Composites: Part A: J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom
Composites: Part A: J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom
Composites: Part A: J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom
Composites: Part A
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Article history: Composite materials usage is limited by linear elasticity and the sudden, brittle failure they often exhibit.
Received 30 July 2014 It is possible to mitigate this inherent limitation and enlarge the design space by using thin plies. This
Received in revised form 28 October 2014 paper presents an experimental study, using a spread tow thin ply carbon–epoxy prepreg material with
Accepted 1 November 2014
a cured ply thickness of 0.03 mm, which shows that highly non-linear stress–strain behaviour can be
Available online 10 November 2014
achieved with angle-ply laminates, whilst suppressing the damage mechanisms that normally cause their
premature failure. Several angles between 15° and 45° are investigated in a ½h5 s layup. It is shown that
for all angles delaminations are suppressed, allowing considerable pseudo-ductile strains to develop.
A. Laminates
B. Delamination
Significant fibre rotations take place, permitted by matrix plasticity, leading to a post-yield stiffening
C. Laminate mechanics of the laminate, as the fibres reorient towards the direction of loading.
D. Mechanical testing Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
1359-835X/Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom / Composites: Part A 69 (2015) 64–71 65
For both the theoretical approaches taken, Leguillon et al. [7] 11 ¼ 1:9%) and SK Chemicals K50 resin, a semi-toughened epoxy.
present sharp increases in delamination initiation stress for ply Prior to testing of angle-ply laminates, full characterisation of the
thicknesses less than 0.125 mm. Expense and damage to fibres material was necessary. Quasi-static tensile tests were performed
during the manufacturing process, however, have limited work on ½016 ; ½9016 and ½455 s laminates. To ensure sufficient data
on reducing the ply thickness below the standard. Recent advances was collected, batches of 10 specimens were fabricated for each
in tow-spreading technology have allowed so called thin prepregs layup. Unidirectional (UD) samples had a gauge length of
to be produced. Sasayama et al. [9] and the Industrial Technology 100 mm and width of 10 mm, with glass fibre/epoxy prepreg end
Centre of Fukui Prefecture in Japan developed a pneumatic tech- tabs of length 40 mm. In all tests end tabs were a ½ð90=0Þ2 s
nique, which is described in detail by Sihn et al. [10]. cross-ply laminate of 2 mm thickness. The ½455 s samples had a
Several studies have been undertaken [10–13] to experimen- gauge length of 150 mm, width of 15 mm and end tabs of
tally investigate the general behaviour of thin ply laminates. Sihn 40 mm. Three-point micrometer measurements of laminate thick-
et al. [10] performed both static and fatigue tension tests of un- ness, performed prior to testing, yielded a cured ply thickness
notched and notched quasi-isotropic (QI) specimens, impact and (CPT) of 0.03 mm (CV = 0.34%). All tests were conducted, using an
compression-after-impact tests on thin ply laminates (ply thick- Instron hydraulic-actuated test machine, under displacement
ness, t p ¼ 0:04 mm). In all cases these laminates showed less crack- control, using cross-head rates of 1 mm/min for UD samples and
ing, delaminations and splitting than specimens with thicker plies 2 mm/min for the ½455 s . The results are shown in Table 1. Deter-
ðtp ¼ 0:2 mmÞ of the same material. Results from fatigue testing of mination of E11 allowed a fibre volume fraction (V f ) of 42% to be
the un-notched specimens show the potential of thin ply material. calculated using the rules of mixtures.
It was demonstrated that, after 50,000 cycles at 60% of the The angles chosen for further tensile testing were ±15°, ±20°,
strength, the thin ply laminates maintained stiffness and strength. ±25°, ±30°. All layups were of the same stacking sequence: ½h5 s ,
The thick ply laminates lost in the region of 17% from both the ori- as used for the ±45° laminates. The dimensions and rate of
ginal stiffness and strength. X-ray images taken prior to failure displacement for these samples were also the same as for the
show very little development of damage within the thin ply lami- ±45°. Batches of five specimens were prepared for each layup.
nates, indicating their superior damage suppression capabilities. All strain data was captured using an Imetrum Video Extensom-
Yokozeki et al. [11,14] conducted investigations covering the com- eter and associated software. A rectangular grid of video gauge tar-
pressive strength and damage resistance of thin ply QI laminates gets was set up, in order to record both longitudinal, x and
under both in-plane [11]and out-of-plane [14] loadings. In all transverse, y , strains. Calculation of fibre rotations and shear
cases, the thin ply laminates were shown to be more resistant to stress and strain requires knowledge of both of these. In all cases,
damage accumulation. This is particularly noticeable in transverse the true stress and strain have been computed from the captured
indentation tests. Thick ply laminates ðt p ¼ 0:14 mmÞ exhibited engineering strains to account for the change in cross-sectional
considerable delaminations on the back face, whereas the thin area at high strains.
ply specimens ðtp ¼ 0:07 mmÞ showed only internal delaminations
at the same applied load. As presented by Sihn et al. [10], this 2.1. Calculation of fibre rotations
suppression of damage led to sudden brittle failure. Ogihara and
Nakatani [13] presented work on carbon/epoxy angle-ply lami- Fibre rotations have been considered in a similar fashion to the
nates, also concentrating on the effect of ply thickness. Specimens approaches taken by other studies [17,16,18]. The fibres are taken
of ±45° and ±67.5° both showed increases in tensile strength with as inextensible and idealised to act in a scissoring motion, realign-
ply thicknesses of 0.05 mm (½h12 s ) rather than 0.15 mm ([h4/ ing towards the direction of applied stress. This gives rise to the
h4]s). A mesoscale continuum damage mechanics model, devised concept of ‘excess length’, whereby the reorientation of the fibres
by Ladeveze and LeDantec [15], was employed to show also that allows further strain to be taken by the laminate. The updated fibre
the thin-ply laminates were significantly more damage resistant. angle, h0 , is related to the strains, x and y , in Eq. (1), where h is the
Highly non-linear strains, in excess of 15%, were recorded for the original fibre angle of the laminate.
½4512 s laminates tested under quasi-static tension. At these large
tanðhÞ þ y
strains, the effect of the geometric rearrangement of fibres towards h0 ¼ arctan ð1Þ
1 þ x
the loading direction (known as fibre scissoring) becomes impor-
tant, as stated by Wisnom [16] and Herakovich et al. [17]. Wisnom
[16] showed how taking account of fibre rotations for in-plane 2.2. Definition of yield and pseudo-ductility
shear testing leads to a more accurate representation of both the
shear stresses and strains in a ½45s laminate. Herakovich et al. ‘Pseudo-ductility’, in this case, refers to the geometric effect of
[17] coupled fibre rotations with the Ladeveze and LeDantec model fibre reorientation as well as yielding of the matrix. For clarity, yield
to emphasise the importance of their inclusion when predicting stress, rY , and pseudo-ductile strain, d are shown graphically in
the stress–strain response of ½453 s laminates. Fig. 1. The yield stress is defined as the point of intersection between
In this paper, experimental studies of thin ply angle-ply CFRP the laminate stress–strain curve and a straight line of the initial
laminates loaded under quasi-static tension are presented. The modulus offset by 0.1% strain (shown as position ‘A’ on Fig. 1).
effect of fibre rotation on the laminate stress–strain behaviour The pseudo-ductile strain is the failure strain minus the strain at
and the possibilities for a pseudo-ductile response are investigated. the same stress level on a straight line of the initial modulus.
Analyses of the fractured laminates, including X-ray computed
tomography (XCT) scans are presented to examine the damage 2.3. Determination of shear stress and strain
resistance of spread tow thin ply prepreg material.
As a change in the orientation of the fibres is accounted for in
2. Experimental methods this study, it is therefore important to apply this to the calculation
Table 1
All testing has been performed using Skyflex USN020A, a Elastic properties of Skyflex USN020A.
commercially available spread tow carbon fibre/epoxy prepreg
E11 101.7 GPa E22 6.0 GPa
produced by SK Chemicals. This material consists of Mitsubishi
G12 2.4 GPa m12 0.3
Rayon TR30 carbon fibres (E11 ¼ 234 GPa, strain to failure,
66 J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom / Composites: Part A 69 (2015) 64–71
Table 2
Experimental results for key parameters. Coefficient of variation is shown in brackets after each value. Batch sizes of 5 specimens were tested, except for the ½455 s , which had
Fig. 2. Applied longitudinal stresses are shown against longitudinal and transverse
Fig. 4. The fibre rotations for each layup are shown against applied strain, x . The
strains for all tested layups. Note that, for clarity, the ½455 s strains have been
increase in reorientation for each layup is clear. (For interpretation of the references
truncated to half the value reached at failure. Also only one response from each
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
batch of five (10 for ½455 s ) is shown. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
All samples were tested to failure, following which, a visual 4.1. X-ray CT scanning
inspection of each was carried out, both by eye and optical
microscopy. The global failures of each layup were seen to be To further aid understanding of the damage resistance of these
progressively different from one another, but linked in the level thin ply laminates, X-ray computed tomography (XCT) has been
of damage accumulated. conducted, using a Nikon Xtek XT225 with CT Pro reconstruction,
J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom / Composites: Part A 69 (2015) 64–71 69
Fig. 6. Micrographs show the typical failure characteristics of (A) 15 ; (B) 20 ; (C) 25 ; (D) highlighted area in C; and (E) highlighted area in B. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 7. Micrographs show the observed failure characteristics of ½305 s laminates. (A) Fibre fracture dominated failure and (B) splits and fibre fracture of every ply. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
on one sample from each of the ½305 s and ½455 s layups. Both the laminates were scanned. The visualised section of the ½305 s
were tested fully, as part of the main batches, and no special laminate was located between the end tab and the position of lam-
interruptions were made. The ½305 s sample had failed as shown inate failure. Complete failure did not take place in the scanned
in Fig. 7A, reaching a strain, x of 5.45%. The ½455 s reached an ½455 s sample so the section chosen was at the middle of the
x of 19.8% but did not exhibit failure, so was intact. These layups gauge length.
were selected as they exhibit the highest strains to failure and Using the VG Studio 2.1 Max post-processing software, multiple
considerable fibre rotation and so represent, in terms of possible slices through the thickness of each laminate have been taken to
damage accumulation, the worst case. While microscopy carried visualise the internal condition of the samples. It was found that
out of the sample edges can give insight into their general condi- there is a complete absence of free-edge delaminations at any
tion at failure, XCT yields far better information as to the state of point in either sample. Representative images, taken from halfway
the laminate throughout the cross-section. Thus it allows efficient between the mid-plane and surface of each sample are presented
determination of the locations and extent of any damage that may in Fig. 10, ½305 s is on the left and ½455 s the right hand side of
have occurred. Each scanned sample was first immersed in a dye the figure. In both images the fibre directions are clearly visible.
penetrant of zinc iodide solution to highlight any damage. To In an effort to get images of each ply, a scan resolution of
maximise the amount of detail visible, 40 mm sections of each of 0.018 mm was used – less than the 0.03 mm ply thickness, and
70 J.D. Fuller, M.R. Wisnom / Composites: Part A 69 (2015) 64–71
Fig. 8. Image shows metallic-like necking behaviour of ½305 s (upper) and ½455 s
(lower) laminates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 10. X-ray CT scans of ½305 s (left) and ½455 s (right) laminates indicate that
delaminations do not develop during loading of these angle-ply laminates. Note
that the arrows indicate artefacts generated by the tape on the laminate surface
used to identify the position of the area to be scanned.
each case, the experimental values presented in this study are Acknowledgements
given in parentheses. The 30 exhibited ry of 250 MPa
(228 MPa), y of 0.70% (0.90%) and d of 0.50% (2.88%). The 45 This work is part of the EPSRC Programme Grant EP/I02946X/1
showed a ry of 85 MPa (64 MPa), y of 0.65% (0.76%) and d of on High Performance Ductile Composite Technology in collabora-
3.5% (13.90%). For both studies the point of yield is seen to be sim- tion with Imperial College, London and is financially supported
ilar, but the d demonstrated in this work, using thin ply material, by Grant No. EP/G036772/1 (as part of the ACCIS Centre for
is considerably higher. The standard thickness plies used in [19] Doctoral Training).
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