Nov Dec 2016
Nov Dec 2016
Nov Dec 2016
Q1) a) Discuss the advantages and limitations of Digital Control System. [8]
b) Check whether the following systems are [8]
i) Static or Dynamic
ii) Linear or Non linear
iii) Time variant or Time invariant
iv) Causal or Non causal
1) Y(n) = X(n) + n X(n + 1)
2) Y (n) = nX2 (n)
Q2) a) Which are the standard discrete input test signals? Explain them with
diagrams. [8]
b) Explain the sampling and reconstruction process, state the sampling
theorem and give its importance. [8]
Q3) a) State and prove important properties of Z-transform. [6]
b) Find the Z-transform of the sequence:
i) X(t) = eat sin ωt
ii) F (k) = (1/2)k, for k = 0, 1, 2 .... [12]
Q4) a) Expain different methods of obtaining Inverse Z-transform. [6]
b) Determine Inverse Z-transform of the following : [12]
i) X(z) = by partial fraction expansion.
(z − 1) (z − 2) 2
ii) X(z) = for IZI > 0.5
(z + 0.5) 2
Q5) a) Show with proper diagrams mapping of Left half of S-plane into Z-
plane. [8]
b) Examine the stability of system by Jurys test. [8]
F(z) = Z3 + 3Z2 + 2Z 3 = 0
Q6) a) Explain the effect of sampling period on the transient response and on
the stability of discrete time system. [8]
b) Describe the general rules for constructing the Root Loci in designing
LTI discrete time control system. [8]
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Q8) a) Explain clearly with neat diagrams, the Direct, Cascade and Parallel
decompositions of Discrete Time Pulse Transfer Function. [8]
b) By using any one method, determine the discrete time state space model
for a system having pulse transfer function [8]
Y(Z) Z + 0.1
R(Z) (Z − 1) (Z − 0.8)
Q9) a) What is the principle of duality? Also explain effect of pole zero
cancellation on the system with suitable example. [8]
b) Consider a system with matrices [8]
⎡ 0 1⎤ ⎡0⎤
G =⎢ ⎥ ; H = ⎢1⎥.
⎣0.16 − 1⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Determine a suitable state feedback gain matrix K such that a system will
have closed loop poles at Z = 0.5 + j0.5 and Z = 0.5 j0.5
Q10) a) What is Full order observer? With the help of a block diagram expain it.[8]
b) For the system X (K + 1) = GX (k) + H U(K) ; Y (k) = C X (k) where
⎡ 0 20.6 ⎤ ⎡1 ⎤
G=⎢ ⎥ , H = ⎢ ⎥ and C = [1 0]. [8]
⎣1 0 ⎦ ⎣0⎦
Design a full order state observer for the desired eigen values of observer
As Z1 = 1.8 + j2.4 & Z2 = 1.8 j2.4
Q11) a) Draw neat diagram of Digital temperature control scheme and explain it.[8]
b) Consider the pulse transfer function of discrete time system given as
Y(Z) b0 Zn + b1Zn −1 + b2 Zn −2 + ...... + b n
U(Z) Zn + a1Zn −1 + a 2 Zn −2 + ......... + a n
Determine its Controllable canonical form & Observable canonical form.[10]
Q12) a) Explain stepper motor with proper block diagram. [8]
z 3 + 8 z 2 + 17 z + 8
b) Consider the system defined by G ( z ) = .
( z + 1) ( z + 2) ( z + 3)
Obtain the space representation for this system in Jordan canonical form.[10]
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