RESIT CW Specification CSI 5 OSY-2023-24
RESIT CW Specification CSI 5 OSY-2023-24
RESIT CW Specification CSI 5 OSY-2023-24
Read this coursework specification carefully, it tells you how you are going to be assessed,
how to submit your coursework on-time and how (and when) you’ll receive your marks and
Coursework Aim:
This coursework requires the students to undertake an individual project, which requires
them to install and use MS-DOS emulator implemented on a Debian OS, by using VirtualBox
as a Hypervisor.
On this assessment, students are required to obtain Debian-OS from the Official Website
(see resources) and install it on a Virtual Machine with their preferred virtualized hardware.
Within this virtual machine an MS-DOS emulator must be installed, and students must
execute multiple games and applications, and measure its performance. This evaluation
must include benchmarking and resource monitoring, evaluate key performance indicator
markings, and examine any system scalability. Then submit a scientific report individually,
along with any supporting materials, and demonstrating their project in a video presentation.
This coursework will test the students on their knowledge and understanding of MS-DOS
operating system, managing and monitoring resources, handling processes and threads,
allowing them to demonstrate these skills in a practical test case by utilizing a Hypervisor.
(See Assignment Task, below).
Coursework Details:
Type: Project Report, Group Presentation, Project materials
Word Count: A minimum of 2500 words is recommended, with 5000
words maximum limit.
Screenshots Each student after installing the Debian Operating
Requirements: System in the VirtualBox, must create a new system
user with their username along with their last two digits
of their student-ID. The username could be your first
name, your surname or a combination from the first
letters of both, for example “ioaniatr80”.
(Example at the end of this document)
along with access date and title.
The Content: The final report must document all the steps,
commands issued, and console output in the form of
a scientific format.
iii. (Mandatory) The audiovisual presentation (.mp4),
summarizing the work. Alternatively, in the case of a
large video file, share it via a cloud solution (e.g.,
OneDrive, YouTube etc.). In this case, the link should
be submitted through a simple text file (e.g.,
i. studentID_name-coursework2_report.doc
(example: 123456_John_Doe-coursework2_report.doc)
Note in particular:
Learning Outcomes
This coursework will fully or partially assess the following learning outcomes for this module.
Understanding of Hardware and Software Virtualization.
Learning about software emulators and applications tailored for them.
Understanding of Operating Systems principles, including how processes and
resources can be managed for various applications.
Developing problem-solving ability through experimentation and testing, with
appropriate applications and ROMs setup.
Developing troubleshooting skills to Identify and fix issues that may arise during the
project implementation.
Acquiring project planning and management skills, including setting goals, defining
requirements, and scheduling.
Have a solid understanding of operating system designs and strategies for a large
range of monitoring functionalities.
Synthesize and utilize resources/tools to efficiently and solve the given tasks.
Learning to document the project, including design, implementation, and results.
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of Operating Systems for virtualized
devices based on practical experience.
Assessment Tasks
This coursework is individual based and weighs 60% of the overall marks.
The report must be submitted individually, written based in their own experience,
and demonstrating understanding of what has been achieved. The report must
clearly present student strengths or weaknesses. All reports will be subjected to
similarity analysis to identify students who have not written in their own words but
used the same writing as others.
Video Presentation: The video will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Presentation format / consistency
Coverage and scope
Fluency and clarity
Domain of knowledge
Demonstration / Soft simulation
For this task, students require to accomplish the following:
Domain of Knowledge: Students must show an in-depth understanding of
the MS-DOS operating system and its applications by describing its features.
Moreover, must include a discussion of how the program relates to the
theoretical concepts covered in the module, by presenting this application
from the aspect of the operating system. Explain how the MS-DOS operating
system handles the applications, interacting with hardware/software
resources, processes, and threads that are spawned (if any), users involved,
access level (user/kernel), locations in the file system used, examine any
concurrency issues, present requirements, design system model and
application workflow etc.
MS-DOS Emulator: Students are required to install an MS-DOS emulator
(such as DOSBox) on the Debian Linux distribution. The emulator must NOT
be installed on any other derivative Linux distribution, nor on the host
machine. Debian-OS must be installed on VirtualBox as the Hypervisor, with
students selecting their preferred settings for virtualized resources based on
the available hardware. Furthermore, students must install and configure the
system effectively, utilizing the operating system's facilities, and importing
Game-ROMs or applications developed for MS-DOS. There are several
places to get DOS games online, with hundreds of free classic games/ROMs
that were abandoned by their developers. (see resources).
The Debian-OS from the previous task must be examined thoroughly based on
use of resources, and evaluate the MS-DOS emulator performance and scalability,
even under different circumstances. More specifically:
Resource Monitoring: On the Debian-OS, students must perform
resource monitoring and benchmarking over a period of time, identify the
key performance indicator markings (CPU Utilization, GPU Utilization etc.)
for the MS-DOS emulator, and create an analysis and visualizations of
resource monitoring while executing several games/ROMs. Students may
need to synthesize various resources or monitoring tools to accomplish this
Performance evaluation: On the MS-DOS emulator, evaluate the
effectiveness of the MS-DOS based on its role and nature. Provide means
to measure the performance of the system, evaluate and assess the system
in use by conducting a benchmark tests. For this purpose, various metrics
must be tested on cases/profiles that will be created, such as, under heavy
workload (of the Debian or Host-OS), utilizing multiple Debian-VMs, Multiple
Emulators, multiplayer games etc. Finally, students must interpret the
results and provide a critically evaluative analysis discussing their findings
or any scalability of the system. It is recommended to be used resource
intensive MS-DOS games such as “Redneck Rampage”, “Need for Speed”
etc. along with DOS Benchmark tools (see resources).
Assessment Criteria and Weighting
The report will be marked using the marking criteria provided in this coursework
specification document. All the students are advised to fully understand the marking
criteria before starting the coursework.
LSBU marking criteria have been developed to help tutors give you clear and
helpful feedback on your work. They will be applied to your work to help you
understand what you have accomplished, how any mark given was arrived at, and
how you can improve your work in future.
Marking Criteria
Feedforward comments
Criteria Excellent Good Pass Weak Poor
(100-71%) (70-61%) (60-51%) (50-41%) (40-0%)
Report and Documentation
Report Structure, 5% Sophisticated, consistent, error free Comprehensive application of Generally correct application of Poorly written with confusing Poorly written, less than
application of relevant topics conventions with relevant topics conventions with few relevant topics conventions, with structure, spelling, grammar and 2500 words, with no
Readability, and great attention to detail. Excellent writing, errors. Very good writing, structure, some errors and / or / or errors. Below the minimum academic style, structure,
Referencing structure, spelling, grammar. The length of the spelling, grammar, but with minor inconsistencies. The length of the of 2500 words. spelling, grammar and/or
report is more than 2500 words. errors. The length of the report is report is at least 2500 words. multiple errors.
more than 2500 words Sufficiently written with little
The references are incomplete,
(Marks 5%) The references are complete and in the
structure, spelling, grammar with
or no references used inside the The final report does not
some errors.
correct format. Used correctly inside the text. The references are valid and text. They include some sources include any references.
Provide valid and reliable information. complete, but there are some errors that are not valid or reliable. Most of the references
in the format. All sources are valid and reliable, are not valid.
but the references are incomplete
or partially used inside the text.
Abstract and Introduction 5% A well-articulated abstract and introduction A well-articulated abstract and Satisfactory abstract and An abstract that articulates Either no abstract or
that provides a clear, logical, and succinct introduction that provides a clear, introduction that has a good some key components of the introduction, or one that
description of content, objectives, scope and logical description of content, reflection and description of the report. An introduction that poorly or partially situates
(Marks 5%) requirements. The organization of the review, objectives, scope, requirements and content, objective, scope, and outlines the content, scope, and the reader in the context
which draws the reader’s attention to a central organization of the review organization of the report. organization of the report of the concern, debate, or
concern, debate, or contention. contention addressed in
the report
Conclusion and 5% Excellent breadth, accuracy, and detail in Good depth of understanding of key Demonstrated good understanding Weak evidence of superficial Little or no evidence of
understanding key aspects of subject and aspects of subject, and reflection of of key aspects of subject, with a understanding of subject, with understanding of subject.
Recommendations reflection of the project. Contributes to subject the project is shown Evidence of good reflection of the project. Inaccuracies. Inaccuracies.
debate. Very good awareness of ambiguities coherent knowledge. Some evidence of coherent
and limitations of knowledge. knowledge and own critique.
(Marks 5%) Some outline of Without any
Very good contribution to subject recommendations, does not recommendation, does
Provides high-level summary and debate. Very good summary and Sufficiently summarize the report summarize well the report or not summarize the report.
recommendations are very accurate and accurate recommendations with some recommendations lack of succinctness. Not good
detailed. reflection of the project.
Application Implementation
Domain of Knowledge 10% Shows breadth, accuracy and detail in Accurate and extensive Accurate understanding of key Some evidence of superficial Little or no evidence of
understanding key aspects of subject. understanding of key aspects of aspects of subject. Evidence of understanding of subject. Minor understanding of subject.
Contributes to subject debate. Some subject. Evidence of coherent coherent knowledge. Knowledge Inaccuracies. Knowledge and Many Inaccuracies.
(Marks 10%) awareness of ambiguities and limitations of knowledge. Knowledge and and understanding are detailed understanding shows consistent Knowledge and
knowledge. Knowledge and understanding understanding are basic/relatively and satisfactory. gaps. understanding are poor
are consistent and accurately developed with superficial. and lacks academic
a level of criticality. rigour.
Simple design diagrams with Limited use of notation with
A complete and appropriate use of reasonable use of notation with obvious errors and mistakes.
Exceptional error-free presentation of the notation to present some errors. The system model The system model and design Hardly any information
software/hardware, and system requirements, software/hardware, and system accurately represents the basic diagrams provide a poor or provided about the
with extensive appropriate use of notation. requirements. The System model use of the system. misleading interpretation of the system model.
System model and design diagrams provide a and design diagrams accurately use of the system.
comprehensive and insightful set of views of represent almost all the usage
the systems use. requirements of the system in use.
Implementation 15% Excellent problem-solving ability and Very good problem-solving ability Sufficient problem-solving ability Limited problem-solving ability Poor or lack of problem-
implementation of the proposed and implementation of the proposed and implementation of the and implementation of the solving ability and
methodologies methodologies and Solutions. proposed methodologies and proposed methodologies and implementation of the
(Marks 15%) and solutions. solutions. Solutions. proposed methodologies
and solutions.
Adapt to practical and theoretical
Ability to Adapt to unforeseen practical and challenges to achieve project Some adaptation to practical and Limited exploration of possible
theoretical challenges to achieve project objectives. Comprehensive technical theoretical challenges to achieve solution(s) using established Little or no exploration of
objectives. Well-crafted technical solution, solution, addressing various aspects project objectives identified goals. approaches to resolve practical solution(s). Question or
addressing all aspects of the user of the user requirements. Good technical solution, and theoretical problems. Weak problem unresolved. Poor
requirements. addressing most aspects of the attempt at the technical solution, attempt at technical
user requirements. addressing only few aspects of proposition.
the user requirements.
Resource Monitoring 20% Very high-quality analysis of the system Very good system analysis and use Applies practical and/or technical Some evidence of limited Little or no exploration of
developed independently. of tools/practices for benchmarking skills correctly and with some problem-solving ability. possible solution(s), no
and monitoring of resources. Use of application for resource Appropriate response to monitor exploration of the
(Marks 20%) Sustained benchmarking, resource monitoring
evidence-based arguments. Well monitoring. Adapts to unforeseen resources, but there is little available resources. Very
identifies most of the key indicator practical and theoretical development and exploration little use of evidence-
and synthesis of tools/practices. Use of
markings, and states the system challenges to achieve identified evident of the possible based arguments to
evidence-based arguments. Thoroughly
status on handling processes, data possible key indicator markings, solution(s), and/or weak present the status of the
identifies and explains the key indicator
or other components. and sufficiently present the system interpretation of the key system.
markings. States the system status with
status. indicator markings.
extensive level of detail for the handling of the
related processes, and other components.
Some attempt at evaluation and
synthesis of resources. Some
use of evidence-based
Performance Evaluation 20% An exceptional level of embodied awareness Well-developed embodied Applies practical and/or technical Some evidence of limited Little or no exploration of
revealed in a highly sensitive and detailed awareness; for the most part. A skills correctly and with a proper problem-solving ability. possible solution(s) for
performance evaluation. Examines all the detailed and accurate use of tools and applications for Appropriate response to performance evaluation,
(Marks 20%) aspects for scalability of the system. responsiveness; Very good use of performance evaluation, that may evaluate performance, but there or scalability of the
tools/practices for a dynamic include minor inaccuracies in the is little development and system.
performance evaluation and interpretation of the results. exploration evident of the
interpretation of the results. Satisfactory presentation of the possible solution(s). Weak
Examines most of the aspects for system’s scalability. interpretation of the results,
scalability of the system. performance evaluation, or
scalability of the system.
Video Presentation 20% Showed excellent confidence & composure. Were mostly confident & composed. Good use of the presentation Presentation format is Showed no confidence or
Very clear, persuasive and compelling with presentation is clear, mostly format and skills. Presentation adequate. Showed some composure. presentation
skilful use of the presentation format. persuasive, compelling and skilfully considers the needs of the confidence & composure but format is not used
(Marks 20%) Presentation addresses the needs of the presented. Presentation addresses audience, with basic has room for improvement. adequately, and the
audience very well. Excellent demonstration demonstration and the needs of the demonstration of the system. Presentation may sometimes needs of the audience are
of the system, with consistence understanding audience to a large degree. not consider the needs of the not considered. Poor
for the domain of knowledge. audience. Weak demonstration evidence, or no
of the system. demonstration of the
How to get help
If you have any related questions, please feel free to contact the Module
Leader on MS-Teams or via email at [email protected] as soon as possible.
The commands to add a new user in a Linux machine are the following:
The example below, clearly shows the IP address of this machine by using
‘ifconfig’, and ‘ssh’ commands.
All the module’s lectures, tutorial handouts, and references are recommended
in the module guide. Some links that may be found useful:
VirtualBox: Link
Debian-OS: Link
How to install Debian-OS on VirtualBox: Link
DOSBox Emulator: Link
AbandonewareDOS: Link
MyAbandonware: Link
Top 30 Linux Monitoring Tools: Link
How to measure GPU: Link
GLMark2: Link
Geekbench: Link
DOS Benchmark tools Pack: Link