2023 GS2 Intro - Conclusion Templates
2023 GS2 Intro - Conclusion Templates
2023 GS2 Intro - Conclusion Templates
MAINS 2023 (GS Paper 2)
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Q2: Who are entitled to receive free legal aid? Assess the role of the National Legal
Services Authority (NALSA) in rendering free legal aid in India
1. Free legal aid beneficiaries and NALSA's 1. NALSA's efforts play a crucial role in
efficacy in dispensing it reflect India's realizing the constitutional promise of
commitment to equitable justice. justice for all through free legal aid.
2. Understanding free legal aid eligibility 2. In conclusion, NALSA's interventions
and NALSA's contributions illuminates ensure equitable access to justice by
India's commitment to justice for all. providing free legal aid to eligible
3. Exploring free legal aid recipients and individuals.
NALSA's interventions highlights India's 3. NALSA's role in offering free legal aid
pursuit of inclusive justice. epitomizes India's commitment to
4. Examining the beneficiaries of free legal ensuring justice regardless of socio-
aid and NALSA's function underscores economic status.
India's dedication to legal equality. 4. To conclude, NALSA's proactive
5. The entitlement to free legal aid and approach in delivering free legal aid
NALSA's endeavors underscore India's upholds the principles of equality and
aspiration for universal access to justice. justice in India.
Q3: "The states in India seem reluctant to empower urban local bodies both functionally
as well as financially." Comment
Q4: Compare and contrast the British and Indian approaches to Parliamentary
Q5: Discuss the role of Presiding Officers of state legislatures in maintaining order and
impartiality in conducting legislative work and in facilitating best democratic practices
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q6: The crucial aspect of development process has been the inadequate attention paid
to Human Resource Development in India. Suggest measures that can address this
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q7: Discuss the role of the Competition Commission of India in containing the abuse of
dominant position by the Multi-National Corporations in India. Refer to the recent
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q9: Virus of Conflict is affecting the functioning of the SCO'In the light of the above
statement point out the role of India in mitigating the problems?
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
indispensable for fostering unity and 7. Overcoming the Virus of Conflict within
progress. the SCO requires India's active
7. The prevalence of conflict undermines involvement in conflict resolution efforts
SCO's goals. India's proactive involvement to promote regional peace and prosperity.
in conflict mitigation is essential for
promoting regional stability.
Q10: Indian diaspora has scaled new heights in the West. Describe its economic and
political benefits for India
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q12: Explain the constitutional perspectives of Gender Justice with the help of relevant
Constitutional Provisions and case laws.
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q13: Account for the legal and political factors responsible for the reduced frequency of
using Article 356 by the Union Governments since mid 1990s.
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q14: Discuss the contribution of civil society groups for women's effective and
meaningful participation and representation in state legislatures in India
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
1. Civil society groups play a pivotal role in 1. In conclusion, civil society groups'
enhancing women's participation and contributions are indispensable in
representation in Indian state legislatures, enhancing women's participation and
fostering inclusive governance. representation in Indian state legislatures,
2. The active involvement of civil society fostering inclusive governance.
groups is instrumental in promoting 2. The active engagement of civil society
women's meaningful engagement and groups is essential for promoting women's
representation in Indian state legislatures. effective participation and representation
3. Civil society groups contribute in Indian state legislatures, advancing
significantly to fostering women's effective gender equality in governance.
participation and representation in state 3. Civil society groups' advocacy efforts are
legislatures, advancing gender-inclusive crucial in promoting women's meaningful
governance. engagement and representation in Indian
4. The advocacy efforts of civil society state legislatures, fostering inclusive and
groups empower women, facilitating their equitable governance.
increased participation and representation 4. To conclude, civil society groups play a
in Indian state legislatures. vital role in empowering women and
5. Civil society groups serve as catalysts for promoting their active participation and
women's enhanced participation and representation in Indian state legislatures.
representation in Indian state legislatures, 5. Civil society groups' initiatives are
promoting gender equality in governance. pivotal in advancing women's participation
Q15: Explain the significance of the 101st Constitutional Amendment Act. To what
extent does it reflect the accommodative spirit of federalism?
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q16: Explain the structure of the Parliamentary Committee system. How far have the
financial committees helped in the institutionalisation of Indian Parliament?
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q17: Development and welfare schemes for the vulnerable, by its nature, are discrimi-
natory in approach." Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
Q19: The expansion and strengthening of NATO and a stronger US-Europe strategic
partnership works well for India." What is your opinion about this statement? Give
reasons and examples to support your answer.
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
1. A robust NATO and strengthened US- 1. In conclusion, a robust NATO and closer
Europe partnership benefit India, fostering US-Europe ties offer strategic benefits to
stability and cooperation amid global India, fostering stability and cooperation in
uncertainties. an uncertain global environment.
2. A fortified NATO and enhanced US- 2. The alignment of India's interests with a
Europe alliance are advantageous for strengthened NATO and a stronger US-
India, promoting security and stability in Europe partnership underscores the
an increasingly complex geopolitical strategic advantages of cooperative
landscape. engagements.
3. The reinforcement of NATO and closer 3. A fortified NATO and a closer US-Europe
US-Europe ties augurs well for India, alliance are conducive to India's security
providing strategic stability and fostering interests, promoting stability and
cooperative engagements. cooperation in an increasingly
4. India stands to gain from an expanded interconnected world.
and strengthened NATO, coupled with a 4. To conclude, India stands to gain from
closer US-Europe partnership, ensuring an expanded NATO and strengthened US-
regional and global security. Europe ties, which contribute to regional
5. The synergy between a fortified NATO stability and foster cooperative
and a stronger US-Europe strategic engagements.
partnership offers strategic advantages to 5. The synergy between India's strategic
India, fostering mutual cooperation and objectives and a resilient NATO, coupled
stability. with a stronger US-Europe partnership,
6. A resilient NATO and deepened US- underscores the mutual benefits of
Europe cooperation align with India's strategic cooperation.
strategic interests, bolstering regional 6. In essence, the expansion of NATO and
security and fostering collaborative deepening US-Europe ties offer strategic
engagements. opportunities for India, contributing to
7. India benefits from a bolstered NATO regional stability and fostering
and enhanced US-Europe partnership, collaborative engagements.
which promote geopolitical stability and 7. India's interests align with a
facilitate strategic cooperation. strengthened NATO and a closer US-
Europe partnership, enhancing regional
security and promoting cooperative
endeavors amidst global uncertainties.
Q20: Sea is an important Component of the Cosmos. Discuss in the light of the above
statement the role of the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) in protecting
environment and enhancing maritime safety and security.
Introduction Templates: Conclusion Templates:
1. The sea, a vital component of the 1. In conclusion, the IMO's efforts are
cosmos, underscores the significance of instrumental in safeguarding the sea, a
the IMO in safeguarding the environment crucial component of the cosmos, through
and ensuring maritime safety. environmental protection and maritime
2. The IMO plays a crucial role in safety measures.
protecting the environment and enhancing 2. The IMO's commitment to
maritime safety, recognizing the sea's environmental protection and maritime
importance within the cosmos. safety is vital for preserving the sea's role
3. In light of the sea's importance in the in the cosmos and ensuring sustainable
cosmos, the IMO's efforts are pivotal in maritime practices.
preserving marine ecosystems and 3. The IMO's initiatives are essential for
promoting maritime safety. upholding the sea's significance in the
4. The IMO's role in protecting the cosmos, promoting environmental
environment and enhancing maritime conservation and maritime security.
safety is integral to safeguarding the sea, a 4. To conclude, the IMO's role in
vital component of the cosmos. protecting the environment and enhancing
5. Acknowledging the sea's significance in maritime safety contributes to preserving
the cosmos, the IMO's initiatives are the sea's importance within the cosmos.
paramount in promoting environmental 5. The IMO's actions are crucial for
protection and maritime security. safeguarding the sea's role in the cosmos,
6. The IMO's mandate aligns with the sea's emphasizing environmental stewardship
importance in the cosmos, emphasizing and maritime safety and security.
environmental protection and enhancing 6. In essence, the IMO's efforts are integral
maritime safety and security. to maintaining the sea's importance in the
7. The sea's role in the cosmos cosmos by prioritizing environmental
underscores the importance of the IMO in preservation and maritime safety.
preserving marine ecosystems and 7. The sea's significance within the cosmos
ensuring maritime safety and security. underscores the imperative role of the
IMO in promoting environmental
sustainability and maritime security.