basic functions: resolving IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses and maintaining
a table of IPv4 to MAC address mappings.
The sending device will search its ARP table for a destination IPv4 address and a
corresponding MAC address.
• If the packet’s destination IPv4 address is on the same network as the sou
rce IPv4 address, the device will search the ARP table for the destination I
Pv4 address.
• If the destination IPv4 address is on a different network than the source IP
v4 address, the device will search the ARP table for the IPv4 address of the
default gateway.
Each entry, or row, of the ARP table binds an IPv4 address with a MAC address.
We call the relationship between the two values a map. ARP messages are encap
sulated directly within an Ethernet frame. There is no IPv4 header. The ARP req
uest is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame using the following header information:
• Destination MAC address — This is a broadcast address FF-FF-FF-FF-
FF-FF requiring all Ethernet NICs on the LAN to accept and process the A
RP request.
• Source MAC address — This is MAC address of the sender of the ARP
• Type — ARP messages have a type field of 0x806. This informs the rece
iving NIC that the data portion of the frame needs to be passed to the ARP
Because ARP requests are broadcasts, they are flooded out all ports by the switc
h, except the receiving port. Only the device with the target IPv4 address associa
ted with the ARP request will respond with an ARP reply. After the ARP reply is
received, the device will add the IPv4 address and the corresponding MAC addre
ss to its ARP table.
When the destination IPv4 address is not on the same network as the source IPv4
address, the source device needs to send the frame to its default gateway. This is
the interface of the local router. Whenever a source device has a packet with an I
Pv4 address on another network, it will encapsulate that packet in a frame using t
he destination MAC address of the router. The IPv4 address of the default gatew
ay is stored in the IPv4 configuration of the hosts. If the destination host is not on
its same network, the source checks its ARP table for an entry with the IPv4 addr
ess of the default gateway. If there is not an entry, it uses the ARP process to det
ermine a MAC address of the default gateway.
For each device, an ARP cache timer removes ARP entries that have not been us
ed for a specified period of time. The times differ depending on the operating sys
tem of the device. Commands may be used to manually remove some or all of th
e entries in the ARP table.
On a Cisco router, the show ip arp command is used to display the ARP table. O
n a Windows 10 PC, the arp -a command is used to display the ARP table.
As a broadcast frame, an ARP request is received and processed by every device
on the local network. If a large number of devices were to be powered up and all
start accessing network services at the same time, there could be some reduction
in performance for a short period of time. In some cases, the use of ARP can lead
to a potential security risk.
A threat actor can use ARP spoofing to perform an ARP poisoning attack. This i
s a technique used by a threat actor to reply to an ARP request for an IPv4 addre
ss that belongs to another device, such as the default gateway. The threat actor se
nds an ARP reply with its own MAC address. The receiver of the ARP reply wil
l add the wrong MAC address to its ARP table and send these packets to the thre
at actor.
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
1. Which protocol is used to discover the destination address needed to be ad
ded to an Ethernet frame?
a. ARP
b. DNS
2. What is one function of the ARP protocol?
a. obtaining an IPv4 address automatically
b. mapping a domain name to its IP address
c. resolving an IPv4 address to a MAC address
d. maintaining a table of domain names with their resolved IP addresses
3. PC1 has the IPv4 address and wants to communicate wit
h PC2 with the IPv4 address PC1 determines PC2 is on anoth
er network and sends an ARP request to its default gateway, GW1. How does
the default gateway respond?
a. It sends an ICMP message to PC1 informing the host that it cannot reac
h PC2.
b. It responds with an ARP reply to PC1 with the MAC address of PC2.
c. It forwards the ARP request from PC1 to PC2.
d. It responds with an ARP reply to PC1 with its own MAC address.
4. What action does the ARP process take when a host needs to build a frame
, but the ARP cache does not contain an address mapping?
a. The ARP process sends out an ARP request to the Ethernet broadcast ad
dress to discover the IPv4 address of the destination device.
b. The ARP process sends out an ARP request to the IPv4 broadcast addre
ss to discover the MAC address of the destination device.
c. The ARP process sends out an ARP request to the IPv4 broadcast addres
s to discover the IPv4 address of the destination device.
d. The ARP process sends out an ARP request to the Ethernet broadcast ad
dress to discover the MAC address associated with the device to receive th
e Ethernet frame.
5. Which statement describes the treatment of ARP requests on the local link
a. They must be forwarded by all routers on the local network.
b. They are received and processed by every device on the local network.
c. They are dropped by all switches on the local network.
d. They are received and processed only by the target device
6. What is the aim of an ARP spoofing attack?
a. to flood the network with ARP reply broadcasts
b. to fill switch MAC address tables with bogus addresses
c. to associate IP addresses to the wrong MAC address
d. to overwhelm network hosts with ARP requests
7. A cybersecurity analyst believes that an attacker is announcing a forged M
AC address to network hosts in an attempt to spoof the default gateway. Whi
ch command could the analyst use on the network hosts to see what MAC ad
dress the hosts are using to reach the default gateway?
a. netsat -r
b. route print
c. ipconfig /all
d. arp -a
8. What will a host do first when preparing a Layer 2 PDU for transmission t
o a host on the same Ethernet network?
a. It will send the PDU to the router directly connected to the network.
b. It will query the local DNS server for the name of the destination host.
c. It will search the ARP table for the MAC address of the destination host.
d. It will initiate an ARP request to find the MAC address of the destinatio
n host
9. Which destination address is used in an ARP request frame?
e. 01-00-5E-00-AA-23
10. Which protocol is used by a computer to find the MAC address of the def
ault gateway on an Ethernet network?
a. ARP
b. TCP
c. UDP
11. Refer to Figure 24-07. PC1 attempts to connect to File_server1 and sends
an ARP request to obtain a destination MAC address. Which MAC address w
ill PC1 receive in the ARP reply?
Chapter 25. IP Addressing Services
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How does DNS operate?
• How does DHCP operate?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Domain Name System (DNS)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs)
Introduction (25.0)
Hi there. While Olcay and Abay are working together, Olcay needs to use the nsl
ookup command to verify the current status of the name servers. Olcay takes this
opportunity to see what Abay knows about DNS and DHCP services. Abay expla
ins that The DNS protocol defines an automated service that matches resource na
mes with the required numeric network address. He also explains DHCP. Rather
than using static addressing for each connection, it is more efficient to have IPv4
addresses assigned automatically using DHCP. Olcay is impressed with Abay’s k
nowledge! He has really been doing his homework.
Are you able to explain how DNS and DCHP services operate? I bet this module
will help. Keep reading!
Domain Name System (25.1.2)
There are other application layer-specific protocols designed to make it easier to
obtain addresses for network devices. These services are essential because it wou
ld be very time consuming to remember IP addresses instead of URLs or manual
ly configure all of the devices in a medium to large network. This topic goes into
more detail about the IP addressing services, DNS and DHCP.
In data networks, devices are labeled with numeric IP addresses to send and recei
ve data over networks. Domain names were created to convert the numeric addre
ss into a simple, recognizable name.
On the internet, fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs), such as http://www.cis
co.com, are much easier for people to remember than, which is t
he actual numeric address for this server. If Cisco decides to change the numeric
address of www.cisco.com, it is transparent to the user because the domain name
remains the same. The new address is simply linked to the existing domain name
and connectivity is maintained.
The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol defines an automated service that m
atches resource names with the required numeric network address. It includes the
format for queries, responses, and data. The DNS protocol communications use a
single format called a message. This message format is used for all types of clien
t queries and server responses, error messages, and the transfer of resource recor
d information between servers.
The following are the steps in the DNS process.
Step 1. The user types an FQDN into a browser application Address field, as sh
own in Figure 25-1.
Step 2. A DNS query is sent to the designated DNS server for the client compu
ter, as shown in Figure 25-2. This server is known as the Local DNS se
Step 3. The DNS server matches the FQDN with its IP address, as shown in Fi
gure 25-3.
Step 4.
The DNS query response is sent back to the client with the IP address f
or the FQDN, as shown in Figure 25-4.
Step 5. The client computer uses the IP address to make requests of the server,
as shown in Figure 25-5.
Figure 25-6 DNS Hierarchy
The naming structure is broken down into small, manageable zones. Each DNS s
erver maintains a specific database file and is only responsible for managing nam
e-to-IP mappings for that small portion of the entire DNS structure. When a DNS
server receives a request for a name translation that is not within its DNS zone, t
he DNS server forwards the request to another DNS server within the proper zon
e for translation. DNS is scalable because hostname resolution is spread across m
ultiple servers.
The different top-level domains represent either the type of organization or the c
ountry of origin. Examples of top-level domains are the following:
• .com - a business or industry
• .org - a non-profit organization
• .au - Australia
• .co - Colombia
Aliases: www.cisco.com
> cisco.netacad.net
Server: dns-sj.cisco.com
Name: cisco.netacad.net
essing for each connection, it is more efficient to have IPv4 addresses assigned a
utomatically using DHCP.
DHCP can allocate IP addresses for a configurable period of time, called a lease
period. The lease period is an important DHCP setting, When the lease period ex
pires or the DHCP server gets a DHCPRELEASE message the address is returne
d to the DHCP pool for reuse. Users can freely move from location to location an
d easily re-establish network connections through DHCP.
As Figure 25-7 shows, various types of devices can be DHCP servers. The DHC
P server in most medium-to-large networks is usually a local, dedicated PC-base
d server. With home networks, the DHCP server is usually located on the local r
outer that connects the home network to the ISP.
Many networks use both DHCP and static addressing. DHCP is used for general
purpose hosts, such as end user devices. Static addressing is used for network de
vices, such as gateway routers, switches, servers, and printers.
DHCP for IPv6 (DHCPv6) provides similar services for IPv6 clients. One impor
tant difference is that DHCPv6 does not provide a default gateway address. This
can only be obtained dynamically from the Router Advertisement message of the
The client may receive multiple DHCPOFFER messages if there is more than on
e DHCP server on the local network. Therefore, it must choose between them, an
d sends a DHCP request (DHCPREQUEST) message that identifies the explicit s
erver and lease offer that the client is accepting. A client may also choose to requ
est an address that it had previously been allocated by the server.
Assuming that the IPv4 address requested by the client, or offered by the server,
is still available, the server returns a DHCP acknowledgment (DHCPACK) mess
age that acknowledges to the client that the lease has been finalized. If the offer i
s no longer valid, then the selected server responds with a DHCP negative ackno
wledgment (DHCPNAK) message. If a DHCPNAK message is returned, then th
e selection process must begin again with a new DHCPDISCOVER message bei
ng transmitted. After the client has the lease, it must be renewed prior to the leas
e expiration through another DHCPREQUEST message.
The DHCP server ensures that all IP addresses are unique (the same IP address c
annot be assigned to two different network devices simultaneously). Most ISPs u
se DHCP to allocate addresses to their customers.
DHCPv6 has a set of messages that is similar to those for DHCPv4. The DHCPv
esponsible for managing name-to-IP mappings for that small portion of the entire
DNS structure. When a DNS server receives a request for a name translation that
is not within its DNS zone, the DNS server forwards the request to another DNS
server within the proper zone for translation. DNS is scalable because hostname r
esolution is spread across multiple servers.
Computer operating systems have a utility called Nslookup that allows the user t
o manually query the name servers to resolve a given host name. This utility can
also be used to troubleshoot name resolution issues and to verify the current statu
s of the name servers. When the nslookup command is issued, the default DNS s
erver configured for your host is displayed. The name of a host or domain can be
entered at the nslookup prompt.
On larger networks, DHCP is preferred for address assignment. Rather than use s
tatic addressing for each connection, it is more efficient to have IPv4 addresses a
ssigned automatically using DHCP. DHCP can allocate IP addresses for a config
urable period of time, called a lease period. When the lease period expires or the
DHCP server gets a DHCPRELEASE message, the address is returned to the DH
CP pool for reuse. Users can freely move from location to location and easily re-
establish network connections through DHCP.
DHCPv6 provides similar services for IPv6 clients. One important difference is t
hat DHCPv6 does not provide a default gateway address. This can only be obtain
ed dynamically from the Router Advertisement message of the router.
When an IPv4, DHCP-configured device boots up or connects to the network, th
e client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message to identify any available DHCP
servers on the network.
A DHCP server replies with a DHCPOFFER message, which offers a lease to th
e client. The client sends a DHCPREQUEST message that identifies the explicit
server and lease offer that the client is accepting.
Assuming that the IPv4 address requested by the client, or offered by the server,
is still available, the server returns a DHCPACK message that acknowledges to t
he client that the lease has been finalized. If the offer is no longer valid, then the
selected server responds with a DHCPNAK message. If a DHCPNAK message i
s returned, then the selection process must begin again with a new DHCPDISCO
VER message being transmitted.
DHCPv6 has a set of messages that is similar to those for DHCPv4. The DHCPv
The following lab provides practice with the topics introduced in this chapter.
d. The web serverwww.cisco.com
4. Which statement is true about DHCP operation?
a. A client confirms the IP addressing information offered by the DHCP se
rver by sending it a DHCPACK message.
b. A client must wait for lease expiration before it sends a DHCPREQUES
T message.
c. When a device that is configured to use DHCP boots, the client broadca
sts a DHCPDISCOVER message to identify any available DHCP servers o
n the network.
d. The DHCPDISCOVER message contains the IP address and subnet mas
k to be assigned, the IP address of the DNS server, and the IP address of th
e default gateway.
5. Which DHCPv4 message will a client send to accept an IPv4 address that i
s offered by a DHCP server?
6. Which protocol translates a website name such as www.cisco.com into a n
etwork address?
b. FTP
d. DNS
7. What type of information is contained in a DNS MX record?
a. the FQDN of the alias used to identify a service
b. the IP address for an FQDN entry
c. the domain name mapped to mail exchange servers
d. the IP address of an authoritative name server
8. A technician is adding a new PC to a LAN. After unpacking the componen
ts and making all the connections, the technician starts the PC. After the OS l
oads, the technician opens a browser, and verifies that the PC can reach the I
nternet. Why was the PC able to connect to the network with no additional co
a. The PC does not require any additional information to function on the n
b. The PC came preconfigured with IP addressing information from the fa
c. The PC was preconfigured to use DHCP.
d. The PC used DNS to automatically receive IP addressing information fr
om a server.
e. The PC virtual interface is compatible with any network.
9. Which network server is malfunctioning if a user can ping the IP address o
f a web server but cannot ping the web server host name (domain name)?
a. the DNS server
b. the DHCP server
c. the FTP server
d. the HTTP server
10. Which protocol allows a user to type www.cisco.com instead of an IP ad
dress to access the web server?
a. DNS
b. FTP
11. What action does a local DNS server, the server a client has for its DNS a
ddress, take if it does not have an entry for a requested URL?
a. The server drops the request.
b. The server returns a “page not found” response to the client.
c. The server checks with another DNS server to see if it has an entry.
d. The server assigns a temporary IP address to the name and sends this IP
address to the client.
Chapter 26. Transport Layer
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the purpose of the transport layer in managing the transportation
of data in end-to-end communication?
• What are the characteristics of TCP?
• What are the characteristics of UDP?
• How do TCP and UDP use port numbers?
• How do the TCP session establishment and termination processes facilitat
e reliable communication?
• How are TCP protocol data units transmitted and acknowledged to guaran
tee delivery?
• What are the operations of transport layer protocols in supporting end-to-
end communication?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
connection-oriented protocol
expectational acknowledgement
initial sequence number (ISN)
port numbers
selective acknowledgment (SACK)
socket pair
stateful Page
three-way handshake
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
window size
Introduction (26.0)
Looks like Olcay and Abay are finishing their shift at the utilities plant. Olcay tel
ls Abay to have a good night. She tells him to be prepared to talk about all things
that have to do with the transport layer in the morning.
Abay might want to read this chapter before he talks to Olcay in the morning. Ar
e you familiar with the transport layer? You should be if you want to understand
networking. The transport layer is responsible for logical communications betwe
en applications running on different hosts. Let’s get started!
The transport layer has no knowledge of the destination host type, the type of me
dia over which the data must travel, the path taken by the data, the congestion on
a link, or the size of the network.
The transport layer includes two protocols:
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
nversations. As illustrated in Figure 26-2, a host may have multiple applications t
hat are communicating across the network simultaneously.
Most networks have a limitation on the amount of data that can be included in a s
ingle packet. Therefore, data must be divided into manageable pieces.
It is the transport layer’s responsibility to divide the application data into appropr
iately sized blocks that are easier to manage and transport. Depending on the tran
sport layer protocol used, the transport layer blocks are called either segments or
datagrams. Figure 26-3 illustrates the transport layer using different blocks for e
ach conversation.
The transport layer protocol also adds header information containing binary
data organized into several fields to each block of data. The values in these f
ields enable various transport layer protocols to perform different functions
in managing data communication. For instance, the header information is us
ed by the receiving host to reassemble the blocks of data into a complete da
ta stream for the receiving application layer program, as shown in Figure 26
The transport layer ensures that even with multiple application running on a
device, all applications receive the correct data.
The transport layer must be able to separate and manage multiple communic
ations with different transport requirement needs. To pass data streams to th
e proper applications, the transport layer identifies the target application usi
ng an identifier called a port number (see “Port Numbers” later in this chapt
er). As illustrated in Figure 26-5, each software process that needs to access
the network is assigned a port number unique to that host.
Sending some types of data (for example, a streaming video) across a netwo
rk as one complete communication stream could consume all the available b
andwidth. This would prevent other communication conversations from occ
urring at the same time. It would also make error recovery and retransmissio
n of damaged data difficult.
As shown in Figure 26-6, the transport layer uses segmentation and multiple
xing to enable different communication conversations to be interleaved on t
he same network.
Error checking can be performed on the data in the segment to determine w
hether the segment was altered during transmission.
TCP divides data into segments.
TCP transport is analogous to sending packages that are tracked from sourc
e to destination. If a shipping order is broken up into several packages, a cus
tomer can check online to see the order of the delivery.
TCP provides reliability and flow control using these basic operations:
• Number and track data segments transmitted to a specific host from
a specific application
• Acknowledge received data
• Retransmit any unacknowledged data after a certain amount of time
• Sequence data that might arrive in the wrong order
• Send data at an efficient rate that is acceptable by the receiver
To maintain the state of a conversation and track the information, TCP must
first establish a connection between the sender and the receiver. This is why
TCP is known as a connection-oriented protocol.
Go to the online course to view an animation of TCP segments and acknowl
edgements being transmitted between sender and receiver.
UDP divides data into datagrams, also referred to as segments.
UDP is a connectionless protocol. Because UDP does not provide reliabilit
y or flow control, it does not require an established connection. Because U
DP does not track information sent or received between the client and serv
er, UDP is also known as a stateless protocol.
UDP is also known as a best-effort delivery protocol because there is no ac
knowledgment that the data is received at the destination. With UDP, there
are no transport layer processes that inform the sender of a successful deliv
UDP is like placing a regular, nonregistered, letter in the mail. The sender
of the letter is not aware of the availability of the receiver to receive the lett
er. Nor is the post office responsible for tracking the letter or informing the
sender if the letter does not arrive at the final destination.
Go to the online course to view an animation of UDP segments being trans
mitted from sender to receiver.
ents are in order and a minimum level of bandwidth is restored, your TCP sessio
n resumes, and the movie resumes playing.
Figure 26-8 summarizes differences between UDP and TCP.
• Supports flow control—Network hosts have limited resources (that is, m
emory and processing power). When TCP is aware that these resources are
overtaxed, it can request that the sending application reduce the rate of data
flow. This is done by TCP regulating the amount of data the source transmi
ts. Flow control can prevent the need for retransmission of the data when th
e resources of the receiving host are overwhelmed.
For more information on TCP, search the Internet for the RFC 9293.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
UDP Header Fields (26.3.3)
Table 26-2 identifies and describes the four fields in a UDP header.
Although DNS and SNMP use UDP by default, they both also use TCP. DNS us
es TCP if the DNS request or DNS response is more than 512 bytes, such as whe
n a DNS response includes many name resolutions. Similarly, under some situati
ons, a network administrator may want to configure SNMP to use TCP.
Multiple Separate Communications (26.4.1)
As you have learned, there are some situations in which TCP is the right protocol
for the job, and other situations in which UDP should be used. No matter what ty
pe of data is being transported, the TCP and UDP transport layer protocols use p
ort numbers to manage multiple, simultaneous conversations. As shown in Figur
e 26-13, the TCP and UDP header fields identify a source application port numb
er and a destination application port number.
The source port number is associated with the originating application on the loca
l host, whereas the destination port number is associated with the destination app
lication on the remote host.
For instance, when a host initiates a web page request from a web server, the sou
rce port number is dynamically generated by the host to uniquely identify the co
nversation. Each request generated by a host uses a different dynamically created
source port number. This process allows multiple conversations to occur simulta
In the request, the destination port number identifies the type of service being req
uested of the destination web server. For example, when a client specifies port 80
in the destination port, the server that receives the message knows that web servi
ces are being requested.
A server can offer more than one service simultaneously, such as web services o
n port 80 and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) connection establishment on port 21.
In Figure 26-14, the FTP request generated by the PC includes the Layer 2 MAC
addresses and the Layer 3 IP addresses. The request also identifies the source por
t number 1305 (dynamically generated by the host) and destination port, identify
ing the FTP services on port 21. The host also has requested a web page from the
server using the same Layer 2 and Layer 3 addresses. However, it is using the so
urce port number 1099 (dynamically generated by the host) and destination port i
dentifying the web service on port 80.
The socket is used to identify the server and service being requested by the client
. A client socket might look like this, with 1099 representing the source port num
The socket on a web server might be
Together, these two sockets combine to form a socket pair:, 19
Sockets enable multiple processes, running on a client, to distinguish themselves
from each other, and enable multiple connections to a server process to be distin
guished from each other.
The source port number acts as a return address for the requesting application. T
he transport layer keeps track of this port and the application that initiated the req
uest so that when a response is returned, it can be forwarded to the correct applic
Some client operating systems may use registered port numbers instead of
dynamic port numbers for assigning source ports.
Table 26-4 displays some common well-known port numbers and their associate
d applications.
Some applications may use both TCP and UDP. For example, DNS uses UDP w
hen clients send requests to a DNS server. However, communication between tw
o DNS servers always uses TCP.
Search the IANA website for port registry to view the full list of port numbers an
d associated applications.
Active Connections
Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP sc.msn.com:http ESTABLISHED
TCP www.cisco.com:http ESTABLISHED
Check Your Understanding—Port Numbers (26.4.5)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Figure 26-16 Request Destination Ports
Client requests dynamically generate a source port number. In Figure 26-17, Clie
nt 1 is using source port 49152 and Client 2 is using source port 51152.
When the server responds to the client requests, it reverses the destination and so
urce ports of the initial request, as shown in Figures 26-18 and 26-19. Notice tha
t the server response to the web request now has destination port 49152 and the e
mail response now has destination port 51152, as shown in Figure 26-18.
The source port in the server response is the original destination port in the initial
requests, as shown in Figure 26-19.
The three-way handshake validates that the destination host is available to comm
unicate. In this example, host A has validated that host B is available.
For simplicity, the terms client and server are used in the following steps,
but any two hosts that have an open session can initiate the termination pro
The steps for the TCP session termination process are shown in Figure 26-21.
Step 1. FIN—When the client has no more data to send in the stream, it sends
a segment with the FIN flag set.
Step 2. ACK—The server sends an ACK to acknowledge the receipt of the FI
N to terminate the session from client to server.
Step 3. FIN—The server sends a FIN to the client to terminate the server-to-cli
ent session.
Step 4. ACK—The client responds with an ACK to acknowledge the FIN from
the server.
When all segments have been acknowledged, the session is closed.
Figure 26-22 Control Bits Field
Reliability and Flow Control (26.6)
Reliability and flow control are two of the main features of TCP, not present in
The receiving TCP process places the data from a segment into a receiving buffe
r. Segments are then placed in the proper sequence order and passed to the applic
ation layer when reassembled. Any segments that arrive with sequence numbers t
hat are out of order are held for later processing. Then, when the segments with t
he missing bytes arrive, these segments are processed in order.
Refer to the online course to view this video.
For simplicity, segment numbers are being used instead of the byte numbe
Host operating systems today typically employ an optional TCP feature called se
lective acknowledgment (SACK), negotiated during the three-way handshake. If
both hosts support SACK, the receiver can explicitly acknowledge which segme
nts (bytes) were received, including any discontinuous segments. That way, the s
ending host needs to retransmit only the missing data. For example, in Figure 26
-25, again using segment numbers for simplicity, Host A sends segments 1 throu
gh 10 to Host B. If all the segments arrive except for segments 3 and 4, Host B c
an acknowledge that it has received segments 1 and 2 (ACK 3) and selectively ac
knowledge that it has received segments 5 through 10 (SACK 5-10). Host A now
knows that it needs to resend only segments 3 and 4.
Figure 26-25 Selective Acknowledgment
TCP typically sends ACKs for every other packet, but other factors beyond
the scope of this topic may alter this behavior.
The window size determines the number of bytes that can be sent before expectin
g an acknowledgment. The acknowledgment number is the number of the next e
xpected byte.
The window size is the number of bytes that the destination device of a TCP sess
ion can accept and process at one time. In the example shown in Figure 26-26, th
e PC B initial window size for the TCP session is 10,000 bytes. Starting with the
first byte, byte number 1, the last byte PC A can send without receiving an ackno
wledgment is byte 10,000. This is known as the send window of PC A. The wind
ow size is included in every TCP segment, so the destination can modify the win
dow size at any time depending on buffer availability.
The initial window size is agreed upon when the TCP session is established durin
g the three-way handshake. The source device must limit the number of bytes se
nt to the destination device based on the window size of the destination. Only aft
er the source device receives an acknowledgment that the bytes have been receiv
ed can it continue sending more data for the session. Typically, the destination d
oes not wait for all the bytes for its window size to be received before replying w
ith an acknowledgment. As the bytes are received and processed, the destination
sends acknowledgments to inform the source that it can continue to send addition
al bytes.
For example, PC B typically would not wait until all 10,000 bytes have been rece
ived before sending an acknowledgment. This means PC A can adjust its send w
indow as it receives acknowledgments from PC B. As shown in Figure 26-26, w
hen PC A receives an acknowledgment with the acknowledgment number 2,921
, which is the next expected byte, the PC A send window increments 2,920 bytes.
This changes the send window from 10,000 bytes to 12,920. PC A can now conti
nue to send up to another 10,000 bytes to PC B as long as it does not send more t
han its new send window at 12,920.
A destination sending acknowledgments as it processes bytes received, and the c
ontinual adjustment of the source send window, is known as sliding windows. In
the previous example, the send window of PC A increments or slides over anothe
r 2,921 bytes from 10,000 to 12,920.
If the availability of the destination’s buffer space decreases, it may reduce its wi
ndow size to inform the source to reduce the number of bytes it should send with
out receiving an acknowledgment.
Devices today use the sliding windows protocol. The receiver typically sen
ds an acknowledgment after every two segments it receives. The number o
f segments received before being acknowledged may vary. The advantage
of sliding windows is that it allows the sender to continuously transmit seg
ments, as long as the receiver is acknowledging previous segments. The de
tails of sliding windows are beyond the scope of this course.
A common MSS is 1,460 bytes when using IPv4. A host determines the value of
its MSS field by subtracting the IP and TCP headers from the Ethernet maximum
transmission unit (MTU). On an Ethernet interface, the default MTU is 1,500 byt
es. Subtracting the IPv4 header of 20 bytes and the TCP header of 20 bytes, the d
efault MSS size is 1,460 bytes, as shown in Figure 26-28.
Notice that it is the source that is reducing the number of unacknowledged bytes
it sends and not the window size determined by the destination.
Explanations of actual congestion handling mechanisms, timers, and algori
thms are beyond the scope of this course.
UDP Communication (26.7)
Sometimes the reliability associated with TCP is not required or the overhead ass
ociated with providing this reliability is not suitable for the application. This is w
here UDP is used.
The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server shown
Figure 26-32 provides authentication, authorization, and accounting servic
es to manage user access. The operation of RADIUS is beyond the scope f
or this book.
In Figure 26-34, Client 1 is sending a DNS request using the well-known destina
tion port 53 while Client 2 is requesting RADIUS authentication services using t
he registered destination port 1812.
The requests of the clients dynamically generate source port numbers. In this cas
e, Client 1 is using source port 49152 and Client 2 is using source port 51152, as
shown in Figure 26-35.
When the server responds to the client requests, it reverses the destination and so
urce ports of the initial request, as shown in Figures 26-36 and 26-37. In the serv
er response to the DNS request, the destination port now is 49152, and in the ser
ver response to the RADIUS authentication request, the destination port now is 5
1152, as shown in Figure 26-36.
The source ports in the server response are the original destination ports in the in
itial requests, as shown in Figure 26-37.
ation, identifying applications, and conversation multiplexing. TCP is state
ful, reliable, acknowledges data, resends lost data, and delivers data in sequ
enced order. TCP is used for email and the web. UDP is stateless, fast, has
low overhead, does not requires acknowledgments, does not resend lost dat
a, and delivers data in the order it arrives. Use UDP for VoIP and DNS.
• TCP Overview—TCP establishes sessions, ensures reliability, provides s
ame-order delivery, and supports flow control. A TCP segment adds 20 byt
es of overhead as header information when encapsulating the application la
yer data. TCP header fields are the Source Port, Destination Port, Sequence
Number, Acknowledgment Number, Header Length, Reserved, Control Bit
s, Window Size, Checksum, and Urgent. Applications that use TCP are HT
TP, FTP, SMTP, and Telnet.
• UPD Overview—UDP reconstructs data in the order it is received, does
not resend lost segments, does not establish a session, and does not inform
the sender of resource availability. UDP header fields are Source Port, Dest
ination Port, Length, and Checksum. Applications that use UDP are DHCP,
DNS, SNMP, TFTP, VoIP, and video conferencing.
• Port Numbers—The TCP and UDP transport layer protocols use port nu
mbers to manage multiple, simultaneous conversations. This is why the TC
P and UDP header fields identify a source application port number and a de
stination application port number. The source and destination ports are plac
ed within the segment. The segments are then encapsulated within an IP pa
cket. The IP packet contains the IP addresses of the source and destination.
The combination of the source IP address and source port number, or the d
estination IP address and destination port number, is known as a socket. Th
e socket is used to identify the server and service being requested by the cl
ient. The range of port numbers is 0 through 65535. This range is divided i
nto groups: well-known ports, registered ports, and private and/or dynamic
ports. Some well-known port numbers are reserved for common applicatio
ns such as FTP, SSH, DNS, HTTP, and others. Sometimes it is necessary t
o know which active TCP connections are open and running on a networke
d host. Netstat is an important network utility that can be used to verify tho
se connections.
• TCP Communications Process—Each application process running on a
server is configured to use a port number. The port number is either autom
atically assigned or configured manually by a system administrator. TCP s
erver processes are as follows: clients sending TCP requests, clients reques
ting destination ports, clients requesting source ports, and the server respon
ding to destination port and source port requests. To terminate a single con
versation supported by TCP, four exchanges are needed to end both session
s. Either the client or the server can initiate the termination. The three-way
handshake establishes that the destination device is present on the network,
verifies that the destination device has an active service and is accepting re
quests on the destination port number that the initiating client intends to us
e, and informs the destination device that the source client intends to establ
ish a communication session on that port number. The six control bits flags
are URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN.
• Reliability and Flow Control—For the original message to be understoo
d by the recipient, all the data must be received and the data in these segme
nts must be reassembled into the original order. Sequence numbers are assi
gned in the header of each packet. No matter how well designed a network
is, data loss occasionally occurs. TCP provides ways to manage segment lo
sses, including a mechanism to retransmit segments for unacknowledged d
ata. Host operating systems today typically employ an optional TCP featur
e called selective acknowledgment (SACK), negotiated during the three-wa
y handshake. If both hosts support SACK, the receiver can explicitly ackno
wledge which segments (bytes) were received, including any discontinuou
s segments. That way, the sending host needs to retransmit only the missin
g data. Flow control helps maintain the reliability of TCP transmission by a
djusting the rate of data flow between source and destination. To accompli
sh this, the TCP header includes a 16-bit field called the Window Size. The
process of the destination sending acknowledgments as it processes bytes r
eceived and the continual adjustment of the source’s send window is know
n as sliding windows. A source might be transmitting 1,460 bytes of data w
ithin each TCP segment. This is the typical maximum segment size (MSS)
that a destination device can receive. To avoid and control congestion, TC
P employs several congestion handling mechanisms. The source reduces th
e number of unacknowledged bytes it sends, not the window size determine
d by the destination.
• UPD Communication—UDP is a simple protocol that provides the basic
transport layer functions. When UDP datagrams are sent to a destination, th
ey often take different paths and arrive in the wrong order. UDP does not t
rack sequence numbers the way TCP does. UDP has no way to reorder the
datagrams into their transmission order. UDP simply reassembles the data i
n the order that it was received and forwards it to the application. If the dat
a sequence is important to the application, the application must identify the
proper sequence and determine how the data should be processed. UDP-ba
sed server applications are assigned well-known or registered port numbers
. When UDP receives a datagram destined for one of these ports, it forward
s the application data to the appropriate application based on its port numbe
r. The UDP client process dynamically selects a port number from the rang
e of port numbers and uses this as the source port for the conversation. The
destination port is usually the well-known or registered port number assign
ed to the server process. After a client has selected the source and destinati
on ports, the same pair of ports is used in the header of all datagrams used i
n the transaction. For the data returning to the client from the server, the so
urce and destination port numbers in the datagram header are reversed.
d you ever think about how that was different than joining a video call? Did you
wonder why you always receive every word in an email message but sometimes l
ose a word on your video call? Now you should have some knowledge about the
differences between TCP and UDP and why TCP is more reliable than UDP. I a
m excited to be taking this course, and I hope you are too!
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
a. Window Size
b. Length
c. Source Port
d. Acknowledgment Number
e. Checksum
f. Sequence Number
4. What is the last segment sent to complete the termination process of a TCP
session that was initiated by a client?
a. A segment with the ACK flag set to 1 from the client
b. A segment with the FIN flag set to 1 from the server
c. A segment with the SYN flag set to 1 from the client
d. A segment with the ACK flag set to 1 from the server
5. What is a characteristic of a TCP server process?
a. Every application process running on the server is assigned to use a dyn
amic port number.
b. A server may have many ports open (listening on several ports), one por
t for each active server application.
c. An individual server can have two services assigned to the same port nu
mber within the same transport layer services.
d. A client running two different types of network applications can both us
e the same destination port.
6. Network congestion has resulted in the source learning of the loss of TCP
segments that were sent to the destination. What is one way that the TCP pro
tocol addresses this?
a. The source decreases the amount of data that it transmits before it receiv
es an acknowledgement from the destination.
b. The source decreases the window size to decrease the rate of transmissi
on from the destination.
c. The destination decreases the window size.
d. The destination sends fewer acknowledgement messages in order to con
serve bandwidth.
7. Which field in the TCP header indicates the status of the three-way handsh
ake process?
a. Window
b. Reserved
c. Checksum
d. Control Bits
8. What are two features of protocols used in the TCP/IP protocol stack? (Ch
oose two.)
a. The Internet layer IP protocol has built-in mechanisms for ensuring the r
eliable transmission and receipt of data.
b. UDP is used when an application must be delivered as quickly as possib
le and some loss of data can be tolerated.
c. TCP and UDP destination port numbers are dynamically generated by th
e sending device in order to track the responses to requests.
d. TCP mechanisms retransmit data when an acknowledgment is not recei
ved from the destination system within a set period of time.
e. The same transport layer source port is used for all of the tabs opened at
the same time within a web browser.
9. Match each TCP mechanism with the corresponding description.
Window size
Maximum segment size
Acknowledgement message
Sequence number
a. The largest amount of data encapsulated in a segment that a device can r
b. Used to identify each segment of data
c. Used to inform the source of the number of bytes it can send before wait
ing for an acknowledgement
d. Must be received by a sender before transmitting more segments larger t
han the window size
10. Match the description to either TCP or UDP.
a. Is connection-oriented
b. Is connectionless
c. Uses acknowledgments
d. Has a larger header
e. Is suitable for delay-intolerant applications
f. Best-effort delivery protocol
11. What is a characteristic of the UDP protocol?
a. Low overhead
b. Guaranteed delivery
c. Error correction
d. End-to-end establishment before delivery
12. Which two flags in the Layer 4 PDU header are set by a client and server
to terminate a TCP conversation? (Choose two.)
a. URG
b. SYN
c. RST
d. FIN
e. ACK
Chapter 27. The Cisco IOS Command Lin
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How do you navigate to the different Cisco IOS modes?
• How do you navigate the Cisco IOS to configure network devices?
• How do you use show commands to monitor device operations?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
privileged EXEC mode
user EXEC mode
Introduction (27.0)
Hello! I have another friend I want you to meet. Diego was just hired as a junior
member of a new IT department for a small manufacturing firm in Cusco, Peru.
This firm creates parts for agricultural and milling equipment. They have recentl
y updated and expanded their operations. They need a network in the second loca
tion that is connected to their new network at headquarters. Most of the equipme
nt is made by Cisco, so Diego needs to quickly learn the Cisco IOS command lin
e functions. Fortunately, there is help and Diego will be up and running in no tim
e. How about you? If you would like to learn about the Cisco IOS command line
functions, then this module is for you!
many time-saving features for creating both simple and complex configurations.
Almost all Cisco networking devices use a similar CLI. When the router has com
pleted the power-up sequence and the Router> prompt appears, the CLI can be u
sed to enter Cisco IOS commands, as shown in Example 27-1.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# hostname R1
R1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Technicians familiar with the IOS commands and operation of the CLI find it eas
y to monitor and configure a variety of different networking devices because the
same basic commands are used for configuring a switch and a router. The CLI ha
s an extensive help system that assists users in setting up and monitoring devices.
Table 27-1 Primary Command Modes
al syntax for a command, shown in Figure 27-1, is the command followed by any
appropriate keywords and arguments.
For instance, the syntax for using the description command is description strin
g. The argument is a string value provided by the user. The description comman
d is typically used to identify the purpose of an interface. For example, entering t
he command, description Connects to the main headquarter office switch, de
scribes where the other device is at the end of the connection.
The following examples demonstrate conventions used to document and use IOS
• ping ip-address — The command is ping and the user-defined argument
of ip-address is the IP address of the destination device. For example, ping
• traceroute ip-address — The command is traceroute and the user-define
d argument of ip-address is the IP address of the destination device. For ex
ample, traceroute
If a command is complex with multiple arguments, you may see it represented li
ke this:
Switch(config-if)# switchport
port-security aging { static | time time
| type {absolute | inactivity}}
The command will typically be followed with a detailed description of the comm
and and each argument in the Cisco IOS Command Reference.
The Cisco IOS Command Reference is the ultimate source of information for a p
articular IOS command.
Note: While the Delete key typically deletes the character to the right of the pro
mpt, the IOS command structure does not recognize the Delete key.
When a command output produces more text than can be displayed in a terminal
window, the IOS will display a “--More--” prompt. Table 27-4 describes the key
strokes that can be used when this prompt is displayed.
Video - Hot Keys and Shortcuts (27.2.5)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Examples 27-2 through 27-8 displays the output from each of these show comma
(Output omitted)
version 15.5
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname R1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
description Link to R2
ip address
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
description Link to LAN
ip address
negotiation auto
router ospf 10
network area 0
network area 0
banner motd ^C Authorized access only! ^C
line con 0
password 7 14141B180F0B
line vty 0 4
password 7 00071A150754
transport input telnet ssh
output flow-control is off, input flow-control is off
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:21, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total
output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5127 packets input, 590285 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 29 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts)
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
0 watchdog, 5043 multicast, 0 pause input
1150 packets output, 153999 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets
0 unknown protocol drops
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
1 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output
Associated unicast routing topologies:
Topology "base", operation state is UP
IP multicast fast switching is enabled
IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled
IP route-cache flags are Fast, CEF
Router Discovery is disabled
IP output packet accounting is disabled
IP access violation accounting is disabled
TCP/IP header compression is disabled
RTP/IP header compression is disabled
Probe proxy name replies are disabled
Policy routing is disabled
Network address translation is disabled
BGP Policy Mapping is disabled
Input features: MCI Check
IPv4 WCCP Redirect outbound is disabled
IPv4 WCCP Redirect inbound is disabled
IPv4 WCCP Redirect exclude is disabled
(Output omitted)
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF
inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA
external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1,
L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U -
per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H -
a - application route
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override, p -
overrides from PfR
Gateway of last resort is to network
[110/1] via, 02:19:50, GigabitEthernet0/0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
[110/3] via, 02:05:42, GigabitEthernet0/0/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2
C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/1
L is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/1 is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2
is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/0
is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/0
[110/2] via, 02:07:19, GigabitEthernet0/0/0
Serial0/1/0 is down, line protocol is down
Serial0/1/1 is down, line protocol is down
is administratively down, line protocol is down
(Output omitted)
(Output omitted)
ipbase ipbasek9 Permanent ipbasek9
(1RU) processor with 1647778K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FLM2044W0LT
2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2 Serial interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
3207167K bytes of flash memory at bootflash:.
978928K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
rom privileged EXEC mode. Global configuration mode is identified by th
e CLI prompt that ends with (config)#.
The commands used to navigate between the different IOS command mode
s are:
• enable
• disable
• configure terminal
• exit
• end
• Ctrl+Z
• line console 0
• line vty 0 15
• interface vlan 1
• The Command Structure—Each IOS command has a specific format or
syntax and can only be executed in the appropriate mode. The general synt
ax for a command is the command followed by any appropriate keywords a
nd one or more arguments:
• Boldface text indicates commands and keywords.
• Italicized text indicates an argument for which the user provides the va
• Square brackets [x] indicate an optional element.
• Braces {x} indicate a required element.
• Braces and vertical lines within square brackets [x {y | z}] indicate a re
quired choice within an optional element.
The IOS CLI provides hot keys (e.g., tab, backspace, Ctrl-C, etc.) and shor
tcuts (e.g., conf for configure). These make configuring, monitoring, and tr
oubleshooting easier.
• View Device Information—A typical show command can provide infor
mation about the configuration, operation, and status of parts of a Cisco sw
itch or router. Some of the more popular show commands are:
• show running-config
• show interfaces
• show arp
• how ip route
• show protocols
• show version
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
b. differences between the backup configuration and the current running c
c. the amount of NVRAM, DRAM, and flash memory installed on the rou
d. the bandwidth, encapsulation, and I/O statistics on the interfaces
3. What is the difference between the terms keyword and argument in the IO
S command structure?
a. A keyword is required to complete a command. An argument is not.
b. A keyword always appears directly after a command. An argument doe
s not.
c. A keyword is a specific parameter. An argument is not a predefined vari
d. A keyword is entered with a predefined length. An argument can be any
4. Which command or key combination always allows a user to return to the
previous level in the command hierarchy?
a. exit
b. Crtl-Z
c. Ctrl-C
d. end
5. An administrator uses the Ctrl-Shift-6 key combination on a switch after is
suing the traceroute command. What is the purpose of using these keystroke
a. to allow the user to complete the command
b. to interrupt the traceroute process
c. to restart the ping process
d. to exit a different configuration mode
6. Refer to Figure 27-02. An administrator is trying to configure the switch b
ut receives the error message that is displayed in the exhibit. What is the prob
c. The administrator must first enter privileged EXEC mode before issuing
the command.
d. The administrator is already in global configuration mode.
7. What function does pressing the Tab key have when an IOS command is e
a. It exits configuration mode and returns to user EXEC mode.
b. It aborts the current command and returns to configuration mode.
c. It completes the remainder of a partially typed word in a command.
d. It moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
8. In the show running-config command, which part of the syntax is represe
nted by running-config?
a. the command
b. a prompt
c. a keyword
d. a variable
9. Which two statements are true about the user EXEC mode? (Choose two.)
a. All router commands are available.
b. Interfaces and routing protocols can be configured.
c. The device prompt for this mode ends with the “>” symbol.
d. Global configuration mode can be accessed by entering the enable com
e. Only some aspects of the router configuration can be viewed.
10. Immediately after a router completes its boot sequence, the network admi
nistrator wants to check the configuration of the router. From privileged EXE
C mode, which of the following commands can the administrator use for this
purpose? (Choose two.)
a. show version
b. show running-config
c. show flash
d. show nvram
e. show startup-config
Chapter 28. Build a Small Cisco Network
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How do you configure initial settings on a Cisco switch?
• How do you configure initial settings on a router?
• How do you configure devices for secure remote management?
• How do you build a network that includes a switch and router?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
switch virtual interface (SVI)
Introduction (28.0)
Hi, it’s me, Webster. You and Diego now have a good grasp of the Cisco IOS co
mmand line functions. This will make Diego’s next task much easier. At the new
location, he will have to set up and configure all the devices, which will include
host devices, switches and routers, and all the wiring needed. This new network
must be able to communicate with the network at headquarters, as well as being
able to access the internet. This is a bit more complicated than my home network
, but I feel like I might be able to do it, with a little help. That is why I’m going t
o take this module. I hope you’ll join me!
A management IP address is only necessary if you plan to configure and manage
the switch through an in-band connection on the network. A management addres
s enables you to reach the device through Telnet, SSH, or HTTP clients. The IP a
ddress information that must be configured on a switch is essentially the same as
you configure on a PC: IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
In order to secure a Cisco LAN switch, it is necessary to configure passwords on
each of the various methods of access to the command line. The minimum requir
ements include assigning passwords to remote access methods, such as Telnet, S
SH and the console connection. You must also assign a password to the privilege
d mode in which configuration changes can be made.
Telnet sends the username and password in plaintext and is not considered
secure. SSH encrypts the username and password and is, therefore, a more
secure method.
Before configuring a switch, review the following initial switch configuration tas
• Configure the device name.
• hostname name
• Secure user EXEC mode.
• line console 0
• password password
• login
• Secure remote Telnet / SSH access.
• line vty 0 15
• password password
• login
• Secure privileged EXEC mode.
• enable secret password
• Secure all passwords in the config file.
• service password-encryption
• Provide legal notification.
• banner motd delimiter message delimiter
• Configure the management SVI.
• interface vlan 1
• ip address ip-address subnet-mask
• no shutdown
• Save the configuration.
• copy running-config startup-config
Example 28-1 show a sample switch configuration using the above commands.
Similar to Windows hosts, switches configured with an IPv4 address will t
ypically also need to have a default gateway assigned. This can be done us
ing the ip default-gateway ip-address global configuration command. The
ip-address parameter would be the IPv4 address of the local router on the n
etwork, as shown in the example. However, in this topic you will only be c
onfiguring a network with switches and hosts. Routers will be configured l
Basic Router Configuration Steps (28.2.1)
The following tasks should be completed when configuring initial settings on a r
Step 1. Configure the device name.
Router(config-line)# exit
Router(config)# service password-encryption
Notice how the router prompt now displays the router host name.
All router access should be secured. Privileged EXEC mode provides the user wi
th complete access to the device and its configuration, so you must secure it.
The commands in Example 28-4 secure privileged EXEC mode and user EXEC
mode, enable Telnet and SSH remote access, and encrypt all plaintext (i.e., user
EXEC and vty line) passwords. It is very important to use a strong password whe
n securing privileged EXEC mode because this mode allows access to the config
uration of the device.
The legal notification warns users that the device should only be accessed by per
mitted users. Legal notification can be configured like in the following Example
If the router were to be configured with the previous commands and it accidently
lost power, the router configuration would be lost. For this reason, it is important
to save the configuration when changes are implemented. Example 28-6 shows s
aving the configuration to NVRAM.
Password Recommendations (28.3.1)
To protect network devices, it is important to use strong passwords. Here are stan
dard guidelines to follow:
• Use a password length of at least eight characters, preferably 10 or more c
haracters. A longer password is a more secure password.
• Make passwords complex. Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase lette
rs, numbers, symbols, and spaces, if allowed.
• Avoid passwords based on repetition, common dictionary words, letter or
number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, biographical informat
ion, such as birthdates, ID numbers, ancestor names, or other easily identifi
able pieces of information.
• Deliberately misspell a password. For example, Smith = Smyth = 5mYth
or Security = 5ecur1ty.
• Change passwords often. If a password is unknowingly compromised, the
window of opportunity for the threat actor to use the password is limited.
• Do not write passwords down and leave them in obvious places such as o
n the desk or monitor.
Tables 28-1 and 28-2 show examples of strong and weak passwords.
On Cisco routers, leading spaces are ignored for passwords, but spaces after the f
irst character are not. Therefore, one method to create a strong password is to use
the space bar and create a phrase made of many words. This is called a passphras
e. A passphrase is often easier to remember than a simple password. It is also lon
ger and harder to guess.
Switch(config)# password password
Switch(config)# login
When the device is connected to the network, it can be accessed over the networ
k connection using SSH or Telnet. SSH is the preferred method because it is mor
e secure. When the device is accessed through the network, it is considered a vty
connection. The password must be assigned to the vty port. The following config
uration is used to enable SSH access to the switch.
Switch(config)# line vty 0 15
Switch(config)# password password
Switch(config)# transport input ssh
Switch(config)# login
By default, many Cisco switches support up to 16 vty lines that are numbered 0 t
o 15. The number of vty lines supported on a Cisco router varies with the type of
router and the IOS version. However, five is the most common number of vty lin
es configured on a router. These lines are numbered 0 to 4 by default, though add
itional lines can be configured. A password needs to be set for all available vty li
nes. The same password can be set for all connections.
To verify that the passwords are set correctly, use the show running-config com
mand. These passwords are stored in the running-configuration in plaintext. It is
possible to set encryption on all passwords stored within the router so that they a
re not easily read by unauthorized individuals. The global configuration comman
d service password-encryption ensures that all passwords are encrypted.
With remote access secured on the switch, you can now configure SSH.
Use the show ip ssh command to verify that the switch supports SSH. I
f the switch is not running an IOS that supports cryptographic features,
this command is unrecognized.
Step 2. Configure the IP domain.
Not all versions of the IOS default to SSH version 2, and SSH version
1 has known security flaws. To configure SSH version 2, issue the ip s
sh version 2 global configuration mode command. Generating an RSA
key pair automatically enables SSH. Use the crypto key generate rsa
global configuration mode command to enable the SSH server on the s
witch and generate an RSA key pair. When generating RSA keys, the a
dministrator is prompted to enter a modulus length. The sample configu
ration in the figure uses a modulus size of 1,024 bits. A longer modulus
length is more secure, but it takes more time to generate and to use.
To delete the RSA key pair, use the crypto key zeroize rsa global configu
ration mode command. After the RSA key pair is deleted, the SSH server i
s automatically disabled.
Enable the SSH protocol on the vty lines using the transport input ssh
line configuration mode command. The Catalyst 2960 has vty lines ran
ging from 0 to 15. This configuration prevents non-SSH (such as Telne
t) connections and limits the switch to accept only SSH connections. U
se the line vty global configuration mode command and then the login l
ocal line configuration mode command to require local authentication f
or SSH connections from the local username database.
Step 6. Enable SSH version 2.
Figure 28-1 SSH connection with Putty
After clicking Open in PuTTY, the user is prompted for a username and passwo
rd. Using the configuration from the previous example, the username admin and
password ccna are entered. After entering the correct combination, the user is co
nnected via SSH to the CLI on the Catalyst 2960 switch.
To display the version and configuration data for SSH on the device that you con
figured as an SSH server, use the show ip ssh command. In Example 28-9, SSH
version 2 is enabled. To check the SSH connections to the device, use the show s
sh command.
S1> enable
Password: <class>
S1# show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 2.0
Authentication timeout: 90 secs; Authentication retries: 2
Minimum expected Diffie Hellman key size : 1024 bits
IOS Keys in SECSH format(ssh-rsa, base64 encoded):
8 /8jg/srGFNL
• Secure Passwords
• Encrypt Communications
• Verify SSH Implementation
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
What if PC1 sent a packet to PC3? As shown in Figure 28-3, PC1 would address
the packet with the IPv4 address of PC3, but would forward the packet to its defa
ult gateway, which is the G0/0/0 interface of R1. The router accepts the packet a
nd accesses its routing table to determine that G0/0/1 is the appropriate exit interf
ace based on the destination address. R1 then forwards the packet out of the appr
opriate interface to reach PC3.
The same process would occur on an IPv6 network, although this is not shown in
the topology. Devices would use the IPv6 address of the local router as their defa
ult gateway.
In this example, the administrator host would use its default gateway to send the
packet to the G0/0/1 interface of R1. R1 would forward the packet to S1 out of it
s G0/0/0 interface. Because the packet source IPv4 address came from another ne
twork, S1 would require a default gateway to forward the packet to the G0/0/0 in
terface of R1. Therefore, S1 must be configured with a default gateway to be abl
e to reply and establish an SSH connection with the administrative host.
Packets originating from host computers connected to the switch must alre
ady have the default gateway address configured on their host computer op
erating system.
Syntax Checker - Configure the Default Gateway (28.4.3)
Use this syntax checker to practice configuring the default gateway of a La
yer 2 switch.
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
Summary (28.5)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
onsole connection. You must also assign a password to the privileged mode
in which configuration changes can be made.
To access the switch remotely, an IP address and a subnet mask must be co
nfigured on the SVI. To configure an SVI on a switch, use the interface vl
an 1 global configuration command. Vlan 1 is not an actual physical interf
ace but a virtual one. Next assign an IPv4 address using the ip address ip-a
ddress subnet-mask interface configuration command. Finally, enable the v
irtual interface using the no shutdown interface configuration command.
After the switch has been configured with these commands, the switch has
all the IPv4 elements ready for communication over the network.
• Configure Initial Router Settings—Steps to configure a router:
Step 1. Configure the device name.
. Setting a password for console connection access is done in global config
uration mode.
When the device is connected to the network, it can be accessed over the n
etwork connection using SSH or Telnet. SSH is the preferred method becau
se it is more secure. When the device is accessed through the network, it is
considered a vty connection. A password needs to be set for all available vt
y lines. The same password can be set for all connections. The global confi
guration command service password-encryption ensures that all password
s are encrypted.
Configure a Cisco device to support SSH using the following six steps:
Step 1. Configure a unique device hostname. A device must have a unique h
ostname other than the default.
Step 2. Configure the IP domain name. Configure the IP domain name of the
network by using the global configuration mode command ip domain-
name name.
Step 3. Generate a key to encrypt SSH traffic. SSH encrypts traffic between
source and destination. However, to do so, a unique authentication key
must be generated by using the global configuration command crypto
key generate rsa general-keys modulus bits.
Step 4. Verify or create a local database entry. Create a local database usern
ame entry using the username global configuration command.
Step 5. Authenticate against the local database. Use the login local line conf
iguration command to authenticate the vty line against the local databa
Step 6. Enable vty inbound SSH sessions. By default, no input session is allo
wed on vty lines. You can specify multiple input protocols including Te
lnet and SSH using the transport input {ssh | telnet} command.
To display the version and configuration data for SSH on the device that yo
u configured as an SSH server, use the show ip ssh command. To check th
e SSH connections to the device, use the show ssh command.
• Configure the Default Gateway—If your local network has only one ro
uter, it will be the gateway router and all hosts and switches on your netwo
rk must be configured with this information.
For an end device to communicate over the network, it must be configured
with the correct IP address information, including the default gateway addr
ess. The default gateway address is generally the router interface address at
tached to the local network of the host. The IP address of the host device an
d the router interface address must be in the same network.
To connect the switch and administratively manage it over multiple networ
ks, configure the switch virtual interface (SVI) with an IPv4 address, subne
t mask, and default gateway address.
To remotely access the switch from another network using SSH, the switch
must have an SVI with an IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway
address configured. The IP address configured is that of the router interface
of the connected switch. To configure an IPv4 default gateway on a switch
, use the ip default-gateway ip-address global configuration command. Th
e IP address that is configured is the IPv4 address of the local router interfa
ce connected to the switch.
A workgroup switch can also be configured with an IPv6 address on an SV
I. The switch will automatically receive its default gateway from the ICMP
v6 Router Advertisement message from the router.
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
1. Which connection provides a secure CLI session with encryption to a Cisc
o switch?
a. a console connection
b. a Telnet connection
c. an AUX connection
d. an SSH connection
2. Which interface is the default SVI on a Cisco switch?
a. VLAN 1
b. FastEthernet 0/1
c. VLAN 99
d. GigabitEthernet 0/1
3. On which switch interface would an administrator configure an IP address
so that the switch can be managed remotely?
a. VLAN 1
b. console 0
c. FastEthernet 0/1
d. vty 0
4. What is the effect of using the Router# copy running-config startup-con
fig command on a router?
a. The contents of flash will change.
b. The contents of ROM will change.
c. The contents of NVRAM will change.
d. The contents of RAM will change.
5. What is one difference between using Telnet or SSH to connect to a netwo
rk device for management purposes?
a. Telnet uses UDP as the transport protocol whereas SSH uses TCP.
b. Telnet does not provide authentication whereas SSH provides authentic
c. Telnet sends username and password in plain text, whereas SSH encrypt
s the username and password.
d. Telnet supports a host GUI whereas SSH only supports a host CLI.
6. A network technician is statically assigning an IP address to a PC. The sub
net mask is The default gateway is What would
be a valid IP address to assign to the host?
7. What happens when the transport input ssh command is entered on the s
witch vty lines?
a. The switch requires a username/password combination for remote acces
b. The switch requires remote connection via a proprietary client software.
c. The SSH client on the switch is enabled.
d. Communication between the switch and remote users is encrypted.
8. Company policy requires using the most secure method to safeguard acces
s to the privileged exec and configuration mode on the routers. The privilege
d exec password is trustknow1. Which of the following router commands ach
ieves the goal of providing the highest level of security?
a. enable password trustknow1
b. secret password trustknow1
c. service password-encryption
d. enable secret trustknow1
9. Which command can be used to encrypt all passwords in the configuration
a. enable secret
b. password
c. service password-encryption
d. enable password
Chapter 29. ICMP
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How is ICMP used to test network connectivity?
• How do you use ping and traceroute utilities to test network connectivity?
Introduction (29.0)
Welcome to ICMP! Imagine that you have an intricate model train set. Your trac
ks and trains are all connected and powered up and ready to go. You throw the s
witch. The train goes halfway around the track and stops. You know right away t
hat the problem is most likely located where the train has stopped, so you look th
ere first. It is not as easy to visualize this with a network. Like a train, packets mi
ght not make it to their destination. Fortunately, there are tools to help you locate
problem areas in your network, and they work with both IPv4 and IPv6 networks
! You will be happy to know that this chapter has a couple Packet Tracer activitie
s to help you practice using these tools, so let’s get testing!
• Destination Unreachable
• Time Exceeded
ICMPv6 also sends a Time Exceeded message if the router cannot forward an IP
v6 packet because the packet has expired. Unlike IPv4, IPv6 doesn’t have a TTL
field; ICMPv6 uses the IPv6 Hop Limit field to determine if the packet has expir
Time Exceeded messages are used by the traceroute tool.
ICMPv6 ND also includes the Redirect message, which has a similar functi
on to the Redirect message used in ICMPv4.
RA messages are sent by IPv6-enabled routers every 200 seconds to provide add
ressing information to IPv6-enabled hosts. The RA message can include addressi
ng information for the host such as the prefix, prefix length, DNS address, and d
omain name. A host using Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) sets its
default gateway to the link-local address of the router that sent the RA.
In Figure 29-2, R1 sends the following RA message to FF02::1, the all-nodes mu
lticast address that will reach PC1:
Figure 29-2 RA Message
If another device on the network has this address, it responds with an NA messag
e, which notifies the sending device that the address is in use. If a corresponding
NA message is not returned within a certain amount of time, the unicast address i
s unique and acceptable for use.
DAD is not required, but RFC 4861 recommends that DAD be performed
on unicast addresses.
Address resolution is used when a device on the LAN knows the IPv6 unicast ad
dress of a destination but does not know its Ethernet MAC address. To determine
the MAC address for the destination, the device sends an NS message to the soli
cited node address. The message includes the known (targeted) IPv6 address. Th
e device that has the targeted IPv6 address responds with an NA message contain
ing its Ethernet MAC address.
In Figure 29-5 shows an example of address resolution: R1 sends an NS message
to 2001:db8:acad:1::10 asking for its MAC address.
1. R1 sends an address resolution NS message: “Will whoever has the IPv
6 address 2001:db8:acad:1::10 send me your MAC address?”
2. PC1 replies with an NA message: “I’m 2001:db8:acad:1::10 and my M
AC address is 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee.”
• Pinging the default gateway
• Pinging a remote host
A response from for IPv4, or ::1 for IPv6, indicates that IP is properly i
nstalled on the host. This response comes from the network layer. This response i
s not, however, an indication that the addresses, masks, or gateways are properly
configured. Nor does it indicate anything about the status of the lower layers of t
he network stack. This simply tests IP down through the network layer of IP. An
error message indicates that TCP/IP is not operational on the host.
For this test, the default gateway address is most often used because the router is
normally always operational. If the default gateway address does not respond, a
ping can be sent to the IP address of another host on the local network that is kno
wn to be operational.
If either the default gateway or another host responds, this confirms that the local
host can successfully communicate over the local network. If the default gateway
does not respond but another host does, this could indicate a problem with the ro
uter interface serving as the default gateway. One possibility is that the wrong de
fault gateway address has been configured on the host. Another possibility is that
the router interface is fully operational but has security applied to it that prevents
it from processing or responding to ping requests.
Ping a Remote Host (29.2.4)
Ping can also be used to test the ability of a local host to communicate across an i
nternetwork. The local host can ping an operational IPv4 host of a remote netwo
rk, as shown in Figure 29-8. The router uses its IP routing table to forward the pa
If this ping is successful, the operation of a large piece of the internetwork can be
verified. A successful ping across the internetwork confirms communication on t
he local network, the operation of the router serving as the default gateway, and t
he operation of all other routers that might be in the path between the local netwo
rk and the network of the remote host.
Additionally, the functionality of the remote host can be verified. If the remote h
ost could not communicate outside of its local network, it would not have respon
Many network administrators limit or prohibit the entry of ICMP messages
into the corporate network; therefore, the lack of a ping response could be
due to security restrictions.
Round-Trip Time (RTT)
Using traceroute provides the round-trip time for each hop along the path and ind
icates if a hop fails to respond. The round-trip time is the time a packet takes to r
each the remote host and for the response from the host to return. An asterisk (*)
is used to indicate a lost or unreplied packet.
This information can be used to locate a problematic router in the path, or it may
indicate that the router is configured not to reply. If the display shows high respo
nse times or data losses from a particular hop, this is an indication that the resour
ces of the router or its connections might be stressed.
IPv4 and IPv6 can coexist on the same network. From the command prom
pt of a PC, there are some differences in the way commands are issued and
in the way output is displayed.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
An ICMP Echo message can be used to test the reachability of a host on an
IP network. The local host sends an ICMP Echo Request to a host. If the ho
st is available, the destination host responds with an Echo Reply.
When a host or gateway receives a packet that it cannot deliver, it can use a
n ICMP Destination Unreachable message to notify the source that the dest
ination or service is unreachable. The message includes a code that indicate
s why the packet could not be delivered.
An ICMPv4 Time Exceeded message is used by a router to indicate that a p
acket cannot be forwarded because the TTL field of the packet was decrem
ented to 0. If a router receives a packet and decrements the TTL field in the
IPv4 packet to 0, it discards the packet and sends a Time Exceeded messag
e to the source host.
ICMPv6 also sends a Time Exceeded message if the router cannot forward
an IPv6 packet because the packet has expired. The informational and error
messages found in ICMPv6 are very similar to the control and error messag
es implemented by ICMPv4. However, ICMPv6 includes four new protoco
ls as part of the Neighbor Discovery Protocol, as follows:
• RS message
• RA message
• NS message
• NA message
• Ping and Traceroute Tests—To test connectivity to another host on a ne
twork, an Echo Request is sent to the host address using the ping command
. If the host at the specified address receives the Echo Request, it responds
with an Echo Reply. As each Echo Reply is received, ping provides feedba
ck on the time between when the request was sent and when the reply was r
eceived. This can provide a measure of network performance. Ping has a ti
meout value for the reply. If a reply is not received within the timeout, ping
provides a message indicating that a response was not received.
Types of connectivity tests performed with ping include the following:
• Pinging the local loopback—Ping can be used to test the internal conf
iguration of IPv4 or IPv6 on the local host. To perform this test, ping the
local loopback address.
• Pinging the default gateway—This is generally done by pinging the I
P address of the default gateway of the host. A successful ping to the def
ault gateway indicates that both the host and the router interface serving
as the default gateway are operational on the local network.
• Pinging the remote host—A successful ping across the internetwork c
onfirms communication on the local network, the operation of the router
serving as the default gateway, and the operation of all other routers that
might be in the path between the local network and the network of the re
mote host.
The traceroute (tracert) utility is used to generate a list of hops that were
successfully reached along the path. This list can provide important verific
ation and troubleshooting information. If the data reaches the destination, t
he trace lists the interface of every router in the path between the hosts. If t
he data fails at some hop along the way, the address of the last router that r
esponded to the trace provides an indication of where the problem or securi
ty restrictions are found.
The round-trip time is the time a packet takes to reach the remote host and
for the response from the host to return. An asterisk (*) is used to indicate a
lost or unreplied packet. Traceroute makes use of a function of the TTL fie
ld in IPv4 and the Hop Limit field in IPv6 in the Layer 3 headers, along wit
h the ICMP Time Exceeded message.
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
Check Your Understanding Questions
Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the to
pics and concepts in this chapter. Appendix A, “Answers to ‘Check Your Unders
tanding Questions,’” lists the answers.
1. A user calls to report that a PC cannot access the Internet. The network tec
hnician asks the user to issue the command ping in a command pro
mpt window. The user reports that the result is four positive replies. What co
nclusion can be drawn based on this connectivity test?
a. The PC can access the network. The problem exists beyond the local ne
b. The IP address obtained from the DHCP server is correct.
c. The PC can access the Internet. However, the web browser may not wor
d. The TCP/IP implementation is functional.
2. Which command can be used to test connectivity between two devices usi
ng Echo Request and Echo Reply messages?
a. netstat
b. ipconfig
d. ping
3. What IPv6 field does a router use to determine that a packet has expired?
a. TTL field
b. CRC field
c. Hop Limit field
d. Time Exceeded field
4. Which protocol provides feedback from the destination host to the source
host about errors in packet delivery?
a. ARP
c. DNS
5. Which utility uses the Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP)?
a. RIP
b. DNS
c. Ping
d. NTP
6. A network administrator can successfully ping the server at www.cisco.co
m but cannot ping the company web server located at an ISP in another city.
Which tool or command would help identify the specific router where the pa
cket was lost or delayed?
a. ipconfig
b. netstat
c. telnet
d. traceroute
7. Which protocol is used by IPv4 and IPv6 to provide error messaging?
b. NDP
c. ARP
8. What message can be sent by a host to check the uniqueness of an IPv6 ad
dress before using that address?
a. Neighbor Solicitation
b. ARP Request
c. Echo Request
d. Router Solicitation
9. A technician is troubleshooting a network where it is suspected that a defe
ctive node in the network path is causing packets to be dropped. The technici
an has only the IP address of the end point device and does not have any deta
ils of the intermediate devices. Which Windows command can the technician
use to identify the faulty node?
a. tracert
b. ping
c. ipconfig /flushdns
d. ipconfig /displaydns
10. A user who is unable to connect to the file server contacts the help desk.
The helpdesk technician asks the user to ping the IP address of the default ga
teway that is configured on the workstation. What is the purpose for this ping
a. To obtain a dynamic IP address from the server
b. To request that the gateway forward the connection request to the file se
c. To test that the host has the capability to reach hosts on other networks
d. To resolve the domain name of the file server to its IP address
11. What is a function of the Windows tracert command that differs from the
ping command when they are used on a workstation?
a. The tracert command reaches the destination faster.
b. The tracert command shows information about the routers in the path.
c. The tracert command sends one ICMP message to each hop in the path.
d. The tracert command is used to test the connectivity between two devi
12. Which ICMP message is used by the traceroute utility during the process
of finding the path between two end hosts?
a. Redirect
b. Ping
c. Time Exceeded
d. Destination Unreachable
13. Which two things can be determined by using the ping command? (Choo
se two.)
a. The number of routers between the source and destination device
b. The IP address of the route nearest the destination device
c. The average time it takes a packet to reach the destination and for the re
sponse to return to the source
d. The destination device is reachable through the network
e. The average time it takes each router in the path between the source and
the destination to respond
14. Which statement describes a characteristic of the traceroute utility?
a. It sends four Echo Request messages.
b. It utilizes three ICMP Source Quench messages.
c. It is primarily used to test connectivity between two hosts.
d. It identifies the routers in the path from a source host to a destination ho
Chapter 30. Physical Layer
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the purpose and functions of the physical layer in the network?
• What are characteristics of the physical layer?
• What are the basic characteristics of copper cabling?
• How is UTP cable used in Ethernet networks?
• What is fiber-optic cabling and what are its main advantages over other m
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
wireless access point (AP)
Network interface cards (NICs)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Association (TIA
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Manchester encoding
Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)
Shielded twisted-pair (STP)
Coaxial cable
fiber-optic cable
Introduction (30.0)
I have a friend I’d like you to meet. Her name is Halimah. She just started worki
ng as a junior member of the IT department of a large oil and gas firm that specia
lizes in exploration and production. Her company has a multi-building headquart
ers and several branch offices throughout Nigeria.
In this module, you will learn about the physical layer of networks. Halimah alre
ady knows this information and she needs to use it to better understand the way t
he network at headquarters is constructed.
Are you ready to get started?
2. Several Ethernet switchports
3. An internet port
Similar to a corporate office, most homes offer both wired and wireless connecti
vity to the network. Figure 30-2 shows a home router and a laptop connecting to
the local area network (LAN).
Network interface cards (NICs) connect a device to the network. Ethernet NICs
are used for a wired connection, as shown in Figure 30-3, whereas wireless loca
l area network (WLAN) NICs are used for wireless. An end-user device may inc
lude one or both types of NICs. A network printer, for example, may only have a
n Ethernet NIC, and therefore, must connect to the network using an Ethernet ca
ble. Other devices, such as tablets and smartphones, might only contain a WLAN
NIC and must use a wireless connection.
Not all physical connections are equal, in terms of the performance level, when c
onnecting to a network.
Refer to the online course to view an animation of the encapsula
tion process.
• National telecommunications regulatory authorities including the Federa
l Communication Commission (FCC) in the USA and the European Teleco
mmunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
In addition to these, there are often regional cabling standards groups such as CS
A (Canadian Standards Association), CENELEC (European Committee for Elect
rotechnical Standardization), and JSA/JIS (Japanese Standards Association), whi
ch develop local specifications.
Encoding (30.2.3)
Encoding or line encoding is a method of converting a stream of data bits into a
predefined “code”. Codes are groupings of bits used to provide a predictable patt
ern that can be recognized by both the sender and the receiver. In other words, en
coding is the method or pattern used to represent digital information. This is simi
lar to how Morse code encodes a message using a series of dots and dashes.
For example, Manchester encoding represents a 0 bit by a high to low voltage tr
ansition, and a 1 bit is represented as a low to high voltage transition. An exampl
e of Manchester encoding is illustrated in Figure 30-6. The transition occurs at th
e middle of each bit period. This type of encoding is used in 10 Mbps Ethernet. F
aster data rates require more complex encoding. Manchester encoding is used in
older Ethernet standards such as 10BASE-T. Ethernet 100BASE-TX uses 4B/5B
encoding and 1000BASE-T uses 8B/10B encoding.
Signaling (30.2.4)
The physical layer must generate the electrical, optical, or wireless signals that re
present the “1” and “0” on the media. The way that bits are represented is called t
he signaling method. The physical layer standards must define what type of signa
l represents a “1” and what type of signal represents a “0”. This can be as simple
as a change in the level of an electrical signal or optical pulse. For example, a lon
g pulse might represent a 1 whereas a short pulse might represent a 0.
This is similar to the signaling method used in Morse code, which may use a seri
es of on-off tones, lights, or clicks to send text over telephone wires or between s
hips at sea.
Figures 30-7 through 30-9 show illustrations of signaling for copper cable, fiber-
optic cable, and wireless media.
Bandwidth (30.2.6)
Different physical media support the transfer of bits at different rates. Data trans
fer is usually discussed in terms of bandwidth. Bandwidth is the capacity at whic
h a medium can carry data. Digital bandwidth measures the amount of data that c
an flow from one place to another in a given amount of time. Bandwidth is typic
ally measured in kilobits per second (kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or giga
bits per second (Gbps). Bandwidth is sometimes thought of as the speed that bits
travel, however this is not accurate. For example, in both 10Mbps and 100Mbps
Ethernet, the bits are sent at the speed of electricity. The difference is the number
of bits that are transmitted per second.
A combination of factors determines the practical bandwidth of a network:
• The properties of the physical media
• The technologies chosen for signaling and detecting network signals
Physical media properties, current technologies, and the laws of physics all play
a role in determining the available bandwidth.
Table 30-1 shows the commonly used units of measure for bandwidth.
Latency refers to the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from on
e given point to another.
In an internetwork, or a network with multiple segments, throughput cannot be fa
ster than the slowest link in the path from source to destination. Even if all, or m
ost, of the segments have high bandwidth, it will only take one segment in the pa
th with low throughput to create a bottleneck in the throughput of the entire netw
Throughput is the measure of the transfer of bits across the media over a given p
eriod of time.
Due to a number of factors, throughput usually does not match the specified ban
dwidth in physical layer implementations. Throughput is usually lower than the b
andwidth. There are many factors that influence throughput:
• The amount of traffic
• The type of traffic
• The latency created by the number of network devices encountered betwe
en source and destination
There are many online speed tests that can reveal the throughput of an internet co
nnection. The figure provides sample results from a speed test.
There is a third measurement to assess the transfer of usable data; it is known as
goodput. Goodput is the measure of usable data transferred over a given period o
f time. Goodput is throughput minus traffic overhead for establishing sessions, ac
knowledgments, encapsulation, and retransmitted bits. Goodput is always lower t
han throughput, which is generally lower than the bandwidth.
circuits, crosstalk can result in hearing part of another voice conversation f
rom an adjacent circuit. Specifically, when an electrical current flows throu
gh a wire, it creates a small, circular magnetic field around the wire, which
can be picked up by an adjacent wire.
Figure 30-10 shows how data transmission can be affected by interference.
In LANs, UTP cable consists of four pairs of color-coded wires that have been t
wisted together and then encased in a flexible plastic sheath that protects from m
inor physical damage, as shown in Figure 30-12. The twisting of wires helps prot
ect against signal interference from other wires.
The color codes identify the individual pairs and wires and aid in cable terminati
The numbers in Figure 30-12 identify some key features of UTP cable:
1. The outer jacket protects the copper wires from physical damage.
2. Twisted-pairs protect the signal from interference.
3. Color-coded plastic insulation electrically isolates wires from each other
and identifies each pair.
The numbers in Figure 30-13 identify some key features of STP cable:
1. Outer jacket
2. Braided or foil shield
3. Foil shields
4. Twisted pairs
Coaxial Cable (30.3.5)
Coaxial cable, or coax for short, gets its name from the fact that there are two co
nductors that share the same axis. As shown in the figure, coaxial cable consists
of the following:
• A copper conductor is used to transmit the electronic signals.
• A layer of flexible plastic insulation surrounds a copper conductor.
• The insulating material is surrounded in a woven copper braid, or metallic
foil, that acts as the second wire in the circuit and as a shield for the inner c
onductor. This second layer, or shield, also reduces the amount of outside e
lectromagnetic interference.
• The entire cable is covered with a cable jacket to prevent minor physical
There are different types of connectors used with coax cable. The Bayonet Neill–
Concelman (BNC), N type, and F type connectors are shown in Figure 30-14.
The numbers in Figure 30-14 identify some key features of coaxial cable:
1. Outer jacket
2. Braided copper shielding
3. Plastic insulation
4. Copper conductor
Although UTP cable has essentially replaced coaxial cable in modern Ethernet in
stallations, the coaxial cable design is used in the following situations:
• Wireless installations — Coaxial cables attach antennas to wireless devi
ces. The coaxial cable carries radio frequency (RF) energy between the ant
ennas and the radio equipment.
• Cable internet installations — Cable service providers provide internet
connectivity to their customers by replacing portions of the coaxial cable a
nd supporting amplification elements with fiber-optic cable. However, the
wiring inside the customer’s premises is still coax cable.
UTP Cabling (30.4)
Copper media has some inherent issues. Twisting the internal pairs of the copper
media, as used in UTP, is a low-cost solution to improve some of the cabling per
formance. This section will further explore UTP cabling.
• Cable types
• Cable lengths
• Connectors
• Cable termination
• Methods of testing cable
The electrical characteristics of copper cabling are defined by the Institute of Ele
ctrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE rates UTP cabling according to it
s performance. Cables are placed into categories based on their ability to carry hi
gher bandwidth rates. For example, Category 5 cable is used commonly in 100B
ASE-TX Fast Ethernet installations. Other categories include Enhanced Category
5 cable, Category 6, and Category 6a.
Cables in higher categories are designed and constructed to support higher data r
ates. As new gigabit speed Ethernet technologies are being developed and adopte
d, Category 5e is now the minimally acceptable cable type, with Category 6 bein
g the recommended type for new building installations.
Figure 30-16 shows three categories of UTP cable:
• Category 3 was originally used for voice communication over voice lines,
but later used for data transmission.
• Category 5 and 5e is used for data transmission. Category 5 supports 100
Mbps and Category 5e supports 1000 Mbps
• Category 6 has an added separator between each wire pair to support high
er speeds. Category 6 supports up to 10 Gbps.
• Category 7 also supports 10 Gbps.
• Category 8 supports 40 Gbps.
Some manufacturers are making cables exceeding the TIA/EIA Category 6a spec
ifications and refer to these as Category 7.
UTP cable is usually terminated with an RJ-45 connector. The TIA/EIA-568 stan
dard describes the wire color codes to pin assignments (pinouts) for Ethernet cab
As shown in Figure 30-17, the RJ-45 connector is the male component, crimped
at the end of the cable.
The socket, shown in Figure 30-18, is the female component of a network device
, wall, cubicle partition outlet, or patch panel. When terminated improperly, each
cable is a potential source of physical layer performance degradation.
Figure 30-19 shows an example of a badly terminated UTP cable. This bad conn
ector has wires that are exposed, untwisted, and not entirely covered by the sheat
Figure 30-20 shows a properly terminated UTP cable. It is a good connector with
wires that are untwisted only to the extent necessary to attach the connector.
Improper cable termination can impact transmission performance.
Another type of cable is a rollover cable, which is Cisco proprietary. It is u
sed to connect a workstation to a router or switch console port.
Table 30-2 shows the UTP cable type, related standards, and typical application
of these cables.
Optical fiber cable transmits data over longer distances and at higher bandwidths
than any other networking media. Unlike copper wires, fiber-optic cable can tran
smit signals with less attenuation and is completely immune to EMI and RFI. Op
tical fiber is commonly used to interconnect network devices.
Optical fiber is a flexible, but extremely thin, transparent strand of very pure glas
s, not much bigger than a human hair. Bits are encoded on the fiber as light impu
lses. The fiber-optic cable acts as a waveguide, or “light pipe,” to transmit light b
etween the two ends with minimal loss of signal.
As an analogy, consider an empty paper towel roll with the inside coated like a
mirror. It is a thousand meters in length, and a small laser pointer is used to send
Morse code signals at the speed of light. Essentially that is how a fiber-optic cabl
e operates, except that it is smaller in diameter and uses sophisticated light techn
Single-Mode Fiber
SMF consists of a very small core and uses expensive laser technology to send a
single ray of light, as shown in Figure 30-22. SMF is popular in long-distance sit
uations spanning hundreds of kilometers, such as those required in long haul tele
phony and cable TV applications.
Multimode Fiber
MMF consists of a larger core and uses LED emitters to send light pulses. Specif
ically, light from an LED enters the multimode fiber at different angles, as show
n in Figure 30-23. Popular in LANs because they can be powered by low-cost L
EDs. It provides bandwidth up to 10 Gbps over link lengths of up to 550 meters.
One of the highlighted differences between MMF and SMF is the amount of disp
ersion. Dispersion refers to the spreading out of a light pulse over time. Increased
dispersion means increased loss of signal strength. MMF has a greater dispersion
than SMF. That is why MMF can only travel up to 500 meters before signal loss.
Fiber-Optic Cabling Usage (30.5.3)
Fiber-optic cabling is now being used in four types of industry:
• Enterprise Networks — Used for backbone cabling applications and inte
rconnecting infrastructure devices
• Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) md] Used to provide always-on broadband
services to homes and small businesses
• Long-Haul Networks — Used by service providers to connect countries
and cities
• Submarine Cable Networks — Used to provide reliable high-speed, hig
h-capacity solutions capable of surviving in harsh undersea environments a
t up to transoceanic distances. Search the internet for “submarine cables tel
egeography map” to view various maps online.
Our focus in this course is the use of fiber within the enterprise.
Some switches and routers have ports that support fiber-optic connectors th
rough a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver. Search the internet
for various types of SFPs.
ST connectors (Figure 30-24) were one of the first connector types used. The con
nector locks securely with a “Twist-on/twist-off” bayonet-style mechanism.
LC simplex connectors (Figure 30-26) are a smaller version of the SC connector
. These are sometimes called little or local connectors and are quickly growing in
popularity due to their smaller size.
Until recently, light could only travel in one direction over optical fiber. Two fib
ers were required to support the full duplex operation. Therefore, fiber-optic pat
ch cables bundle together two optical fiber cables and terminate them with a pair
of standard, single-fiber connectors. Some fiber connectors accept both the trans
mitting and receiving fibers in a single connector known as a duplex connector, a
s shown in the Duplex Multimode LC Connector in the figure. BX standards suc
h as 100BASE-BX use different wavelengths for sending and receiving over a si
ngle fiber.
Fiber cables should be protected with a small plastic cap when not in use.
Summary (30.7)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
yer standards address three functional areas: physical components, encodin
g, and signaling. Bandwidth is the capacity at which a medium can carry d
ata. Digital bandwidth measures the amount of data that can flow from one
place to another in a given amount of time. Throughput is the measure of t
he transfer of bits across the media over a given period of time and is usual
ly lower than bandwidth. Latency refers to the amount of time, including d
elays, for data to travel from one given point to another. Goodput is the me
asure of usable data transferred over a given period of time. The physical la
yer produces the representation and groupings of bits for each type of medi
a as follows:
• Copper cable — The signals are patterns of electrical pulses.
• Fiber-optic cable — The signals are patterns of light.
• Wireless — The signals are patterns of microwave transmissions.
• Copper Cabling—Networks use copper media because it is inexpensive
, easy to install, and has low resistance to electrical current. However, copp
er media is limited by distance and signal interference. The timing and vol
tage values of the electrical pulses are also susceptible to interference from
two sources: EMI and crosstalk. Three types of copper cabling are: UTP, S
TP, and coaxial cable (coax). UTP has an outer jacket to protect the coppe
r wires from physical damage, twisted pairs to protect the signal from inter
ference, and color-coded plastic insulation that electrically isolates wires fr
om each other and identifies each pair. The STP cable uses four pairs of w
ires, each wrapped in a foil shield, which are then wrapped in an overall m
etallic braid or foil. Coaxial cable gets its name from the fact that there are
two conductors that share the same axis. Coax is used to attach antennas to
wireless devices. Cable internet providers use coax inside their customers’
• UTP Cabling—UTP cabling consists of four pairs of color-coded copper
wires that have been twisted together and then encased in a flexible plastic
sheath. UTP cable does not use shielding to counter the effects of EMI and
RFI. Instead, cable designers have discovered other ways that they can limi
t the negative effect of crosstalk: cancellation and varying the number of tw
ists per wire pair. UTP cabling conforms to the standards established jointl
y by the ANSI/TIA. The electrical characteristics of copper cabling are defi
ned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). UTP ca
ble is usually terminated with an RJ-45 connector. The main cable types th
at are obtained by using specific wiring conventions are Ethernet Straight-t
hrough and Ethernet Crossover. Cisco has a proprietary UTP cable called a
rollover that connects a workstation to a router console port.
• Fiber-Optic Cabling—Optical fiber cable transmits data over longer dist
ances and at higher bandwidths than any other networking media. Fiber-opt
ic cable can transmit signals with less attenuation than copper wire and is c
ompletely immune to EMI and RFI. Optical fiber is a flexible, but extreme
ly thin, transparent strand of very pure glass, not much bigger than a huma
n hair. Bits are encoded on the fiber as light impulses. Fiber-optic cabling i
s now being used in four types of industry: enterprise networks, FTTH, lon
g-haul networks, and submarine cable networks. There are four types of fib
er-optic connectors: ST, SC, LC, and duplex multimode LC. Fiber-optic pa
tch cords include SC-SC multimode, LC-LC single-mode, ST-LC multimo
de, and SC-ST single-mode. In most enterprise environments, optical fiber
is primarily used as backbone cabling for high-traffic point-to-point connec
tions between data distribution facilities and for the interconnection of buil
dings in multi-building campuses.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
a. The two strands allow the data to travel for longer distances without deg
b. They prevent crosstalk from causing interference on the connection.
c. They increase the speed at which the data can travel.
d. They allow for full-duplex connectivity.
3. Which characteristic describes crosstalk?
a. the distortion of the network signal from fluorescent lighting
b. the distortion of the transmitted message from signals carried in adjacen
t wires
c. the weakening of the network signal over long cable lengths
d. the loss of wireless signal over excessive distance from the access point
4. Which procedure is used to reduce the effect of crosstalk in copper cables?
a. requiring proper grounding connections
b. twisting opposing circuit wire pairs together
c. wrapping the bundle of wires with metallic shielding
d. designing a cable infrastructure to avoid crosstalk interference
e. avoiding sharp bends during installation
5. Which type of UTP cable is used to connect a PC to a switch port?
a. console
b. rollover
c. crossover
d. straight-through
6. What is the definition of bandwidth?
a. the speed of bits across the media over a given period of time
b. the speed at which bits travel on the network
c. the amount of data that can flow in a given amount of time
d. the measure of usable data transferred over a given period of time
7. Which statement correctly describes frame encoding?
a. It uses the characteristic of one wave to modify another wave.
b. It transmits data signals along with a clock signal which occurs at evenl
y spaced time durations.
c. It generates the electrical, optical, or wireless signals that represent the b
inary numbers of these frame.
d. It converts bits into a predefined code in order to provide a predictable p
attern to help distinguish data bits from control bits.
8. What is a characteristic of UTP cabling?
a. cancellation
b. cladding
c. immunity to electrical hazards
d. woven copper braid or metallic foil
9. What is indicated by the term throughput?
a. the guaranteed data transfer rate offered by an ISP
b. the capacity of a particular medium to carry data
c. the measure of the usable data transferred across the media over a given
period of time
d. the measure of bits transferred across the media over a given period of t
10. What is one advantage of using fiber-optic cabling rather than copper cab
a. It is usually cheaper than copper cabling.
b. It is able to be installed around sharp bends.
c. It is easier to terminate and install than copper cabling.
d. It is able to carry signals much farther than copper cabling.
11. A network administrator is troubleshooting connectivity issues on a serve
r. Using a tester, the administrator notices that the signals generated by the se
rver NIC are distorted and not usable. In which layer of the OSI model is the
error categorized?
a. presentation layer
b. network layer
c. physical layer
d. data link layer
12. What type of cable is used to connect a workstation serial port to Cisco ro
uter console port?
a. crossover
b. rollover
c. straight-through
d. coaxial
Chapter 31. Data Link Layer
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the characteristics of physical and logical topologies?
• How do devices access a LAN in order to send frames?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
bus topology
Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA)
Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
extended star topology
Logical topology
Physical topology
ring topology
star topology
Introduction (31.0)
How will Halimah familiarize herself with the network at headquarters?
She will examine some topologies that have been created by the IT department.
These will help her understand how the various end and intermediary devices are
connected and what media is used to connect them. Logical topologies will help
her understand the type of network framing and media access control that is bein
g used. Physical topologies serve as a sort of map that tells Halimah what device
s are found in which rooms of each of the buildings on campus.
Learning how to read topologies is a very important part of becoming an IT prof
Let’s get going!
Topologies (31.1)
Nodes on a network can be interconnected in numerous ways. How these nodes a
re physically connected is described by the topology of the network. This topic w
ill provide an overview of network topologies.
Figure 31-2 displays a sample logical topology for the same network.
Refer to the online course to view this video.
A point-to-point link (Figure 31-3), in the simplest and most common WAN topo
logy. It consists of a permanent link between two endpoints.
A mesh topology (Figure 31-5) provides high availability but requires that every
end system is interconnected to every other system. Therefore, the administrative
and physical costs can be significant. Each link is essentially a point-to-point link
to the other node.
l data link protocols can be very simple, as all frames on the media can only trav
el to or from the two nodes. The node places the frames on the media at one end
and those frames are taken from the media by the node at the other end of the poi
nt-to-point circuit.
A point-to-point connection over Ethernet requires the device to determine
if the incoming frame is destined for this node.
A source and destination node may be indirectly connected to each other over so
me geographical distance using multiple intermediary devices. However, the use
of physical devices in the network does not affect the logical topology, as illustra
ted in the figure. In Figure 31-7, adding intermediary physical connections may n
ot change the logical topology. The logical point-to-point connection is the same.
• Ring — End systems are connected to their respective neighbor forming a
ring. The ring does not need to be terminated, unlike in the bus topology. L
egacy Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and Token Ring networks u
sed ring topologies.
Figure 31-8 illustrates how end devices are interconnected on LANs. It is commo
n for a straight line in networking graphics to represent an Ethernet LAN includi
ng a simple star and an extended star.
Half-duplex Communication
Both devices can transmit and receive on the media but cannot do so simultaneou
sly. WLANs and legacy bus topologies with Ethernet hubs use the half-duplex m
ode. Half-duplex allows only one device to send or receive at a time on the share
d medium. In Figure 31-9, the server and hub are operating in half-duplex.
Full-duplex Communication
Both devices can simultaneously transmit and receive on the shared media. The d
ata link layer assumes that the media is available for transmission for both nodes
at any time. Ethernet switches operate in full-duplex mode by default, but they c
an operate in half-duplex if connecting to a device such as an Ethernet hub. Figur
e 31-10 shows an example of full-duplex communication.
Contention-based Access
In contention-based multiaccess networks, all nodes are operating in half-duplex
, competing for the use of the medium. However, only one device can send at a t
ime. Therefore, there is a process if more than one device transmits at the same ti
me. Examples of contention-based access methods include the following:
• Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) used
on legacy bus-topology Ethernet LANs, shown in Figure 31-11.
• Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) used
on Wireless LANs.
Controlled Access
In a controlled-based multiaccess network, each node has its own time to use the
medium. These deterministic types of legacy networks are inefficient because a d
evice must wait its turn to access the medium. Examples of multiaccess networks
that use controlled access include the following:
• Legacy Token Ring (Figure 31-12)
• Legacy ARCNET
Today, Ethernet networks operate in full-duplex and do not require an acce
ss method.
In Figure 31-14, the Ethernet hub receives and sends the frame. An Ethernet hub
is also known as a multiport repeater. Any bits received on an incoming port are
regenerated and sent out all other ports, as shown in the figure.
If another device, such as PC2, wants to transmit, but is currently receiving a fra
me, it must wait until the channel is clear.
In Figure 31-15, all devices attached to the hub will receive the frame. However,
because the frame has a destination data link address for PC3, only that device w
ill accept and copy in the entire frame. All other device NICs will ignore the fra
After a wireless device sends an 802.11 frame, the receiver returns an acknowled
gment so that the sender knows the frame arrived.
Whether it is an Ethernet LAN using hubs, or a WLAN, contention-based system
s do not scale well under heavy media use.
Ethernet LANs using switches do not use a contention-based system becau
se the switch and the host NIC operate in full-duplex mode.
Check Your Understanding - Media Access Control Methods (3
Refer to the online course to complete this Activity.
Summary (31.3)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
Can you draw a topology of your home network? That may be a bit simpl
er than the topology in your office building.
What type of topology do you think your office building has? Consider as
king someone in your IT department if you can look at the topology.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
b. Data is transmitted over the network flows in one direction at a time.
c. Data is transmitted over the network flows in one direction to many diff
erent destinations simultaneously.
d. Data that is transmitted over the network flows in both directions at the
same time.
5. Which data link layer media access control method does Ethernet use with
legacy Ethernet hubs?
b. determinism
c. turn taking
d. token passing
6. What method is used to manage contention-based access on a wireless net
b. priority ordering
d. token passing
7. Although CSMA/CD is still a feature of Ethernet, why is it no longer nece
a. the virtually unlimited availability of IPv6 addresses
b. the use of CSMA/CA
c. the use of full-duplex capable Layer 2 Ethernet switches
d. the development of half-duplex switch operation
e. the use of Gigabit Ethernet speeds
Chapter 32. Routing at the Network Laye
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• How do network devices use routing tables to direct packets to a destinati
on network?
• What is the function of fields in the routing table of a router?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
loopback interface
default gateway
directly-connected networks
remote networks
default route
static route
dynamic routing protocol
Introduction (32.0)
Halimah is getting a good picture of the network at headquarters and at the other
branches. She understands better how these networks are, in fact, just one connec
ted network.
The network layer is where end-to-end connectivity occurs. Connectivity is what
lets you send an email to a friend, access a website, stream a podcast, and retriev
e a document from a central location. Like so much about networking, protocols
and services are involved.
Are you intrigued? I know I am!
Host Forwarding Decision (32.1.1)
With both IPv4 and IPv6, packets are always created at the source host. The sour
ce host must be able to direct the packet to the destination host. To do this, host e
nd devices create their own routing table. This topic discusses how end devices u
se routing tables.
Another role of the network layer is to direct packets between hosts. A host can s
end a packet to the following:
• Itself — A host can ping itself by sending a packet to a special IPv4 addr
ess of or an IPv6 address ::/1, which is referred to as the loopbac
k interface. Pinging the loopback interface tests the TCP/IP protocol stack
on the host.
• Local host — This is a destination host that is on the same local network
as the sending host. The source and destination hosts share the same netwo
rk address.
• Remote host — This is a destination host on a remote network. The sour
ce and destination hosts do not share the same network address.
Figure 32-1 illustrates PC1 connecting to a local host on the same network, and t
o a remote host located on another network.
et. Devices that are beyond the local network segment are known as remote hosts
. When a source device sends a packet to a remote destination device, then the he
lp of routers and routing is needed. Routing is the process of identifying the best
path to a destination. The router connected to the local network segment is referr
ed to as the default gateway.
Figure 32-2 Hosts Use a Default Gateway for Remote Network Access
Having a default gateway configured creates a default route in the routing table o
f the PC. A default route is the route or pathway your computer will take when it
tries to contact a remote network.
Both PC1 and PC2 will have a default route to send all traffic destined to remote
networks to R1.
Host Routing Tables (32.1.4)
On a Windows host, the route print or netstat -r command can be used to disp
lay the host routing table. Both commands generate the same output. The output
may seem overwhelming at first, but is fairly simple to understand.
Figure 32-3 displays a sample topology for host routes.
The output only displays the IPv4 route table.
Entering the netstat -r command or the equivalent route print command display
s three sections related to the current TCP/IP network connections:
• Interface List — Lists the Media Access Control (MAC) address and ass
igned interface number of every network-capable interface on the host, incl
uding Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth adapters.
• IPv4 Route Table — Lists all known IPv4 routes, including direct conne
ctions, local network, and local default routes.
• IPv6 Route Table — Lists all known IPv6 routes, including direct conne
ctions, local network, and local default routes.
Figure 32-4 Packet Forwarding Process
In Figure 32-5, R1 has two directly connect networks:
R1 also has remote networks (i.e. and the internet) that it can learn a
A router can learn about remote networks in one of two ways:
• Manually — Remote networks are manually entered into the route table
using static routes.
• Dynamically — Remote routes are automatically learned using a dynami
c routing protocol.
If there is a change in the network topology, the static route is not automatically
updated and must be manually reconfigured. For example, in Figure 32-7 R1 has
a static route to reach the network via R2. If that path is no longer av
ailable, R1 would need to be reconfigured with a new static route to the
24 network via R3. Router R3 would therefore need to have a route entry in its ro
uting table to send packets destined for to R2.
Dynamic Routing (32.2.4)
A dynamic routing protocol allows the routers to automatically learn about rem
ote networks, including a default route, from other routers. Routers that use dyna
mic routing protocols automatically share routing information with other routers
and compensate for any topology changes without involving the network admini
strator. If there is a change in the network topology, routers share this informatio
n using the dynamic routing protocol and automatically update their routing tabl
Dynamic routing protocols include OSPF and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routin
g Protocol (EIGRP). Figure 32-8 shows an example of routers R1 and R2 automa
tically sharing network information using the routing protocol OSPF.
• R1 is using the routing protocol OSPF to let R2 know about the 192.168.
10.0/24 network.
• R2 is using the routing protocol OSPF to let R1 know about the
24 network.
Basic configuration only requires the network administrator to enable the directl
y connected networks within the dynamic routing protocol. The dynamic routing
protocol will automatically do as follows:
• Discover remote networks
• Maintain up-to-date routing information
• Choose the best path to destination networks
• Attempt to find a new best path if the current path is no longer available
When a router is manually configured with a static route or learns about a remote
network dynamically using a dynamic routing protocol, the remote network addr
ess and next hop address are entered into the IP routing table. As shown Figure 3
2-9, if there is a change in the network topology, the routers will automatically a
djust and attempt to find a new best path.
It is common for some routers to use a combination of both static routes an
d a dynamic routing protocol.
Summary (32.3)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
mically via DHCP or it is configured manually. In IPv6, the router advertis
es the default gateway address, or the host can be configured manually. On
a Windows host, the route print or netstat -r command can be used to dis
play the host routing table.
• Routing Tables—When a host sends a packet to another host, it consults
its routing table to determine where to send the packet. If the destination ho
st is on a remote network, the packet is forwarded to the default gateway w
hich is usually the local router. What happens when a packet arrives on a ro
uter interface? The router examines the packet’s destination IP address and
searches its routing table to determine where to forward the packet. The ro
uting table contains a list of all known network addresses (prefixes) and wh
ere to forward the packet. These entries are known as route entries or route
s. The router will forward the packet using the best (longest) matching rout
e entry.
The routing table of a router stores three types of route entries: directly con
nected networks, remote networks, and a default route. Routers learn about
remote networks manually, or dynamically using a dynamic routing protoc
ol. Static routes are route entries that are manually configured. Static routes
include the remote network address and the IP address of the next hop rout
er. OSPF and EIGRP are two dynamic routing protocols. The show ip rout
e privileged EXEC mode command is used to view the IPv4 routing table o
n a Cisco IOS router. At the beginning of an IPv4 routing table is a code th
at is used to identify the type of route or how the route was learned. Comm
on route sources (codes) include:
L - Directly connected local interface IP address
C - Directly connected network
S - Static route was manually configured by an administrator
O - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
D - Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
5. When a router receives a packet, what information must be examined in or
der for the packet to be forwarded to a remote destination?
a. destination MAC address
b. source IP address
c. destination IP address
d. source MAC address
6. Which command can be used on a Windows host to display the routing tab
a. netstat -s
b. show ip route
c. netstat -r
d. tracert
7. What type of route is created when a network administrator manually confi
gures a route that has a next hop IP address to the remote network?
a. static
b. directly connected
c. local
d. dynamic
8. If a company has decided not to use static routing for the four routers insid
e the company, what would be an alternative solution?
a. Use DHCP.
b. Install a routing protocol.
c. Use automatic flow labels.
d. Allow the internet provider to do the routing.
9. Which statement describes a feature of an IPv4 routing table on a router?
a. The netstat -r command can be used to display the routing table of a ro
b. Directly connected interfaces will have the source code in the routing ta
ble of D.
c. If a default static route is configured in the router, an entry will be inclu
ded in the routing table with source code S.
d. The routing table lists the MAC addresses of each active interface.
10. Which address should be configured as the default gateway address of en
d device on a LAN?
a. the Layer 2 address of the switch management interface
b. the Layer 2 address of the switch port that is connected to the workstati
c. the IPv4 address of the router interface that is connected to the same LA
d. the IPv4 address of the router interface that is connected to the internet
Chapter 34. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What is the operation of IPv6 neighbor discovery?
Key Terms
There are no new terms in this chapter.
Introduction (34.0)
Webster here!
Halimah is still investigating her company’s network. She is impressed with the
way the IT team has structured it. She knows about IPv6 neighbor discovery (N
D) and, in this module, you will learn about it too.
IPv6 ND is how IPv6-addressed devices resolve MAC addresses. IPv6 ND lets d
evices with IPv6 addresses communicate with other devices on a network, which
is, let’s face it, the whole reason for having a network.
So, given how important this subject is, let’s get started!
ery, and redirection services for IPv6 using ICMPv6. ICMPv6 ND uses five ICM
Pv6 messages to perform these services:
• Neighbor Solicitation messages
• Neighbor Advertisement messages
• Router Solicitation messages
• Router Advertisement messages
• Redirect Message
Neighbor Solicitation and Neighbor Advertisement messages are used for device
-to-device messaging such as address resolution (similar to ARP for IPv4). Devic
es include both host computers and routers, as shown if Figures 34-1 and 34-2.
Router Solicitation and Router Advertisement messages are for messaging betwe
en devices and routers. Typically router discovery is used for dynamic address al
location and stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC).
The fifth ICMPv6 ND message is a redirect message which is used for bett
er next-hop selection. This is beyond the scope of this course.
Figure 34-3 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Process
ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation messages are sent using special Ethernet and IPv
6 multicast addresses. This allows the Ethernet NIC of the receiving device to de
termine whether the Neighbor Solicitation message is for itself without having to
send it to the operating system for processing.
PC2 replies to the request with an ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement message wh
ich includes its MAC address.
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
Neighbor Discovery
IPv6 does not use ARP, it uses the ND protocol to resolve MAC addresses. ND p
rovides address resolution, router discovery, and redirection services for IPv6 usi
ng ICMPv6. ICMPv6 ND uses five ICMPv6 messages to perform these services:
neighbor solicitation, neighbor advertisement, router solicitation, router advertise
ment, and redirect. Much like ARP for IPv4, IPv6 devices use IPv6 ND to resolv
e the MAC address of a device to a known IPv6 address.
The following activity provides practice with the topics introduced in this chapte
Packet Tracer Activities
a. router solicitation message
b. neighbor solicitation message
c. router advertisement message
d. neighbor advertisement message
6. IPv6 host A is sending a neighbor solicitation message to IPv6 host B on t
he same Ethernet network. What address type is used in the Destination MA
C field of the Ethernet frame header?
a. unicast MAC address
b. anycast MAC address
c. multicast MAC address
d. broadcast MAC address
7. Which two ICMPv6 messages are used during the Ethernet MAC address r
esolution process? (Choose two.)
a. router solicitation
b. router advertisement
c. neighbor solicitation
d. neighbor advertisement
e. echo request
Chapter 33. IPv6 Addressing
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the types of IPv6 network addresses?
• How do you configure static global unicast and link-local IPv6 network a
• How do you configure global unicast addresses dynamically?
• How do you configure link-local addresses dynamically?
• How do you identify IPv6 addresses?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64)
global routing prefix
global unicast address (GUA)
interface ID
link-local address (LLA)
Router Advertisement (RA) message
Router Solicitation (RS) message
solicited-node multicast address
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
stateful DHCPv6
stateless DHCPv6
subnet ID
well-known IPv6 multicast address
Introduction (33.0)
Hi, it’s Webster. Well, that last chapter was a lot of new information for me. And
now there is a whole new type of IP address—IPv6! But I’m feeling confident th
at I can learn this.
Halimah knows a lot about IPv6 addressing and she is happy to see that it is inco
rporated into her company’s network strategically. This will help the company’s
network continue to grow and change.
Here’s your chance to get up to speed on IPv6, too!
It is strongly recommended to use a 64-bit Interface ID for most networks. This i
s because Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) uses 64 bits for the Inte
rface ID. It also makes subnetting easier to create and manage.
Unlike IPv4 devices that have only a single address, IPv6 addresses typically hav
e two unicast addresses:
• Global unicast address (GUA)—This is similar to a public IPv4 address.
GUAs are globally unique, Internet-routable addresses. GUAs can be confi
gured statically or assigned dynamically.
• Link-local address (LLA)—This is required for every IPv6-enabled devic
e. LLAs are used to communicate with other devices on the same local link
. With IPv6, the term link refers to a subnet. LLAs are confined to a single
link. Their uniqueness must only be confirmed on that link because they ar
e not routable beyond the link. In other words, routers will not forward pac
kets with a link-local source or destination address.
Many sites also use the private nature of RFC 1918 addresses to attempt to
secure or hide their network from potential security risks. However, this w
as never the intended use of these technologies, and the IETF has always re
commended that sites take the proper security precautions on their Internet
-facing router.
Figure 33-3 shows the range of values for the first hextet where the first hexadec
imal digit for currently available GUAs begins with a 2 or a 3. This is only 1/8th
of the total available IPv6 address space, excluding only a very small portion for
other types of unicast and multicast addresses.
The 2001:db8::/32 address has been reserved for documentation purposes,
including use in examples.
Figure 33-4 IPv6 Address with a /48 Global Routing Prefix and /64 Prefix
IPv6 GUA Structure (33.1.6)
Subnet ID
The Subnet ID field is the area between the Global Routing Prefix and the Interf
ace ID. Unlike IPv4 where you must borrow bits from the host portion to create s
ubnets, IPv6 was designed with subnetting in mind. The Subnet ID is used by an
organization to identify subnets within its site. The larger the subnet ID, the mor
e subnets available.
Many organizations are receiving a /32 global routing prefix. Using the rec
ommended /64 prefix in order to create a 64-bit Interface ID leaves a 32-b
it Subnet ID. This means an organization with a /32 global routing prefix a
nd a 32-bit Subnet ID will have 4.3 billion subnets, each with 18 quintillio
n devices per subnet. That is as many subnets as there are public IPv4 addr
The IPv6 address in Figure 33-4 has a /48 Global Routing Prefix, which is comm
on among many enterprise networks. This makes it especially easy to examine th
e different parts of the address. Using a typical /64 prefix length, the first four he
xtets are for the network portion of the address, with the fourth hextet indicating
the Subnet ID. The remaining four hextets are for the Interface ID.
Interface ID
The IPv6 interface ID is equivalent to the host portion of an IPv4 address. The t
erm Interface ID is used because a single host may have multiple interfaces, each
having one or more IPv6 addresses. The figure shows an example of the structur
e of an IPv6 GUA. It is strongly recommended that in most cases /64 subnets sho
uld be used, which creates a 64-bit interface ID. A 64-bit interface ID allows for
18 quintillion devices or hosts per subnet.
A /64 subnet or prefix (Global Routing Prefix + Subnet ID) leaves 64 bits for the
interface ID. This is recommended to allow SLAAC-enabled devices to create th
eir own 64-bit interface ID. It also makes developing an IPv6 addressing plan si
mple and effective.
Unlike IPv4, in IPv6, the all-0s and all-1s host addresses can be assigned t
o a device. The all-1s address can be used because broadcast addresses are
not used within IPv6. The all-0s address can also be used, but is reserved a
s a Subnet-Router anycast address, and should be assigned only to routers.
1. Routers use the LLAs of neighbor routers to send routing updates.
2. Hosts use the LLA of a local router as the default-gateway.
Typically, it is the LLA of the router, and not the GUA, that is used as the
default gateway for other devices on the link.
• 2001:db8:acad:1:/64
• 2001:db8:acad:2:/64
• 2001:db8:acad:3:/64
Example 33-1 shows the commands required to configure the IPv6 GUA on Gig
abitEthernet 0/0/0, GigabitEthernet 0/0/1, and the Serial 0/1/0 interface of R1.
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
Figure 33-8 Manually Configuring IPv6 Addressing on a Windows Host
Just as with IPv4, configuring static IPv6 addresses on clients does not scale to la
rger environments. For this reason, most network administrators in an IPv6 netw
ork will enable dynamic assignment of IPv6 addresses.
There are two ways in which a device can obtain an IPv6 GUA automatically:
• Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
• Stateful DHCPv6
SLAAC and DHCPv6 are covered in the next section.
When DHCPv6 or SLAAC is used, the LLA of the router will automaticall
y be specified as the default gateway address.
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config-if)# ipv6 address fe80::1:2 link-local
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config-if)# exit
Statically configured LLAs are used to make them more easily recognizable as b
elonging to router R1. In this example, all the interfaces of router R1 have been c
onfigured with an LLA that begins with fe80::1:n and a unique right-most digit
n. The 1 represents router R1.
Following the same syntax as router R1, if the topology included router R2, it wo
uld have its three interfaces configured with the LLAs fe80::2:1, fe80::2:2, and f
The exact same LLA could be configured on each link as long as it is uniq
ue on that link. This is because LLAs only have to be unique on that link.
However, common practice is to create a different LLA on each interface o
f the router to make it easy to identify the router and the specific interface.
For the GUA, a device obtains the address dynamically through Internet Control
Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) messages. IPv6 routers periodically send
out ICMPv6 RA messages, every 200 seconds, to all IPv6-enabled devices on th
e network. An RA message will also be sent in response to a host sending an IC
MPv6 RS message, which is a request for an RA message. Both messages are sh
own in Figure 33-10.
rely on the ICMPv6 RA messages of the local router to obtain the necessary info
By default, the RA message suggests that the receiving device use the informatio
n in the RA message to create its own IPv6 GUA and all other necessary informa
tion. The services of a DHCPv6 server are not required.
SLAAC is stateless, which means there is no central server (for example, a statef
ul DHCPv6 server) allocating GUAs and keeping a list of devices and their addr
esses. With SLAAC, the client device uses the information in the RA message to
create its own GUA. As shown in Figure 33-11, the two parts of the address are c
reated as follows:
• Prefix—This is advertised in the RA message.
• Interface ID—This uses the EUI-64 process or by generating a random 6
4-bit number, depending on the device operating system.
1. The router sends an RA message with the prefix for the local link.
2. The PC uses SLAAC to obtain a prefix from the RA message and create
s its own Interface ID.
A stateless DHCPv6 server distributes DNS server addresses and domain n
ames. It does not allocate GUAs.
1. The PC sends an RS to all IPv6 routers, “I need addressing information.
2. The router sends an RA message to all IPv6 nodes with Method 2 (SLA
AC and DHCPv6) specified. “Here is your prefix, prefix length, and defaul
t gateway information. But you will need to get DNS information from a D
HCPv6 server.”
3. The PC sends a DHCPv6 Solicit message to all DHCPv6 servers. “I use
d SLAAC to create my IPv6 address and get my default gateway address,
but I need other information from a stateless DHCPv6 server.”
The default gateway address can only be obtained dynamically from the R
A message. The stateless or stateful DHCPv6 server does not provide the d
efault gateway address.
Figure 33-15 The EUI-64 Process
Step 1. Divide the MAC address between the OUI and device identifier.
Step 2. Insert the hexadecimal value fffe, which in binary is 1111 1111 1111 1
Step 3. Convert the first two hexadecimal values of the OUI to binary and flip t
he U/L bit (bit 7). In this example, the 0 in bit 7 is changed to a 1.
The result is an EUI-64 generated interface ID of fe99:47ff:fe75:cee0.
The use of the U/L bit and the reasons for reversing its value are discussed
in RFC 5342.
The output in Example 33-3 for the ipconfig command shows the IPv6 GUA bei
ng dynamically created using SLAAC and the EUI-64 process. An easy way to i
dentify that an address was probably created using EUI-64 is the fffe located in t
he middle of the interface ID.
The advantage of EUI-64 is that the Ethernet MAC address can be used to deter
mine the interface ID. It also allows network administrators to easily track an IPv
6 address to an end device using the unique MAC address. However, this has cau
sed privacy concerns among many users who worried that their packets could be
traced to the actual physical computer. Due to these concerns, a randomly genera
ted interface ID may be used instead.
Windows IP Configuration
IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Link-local IPv6
Address . . . . . : fe80::fc99:47 ff:fe 75:cee0
Randomly Generated Interface IDs (33.3.7)
Depending upon the operating system, a device may use a randomly generated in
terface ID instead of using the MAC address and the EUI-64 process. Beginning
with Windows Vista, Windows uses a randomly generated interface ID instead o
f one created with EUI-64. Windows XP and previous Windows operating syste
ms used EUI-64.
After the interface ID is established, either through the EUI-64 process or throug
h random generation, it can be combined with an IPv6 prefix in the RA message
to create a GUA, as shown in Example 33-4.
Windows IP Configuration
Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:acad:1: 50a5:8a35:a5b
To ensure the uniqueness of any IPv6 unicast address, the client may use a
process known as duplicate address detection (DAD). This is similar to an
ARP request for its own address. If there is no reply, then the address is un
Dynamic Addressing for IPv6 LLAs (33.4)
This section discusses how a device automatically creates an IPv6 link-local add
Windows IP Configuration
Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:acad:1:fc99:47 ff:fe 7
IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::fc99:47 ff:fe 75:cee0
C:\> ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:db8:acad:1: 50a5:8a35:a5b
Link-local IPv6
Address . . . . . : fe80:: 50a5:8a35:a5bb:66e1
(Output omitted)
GigabitEthernet0/0/0 [up/up]
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 [up/up]
Serial0/1/0 [up/up]
Serial0/1/1 [down/down]
The show ipv6 interface brief command in Example 33-8 displays the MAC ad
dress of the Ethernet interfaces. EUI-64 uses this MAC address to generate the in
terface ID for the LLA. Additionally, the show ipv6 interface brief command di
splays abbreviated output for each of the interfaces. The [up/up] output on the sa
me line as the interface indicates the Layer 1/Layer 2 interface state. This is the s
ame as the Status and Protocol columns in the equivalent IPv4 command.
GigabitEthernet0/0/0 [up/up]
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 [up/up]
Serial0/1/0 [up/up]
Serial0/1/1 [down/down]
Notice that each interface has two IPv6 addresses. The second address for each i
nterface is the GUA that was configured. The first address, the one that begins w
ith fe80, is the link-local unicast address for the interface. Recall that the LLA is
automatically added to the interface when a GUA is assigned.
Also, notice that the R1 Serial 0/1/0 LLA is the same as its GigabitEthernet 0/0/0
interface. Serial interfaces do not have Ethernet MAC addresses, so Cisco IOS us
es the MAC address of the first available Ethernet interface. This is possible beca
use link-local interfaces only have to be unique on that link.
As shown in Example 33-9, the show ipv6 route command can be used to verify
that IPv6 networks and specific IPv6 interface addresses have been installed in th
e IPv6 routing table. The show ipv6 route command will only display IPv6 netw
orks, not IPv4 networks.
Connected, L - Local, S - Static, U - Per-user Static route
C 2001:DB8:ACAD:1::/64 [0/0]
L 2001:DB8:ACAD:1::1/128 [0/0]
C 2001:DB8:ACAD:2::/64 [0/0]
via GigabitEthernet0/0/1, directly connected
L 2001:DB8:ACAD:2::1/128 [0/0]
C 2001:DB8:ACAD:3::/64 [0/0]
L 2001:DB8:ACAD:3::1/128 [0/0]
L FF00::/8 [0/0]
Within the route table, a C next to a route indicates that this is a directly connect
ed network. When the router interface is configured with a GUA and is in the “u
p/up” state, the IPv6 prefix and prefix length are added to the IPv6 routing table
as a connected route.
The L indicates a Local route, the specific IPv6 address assigned to the int
erface. This is not an LLA. LLAs are not included in the routing table of th
e router because they are not routable addresses.
The IPv6 GUA configured on the interface is also installed in the routing table as
a local route. The local route has a /128 prefix. Local routes are used by the routi
ng table to efficiently process packets with a destination address of the router int
erface address.
The ping command for IPv6 is identical to the command used with IPv4, except
that an IPv6 address is used. As shown in Example 33-10, the command is used t
o verify Layer 3 connectivity between R1 and PC1. When pinging an LLA from
a router, Cisco IOS will prompt the user for the exit interface. Because the destin
ation LLA can be on one or more of its links or networks, the router needs to kno
w which interface to send the ping to.
Type escape sequence to abort.
ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ACAD:1::10, timeout is 2 seconds:
rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
Multicast addresses can only be destination addresses and not source addre
The fourth digit in the address refers to the scope. A 2 for the scope indicates that
these addresses have “link-local scope,” meaning packets with this destination ad
dress are not be routed off this link or network.
IPv6-enabled devices send ICMPv6 RS messages to the all-routers multicast add
ress. The RS message requests an RA message from the IPv6 router to assist the
device in its address configuration. The IPv6 router responds with an RA messag
e, as shown in Figure 33-18.
ial Ethernet multicast address. This allows the Ethernet NIC to filter the frame b
y examining the destination MAC address without sending it to the IPv6 process
to see if the device is the intended target of the IPv6 packet, as shown in Figure 3
Summary (33.6)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
MPv6 RS message, which is a request for an RA message. The ICMPv6 R
A message includes: network prefix and prefix length, default gateway add
ress, and the DNS addresses and domain name. RA messages have three m
ethods: SLAAC, SLAAC with a stateless DHCPv6 server, and stateful DH
CPv6 (no SLAAC). With SLAAC, the client device uses the information in
the RA message to create its own GUA because the message contains the p
refix and the interface ID. With SLAAC with stateless DHCPv6 the RA m
essage suggests devices use SLAAC to create their own IPv6 GUA, use the
router LLA as the default gateway address, and use a stateless DHCPv6 ser
ver to obtain other necessary information.
With stateful DHCPv6 the RA suggests that devices use the router LLA as
the default gateway address, and the stateful DHCPv6 server to obtain a G
UA, a DNS server address, domain name, and all other necessary informat
ion. The interface ID can be created using the EUI-64 process or a random
ly generated 64-bit number. The EUIs process uses the 48-bit Ethernet MA
C address of the client and inserts another 16 bits in the middle of the MA
C address to create a 64-bit interface ID. Depending upon the operating sys
tem, a device may use a randomly generated interface ID.
• Dynamic Addressing for IPv6 LLAs—All IPv6 devices must have an I
Pv6 LLA. An LLA can be configured manually or created dynamically. Op
erating systems, such as Windows, will typically use the same method for b
oth a SLAAC-created GUA and a dynamically assigned LLA. Cisco router
s automatically create an IPv6 LLA whenever a GUA is assigned to the int
erface. By default, Cisco IOS routers use EUI-64 to generate the interface I
D for all LLAs on IPv6 interfaces. For serial interfaces, the router will use t
he MAC address of an Ethernet interface. To make it easier to recognize an
d remember these addresses on routers, it is common to statically configur
e IPv6 LLAs on routers. To verify IPv6 address configuration, use the follo
wing three commands: show ipv6 interface brief, show ipv6 route, and p
• IPv6 Multicast Addresses—There are two types of IPv6 multicast addre
sses: well-known multicast addresses and solicited-node multicast addresse
s. Assigned multicast addresses are reserved multicast addresses for predef
ined groups of devices. Well-known multicast addresses are assigned. Two
common IPv6 assigned multicast groups are: ff02::1 All-nodes multicast gr
oup and ff02::2 All-routers multicast group. A solicited-node multicast add
ress is similar to the all-nodes multicast address. The advantage of a solicit
ed-node multicast address is that it is mapped to a special Ethernet multica
st address.
• What did you learn about static addressing for LLA and GUA?
• What is an advantage in static addressing?
• At your office or university, what would be a disadvantage of static addre
The following activity provides practice with the topics introduced in this chapte
c. Site local
d. Global unicast
4. What is the interface ID of the IPv6 address 2001:db8::1000:a9cd:47ff:fe5
a. fe94
b. fe57:fe94
c. 47ff:fe57:fe94
d. a9cd:47ff:fe57:fe94
e. 1000:a9cd:47ff:fe57:fe94
5. What is the valid most compressed format possible of the IPv6 address 20
a. 2001:db8:0:ab00::1234
b. 2001:db8:0:ab::1234
c. 2001:db8:0000:ab::1234
d. 2001:db8:0:ab:0::1234
6. What is the prefix associated with the IPv6 address 2001:db8:d15:ea:cc44:
a. 2001::/64
b. 2001:db8::/64
c. 2001:db8:d15:ea::/64
d. 2001:db8:d15:ea:cc44::/64
7. What type of address is automatically assigned to an interface when IPv6 i
s enabled on that interface?
a. Global unicast
b. Link-local
c. Loopback
d. Unique local
8. Your organization is issued the IPv6 prefix of 2001:0:130f::/48 by your ser
vice provider. With this prefix, how many bits are available for your organiza
tion to create /64 subnetworks if interface ID bits are not borrowed?
a. 8
b. 16
c. 80
d. 128
9. What is the network address for the IPv6 address 2001:db8:aa04:b5::1/64?
a. 2001::/64
b. 2001:db8::/64
c. 2001:db8:aa04::/64
d. 2001:db8:aa04:b5::/64
10. Which type of IPv6 address is not routable and is used only for communi
cation on a single subnet?
a. Global unicast address
b. Link-local address
c. Loopback address
d. Unique local address
e. Unspecified address
11. Which address type is not supported in IPv6?
a. Private
b. Multicast
c. Unicast
d. Broadcast
Chapter 35. Cisco Switches and Routers
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are Cisco LAN switches?
• What are the available switch forwarding methods and port settings on La
yer 2 switch ports?
• What is the Cisco LAN switch boot process?
• What are Cisco small business routers?
• What is the Cisco router boot process?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
automatic medium-dependent interface crossover (auto-MDIX)
cut-through switching
fast-forward switching
fragment-free switching
store-and-forward switching
Introduction (35.0)
I’m back! Halimah told me that she has been given her first assignment. She will
be helping to design and set up a new branch network. She is very excited about t
his opportunity!
If I had this task, I’m not sure I’d know quite where to start. I know about the de
vices and media needed, and about addressing schemes. But I have never set up a
switch, let alone more than one switch. I’ve set up my home network router, but
an enterprise router is probably a bit more complex.
I think this chapter is exactly what I need. How about you?
Connect More Devices (35.1.1)
Home and small business networks usually do not require more than one or two
networking devices in order to function efficiently. A wireless router, equipped
with wireless connections and a few wired connections, is the only piece of netw
orking equipment that is necessary in order to provide sufficient connectivity for
the average small group of users. These routers are configured through a web bro
wser and have an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) that guides you thro
ugh the most common configuration items.
Wireless routers that are designed primarily for home use are not appropriate for
most business networks that must support more than a few users. Modern netwo
rks use a variety of devices for connectivity. Each device has certain capabilities
for controlling the flow of data across a network. A general rule is that the highe
r the device is in the OSI model, the more intelligent it is. What this means is tha
t a higher-level device can better analyze the data traffic and forward it based on
information not available at lower layers. As an example, a Layer 2 switch can fi
lter the data and send it only out of the port that is connected to the destination, b
ased on the MAC address.
As switches and routers evolve, the distinction between them may seem blurred.
One simple distinction remains: LAN switches provide connectivity within the lo
cal area networks of the organization, while routers interconnect local networks a
nd are needed in a wide area network (WAN) environment. In other words, a sw
itch is used to connect devices on the same network. A router is used to connect
multiple networks to each other.
Figure 35-1 shows a series of Cisco switches.
In addition to switches and routers, there are other connectivity options available
for LANs. Wireless access points that are deployed in enterprises enable comput
ers and other devices, such as IP phones, to wirelessly connect to the network, or
share broadband connectivity. Firewalls guard against network threats and provi
de security, network control, and containment.
Cisco LAN Switches (35.1.2)
When a LAN grows to the point where the four Ethernet ports provided by the w
ireless router are not enough for all of the devices that need to attach to the wired
network, it is time to add a LAN switch to the network. A switch can provide co
nnectivity at the access layer of a network, connecting devices to a LAN. A switc
h can allow the network to grow without replacing central devices. When choosi
ng a switch, there are a number of factors to consider, including the following:
• Type of ports
• Speed required
• Expandability
• Manageability
Type of Ports
When selecting a switch for your LAN, choosing the appropriate number and typ
e of ports is critical. Most lower-cost switches support only copper twisted-pair i
nterface ports. Higher-priced switches may have fiber-optic connections. These a
re used to link the switch to other switches that may be located over long distanc
es. The Cisco Catalyst 9300 series (Figure 35-3) has a variety of options dependi
ng on your environment.
Speed Required
Ethernet twisted-pair interfaces on a switch have defined speeds. A 10/100 Ether
net port can only function at either 10 megabits per second (Mbps) or 100 Mbps.
What this means is that even if the device that you are connecting to the 10/100 s
witch interface port is capable of connecting at gigabit speeds, the maximum spe
ed at which it will be able to communicate will be 100 Mbps. Switches may also
include Gigabit Ethernet ports. If your Internet connection is more than 100 Mbp
s, then a Gigabit Ethernet port is necessary to take advantage of the higher Intern
et bandwidth. Gigabit Ethernet ports will also operate at 10/100 Mbps. Gigabit E
thernet is sometimes represented as 1000 Mbps. The Cisco Catalyst 9300 48S sw
itch in Figure 35-4 has two 40 Gbps uplink ports to provide a fast path for the 48
ports to access the rest of the network and the Internet.
he highest common bandwidth between the NIC on the device and the switch po
Networking devices come in both fixed and modular physical configurations. Fix
ed configurations have a specific type and number of ports or interfaces. Modula
r devices have expansion slots that provide the flexibility to add new modules as
required. Figure 35-5 shows a Cisco Catalyst 9600 chassis in which you can inst
all different configurations of hardware to address your particular environment.
Many basic, inexpensive switches are not configurable. A managed switch that u
ses a Cisco operating system enables control over individual ports or over the sw
itch as a whole. Controls include the ability to change the settings for a device, a
dd port security, and monitor performance. The network administrator in Figure
35-6 is directly connecting to a Cisco Catalyst switch using a console cable.
Figure 35-7 Cisco Catalyst 9300 24 UPOE Switch
t should forward out the data. The destination MAC address is located in the firs
t 6 bytes of the frame following the preamble. The switch looks up the destinatio
n MAC address in its switching table, determines the outgoing interface port, and
forwards the frame onto its destination through the designated switch port. The s
witch does not perform any error checking on the frame.
Figure 35-9 show the cut-through switching process.
Shared memory buffering also results in the ability to store larger frames with po
tentially fewer dropped frames. This is important with asymmetric switching, wh
ich allows for different data rates on different ports such as when connecting a se
rver to a 10 Gbps switch port and PCs to 1 Gbps ports.
Most Cisco switches and Ethernet NICs default to autonegotiation for spee
d and duplex. Gigabit Ethernet ports only operate in full-duplex.
Figure 35-11 Duplex Mismatch
Duplex mismatch occurs when one or both ports on a link are reset, and the auto
negotiation process does not result in both link partners having the same configu
ration. It also can occur when users reconfigure one side of a link and forget to r
econfigure the other. Both sides of a link should have autonegotiation on, or both
sides should have it off. Best practice is to configure both Ethernet switch ports a
s full-duplex.
Auto-MDIX (35.2.5)
Connections between devices once required the use of either a crossover or straig
ht-through cable. The type of cable required depended on the type of interconnec
ting devices.
For example, Figure 35-12 identifies the correct cable type required to interconn
ect switch-to-switch, switch-to-router, switch-to-host, or router-to-host devices.
A crossover cable is used when connecting like devices, and a straight-through c
able is used for connecting unlike devices.
A direct connection between a router and a host requires a cross-over conn
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
You can also attach cables after power is applied.
When the switch is on, the power-on self-test (POST) begins. During POST, the
LEDs blink while a series of tests determine that the switch is functioning proper
POST is completed when the SYST LED rapidly blinks green. If the switch fails
POST, the SYST LED turns amber. When a switch fails POST, it is necessary to
return the switch for repairs.
When all startup procedures are finished, the Cisco switch is ready to configure.
Step 1. Check the components.
Ensure all the components that came with the switch are available (Fig
ure 35-13). These could include a console cable, power cord, Ethernet c
able, and switch documentation.
Step 2.
Connect the cables to the switch.
Some Cisco switch models do not have an on/off switch, like the Cisco
Catalyst 9300 48S switch shown in Figure 35-15. To power on the swit
ch, plug one end of the AC power cord into the switch AC power conne
ctor, and plug the other end into an AC power outlet.
The Cisco Catalyst 9300 switch in Figure 35-15 has redundant power supp
lies in case one fails.
Out-of-Band Management
Out-of-band management requires a computer to be directly connected to the co
nsole port of the network device that is being configured. This type of connectio
n does not require the local network connections on the device to be active. Tech
nicians use out-of-band management to initially configure a network device, bec
ause until properly configured, the device cannot participate in the network. Out-
of-band management is also useful when the network connectivity is not functio
ning correctly, and the device cannot be reached over the network. Performing o
ut-of-band management tasks requires a terminal emulation client installed on th
e PC.
In-Band Management
Use in-band management to monitor and make configuration changes to a netwo
rk device over a network connection. For a computer to connect to the device an
d perform in-band management tasks, at least one network interface on the devic
e must be connected to the network and have an IP address configured on it. Eith
er Telnet, SSH, HTTP, or HTTPS can be used to access a Cisco device for in-ba
nd management, monitor the network device, or make configuration changes. Tel
net and HTTP send all data, including passwords, in clear text and therefore shou
ld only be used in a lab environment.
The running configuration file is modified when the network administrator perfo
rms device configuration. When changes are made to the running-config file, it s
hould be saved to NVRAM as the startup configuration file in case the router is r
estarted or loses power.
Video—Cisco Router Components (35.4.1)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
an RJ-45 connection or by using a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) attac
hment to provide a fiber-optic connection.
• Network Interface Modules (NIMs)—Two NIM expansion slots that pr
ovide modularity and flexibility by enabling the router to support different
types of interface modules, including serial, digital subscriber line (DSL), s
witch ports, and wireless.
The Cisco 4321 ISR also has a USB port, a management interface, and an auxilia
ry port. The USB port can be used for file transfers. The management port can be
used for remote management access when the two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are
unavailable. The auxiliary port provides legacy support for a method for connecti
ng a dial-up modem to the router for remote access. The auxiliary port is rarely u
sed in networks today.
The Figure 35-18 shows a typical scenario of mounting the chassis in a rac
Figure 35-20 Power Input Connector
Step 6. Observe the startup messages on the laptop as the router boots up, as sh
own in Example 35-1.
(output omitted)
IsoSize = 486723584
Image validated
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
Version 16.9.4, RELEASE
(output omitted)
• Console—Uses a low-speed serial or USB connection to provide direct c
onnect, out-of-band management access to a Cisco device.
• SSH—Method for remotely accessing a CLI session across an active net
work interface, including the management interface.
• AUX port—Used for remote management of the router using a dial-up te
lephone line and modem.
The console port is a physical port located on the router. When using SSH, there
must be an active network interface that is configured with a valid IP address for
the network. This can be one of the active network interfaces used for network tr
affic or it can be the management interface. Figure 35-23 shows ports available f
or management access.
Summary (35.6)
The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for
your reflection.
hese are used to link the switch to other switches that may be located over l
ong distances.
Similar to a switch port, Ethernet NICs operate at specific bandwidths suc
h as 10/100 or 10/100/1000 Mbps. The actual bandwidth of the attached de
vice will be the highest common bandwidth between the device NIC and th
e switch port. Networking devices come in both fixed and modular physica
l configurations. A managed switch that uses a Cisco operating system ena
bles control over individual ports or over the switch as a whole. Cisco Cata
lyst 2960 Series Ethernet switches are suitable for small- and medium-size
d networks.
• Switch Speeds and Forwarding Methods—Switches use one of the foll
owing forwarding methods for switching data between network ports: store
-and-forward switching or cut-through switching. Two variants of cut-thro
ugh switching are fast-forward and fragment-free. Two methods of memor
y buffering are port-based memory and shared memory. There are two type
s of duplex settings used for communications on an Ethernet network: full-
duplex and half-duplex.
Autonegotiation is an optional function found on most Ethernet switches an
d NICs. It enables two devices to automatically negotiate the best speed an
d duplex capabilities. Full-duplex is chosen if both devices have the capabi
lity along with their highest common bandwidth. Most switch devices now
support the automatic medium-dependent interface crossover (auto-MDIX)
feature. When enabled, the switch automatically detects the type of cable at
tached to the port and configures the interfaces accordingly.
• Switch Boot Process—Cisco switches are preconfigured to operate in a
LAN as soon as they are powered on. Configure the basic security settings
before placing the switch into the network. The three basic steps for poweri
ng up a switch are as follows: (1) Check the components, (2) Connect the c
ables to the switch, and (3) Power up the switch. When the switch is on, the
power-on self-test (POST) begins.
There are two methods to connect a PC to a network device to perform con
figuration and monitoring tasks: out-of-band management and in-band man
agement. Out-of-band management requires a computer to be directly conn
ected to the console port of the network device that is being configured. Us
e in-band management to monitor and make configuration changes to a net
work device over a network connection.
A Cisco device loads the following two files into RAM when it is booted: t
he IOS image file and the startup configuration file. The IOS image file is s
tored in flash memory. The startup configuration file is stored in NVRAM.
• Cisco Routers—Routers require an OS, a CPU, RAM, ROM, and NVRA
M. Every Cisco router has the same general hardware components: console
ports, LAN interfaces, expansion slots for different types of interface modu
les (e.g., EHWIC, Serial, DSL, switch ports, wireless), and storage slots for
expanded capabilities (e.g., compact flash memory, USB ports).
• Router Boot Process—Follow these steps to power up a Cisco router:
Step 1. Securely mount the device to the rack.
Step 6. Observe the startup messages on the PC within the terminal window as
the router boots.
The most common methods to access the command-line interface on a Cisc
o router are console, SSH, and Aux ports. Routers also have network interf
aces to receive and forward IP packets.
There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities in this chapter.
2. Which advantage does the store-and-forward switching method have comp
ared with the cut-through switching method?
a. Collision detecting
b. Frame error checking
c. Faster frame forwarding
d. Frame forwarding using IPv4 Layer 3 and 4 information
3. A technician is setting up a network in a new room. What is the best devic
e to use to connect the PCs to each other and to the rest of the LAN?
a. Router
b. Switch
c. Gateway
d. Firewall
4. During normal operation, from which location do most Cisco switches run
the IOS?
a. Disk drive
b. Flash
d. RAM
5. When a router is powered on, where will the router first search for a valid I
OS image to load by default?
a. RAM
b. Flash memory
d. ROM
6. Which two protocols can be used to access a Cisco switch for in-band man
agement? (Choose two.)
b. FTP
c. Telnet
d. SSH
7. During troubleshooting procedures, from which location will most Cisco r
outers load a limited IOS?
b. Flash
c. ROM
d. RAM
8. Which two networking devices are used in enterprise networks for providi
ng network connectivity to end devices? (Choose two.)
a. Firewall
b. LAN switch
c. Web server
d. Router
e. Wireless access point
9. What is required for a network administrator to perform out-of-band mana
gement tasks on a Cisco device?
a. An active network connection available to the device
b. A computer directly connected to the console port of the device
c. A valid IP address configured on VLAN 1
d. SSH enabled and functional on the device
10. What is the first action in the boot sequence when a switch is powered on
a. Load boot loader software
b. Low-level CPU initialization
c. Load the default Cisco IOS software
d. Load a power-on self-test program
11. What are two functions of NVRAM? (Choose two.)
a. To store the startup configuration file
b. To store the ARP table
c. To store the routing table
d. To retain content when power is removed
e. To contain the running configuration file
12. Which two ports can be used for the initial configuration of a Cisco route
r? (Choose two.)
a. Flash slot
b. AUX
c. WAN interface
d. Console
e. LAN interface
13. Which two files are loaded into RAM of a Cisco switch when it is booted
? (Choose two.)
a. File that contains customer settings
b. Startup configuration file
c. IOS image file
d. Routing table
e. The contents of the saved configuration file in NVRAM
14. Which information does the show startup-config command display?
a. The bootstrap program in ROM
b. The contents of the current running configuration file in RAM
c. The IOS image copied into RAM
d. The contents of the saved configuration file in NVRAM
Chapter 36. Troubleshoot Common Netw
ork Problems
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are some of the approaches used to troubleshoot networks?
• What is the process of detecting physical layer problems?
• How do you troubleshoot a wireless network problem?
• What are the common Internet connectivity problems?
• What outside sources and Internet resources are available for troubleshoo
Introduction (36.0)
Diego has completed her task of designing and setting up a new branch network.
He will need to test it, and if there are problems, she will diagnose and fix them.
I want to know how to test, diagnose, and fix network problems too. Being able t
o do this is a sure sign that you are ready to become a networking professional.
Let’s do this together!
• Steps taken to determine the cause of the problem
• Steps to correct the problem and ensure that it will not reoccur
Document all steps taken in troubleshooting, even the ones that did not solve the
issue. This documentation becomes a valuable reference should the same or simi
lar problem occur again. Even in a small home network, good documentation sav
es hours of trying to remember how a problem was fixed in the past.
software. Other information on the equipment includes the manufacturer, make,
and model of devices affected, as well as ownership and warranty information. T
he version of any firmware or software on the device is also important because th
ere may be compatibility problems with particular hardware platforms.
Information about the network can also be gathered using network monitoring to
ols. Network monitoring tools are complex applications often used on large netw
orks to continually gather information about the state of the network and network
devices. These tools may not be available for smaller networks.
After all necessary information is gathered, start the troubleshooting process.
In bottom-up troubleshooting, you start with the physical layer and the physical c
omponents of the network, as shown in Figure 36-1, and move up through the la
yers of the OSI model until the cause of the problem is identified.
As shown in Figure 36-2, top-down troubleshooting starts with the end-user appl
ications and moves down through the layers of the OSI model until the cause of t
he problem has been identified.
End-user applications of an end system are tested before tackling the more specif
ic networking pieces. Use this approach for simpler problems, or when you think
the problem is with a piece of software.
The disadvantage with the top-down approach is it requires checking every netw
ork application until the possible cause of the problem is found. Each conclusion
and possibility must be documented. The challenge is to determine which applica
tion to start examining first.
Figure 36-3 shows the divide-and-conquer approach to troubleshooting a networ
king problem. The network administrator selects a layer and tests in both directio
ns from that layer.
This is one of the most basic troubleshooting techniques. The approach first disc
overs the traffic path all the way from source to destination. The scope of troubl
eshooting is reduced to just the links and devices that are in the forwarding path.
The objective is to eliminate the links and devices that are irrelevant to the troub
leshooting task at hand. This approach usually complements one of the other app
This approach is also called swap-the-component because you physically swap t
he problematic device with a known, working one. If the problem is fixed, then t
he problem is with the removed device. If the problem remains, then the cause m
ay be elsewhere.
In specific situations, this can be an ideal method for quick problem resolution, s
uch as with a critical single point of failure. For example, a border router goes do
wn. It may be more beneficial to simply replace the device and restore service rat
her than to troubleshoot the issue.
If the problem lies within multiple devices, it may not be possible to correctly iso
late the problem.
This approach is also called the spot-the-differences approach and attempts to res
olve the problem by changing the nonoperational elements to be consistent with t
he working ones. You compare configurations, software versions, hardware, or o
ther device properties, links, or processes between working and nonworking situ
ations and spot significant differences between them.
The weakness of this method is that it might lead to a working solution, without
clearly revealing the root cause of the problem.
Educated Guess
This approach is also called the shoot-from-the-hip troubleshooting approach. T
his is a less-structured troubleshooting method that uses an educated guess based
on the symptoms of the problem. Success of this method varies based on your tro
ubleshooting experience and ability. Seasoned technicians are more successful b
ecause they can rely on their extensive knowledge and experience to decisively i
solate and solve network issues. With a less-experienced network administrator, t
his troubleshooting method may be too random to be effective.
For instance, software problems are often solved using a top-down approach, whi
le hardware-based problems are solved using the bottom-up approach. New probl
ems may be solved by an experienced technician using the divide-and-conquer m
ethod. Otherwise, the bottom-up approach may be used.
Troubleshooting is a skill that is developed by doing it. Every network problem y
ou identify and solve adds to your skill set.
Check Your Understanding—The Troubleshooting Process (36.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
• Damaged cables and connectors
• Use of the wrong type of cable
Vision also allows us to view the condition and function of various network devi
ces with LEDs.
WPS/QSS has known vulnerabilities that allow a threat actor to gain acces
s to your network. Therefore, it is a security best practice to disable this fea
ture. Refer to documentation to learn how to disable WPS or QSS.
Figure 36-5 LED Lights on a Wireless Router
On some devices, a single LED may convey multiple pieces of information depe
nding on the current status of the device. It is important to check the equipment d
ocumentation for the exact meaning of all indicators, but some commonality doe
s exist.
Most devices will have activity LEDs, which are often called link lights. A norm
al condition is for these LEDs to flash, indicating that traffic is flowing through t
he port. A solid green light typically indicates that a device is plugged into the p
ort, but no traffic is flowing. No light typically indicates one or more of the follo
• Nothing is plugged into the port.
• There is an issue with the wired or wireless connection.
• A device or port has failed.
• There is a cabling issue.
• The wireless router is improperly configured; for example, a port was ad
ministratively shut down.
• The wireless router has a hardware fault.
• The device does not have power.
Whether the network is wired or wireless, verify that the device and ports are up
and functional before spending large amounts of time trying to troubleshoot othe
r issues.
• Maximum cable run lengths exist based on characteristics of the differen
t cables. Exceeding these run lengths can have a serious negative impact on
network performance.
• If connectivity is a problem, verify that the correct ports are being used be
tween the networking devices.
• Protect cables and connectors from physical damage. Support cables to pr
event strain on connectors and run cable through areas that will not be in th
e way.
• RF signals are susceptible to interference from outside sources, including
other devices functioning on the same frequency. A site survey should be u
sed to detect for this.
• APs share the available bandwidth between devices. As more devices ass
ociate with the AP, the bandwidth for each individual device will decrease,
causing network performance problems. The solution is to reduce the numb
er of wireless clients using each channel.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
Request timed out.
There are many ways to verify connectivity between the router and the ISP. Usin
g the GUI, one way to check connectivity is to examine the router status page. A
s shown in Figure 36-10, it should show the IP address assigned by the ISP (64.1
00.0.11 in this example).
If this page shows no connection, the wireless router may not be connected. Chec
k all physical connections and LED indicators. If the DSL or cable modem is a s
eparate device, check those connections and indicators as well. If the ISP require
s a login name or password, check that they are configured to match those given
by the ISP. Using the GUI, password configurations can normally be located on t
he Setup configuration page. Next, try to reestablish connectivity by clicking the
Connect, or IP Address Renew, button on the status page. If the wireless router w
ill still not connect, contact the ISP to see if the issue is occurring from their end.
If all clients are obtaining the correct IP configuration and can connect to the wir
eless router but are unable to ping each other or cannot access a remote server or
application, the problem may be with rules on the router. Check all settings on th
e router to ensure no security restrictions could be causing the issue. Verify that t
he local firewalls on the client devices are not preventing network functionality.
d known as traceroute or tracert must be used. Microsoft Windows uses the tra
cert command, while other operating systems commonly use the command trace
The tracert utility provides connectivity information about the path a packet tak
es to reach the destination and about every router (hop) along the way. It also ind
icates how long a packet takes to get from the source to each hop and back (roun
d-trip time). The tracert utility can help identify where a packet may have been l
ost or delayed due to bottlenecks or slowdowns in the network.
In Example 36-2, the user is tracing the path to Cisco. The path is unique to this
user. Your path will have a different listing of hops and may be shorter or longer
(number of hops).
Notice in the output that the second hop failed. This is most likely due to a
firewall configuration on that device which does not permit responding to
packets from the tracert command. However, the device does forward the
packets to the next hop.
1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms
3 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms
24-155-250-94.dyn.yourisp.net []
4 22 ms 23 ms 23 ms
24-155-121-218.static.yourisp.net []
5 23 ms 24 ms 25 ms dls-b22-link.anotherisp.net
6 25 ms 24 ms 25 ms dls-b23-link.anotherisp.net
7 24 ms 23 ms 21 ms
someisp-ic-341035-dls-b1.c.anotherisp.net []
8 25 ms 24 ms 23 ms
ae3.databank-dfw5.netarch.someisp.com []
9 25 ms 24 ms 24 ms
Trace complete.
The basic tracert command will only allow up to 30 hops between a source and
destination device before it assumes that the destination is unreachable. This nu
mber is adjustable by using the -h parameter. Other modifiers, displayed as optio
ns in Example 36-3, are also available.
tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout]
-6 Force using IPv6.
Active Connections
TCP ec2-18-211-133-65:https
Unexplained TCP connections can pose a major security threat. This is because t
hey can indicate that something or someone is connected to the local host. Additi
onally, unnecessary TCP connections can consume valuable system resources, th
us slowing down the performance of the host. Netstat should be used to examine
the open connections on a host when performance appears to be compromised.
Many useful options are available for the netstat command. These options can b
e viewed by typing netstat /? at the command prompt, as shown in Example 36-
protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
[-n] [-o] [-p proto] [-r] [-s] [-t] [-x] [-y] [interval]
-b Displays the executable involved in
creating each connection or
IP, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, TCP, TCPv6, UDP, or
> www.cisco.com
Server: dns-sj.cisco.com
Name: origin-www.cisco.com
Addresses: 2001:420:1101:1::a
Aliases: www.cisco.com
> cisco.netacad.net
Server: dns-sj.cisco.com
Name: cisco.netacad.net
• Internet searches—With the increased availability of support forums, tro
ubleshooters can now obtain assistance from people around the world in re
al time.
• Colleagues—Colleagues are often a wealth of information; there is no su
bstitute for troubleshooting experience.
Many companies and ISPs establish support desks to assist their users with netw
orking problems. Most large IT companies run support desks for their individual
products or technologies. For example, Cisco Systems offers support desk assista
nce for problems integrating Cisco equipment into a network, or problems that m
ay occur after installation.
There are many ways to contact a support desk, including email, live chat, and p
hone. While email is good for non-urgent problems, phone or live chat is better f
or network emergencies. This is especially important in organizations such as ba
nks where small amounts of downtime can cost large amounts of money.
If necessary, the support desk can take control of a local host through remote-acc
ess software. This allows support desk technicians to run diagnostic programs an
d interact with the host and network without having to physically travel to a job s
ite. This greatly reduces the wait time for problem resolution and allows the supp
ort desk to assist more users.
• Who encountered the problem?
• When did the problem manifest?
• What steps have been taken to identify the problem?
• What were the results of steps taken?
If this is a follow-up call, be prepared to provide the date and time of the previou
s call, the ticket number, and name of the technician. Be at the affected equipme
nt, and be prepared to provide the support desk staff with access to the equipmen
t if requested.
vant customer information. Typically, a database application is used to manage t
he customer information.
The information is transferred to a trouble ticket, or incident report. This docume
nt can be a piece of paper in a paper filing system or an electronic tracking syste
m designed to follow the troubleshooting process from beginning to end. Each pe
rson who works on the problem is expected to record what was done on the troub
le ticket. When an onsite call is required, the trouble ticket information can be co
nverted to a work order that the onsite technician can take to the customer site.
When a problem is resolved, the solution is documented in the customer work or
der (Figure 36-14) or trouble ticket, and in a knowledge base document for futur
e reference.
ayered concept of networking. Other good approaches are follow-the-path,
substitution, comparison, and educated guess.
• Physical Layer Problems—Physical layer problems are concerned mainl
y with the hardware aspects of computers and networking devices and the c
ables that interconnect them. To troubleshoot at Layer 1, first check that all
devices have power supplied, and that the devices are turned on. If the prob
lem is with wireless, verify that the wireless access point is operational and
that wireless settings are configured correctly.
Regardless of whether the fault is present on the wireless or wired network
, one of the first steps in a bottom-up strategy of troubleshooting should be
to examine the LEDs, which indicate the current state or activity of a piece
of equipment or connection. Cabling is the central nervous system of wired
networks and one of the most common causes of connectivity problems. Be
sure to use the correct type of cable. Improper cable termination is one of t
he main problems encountered in networks. To avoid this, cables should be
terminated according to standards. Maximum cable run lengths exist based
on characteristics of the different cables. Verify that the correct ports are be
ing used between the networking devices. Protect cables and connectors fro
m physical damage.
• Troubleshoot Wireless Issues—Wireless communications rely on RF si
gnals to carry data. Many factors can affect our ability to connect hosts usi
ng RF:
• Not all wireless standards are compatible.
• Each wireless conversation must occur on a separate, non-overlapping
• The strength of an RF signal decreases with distance.
• RF signals are susceptible to interference from outside sources, includi
ng other devices functioning on the same frequency.
• APs share the available bandwidth between devices.
Modern WLANs incorporate various technologies to help secure the data o
n the WLAN. Incorrect configuration of any of these can prevent communi
cation. Some of the most common settings that are configured incorrectly i
nclude: the SSID, authentication, and encryption.
• Common Internet Connectivity Issues—A number of software utility p
rograms are available that can help identify network problems. Some of the
available utilities include ipconfig, ping, netstat, tracert, and nslookup.
On Windows devices, you can view the IP configuration information with t
he ipconfig command at the command prompt. If the IP configuration appe
ars to be correctly configured on the local host, next, test network connecti
vity by using ping. Ping is used to test if a destination host is reachable.
When troubleshooting a network with both wired and wireless connections,
use a divide-and-conquer technique to isolate the problem to either the wire
d or wireless network. The easiest way to determine if the problem is with t
he wired or the wireless network is to
• Ping from a wireless client to the default gateway, which verifies if the
wireless client is connecting as expected.
• Ping from a wired client to the default gateway, which verifies if the w
ired client is connecting as expected.
• Ping from the wireless client to a wired client, which verifies if the wir
eless router is functioning as expected.
The tracert utility provides connectivity information about the path a pack
et takes to reach the destination and about every router (hop) along the way
. It also indicates how long a packet takes to get from the source to each ho
p and back (round-trip time). Tracert can help identify where a packet may
have been lost or delayed due to bottlenecks or slowdowns in the network.
Sometimes it is necessary to know which active TCP connections are open
and running on a networked host. Netstat is an important network utility th
at can be used to verify those connections. Netstat lists the protocol in use,
the local address and port number, the foreign address and port number, an
d the state of the connection.
The nslookup utility allows an end user to look up information about a part
icular DNS name in the DNS server. When the nslookup command is issue
d, the information returned includes the IP address of the DNS server being
used as well as the IP address associated with the specified DNS name. Nsl
ookup is often used as a troubleshooting tool for determining if the DNS se
rver is performing name resolution as expected.
If the physical connection to the wired or wireless host appears to be conne
cting as expected, then check the IP configuration of the client. In most cas
es, the wireless router receives its own IP address through DHCP from the
ISP. Check to make sure that the router has an IP address, and attempt to re
lease and renew the address using the GUI utility.
If hosts on the wired and wireless local network can connect to the wireless
router and with other hosts on the local network, but not to the Internet, the
problem may be in the connection between the router and the ISP. Using th
e GUI, one way to check connectivity is to examine the router Status page.
It should show the IP address assigned by the ISP and should indicate if the
connection is established. If this page shows no connection, the wireless ro
uter may not be connected. If the wireless router will still not connect, cont
act the ISP to see if the issue is occurring from their end.
If a network firewall is used along the path, it is important to check that the
application TCP or UDP port is open and no filter lists are blocking traffic t
o that port. If all clients are obtaining the correct IP configuration and can c
onnect to the wireless router but are unable to ping each other, or cannot ac
cess a remote server or application, the problem may be with rules on the r
outer. Check all settings on the router to ensure no security restrictions coul
d be causing the issue. Verify that the local firewalls on the client devices a
re not preventing network functionality.
• Customer Support—Some of the most common sources for help includ
e previously kept documentation, online FAQs, colleagues and other netwo
rk professionals, and Internet sources including forums, articles, and blogs.
The support desk is a group of individuals with the knowledge and tools re
quired to help diagnose and correct common problems. If necessary, the su
pport desk can take control of a local host through remote-access software.
The support desk will require information specific to the problem, includin
g symptoms encountered, who encountered the problem, when the problem
manifests, steps taken to identify the problem, and results of steps taken.
If the first-level support desk staff is unable to solve the problem, they may
escalate the problem to a higher level. Higher-level staff are generally more
knowledgeable and have access to resources and tools that the first-level su
pport desk does not. Record all information regarding the interaction with t
he support desk, such as time/date of call, name/ID of technician, problem
reported, course of action taken, resolution/escalation, and next steps.
When a Level 1 support desk technician receives a call, there is a process f
ollowed to gather information. There are also specific systems for storing a
nd retrieving relevant information. It is extremely important to gather the in
formation correctly in the event that a call has to be escalated to Level 2 or
require an onsite visit. The information is transferred to a trouble ticket, or
incident report. When a problem is resolved, the solution is documented in
the customer work order or trouble ticket, and in a knowledge base docume
nt for future reference.
The following activity provides practice with the topics introduced in this chapte
mpany. The user cannot identify the cause of the problem. Who should the us
er contact for further help?
a. The help line of the cable company
b. The support website of the computer vendor
c. The help line of the computer manufacturer
d. The operating system vendor
2. A network technician enters the command ipconfig /release followed by i
pconfig /renew in order to ensure that the DHCP IP configuration on a work
station is updated. However, the workstation does not receive a valid IP conf
iguration for the network. Which two problems may exist on the network? (C
hoose two.)
a. The ipconfig /all command must be issued to restore all IP configuratio
b. There is no network connectivity to the DHCP server.
c. The DHCP lease time is misconfigured.
d. There is a DHCP server issue.
e. The gateway router address needs to be updated.
3. Refer to Figure 36-15. The command output is from a wireless DHCP host
connected to a Linksys integrated router. What can be determined from the o
5. A small office uses a wireless router to connect to a cable modem for Inter
net access. The network administrator receives a call that one office compute
r cannot access external websites. The first troubleshooting step that the netw
ork administrator performs is to ping the wireless router from the office com
puter. Which troubleshooting technique does this represent?
a. Bottom-up
b. Substitution
c. Divide-and-conquer
d. Top-down
6. A network administrator can successfully ping the server at www.cisco.co
m, but cannot ping the company web server located at an ISP in another city.
Which tool or command would help identify the specific router where the pa
cket was lost or delayed?
a. telnet
b. ipconfig
c. traceroute
d. netstat
7. Which command would a technician use to display network connections o
n a host computer?
a. nslookup
b. tracert
c. ipconfig
d. netstat
8. Which three items should be documented after troubleshooting an internal
web server crash? (Choose three.)
a. Steps that were performed that failed to identify the cause of the proble
b. When the problem occurred
c. Steps that were performed to identify the cause of the problem
d. The dialogue with the user
e. The configuration of all hosts on the LAN at the time of the crash
f. The configuration of all networking devices on the LAN at the time of th
e crash
9. A user calls the help desk to report a workstation problem. Which three qu
estions would produce the most helpful information for troubleshooting? (Ch
oose three.)
a. What operating system version is running on your workstation?
b. Have you performed a backup recently?
c. What changes have you made to your workstation?
d. If you received an error message, what was it?
e. Do you have the warranty for your workstation?
f. Have you used a network monitoring tool on your workstation?
10. What are two common causes of a physical layer network connectivity pr
oblem? (Choose two.)
a. An Ethernet cable plugged into a wrong port
b. A faulty Ethernet cable
c. An incorrect default gateway
d. An unassigned IP address
e. A monitor unplugged
11. Refer to Figure 36-16. A web designer calls to report that the web server
web-s1.cisco.com is not reachable through a web browser. The technician us
es command-line utilities to verify the problem and to begin the troubleshoot
ing process. Which two things can be determined about the problem? (Choos
e two.)
Chapter 37. Network Support
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• Can you demonstrate effective troubleshooting methodologies?
• How do you create network documentation?
• What are help desk best practices?
• How do you verify network connectivity in the operating systems of Win
dows, Linux, MacOS, Android, and Apple iOS devices?
• How do you troubleshoot a network?
• How do you troubleshoot connectivity remotely?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
bottom-up troubleshooting
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
divide-and-conquer troubleshooting
top-down troubleshooting
Introduction (37.0)
Hello! It’s Webster. Let me introduce you to my friend Lara! Lara has been wor
king as a help desk technician in the IT department for a small community colleg
e in Brisbane, Australia, for just over a year. The help desk receives numerous IT
support requests from administrators, faculty, and students. Lara has proven to b
e an excellent asset to the help desk team, as she is very effective at solving prob
lems. Because of her superb work, Lara was recently promoted and assigned to d
evelop a troubleshooting guide to help new technicians solve everyday IT proble
ms. What approach would you use when diagnosing a reported problem? What d
ocumentation would you need to help do your job? How do you keep track of a r
eported problem? Which commands would be helpful when diagnosing endpoint
and network problems? Keep reading, as we will answer these questions in this c
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Methodologies (3
In this section, you will learn about the general troubleshooting process.
Figure 37-1 A Seven-Step Troubleshooting Process
Gather Information
In this step, targets (i.e., hosts, devices) to be investigated must be identified, acc
ess to the target devices must be obtained, and information gathered. During this
step, the technician may gather and document more symptoms, depending on the
characteristics that are identified.
Analyze Information
Possible causes must be identified. The gathered information is interpreted and a
nalyzed by using network documentation and network baselines, searching organ
izational knowledge bases, searching the Internet, and talking with other technici
Propose Hypothesis
When the most probable cause has been identified, a solution must be formulated
. At this stage, troubleshooting experience is very valuable when proposing a pla
Test Hypothesis
Before testing the solution, it is important to assess the impact and urgency of the
problem. For instance, could the solution have an adverse effect on other system
s or processes? The severity of the problem should be weighed against the impac
t of the solution. For example, if a critical server or router must be offline for a si
gnificant amount of time, it may be better to wait until the end of the workday to
implement the fix. Sometimes, a workaround can be created until the actual prob
lem is resolved.
Figure 37-2 Layers of the OSI Model and Where Troubleshooting Typicall
y Starts for Different Devices
Notice that routers and multilayer switches are shown at Layer 4, the transport la
yer. Although routers and multilayer switches usually make forwarding decision
s at Layer 3, ACLs on these devices can be used to make filtering decisions usin
g Layer 4 information.
• Bottom-up—Start with the physical layer and the physical components of
the network and move up through the layers of the OSI model until the cau
se of the problem is identified.
• Top-down—Start with the end-user applications and move down through
the layers of the OSI model until the cause of the problem has been identifi
• Divide-and-conquer—Start by collecting user experiences of the problem
, document the symptoms, and then, using that information, make an infor
med guess as to which OSI layer to start your investigation.
• Follow-the-path—Discover the traffic path all the way from source to de
stination. This approach usually complements one of the other approaches.
• Substitution—Physically swap the problematic device or component wit
h a known, working one. If the problem is fixed, then the problem is with t
he removed item. If the problem remains, then the cause is elsewhere.
• Comparison—Compare specifics such as configurations, software versio
ns, hardware, or other device properties, links, or processes between worki
ng and nonworking situations and spot significant differences between the
• Educated guess—A less-structured troubleshooting method that uses an
educated guess based on the experience of the technician and their ability t
o solve problems.
For instance, software problems are often solved using a top-down approach whi
le hardware-based problem are solved using the bottom-up approach. New probl
ems may be solved by an experienced technician using the divide-and-conquer m
ethod. Otherwise, the bottom-up approach may be used.
Troubleshooting is a skill that is developed by doing it. Every network problem y
ou identify and solve gets added to your skill set.
Document Findings, Actions, and Outcomes (37.1.6)
After troubleshooting and resolving all issues, it is important to complete the trou
bleshooting process by documenting all information.
A technician must document the following:
• Problem—Includes the initial report of the problem, a description of the
symptoms, information gathered, and any other information that would hel
p resolve similar problems.
• Solution—Includes the steps taken to resolve the problem.
• Commands and tools used—Include the commands and tools used in di
agnosing the problem and solving the problem.
Verify the solution with the customer. If the customer is available, demonstrate h
ow the solution has corrected their problem. Have the customer test the solution
and try to reproduce the problem. When the customer can verify that the problem
has been resolved, you can update the documentation with any new information
provided by the customer.
All network documentation should be kept in a single location, either as hard cop
y or on the network on a protected server. Backup documentation should be main
tained and kept in a separate location.
A personal area network (PAN) is a network that connects devices such as mice,
keyboards, printers, smartphones, and tablets within the range of an individual pe
rson (Figure 37-4). These devices are most often connected with Bluetooth techn
ology. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that enables devices to communicate o
ver short distances.
Traditionally, a local area network (LAN) is defined as a network that connects d
evices using wire cables in a small geographical area, such as the one shown in F
igure 37-5. However, the distinguishing characteristic for LANs today is that the
y are typically owned by an individual, such as in a home or small business, or w
holly managed by an IT department, such as in a school or corporation.
A virtual LAN (VLAN) allows an administrator to segment the ports on a single
switch as if it were multiple switches. This provides more efficient forwarding o
f data by isolating traffic to only those ports where it is required. VLANs also all
ow end devices to be grouped together for administrative purposes. In Figure 37-
6, VLAN 2 creates a virtual LAN for IT’s computers, even on different floors, an
d can have different network permissions set than the other VLANs.
A wireless LAN (WLAN) is similar to a LAN but wirelessly connects users and
devices in a small geographical area instead of using a wired connection, as sho
wn in Figure 37-7. A WLAN uses radio waves to transmit data between wireless
A wireless mesh network (WMN) uses multiple access points to extend the WL
AN. The topology in Figure 37-8 shows a wireless router. The two wireless APs
extend the reach of the WLAN within the home. Similarly, businesses and munic
ipalities can use WMNs to quickly add new areas of coverage.
A campus area network (CAN) is a group of interconnected LANs, belonging to
the same organization and operating in a limited geographical area. CANs are fo
und in both academic campuses and business or corporate campuses. Campus are
a networks typically consist of several buildings interconnected by high-speed Et
hernet links using fiber-optic cabling. Figure 37-9 shows three different-sized ca
mpus area networks.
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that spans across a large camp
us or a city, as shown in Figure 37-10. The network consists of various buildings
connected through wireless or fiber-optic media.
A wide area network (WAN) connects multiple networks that are in geographica
lly separated locations. Individuals and organizations contract for WAN access f
rom a service provider. Your service provider for your home or mobile device co
nnects you to the largest WAN, the Internet. In Figure 37-11, the Tokyo and Mos
cow networks are connected through the Internet.
A virtual private network (VPN) is used to securely connect to another network o
ver an insecure network, such as the Internet. The most common type of VPN is
used by teleworkers to access a corporate private network. Teleworkers are netw
ork users that are offsite or remote. In Figure 37-12, the fat links between Telew
orker 1 and the router at Headquarters represent a VPN connection.
Figure 37-14 displays a sample logical topology for the same small sample netw
ork. Notice Figure 37-14 displays connecting interfaces and the Layer 3 network
addressing scheme.
Enterprise network topologies are similar but larger in scale and complexity. The
y will also typically include additional network topology diagrams.
In a previous chapter you learned about hierarchical network design including th
e access, distribution, and core layers. This is one of several architecture models
used in enterprise networks that can help guide you in creating and maintaining a
n effective design strategy. These models are not templates, as each network is di
fferent in size, complexity, requirements, and budget.
Figure 37-15 shows a high-level view of how different parts of an enterprise net
work connect along its connection to its cloud provider.
• Google Maps
• Office 365
• Salesforce
delivery of anything and everything as a service. XaaS includes Saas, PaaS, and I
Other examples of XaaS include
• Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS)
• Communications as a service (CaaS)
• Monitoring as a service (MaaS)
• Desktop as a service (DaaS)
Packet Tracer—Connect a Network Based on a Network Diagra
m (37.2.7)
In this activity, you will complete a physical topology based on a provided
network diagram.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
End-System Documentation
End-system documentation focuses on the hardware and software used in servers
, network management consoles, and user workstations. An incorrectly configure
d end system can have a negative impact on the overall performance of a networ
k. For this reason, having access to end-system device documentation can be ver
y useful when troubleshooting.
The table in Figure 37-18 displays a sample of information that could be recorde
d in an end-system device document.
Figure 37-18 End-System Documentation Files
CDP is a Cisco proprietary Layer 2 protocol that is used to gather information ab
out Cisco devices that share the same data link. CDP is media and protocol indep
endent and runs on all Cisco devices, such as routers, switches, and access serve
The device sends periodic CDP advertisements to connected devices, as shown i
n Figure 37-19.
These advertisements share information about the type of device that is discovere
d, the name of the device, and the number and type of the interfaces.
Because most network devices are connected to other devices, CDP can assist in
network design decisions, troubleshooting, and making changes to equipment. C
DP can also be used as a network discovery tool to determine the information ab
out the neighboring devices. This information gathered from CDP can help build
a logical topology of a network when documentation is missing or lacking in det
With CDP enabled on the network, the show cdp neighbors command can be us
ed to determine the network layout, as shown in Example 37-1.
Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
Gig 0/0/1 179 S I WS-C3560- Fas 0/5
No information is available regarding the rest of the network. The show cdp nei
ghbors command provides helpful information about each CDP neighbor device
, including the following:
• Device identifiers—This is the host name of the neighbor device (S1).
• Port identifier—This is the name of the local and remote port (G0/0/1 an
d F0/5, respectively).
• Capabilities list—This shows whether the device is a router or a switch (
S for switch; I for IGMP is beyond scope for this course)
• Platform—This is the hardware platform of the device (WS-C3560 for C
isco 3560 switch).
The output shows that there is another Cisco device, S1, connected to the G0/0/1
interface on R1. Furthermore, S1 is connected through its F0/5, as shown in Figu
re 37-21.
The network administrator uses show cdp neighbors detail to discover the IP ad
dress for S1. As displayed in Example 37-2, the address for S1 is
Device ID: S1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/5
Version :
C3560 Software (C3560-LANBASEK9-M), Version 15.0(2)SE7, R
advertisement version: 2
Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27,
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
IP address:
o S1, as displayed in the output of the show cdp neighbors command in Exampl
e 37-3.
Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
Fas 0/1 150 S I WS-C2960- Fas 0/1
Fas 0/5 179 R S I ISR4331/K Gig 0/0/1
Another switch, S2, is revealed in the output. S2 is using F0/1 to connect to the F
0/1 interface on S1, as shown in Figure 37-22.
Again, the network administrator can use show cdp neighbors detail to discover
the IP address for S2, and then remotely access it. After a successful login, the n
etwork administrator uses the show cdp neighbors command to discover if there
are more devices, as shown in Example 37-4.
Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
D - Remote, C - CVTA, M - Two-port Mac
Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
Fas 0/1 141 S I WS-C3560- Fas 0/1
The only device connected to S2 is S1. Therefore, there are no more devices to d
iscover in the topology. The network administrator can now update the document
ation to reflect the discovered devices.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
Figure 37-23 Example of How Security Documentation Fits In with the Lar
ger Organizational Policies
Figure 37-24 Seven-Step Troubleshooting Process
The online reporting tool could be integrated into the ticketing system.
Often, the help desk technician may be able to quickly answer or solve user issue
s. For example, if an organization had an Internet network failure, users may con
tact the help desk asking why they cannot reach external sites. The technician wo
uld inform them that the network is down, and that it should be operational withi
n a specific time.
However, if the request for support is valid, then the technician will create a “tro
uble ticket.” This is done using special ticketing system software to manage requ
ests, incidents, and reported problems. These “tickets” can be created by the user
using a ticketing system dashboard or by a help desk technician. Typically, a use
r initiates the ticket, and the help desk technician validates it.
The help desk technician may have to gather additional information about the req
uest. When questioning users, use effective questioning techniques and listen car
efully to the user answers. You may also have to physically investigate the devic
e or connect remotely to replicate the problem, execute commands, and check co
The technician would then analyze the collected data and either:
• Solve the problem—Once the user problem has been addressed, the tech
nician would update and close the trouble ticket. Updating the ticket solutio
n is important because it can populate the ticketing system database. There
fore, if the same problem is reported by another user, the responding techni
cian can search the database to quickly resolve the problem. In addition, ad
ministrators can analyze the tickets to identify common issues and their cau
ses in order to globally eliminate the problem, if possible.
• Escalate the trouble ticket—Some problems are more complex or requir
e access to devices which the technician has no credentials for. In these cas
es, the technician must escalate (i.e., forward) the trouble ticket to a more e
xperienced technician. It is important that all documentation captured from
the user is clear, concise, and accurate.
Figure 37-25 summarizes a typical trouble ticket process that a help desk technic
ian would have to perform.
Processes can vary depending on the organization.
A quick Internet search for “help desk software” reveals many different sof
tware vendors including Zendesk, HaloITSM, ConnectWise, and more.
Figure 37-26 shows a sample ticket designed to help you understand what inform
ation a help desk ticket could capture.
Table 37-2 describes the fields that could be used when a trouble ticket is created
Other fields may also be available, such as platform type and model, operat
ing system version, network connection used, and others.
In the sample ticket, some fields were system generated (in orange), drop-down (
in blue), or free-form (in yellow). Drop-down fields make it easier to enter and m
aintain consistency. The free-form fields are used by the help desk technician to
add descriptive information.
Free-form fields will be read by other technicians and managers. Therefore, it is i
mportant to use clear and concise written communication. Use plain language an
d short sentences. Always pay attention to your spelling, grammar, and style.
When interviewing the user, guide the conversation and use effective questionin
g techniques to quickly ascertain the problem. Two common methods to do so in
clude using
• Open-ended questions—These types of questions allow users to explain
the details of the problem in their own words and are useful to obtain gener
al information.
• Closed-ended questions—These require simple yes, no, or single-word a
nswers that can be used to discover important facts about the network prob
Table 37-4 provides some questioning guidelines and sample open-ended end-us
er questions.
When done interviewing the user, repeat your understanding of the problem to th
e user to ensure that you both agree on what is being reported.
After you have listened to the customer explain the whole problem, summarize w
hat the customer has said. This helps convince the customer that you have heard
and understand the situation. A good practice for clarification is to paraphrase th
e customer’s explanation by beginning with the words, “Let me see if I understan
d what you have told me.” This is a very effective tool that demonstrates to the c
ustomer that you have listened and that you understand.
After you have assured the customer that you understand the problem, you will p
robably have to ask some follow-up questions. Make sure that these questions ar
e pertinent. Do not ask questions that the customer has already answered while d
escribing the problem. Doing this only irritates the customer and shows that you
were not listening.
Follow-up questions should be targeted closed-ended questions based on the info
rmation that you have already gathered. Closed-ended questions should focus on
obtaining specific information. The customer should be able to answer a closed-e
nded question with a simple “yes” or “no” or with a factual response, such as “W
indows 10.”
Use all the information that you have gathered from the customer to complete th
e trouble ticket.
Document the user-provided information in the trouble ticket. Include anything t
hat you think might be important for you or another technician. The small details
often lead to the solution of a difficult or complicated problem.
When the ticket has been completed, you should repeat your understanding of th
e problem to the user to ensure that you both agree on the problem being reporte
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Beep Codes
Each BIOS manufacturer has a unique beep sequence, a combination of long and
short beeps, for hardware failures. When troubleshooting, power on the compute
r and listen. As the system proceeds through the POST, most computers emit one
beep to indicate that the system is booting properly. If there is an error, you migh
t hear multiple beeps. Document the beep code sequence, and research the code t
o determine the specific problem.
BIOS Information
If the computer boots and stops after the POST, investigate the BIOS settings. A
device might not be detected or configured properly. Refer to the motherboard d
ocumentation to ensure that the BIOS settings are correct.
Event Viewer
When system, user, or software errors occur on a Windows computer, the Event
Viewer, shown in Figure 37-27, is updated with information about the errors.
Figure 37-27 Windows Event Viewer
The Event Viewer application records the following information about the probl
• What problem occurred
• Date and time of the problem
• Severity of the problem
• Source of the problem
• Event ID number
• Which user was logged in when the problem occurred
Although the Event Viewer lists details about the error, you might need to furthe
r research the problem to determine a solution.
Device Manager
The Device Manager, shown in Figure 37-28, displays all the devices that are co
nfigured on a Windows computer.
The operating system flags the devices that are not operating correctly with an er
ror icon. A yellow triangle with an exclamation point indicates that the device is
in a problem state. A red X means that the device is disabled, removed, or Windo
ws can’t locate the device. An arrow pointing down means the device has been d
isabled. A yellow question mark indicates that the system does not know which d
river to install for the hardware.
Task Manager
The Task Manager, shown in Figure 37-29, displays the applications and backgr
ound processes that are currently running on a Windows computer.
With the Task Manager, you can close applications that have stopped responding
. You can also monitor the performance of the CPU and virtual memory, view al
l processes that are currently running, and view information about the network co
Diagnostic Tools
Conduct research to determine which software is available to help diagnose and s
olve problems. There are many programs to help you troubleshoot hardware. Ma
nufacturers of system hardware usually provide diagnostic tools of their own. Fo
r instance, a hard drive manufacturer might provide a tool to boot the computer a
nd diagnose why the hard drive does not start the operating system.
Troubleshoot Endpoint Connectivity (37.4)
Many support requests begin with a report from the end user. Being able to troub
leshoot the endpoints of the network is important in determining the cause and sc
ope of the problem.
Windows IP Configuration
(Output omitted)
(Output omitted)
The ipconfig /all command is used to view additional addressing details as show
n in Example 37-6.
Windows IP Configuration
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
(Output omitted)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : August 18, 2019
1:20:18 PM
The traceroute or Windows tracert commands can help locate Layer 3 problem
areas in a network. A trace returns a list of hops as a packet is routed through a n
etwork. It could be used to identify the point along the path where the problem c
an be found.
Some firewalls, such as Windows Firewall, will block pings by default. It is imp
ortant to include this information as part of your network documentation and to b
e aware of these settings when testing and verifying network connectivity.
Technicians most often prefer to use the ifconfig terminal window command to
display the status of the currently active interfaces and their IP configuration, as
shown in Example 37-8.
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
inet netmask
The Linux ip address command is used to display addresses and their properties.
It can also be used to add or delete IP addresses.
The output displayed may vary depending on the Linux distribution.
443 port [tcp/https] succeeded! ubuntu@ubuntu2004:~$
to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
However, the ifconfig command can also be used to verify the interface IP confi
guration, as shown in Example 37-10.
ether c4:b3:01:a0:64:98
nd6 options=201
media: autoselect
status: active
MacBook-Air:~ Admin$
Other useful macOS commands to verify the network settings include networkse
tup -listallnetworkservices and networksetup -getinfo <network service>, as s
hown in Example 37-11.
An asterisk (*) denotes that a network service is disabled.
iPhone USB
Bluetooth PAN
Thunderbolt Bridge
MacBook-Air:~ Admin$
DHCP Configuration
IP address:
Client ID:
IPv6: Automatic
MacBook-Air:~ Admin$
The macOS Wireless Diagnostics application, shown in Figure 37-34, can be us
ed to troubleshoot and monitor Wi-Fi connectivity. When selecting the option to
monitor the network, the application will generate a diagnostics report.
2. Touch Wi-Fi and verify that you are connected to a network that you ca
n authenticate to. Check the Available Networks list to see if other networ
ks may be more suitable. You may need to determine the network passwor
d for the various networks that you will see. Also verify that signal strengt
h is adequate.
3 If using a mobile cellular data network, verify that you have connectivity
to that network in the device status bar. Check the swipe-down Settings me
nu to ensure that mobile data is active on your device.
IPv4 and IPv6 addressing information including the default gateway (router) can
be verified by going to Settings > About phone > Status, as shown in Figure 37
Third-party network analysis apps that have various functions are available for A
ndroid. They may provide more detailed information about the device network se
ttings, allow network testing with ping and trace, and even perform network por
t and device scans, as shown in Figure 37-37.
Troubleshoot a Network (37.5)
There are many tools that can help you determine the cause and scope of proble
ms affecting the network. This section introduces you to some of those tools and
Table 37-6 Common Cisco ISO show Commands for Data Collection
Some of these show commands would require privilege EXEC mode access.
As a security feature, the Cisco IOS software separates management access into t
wo privilege level:
• User EXEC mode—This is privilege level 1 and indicated by a device pr
ompt ending with a greater than (>) symbol (e.g., Router> or Switch>). It p
rovides access to limited commands useful to a technician when verifying t
he basic operation of a device.
• Privileged EXEC mode—This is privilege level 15 and indicated by a pr
ompt ending with a number (#) symbol (e.g., Router# or Switch#). It is the
highest level available and should only be accessible by a network administ
rator. In this mode, all device commands are available including the ability
to configure or change the configuration settings on the device. Use the en
able command to enter the mode.
The Cisco IOS also provides command syntax check and context-sensitive help.
If you enter a command incorrectly, the IOS will identify where you made an ent
ry error.
Context-sensitive help enables the user to quickly find answers to these question
• Which commands are available in each command mode?
• Which commands start with specific characters or group of characters?
• Which arguments and keywords are available to particular commands?
To access context-sensitive help, simply enter a question mark (?) while typing i
n a command.
Cisco IOS also does not require the entire command, argument, or keyword to be
entered. The partial command entry must just be long enough to uniquely identif
y the full command. For instance, you can use en instead of entering the full com
mand enable.
To be sure the proper command is being entered, the Tab key can also be used to
complete the partial entry of a command, argument, or keyword.
The information displayed by a protocol analyzer includes the physical layer bit
data, data link layer information, protocols, and descriptions for each frame. Mos
t protocol analyzers can filter traffic that meets certain criteria so that all traffic t
o and from a device can be captured. Protocol analyzers such as Wireshark can h
elp troubleshoot network performance problems. It is important to have both a go
od understanding of TCP/IP and how to use a protocol analyzer to inspect inform
ation at each TCP/IP layer.
Wireshark is a software protocol analyzer, or “packet sniffer” application,
used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol develop
ment, and education. Wireshark is used in this course to demonstrate netwo
rk concepts. Nmap is a popular network scanning and mapping tool. In this
lab, you use Nmap to discover hosts on your network and then use Wiresha
rk to capture traffic between your computer and other hosts.
Refer to the online course to complete this lab.
local port 58350 connected to port 5201
[ 7] 0.00-1.00 sec 576 KBytes 4.72 Mbits/sec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7] 0.00-10.00 sec 6.50 MBytes 5.46 Mbits/sec sender
0.00-10.18 sec 6.38 MBytes 5.26 Mbits/sec receiver
iperf Done.
Packet Tracer—Troubleshooting Challenge—Use Documentati
on to Solve Issues (37.5.6)
In this Packet Tracer activity, you use network documentation to identify a
nd fix network communications problems.
• Use various techniques and tools to identify connectivity issues.
• Use documentation to guide troubleshooting efforts.
• Identify specific network problems.
• Implement solutions to network communication problems.
• Verify network operation.
Refer to the online course to complete this Packet Tracer.
Many organizations disable remote access to computers that they own or a
dminister. For that reason, it may be necessary to request that the user activ
ate it. Other organizations use proprietary or alternative remote desktop ap
plications to mitigate security vulnerabilities that are associated with remot
e system access.
Remote desktop applications use a client-server model. The remote desktop clien
t is used to connect to the remote system, which acts as a server. Remote access a
pplications can retrieve system data, transfer files to systems, and initiate secure
chat sessions with users. Some remote-access applications require the user to be
present to authorize access or can access systems without user participation. Oth
er remote-access systems can access the system if it is unattended.
The following are common remote desktop applications:
• Microsoft Remote Desktop
• Installed on all Windows computers.
• Permits access from PCs, Android, or iOS devices.
• Requires a Pro edition of Windows.
• Apple Remote Desktop
• Available for OS X 10.10.5 or later.
• Client version 3.6 and higher offer full control.
• Non-Mac clients must have Virtual Network Computing (VNC) compa
tible software installed.
• TeamViewer
• Broad platform access including IoT devices and over 100 mobile devi
• Easy to implement and use.
• Very secure with end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and
other security features.
• Zoho Assist
• Compatible with a wide range of operating systems.
• Integrates well with third-party applications.
• Supports up to 2 GB file transfers, voice and video chat, and multi-mo
nitor navigation.
The Telnet protocol was developed to meet that need. Telnet dates back to the ea
rly 1970s and is among the oldest of the application layer protocols and services
in the TCP/IP suite. Telnet provides a standard method of emulating text-based t
erminal devices over the data network. Both the protocol itself and the client soft
ware that implements the protocol are commonly referred to as Telnet. Telnet ser
vers listen for client requests on TCP port 23.
A Telnet connection is called a virtual terminal (vty) session. Rather than using a
physical device to connect to the server, Telnet uses software to create a virtual d
evice that provides features of a terminal session with access to the server’s com
mand-line interface (CLI).
In Figure 37-39, the client has remotely connected to the server via Telnet. The c
lient is now able to execute commands as if it were locally connected to the com
mand line of the server. Similarly, Telnet can provide access to the CLI, or conso
le, of a networking device so that the device can be configured and monitored.
After a Telnet connection is established, users can perform any authorized functi
on on the server, just as if they were using a command-line session on the server
itself. If authorized, they can start and stop processes, configure the device, and e
ven shut down the system.
Although the Telnet protocol can require a user to log in, it does not support tran
sporting encrypted data. All data exchanged during Telnet sessions is transported
as plaintext across the network. This means that the data can be easily intercepte
d and understood. This includes usernames and passwords.
The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol offers an alternate and secure method for serve
r access. SSH provides the structure for secure remote login and other secure net
work services. It also provides stronger authentication than Telnet and supports t
ransporting session data using encryption. SSH servers listen for client requests o
n TCP port 22.
As a best practice, network professionals should always use SSH in place of Teln
et, if possible.
Figure 37-40 illustrates how SSH is more secure than Telnet. On the left side of t
he figure, the network technician is using Telnet and logs into the server using th
e indicated credentials. The threat actor has captured the Telnet traffic and can ea
sily see the credentials used. On the right side of the figure, the technician is usin
g SSH to connect to a different server. The threat actor could still capture the traf
fic. However, they would not be able to decipher it because SSH encrypts user tr
Figure 37-40 Telnet Traffic Is Unsecure and SSH Traffic Is Secure
Ns are also used to connect branch offices and other facilities to the corporate ne
VPNs are commonly deployed in one of the following configurations: site-to-site
or remote-access.
Site-to-Site VPN
A site-to-site VPN is created when VPN terminating devices, also called VPN ga
teways, are preconfigured with information to establish a secure tunnel, as shown
in Figure 37-41. VPN traffic is only encrypted between these devices. Internal ho
sts have no knowledge that a VPN is being used.
Remote-Access VPN
A remote-access VPN is dynamically created to establish a secure connection be
tween a client and a VPN terminating device, as shown in Figure 37-42. For exa
mple, a remote-access SSL VPN is used when you check your banking informati
on online.
Remote-access users must install a VPN client on their computers to form a secu
re connection with the corporate private network. Special routers can also be use
d to connect computers to the corporate private network. The VPN software encr
ypts data before sending it over the Internet to the VPN gateway at the corporate
private network. VPN gateways establish, manage, and control VPN connection
s, also known as VPN tunnels. Windows supports several VPN types; however, f
or some VPNs, third-party software may be required. The Cisco AnyConnect VP
N client is shown in Figure 37-43.
A VPN in Windows 10 can be set up from Network & Internet settings as shown
in Figure 37-44.
In addition to securing remote desktop sharing for technical support purposes, us
ers can use remote desktop to remotely access computers within the corporate ne
twork in order to carry out their normal work duties. This means that a user can a
ccess the desktop of their work computer from their home computer. This permit
s workers to access work resources from their own devices and access files and p
rograms hosted by their work PC remotely. In addition, computing with cloud-ba
sed virtual desktops is becoming popular. Organizations can save money and cre
ate efficiencies by outsourcing management of workstations to the cloud. In this
case, user workstations are cloud-hosted virtual machines. This permits users to a
ccess their computer resources from virtually any device that supports a compati
ble remote desktop client.
This can create security challenges, however. Many remote desktop clients are n
ot secure. Using VPNs to access remote and cloud-based virtual computer works
tations ensures greater security when this solution is in use. Microsoft Azure and
Amazon Web Services provide remote workspace solutions. IT support personne
l will be required to help workers access and operate these virtual resources.
m anywhere. It can manage a diverse range of both Meraki and non-Meraki netw
ork devices securely. It provides detailed views of large, dispersed, and complex
networks down to the individual desktop computer or phone. Figure 37-45 provi
des a look at one aspect of a Meraki dashboard.
mpus area networks (CANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), wide ar
ea networks (WANs), and virtual private networks (VPNs).
Physical topology diagrams include the physical locations of devices and d
ocuments their connections. Logical topology diagrams include IP addresse
s and networking device details such as connected ports. Other information
such as cloud services, routing policies, and security and remote-access pol
icies may appear on topology diagrams.
Cloud services can be Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (
PaaS), or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). XaaS means anything/everythi
ng as a service, including desktop as a service (DaaS), disaster recovery as
a service (DRaaS), communications as a service (CaaS), and monitoring as
a service (MaaS).
Wireless standards define the operating characteristics of wireless operatio
ns, including signaling specifications, data rates, and power efficiency. Wir
eless standards form the IEEE 802.11 wireless Ethernet family of standard
s, such as 802.11b, n, g, and ac. These standards exist in the unlicensed wir
eless spectrum. Licensed wireless frequencies are controlled by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and licenses are granted to radio stati
ons, cellular companies, and television stations.
Device documentation differs depending on the type of devices. It will ofte
n include device operating system and software, licensing information, inte
rface status, addressing, routing protocols, etc.
Network baselines are a series of measurements of network performance ta
ken during different types of network usage. The baselines help to understa
nd the parameters of a properly working network so that network performa
nce or security problems can be identified when performance deviates signi
ficantly from previous baseline measurements.
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a Cisco protocol that runs on Cisco net
working devices. It sends CDP advertisements to directly attached neighbo
r devices. Information sent in these advertisements include the configured
device name, a port identifier, the hardware platform and software versions
, and IP addresses. This information is displayed with the IOS commands s
how cdp neighbors and show cdp neighbors detail. CDP can be used to r
eveal information about network topologies.
• Help Desks—Security policies specify what employees need to do to ens
ure that the network is secure. This includes policies regarding user identifi
cation and authentication, password length, complexity and refresh interval
, acceptable behavior, and remote-access requirements. Standard operating
procedures (SOPs) define procedures that must be followed for replacing n
etwork devices, installing or removing software applications, new employe
e onboarding, and employee termination. Guidelines are suggestions for pr
oper procedure that exist when no SOPs are defined.
A help desk is a specialized team of IT professionals that are the central po
int of contact for employees and customers who need technical assistance.
Help desks use communication tools such as chat, telephone, or email to re
ceive issues from customers and facilitate the troubleshooting process. A ti
cketing system is used to manage “trouble tickets” that consist of details of
the issues that users report. Users initiate the tickets, and technicians valida
te the issues, work with users to address the issues, and escalate the tickets
if a higher degree of expertise is required to resolve the issues.
A support technician should always be considerate and should empathize w
ith users, who may be under stress and anxious to resolve a problem quickl
y. Technicians should never belittle, insult, or talk down to users, or accuse
users of causing the problem.
The know, relate, and understand skill set is a useful way to relate to custo
mers. To know the customer, call them by their name or ask if there is anot
her name that you can use. To better relate to the customer, attempt to crea
te a one-on-one connection. And to understand the customer, determine the
ir level of technical knowledge as a way to speak to them at an appropriate
level. Questioning is important using either open-ended or closed-ended qu
estions. Active listening entails using understanding responses as users talk
and summarizing what they tell you to verify your understanding.
When addressing an issue with hosts, gather information about the device,
operating system, network environment, and the results of connectivity test
s, such as ping and tracert. Other sources of information are beep codes, E
vent Viewer logs, Device Manager settings, Task Manager data, and diagn
ostic tool results.
For Cisco device–related tickets, use IOS commands, packet captures, and
device logs to gather information. IOS commands for connectivity testing,
such as ping and traceroute, are useful. Secure Shell (SSH) is the preferre
d way to connect to the IOS CLI remotely because Telnet is not secure. IO
S show commands, such as show ip interface brief, show ip route, and sh
ow protocols, are useful also.
The next step in the troubleshooting process is to analyze the information t
hat you have gathered and solve the problem. You can consult the ticket sy
stem software to locate similar issues, access vendor information resources
and FAQs, and search the Internet for relevant information. If you can’t sol
ve the problem, then you should escalate it to a higher-level technician for r
• Troubleshoot Endpoint Connectivity—To verify the network configura
tion of a Windows host, check the status of the connections in Network an
d Sharing Center. You can also use ipconfig /all to display this information
. Use ping and traceroute or tracert to test connectivity.
On a Linux host, you can view active connections in the GUI or use the ifc
onfig command in a terminal. In addition to ping and traceroute, other co
mmand-line tools such as speedtest and ncat (nc) are available for networ
k testing.
In macOS, open Network Preferences > Advanced to get IP addressing in
formation. The ifconfig command can be issued from a terminal as well. O
ther useful commands are networksetup -listallnetworkservices and netw
orksetup -getinfo <network service>. The Linux commands mentioned ab
ove are also available in macOS. The macOS Wireless Diagnostics tool can
also help solve connectivity problems.
Apple iOS networking can be verified by accessing the Wi-Fi settings. In
Android, information about the device addressing and connections can be a
ccessed from the About phone > Status settings. Third-party apps are avai
lable that enhance networks diagnostics for Android.
• Troubleshoot a Network—To gather information to troubleshoot a netw
ork problem, Cisco IOS devices have many show commands that can prov
ide detailed information. The Cisco IOS software separates management a
ccess into two privilege levels: user EXEC mode, which is lower level, and
privileged EXEC mode, which has full privileges. Use the enable comman
d to enter Cisco privileged EXEC mode. IOS context-sensitive help can be
used to locate commands and get information about their usage. Context-s
ensitive help is available by entering a ? at an empty prompt or after a com
Packet capture and protocol analysis applications enable you to investigate
packet content as it flows through the network. The software decodes the p
rotocol layers housed within a packet. Wireshark is an example of a popula
r open-source packet capture/protocol analysis application.
Bandwidth and throughput are characteristics of network data flow. Bandw
idth is the theoretical amount of data that can be transmitted from one devi
ce to another in an amount of time. Bandwidth is typically measured in the
number of bits per second. Throughput is the measurement of the actual nu
mber of bits per second that are being transmitted across the media. Throug
hput is always lower than bandwidth because of latency and delay. Online I
nternet speed test tools and the iPerf Windows tool enable measurement of
• Troubleshoot Connectivity Remotely—When assisting remote users, it
may be more efficient to use remote desktop applications. These applicatio
ns allow a technician to take control of a remote desktop to investigate issu
es and make configuration changes. Remote desktop applications can creat
e security vulnerabilities and many organizations have desktop sharing dis
abled on computers. Microsoft Remote Desktop is included in all Pro versi
ons of Windows. Apple Remote Desktop and TeamViewer are examples of
other remote desktop software.
Telnet, SSH, and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) are protocols for remote
access to systems. Telnet is an old virtual terminal application that is used t
o access the command line of a remote system. It uses TCP port 23. Telnet
has no mechanism for encrypting transmitted data, and so should not be us
ed. SSH, much like Telnet, enables virtual terminal sessions, but it include
s encryption and should be used instead of Telnet. Virtual terminal clients s
uch as PuTTY and Tera Term are available for connection to Telnet and SS
H servers.
RDP was created by Microsoft. It also uses a client-server model in which t
he client accesses an operating system GUI on a remote computer. RDP so
ftware is available with Windows, OS X, Linux, and Unix via xrdp. For ma
cOS, remote desktop functionality is provided by Virtual Network Comput
ing (VNC) software.
Virtual private networks (VPNs) enable secure remote network access over
unsecured networks like the Internet. A VPN uses dedicated secure connec
tions that encrypt network traffic. Site-to-site VPNs connect entire remote f
acilities. Remote-access VPNs connect individual users to the corporate ne
twork. Remote-access VPN users connect to a corporate network VPN gate
way using a software client such as Cisco AnyConnect. Microsoft Window
s has its own VPN client.
Network management refers to the process of configuring, monitoring, and
managing the performance of a network. Modern network management pla
tforms provide advanced analytics, machine learning, and intelligent autom
ation to continually optimize network performance. Network management
systems typically use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and
Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) to gather information. Network ma
nagement systems can be deployed in cloud-based or on-premises models.
Cloud-based deployments are good for distributed environments that are ge
ographically dispersed. On-premises systems require a lot of computing po
wer and storage but are good for situations where compliance with data-so
vereignty regulations is required. Cisco Meraki is a leading cloud-based net
work management platform that provides powerful network management c
apabilities without consuming user bandwidth.
Network automation is the process of automating the configuring, managin
g, testing, deploying, and operating of physical and virtual devices within a
network. Common labor-intensive tasks can be automated using scripts and
network programmability. Python is a popular scripting language for netwo
rk automation.
The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapt
Lab—Verify Address with a Subnet Calculator (37.4.9)
d. Eliminate possible causes
2. Which two types of problems are best investigated with a bottom-up troubl
eshooting method? (Choose two.)
a. Problems involving an issue not seen before
b. Problems involving cabling
c. Problems involving software installed on end systems
d. Problems involving routing tables
e. Problems involving subnet addressing
3. Which command will provide information that is useful for mapping a net
a. show CDP neighbors
b. show ip interfaces brief
c. show running-config
d. show inventory
4. Which IEEE WLAN standard supports Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E?
a. 802.11ax
b. 802.11n
c. 802.11ac
d. 802.11g
5. What information could be determined from a network baseline?
a. The areas in the network that are underutilized
b. The layout of the components in the network
c. The operational status of network device interfaces
d. The number of hops between source and destination devices
6. A network technician troubleshoots a user’s PC problem and launches the
Task Manager to gather more information. What information can the technici
an gather from the Task Manager output?
a. The processes currently running on the PC
b. The devices configured on the PC
c. The errors that have occurred on the PC
d. The drivers installed on the PC
7. Which Cisco IOS command is used to determine the path of IP packets thr
ough the network?
a. traceroute
b. telnet
c. show ip route
d. ping
8. A user reports that the computer occasionally loses connectivity to the wir
eless network. The technician checks the configuration on the user’s compute
r and then replaces the wireless access point with a known good one. What st
ructured troubleshooting method is the technician using to solve the problem
a. Comparison
b. Bottom-up
c. Divide-and-Conquer
d. Substitution
9. Which question enables the technician to determine the scope of a network
issue reported by a user?
a. Are other users in your area experiencing the same issue?
b. Are you seeing any error messages when the problem occurs?
c. Is the problem one that you have experienced before?
d. Have you added any new applications recently?
10. What is an example of a targeted, closed-ended question?
a. What operating system is installed on your computer, Windows, Linux,
or macOS?
b. What types of error messages did you see when you experienced the iss
c. What steps did you take to attempt to solve the issue before reporting it?
d. What can you tell me about how you discovered this issue?
11. Which two platforms use the ifconfig command to verify interface IP con
figuration? (Choose two.)
a. Linux
b. macOS
c. Windows
d. Cisco
12. Which router IOS command displays the equivalent system information a
s many different show commands and is useful for troubleshooting a router?
a. show tech-support
b. show version
c. show running-config
d. show cdp neighbors detail
13. What is the main reason to establish an initial network performance basel
a. To determine normal traffic volume and behavior on the network
b. To eliminate bottlenecks and congestion affecting performance
c. To limit the number of devices attached to the network
d. To reduce the need to monitor traffic after making network changes
14. Which two wireless network standards operate in both the 2.4 and 5 GHz
frequency spectrums? (Choose two.)
a. 802.11a
b. 802.11g
c. 802.11n
d. 802.11ac
e. 802.11ax
15. Which type of network documentation would a technician use to determi
ne the IP addresses and subnets configured in the network?
a. Logical topology map
b. Physical topology map
c. Three-layer design model diagram
d. Cloud service architecture diagram
Chapter 38. Cybersecurity Threats, Vulne
rabilities, and Attacks
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are the threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks that occur in the various
• What are the different deception methods used by attackers to deceive the
ir victims?
• What are common types of network attacks?
• What are common types of wireless and mobile device attacks?
• What are types of application attacks?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
threat domain
Introduction (38.0)
It’s Webster again! The college help desk gets support tickets for a variety of rea
sons. The troubleshooting guide that Lara created will help the technicians with c
ommon computer and network problems. But sometimes, those support tickets re
sult from malware on a user’s computer. The web has a lot to offer, but users mu
st be careful because bad actors always want to wreak havoc or profit from you.
Lara did such a great job creating the help desk troubleshooting guide that the co
llege assigned her to work on a cybersecurity awareness campaign. The campaig
n should educate college users on the threats, vulnerabilities, and common cyber
attack attacks used by threat actors. It should also include information about thre
at actors who use social engineering techniques to trick users, information about
common wireless threats, and an explanation of the threats to applications.
Education is the first line of defense. If users know about the bad stuff that can h
appen, they can help defend the college against them. So, let’s dig deeper and lea
rn more about these threats, vulnerabilities, and cyberattacks.
Internal vs. External Threats (38.1.3)
Threats can originate from both within and outside of an organization, with attac
kers seeking access to valuable sensitive information such as personnel records, i
ntellectual property, and financial data, as shown in Figure 38-1.
Internal threats are usually carried out by current or former employees and other
contract partners who accidentally or intentionally mishandle confidential data or
threaten the operations of servers or network infrastructure devices by connectin
g infected media or by accessing malicious emails or websites.
The source of an external threat typically stems from amateur or skilled attacker
s who can exploit vulnerabilities in networked devices or can use social engineer
ing techniques, such as trickery, to gain access to an organization’s internal resou
Always keep in mind that there are no technical solutions, controls, or counterme
asures that will make information systems any more secure than the behaviors an
d processes of the people who use these systems.
• Any devices left powered on and unattended pose the risk of someone gai
ning unauthorized access to network resources.
• Downloading files, photos, music, or videos from unreliable sources coul
d lead to the execution of malicious code on devices.
• Cybercriminals often exploit security vulnerabilities within software insta
lled on an organization’s devices to launch an attack.
• An organization’s information security teams must try to keep up to date
with the daily discovery of new viruses, worms, and other malware that pos
e a threat to their devices.
• Users who insert unauthorized USB drives, CDs, or DVDs run the risk of
introducing malware, or compromising data stored on their device.
• Policies are in place to protect an organization’s IT infrastructure. A user
can face serious consequences for purposefully violating such policies.
• Using outdated hardware or software makes an organization’s systems an
d data more vulnerable to attack.
y organizations feel that their data is safer in a private cloud, this domain still pos
es significant security threats, including:
• Unauthorized network probing and port scanning
• Unauthorized access to resources
• Router, firewall, or network device operating system or software vulnerab
• Router, firewall, or network device configuration errors
• Remote users accessing an organization’s infrastructure and downloading
sensitive data
• Network operating system software vulnerabilities
• Data loss
• Client-server or web application development vulnerabilities
Backdoor programs, such as Netbus and Back Orifice, are used by cybercriminal
s to gain unauthorized access to systems by bypassing the normal authentication
Cybercriminals typically have authorized users unknowingly run a remote admin
istrative tool (RAT) program on their computer that installs a backdoor. The bac
kdoor gives the criminal administrative control over a target computer. Backdoor
s grant cybercriminals continued access to a system, even if the organization has
fixed the original vulnerability used to attack the system.
This malware is designed to modify the operating system to create a backdoor th
at attackers can then use to access the computer remotely.
Most rootkits take advantage of software vulnerabilities to gain access to resourc
es that normally shouldn’t be accessible (privilege escalation) and modify system
Rootkits can also modify system forensics and monitoring tools, making them ve
ry hard to detect. In most cases, a computer infected by a rootkit has to be wiped
and any required software reinstalled.
Deception (38.2)
Deception comes in many forms. This section explores some of the different way
s attackers can attempt to deceive a person or organization.
This type of attack occurs when an individual lies to gain access to privileged dat
a. For example, an attacker pretends to need personal or financial data in order to
confirm a person’s identity.
Identity Fraud
This is the use of a person’s stolen identity to obtain goods or services by decepti
on. For example, someone acquires your personal information and attempts to ap
ply for a credit card in your name.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Impersonation is the act of pretending to be someone else to trick someone into d
oing something they would not ordinarily do. For example, a cybercriminal posi
ng as an IRS employee recently targeted taxpayers, telling the victims that they o
wed money that had to be paid immediately via wire transfer—or risk arrest.
Criminals can also use impersonation to attack others. For example, they can pos
e as their victim online and post on websites or social media pages to undermine
the victim’s credibility.
A hoax is an act intended to deceive or trick someone. Hoaxes can cause just as
much disruption as an actual security breach.
For example, a message warns of a (nonexistent) virus threat on a device and ask
s the recipient to share this information with everyone they know. This hoax elici
ts a user reaction, creating fear and irrational behavior that is propagated through
email and social media.
Piggybacking and Tailgating (38.2.6)
Piggybacking or tailgating occurs when a criminal follows an authorized person t
o gain physical entry into a secure location or a restricted area. Criminals can ach
ieve this by:
• Giving the appearance of being escorted into the facility by an authorized
• Joining and pretending to be part of a large crowd that enters the facility
• Targeting an authorized person who is careless about the rules of the faci
One way of preventing this is to use two sets of doors. This is sometimes referre
d to as a mantrap and means individuals enter through an outer door, which must
close before they can gain access through an inner door.
Video—Explore Social Engineering Techniques (38.2.10)
Refer to the online course to view this video.
Malware (38.3.1)
Cybercriminals use many different types of malicious software, or malware, to c
arry out attacks. Malware is any code that can be used to steal data, bypass acces
s controls or cause harm to or compromise a system.
A virus is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates and attach
es itself to other files, such as legitimate programs, by inserting its own code into
the file. Some viruses are harmless yet others can be destructive, such as those th
at modify or delete data. Most viruses require end-user interaction to initiate acti
vation, and can be written to act on a specific date or time.
Viruses can be spread through removable media such as USB flash drives, Intern
et downloads, and email attachments. The simple act of opening a file or executi
ng an infected program can trigger a virus. Once a virus is active, it will usually i
nfect other programs on the computer or other computers on the network. Viruse
s mutate to avoid detection.
For example, the Melissa virus was released in 1999 and spread via email, affecti
ng tens of thousands of users and causing an estimated $1.2 billion in damage.
A worm is a malicious software program that replicates by independently exploi
ting vulnerabilities in networks. Unlike a virus, which requires a host program to
run, worms can run by themselves. Other than the initial infection of the host, the
y do not require user participation and can spread very quickly over the network,
usually slowing it down.
Worms share similar patterns: they exploit system vulnerabilities, they have a wa
y to propagate themselves, and they all contain malicious code (payload) that cau
ses damage to computer systems or networks.
Worms are responsible for some of the most devastating attacks on the Internet. I
n 2001, the Code Red worm infected over 300,000 servers in just 19 hours.
Trojan Horse
A Trojan horse is malware that carries out malicious operations by masking its tr
ue intent. It might appear legitimate but is, in fact, very dangerous. Trojans explo
it the privileges of the user who runs them.
Unlike viruses, Trojans do not self-replicate but often bind themselves to non-ex
ecutable files, such as image, audio, or video files, that act as a decoy to harm the
systems of unsuspecting users.
Ransomware (38.3.3)
This malware is designed to hold a computer system or the data it contains captiv
e until a payment is made.
Ransomware usually works by encrypting your data so that you cannot access it.
According to ransomware claims, once the ransom is paid via an untraceable pay
ment system, the cybercriminal will supply a program that decrypts the files or s
ends an unlock code. In reality, many victims do not gain access to their data eve
n after they have paid.
Some versions of ransomware take advantage of specific system vulnerabilities.
Ransomware is often spread through phishing emails that encourage you to down
load a malicious attachment, or through a software vulnerability.
Domain Reputation
The Domain Name System (DNS) is used by DNS servers to translate a domain
name, such as www.cisco.com, into a numerical IP address so that computers ca
n understand it. If a DNS server does not know an IP address, it will ask another
DNS server.
An organization needs to monitor its domain reputation, including its IP address,
to help protect against malicious external domains. Domain reputation is used to
classify emails as spam or potential security threats.
DNS Spoofing
DNS spoofing or DNS cache poisoning is an attack in which false data is introdu
ced into a DNS resolver cache—the temporary database on a computer’s operati
ng system that records recent visits to websites and other Internet domains.
These attacks exploit a weakness in the DNS caching software that causes DNS s
ervers to redirect traffic for a legitimate domain to the IP address of an illicit serv
Domain Hijacking
When an attacker wrongfully gains control of a target’s DNS information, they c
an make unauthorized changes to it. This is known as domain hijacking.
The most common way of hijacking a domain name is to change the administrat
or’s contact email address through social engineering or by hacking into the adm
inistrator’s email account. The administrator’s email address can be easily found
via the WHOIS record for the domain, which is of public record.
Attackers often take advantage of vulnerabilities in Layer 2 security, as the follo
wing two attacks demonstrate.
Spoofing, or poisoning, is a type of impersonation attack that takes advantage of
a trusted relationship between two systems:
• MAC address spoofing occurs when an attacker disguises their device as
a valid one on the network and can therefore bypass the authentication proc
• ARP spoofing sends spoofed ARP messages across a LAN. This links an
attacker’s MAC address to the IP address of an authorized device on the ne
• IP spoofing sends IP packets from a spoofed source address in order to di
sguise the packet origin.
MAC Flooding
Devices on a network are connected via a network switch by using packet switc
hing to receive and forward data to the destination device. MAC flooding compr
omises the data transmitted to a device. An attacker floods the network with fake
MAC addresses, compromising the security of the network switch.
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)
A MitM attack, also known as an on-path attack, happens when a cybercriminal t
akes control of an intermediate device without the user’s knowledge. With this le
vel of access, an attacker can intercept, manipulate, and relay false information b
etween the sender and the intended destination.
Man-in-the-Mobile (MitMo)
A variation of man-in-the-middle, MitMo is a type of attack used to take control
over a user’s mobile device. When infected, the mobile device is instructed to ex
filtrate user-sensitive information and send it to the attackers.
ZeuS is one example of a malware package with MitMo capabilities. It allows att
ackers to quietly capture two-step verification SMS messages sent to users.
Zero-Day Attacks (38.3.9)
A zero-day attack, or zero-day threat, exploits software vulnerabilities before the
y become known or before they are disclosed by the software vendor.
A network is extremely vulnerable to attack between the time an exploit is disco
vered (zero hour) and the time it takes for the software vendor to develop and rel
ease a patch that fixes the vulnerability.
Defending against such fast-moving attacks requires network security profession
als to adopt a more sophisticated and holistic view of any network architecture.
Check Your Understanding—Cyber Attacks (38.3.13)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
Radio Frequency Jamming (38.4.3)
Wireless signals are susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio freq
uency interference (RFI), and even lightning strikes or noise from fluorescent lig
Attackers can take advantage of this fact by deliberately jamming the transmissio
n of a radio or satellite station to prevent a wireless signal from reaching the rece
iving station.
To successfully jam the signal, the frequency, modulation, and power of the RF j
ammer needs to be equal to that of the device that the attacker is seeking to disru
Bluejacking uses wireless Bluetooth technology to send unauthorized messages o
r shocking images to another Bluetooth device.
Bluesnarfing occurs when an attacker copies information, such as emails and con
tact lists, from a target’s device using a Bluetooth connection.
more, WEP’s initialization vector (IV), one of the key components of its encrypti
on key, was too small, readable, and static.
To address this and replace WEP, WPA and then WPA2 were developed as impro
ved security protocols. Unlike with WEP, an attacker cannot recover WPA2’s en
cryption key by observing network traffic. However, they can still use a packet s
niffer to analyze the packets going between an access point and a legitimate user.
1. Cybercriminals exploit the XSS vulnerability by injecting scripts contai
ning malicious code into a web page.
2. The web page is accessed by the victim, and the malicious scripts unkno
wingly pass to their browser.
3. The malicious scripts can access cookies, session tokens, or other sensiti
ve information about the user, which is sent back to the cybercriminal.
4. Armed with this information, the cybercriminal can impersonate the use
DLL injection allows a cybercriminal to trick an application into calling a malici
ous DLL file, which executes as part of the target process.
Other Application Attacks (38.5.5)
Every piece of information that an attacker receives about a targeted system or a
pplication can be used as a valuable weapon for launching a dangerous attack. Ta
ble 38-5 lists some other types of application attacks.
Spam (38.5.8)
Spam, also known as junk mail, is simply unsolicited email. In most cases, it is a
method of advertising. However, a lot of spam is sent in bulk by computers infec
ted by viruses or worms—and often contains malicious links, malware, or decept
ive content that aims to trick recipients into disclosing sensitive information, suc
h as a social security number or bank account information.
Almost all email providers filter spam, but it still consumes bandwidth. And eve
n if you have security features implemented, some spam might still get through t
o you. Look out for the following indicators of spam:
• The email has no subject line.
• The email asks you to update your account details.
• The email text contains misspelled words or strange punctuation and char
• Links within the email are long and/or cryptic.
• The email looks like correspondence from a legitimate business, but there
are tiny differences—or it contains information that does not seem relevant
to you.
• The email asks you to open an attachment, often urgently.
• The email originates from an unusual domain or contains links to domain
s that are not likely to belong to the identified sender.
If you receive an email that contains one or more of these indicators, you should
not open the email or any attachments. Many organizations have an email policy
that requires employees to report receipt of this type of email to their cybersecuri
ty team for further investigation. If in doubt, always report.
Phishing (38.5.9)
Phishing is a form of fraudulent activity often used to steal personal information.
Phishing occurs when a user is contacted by email or instant message—or in any
other way—by someone masquerading as a legitimate person or organization. Th
e intent is to trick the recipient into installing malware on their device or into sha
ring confidential information, such as login credentials or financial information.
For example, you receive an email congratulating you for winning a prize. It loo
ks like it was sent from a well-known retail store and asks you to click on a link t
o claim your prize. This link may in fact redirect you to a fake site that asks you t
o enter your personal details, or it may even install a virus on your device.
Spear Phishing
A highly targeted attack, spear phishing sends customized emails to a specific pe
rson based on information the attacker knows about them—which could be their
interests, preferences, activities, or work projects.
For example, a cybercriminal discovers through their research that you are looki
ng to buy a specific model of car. The cybercriminal joins a car discussion forum
you are a member of, forges a car sale offering, and sends you an email that cont
ains a link to see pictures of the car. When you click on the link, you unknowingl
y install malware on your device.
Often referred to as voice phishing, this type of attack sees criminals use voice c
ommunication technology to encourage users to divulge information, such as the
ir credit card details.
Criminals can spoof phone calls using voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or lea
ve recorded messages to give the impression that they are legitimate callers.
This type of attack deliberately misdirects users to a fake version of an official w
ebsite. Tricked into believing that they are connected to a legitimate site, users en
ter their credentials into the fraudulent website.
Whaling is a phishing attack that targets high-profile individuals, such as senior e
xecutives within an organization, politicians, and celebrities.
The following are some other common attacks that cybercriminals can launch.
Physical Attacks
Physical attacks are intentional, offensive actions used to destroy, expose, alter, d
isable, steal, or gain unauthorized access to an organization’s infrastructure or ha
Examples of physical attacks include
• Loading malware onto a USB flash drive that infects a device when plugg
ed in.
• Fitting cables and plugs such as generic USB cables, mobile device charg
ing cables, and wall or power adapters with advanced technologies, such as
a wireless chip, to allow an attacker to control or provide instructions to a d
• Copying or skimming data from a credit or debit card using a specialized
terminal to create a cloned card, which can be used to gain unauthorized ac
cess to the victim’s accounts.
Cloud-Based Attacks
Rather than developing systems on their own premises, more and more organizat
ions are making the move toward cloud-based computing, as we discussed earlie
r in this chapter.
The advantage is that the cloud provider will maintain the equipment, but this als
o opens up an organization to a host of potential threats. Attackers are constantly
leveraging ways to exploit sensitive data stored on the cloud, as well as applicati
ons, platforms, and infrastructure that are cloud-based, as we saw with SaaS, Paa
S, and IaaS.
in transit, and inefficient management practices. Misconfigured security de
vices, such as firewalls, can also be exploited.
Threats to the private cloud include unauthorized network probing and por
t scanning, unauthorized access to resources, vulnerabilities in device softw
are, configuration errors, and unauthorized access to internal resources thro
ugh the cloud.
The application domain includes all critical systems, applications, and data
used by an organization to support operations. Threats to the application do
main include unauthorized access, server downtime or hardware failure, ne
twork operating system vulnerabilities, data loss, and vulnerabilities in web
applications or client-server software.
Complex threats take the form of advanced persistent threats (APT) or algo
rithm attacks. APTs take place over an extended period and use elaborate t
actics and malware. Algorithm attacks exploit software processes to genera
te behaviors that were not intended by the software developers.
Backdoors, such as Netbus or Back Orifice, are used to gain ongoing unau
thorized access to systems by bypassing normal authentication procedures.
They typically involve the use of remote administrative tools (RATs) to ga
in access to systems. Rootkits are a type of malware that exploits vulnerabi
lities to gain unauthorized access (privilege escalation). Rootkits can modif
y system files and interfere with system forensics and monitoring tools. Th
ey are very difficult to detect and remove.
The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sponsor a database of common
vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs). CVE identifiers are a standard way t
o refer to known security vulnerabilities. The dark web is used by hackers t
o exchange vulnerability and threat information and stolen data. Security pr
ofessionals use CVEs and dark web resources to research security threats. I
ndicators of compromise (IOCs) are the characteristics of attacks that can b
e used to identify exploits. Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) provides a s
tandard way for security professionals to exchange exploit information usin
g the Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) and Trusted Autom
ated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII) standards.
• Deception—Social engineering is a non-technical strategy that attempts t
o manipulate individuals into performing risky actions or divulging confide
ntial information. Pretexting is a social engineering attack in which someon
e lies to gain access to confidential data. A something-for-something attack
uses the offer of a gift for confidential information. Identify fraud is the use
of a person’s stolen confidential information to acquire goods or services.
Social engineering uses a number of tactics to gain cooperation from victi
ms. Attackers may pretend to be persons of authority or use intimidation to
compel people to act in ways that compromise security. They may also use
tactics such as consensus, scarcity, urgency, and familiarity. Attackers will
even develop a relationship of trust with a victim in order to eventually vio
late the victim’s security.
Shoulder surfing refers to looking over someone’s shoulder in order to obta
in credentials like passwords, PINs, or credit card numbers. Dumpster divi
ng means literally going through someone’s trash to find confidential perso
nal information. Piggybacking and tailgating are ways to gain unauthorized
physical access to restricted areas.
Other means of deception are sending fake invoices to get money or creden
tials, watering hole attacks in which popular websites are infected with mal
ware, typo squatting by creating URLs that look very close to popular web
sites, prepending by removing email external site warnings, and concerted i
nfluence campaigns.
Organizations can defend against deception by teaching employees to neve
r provide confidential information to unknown parties, to detect suspicious
emails and resist clicking links, to avoid or terminate uninitiated or automat
ic downloads, and to resist pressure by unknown individuals.
• Cyber Attacks—Malware is software that can steal data, bypass access c
ontrols, or cause harm to or compromise a system. Viruses are a type of ma
lware that replicates itself when executed. They can be harmless or destruct
ive. Worms are programs that replicate independently across networks. Tro
jan horses are malware that masquerade as other software applications or a
re distributed with legitimate applications. Logic bombs are triggered to ac
t by date and time or other system events. They can damage system hardwa
re and software. Ransomware is a common attack that uses malicious softw
are to encrypt a system hardware drive. Sometimes, but not always, paying
a ransom will reverse the damage.
Denial of service (DoS) attacks are a type of network attack that affects the
availability of resources. In one type of DoS attack, a network or applicatio
n is overwhelmed with an enormous amount of data. This can make system
s slow or crash. In another DoS attack, maliciously formatted packets are s
ent to disrupt system operation.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is essential to network operations. Attac
kers can damage the reputation of a domain by creating bogus similar dom
ains or through false news. In domain spoofing, attackers exploit weakness
es in DNS to map legitimate domain names to the IP addresses of maliciou
s websites. If attackers gain access to a target’s DNS registration informati
on, they can hijack the domain name by changing the domain name-to-IP a
ddress mappings.
Two common types of Layer 2 attacks are spoofing and MAC flooding. M
AC address spoofing occurs when an attacker disguises their device as a va
lid one on the network and can therefore bypass the authentication process.
ARP spoofing sends spoofed ARP messages across a LAN to link an attack
er’s MAC address to the IP address of an authorized device on the network.
IP spoofing sends IP packets from a spoofed source address in order to disg
uise the packet origin. In MAC flooding, an attacker floods the network wit
h fake MAC addresses, compromising the security of the network switch.
Man-in-the-middle (MitM), or on-path, attacks happen when a cybercrimi
nal takes control of an intermediate device in the network, or puts their ow
n device on a path to intercept user data. The attacker can steal information
, manipulate data, or relay false information. A man-in-the-mobile (MitMo)
attack is a variation of an MitM attack in which a mobile device is infected
with malware that steals data from the device.
Zero-day attacks exploit software vulnerabilities before they become widel
y known to the public. A sophisticated and holistic view of the security infr
astructure is required to defend against these attacks.
Keyboard loggers are types of malware that record every keystroke made o
n a computer. This can reveal confidential information and account credent
Several guidelines for defending against attacks are to configure firewalls t
o filter incoming packets that appear to have originated internally, ensure a
ll software has the most recent updates and patches, distribute workloads b
etween multiple server systems, and block ICMP packets at the network ed
• Wireless and Mobile Device Attacks—Grayware is an unwanted applic
ation that behaves in an annoying or undesirable manner. SMiShing is the
use of fake SMS messages to lure the user to visit a malicious website or ca
ll a fraudulent phone number.
Rogue access points are installed on networks without authorization. They
can masquerade as legitimate access points to trick users into associating w
ith them. They can be used to conduct MitM attacks by deauthenticating us
ers or posing as legitimate access points with more desirable connections in
evil twin attacks.
Wireless signals are susceptible to interference and jamming. Attackers ca
n deny wireless service by jamming Wi-Fi signals. Bluetooth can be used t
o send unauthorized messages through Bluejacking. Bluesnarfing occurs w
hen an attacker copies information from a mobile device through a malicio
us Bluetooth connection.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) are s
ecurity protocols that were designed to secure wireless networks. WEP had
no provision for key management and so it was vulnerable to attack. To ad
dress this and replace WEP, WPA and then WPA2 were developed as impr
oved wireless security protocols.
To enhance wireless security, it is important to use at least WPA2 encrypti
on. Access points should be placed outside of the network perimeter, if pos
sible. Use tools like NetStumbler to detect rogue access points. Permit only
secure Wi-Fi guest access. Finally, employees should always use remote-ac
cess VPNs when connecting to the organization’s network over public Wi-
Fi networks.
• Application Attacks—Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a common web appl
ication attack in which malicious code is inserted into a legitimate website.
The victim’s browser executes the malicious code, which downloads malw
are, redirects to a malicious website, or steals information.
Injection attacks involve exploiting systems by inserting malformed data o
r commands in user input fields. They are especially common against datab
ases. XML and SQL injection attacks corrupt databases or cause sensitive i
nformation, such as user credentials, to be revealed. Dynamic link libraries
(DLLs) are software modules that are used by applications to interact with
Windows. Attackers can inject malicious code into DLLs that will then exe
cute when the DLL is used. LDAP injection attacks exploit input validation
to execute queries on LDAP servers, potentially giving attackers access to s
ensitive account information.
Remote code execution allows a cybercriminal to take advantage of applica
tion vulnerabilities to execute commands with the privileges of the user run
ning the application on the target device. Other application attacks are cros
s-site request forgeries, race condition attacks, improper input-handling atta
cks, error-handling attacks, and application programming interface (API) a
ttacks. Additional attacks are replay attacks, directory traversal attacks, and
resource exhaustion attacks.
To defend against application attacks, the first line of defense is to write sol
id code. All user input should be validated. Security testing tools should be
used to evaluate code as it is developed and prior to deployment. Finally, al
l software, including operating systems, should be kept up to date.
Spam, also known as junk mail, is simply unsolicited email. Spam is usuall
y a nuisance, but it can be malicious. Although spam filters are widely used
, it is important that users know how to identify spam.
Phishing and spear phishing are attacks that appear to come from legitimat
e sources but want you to download files or submit confidential informatio
n. Spear phishing attacks are directly targeted at specific individuals. Vishi
ng uses voice messages to attack. Pharming directs users to fake versions o
f legitimate websites. Whaling is phishing directed at high-profile users lik
e executives, politicians, or celebrities.
To defend against email and browser attacks, organizations should use spa
m filters, deploy antivirus software, and educate users about network secur
ctors constantly try to find a new way to take advantage of you or your company.
So, there’s always something new to learn.
Is there something else we should include in the awareness campaign? Will you s
hare some of this information with family members or other users on your netwo
rk? How can you protect yourself, your computer, and your company from these
The following lab provides practice with the topics introduced in this chapter.
c. SQL injection
d. Buffer overflow
4. What is a nontechnical method that a cybercriminal would use to gather se
nsitive information from an organization?
a. Man-in-the-middle
b. Ransomware
c. Social engineering
d. Pharming
5. An organization adds an “external” tag to incoming emails from outside th
e domain to warn the internal users that such emails are from outside. Which
deception method is used by a cyber attack to trick employees into believing
that the organization sent a malicious email by removing the “external” tag?
a. Watering hole attack
b. Typosquatting
c. Prepending
d. Invoice scam
6. What is the term used when a malicious party sends a fraudulent email dis
guised as being from a legitimate, trusted source?
a. Phishing
b. Vishing
c. Backdoor
d. Trojan
7. Users report that a database file on the main server cannot be accessed. A
database administrator verifies the issue and notices that the database file is n
ow encrypted. The organization receives a threatening email demanding pay
ment for the decryption of the database file. What type of attack has the orga
nization experienced?
a. DoS attack
b. Man-in-the-middle attack
c. Ransomware
d. Trojan horse
9. By having narrow viewing angles, an ATM mitigates what kind of attacks
a. Dumpster diving
b. Shoulder surfing
c. Quid pro quo
d. Identity fraud
10. Netbus belongs to which malware type?
a. Backdoor
b. Logic bomb
c. Keylogger
d. Grayware
Chapter 39. Network Security
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questi
• What are foundational security concepts?
• How do you configure access control?
• What are the cybersecurity processes and procedures that protect systems
• What are the methods of mitigating malware?
• How do firewalls operate to filter traffic and recommend endpoint securit
y measures?
• How do you configure basic wireless security on a home router (WPAx)?
Key Terms
This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Gl
Introduction (39.0)
Hello again! The awareness campaign that Lara worked on was a success. Becau
se of this, the college has invited Lara to work on a committee to develop the coll
ege’s security policy. The security policy is a document that helps college admini
strators, IT staff, and college users defend the network and endpoints.
Lara will review current security policies on this committee and help develop ne
w ones. These policies inform the IT staff how to keep data confidentiality, ensur
e data integrity, and ensure the network is available for all users. It also defines h
ow the web can be accessed, which systems and devices will be used to secure it
, and how to protect endpoint devices and wireless access. Let’s work through th
is chapter to learn more about what we can do to defend the network and its endp
Security Foundations (39.1)
Security frameworks are used to give us a better understanding of network secur
• Data in transit.
• Data at rest or in storage.
• Data in process.
Effective cybersecurity requires the safeguarding of data in all three states
. We can’t focus only on protecting data that is being processed, nor just o
n data in storage.
3. Safeguards
The third dimension of the cybersecurity cube defines the pillars on which
we need to base our cybersecurity defenses in order to protect data and infr
astructure in the digital realm, as shown in Figure 39-3.
These are technology, policy and practices, and improving education, train
ing, and awareness in people.
Cybersecurity professionals must use a range of different skills and disciplines a
vailable to them when protecting data and infrastructure in cyberspace.
ide the system, a token has no value and is meaningless. Tokenization can preser
ve the data format (its type and data length), which makes it useful for databases
and card payment processing.
Rights management covers both digital rights management (DRM) and informati
on rights management (IRM). Both protect data from unauthorized access by usi
ng encryption.
DRM protects copyrighted material like music, films, or books. When any such c
ontent appears in digital form—for instance on CD, mp3, or e-book—it is encryp
ted, so the media cannot be copied without the decryption key. The decryption ke
y is available only to licensed parties.
IRM is used with email and other files that are relevant to the activities and com
munications of an organization. When this information is shared with others, IR
M allows the document owner, the organization, or one of its members to control
and manage access to the document.
Activity—Availability (39.1.6)
Availability refers to the need to make data accessible to all authorized use
rs whenever they need it. Cyberattacks and system failures can prevent acc
ess to information, systems, and services.
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
For example, physical access control determines who can enter (or exit), where t
hey can enter (or exit), and when they can enter (or exit).
Here are some examples of physical access controls:
• Guards who monitor the facility.
• Fences that protect the perimeter.
• Motion detectors that detect moving objects.
• Laptop locks that prevent theft of portable equipment.
• Locked doors that prevent unauthorized access.
• Swipe cards that allow authorized access to restricted areas.
• Guard dogs that protect the facility.
• Video cameras that monitor a facility by collecting and recording images.
• Mantrap-style entry systems that stagger the flow of people into the secur
ed area and trap any unwanted visitors.
• Alarms that detect intrusion.
• Hiring practices define the steps an organization takes to find qualified e
• Background checks are a type of employee screening that includes verific
ation of past employment, credit history, and criminal history.
• Data classification categorizes data based on its sensitivity.
• Security training educates employees about the security policies at an org
• Reviews evaluate an employee’s job performance.
The first A in AAA represents authentication. Authentication is the verification o
f the identity of each user, to prevent unauthorized access. Users prove their iden
tity with a username or ID. In addition, users need to verify their identity by prov
iding one of the following:
• Something they know (such as a password)
• Something they have (such as a token or card)
• Something they are (such as a fingerprint)
In the case of two-factor authentication, which is increasingly becoming the nor
m, authentication requires a combination of two of the above rather than just one.
Authorization services determine which resources users can access, along with th
e operations that users can perform.
Some systems accomplish this by using an access control list, or an ACL. An AC
L determines whether a user has certain access privileges once the user authentic
ates. Just because you can log onto the corporate network does not mean that you
have permission to use the high-speed color printer, for example.
Authorization can also control when a user has access to a specific resource. For
example, employees may have access to a sales database during work hours, but
the system locks them out after hours.
Not related to financial accounting, accounting in AAA keeps track of what user
s do—including what they access, the amount of time they access it, and any cha
nges they make.
For example, a bank keeps track of each customer account. An audit of that syste
m can reveal the time and amount of all transactions and the employee or system
that executed the transactions. Cybersecurity accounting services work the same
way. The system tracks each data transaction and provides auditing results. Syste
m administrators can set up computer policies to enable system auditing.
The concept of AAA is like using a credit card. The credit card identifies who ca
n use it, how much that user can spend, and accounts for items or services the us
er purchased.
Cybersecurity accounting tracks and monitors user activities in real time.
It is imperative that organizations scrutinize the identifying information that is sh
ared with partners, even within the same corporate group. The sharing of social s
ecurity numbers, names, and addresses may allow identity thieves the opportuni
ty to steal this information from a partner with weak security to perpetrate fraud.
The most common way to protect federated identity is to tie user identity to auth
orized devices such as workstations and phones.
e password, which is your first authentication factor. After that, you need a secon
d means of authentication, because the system uses 2FA. You enter a PIN to you
r security fob, and it displays a number. This proves that you have physical acces
s to this device, which was issued to you. This number is the second factor. You t
hen enter it to log in to the e-banking account.
Passwords (39.2.8)
To protect network devices, it is important to use strong passwords. Here are stan
dard guidelines to follow:
• Use a password length of at least 8 characters, preferably 10 or more char
acters. A longer password is a more secure password.
• Make passwords complex. Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase lette
rs, numbers, symbols, and spaces, if allowed.
• Avoid passwords based on repetition, common dictionary words, letter or
number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, or biographical infor
mation such as birthdates, ID numbers, ancestor names, or other easily iden
tifiable pieces of information.
• Deliberately misspell a password. For example, Smith = Smyth = 5mYth
or Security = 5ecur1ty.
• Change passwords often. If a password is unknowingly compromised, the
window of opportunity for the threat actor to use the password is limited.
• Do not write passwords down and leave them in obvious places such as o
n the desk or monitor.
Table 39-3 shows examples of weak and strong passwords.
On Cisco routers, leading spaces are ignored for passwords, but spaces after the f
irst character are not. Therefore, one method to create a strong password is to use
the space bar and create a phrase made of many words. This is called a passphras
e. A passphrase is often easier to remember than a simple password. It is also lon
ger and harder to guess.
Password Managers
Use a password manager to secure passwords for your online Internet activity. C
onsidered to be the best practice to secure passwords, the password manager aut
omatically generates complex passwords for you and will automatically enter the
m when you access those sites. You only have to enter a primary password to en
able this feature.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Use multi-factor authentication when available. This means that authentication r
equires two or more independent means of verification. For example when you e
nter a password, you would also have to enter a code that is sent to you through e
mail or text message.
Note that two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method of multi-factor authenticat
ion that entails two factors in particular, but the two terms are often used intercha
Authorization (39.2.10)
Authorization controls what a user can and cannot do on the network after succes
sful authentication. After a user proves their identity, the system checks to see w
hat network resources the user can access and what they can do with the resource
Accounting (39.2.11)
Accounting traces an action back to a person or process. Accounting then collect
s this information and reports the usage data. The organization can use this data f
or such purposes as auditing or billing. The collected data might include the logi
n time for a user, whether the user login was a success or failure, and what netwo
rk resources the user accessed. This allows an organization to trace actions, error
s, and mistakes during an audit or investigation.
Implementing accounting includes technologies, policies, procedures, and educat
ion. Log files provide detailed information based on the parameters chosen. For e
xample, an organization may look at the log for login failures and successes. Log
in failures can indicate that a criminal tried to hack an account, and login success
es tell an organization which users are using what resources and when.
The organization’s policies and procedures spell out what actions should be recor
ded and how the log files are generated, reviewed, and stored.
Data retention, media disposal, and compliance requirements all provide account
ing. Many laws require the implementation of measures to secure different data t
ypes. These laws guide an organization on the right way to handle, store, and dis
pose of data. User education and awareness of an organization’s policies, proced
ures, and related laws can also contribute to accounting.
Operating System Security (39.3.1)
What does an organization need to do to harden an operating system and keep it
A Good Administrator
A good administrator will configure the operating system to protect against outsi
de threats. That means removing any unnecessary programs and services, and ma
king sure that security patches and updates are installed in a timely manner to cor
rect faults and mitigate risks.
A Systematic Approach
It’s important to have a systematic approach in place for addressing system upda
tes. An organization should
• Establish procedures for monitoring security-related information.
• Evaluate updates for applicability.
• Plan the installation of application updates and patches.
• Install updates using a documented plan.
A Baseline
Another critical way to secure an operating system is to identify potential vulner
abilities. To do this, establish a baseline to compare how a system is performing
against baseline expectations.
o clean it. But they do not come from legitimate sources, and clicking anywhere i
nside the window may download and install malware instead.
An automated patch service provides administrators with more control rather tha
n searching for patches when needed. Let’s look at the benefits:
• Administrators can approve or decline updates.
• Administrators can force the update of systems on a specific date.
• Administrators can obtain reports on the update(s) needed by each system
• There is no need for each computer to connect to the vendor’s service to d
ownload patches; instead, it gets the verified update from a local server.
• Users cannot disable or circumvent updates.
A Proactive Approach
In addition to securing the operating system, it’s important to update third-party
applications such as Adobe Acrobat, Java, and Google Chrome to address vulner
abilities that could be exploited. A proactive approach to patch management prov
ides network security while helping to prevent ransomware and other threats.
Host-Based Firewalls
A host-based firewall runs on a device to restrict incoming and outgoing network
activity for that device. It can allow or deny traffic between the device and the ne
twork. The software firewall inspects and filters data packets to protect the devic
e from becoming infected. Windows Firewall, installed by default during Windo
ws installation, is an example of a software firewall.
You can control the type of data sent to and from the device by opening or block
ing ports. Firewalls block incoming and outgoing network connections unless ex
ceptions are defined to permit or deny traffic to or from those ports. You can sele
ct “inbound rules” to configure the types of traffic that are allowed to pass throug
h to the system—this will protect the system from unwanted traffic.
A HIDS stores all log data locally. It is resource-intensive, so it can affect system
performance. A HIDS cannot monitor network traffic that does not reach the hos
t system, but it can monitor operating system and critical system processes specif
ic to that host.
To use BitLocker, the user needs to enable a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in
the BIOS. A TPM is a specialized chip on the motherboard that stores informatio
n about the host system, such as encryption keys, digital certificates, and system
integrity measurements. When enabled, BitLocker can use the TPM chip.
Similarly, BitLocker To Go is a tool that encrypts removable drives. It does not u
se a TPM chip, but still encrypts the data, requiring a password to decrypt it. Self
-encrypting drives (SEDs) automatically encrypt all data in the drive to prevent a
ttackers from accessing the data through their operating system. SED encryption
is implemented in the drive hardware by the manufacturer.
Physical Protection of Devices (39.3.9)
You have learned a lot about software and hardware threats. But what about the
potential physical threats to devices and facilities? The following are some physi
cal security measures you can take to protect equipment.
Computer Equipment
To physically protect computer equipment:
• Use cable locks to secure devices.
• Keep telecommunication rooms locked.
• Use security cages (Faraday cages) around equipment to block electroma
gnetic fields.
Door Locks
A standard keyed entry lock is the most common type of door lock. They are ofte
n easy to force open. A deadbolt lock can be added for extra security. Any lock t
hat requires a key is vulnerable if the keys are lost, stolen, or duplicated.
A cipher lock uses buttons that are pressed in a given sequence to open the door.
It can be programmed so that a user’s code may only work during certain days or
times. It can also keep a record of when the door opened, and the code used to op
en it.
Antimalware Protection (39.4)
Malware, is short for “malicious software.” Malware is any type of software that
is specifically designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to end de
vices or networks. The intent of malware is to steal sensitive information, compr
omise system functionality, or perform other harmful actions
gure 39-8), an IPS appliance, and an authentication, authorization, and accountin
g (AAA) services server (AAA Server, in Figure 39-8).
However, many attacks originate from inside the network. Therefore, securing a
n internal LAN is nearly as important as securing the outside network perimeter.
Without a secure LAN, users within an organization are still susceptible to netwo
rk threats and outages that can directly affect the organization’s productivity and
profit margin. After an internal host is infiltrated, it can become a starting point f
or an attacker to gain access to critical system devices, such as servers and sensit
ive information.
Specifically, there are two internal LAN elements to secure:
• Endpoints—Hosts commonly consist of laptops, desktops, printers, serve
rs, and IP phones, all of which are susceptible to malware-related attacks.
• Network infrastructure—LAN infrastructure devices interconnect endp
oints and typically include switches, wireless devices, and IP telephony dev
ices. Most of these devices are susceptible to LAN-related attacks includin
g MAC address table overflow attacks, spoofing attacks, DHCP-related att
acks, LAN storm attacks, STP manipulation attacks, and VLAN attacks.
Antivirus/Antimalware Software
This is software that is installed on a host to detect and mitigate viruses and mal
ware. Examples are Windows Defender Virus & Threat Protection, Cisco AMP f
or Endpoints, Norton Security, McAfee, Trend Micro, and others. Antimalware p
rograms may detect viruses using three different approaches:
• Signature-based—This approach recognizes various characteristics of kn
own malware files.
• Heuristics-based—This approach recognizes general features shared by
various types of malware.
• Behavior-based—This approach employs analysis of suspicious behavio
Many antivirus programs are able to provide real-time protection by analyzing da
ta as it is used by the endpoint. These programs also scan for existing malware th
at may have entered the system prior to it being recognizable in real time.
Host-based antivirus protection is also known as agent-based. Agent-based antivi
rus runs on every protected machine. Agentless antivirus protection performs sca
ns on hosts from a centralized system. Agentless systems have become popular f
or virtualized environments in which multiple OS instances are running on a hos
t simultaneously. Agent-based antivirus running in each virtualized system can b
e a serious drain on system resources. Agentless antivirus for virtual hosts involv
es the use of a special security virtual appliance that performs optimized scannin
g tasks on the virtual hosts. An example of this is VMware’s vShield.
Host-Based Firewall
This software is installed on a host. It restricts incoming and outgoing connection
s to connections initiated by that host only. Some firewall software can also prev
ent a host from becoming infected and stop infected hosts from spreading malwa
re to other hosts. This function is included in some operating systems. For examp
le, Windows includes Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security as sh
own in Figure 39-9.
Other solutions are produced by other companies or organizations. The Linux ipt
ables and TCP Wrappers tools are examples. Host-based firewalls are discussed i
n more detail later in the chapter.
Network-Based Malware Protection (39.4.4)
New security architectures for the borderless network address security challenges
by having endpoints use network scanning elements. These devices provide man
y more layers of scanning than a single endpoint possibly could, as shown in Fig
ure 39-10. Network-based malware prevention devices are also capable of sharin
g information among themselves to make better-informed decisions.
Firewalls (39.5.1)
A firewall is a system, or group of systems, that enforces an access control polic
y between networks, as shown in Figure 39-11.
Firewall Benefits
There are several benefits of using a firewall in a network:
• They prevent the exposure of sensitive hosts, resources, and applications t
o untrusted users.
• They sanitize protocol flow, which prevents the exploitation of protocol f
• They block malicious data from servers and clients.
• They reduce security management complexity by off-loading most of the
network access control to a few firewalls in the network.
Firewall Limitations
Firewalls also have some limitations:
• A misconfigured firewall can have serious consequences for the network,
such as becoming a single point of failure.
• The data from many applications cannot be passed over firewalls securely
• Users might proactively search for ways around the firewall to receive blo
cked material, which exposes the network to potential attack.
• Network performance can slow down.
• Unauthorized traffic can be tunneled or hidden as legitimate traffic throug
h the firewall.
Types of Firewalls (39.5.2)
It is important to understand the different types of firewalls and their specific cap
abilities so that the right firewall is used for each situation.
Stateful Firewall
Stateful firewalls are the most versatile and the most common firewall technolog
ies in use. Stateful firewalls provide stateful packet filtering by using connection
information maintained in a state table. Stateful filtering is a firewall architectur
e that is classified at the network layer. It also analyzes traffic at OSI Layer 4 and
Layer 5, as shown in Figure 39-13.
Next-Generation Firewall
Next-generation firewalls (NGFW) go beyond stateful firewalls by providing:
• Integrated intrusion prevention
• Application awareness and control to see and block risky apps
• Upgrade paths to include future information feeds
• Techniques to address evolving security threats
Figure 39-15 shows the Cisco ASA 5500-X series firewalls.
• Packet filters have a low impact on network performance.
• Packet filters are easy to implement, and are supported by most routers.
• Packet filters provide an initial degree of security at the network layer.
• Packet filters perform almost all the tasks of a high-end firewall at a muc
h lower cost.
Packet filters do not represent a complete firewall solution, but they are an impor
tant element of a firewall security policy. There are several disadvantages of usin
g a packet filtering firewall:
• Packet filters are susceptible to IP spoofing. Threat actors can send arbitra
ry packets that meet ACL criteria and pass through the filter.
• Packet filters do not reliably filter fragmented packets. Because fragment
ed IP packets carry the TCP header in the first fragment and packet filters f
ilter on TCP header information, all fragments after the first fragment are p
assed unconditionally. Decisions to use packet filters assume that the filter
of the first fragment accurately enforces the policy.
• Packet filters use complex ACLs, which can be difficult to implement and
• Packet filters cannot dynamically filter certain services. For example, sess
ions that use dynamic port negotiations are difficult to filter without openin
g access to a whole range of ports.
Packet filters are stateless. They examine each packet individually rather than in
the context of the state of a connection.
• Stateful firewalls cannot prevent application layer attacks because they do
not examine the actual contents of the HTTP connection.
• Not all protocols are stateful. For example, UDP and ICMP do not genera
te connection information for a state table, and, therefore, do not garner as
much support for filtering.
• It is difficult to track connections that use dynamic port negotiation. Som
e applications open multiple connections. This requires a whole new range
of ports that must be opened to allow this second connection.
• Stateful firewalls do not support user authentication.
Table 39-5 summaries the benefits and limitations of using stateful firewalls.
Windows Defender Firewall
First included with Windows XP, Windows Firewall (now Windows Defender Fi
rewall) uses a profile-based approach to firewall functionality. Access to public n
etworks is assigned the restrictive Public firewall profile. The Private profile is f
or computers that are isolated from the Internet by other security devices, such as
a home router with firewall functionality. The Domain profile is the third availab
le profile. It is chosen for connections to a trusted network, such as a business net
work that is assumed to have an adequate security infrastructure. Windows Firew
all has logging functionality and can be centrally managed with customized grou
p security policies from a management server such as System Center 2022.
This is an application that allows Linux system administrators to configure netw
ork access rules that are part of the Linux kernel Netfilter modules.
The successor to iptables, nftables is a Linux firewall application that uses a sim
ple virtual machine in the Linux kernel. Code is executed within the virtual mach
ine that inspects network packets and implements decision rules regarding packe
t acceptance and forwarding.
TCP Wrappers
This is a rule-based access control and logging system for Linux. Packet filtering
is based on IP addresses and network services.
ied. In the past, software and hardware were shipped with permissive settings. A
s users neglected to configure their equipment, the default permissive settings lef
t many devices exposed to attackers. Most devices now ship with settings as restr
ictive as possible, while still allowing easy setup.
To allow program access through the Windows Defender Firewall, search for Co
ntrol Panel, open it, and then locate and click Windows Defender Firewall to o
pen it. Click Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall, a
s shown in Figure 39-17.
If you wish to use a different software firewall, you will need to disable Window
s Firewall. To disable the Windows Firewall, click Turn Windows Firewall on
or off, as shown in Figure 39-18.
Here you can create inbound or outbound traffic rules based on different criteria.
You can also import and export policies or monitor different aspects of the firew
all, as shown in Figure 39-20.
Secure Wireless Access (39.6)
Wireless networks introduce their own unique security concerns.
• Accidental interference—WLANs are prone to interference from other
wireless devices including microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monito
rs, and more, as shown in Figure 39-21. The 2.4 GHz band is more prone t
o interference than the 5 GHz band.
To minimize the risk of a DoS attack due to improperly configured devices and
malicious attacks, harden all devices, keep passwords secure, create backups, an
d ensure that all configuration changes are incorporated off-hours.
Monitor the WLAN for any accidental interference problems and address them a
s they appear. Because the 2.4 GHz band is used by other devices types, the 5 G
Hz band should be used in areas prone to interference.
A popular wireless MITM attack is called the “evil twin AP” attack, where an att
acker introduces a rogue AP and configures it with the same SSID as a legitimate
AP, as shown in Figure 39-23. Locations offering free Wi-Fi, such as airports, ca
fes, and restaurants, are particularly popular spots for this type of attack due to th
e open authentication.
MITM attacks and their variations are frequently referred to as on-path attacks.
Wireless clients attempting to connect to a WLAN would see two APs with the s
ame SSID offering wireless access. Those near the rogue AP find the stronger si
gnal and most likely associate with it. User traffic is now sent to the rogue AP, w
hich in turn captures the data and forwards it to the legitimate AP, as shown in F
igure 39-24. Return traffic from the legitimate AP is sent to the rogue AP, captur
ed, and then forwarded to the unsuspecting user. The attacker can steal the user’s
passwords and personal information, gain access to their device, and compromis
e the system.
SSID Cloaking and MAC Address Filtering (39.6.8)
Wireless signals can travel through solid matter, such as ceilings, floors, walls, o
utside of the home, or office space. Without stringent security measures in place,
installing a WLAN can be the equivalent of putting Ethernet ports everywhere, e
ven outside.
To address the threats of keeping wireless intruders out and protecting data, two
early security features were used and are still available on most routers and APs:
SSID cloaking and MAC address filtering.
SSID Cloaking
APs and some wireless routers allow the SSID beacon frame to be disabled, as sh
own in Figure 39-25. Wireless clients must manually configure the SSID to conn
ect to the network.
• Shared key authentication—This provides mechanisms such as WEP,
WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 to authenticate and encrypt data between a wirel
ess client and AP. However, the password must be pre-shared between bot
h parties to connect.
The chart in Figure 39-27 summarizes these authentication methods.
The WPA and WPA2 standards use the following encryption protocols:
• Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)—TKIP is the encryption met
hod used by WPA. It provides support for legacy WLAN equipment by ad
dressing the original flaws associated with the 802.11 WEP encryption met
hod. It makes use of WEP, but encrypts the Layer 2 payload using TKIP, a
nd carries out a Message Integrity Check (MIC) in the encrypted packet to
ensure the message has not been altered.
• Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)—AES is the encryption method
used by WPA2. It is the preferred method because it is a far stronger metho
d of encryption. It uses the Counter Cipher Mode with Block Chaining Mes
sage Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) that allows destination hosts to
recognize if the encrypted and non-encrypted bits have been altered.
In Figure 39-29, the administrator is configuring the wireless router to use WPA
2 with AES encryption on the 2.4 GHz band.
In Figure 39-30, the administrator is configuring the wireless router with WPA2-
Enterprise authentication using AES encryption. The RADIUS server IPv4 addre
ss is configured as well with a strong password to be used between the wireless r
outer and the RADIUS server.
The shared key is not a parameter that must be configured on a wireless client. It
is only required on the AP to authenticate with the RADIUS server. User authent
ication and authorization is handled by the 802.1X standard, which provides a ce
ntralized, server-based authentication of end users.
The 802.1X login process uses EAP to communicate with the AP and RADIUS s
erver. EAP is a framework for authenticating network access. It can provide a se
cure authentication mechanism and negotiate a secure private key, which can the
n be used for a wireless encryption session using TKIP or AES encryption.
WPA3 (39.6.14)
At the time of this writing, devices that support WPA3 authentication were not re
adily available. However, WPA2 is no longer considered secure. WPA3, if avail
able, is the recommended 802.11 authentication method. WPA3 includes four ap
In WPA2-Personal, threat actors can listen in on the “handshake” between a wir
eless client and the AP and use a brute force attack to try and guess the PSK. WP
A3-Personal thwarts this attack by using Simultaneous Authentication of Equals
(SAE), a feature specified in IEEE 802.11-2016. The PSK is never exposed, mak
ing it impossible for the threat actor to guess.
WPA3-Enterprise still uses 802.1X/EAP authentication. However, it requires the
use of a 192-bit cryptographic suite and eliminates the mixing of security protoc
ols for previous 802.11 standards. WPA3-Enterprise adheres to the Commercial
National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite, which is commonly used in high-sec
urity Wi-Fi networks.
Open Networks
Open networks in WPA2 send user traffic in unauthenticated, clear text. In WPA
3, open or public Wi-Fi networks still do not use any authentication. However, th
ey do use Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE) to encrypt all wireless traff
IoT Onboarding
Although WPA2 included Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) to quickly onboard devi
ces without configuring them first, WPS is vulnerable to a variety of attacks and
is not recommended. Furthermore, IoT devices are typically headless, meaning t
hey have no built-in GUI for configuration, and need an easy way to connect to t
he wireless network. The Device Provisioning Protocol (DPP) was designed to a
ddress this need. Each headless device has a hardcoded public key. The key is ty
pically stamped on the outside of the device or its packaging as a Quick Respons
e (QR) code. The network administrator can scan the QR code and quickly onbo
ard the device. Although not strictly part of the WPA3 standard, DPP will replac
e WPS over time.
Check Your Understanding—Secure WLANs (39.6.15)
Refer to the online course to complete this activity.
r combinations. Additional physical security measures are guard dogs, vide
o cameras, and alarms.
Logical access controls are the hardware and software solutions used to ma
nage access to resources and systems. These technology-based solutions in
clude tools and protocols that computer systems use for identification and a
uthentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). Examples of these con
trols are encryption, smart cards with embedded chips, passwords, biometri
cs, access control lists (ACLs), firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.
Administrative access controls are the policies and procedures defined by o
rganizations to implement and enforce all aspects of controlling unauthoriz
ed access. Examples are approved policies, defined procedures, backgroun
d checks, and data classification.
Administrative access controls involve three security services: authenticati
on, authorization, and accounting (AAA). Authentication is the verification
of the identity of each user, to prevent unauthorized access. Authorization s
ervices determine which resources users can access, along with the operati
ons that users can perform, and even when they can perform them. Accoun
ting keeps track of what users do on the network, such as what they access
, when they access it, and what they do with it. This information is compile
d in logs.
Identification enforces the rules established by the authorization policy. Un
ique identifiers are usernames and passwords, personal identification numb
ers, or biometrics such as fingerprints, retina scans, or voice recognition.
Federated identity management (FIM) refers to multiple enterprises that let
their users use the same identification credentials to gain access to the netw
orks of all enterprises in the group. While FIM provides convenience to us
ers and administrators, if the system is exploited by hackers, they will have
access to many systems or applications instead of just one.
Password policies help ensure that passwords meet length and complexity r
equirements. Passwords should be at least 8 to 10 characters. Passwords sh
ould include a mix of upper- and lowercase characters, numbers, and symb
Combining other means of identity with passwords, such as multi-factor au
thentication, is increasingly popular.
Accounting traces an action back to a person or process. Accounting then c
ollects this information and reports the usage data. The organization can us
e this data for such purposes as auditing or billing.
• Defending Systems and Devices—An organization needs a good admini
strator to configure operating systems to protect against outside threats. A s
ystematic approach is required to establish security monitoring procedures,
evaluate software updates, and install updates using a documented plan. Ba
selines help to indicate system compromise when performance deviates sig
nificantly from the baseline.
Fileless malware attacks are difficult to detect and leave no footprint. They
can exploit scriptable command shells. Python, Bash, and Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) scripts can be malicious.
To stay ahead of cybercriminals, software should be proactively patched to
eliminate vulnerabilities. Operating systems regularly check for patches, bu
t administrators should evaluate patches before they are installed. Automat
ed patch management systems provide administrators with control over dat
e and time of updates and reporting about the status of systems and patches
Host-based endpoint security includes host-based firewalls that can block i
ncoming and outgoing traffic. Host intrusion detection systems (HIDSs) m
onitor systems and login security and system events. Host intrusion preven
tion systems (HIPSs) detect malicious activity and can send you an alarm, l
og the malicious activity, reset the connection, and/or drop the packets. En
dpoint detection and response (EDR) is an integrated security solution that
continuously monitors and collects data from endpoint devices. Data loss p
revention (DLP) tools provide a centralized way to ensure that sensitive dat
a is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users. Next-generation f
irewalls (NGFWs) combine traditional firewalls with other network-device
-filtering functions.
Data can be protected through host encryption by Windows Encrypting Fil
e System (EFS) that can encrypt files or entire drives (full-disk encryption
—FDE) with BitLocker. BitLocker requires a Trusted Platform Module (T
PM) in BIOS. BitLocker To Go is a tool that encrypts removable drives.
Boot integrity ensures that the system can be trusted and has not been alter
ed while the operating system loads. Secure Boot is a security standard to e
nsure that a device boots using trusted software.
Apple provides system hardware and macOS security features that offer ro
bust endpoint protection. The Mac hardware platform has enhanced securit
y features such as a special security processor, boot integrity, and a dedicat
ed AES encryption engine. Apple Data Protection and FileVault data stora
ge encryption are supported by the hardware-based AES encryption engine
. Biometric data is processed in security hardware, isolating it from the ope
rating system. Apple also includes a Find My Device feature, XProtect anti
malware technology, a Malware Removal Tool (MRT), and Gatekeeper, w
hich ensures that only authentic, digitally-signed Apple software can be ins
Physical protection of devices includes controlling access to equipment and
facilities, using cable locks, keyed or cipher door locks, and device invento
ry and tracking with radio frequency identification (RFID) systems.
• Antimalware Protection—Various network security devices are require
d to protect the network perimeter from outside access. These devices coul
d include a hardened router that is providing VPN services, a next-generat
ion firewall, an IPS appliance, and a AAA services server. However, secur
ing an internal LAN is nearly as important as securing the outside network
perimeter. Endpoints and the network infrastructure require protection.
There are three types of antimalware programs: signature-based, heuristics-
based, and behavior-based. Host-based antivirus protection is also known a
s agent-based. Agent-based antivirus runs on every protected machine. Ag
entless antivirus protection performs scans on hosts from a centralized syst
em. Host-based firewalls restrict incoming and outgoing connections to co
nnections initiated by that host only. Examples are Windows Defender Fire
wall with Advanced Security and iptables and TCP Wrappers on Linux.
Protecting endpoints in a borderless network can be accomplished using n
etwork-based as well as host-based techniques. Devices and techniques tha
t implement host protections at the network level include Cisco Secure End
point, Cisco Secure Email, Cisco Umbrella, and Network Admission Contr
ol (NAC) systems. These technologies work together with host-based syste
ms to secure the enterprise.
• Firewalls and Host-Based Intrusion Prevention—Firewalls resist netw
ork attacks, serve as the only point between internal and external networks,
and enforce access control policies. They protect hosts from exposure, sani
tize protocol flow, and block malicious data from servers and clients. Firew
alls are ineffective if misconfigured or out of date. They can slow networks
and some data cannot be passed over them.
There are various types of firewalls. Packet filtering (stateless) firewalls ar
e usually part of a router firewall. They permit or deny traffic based on Lay
er 3 and Layer 4 information. Stateful firewalls are the most versatile and t
he most common firewall technologies in use. Stateful filtering is a firewal
l architecture that is classified at the network layer. It also analyzes traffic a
t OSI Layer 4 and Layer 5. An application gateway firewall (proxy firewall
) filters information at Layers 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the OSI reference model. Ne
xt-generation firewalls (NGFWs) go beyond stateful firewalls. Transparent
firewalls filter traffic between two bridged interfaces. Hybrid firewalls com
bine attributes of the other firewall types.
Packet filtering firewalls are usually part of a router firewall. They use sim
ple permit or deny rules, have low impact on network performance, are eas
y to implement, and provide initial security at the network layer. They are s
usceptible to IP spoofing, may not be effective against fragmented packets,
and can use complex ACLs that are difficult to use and maintain. Stateful fi
rewalls are often the primary means of defense by filtering unwanted, unne
cessary, and undesirable traffic. They are generally more effective than stat
eless firewalls. However, they cannot prevent application layer attacks, are
less effective against stateless protocols, have difficulty tracking dynamic p
ort negotiation, and do not use authentication.
Host-based personal firewalls are standalone software programs that contro
l traffic entering or leaving a computer. Host-based firewalls may use a set
of predefined policies, or profiles, to control packets entering and leaving a
computer. They also may have rules that can be directly modified or create
d to control access based on addresses, protocols, and ports. Examples incl
ude Windows Defender Firewalls, iptables, nftables, and TCP Wrappers.
Antimalware protection consists of antivirus, adware, phishing, and spywar
e protection. Some antimalware software combines features of the differen
t types.
• Secure Wireless Access—Wireless networks are susceptible to a number
of threats, including: interception of data, wireless intruders, DoS attacks, a
nd rogue APs. DoS attacks can result from improperly configured devices,
malicious user interference, and accidental interference. Rogue APs can be
used by an attacker to capture MAC addresses, capture data packets, gain a
ccess to network resources, or launch a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack. I
n an MitM attack, the hacker is positioned between two legitimate entities i
n order to read or modify the data that passes between the two parties.
In SSID cloaking, the SSID beacon frame is disabled. For MAC address fil
tering, an administrator can manually permit or deny clients wireless acces
s based on their physical MAC hardware address.
Open system authentication should only be used in situations where securit
y is of no concern. Shared key authentication provides mechanisms such as
WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 to authenticate and encrypt data between a
wireless client and AP. WEP and WPA authentication are outdated and ins
ecure. WPA2 is recommended at a minimum, with WPA3 preferred when i
t becomes available.
Personal authentication requires configuration of a username and pre-share
d password. Enterprise authentication requires the use of a RADIUS authen
tication server using 802.1x with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP
Encryption protects data by making it unreadable if intercepted. WPA2 use
s Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) or Advanced Encryption Standa
rd (AES).
WPA3, when available, is the recommended 802.11 authentication method.
It includes WPA3-Personal, WPA3-Enterprise, Open Networks, and IoT o
nboarding. WPA3 open or public Wi-Fi networks still do not use any authe
ntication. However, they do use Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE)
to encrypt all wireless traffic. For IoT onboarding, WPA3 uses Device Pro
visioning Protocol (DPP) to securely onboard IoT devices.
As you can see, there are a lot of things that a help desk technician must know. B
ut that is exciting because there is always something new to learn. Can you be a
practical help desk technician on a team in an IT department?
The following Packet Tracer activities provide practice with the topics introduce
d in this chapter.
b. To reformat removable drives
c. To manage partitions on removable drives
d. To manage safely inserting and removing of removable drives
4. Which Apple macOS security feature prevents the execution of malware th
rough signature-based malware detection?
a. XProtect
b. MRT
c. Gatekeeper
d. Security-focused hardware
5. Which type of firewall will inspect and filter network traffic based on OSI
model Layer 3 and 4 information?
a. Packet filtering
b. Stateful firewall
c. Application gateway firewall
d. Next-generation firewall
6. Which statement describes a TCP Wrappers host-based firewall?
a. It is a firewall that uses a profile-based approach to firewall functionalit
b. It is an application that allows Linux system administrators to configure
network access rules that are part of the Linux kernel Netfilter modules.
c. It is a firewall application that uses a simple virtual machine in the Linu
x kernel.
d. It is a rule-based access control and logging system for Linux.
7. Which authentication method uses AES for encryption?
a. WEP
b. WPA
c. WPA2
d. WPA3-Enterprise
8. Which LAN authentication method is recommended for home or small off
ice networks?
a. WPA-Personal
b. WPA-Enterprise
c. WPA2-Personal
d. WPA2-Enterprise
9. Which authentication method in WPA3 improves the onboarding process f
or IoT devices to join wireless networks?
a. DPP
b. WPS
d. EAP
10. What statement describes the principle of confidentiality in the CIA infor
mation security triad?
a. Authorized users must have uninterrupted access to important resources
and data.
b. Data must be protected from unauthorized alteration.
c. Only authorized individuals, entities, or processes can access sensitive i
d. Redundant services, gateways, and links must be implemented.
11. What statement describes the principle of integrity in the CIA informatio
n security triad?
a. Authorized users must have uninterrupted access to important resources
and data.
b. Data must be protected from unauthorized alteration.
c. Only authorized individuals, entities, or processes can access sensitive i
d. Redundant services, gateways, and links must be implemented.
Appendix A. Answers to the “Check Your
Understanding” Questions
Chapter 1
1 B. Availability is the likelihood that the network is available for use whe
n it is required. Scalability indicates how easily the network can accommo
date more users and data transmission requirements. Reliability indicates t
he dependability of the components that make up the network, such as the
routers, switches, PCs, and servers and is often measured as a probability o
f failure or as the mean time between failures (MTBF). Usability is a softw
are characteristic and not a network characteristic.
2 B. The Internet is an interconnection of networks.
3 B. A binary value has two different values or states, 0 and 1. This is simi
lar to a light switch that has two different states, off and on.
4 A. Media refers to the physical medium on which the signals are transmi
tted. This can be over a wired or wireless medium.
5 A. An actuator is part of a device that helps create physical movement by
converting energy, such as electricity, into mechanical force.
6 A, D, F. Media refers to the physical medium on which the signals are tr
ansmitted. Examples of media are copper wire, fiber-optic cable, and electr
omagnetic waves through the air.
7 D. The Internet is not owned by any individual or group. The Internet is
a worldwide collection of interconnected networks (internetwork or Intern
et for short), cooperating with each other to exchange information using co
mmon standards.
8 A. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags can be placed in or on obj
ects to track them or monitor sensors for many conditions.
9 C. A byte or octet consists of 8 bits.
10 A, B. A bit consists of two values, a 0 and a 1. A bit is used to represent
one of two discrete or different states.
11 A. Kbps or Kb/s is used to indicate kilobits or thousands of bits per sec
12 B. To access online shopping or any service connected to the Internet, t
he home user must also have access to the Internet.
Chapter 2
1 B. In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, a device can be both a client and a se
rver simultaneously. The device can act as a client in requesting informatio
n and at the same time act as a server providing information.
2 A, D. Data is typically originated from an end device, such as a PC or sm
artphone. The end device is what allows people to connect to the network
and the Internet.
3 A. Digital Subscriber Line is used to provide high-speed network connec
tivity to an ISP using existing telephone lines.
4 C. Many remote areas do not have access to wired Internet services such
as DSL or cable. Cellular coverage might also be difficult. Satellite, includ
ing low earth orbit satellites, can be a good option for remote areas.
5 C. One of the responsibilities of an Internet service provider is to provide
Internet connectivity to end users, including homes and businesses.
6 A. Intermediary devices include all devices between the two end devices
exchanging data over the network. This includes firewalls, routers, and sw
7 C. A peer-to-peer network can have many uses, including sharing an atta
ched printer with other users.
8 C. A server is an end device that is responsible for responding to request
s from clients. An example is a web server that provides data to clients tha
t make up the web page.
9 C. A peer-to-peer network can be quickly and easily created.
10 A. P2P applications require that each end device provide a user interfac
e and run a background service. A P2P application allows a device to act a
s both a client and a server within the same network. A device can be a clie
nt, a server, or both.
Chapter 3
1 D. Tethering allows a mobile device to connect to another mobile device
or computer by sharing the network connection. Tethering can also be perf
ormed with a Wi-Fi connection or a cable connection such as USB.
2 C. Bluetooth technology provides a simple way for mobile devices to co
nnect to each other and to wireless accessories over short distances within
100 meters.
3 B. Bluetooth is an easy and convenient method to allow your cell phone
to be used as a hand-free device by connecting to wireless earphones or an
external speaker.
4 C. A wireless LAN using a wireless access point would be required for t
he Wi-Fi capability of the tablet to connect to the Internet.
5 B. Near Field Communication (NFC) is a wireless communication techn
ology that enables data to be exchanged by devices that are in very close p
roximity to each other, usually less than a few centimeters. For example, N
FC can be used to connect a smartphone and a payment system.
6 B. A device can use Bluetooth to communicate with another device that
has Internet access. This is known as tethering.
7 A, C. A mobile device typically can use Wi-Fi and cellular for Internet c
onnectivity. Most mobile devices are Wi-Fi enabled, but many mobile devi
ces, such as tablets, may not be enabled for cellular.
8 A. Near Field Communication is a wireless communication technology t
hat enables data to be exchanged by devices that are in very close proximit
y to each other, usually less than a few centimeters. For example, NFC can
be used to connect a smartphone and a payment system.
9 A. The Global Positioning System uses satellites to transmit signals that
cover the globe. The smartphone can receive these signals and calculate th
e phone’s location to an accuracy of within 10 meters.
10 B, D. Connecting to a secured wireless network requires knowing both
the SSID of the wireless LAN and the password. These are both typically a
ssociated with the wireless access point.
11 B. Bluetooth is a low-power, short-range wireless technology that is int
ended to replace wired connectivity for accessories such as speakers, head
phones, and microphones.
Chapter 4
1 A. Wi-Fi is a suite of network protocols based on the group of IEEE 801
.11 standards.
2 B. Encryption is required to prohibit users from determining the passwor
d used to connect to the wireless LAN from unauthorized users.
3 D. A LAN device such as a desktop computer, laptop, or printer can be c
onnected to the Ethernet switch ports using an Ethernet cable.
4 A. Bluetooth uses the 2.4 GHz band. It is limited to low-speed, short-ran
ge communications, but has the advantage of being able to communicate w
ith many peripheral devices at the same time.
5 B. A guest SSID is This is a special SSID coverage area that allows open
access but restricts that access to using the Internet only.
6 D. Wi-Fi can allow mobile devices and devices that cannot be easily con
nected to a wired Ethernet port to have access to other devices on the netw
ork and to the Internet.
7 A. On many home routers with wireless access points, the port that is use
d to connect to the ISP is labeled as the WAN port.
8 A. An Ethernet category 5e cable consists of four pairs of twisted wires f
or a total of eight wires.
9 A. SSID broadcast is enabled by default on most wireless routers. This s
etting automatically advertises the Wi-Fi network to nearby devices.
10 A. The SSID is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric string that contains up to
32 characters.
Chapter 5
1 B. The OSI physical layer is responsible for transmitting the bits as physi
cal signals over the wired or wireless medium.
2 B. Network protocols define the rules that govern the communications b
etween the sender of the information and the final destination.
3 D. A protocol is a set of rules that governs communications. Each layer h
as protocols that are related to the function and operations of that specific l
ayer of the reference model.
4 D. The transport layer, specifically the TCP and UDP protocols, is respo
nsible for segmenting and reassembling data transmitted over the network.
5 C. Protocols define the rules that govern communications. The rules ma
y include how the data is organized, the timing of the messages, if there ar
e any required responses and timeouts, and the size of the message.
6 A. When a protocol becomes an approved standard by an organization su
ch as IETF or IEEE, the protocol operates the same no matter which vendo
r is implementing the protocol.
7 D, E, F. The upper three layers of the OSI model (application, presentati
on, and session, from top down) are the same as the TCP/IP model’s single
application layer.
8 C. The IETF is responsible for creating and approving protocols for the
TCP/IP protocol suite. The document and the process is known as RFC (R
equest for Comments).
9 A. C. The physical and data link layers of the OSI model are equivalent t
o the network access layer of the TCP/IP model.
Chapter 6
1 B. Fiber-optic is the best choice when support for high-speed connection
s over long distances is needed.
2 A, C. Copper cabling and fiber-optic cabling are the most common types
of media in networks. UTP is the most common cabling used for connectin
g end-user devices to the LAN.
3 B. UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cabling is the most common type of ca
bling used for connecting end-user devices to the LAN.
4 B, D, E. When choosing any wired or wireless medium, it is import to c
onsider the date transfer rate required, the distance the data needs to travel,
and if the medium will be susceptible to any type of interference.
5 D. The photo shows an example of a fiber-optic cable. The type of conne
ctor shown in this example is ST or Straight Tip. Two cables are shown. O
ne fiber transmits data one direction and the other fiber transmits data in th
e opposite direction.
6 A, C, F. Because fiber-optic cables use light instead of electricity, it is th
e best choice when needing to support high-speed connections over long di
stances with no electrical interference.
7 A. Copper media is used for transmitting encoded data as electrical signa
ls. Examples are shielded twisted-pair, unshielded twisted-pair, and coaxia
l cables.
8 A, C. Copper media is used for transmitting encoded data as electrical si
gnals. Examples are shielded twisted-pair, unshielded twisted-pair, and co
axial cables.
9 C. Fiber-optic cables are used for transmitting encoded data as pulses of
10 D. Twisted-pair, typically UTP, is a common choice for connecting end
-user devices to the LAN. UTP cables are both inexpensive and easy to ins
11 A. Twisting the pairs of cable helps reduce the possibility of electrical i
Chapter 7
1 D. The switch acts similar to a hub and forwards the frame out all ports.
The frame is not forwarded back out the incoming port because that would
cause duplicate frames.
2 C. Every Ethernet switch maintains a MAC address table, which is a co
mbination of learned source MAC addresses and incoming port numbers.
3 D. An Ethernet switch adds information to its MAC address table based
on the source MAC address and incoming port number.
4 D. The FCS (Frame Check Sequence) field is used by switches and end d
evices to determine if the frame has any errors caused during transmission.
5 D. An Ethernet switch builds its MAC address table based on the source
MAC address and incoming port number. It uses this information to forwa
rd frames out that port that have a destination MAC address matching the
MAC address in the table.
6 E. An Ethernet switch builds its MAC address table based on the source
MAC address and incoming port number.
7 C. Encapsulation is the process of prepending additional protocol inform
8 C. The switch examines the destination MAC address of the frame, 12-3
4-56-78-9A-BE, which entered the switch on port 4. This address does no
t exist in the switch’s MAC address table, so the frame is forwarded out all
ports except the incoming port 4.
9 A, D, E. An IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame consists of a preamble and SFD,
a destination MAC (physical) address, a source MAC (physical) address, a
Type/Length field, data, and the FCS (Frame Check Sequence).
10 A. When a host receives an Ethernet frame that has a unicast destinatio
n MAC address that does not match the MAC address of its own NIC, the
NIC will discard the frame.
11 A. An Ethernet switch builds its MAC address table based on the sourc
e MAC address and incoming port number. It uses this information to forw
ard frames out that port that have a destination MAC address matching the
MAC address in the table.
Chapter 8
1 B. An IPv4 address must be unique within the local network. Originally,
IPv4 addresses were to be globally unique, but due to IPv4 address depleti
on, that could no longer be continued. Private IPv4 addresses and NAT we
re developed to alleviate this issue.
2 A. An IPv4 address is made up of four 8-bit octets for a total of 32 bits.
3 B, D. An IPv4 address consists of a network portion and a host portion d
etermined by the subnet mask. The number of leftmost 1s bits in the subne
t mask indicate the network portion and the remainder of the subnet mask i
s all 0 bits which represents the host portion of the address.
4 C. The subnet mask determines the network and host portions of an IPv4
address. The number of leftmost 1s bits in the subnet mask indicate the net
work portion and the remainder of the subnet mask is all 0 bits which repre
sents the host portion of the address.
5 A, C, D. Any device with a NIC (network interface card) and connected t
o an IP network must have an IP address to communicate with other IP de
6 B. A physical network can connect devices from different IPv4 logical n
etworks. A router is required for devices on different IPv4 networks to be
able to communicate.
7 C. An IPv4 address consists of 32 bits.
8 D. The subnet mask indicates that the first 24 bits (three o
ctets) of the address is the network portion. This means that t
he network address is
9 B, C. An IPv4 address is hierarchical in the sense that it has a network p
ortion and a host portion. A network address has multiple host addresses as
sociated with it. IPv4 is a logical addressing scheme because it is assigned
via software and typically changes from one network to another.
10 A, C. The subnet mask indicates that the first 24 bits (thr
ee octets) of the address is the network portion, or 192.168.10. Both 192.1
68.10.2 and have those 24 bits (three octets) in common.
11 A. Routing is required for devices on different IPv4 networks to be abl
e to communicate, whether they are on the same or different physical netw
Chapter 9
1 C. The 32-bit subnet mask is used with a 32-bit IPv4 address to determin
e the IPv4 network address of the device. The IPv4 address of the device is
logically ANDed, bit by bit, with its subnet mask to determine the network
address to which the device is associated.
2 A. Subnetting a network has several purposes, including limiting broadc
asts to that subnet. A router is used to connect subnets and by default does
not forward broadcasts. Note that the terms subnet and network are used in
3 C. A broadcast message sent to a remoted network is known as a directe
d broadcast. These types of broadcasts are not common. Multicast address
es are typically used to reach multiple devices on a remote network.
4 B. An address beginning with 169.254.x.x is a special IPv4 link-local ad
dress. A device typically gives itself an address with these first two octets (
bytes) when it does not receive an IPv4 address from a DHCP server. This
is known as an Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address. Note th
at IPv6 link-local addresses have a specific purpose in IPv6 networks.
5 A, D, E. These three addresses are private IPv4 addresses, defined by RF
C 1918. They fall within the following ranges, respectively:
• IP addresses:–
• IP addresses:–
• IP addresses:–
6 • A. is a link-local address.
• B. is a loopback address.
• C. is a public address.
• D. is an experimental address.
7 A. A router is used to separate layer broadcast domains. A router is used
to connect networks and by default does not forward Layer 2 (Ethernet) or
Layer 3 (IP) broadcasts. Note that the terms subnet and network are used i
8 C. IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) is responsible for the al
location of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to RIRs, as well as the overall manage
ment of domain names and port numbers.
9 B. through defines the range of IPv4 multicas
t addresses.
10 C. is a private IPv4 address defined by RFC 1918. Privat
e IPv4 addresses are not routable over the Internet.
11 A. All hosts on the same network will receive broadcasts. A router is us
ed to segment different broadcast domains.
Chapter 10
1 A. IPv6 provides a 128-bit address space of 340 undecillion addresses, c
ompared to a 32-bit IPv4 address space of 4.29 billion addresses. In both c
ases, these are theoretical maximums. Not all possibilities are available to
be assigned to specific devices.
2 B. IPv6 provides a 128-bit address space of 340 undecillion addresses co
mpared to a 32-bit IPv4 address space of 4.29 billion addresses. In the earl
y 1990s it was recognized that we would soon run out of IPv4 addresses. S
ince then, the combination of private IPv4 addresses and NAT has kept IP
v4 going. However, due to many factors, even with these mitigation techni
ques, IPv4 address depletion is now becoming a bigger issue.
3 A. The letter f is the hexadecimal equivalent of 15 in decimal (or 1111 in
4 A. A device is considered to be dual stacked when it is enabled for both I
Pv4 and IPv6 addressing. This means that the device can communicate wit
h other devices using either protocol or both.
5 A, B. Leading zeros, and only leading zeros, can be omitted from any he
xtet (a segment of 16 bits, or four hexadecimal values). Any single continu
ous string of one or more all-zero hextets can be replaced with a single dou
ble colon (::).
6 D. Tunneling refers to encapsulating one IP packet in another IP packet.
In this context, it refers to an IPv6 packet encapsulated in an IPv4 packet.
7 A. Any single continuous string of one or more all-zero hextets can be re
placed with a single double colon (::).
8 C. An IPv6 address is 128 bits. This includes both the source and destina
tion addresses.
9 A. Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) allows IPv6-enabled devic
es to communicate with IPv4-enabled devices using a translation technique
similar to NAT for IPv4. An IPv6 packet is translated to an IPv4 packet, a
nd an IPv4 packet is translated to an IPv6 packet.
10 C. The only valid address is 2001:db8:0:1111::200. The addresses in op
tions A and D are invalid because they use the double colon twice, which c
reates ambiguity in how many all-zero hextets exist in each group. The ad
dress in option B is invalid because it contains the letter g, which is not a v
alid hexadecimal digit. Also, there are currently no uses for IPv6 addresses
beginning with the letter a.
11 A, D. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length and represented using hexad
ecimal digits. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits in length and represented using fo
ur groups of decimal number separated by dots (periods).
Chapter 11
2 A, E. DHCP is helpful in eliminating manual configuration errors. DHC
P also reduces the burden of support staff having to manually configure IP
address information on all devices.
3 D. After a host receives a DHCPOFFER message, the host replies with a
DHCPREQUEST requesting the IP addressing information offered in the
4 C. The DHCPDISCOVER message is sent as a broadcast
5 C. The DHCP server sends a DHCPOFFER message offering IP address
6 A. Mobile devices are temporary and these addresses can be returned to t
he DHCP pool when the device is no longer connected to the network.
7 C. The first address in the DHCP pool is and will be assig
ned to the first device requesting an IP address.
8 D. The destination IP address of DHCPDISCOVER messages is sent as
a broadcast
9 B. A DHCP server provides IP addressing information to hosts.
10 B, D, E. DHCPDISCOVER messages are sent by the client with the des
tination IP address Broadcasts are received by all device
s on the network.
11 D. A DHCPACK message is sent by the DHCP server to inform the cli
ent that it is confirming that the IP address offered is now allocated to this
Chapter 12
1 B. When two hosts are in the same LAN, this means they both have IP a
ddresses on the same IP network and are connected to the Ethernet switch
or series of switches. These hosts can communicate directly.
2 C. Typically, the router that connects the private enterprise network to th
e Internet is the device that performs NAT.
3 A. The default gateway is the IP address of the local router. The IP addre
ss of the default gateway will be on the same IP network as the IP address
of the host.
4 D. The default gateway is the local router used to send packets with a de
stination IP address which is on a different network than the sending host.
5 B. If a host has the wrong IP address for the default gateway, the host wi
ll not be able to communicate with hosts on other networks.
6 A, D, E. RFC 1918 defines the ranges of private addresses as to, to, and to 192.168
7 B. The purpose of NAT is to translate private IP addresses to public IP a
ddresses for Internet-bound packets, and to translate public IP addresses to
private IP addresses for packets entering from the Internet.
8 A. NAT allows one or more private IPv4 addresses to share a single publ
ic IPv4 address as those packets are forwarded to the ISP.
9 A, B, C. For a device to communicate with devices on its own network,
that device must have an IP address and subnet mask. For a device to com
municate with devices on other networks and the Internet, that device must
also have a default gateway address.
10 A. DHCP servers within a private enterprise network, including a home
wireless router, allocate private IP addresses.
11 D. A home wireless router connects the home’s private network to the I
Chapter 13
1 C. The Address Resolution Protocol is used when a device needs to get t
he MAC address associated with a known IPv4 address.
2 C. An ARP requests is sent as a Layer 2 broadcast FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. All
devices on the LAN receive and process this frame, including the router. T
he router does not forward the broadcast out other interfaces.
3 B. An ARP request is sent as a Layer 2 broadcast FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. All
devices on the LAN receive and process this frame, including the router. T
he router does not forward the broadcast out other interfaces.
4 C. An Ethernet switch forwards frames by examining the destination M
AC address and searching for a match in its MAC address table.
5 A, E. Ethernet NIC cards have a unique MAC address used to uniquely i
dentify the device on the LAN. Ethernet frames include both a source and
destination MAC address to forward the frame from one Ethernet NIC to a
nother Ethernet NIC on the same LAN.
6 A. Because PC1 and PC2 are on the same network, they can communicat
e directly without one or more routers. PC2 will respond with an ARP repl
y, providing PC1 with its Ethernet MAC address.
7 A. The ARP protocol is used when a device needs to get the MAC addre
ss associated with a known IPv4 address. The MAC address is used as the
destination MAC address. The IPv4 address may be the destination IPv4 a
ddress if the devices are on the same network. If the destination IPv4 addre
ss is on a remote network, the IPv4 address in the ARP request is that of th
e sender’s default gateway.
8 D. Ethernet switches flood broadcasts out all ports except the incoming p
ort. When there are multiple switches on the LAN, all the switches receive
and flood the broadcast out all ports. This ensures that all devices on the L
AN receive the broadcast.
9 C. Because the destination IPv4 address is on a remote network, the IPv4
address in the ARP request will be that of the sender’s default gateway, R
TA. RTA will respond with an ARP reply providing its MAC address on t
hat LAN, 00:0D:00:B4:12:F3.
10 A. An Ethernet MAC address is considered the physical address or burn
ed-in-address (bia) because that address is physically embedded on the Eth
ernet NIC.
11 A, B. An Ethernet MAC address is considered a physical address or bur
ned-in-address (bia) because that address is physically embedded on the Et
hernet NIC. Ethernet frames include both a source and destination MAC a
ddress to forward the frame from one Ethernet NIC to another Ethernet NI
C on the same LAN.
Chapter 14
1 B. A router examines the destination IP address of a packet to search for
a match in its IP routing table. The IP routing table is used to determine to
which interface to forward the packet.
2 B. If a host has the wrong default gateway, although it will still be able t
o communicate with hosts on its own network, it will not be able to comm
unicate with hosts on remote networks.
3 C. A router examines the destination IP address of a packet to search for
a match in its IP routing table. The IP routing table is used to determine to
which interface to forward the packet.
4 C. The default gateway address is the IPv4 address of a router on the sa
me LAN. This IPv4 address is on the same network as the host.
5 C. Routers are used to forward packets to remote networks. A router exa
mines the destination IP address of a packet to search for a match in its IP
routing table. The IP routing table is used to determine to which interface t
o forward the packet.
6 B. Devices on “remote networks” have IP addresses on different or separ
ate networks. A router is required to forward packets to remote networks.
7 B. Broadcasts are not forwarded by routers. One of the benefits of a rout
er is that it contains broadcasts on that network.
8 A. Because the destination IP address is a broadcast, the router does not f
orward the packet out any other interfaces.
9 A. The router will process the frame. For example, if the frame is an AR
P request, it may match the IP address of the router, and the router will res
pond with an ARP reply. However, the router will not forward the frame o
ut any other interface.
10 B, C. Routers are used to interconnect networks. One or more routers a
re typically used to connect networks in geographic locations, even around
the world. Routers are contain broadcasts to the network they were receive
11 B. Routers are used to forward packets to remote networks. A router ex
amines the destination IP address of a packet to search for a match in its IP
routing table. The IP routing table is used to determine to which interface t
o forward the packet.
12 A. If the router does not have any match between the IP address of the
packet and an entry in its routing table, the router drops the packet.
Chapter 15
1 C. HTTP is an application layer protocol used to request and transmit dat
a for web pages. In most cases HTTP has been superseded by HTTPS, whi
ch transfers the data securely.
2 D. UDP provides unreliable delivery. There is no three-way handshake t
o establish the connection. Any segments lost in transmission are not resen
t and there is no reordering of out-of-order segments. UDP is used for tran
smission that requires minimal delay such as voice. UDP is also used for t
ransaction-based applications that require only a few messages to be excha
3 C. UDP provides unreliable delivery. There is no three-way handshake t
o establish the connection. Any segments lost in transmission are not resen
t and there is no reordering of out-of-order segments. UDP is used for tran
smission that requires minimal delay such as voice. UDP is also used for t
ransaction-based applications that require only a few messages to be excha
4 B. The transport layer is responsible for the reassembly of messages sent
over the network.
5 A. TCP and UDP both operate at the transport layer of the TCP/IP model
and the transport layer of the OSI model.
6 A. TCP uses port numbers to identify the target application. The client u
ses the destination port number to identify the application on the server the
data is going to. The server uses a source port number to identify the appli
cation the data is coming from.
7 A. IANA uses well-known port numbers 0 through 1023 for widely used
network applications.
8 C. The client uses source port numbers to keep track of different convers
ations on one or more severs.
9 A. UDP requires less overhead than TCP because UDP does not provide
reliable delivery. There is no three-way handshake to establish the connect
ion. Any segments lost in transmission are not resent and there is no reord
ering of out-of-order segments. UDP is used for transmission that requires
minimal delay such as voice. UDP is also used for transaction-based applic
ations that require only a few messages to be exchanged.
10 C. UDP provides unreliable delivery. There is no three-way handshake
to establish the connection. Any segments lost in transmission are not rese
nt and there is no reordering of out-of-order segments. UDP is used for tra
nsmission that requires minimal delay such as voice. UDP is also used for
transaction-based applications that require only a few messages to be exch
11 D. Both TCP and UDP use port numbers to identify the applications an
d keep track of multiple conversations.
Chapter 16
1 C, E. FTP requires two connections: the first is to exchange control traffi
c and the second is used to transfer the data. A client can download and up
load files from the server.
2 B. Network protocols define communication rules including how messag
es are exchanged between the source and destination.
3 B. HTTP is used by web servers to provide information to display a web
page. HTTP has largely been replaced by HTTPS, which provides the sam
e service but does it securely.
4 • A. DHCP automatically configures hosts with IP addresses.
• B. SSH provides remote access to servers.
• C. DNS resolves Internet names to IP addresses.
5 B, D. IMAP allows users to access their email from any device by readin
g the information from the email server. SMTP is used by email servers an
d email transfer agents to send and receive email.
6 A, E. SSH provides secure access to remote servers. Telnet provides the
same service but not securely. Telnet should be used only in nonproductio
n environments.
7 C. SSH provides secure access to remote servers, whereas Telnet provide
s the same service but not securely. Telnet should be used only in nonprod
uction environments.
8 A. DNS allows users to use domain names such as www.cisco.com inste
ad of the IP address of the web server. The client just needs to know the IP
address of the DNS server, which will respond with the IP address for any
domain name.
9 C. HTTP can be used to exchange message between a client’s web brow
ser and a remote web server. HTTP has been largely replaced by HTTPS,
which performs the same service securely.
10 B, E. HTTP and HTTPS are both used to exchange message between a
client’s web browser and a remote web server. HTTP has been largely rep
laced by HTTPS, which performs the same service securely. Many servers
now support only HTTPS.
11 • A. Port number 110 is POP3.
• B. Port number 25 is SMTP.
• C. Port number 143 is IMAP4.
Chapter 17
1 B. The ping command tests connectivity to the destination devic
e with this IP address.
2 C. A device will not be able to reach a device on a remote network if it c
annot communicate with its own default gateway.
3 A, C, D. The ipconfig without the /all option displays the IP address and
subnet mask of the device, and the address of the default gateway used by t
he device. The /all option will include the IP address of the DHCP server, t
he IP address of the DNS server, and the MAC address of the device.
4 B. The ping command is used to test connectivity to a device on its own
network or a remote network. It tests if packets can reach the destination d
evice and if the destination device can reach the source of the ping.
5 B. The netstat command is used to display all active network connection
s to other devices.
6 B. The ipconfig command without the /all option displays the IP addres
s and subnet mask of the device, and the address of the default gateway us
ed by the device. Adding the /all option also displays the IP address of the
DHCP server, the IP address of the DNS server, and the MAC address of t
he device.
7 D. A possible cause is a problem with the DNS server or with the device
is unable to communicate with the DNS server.
8 D. The technician can use the ipconfig /renew command to receive new
information from the DHCP server.
9 A. The ping command is used to test connectivity to a device on its own
network or a remote network. It tests if packets can reach the destination d
evice and if the destination device can reach the source of the ping.
10 • A. ipconfig displays IP configuration information.
• B. ping tests connections to other IP hosts.
• C. netstat displays network connections.
• D. tracert displays the route taken to the destination.
• E. nslookup directly queries the name server for information on a desti
nation domain.
Chapter 18
1 A, C. Both a wireless access point and a Layer 2 Ethernet switch make t
heir forwarding decisions based on the destination MAC address. Unlike a
Layer 3 router, neither of these devices makes its forwarding decisions bas
ed on the destination IP address.
2 B. A scalable network expands quickly to support new users and applicat
ions. It does this without degrading the performance of services that are be
ing accessed by existing users.
3 • A. Ensuring confidentiality means only the intended recipients can acce
ss and read the data.
• B. Maintaining integrity provides the assurance that the information has
not been altered during transmission.
• C. Ensuring availability provides the assurance of timely and reliable a
ccess to data.
4 D. With quality of service enabled, a router can manage the flow of data
and voice traffic, giving priority to voice communications if the network e
xperiences congestion.
5 A. Fault tolerance can minimize or eliminate the impact of a failure on th
e network. If a path or device fails, fault tolerance can provide an alternate
6 A. MAC addresses are embedded on the NIC. Regardless of which the n
etwork the device is connected to, the MAC address stays the same.
7 A, C, F. The access layer provides a connection point for end-user devic
es to the network and allows multiple hosts to connect to other hosts throu
gh a network device, usually a switch or wireless access point. The distrib
ution layer provides a connection point for separate networks and controls
the flow of information between the networks. The core layer is a high-spe
ed backbone layer with redundant (backup) connections. It is responsible f
or transporting large amounts of data between multiple end networks.
8 A. Fault tolerance can minimize or eliminate the impact of a failure on th
e network. If a path or device fails, fault tolerance can provide an alternate
path. This may have little or no impact on the users.
9 A. With quality of service enabled, a router can manage the flow of data
and voice traffic, giving priority to video communications over email com
munications if the network experiences congestion.
10 A. The distribution layer provides a connection point for separate netw
orks and controls the flow of information between the networks.
11 A. A hierarchical network divides the network into distinct layers, each
with it roles. This design provides for fault tolerance, scalability, better sec
urity, and better control of traffic flow including quality of service.
12 • A. Fault tolerance provides reliability.
• B. Scalability allows the network to grow.
• C. Quality of service prioritizes traffic.
Chapter 19
1 D. Virtualization is the foundation of cloud computing.
2 • A. Less power is consumed because consolidating servers lowers the m
onthly power and cooling costs.
• D. Less equipment is required because virtualization enables server con
solidation, which requires fewer physical devices and lowers maintenanc
e costs.
• E. Improved disaster recovery results because most enterprise server vir
tualization platforms have software that can help test and automate failov
er before a disaster happens.
3 D. A Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud provider is responsible for acce
ss to applications and services, such as email, communication, and Office
365, that are delivered over the Internet.
4 C. Saving photos to a remote storage location maintained by a cloud pro
vider is an example of cloud computing.
5 D. Cloud-based applications and services offered in a private cloud are i
ntended for a specific organization or entity.
6 B. The company is using Infrastructure as a Service because a DNS serv
er is considered a network application managed by the IT department.
7 A. A hypervisor is a program, firmware, or hardware that adds an abstrac
tion layer on top of the physical hardware. The abstraction layer is used to
create virtual machines that have access to all the hardware of the physical
machine such as CPUs, memory, disk controllers, and NICs.
8 A. A Type 2 hypervisor is software that creates and runs VM instances.
The hypervisor is installed on a host’s existing operating system, such as
macOS, to support one or more VMs.
9 A. A hypervisor is a program, firmware, or hardware that adds an abstrac
tion layer on top of the physical hardware. The abstraction layer is used to
create virtual machines that have access to all the hardware of the physical
machine such as CPUs, memory, disk controllers, and NICs.
10 A. A hybrid cloud is made up of two or more cloud types (for example,
part private, part public), where each part remains a separate object, but bo
th are connected using a single architecture.
11 A, D. Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Workstation are both examples o
f Type 2 hypervisor software.
12 A. Cloud-based applications and services offered in a public cloud are
made available to the general population. Services may be free or may be
offered on a pay-per-use model, such as paying for online storage.
Chapter 20
1 C. 10101101 is converted to decimal 173 with the following calculation:
(128 × 1) + (64 × 0) + (32 × 1) + (16 × 0) + (8 × 1) + (4 × 1) + (2 × 0) + (1
× 1)
2 B. A 32-bit IPv4 address is represented using four decimal numbers, eac
h composed of an octet of 8 bits, with periods separating the octets.
3 C. 0x means hexadecimal. Hexadecimal C in decimal is 12. The conversi
on from hexadecimal to decimal is (16 × 12) + (1 × 9) = 201.
4 C. Hexadecimal C is 12 in decimal or 1100 in binary. Hexadecimal A is
10 in decimal or 1010 in binary. Combining the two binary values produce
s 11001010.
5 B. The range of hexadecimal values in a hextet is 0000 to ffff. This comp
rises every possibility of using four hexadecimal digits.
6 B. Binary 1001 is 9 in decimal or 9 in hexadecimal. Binary 1101 is 13 in
decimal or D in hexadecimal. Combining the two hexadecimal values prod
uces 9D.
7 A. An IPv4 address is 32 bits in length.
8 A, B. A binary value consists of 0 or 1. These values represent two discr
ete states.
9 A. First, determine the number of 16s that can go into 139, which is 8 in
decimal and 8 in hexadecimal. This leaves a remainder of 11 in decimal or
B in hexadecimal. This gives the converted value of 8B.
10 A. The 16 valid hexadecimal (base 16) values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
, 9, a, b, c, d, e, and f.
11 A. Decimal 232 is convert to binary 11101000 with the following calcu
232 / 128 = 1 with a remainder of 104.
104 / 64 = 1 with a remainder of 40.
40 / 32 = 1 with a remainder of 8.
8 / 16 = 0 (cannot be divided).
8 / 8 = 1 with a reminder of 0.
0 / 4 = 0 (cannot be divided).
0 / 2 = 0 (cannot be divided).
0 / 1 = 0 (cannot be divided).
Using the quotient from each results in 11101000.
12 D. The conversion of the binary address to dotted decimal is as follows:
First octet: 11101100: (128 × 1) + (64 × 1) + (32 × 1) + (16 × 0) + (8 × 1)
+ (4 × 1) + (2 × 0) + (1 × 0) = 236
Second octet: 00010001: (128 × 0) + (64 × 0) + (32 × 0) + (16 × 1) + (8 ×
0) + (4 × 0) + (2 × 0) + (1 × 1) = 17
Third octet: 00001100: (128 × 0) + (64 × 0) + (32 × 0) + (16 × 0) + (8 × 1)
+ (4 × 1) + (2 × 0) + (1 × 0) = 12
Fourth octet: 00001010: (128 × 0) + (64 × 0) + (32 × 0) + (16 × 0) + (8 × 1
) + (4 × 0) + (2 × 1) + (1 × 0) = 10
Chapter 21
1 A. A Layer 3 PDU, such as an IPv4 or IPv6 packet, is typically encapsul
ated in an Ethernet frame. Other types of messages can also be encapsulate
d, such as ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Me
ssage Protocol), or STP (Spanning Tree Protocol).
2 C. With the normal untagged Ethernet frame overhead of 18 bytes (head
er and trailer), the Ethernet maximum frame size is 1518 bytes. The minim
um frame size is 64 bytes, which is a result of the days when Ethernet LA
Ns used half-duplex hubs. Hubs are now considered obsolete.
3 B. The Ethernet MAC address is denoted by the “Physical Address” in th
e output of the ipconfig /all command.
4 B. The Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer is responsible for the pro
cesses uses to access the shared Ethernet LAN.
5 D. For every frame that enters the Ethernet switch, the switch examines t
he incoming port number and the source MAC address. If this information
does not exist in the MAC address table, the switch adds it to the table. Ne
xt, the switch examines the destination MAC address for a match in the M
AC address table. If the address matches one of its entries, the switch forw
ards the frame out that port. If there is no match or if the frame is a broadc
ast, then the switch forwards the frame out all ports except the incoming p
6 C. For every frame that enters the Ethernet switch, the switch examines t
he incoming port number and the source MAC address. If this information
does not exist in the MAC address table, the switch adds it to the table. Ne
xt, the switch examines the destination MAC address for a match in the M
AC address table. If the address matches one of its entries, the switch forw
ards the frame out that port. If there is no match or if the frame is a broadc
ast, then the switch forwards the frame out all ports except the incoming p
7 A. Runt frames are discarded, dropped by the switch.
8 C. The 100 refers to the Mbps (Mb/s) of the medium.
9 A, D, E. Although there are some variations, a typical IEEE 802.3 Ether
net frame consists of the following fields: Preamble and Start Frame Delim
iter (not always referred to), Destination MAC Address, Source MAC Add
ress, Type/Length, Data, and Frame Check Sequence (FCS).
10 • A. BASE means baseband transmission.
• B. T means twisted-pair cable.
• C. 100 indicates the speed in Mbps.
11 A, D. IEEE 802.3 is one of the standards that define Ethernet technolog
y. Ethernet is responsible for sending data from one Ethernet NIC to anoth
er Ethernet NIC on the same LAN using the Ethernet MAC addresses of th
e NICs.
12 A. By default, an end device discards any Ethernet frames with a unicas
t destination MAC address that does not match the MAC address of its ow
n NIC. This behavior can be changed by protocol analysis software such a
s Wireshark.
Chapter 22
1 D. In IPv4 the TTL (Time-to-Live) field is decremented by 1 by each rou
ter. If the TTL is 0, the router drops the packet. In IPv6, this field is called
Hop Limit.
2 B. IPv4 has a 32-bit address space, which means addresses can consist of
a theoretical range from 32 zero bits to 32 one bits. IPv6 has a 128-bit addr
ess space with a theoretical range of 128 zero bits to 128 one bits.
3 C. Network Address Translation, along with RFC 1918 private address s
pace, has slowed down the depletion of IPv4 public addresses and the nece
ssity to transition to IPv6. However, in the last several years the Internet is
seeing a significant transition to IPv6.
4 B. Public IPv4 addresses are becoming more scarce and more expensive
every year. In the last several years the Internet is seeing a significant trans
ition to IPv6.
5 C. The network layer can encapsulate data of any type, including various
upper-layer PDUs.
6 D. The network layer protocols, primarily IPv4 or IPv6, specify the rules
used to send data from the original sender (the creator of the data) to its fin
al designation (the intended recipient of the data).
7 B. The network layer is responsible for the logical addressing of packets
, either IPv4 or IPv6.
8 B. The application creates the data and includes any protocol informatio
n. The data is encapsulated by the transport layer and becomes a segment.
The segment is then encapsulated by the network layer as a packet. The pa
cket is encapsulated by the data link layer as a frame. And finally the fram
e is transmitted over the physical medium as bits.
9 B. The process of prepending a PDU with control or header information
from another PDU is known as encapsulation.
10 D. OSI Layer 3, the network layer, encapsulates other PDUs using an I
Pv4 or IPv6 header that includes both a source IP address and a destination
IP address.
11 C. The MTU is decided by the data link layer depending on the physica
l medium and the required data link fields. A typical Ethernet frame has an
MTU of 1518 bytes with 18 bytes used by Ethernet. This allows for 1500 b
ytes for the network layer PDU, for example IP.
Chapter 23
1 B. An IPv4 device must have an IPv4 address and a subnet mask. The O
S does an AND operation on these to determine the network portion. This t
ells the device which network it belongs to.
2 C. An IPv4 device must have an IPv4 address and a subnet mask. The O
S does an AND operation on both of these to determine the network portio
n. This tells the device which network it belongs to. The device now know
s which IPv4 addresses it can reach directly and that it must communicate
with everything else via the default gateway.
3 A. An IPv4 address consists of 32 bits, represented with four octets, each
of which is a decimal value representing 8 bits.
4 D. Each decimal value represents 8 bits, 00000000 through 11111111, or
0 through 255 in decimal.
5 A. An IPv4 address uniquely identifies a device on an IP network. Origin
ally, all unicast IPv4 addresses were designed to be globally unique, but w
ith the depletion of IPv4 addresses, now only public IPv4 addresses are glo
bally unique. Private RFC 1918 addresses can be used on any IPv4 networ
k. These addresses can be translated to a public IPv4 address using NAT.
6 C. The subnet mask has 24 1 bits, or /24. In binary, the
subnet mask is 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000.
7 B, D. An IPv4 address consists of a network portion and a host portion a
s determined by the value of the subnet mask.
8 D. ANDing the bits 11000000.10101000.01000001.00000011 with 1111
1111.11111111.11000000.00000000 results in copying the first 18 bits of t
he address followed by all 0 bits, 11000000.10101000.01000000.0000000
0, or
9 A. Devices on the same IPv4 subnet have the same address for their defa
ult gateway.
10 C. A subnet mask of has 10 0 bits indicating the host por
t of the address. 10 bits allow for 1024 total devices or 1022 assignable IPv
4 addresses (subtracting 2 host addresses, one for the network address and
one for the broadcast address).
11 A. Performing an AND operation on the IPv4 address and subnet mask
results in the network address Assignable host addresses on
this network range from through, with a broadcast
address of
12 B. An IPv4 device must have an IPv4 address and a subnet mask. The
OS does an AND operation on both of these to determine the network porti
on of the address. This indicates to the device which network it belongs to.
The rest of the address indicates the host portion of the address.
Chapter 24
1 A. Address Resolution Protocol is used to discover the Ethernet MAC ad
dress associated with a known IPv4 address.
2 C. Address Resolution Protocol is used to discover the Ethernet MAC ad
dress associated with a known IPv4 address. If the destination IPv4 addres
s of the packet is on the same network as the host, the ARP request will be
for the MAC address associated with the known destination IPv4 address o
f the packet. If the destination IPv4 address of the packet is on a different n
etwork than the host, the ARP request will be for the MAC address associa
ted with the known destination IPv4 address of the default gateway.
3 D. Since the ARP request is for the IPv4 address of the default gateway (
router), the default gateway responds with an ARP reply containing its M
AC address associated with the known default gateway IPv4 address.
4 D. The ARP request is an Ethernet broadcast. If the destination IPv4 add
ress of the packet is on the same network as the host, the ARP request will
be for the MAC address associated with the known destination IPv4 addre
ss of the packet. If the destination IPv4 address of the packet is on a differe
nt network than the host, the ARP request will be for the MAC address ass
ociated the known destination IPv4 address of the default gateway.
5 B. An ARP request is sent as an Ethernet broadcast. All devices on the l
ocal network receive and process the ARP request. Routers do not forward
Ethernet broadcasts out other networks.
6 C. ARP spoofing is typically used by an attacker to respond to ARP requ
ests associated with IPv4 addresses of other devices. This is an attempt by
the attacker to create a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. There are techni
ques to mitigate ARP spoofing, such as dynamic ARP inspection.
7 D. The arp -a command can be used on a host to determine which MAC
address is associated with the IPv4 address of the default gateway.
8 C. A host first searches its ARP table for the MAC address associated wi
th the destination IPv4 address of the packet.
9 C. An ARP request is sent as an Ethernet broadcast, FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. T
here is no IPv4 header in any ARP message.
10 A. Address Resolution Protocol is used to discover the Ethernet MAC a
ddress associated with a known IPv4 address. This includes the IPv4 addre
ss of the default gateway.
11 B. PC1’s ARP request is for the MAC address of its default gateway, th
e IPv4 address of R1’s G0/0 interface. R1 will send an ARP reply with the
MAC address of its G0/0 interface.
Chapter 25
1 A. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used to automatically assign
IP addressing information to devices.
2 A, C. A client initially sends a DHCPDISCOVER message. After receivi
ng a DHCPOFFER from the DHCP server, the client responds with a DHC
PREQUEST message. The server confirms the assigned address with a DH
CPACK. To make it easier to remember the order of the DHCP messages,
Discover, Offer, Request, and Ack form the acronym DORA.
3 A. An end device uses the services of its local DNS server, which is the
DNS (not DHCP) server whose IP address is configured on the end device
. If the local DNS server does not have the answer, it is the responsibility o
f the local DNS server to contact other DNS servers to get the IP address a
nd provide it to the client.
4 C. Most client devices have DHCP enabled automatically. When a client
device boots, it sends a DHCPDISCOVER message to get its IP addressin
g information, which for IPv4 includes its IPv4 address, subnet mask, addr
ess of the default gateway, and address of one or more DNS servers.
5 C. The client sends a DHCPREQUEST message to accept the offer (DH
CPOFFER) received from the DHCP server. The DHCP message exchang
e begins with the client initially sending a DHCPDISCOVER message. Af
ter receiving a DHCPOFFER from the DHCP server, the client respond w
ith a DHCPREQUEST message. The server confirms the assigned address
with a DHCPACK. To make it easier to remember the order of the DHCP
messages, Discover, Offer, Request, and Ack form the acronym DORA.
6 D. Domain Name System is the protocol that enables devices to obtain th
e IP address for a domain name.
7 C. A DNS mail exchange (MX) record directs email to a mail server. Th
e MX record indicates how email messages should be routed in accordanc
e with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, the standard protocol fo
r all email).
8 C. Most client devices have DHCP enabled automatically. When the clie
nt boots, it sends a DHCPDISCOVER message to get its IP addressing inf
ormation, which for IPv4 includes its IPv4 address, subnet mask, address o
f the default gateway, and address of one or more DNS servers.
9 A. If a device can ping the IP address of web server but cannot ping its d
omain name (www.example.com), the problem most likely has to do with
DNS. It could be that the DNS server does not have the information or is
malfunctioning. The problem might also be that the client is not able to co
mmunicate with the DNS server. The client may have the wrong IP addres
s for the DNS server, or there may be a network problem between the clien
t and the server.
10 A. Domain Name System is the protocol that enables devices to obtain t
he IP address for a domain name.
11 C. An end device uses the services of its local DNS server, the IP addre
ss the end device has for its DNS server. If the local DNS server does not h
ave the answer, it is the responsibility of the local DNS server to contact o
ther DNS servers to get the IP address and provide it to the client. Dependi
ng on the DNS cache of the local DNS server, the local DNS server may n
eed to contact the following DNS servers (in this order): a root name serve
r, a top-level domain server, and/or an authoritative server.
Chapter 26
1 • A. Flow control: TCP
• B. Application dependent for error correction: UDP
• C. Reliable delivery: TCP
• D. Sequence number: TCP
• E. Fastest delivery: UDP
• F. Less overhead: UDP
TCP provides reliability and flow control using several fields including se
quence numbers, acknowledgement numbers, and window size. UDP has l
ess overhead, which provides faster delivery; however, the application is r
equired to perform any necessary error detection and correction.
2 D. Both UDP and TCP use source and destination port numbers. From th
e client device’s perspective, the source port number uniquely identifies th
e application or process on the client. The destination port number identifi
es the application or service the client is accessing on the server.
3 B, C, E. The UDP header contains a minimal number of fields: Source P
ort, Destination Port, Length, and Checksum.
4 A. The TCP terminal process can be initiated by the client or the server a
nd consists of sending a FIN and an ACK. 1. Initiator: FIN; 2. Receiver: A
CK; 3. Receiver FIN; 4. Initiator: ACK.
5 B. A server can listen on several ports at the same time. Each port is asso
ciated with a different application that the server is actively servicing for c
6 A. If the source determines that the TCP segments are either not being ac
knowledged or not being acknowledged in a timely manner, then it can red
uce the number of bytes it sends before receiving an acknowledgment.
7 D. The TCP header includes a group of control bits or flags in the Contro
l Bits field. Two of those bits are the SYN and ACK bits, both of which ar
e used during the three-way hand shake: 1. SYN, 2. SYN, ACK, 3. ACK.
8 B, D. TCP provides reliability and flow control, including retransmission
of any data not received. This requires more overhead than UDP, which ca
n be used to deliver data quickly when some data loss is tolerable.
9 • A. The maximum segment size (MSS) is the largest amount of data enc
apsulated in a segment that a device can receive.
• B. The sequence number is used to identify each segment of data.
• C. The window size is used to inform the source of the number of bytes
it can send before waiting for an acknowledgement: window size
• D. An acknowledgment message must be received by a sender before tr
ansmitting more segments larger than the window size.
10 • A. Is connection-oriented: TCP
• B. Is connectionless: UDP
• C. Uses acknowledgments: TCP
• D. Has a larger header: TCP
• E. Is suitable for delay-intolerant applications: UDP
• F. Best-effort delivery protocol: UDP
11 A. TCP provides reliability and flow control, including retransmission
of any data not received. This requires more overhead than UDP, which ca
n be used to deliver data quickly when some data loss is tolerable.
12 D, E. The TCP terminal process can be initiated by the client or the serv
er and consists of sending a FIN and an ACK. 1. Initiator: FIN, 2. Receiver
: ACK; 3. Receiver FIN; 4. Initiator: ACK.
Chapter 27
1 A. Privileged EXEC mode can be identified by the prompt ending with t
he # symbol.
2 C. The show version command is used to display the information regard
ing memory, including NVRAM, DRAM and flash, along with interfaces a
nd licenses of the device.
3 C. A keyword is a specific parameter defined in the operating system (fo
r example address). An argument is not predefined; it is a value or variabl
e defined by the user (for example
4 A. The exit command returns the user to the previous level.
5 B. The Ctrl-Shift-6 key combination is an all-purpose break sequence us
ed to abort DNS lookups, traceroutes, and pings, and to interrupt an IOS p
6 C. The configure terminal command can be entered only from privileg
ed EXEC mode, which will put the administrator into global configuration
7 C. Pressing the Tab key completes a partial command or keyword name
entry as long as the entered information is a unique match.
8 C. show is the command and running-config is a keyword.
9 C, E. User EXEC mode display a prompt ending in >. In user EXEC mo
de, many aspects of the router can be displayed, but configuration changes
are not possible. Changes can be made only in privileged EXEC mode.
10 B, E. Since the router has just been booted and no configuration change
s have been made, both the running configuration and startup configuratio
n files will be identical, so the administrator can use either command to ch
eck the configuration of the router.
Chapter 28
1 D. SSH is the only one of these options that provides encryption.
2 A. By default, all ports (interfaces) on a Cisco switch are part of VLAN
3 A. Since all ports are on VLAN 1, the administrator would configure the
IP address belonging to the VLAN 1 interface.
4 C. This command copies the running configuration from RAM to the star
tup configuration in NRAM.
5 C. Telnet sends all data, including the username and password, in plain t
ext. SSH encrypts all data, including the username and password.
6 C. is a usable and available host on the net
work. is taken by the default gateway, and is th
e broadcast address for this network. is on a different network.
7 D. This command configures the vty line to use SSH, which means all co
mmunication is encrypted.
8 D. The command enable secret trustknow1 configures trustknow1 as th
e privileged EXEC password.
9 B. The command service password-encryption encrypts all passwords i
n the running-configuration and startup-configuration files.
Chapter 29
1 D. A successful ping to the loopback address verifies that the TCP/IP sta
ck is functional.
2 D. The ping command uses ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply messa
ges to test connectivity.
3 C. A router decrements the IPv6 Hop Limit field by 1 and drops the pack
et if the field is 0. This is similar to the IPv4 TTL (Time-to-Live) field in I
4 D. ICMP provides information and error messaging.
5 C. The ping utility uses ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply messages.
6 D. The traceroute or tracert (Windows) command is used to determine
where a packet might be dropped or delayed by a router. This command di
splays the IP addresses of each router in the path that successfully received
the packet(s).
7 A. ICMP for both IPv4 and IPv6 provides information and error messagi
8 A. An IPv6 host can send a Neighbor Solicitation message to see if its IP
v6 address is unique before using it. The NS message includes the IPv6 ad
dress the device wants to use. If the device does not receive a Neighbor Ad
vertisement message in response, it can assume its IPv6 address is unique.
This an optional process, but most operating systems implement it.
9 A. The Windows tracert (traceroute) command can be used to determi
ne the last router in the path that successfully received the packets.
10 C. A successful ping to the default gateway indicates that the device ca
n reach the router used to forward packets to other networks.
11 B. The ping command only verifies connectivity, whereas the tracerou
te command (Windows tracert) verifies connectivity and displays informa
tion about the routers in the path.
12 C. The ICMP Time Exceeded message is used by a router when it has d
ecremented an IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit field to 0. The source IP addre
ss of the ICMP Time Exceeded message sent by the router is used by trace
route to determine the router’s IP address.
13 C, D. The ping command verifies that the destination IP address is reac
hable and displays the average round-trip time between the source and des
14 D. The traceroute utility identifies the routers in the path to the destinati
on. When a router receives an IP packet from traceroute, it decrements the
IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit field by 1. If the field results in 0, the router r
eturns an ICMP Time Exceeded message back to the source. The source IP
address of the ICMP Time Exceeded message sent by the router is used by
traceroute to determine the router’s IP address.
Chapter 30
1 B. All bits sent between two devices must be transmitted over the networ
k media, which is the purpose of the physical layer.
2 D. One strand is used for sending and the other strand is used for receivi
3 B. Crosstalk is a disturbance caused by the electric or magnetic fields of
a signal on one wire to the signal in an adjacent wire.
4 B. Cable designers have discovered that they can limit the negative effec
t of crosstalk by varying the number of twists per wire pair.
5 D. A straight-through cable is used to connect “unlike” devices, such as
a PC (computer) and a switch.
6 C. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted from one plac
e to another in a specific amount of time, usually measured in bits per seco
nd (Kbps, Mbps, or Gbps).
7 D. Encoding is a method of converting a stream of data bits into a predef
ined “code.” This process helps to distinguish data bits from control bits.
8 A. Cancellation occurs when pairing wires in a circuit. When two wires i
n an electrical circuit are placed close together, their magnetic fields are th
e exact opposite of each other. Therefore, the two magnetic fields cancel e
ach other and also cancel out any outside EMI and RFI signals.
9 D. Throughput is the measure of the transfer of bits across the media ove
r a given period of time. Throughput is usually lower than the specified ba
ndwidth due to various factors causing latency.
10 D. Fiber-optic cables can transmit signals with less attenuation, which a
llows the signal to travel farther.
11 C. Signal distortion by the NIC occurs at the physical layer.
12 B. A rollover cable is used to connect a device to a Cisco console port.
Chapter 31
1 D. Logical topologies typically include the devices and types of network
s used to transfer data between devices, such as an Ethernet LAN.
2 C. A star topology is when a central device, such as an Ethernet switch, i
s used to connect all end devices.
3 C. A mesh network or full-mesh network is when all end devices (or nod
es) are connected to all other end devices.
4 B. Half-duplex is a type of transmission that is in either direction, but on
ly in one direction at a time.
5 A. CSMA/CD is used by legacy Ethernet hubs. Because today’s Etherne
t LANs use full-duplex Ethernet switches, CSMA/CD is not required and i
s not used.
6 C. Wireless networks, IEEE 802.11, use CSMA/CA to manage access to
the shared wireless medium.
7 C. CSMA/CD is used to contend for access on a shared, half-duplex med
ia. The use of full-duplex Ethernet switches means that Ethernet NICs can
operate in full-duplex and no longer have to contend for access.
Chapter 32
1 B. Routers examine the packet’s destination IP address to find the best m
atch in the router’s routing table.
2 B. If the destination IP address is on one of the router’s directly connecte
d networks, the router will forward the packet directly to the destination ho
3 B. Layer 2 Ethernet frames are removed by the router when the packet is
received. The router will encapsulate the packet in a new Ethernet data lin
k frame when forwarding the packet out the appropriate interface.
4 B. is an IPv4 loopback address.
5 C. Routers examine the packet’s destination IP address to find the best m
atch in the router’s routing table. The information in the routing table deter
mines how to forward the packet.
6 C. The netstat -r command will display a routing table on many host op
erating systems including Windows.
7 A. A static route is manually configured by the network administrator an
d includes the remote network address and the IP address of the next hop r
8 B. Dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF can be used to automaticall
y discover remote networks and determine the best path to those networks.
9 C. A default static route will have a source code of S in the IP routing ta
10 C. An end device will have the IPv4 address of the local router interfac
e as its default gateway. The IPv4 address of the end device and of the IPv
4 address of the default gateway will be on the same IP network.
Chapter 33
1 E. Pinging a loopback address verifies that the IP is working on the local
host. Most host operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iO
S, and Android, have both IPv4 and IPv6 installed by default.
2 B. Leading 0s are omitted and a single contiguous string of all-0 hextets
can be replaced with a double colon (::).
3 A. For any device to be enabled for IPv6 requires that the interface only
have a link-local address.
4 D. A /64 prefix length indicates that the first 64 bits, 2001:db8::1000, is t
he network address. This leaves 64 bits for the interface ID, or four hextets
, a9cd:47ff:fe57:fe94.
5 A. Leading 0s are omitted and a single contiguous string of all-0 hextets
can be replaced with a double colon (::).
6 C. A /64 prefix length indicates that the first 64 bits or first four hextets,
2001:db8:d15:ea, is the network address.
7 B. When a device is enabled for IPv6 on an interface, that interface will
automatically assign itself a link-local address. Most host operating system
s, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android, have both IPv4 a
nd IPv6 installed by default. This means they will have at minimum an IPv
6 link-local address.
8 B. With a /48 global routing prefix and a /64 prefix length, this leaves 16
bits between the global routing prefix and interface ID for the subnet ID. S
ubtracting 48 (global routing prefix) from 64 (the prefix length) results in t
he subnet ID.
9 D. A /64 prefix length indicates that the first 64 bits or first four hextets,
2001:db8:aa04:b5, is the network address.
10 B. Link-local addresses are only for communications on the local link o
r network and are not routable off that link.
11 D. IPv6 does not have a broadcast. IPv6 does include an all-IPv6 devic
e multicast address.
Chapter 34
1 B. A Neighbor Solicitation message is a multicast address that begins wi
th ff02::. The “ff” in this destination IPv6 address indicates that this addres
s is a multicast address. The “2” in this destination IPv6 address indicates t
hat this address is of link-local scope.
2 C. A Neighbor Solicitation message is a multicast address that begins wi
th ff02::. The “ff” in this destination IPv6 address indicates that this addres
s is a multicast address. The “2” in this destination IPv6 address indicates t
hat this address is of link-local scope.
3 C. ICMPv6 provides address resolution for IPv6 similar to ARP for IPv4
. Specifically, ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery protocol is used for this purpo
4 A. A router sends an ICMPv6 Router Advertisement (RA) message to al
l IPv6 devices on the LAN. The RA message uses the router’s link-local a
ddress as the source IPv6 address of the messages. End devices on the LA
N will then use this source IPv6 address of the RA message for their defau
lt gateway address.
5 D. Devices send an ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement message to provid
e the Ethernet MAC address. This is in response to an ICMPv6 Neighbor S
olicitation message from a device that knows an IPv6 address but needs th
e corresponding Ethernet MAC address.
6 C. The destination MAC address of an ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation m
essage is a multicast address. There is information contained in this multic
ast address that can help limit the number of NICs on the network that nee
d to accept the message.
7 C, D. A Neighbor Solicitation message is used when a device knows an I
Pv6 address but needs the corresponding Ethernet MAC address. An ICM
Pv6 Neighbor Advertisement message is the device with the IPv6 address r
esponding with its Ethernet MAC address. A Neighbor Solicitation messag
e in IPv6 is the equivalent of an ARP request in IPv4, and a Neighbor Adv
ertisement message in IPv6 is the equivalent of an ARP reply in IPv4.
Chapter 35
1 C. An Ethernet switch is used to connect one or more devices to the sam
e Ethernet LAN.
2 B. Store-and-forward switching is a frame forwarding method that recei
ves the entire frame and computes the CRC. If the CRC is valid, the switc
h looks up the destination address, which determines the outgoing interfac
e. Then the frame is forwarded out of the correct port. Cut-through switchi
ng is a frame forwarding method that forwards the frame before it is entire
ly received. At a minimum, the destination address of the frame must be re
ad before the frame can be forwarded. There is not frame error checking w
ith cut-through switching.
3 B. An Ethernet switch is used to connect PCs to the LAN. Home routers
will typically include a four-port Ethernet switch as part of the router.
4 D. The IOS is copied from NVRAM into RAM where it is executed by t
he CPU.
5 B. By default, the bootstrap program will first search flash memory for t
he IOS.
6 C, D. Both Telnet and SSH can be used for in-band management. Howev
er, Telnet should only be used in a lab environment because all data, inclu
ding the password, is sent in clear text.
7 C. A limited IOS is in ROM, typically used for diagnostics when the mai
n IOS is not available.
8 B, E. Ethernet LAN switches provide wired access, and wireless access p
oints provide wireless access to the wired LAN.
9 B. Out-of-band communication requires a computer running terminal em
ulation software such as PuTTY connected to the console port of the Cisco
device using a rollover cable.
10 D. Similar to most computers, the switch will do a POST (power-on sel
f-test) to determine and examine hardware components.
11 D. The NVRAM is considered permanent storage and is used to store th
e IOS, startup configuration, and any other content.
12 B, D. The console port is the most common, but the AUX port can also
be used.
13 B, C. The IOS is loaded from NVRAM into RAM. If there is a startup c
onfiguration file in NVRAM, that will also be loaded into RAM.
14 D. The show startup-config command displays the contents of the start
up configuration file stored in NVRAM.
Chapter 36
1 A. At this point the user needs to contact the cable company that provide
s their Internet connection.
2 B, D. The ipconfig /all command is used to contact the DHCP server to r
eceive IP addressing information. If the client host does not receive this in
formation, there is either an issue with the DHCP server or a network issue
communicating with the DHCP server.
3 B. Since the client is able to get IP addressing from the DHCP server, th
e wireless network is not an issue. DNS is not an issue because the ping co
mmand is to an IPv4 address. The only other possibility given these option
s is that the client has received wrong addressing information from the DH
CP server.
4 D. Replacing a device such as a cable modem is considered substitution.
5 C. Pinging a device attempts to verify Layer 3 IP connectivity. This is to
wards the middle of the OSI stack. Depending on the results of the ping, th
e administrator may try other troubleshooting methods at other layers.
6 C. Traceroute would be used to see at which point the packet is failing to
be forwarded.
7 B. The netstat command displays all TCP connections and UDP session
8 A, B, C. After solving a problem, it is helpful to document for yourself a
nd others information that can help solve the same or similar problems tha
t might occur in the future.
9 A, C, D. These three questions are related directly to helping the support
desk solve the problem.
10 B. A physical layer network connectivity problem would involve either
cabling or the NIC.
11 A, C. The output shows that the host can reach the server by pinging its
IPv4 address. However, the host cannot reach the server using its domain n
ame, which typically means this is most likely a DNS issue.
12 A. After solving a problem, it is helpful to document for yourself and ot
hers information that can help solve the same or similar problems that mig
ht occur in the future.
Chapter 37
1 A. After defining the problem, the next step is to identify any hosts and o
ther devices that need to be investigated. During this step, the technician m
ay gather and document more symptoms, depending on the characteristics
that are identified.
2 A, B. The bottom-up approach is typically used when the problem is wit
h the physical layer or the physical components of the network. This can al
so be useful when the issue is unfamiliar.
3 A. The show cdp neighbors command can help provide information abo
ut each device and which interfaces are used to connect to neighboring dev
4 A. The IEEE 802.11ax standard supports both Wi-Fi 6 (2.4 GHz and 5 G
Hz bands) and Wi-Fi 6E (6 GHz band).
5 A. Establishing a network baseline provides a view of the network under
“normal” conditions for a given situation. This can help you determine if a
reas of the network are being underutilized or overutilized.
6 A. Task Manager displays the applications and background processes tha
t are currently running on a Windows PC.
7 A. The traceroute command is used on Cisco IOS to display the path IP
packets take to a destination.
8 D. The substitution method is when you physically swap the problematic
device or component with a known, working one. If the problem is fixed, t
hen the problem is with the removed item. If the problem remains, then the
cause is elsewhere.
9 D. Determining the scope of the problem involves finding out if others ar
e having the same issue and how many are being affected.
10 A. A closed-ended question focuses on obtaining specific information s
uch as the operating system of the device.
11 A, B. The ifconfig command can be used on both Linux and macOS. W
indows uses the ipconfig command. There are various commands that can
be used with Cisco IOS including show ip interface brief and show ipv6 i
nterface brief.
12 A. The show tech-support command provides similar information as a
variety of show commands.
13 A. An initial network performance baseline will give you information f
or what the network traffic, device CPU usage, and other information typic
ally looks like during that specific day and time.
14 C and E. Both the IEEE 802.11n and 802.11ax Wi-Fi standards operate
in both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency spectrums.
15 A. A logical topology map provides IP addressing information such as I
P addresses and network or subnet addresses.
Chapter 38
1 A. A rootkit is malware that is designed to modify the operating system t
o create a backdoor that attackers can then use to access the computer rem
otely. Most rootkits take advantage of software vulnerabilities to gain acce
ss to resources that normally shouldn’t be accessible (privilege escalation)
and modify system files.
2 A. Bluesnarfing occurs when an attacker copies information, such as em
ails and contact lists, from a target’s device using a Bluetooth connection.
3 C. SQL injection is an attack that takes advantage of a vulnerability in w
hich the application does not correctly filter the data entered by a user for c
haracters in an SQL statement.
4 C. Social engineering is a non-technical strategy that attempts to manipul
ate individuals into performing risky actions or divulging confidential info
rmation. Social engineering uses a number of tactics to gain cooperation fr
om victims. Attackers may pretend to be persons of authority or use intimi
dation to compel people to act in ways that compromise security.
5 C. Prepending is when attackers remove the “external” email tag used b
y organizations to warn the recipient that an email has originated from an e
xternal source. This tricks individuals into believing that a malicious email
was sent from inside their organization.
6 A. Phishing occurs when a user is contacted by email or instant message
—or in any other way—by someone masquerading as a legitimate person
or organization.
7 C. Ransomware is a common attack that uses malicious software to encr
ypt a system hardware drive.
9 B. Shoulder surfing refers to looking over someone’s shoulder in order t
o obtain credentials like passwords, PINs, or credit card numbers.
10 A. Backdoor programs, such as Netbus and Back Orifice, are used by c
ybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to systems by bypassing the nor
mal authentication procedures.
Chapter 39
1 C. In an e-commerce or analytics-based organization, transactions and cu
stomer accounts must be accurate. All data is validated and verified at freq
uent intervals and therefore has a high level of data integrity.
2 A, B, C. Logical access controls are the hardware and software solutions
used to manage access to resources and systems. These technology-based s
olutions include tools and protocols that computer systems use for identific
ation, authentication, authorization, and accounting. This includes firewall
s, ACLs (access control lists), and biometrics.
3 A. The Windows Encrypting File System (EFS) feature allows users to e
ncrypt files, folders, or an entire hard drive. Full-disk encryption (FDE) en
crypts the entire contents of a drive (including temporary files and memory
). Microsoft Windows uses BitLocker. BitLocker To Go is a tool that encr
ypts removable drives.
4 A. XProtect antimalware technology prevents the execution of malware t
hrough signature-based malware detection. It also alerts users to the existe
nce of malware and provides the option to remove detected malware files.
5 A. Packet filtering firewalls are usually part of a router firewall, which p
ermits or denies traffic based on Layer 3 and Layer 4 information. They ar
e stateless firewalls that use a simple policy table lookup that filters traffic
based on specific criteria.
6 D. TCP Wrappers is a rule-based access control and logging system for
Linux. Packet filtering is based on IP addresses and network services.
7 C. WPA2 is the current industry standard for securing wireless networks.
It uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption. AES is c
urrently considered the strongest encryption protocol.
8 C. WPA2-Personal is intended for home or small office networks. Users
authenticate using a pre-shared key (PSK). Wireless clients authenticate w
ith the wireless router using a pre-shared password. No special authenticati
on server is required.
9 A. WPA2 included Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) to quickly onboard dev
ices without configuring them first, but WPS is vulnerable to a variety of a
ttacks and is not recommended. Furthermore, IoT devices are typically hea
dless, meaning they have no built-in GUI for configuration, and need an ea
sy way to connect to the wireless network. The Device Provisioning Proto
col (DPP) was designed to address this need.
10 C. Confidentiality means that only authorized individuals, entities, or pr
ocesses can access sensitive information. It may require using cryptograph
ic encryption algorithms such as AES to encrypt and decrypt data.
11 B. Integrity refers to protecting data from unauthorized alteration. It req
uires the use of cryptographic hashing algorithms such as SHA.
access method A set of rules used by LAN hardware to direct traffic on the netw
ork. It determines which host or device uses the LAN next.
acknowledgment Notification sent from one network device to another to ackno
wledge that some event (for example, receipt of a message) has occurred.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet protocol used to map an IP addres
s to a MAC address. Defined in RFC 826.
adjacency table A table in a router that contains a list of the relationships forme
d between selected neighboring routers and end nodes for the purpose of exchan
ging routing information. Adjacency is based on the use of a common media seg
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A private nonprofit organizati
on that oversees development of standards in the United States.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) An 8-bit cod
e for character representation (7 bits plus parity).
AND (logical) One of three basic binary logic operations. ANDing yields the foll
owing results: 1 AND 1 = 1, 1 AND 0 = 0, 0 AND 1 = 0, 1 AND 0 = 0.
ARP cache Logical storage in a host’s RAM to store ARP entries. See also ARP
ARP table Logical storage in a host’s RAM to store ARP entries. See also ARP
assigned multicast Reserved IPv6 multicast addresses for predefined groups of
asymmetric switching Switching technique used to allow for different data rates
on different ports.
automatic medium-dependent interface crossover (auto-MDIX) Detection on
a switch port or hub port to determine the type of cable used between switches or
hubs. After the cable type is detected, the port is connected and configured accor
dingly. With auto-MDIX, a crossover or a straight-through cable can be used for
connections to a copper 10/100/1000 port on the switch, regardless of the type of
device on the other end of the connection.
availability Assurance of timely and reliable access to data services for authoriz
ed users. Network firewall devices, along with desktop and server antivirus softw
are, can ensure system reliability and the robustness to detect, repel, and cope wit
h breaches of network security. Building fully redundant network infrastructures,
with few single points of failure, can reduce the impact of these threats.
baby giant frame An Ethernet frame with more than 1500 bytes of data. Also kn
own as a jumbo frame.
bandwidth The rated throughput capacity of a given network medium or protoco
l. Bandwidth is listed as available or consumed data communication resources ex
pressed in bits/second.
baseline A reference used to establish normal network or system performance by
collecting performance data from the ports and devices that are essential to netw
ork operation.
best-effort delivery A network system that does not use a sophisticated acknowl
edgment system to guarantee reliable delivery of information.
binary Number expressed using the base-2 number system.
Bluetooth A low-power, short-range wireless technology (approximately 30 feet
or 10 meters) that is intended to replace wired connectivity for accessories such a
s speakers, headphones, and microphones.
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) A protocol used by a network node to determine
the IP address of its Ethernet interfaces to facilitate network booting.
botnet Self-propagating malware designed to infect a host and connect back to a
central server or servers that act as a central point for an entire network of compr
omised devices.
bottom-up troubleshooting A troubleshooting method that starts with the physi
cal components of the network and moves up through the layers of the OSI mode
l until the cause of the problem is found. Bottom-up troubleshooting is a good ap
proach to use when you suspect a physical problem. Compare with top-down tro
ubleshooting and divide-and-conquer troubleshooting.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) The concept of any device, to any content, in
any way is a major global trend that requires significant changes to the way devi
ces are used. This trend is about end users having the freedom to use personal to
ols to access information and communicate across a business or campus network.
broadcast A form of transmission where one device transmits to all devices with
in the network or on another network.
broadcast address Special address reserved for sending a message to all station
s. Generally, a broadcast address is a MAC destination address of all ones (1s). C
ompare with multicast address and unicast address.
broadcast transmission See broadcast.
burned-in address (BIA) The MAC address that is permanently assigned to a L
AN interface or NIC. It is called burned-in because the address is burned into a c
hip on the card, and the address cannot be changed. Also called universally admi
nistered address (UAA).
bus topology A network topology in which all end systems are chained to each o
ther and terminated in some form on each end. Infrastructure devices such as sw
itches are not required to interconnect the end devices. Legacy Ethernet network
s were often bus topologies using coax cables because it was inexpensive and eas
y to set up.
cable A form of Internet service that uses coaxial cable lines originally designed
to carry cable television. It connects an end user’s computer to the cable compan
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) A media-access mechanism wherein d
evices ready to transmit data first check the channel for a carrier. If no carrier is s
ensed for a specific period of time, a device can transmit. See also CSMA/CA and
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) A med
ia-access mechanism that regulates the transmission of data onto a network medi
um. CSMA/CA is similar to CSMA/CD except that devices first request the right
to send, in order to avoid collisions. CSMA/CA is used in 802.11 WLANs.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) A medi
a-access mechanism that requires a node wishing to transmit to listen for a carrie
r signal before trying to send. If a carrier is sensed, the node waits for the transm
ission in progress to finish before initiating its own transmission. If a collision oc
curs and is detected, the sending node uses the backoff algorithm before retransm
cellular Internet access that uses a cell phone network to connect. Wherever a us
er can get a cellular signal, the user can get cellular Internet access. Performance
is limited by the capabilities of the phone and the cell tower to which it is connec
channel A communication path over a medium used to transport information fro
m a sender to a receiver. Multiple channels can be multiplexed over a single cabl
circuit switched Switching system in which a dedicated physical circuit path mu
st exist between sender and receiver for the duration of the call. Used heavily in t
he telephone company network.
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) A Cisco-proprietary Layer 2 link discovery pr
otocol enabled on all Cisco devices by default. It is used to discover other CDP-e
nabled devices for autoconfiguring connections and to troubleshoot network devi
ces. Compare with Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).
Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) A Layer 3 switching method. This technique
speeds up packet forwarding by decoupling the usual strict interdependence betw
een Layer 2 and Layer 3 decision-making. The forwarding decision information i
s stored in several data structures for CEF switching. This forwarding informatio
n can be rapidly referenced to expedite packet forwarding decisions.
Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS) A generic term for the collection
of network operating systems used by Cisco networking devices.
classful addressing A unicast IP addressing scheme that is considered to have th
ree parts: a network part, a subnet part, and a host part. The term classful refers t
o the fact that the classful network rules are first applied to the address, and then
the rest of the address can be separated into a subnet and host part to perform sub
netting. Originally, IPv4 addresses were divided into five classes, namely, Class
A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E. Classful addressing is not generally pr
acticed in current network implementations.
classless addressing An IPv4 addressing scheme that uses a subnet mask that do
es not follow classful addressing limitations. It provides increased flexibility whe
n dividing ranges of IP addresses into separate networks. Classless addressing is
considered the best in current network implementations. See also variable length
subnet masking (VLSM).
classless interdomain routing (CIDR) A method of allocating IPv4 addresses t
hat replaced classful network addressing. CIDR does not use the most significant
bits to determine the subnet mask.
client A network device that accesses a service on another computer remotely th
rough a network.
client/server A computer system setup in which tasks are distributed between a s
ervice provider (server) and a service user, such as a workstation (client). The ser
ver is used to store the applications and data, and the majority of the computer pr
ocessing is done on the server.
cloud computing The use of computing resources (hardware and software) that
are delivered as a service over a network. A company uses the hardware and soft
ware in the cloud, and a service fee is charged.
coaxial cable/coax A cable consisting of a hollow outer cylindrical conductor th
at surrounds a single inner wire conductor. Two types of coaxial cable are curren
tly used in LANs: 50-ohm cable, which is used for digital signaling, and 75-ohm
cable, which is used for analog signaling.
collaboration The creation of a document or documents that can be edited by m
ore than one person in real time across a network.
collision fragment Any frame less than 64 bytes in length. These frames are aut
omatically discarded by receiving stations. Also called runt frame.
command-line interface (CLI) A user interface to a computer operating system
or application that depends on textual commands being entered by the user.
communication Transmission and receipt of information.
communities People who share common experiences and hobbies and who exch
ange ideas and information. Communities allow for social interaction that is inde
pendent of location or time zone.
community cloud A cloud model created for exclusive use by a specific commu
nity. The differences between public clouds and community clouds are the functi
onal needs that have been customized for the community.
confidentiality A way of ensuring that only the intended and authorized recipien
ts—individuals, processes, or devices—can access and read data. Confidentiality
is accomplished by having a strong system for user authentication, enforcing pas
swords that are difficult to guess, and requiring users to change them frequently.
Encrypting data, so that only the intended recipient can read it, is also part of con
congested A condition in which a network has more bits to transmit than what th
e bandwidth of the communication channel can deliver.
congestion Traffic in excess of network capacity.
connectionless A term used to describe data transfer without the existence of a v
irtual circuit.
connection-oriented A term used to describe data transfer that requires the estab
lishment of a virtual circuit.
content addressable memory (CAM) table Memory that is accessed based on i
ts contents, not on its memory address. Also known as associative memory.
contention-based A method of networking that is nondeterministic. That is, any
device can try to transmit data across the shared medium whenever it has data to
control plane The Cisco NFP functional area that consists of managing device-g
enerated packets required for the operation of the network itself, such as ARP me
ssage exchanges or OSPF routing advertisements. Compare with management pl
ane and data plane.
converged network A network that aggregates various forms of traffic such as v
oice, video, and data on the same network infrastructure.
crosstalk A source of interference that occurs when cables are bundled together
for long lengths. The signal from one cable can leak out and enter adjacent cable
s. See also electromagnetic interference (EMI).
CSMA/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) A mechanism that regulates the tran
smission of data onto a network medium. CSMA/CA is similar to CSMA/CD ex
cept the devices first request the right to send, which hopefully avoids collisions.
CSMA/CA is used in 802.11 WLANs.
CSMA/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) A media-access mechanism that requi
res a node wishing to transmit to listen for a carrier signal before trying to send. I
f a carrier is sensed, the node waits for the transmission in progress to finish befo
re initiating its own transmission. If a collision occurs and is detected, the sendin
g node uses the backoff algorithm before retransmitting.
custom cloud A cloud built to meet the needs of a specific industry, such as heal
thcare or media. Custom clouds can be private or public.
cut-through switching A frame forwarding method that forwards a frame before
it is entirely received. At a minimum, the destination address of the frame must b
e read before the frame can be forwarded.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) A type of hash function (one-way encryption)
that is used to produce a small, fixed-size checksum of a block of data, such as a
packet or a computer file. A CRC is computed and appended before transmission
or storage, and verified afterward by the recipient to confirm that no changes hav
e happened in transit. Error-checking technique in which the frame recipient calc
ulates a remainder by dividing frame contents by a prime binary divisor and com
pares the calculated remainder to a value stored in the frame by the sending node
daemon A computer program that runs in the background and is usually initiated
as a process. Daemons often support server processes.
data center A facility used to house computer systems and associated componen
ts, including redundant data communications connections, high-speed virtual ser
vers, redundant storage systems, and security devices.
data networks Infrastructure historically used by businesses to record and man
age business systems. Data networks have evolved to enable the transmission of
many different types of information services, including email, video, messaging,
and telephony.
data plane Also called the forwarding plane; the Cisco NFP functional area resp
onsible for forwarding data. Data plane traffic normally consists of user-generate
d packets being forwarded between end devices. Most traffic travels through the
router, or switch, via the data plane. Compare with control plane and manageme
nt plane.
datagram The logical grouping of information sent as a network layer unit over
a transmission medium without prior establishment of a virtual circuit. IP datagra
ms are the primary information units in the Internet. The terms frame, message, p
acket, and segment are also called datagrams. See also protocol data units (PDU
decapsulation (de-encapsulation) A process by which an end device, after it re
ceives data over some transmission medium, examines the headers and trailers a
t each successive higher layer, eventually handing the data to the correct applicat
ion. Sometimes called de-encapsulation.
default gateway A device on a network that serves as an access point to other ne
tworks. A default gateway is used by a host to forward IP packets that have desti
nation addresses outside the local subnet. A router interface typically is used as t
he default gateway. When the computer needs to send a packet to another subnet,
it sends the packet to its default gateway. Also known as default router.
default route A route that needs zero (no) bits to match with the destination IP a
ddress of the packet.
demilitarized zone (DMZ) The area of an internal network where resources are
available to the Internet, such as a web server, and that has devices with IPv6 add
resses and public IPv4 addresses accessible via the Internet.
denial-of-service (DoS) attack An attack that prevents authorized people from u
sing a service by consuming system resources. To help prevent DoS attacks it is i
mportant to stay up to date with the latest security updates for operating systems
and applications.
destination The target host for a message. Ethernet/IP frames contain a destinati
on MAC and IP address.
destination IP address The Layer 3 address to which the data is going.
dial-up telephone An inexpensive option that uses any phone line and a modem.
The low bandwidth provided by a dial-up modem connection is not sufficient for
large data transfer, although it is useful for mobile access while traveling.
digital subscriber line (DSL) A technology that provides high bandwidth, high
availability, and an always-on connection to the Internet. DSL runs over a teleph
one line. In general, small office and home office users connect using Asymmetr
ical DSL (ADSL), which means that the download speed is faster than the uploa
d speed.
directed broadcast A term that describes IPv4 packets sent to all hosts in a parti
cular network. In a directed broadcast, a single copy of the packet is routed to the
specified network, where it is broadcast to all hosts on that network.
directly connected network A network that is connected to a router’s physical
Ethernet or serial interfaces.
distributed denial of service (DDoS) A version of a DoS attack where multiple
coordinated systems are used to attack and prevent authorized people from using
a service by consuming system resources.
divide-and-conquer troubleshooting A troubleshooting approach that starts by
collecting users’ experiences with a problem and documenting the symptoms. Th
en, using that information, you make an informed guess about the OSI layer at w
hich to start your investigation. After you verify that a layer is functioning prope
rly, assume that the layers below it are functioning and work up the OSI layers. I
f an OSI layer is not functioning properly, work your way down the OSI layer m
odel. Compare with bottom-up troubleshooting and top-down troubleshooting.
Domain Name System (DNS) An Internet-wide system by which a hierarchical
set of DNS servers collectively holds all the name-to-IP address mappings, with
DNS servers referring users to the correct DNS server to successfully resolve a D
NS name.
dual stack A device that is enabled for both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.
duplex Two types of settings used for communications on networks: half duplex
and full duplex. Half-duplex communication relies on unidirectional data flow w
here sending and receiving data are not performed at the same time. In full-duple
x communication, data flow is bidirectional, so data can be sent and received at t
he same time.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) A protocol used to dynamical
ly assign IP configurations to hosts. The services defined by the protocol are use
d to request and assign an IP address, default gateway, and DNS server address t
o a network host.
dynamic routing protocol Protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF that are used to a
ccess remote networks.
electromagnetic interference (EMI) Interference by magnetic signals caused b
y the flow of electricity. EMI can cause reduced data integrity and increased erro
r rates on transmission channels. The physics of this process are that electrical cu
rrent creates magnetic fields, which in turn cause other electrical currents in near
by wires. The induced electrical currents can interfere with proper operation of th
e other wire.
enable password An unencrypted password used to limit access to privileged E
XEC mode from IOS user EXEC mode.
enable secret An encrypted password used to limit access to privileged EXEC m
ode from IOS user EXEC mode.
encapsulation The process by which a device adds networking headers and trail
ers to data from an application for the eventual transmission of the data onto a tra
nsmission medium.
encoding The process by which bits are represented on a media.
end device Either the source or destination of a message transmitted over the net
EtherChannel The logical interface on a Cisco device associated with a bundle
of routed ports to aggregate bandwidth.
Ethernet A baseband LAN specification invented by Xerox Corporation and de
veloped jointly by Xerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation. Ethernet net
works use CSMA/CD and run over a variety of cable types at 10 Mbps. Ethernet
is similar to the IEEE 802.3 series.
expectational acknowledgment An acknowledgment used by TCP where the A
CK number is sent back to the source to indicate the next byte that the receiver e
xpects to receive.
extended star topology A hierarchical star topology with devices connected to a
central device and additional devices connected to those devices.
Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64) A process that uses a client’s 48-bit Ethe
rnet MAC address and inserts another 16 bits in the middle of the 48-bit MAC ad
dress to create a 64-bit Interface ID for an IPv6 global unicast address.
extranet Part of the network that provides secure and safe access to individuals
who work for a different organization but require access to the organization’s da
fast-forward switching A type of switching that offers a low level of latency by
immediately forwarding a packet after reading the destination address.
fault tolerant Technologies that limit the impact of a failure, so that the fewest n
umber of devices are affected. It is also built in a way that allows quick recovery
when such a failure occurs.
fault-tolerant network A term for limiting the impact of a failure so that the fe
west number of devices are affected and for the shortest time.
fiber-optic cable A physical medium that uses glass or plastic threads to transm
it data. A fiber-optic cable consists of a bundle of these threads, each of which is
capable of transmitting data into light waves.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) An application protocol, part of the TCP/IP proto
col stack, used for transferring files between network nodes. FTP is defined in R
FC 959.
firewall A network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgo
ing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security po
flash A removable component that has memory space for storage. Used on the ro
uter or switch for storing the compressed operating system image.
flow control The management of data flow between devices in a network. It is u
sed to avoid too much data arriving before a device can handle it, causing data o
Forwarding Information Base (FIB) A data structure that contains all routes kn
own. Conceptually, the FIB is similar to a routing table. A networking device use
s the FIB lookup table to make destination-based switching decisions.
fragment-free switching A type of switching in which a switch stores the first 6
4 bytes of the frame before forwarding. It can be viewed as a compromise betwe
en store-and-forward switching and fast-forward switching.
fragmentation Dividing of IP datagrams to meet the MTU requirements of a La
yer 2 protocol.
frame An OSI Layer 2 data link protocol data unit that encapsulates data.
full duplex The mode in which two devices can transmit and receive on the med
ia at the same time.
fully qualified domain name (FQDN) A domain name that specifies the exact l
ocation in the Domain Name System’s tree hierarchy through to a top-level dom
ain and finally to the root domain.
gateway Normally, a relatively general term that refers to different kinds of netw
orking devices. Historically, when routers were created, they were called gatewa
global configuration mode The mode from which you can configure global para
meters or enter other configuration submodes such as interface, router, and line c
onfiguration submodes. From the privileged mode, you can enter the device’s glo
bal configuration mode.
Global Positioning System (GPS) An accurate worldwide navigational and surv
eying facility based on the reception of signals from an array of orbiting satellite
global routing prefix The IPv6 prefix, or network, portion of the address that is
assigned by the provider, such as an ISP, to a customer or site.
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Currently, the most comm
on type of cellular telephone network.
global unicast address An IPv6 address similar to a public IPv4 address. Global
unicast addresses are globally unique, Internet-routable addresses. They can be c
onfigured statically or assigned dynamically.
goodput Application-level throughput. It is the number of useful bits per unit of
time from a certain source address to a certain destination, excluding protocol ov
erhead and excluding retransmitted data packets.
graphical user interface (GUI) A user-friendly interface that uses graphical ima
ges and widgets, along with text, to indicate the information and actions availabl
e to a user when interacting with a computer.
half duplex A mode in which two devices can transmit and receive on the media
but cannot do so simultaneously.
header Control information added before data during the encapsulation for netw
ork transmission.
hexadecimal (base 16) A number system using the digits 0 through 9, with their
usual meaning, plus the letters A through F to represent hexadecimal digits with
values of 10 to 15. The right-most digit counts ones, the next counts multiples of
16, then 162 = 256.
hextet The unofficial term used to refer to a segment of 16 bits or four hexadeci
mal values. For IPv6 addressing, each digit is a single hextet, 16 bits or four hexa
decimal digits.
host address The IPv4 address of a network host. When talking about host addre
sses, they are the network layer addresses.
hybrid cloud A cloud model that combines two or more cloud models (that is, p
rivate, community, or public), where each part remains a distinctive object, but b
oth are connected using a single architecture. Individuals on a hybrid cloud woul
d be able to have degrees of access to various services based on user access right
s. Compare with public cloud, private cloud, and community cloud.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) The standard markup language for web
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) An application layer protocol for transmi
tting hypermedia documents, such as HTML.
hypervisor Software that creates and runs virtual machines (VMs), which are e
mulated hardware including CPU, memory, storage, and networking settings in o
ne OS. A hypervisor adds an abstraction layer on top of the real physical hardwar
e to create VMs. Each VM runs a complete and separate operating system.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) A cloud service in which the cloud provider
is responsible for access to the network equipment, virtualized network services,
and supporting network infrastructure. IaaS provides processing, storage, networ
king, or other fundamental computing resources to customers. Compare with Soft
ware as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).
initial sequence number (ISN) Randomly chosen number used to begin trackin
g the flow of data from the client to the server for this session. The ISN in the he
ader of each segment is increased by one for each byte of data sent from the clien
t to the server as the data conversation continues.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) An international, non
profit organization for the advancement of technology related to electricity. IEEE
maintains the standards defining many LAN protocols.
integrity The assurance that the information has not been altered in transmission
, from origin to destination. Data integrity can be compromised when informatio
n has been corrupted—willfully or accidentally. Data integrity is made possible b
y requiring validation of the sender as well as using mechanisms to validate that t
he packet has not changed during transmission.
interface Specialized ports on a networking device that connect to individual net
works. Because routers are used to interconnect networks, the ports on a router ar
e referred to as network interfaces.
interface ID The host portion of an IPv6 global unicast address.
intermediary device A type of device that connects end devices to the network a
nd can connect multiple individual networks to form an internetwork.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) An international standa
rds body that defines many networking standards. Also, the standards body that c
reated the OSI model.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) The United Nations (UN) age
ncy responsible for issues that concern information and communication technolo
Internet The network that combines enterprise networks, individual users, and I
SPs into a single global IP network.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) An organization that assigns th
e numbers important to the proper operation of the TCP/IP protocol and the Inter
net, including assigning globally unique IP addresses.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) As part of the TCP/IP Internet lay
er, a protocol that defines messages used to inform network engineers of how we
ll an internetwork is working. For example, the ping command sends ICMP mes
sages to determine whether a host can send packets to another host.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) The organization that publishes RFC
s authored by network operators, engineers, and computer scientists to document
methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the Internet link.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) The protocol that describes a metho
d to retrieve email messages. Unlike POP, with IMAP, copies of the messages ar
e downloaded to the client application, but the original messages are kept on the
server until manually deleted.
Internet of Things (IoT) A reference to adding devices of all types onto the Inte
rnet. IoT brings together people, processes, data, and things to make networked c
onnections more relevant and valuable.
Internet service provider (ISP) A company that helps create the Internet by pro
viding connectivity to enterprises and individuals, as well as interconnecting to o
ther ISPs to create connectivity to all other ISPs.
intranet The private connection of LANs and WANs that belong to an organizat
ion and designed to be accessible only by the organization’s members, employee
s, or others with authorization.
IP address An IPv4 or IPv6 address used to uniquely identify an interface conne
cted to an IP network. It is also used as a destination address in an IP header to al
low routing. As a source address, it enables a computer to receive a packet and to
know to which IP address a response should be sent.
IPv4 address A 32-bit number, written in dotted-decimal notation, used by the I
Pv4 protocol to uniquely identify an interface connected to an IPv4 network. It is
also used as a destination address in an IP header to allow routing. As a source a
ddress, it enables a computer to receive a packet and to know to which IP addres
s a response should be sent.
IPv6 address A 128-bit number, written in hexadecimal, used by the IPv6 proto
col to uniquely identify an interface connected to an IPv6 network. It is also used
as a destination address in an IPv6 header to allow routing. As a source address, i
t enables a computer to receive a packet and to know to which IPv6 address a res
ponse should be sent.
jumbo frame An Ethernet frame with more than 1500 bytes of data.
kernel The portion of the operating system that interacts directly with computer
latency The amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from one given p
oint to another.
limited broadcast A broadcast that is sent to a specific network or series of netw
link-local address (LLA) An IPv4 or IPv6 address used only to address devices
on the same network segment.
link-local IPv4 address An IPv4 address in the range of to 169.254.
254.255. Communication with these addresses uses a TTL of 1 and is limited to t
he local network.
link-local IPv6 address An IPv6 address used to communicate with other device
s on the same local link. With IPv6, the term link refers to a subnet. Link-local ad
dresses are confined to a single link. Their uniqueness must only be confirmed o
n that link because they are not routable beyond the link.
local area network (LAN) A network infrastructure that provides access to user
s and end devices in a small geographical area, which is typically an enterprise, h
ome, or small business network owned and managed by an individual or IT depa
Logical Link Control (LLC) The IEEE 802.2 standard that defines the upper su
blayer of the Ethernet Layer 2 specifications (and other LAN standards).
logical topology See logical topology diagram.
logical topology diagram A map of the devices on a network representing how t
he devices communicate with each other. It identifies the devices, ports, and add
ressing scheme.
loopback See loopback address.
loopback address A special reserved IPv4 address,, or IPv6 address, :
:1, that can be used to test TCP/IP applications. Packets sent to (or ::1)
by a computer never leave the computer or even require a working NIC. Instead,
the packet is processed by IP at the lowest layer and is then sent back up the TCP
/IP stack to another application on that same computer.
loopback interface A virtual interface that can be used to connect or identify a d
evice using an IP address.
MAC address table On a switch, a table that lists all known MAC addresses, an
d the switch port that the switch should use to forward frames sent to a destinatio
n MAC address.
malware Short for “malicious software,” it refers to any intrusive software devel
oped by cybercriminals to steal data and damage or destroy computers and comp
uter systems.
Manchester encoding A line code in which each bit of data is signified by at lea
st one voltage level transition.
maximum transmission unit (MTU) The largest IP packet size allowed to be se
nt out a particular interface. Ethernet interfaces default to an MTU of 1500 becau
se the data field of a standard Ethernet frame should be limited to 1500 bytes, an
d the IP packet sits inside the Ethernet frame’s data field. The Gigabit Ethernet st
andard supports “jumbo frames,” which can be as large as 9216 including taggin
Media Access Control (MAC) The lower of the two sublayers of the IEEE stan
dard for Ethernet. It is also the name of that sublayer (as defined by the IEEE 80
2.3 subcommittee).
media independent The term describing the networking layers whose processes
are not affected by the media being used. In Ethernet, these are all the layers fro
m the LLC sublayer of data link upward.
medium The channel over which a message travels from source to destination.
medium to large network The size of network used by corporations and school
s; it can have many locations with hundreds or thousands of interconnected comp
mobile learning A physical or virtual environment supporting learning.
multicast A message sent to selected hosts that are part of a group. A single pac
ket is copied by the network and sent to a specific subset of network addresses. T
hese addresses are specified in the destination address field. Compare with broad
cast and unicast.
multicast group/client A member of a multicast group. Every multicast client in
each group has the same IP address. IPv4 multicast addresses begin with 224.*.*.
* and end with 239.*.*.*. IPv6 multicast addresses have the prefix ff00::/8.
multicast transmission See multicast.
multiplexing A process in which multiple digital data streams are combined into
one signal.
near-field communication (NFC) A wireless communication technology that e
nables data to be exchanged by devices that are in very close proximity to each o
ther, usually less than a few centimeters.
Neighbor Advertisement message Similar to an ARP reply for IPv4, ICMPv6
message sent by devices in response to an ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation messag
e containing the IPv6 address and the corresponding MAC address.
Neighbor Solicitation message Similar to an ARP request for IPv4, ICMPv6 me
ssage sent by devices when they know the IPv6 address but need the correspondi
ng MAC address.
network address A dotted-decimal number defined by the IPv4 protocol to repr
esent a network or subnet. It represents the network that hosts reside in. Also call
ed a network number or network ID.
Network Address Translation (NAT) Translation of IP addresses to different a
ddresses. This is commonly used to translate RFC 1918 addresses that are not ro
uted on the Internet to public domain addresses that can be routed on the Interne
Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) A translation technique similar to
NAT for IPv4 that enables IPv6-enabled devices to communicate with IPv4-enab
led devices. An IPv6 packet is translated to an IPv4 packet and vice versa.
network architecture Technologies that support the infrastructure and the progr
ammed services and rules, or protocols, that move data across the network.
network infrastructure The architecture defining the connection within a netwo
rk; refers to the physical hardware and connections used to transmit data.
network interface card (NIC) Computer hardware, typically used for LANs, th
at enables the computer to connect to some networking cable. The NIC can then
send and receive data over the cable at the direction of the computer.
network prefix The initial part of a Layer 3 IP address. Routers use the network
prefix to forward the packet to the proper network.
next hop The next gateway to which a Layer 3 packet is delivered, used to reach
its destination.
nibble boundary A network mask that uses nibbles aligned for subnet masks. A
nibble is 4 bits or one hexadecimal digit. When subnetting an IPv6 address, the b
est practice is to subnet on a nibble boundary.
nonreturn to zero (NRZ) Line code in which ones (1s) are represented by one s
ignificant condition and zeros (0s) are represented by another.
nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) RAM that does not lose its contents when the dev
ice is powered off.
nslookup A service or program to look up information in the Domain Name Sys
tem (DNS).
octet A group of 8 binary bits. It is similar to, but not the same as, a byte. One ap
plication in computer networking is to use octets to divide IPv4 addresses into fo
ur components.
octet boundary The part of an IPv4 address that falls between an octet.
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) A conceptual model created by the Intern
ational Organization for Standardization that provides a common basis for the co
ordination of standards development and a foundation for how systems communi
cate over a network.
organizationally unique identifier (OUI) The first half of a MAC address. Man
ufacturers must ensure that the value of the OUI has been registered with the IEE
E. This value identifies the manufacturer of any Ethernet NIC or interface.
overhead Resources used to manage or operate the network. Overhead consume
s bandwidth and reduces the amount of application data that can be transported a
cross the network.
packet switched Network architecture that routes packets along the path perceiv
ed as the most efficient and enables a communications channel to be shared by m
ultiple connections.
peer-to-peer (P2P) A type of network in which each device serves as both a clie
nt and a server portion of an application. P2P also describes a small local networ
k where hosts can play the role of client and/or server.
peer-to-peer file sharing Sharing files between users without having to store an
d download them from a central server. A user joins a P2P network by simply ins
talling the P2P software.
phishing An attack that uses a form of counterfeit communications to appear tha
t it comes from a trustworthy source but which can compromise all types of data
physical media The cabling and connectors used to interconnect the network de
physical port A connector or outlet on a networking device where the media is c
onnected to an end device or another networking device.
physical topology The arrangement of the nodes in a network and the physical c
onnections between them. This is the representation of how the media is used to
connect the devices.
physical topology diagram A map that identifies the physical location of interm
ediary devices and cable installation.
ping A troubleshooting tool used to verify network connectivity by sending a pa
cket to a specific IP address and waiting for the reply.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) A cloud service in which the cloud provider is res
ponsible for access to the development tools and services used to deliver the app
lications. Compare with Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Ser
vice (IaaS).
port In networking, this term is used in several ways. With Ethernet hub and sw
itch hardware, a port is simply another name for an interface, which is a physica
l connector in the switch into which a cable can be connected. With TCP and UD
P, a port is a software function that uniquely identifies a software process on a co
mputer that uses TCP or UDP. With PCs, a port can be a physical connector on t
he PC, like a parallel or USB port.
port numbers A TCP or UDP field used to identify the source or destination app
Post Office Protocol (POP) A protocol that enables a computer to retrieve emai
l from a server.
power over Ethernet (PoE) The powering of network devices over Ethernet cab
le. PoE is defined by two different standards: IEEE 802.3af and Cisco.
powerline technology An emerging trend for home networking that uses existin
g electrical wiring to connect devices.
preferred format The way an address is represented; for example, with x:x:x:x:
x:x:x:x in IPv6, each “x” consists of four hexadecimal values.
prefix length In IP subnetting, the portion of a set of IP addresses whose value
must be identical for the addresses to be in the same subnet.
private address Defined in RFC 1918, an IP address that does not have to be glo
bally unique because the address exists inside packets only when the packets are
inside a single private IP internetwork. Private IP addresses are popularly used in
most companies today, with NAT translating the private IP addresses into global
ly unique IP addresses.
private cloud A cloud model in which all cloud-based applications and services
offered are intended for an enterprise only. A private cloud can be provisioned in
ternally but would be expensive to build and maintain. A private cloud can also b
e provisioned strict access security by a cloud provider. Compare with public clo
ud, hybrid cloud, and community cloud.
private IPv4 address An address assigned from a special IPv4 address range tha
t cannot be routed over the Internet.
privileged executive (EXEC) mode An IOS administrative level mode that sup
ports access to configuration and management commands.
proprietary One company’s or vendor’s control over the definition of a protocol
and how it functions. Some proprietary protocols can be used by different organi
zations with permission from the owner. Others can only be implemented on equ
ipment manufactured by the proprietary vendor.
protocol analyzer A network monitoring device that gathers information regard
ing the status of the network and devices attached to it. Also known as network a
nalyzer or packet sniffer.
protocol data unit (PDU) A generic term from OSI that refers to the data, heade
rs, and trailers about which a particular networking layer is concerned.
protocol suite A delineation of networking protocols and standards into differen
t categories, called layers, along with definitions of which sets of standards and p
rotocols need to be implemented to create products that can be used to create a w
orking network.
protocols Written specifications that define what tasks a service or device shoul
d perform. Each protocol defines messages, often in the form of headers, plus th
e rules and processes by which these messages are used to achieve some stated p
public address An IP address that has been registered with IANA or one of its m
ember agencies, which guarantees that the address is globally unique. Globally u
nique public IP addresses can be used for packets sent through the Internet.
public cloud A cloud model in which all cloud-based applications and services a
re offered publicly. Services may be free or are offered on a pay-per-use model, s
uch as paying for online storage. The public cloud uses the Internet to provide se
rvices. Compare with private cloud, hybrid cloud, and community cloud.
public IPv4 address An IPv4 address that has been registered with IANA or on
e of its member agencies, which guarantees that the address is globally unique. G
lobally unique public IPv4 addresses can be used for packets sent through the Int
quality of service (QoS) A control mechanism that can provide different prioriti
es to different users or data flows, or guarantee a certain level of performance to
a data flow in accordance with requests from the application program.
queuing In routing and switching, a backlog of packets or frames waiting to be f
orwarded out an interface.
radio frequency interference (RFI) Radio frequencies that create noise which i
nterferes with information being transmitted across unshielded copper cabling.
random-access memory (RAM) The main working area, or temporary storage
, used by the CPU for most processing and operations. Also known as read-write
memory, RAM can have new data written to it and can have stored data read fro
m it. A drawback of RAM is that it requires electrical power to maintain data sto
rage. If the computer is turned off or loses power, all data stored in RAM is lost
unless the data was previously saved to disk. Memory boards with RAM chips pl
ug into the motherboard.
real-time traffic Data traffic that carries signal output as it happens or as fast as
possible. Real-time traffic is sensitive to latency and jitter.
redundancy In internetworking, a network architecture designed to eliminate ne
twork downtime caused by a single point of failure. Redundancy includes the rep
lication of devices, services, or connections that support operations even in the o
ccurrence of a failure.
reference model A conceptual framework to help understand and implement the
relationships between various protocols.
Regional Internet Registry (RIR) Five organizations responsible for allocating
IP addresses within their geographic region.
reliable A characteristic of a protocol that uses mechanisms such as handshaking
, timers, acknowledgment messages, and dynamic windowing to help ensure that
data received is the same as the data received. Reliable protocols require addition
al overhead on the network in terms of much larger segment headers.
remote network An IP network that can be reached by forwarding a packet to a
Requests for Comments (RFC) A series of documents and memoranda encomp
assing new research, innovations, and methodologies applicable to Internet techn
ologies. RFCs are a reference for how technologies should work.
response timeout How long a service waits on a response before taking some ac
tion. How long a service waits and what action is taken if a response timeout occ
urs are defined by the protocol.
ring topology A physical network topology in which each system is connected t
o its respective neighbors, forming a ring. The ring does not need to be terminate
d, unlike in the bus topology. Legacy Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) an
d Token Ring networks used ring topologies.
round-trip time (RTT) The time required for some networking PDUs to be sen
t and received, and a response PDU to be sent and received. In other words, the t
ime between when a device sends data and when the same device receives a resp
Router Advertisement (RA) message ICMPv6 messages sent by routers to pro
vide addressing information to hosts using SLAAC.
Router Solicitation (RS) message ICMPv6 messages sent by devices to request
an ICMPv6 Router Advertisement message.
routing The process by which a router receives an incoming frame, discards the
data-link header and trailer, makes a forwarding decision based on the destinatio
n IP address, adds a new data-link header and trailer based on the outgoing interf
ace, and forwards the new frame out the outgoing interface.
runt frame Any frame less than 64 bytes in length. These frames are automatica
lly discarded by receiving stations. Also called collision fragment.
satellite The availability of satellite Internet access is a benefit in those areas tha
t would otherwise have no Internet connectivity at all. Satellite dishes require a c
lear line of sight to the satellite.
scalable network A network that expands quickly to support new users and appl
ications without impacting the performance of the service being delivered to exis
ting users.
Secure Shell (SSH) A protocol that provides a secure remote connection to a hos
t through a TCP application.
segment (1) A collision domain that is a section of a LAN that is bound by bridg
es, routers, or switches. (2) In a LAN using a bus topology, a segment is a contin
uous electrical circuit that is often connected to other such segments with repeate
rs. (3) When used with TCP, the term segment (verb) refers to the work TCP doe
s to accept a large piece of data from an application and break it into smaller piec
es. (4) Again with TCP, segment (noun) refers to one of those smaller pieces of d
segmenting In TCP, the process of taking a large chunk of data and breaking it i
nto small-enough pieces to fit within a TCP segment without breaking any rules
about the maximum amount of data allowed in a segment.
selective acknowledgment (SACK) An optional TCP feature that makes it poss
ible for the destination to acknowledge bytes in discontinuous segments. With S
ACK, the source host would only need to retransmit the specific unacknowledge
d data rather than retransmitting all data since the last acknowledged data.
sequence number Information placed in a data header to ensure correct sequenc
ing of the arriving data.
server (1) Computer hardware that is to be used by multiple concurrent users. (2
) Computer software that provides services to many users. For example, a web se
rver consists of web server software running on some computer.
Server Message Block (SMB) An application-level network protocol mainly ap
plied to shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and miscellaneous communic
ations between nodes on a network.
Service Set Identifier (SSID) The name of a wireless local area network (WLA
N), which serves to differentiate it from other wireless networks.
session A related set of communications transactions between two or more netw
ork devices.
shell The portion of the operating system that interfaces with applications and th
e user.
shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable A type of network cabling that includes twist
ed-pair wires, with shielding around each pair of wires, as well as another shield
around all wires in the cable.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) An application layer protocol providin
g electronic mail services to transfer mail from client to server and between serv
slash notation A method of expressing a network prefix. It uses a forward slash
(/) followed by the network prefix—for example, /24. This /24 rep
resents the 24-bit network prefix in slash format.
small office/home office (SOHO) network Computers within a home office or
a remote office connecting to a corporate network or accessing centralized, share
d resources.
smart home technology Technology that is integrated into everyday appliances
allowing them to interconnect with other devices, making them more “smart” or
socket A logical communications endpoint within a network device. A socket is t
ypically represented by a Layer 3 address and a Layer 4 port number.
socket pair The combination of the source IP address and source port number or
the destination IP address and destination port number.
Software as a Service (SaaS) A cloud service in which the cloud provider is res
ponsible to provide consumers with fully functional applications. The cloud prov
ider manages the underlying hardware or software infrastructure and is responsib
le for access to services, such as email, communication, and office applications t
hat are delivered over the Internet. Users only need to provide their data. Compar
e with Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
software-defined networking (SDN) Architecture that decouples network contr
ol (control plane) from the network devices (forwarding plane). SDN brings auto
mation and programmability into data center, campus, backbone, and wide area n
solicited node multicast address An IPv6 multicast address associated with an I
Pv6 unicast address and mapped to a special Ethernet multicast address.
source The device that originates protocol data units (PDUs).
source IP address The IP address of the originating host that is placed into an IP
packet header.
spoofing Masquerading as another person or program to gain access to data and
a network.
standard An internationally recognized definition of technical specifications tha
t ensures worldwide consistency.
star topology A physical topology in which a central device or central site interc
onnects other devices or sites.
stateful Tracking of actual conversations and their state of the communication se
ssion for a protocol, such as TCP.
stateful DHCPv6 Similar to DHCP for IPv4, a method of providing IPv6 addres
s, prefix length, and other information such as DNS server and domain name. Do
es not provide a default gateway address.
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) An IPv6 feature that enables d
evices to connect themselves to create its own IPv6 global unicast address witho
ut any manual configuration and without the services of a DHCPv6 server.
stateless DHCPv6 Similar to DHCP for IPv4, a method of providing informatio
n other than the IPv6 address and prefix length, such as DNS server and domain
name. Does not provide a default gateway address.
static route A remote network in a routing table that has been manually entered i
nto the table by a network administrator.
store-and-forward switching A frame forwarding method that receives an entir
e frame and computes the CRC. CRC uses a mathematical formula, based on the
number of bits (1s) in the frame, to determine whether the received frame has an
error. If the CRC is valid, the switch looks up the destination address, which dete
rmines the outgoing interface. Then the frame is forwarded out the correct port.
subnet A group of IP addresses that have the same value in the first part of the I
P addresses, for the purpose of allowing routing to identify the group by that initi
al part of the addresses. IP addresses in the same subnet typically sit on the same
network medium and are not separated from each other by any routers. IP addres
ses on different subnets are typically separated from one another by at least one r
outer. Subnet is short for subnetwork.
subnet ID Part of the IPv6 global unicast address used by an organization to ide
ntify subnets within its site. The larger the subnet ID, the more subnets available.
subnet mask A dotted-decimal number that helps identify the structure of IPv4 a
ddresses. The mask represents the network and subnet parts of related IPv4 addre
sses with binary ones (1s) and the host part of related IPv4 addresses with binary
zeros (0s).
subnetwork See subnet.
switch fabric The integrated circuits and accompanying machine programming i
n a switch that enables the data paths through the switch to be controlled.
switch form-factor pluggable (SFP) Removable modules used in routers and s
witches to support a number of different network media.
switch virtual interface (SVI) Virtual interface for which there is no physical h
ardware on the device associated. An SVI is created in software. The virtual inter
faces are used as a means to remotely manage a switch over a network. They are
also used as a method of routing between VLANs.
Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Association
(TIA/EIA) An organization that develops standards that relate to telecommunica
tions technologies. Together, the TIA and EIA have formalized standards, such a
s EIA/TIA-232, for the electrical characteristics of data transmission.
TelePresence Cisco multimedia products for business virtual meetings and colla
Telnet A nonsecure network service that supports command-line interface (CLI)
access to a remote host. It also can be used to verify the application layer softwar
e between source and destination stations.
terminal emulation A network application in which a computer runs software th
at makes it appear to a remote host as a directly attached terminal.
test-net address The IPv4 address block to ( /24)
that is set aside for teaching and learning purposes. These addresses can be used i
n documentation and network examples.
threat domain An area of control, authority, or protection that attackers can expl
oit to gain access to a system.
three-way handshake The process used by TCP to establish a session.
throughput The actual data transfer rate between two computers at some point i
n time. Throughput is impacted by the slowest-speed link used to send data betw
een the two computers, as well as myriad variables that might change during the
course of a day.
Time-to-Live (TTL) field A field in the IP header that prevents a packet from in
definitely looping around an IP internetwork. Routers decrement the TTL field e
ach time they forward a packet, and if they decrement the TTL to 0, the router di
scards the packet, which prevents it from looping forever.
top-down troubleshooting A troubleshooting approach that starts with the end-u
ser applications and moves down through the layers of the OSI model until the c
ause of the problem is found. You test end-user applications of an end system bef
ore tackling the more specific networking pieces. Use this approach for simpler p
roblems or when you think the problem is with a piece of software. Compare wit
h bottom-up troubleshooting and divide-and-conquer troubleshooting.
topology The arrangement of networking components or nodes. Examples includ
e star, extended star, ring, and mesh.
traceroute (tracert) A command on many computer operating systems that disc
overs the IP addresses, and possibly host names, of the routers used by the netwo
rk when sending a packet from one computer to another.
traffic prioritization A process in quality of service (QoS) where frames are for
warded in priority order based on their marking.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) A Layer 4 protocol of the TCP/IP model
. TCP lets applications guarantee delivery of data across a network.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) A protocol similar to FTP that provides
the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network. TFTP is suppo
rted by UDP, whereas FTP is supported by TCP.
Trojan horse A type of malware named after the wooden horse the Greeks used
to infiltrate Troy. It is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate. Users ar
e typically tricked into loading and executing it on their systems.
tunneling Encapsulating an IP packet inside another IP packet.
unicast A message sent to a single network destination. Compare with broadcas
t and multicast.
unicast transmission See unicast.
unique local address IPv6 similar to RFC 1918 private addresses for IPv4. Uniq
ue local addresses are used for local addressing within a site or between a limited
number of sites. These addresses should not be routable in the global IPv6 Intern
et. Unique local addresses are in the range of fc00::/7 to fdff::/7.
unknown unicast An Ethernet frame that does not have an entry in the switch’s
MAC address table for the destination MAC address.
unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable A general type of cable, with the cable ho
lding twisted pairs of copper wires and the cable itself having little shielding.
unspecified address An IPv6 all-zeros (0s) address represented in the compresse
d format as ::/128 or just ::. It cannot be assigned to an interface and is only to be
used as a source address in an IPv6 packet. An unspecified address is used as a s
ource address when the device does not yet have a permanent IPv6 address or wh
en the source of the packet is irrelevant to the destination.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) A connectionless transport layer protocol in th
e TCP/IP protocol stack. UDP is a simple protocol that exchanges datagrams wit
hout acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery, requiring that error processing an
d retransmission be handled.
user executive (EXEC) mode The limited CLI mode where the commands avail
able to the user are a subset of those available at the privileged level. In general, t
he user EXEC commands are used to temporarily change terminal settings, perfo
rm basic tests, and list system information.
variable length subnet masking (VLSM) Specifying a different subnet mask fo
r the same network number on different subnets. VLSM can help optimize availa
ble address space.
virtual circuit A logical connection created within a network between two netw
ork devices.
virtual classroom A logical classroom environment created as a collaboration sp
ace without physical restraints.
virtual local area network (VLAN) A network of end devices that behave as if
they are connected to the same network segment, even though they might be phy
sically located on different segments of a LAN. VLANs are configured through s
oftware on the switch and router (IOS on Cisco routers and switches).
virtual terminal line (vty) The reference to text-based logical interfaces on an I
OS device. These are accessed using Telnet or SSH to perform administrative tas
ks. Vty lines are also called virtual type terminal.
virtualization The creation of a virtual version of something, such as a hardware
platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or network resources. Virtualiza
tion separates the service from the hardware. As an example, a virtual machine c
onsists of a set of files and programs running on an actual physical system.
virus A type of malware that propagates by inserting a copy of itself into, and be
coming part of, another program. It spreads from one computer to another, leavin
g infections as it travels.
voice over IP (VoIP) Voice data encapsulated in an IP packet that enables it to t
raverse already implemented IP networks without needing its own network infra
well-known IPv6 multicast address A predefined IPv6 multicast address used t
o reach a group of devices running a common protocol or service.
Wi-Fi A wireless LAN (WLAN) technology that uses a contention-based protoc
ol known as CSMA/CA. The wireless NIC must first listen before transmitting t
o determine if the radio channel is clear. If another wireless device is transmittin
g, the NIC must wait until the channel is clear. Wi-Fi, which is a trademark of th
e Wi-Fi Alliance, is used with certified WLAN devices based on the IEEE 802.1
1 standards.
wide area network (WAN) A network infrastructure that provides access to oth
er networks over a wide geographical area, which is typically owned and manage
d by a telecommunications service provider.
window size The maximum amount of unacknowledged data a host is willing to
receive before the other sending host must wait for an acknowledgment as filed i
n the TCP header that is set in a sent segment. Used for flow control.
wireless access point (WAP) A network device that provides connectivity of wi
reless clients to connect to a data network.
wireless Internet service provider (WISP) An ISP that connects subscribers to
a designated access point or hotspot using similar wireless technologies found in
home wireless local area networks (WLANs).
wireless LAN (WLAN) A wireless computer network that enables two or more
devices to communicate using wireless communication to form a local area netw
ork (LAN).
worms Similar to viruses in that they replicate functional copies of themselves a
nd can cause the same type of damage. In contrast to viruses, which require the s
preading of an infected host file, worms are standalone software and do not requ
ire a host program or human help to propagate. A worm does not need to attach t
o a program to infect a host and enter a computer through a vulnerability in the s