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lb BGion BrOMWeorMw ... SSS STHWASS) gels Gd Hrionuseit (F open waparsprw ovCenssgDoNGisv ow ae MaMsiTpTOPGPe scter Aw iGprsPuinct ggapHE Dead croMeowwrerses; My CUES SOMIUGGguea: gGaisie genoa CeudPpeven GwibuGseiserar; raayus Baicersre Getic: OES sof. eB ETEBoRiRcr QaiGamcrenpys LED sioTzeorpye ot ee EL ans - ungrucmds Gersiewnd Qe Gpiopnessars Gus@prored sca Qup@pngsars eppergsarred 2 éefésiicns There are certain stotras in Sri Vishnu Sahasranaama which are very simple to recite, but are very effective in curing certain specific ailments and improving the effectiveness of one’s personality. These individual stotras can be chanted with utmost devotion for sure cure. It can be chanted for the children by the parents or by the children for the parenis. (for overcoming the problems of lethargy, laziness, sluggishness, depression ete. 2 det de: warahht der area ay: / Sete FETT ere ATSY STAR: 1 78 11 vedyo vaidyas sadayogi viraha madhavo madhuhu | atindriyo mahdmayo mahowako mahAbalaha || 18 || Gaus’ Gum eneug woid avg’ Gurr oframn wrs'Gaur gy en! 21858’ Gur wemmorGur wCaprgeorBanr wan van Wa8 (for acquiring knowledge, education and success in academic field, particularly for students) ad: ad facgrafteraast ord: | : dal daftaorg) tara aafecw he: 4 1 sarvagas sarva vidbhinur- vishvakseno jandrdanaha | vedo vedavida-vyango vedango vedavitkavihi || 14 || anjarstad ovfarads?| lua gi - Mapas Cev@pr eonmis' sam| GaGsr Gag alg -cruniGan Cag niGan Gags als safand || 14 woud aera COG: ub Fy Ue TN HeoIs Hq: Ga Tay le: «/ erat ereercrrear «= AG STAT I 48 1! yagita ijyo mahejyaScha kratus satram satAngatihi | sarvadarSi vimukcatm sarvagho ginamuttamam |\48|_ stg QepCun wCangurias dggied avginid evprtis: Dud | enjag ju Apsgrsion vias Ber # orpwrspiss || 48 y3iP VI§VAS INSTITUTE OF SRI VISHNUSAHASRANAMAM,CHENNAL (IN) are:rererfersfergate: | Sartore AeAUy It 19 I mahSbuddhir-mahaviryo mahasaktir-mahadyutihi | anir-desyavapué srima nameyatma mahadridhrk || 19 II wannes Sd -wenreiitun wpmrv0s DF -wanrs Wy Baud | oii -Gy vowanyud ysftor pGiourgion wars QucpwHriry - pei H it pL. 3, As as {119 aorare: weraren fagyfragyfray: «1 aepal Bape: Myo y ArH AE Ut 26 I suprasadaf prasannatma visvadhrg* -visvabhug-vibhuhu | satkarta satkrtas sadhur- janhur-nai rayano naraha || 26 | av-Ligeorg? Sui ireupprgion aivarg' ga” aioe > atisfan | avgaier vse asad cwrg's— ggarri-promuGenm prem | 126 edqucoa Qguisiss- GP fsenan Goucder :- (to fight effectively and successfully ‘qaainst all the internal and external enemies and to overcome the problems of = misunderstanding and disagreement) Bary: Yara: Ree rgferea ganas: | PUM GraAS UAT PIGS: I 88 Il sulabhas suvratas siddhaé Satrujich-chhatrutapanaha | nyagrodhoSdumbaroSévatthas chandrandhra nishidanaha| | 88 || evra’ ou-ciggad a8S%s'v0 woseeehe Hkmamunee | swe? Gr Ggn'(.2)) abu? Gor 2p) voargs*vo -sraprmmgs rfagos' pam || 88 SLLBC Lun 510505- Qos anfucisst p.iGsn-waisand Ques (to see that all the plans, programs. and the works which are taken up are accomy plished or fulfilled completely, satisfactorily and profitably — for auspicious events) SAAT: HHI: PHOT: | eafara: Rafereperaten aren yep eafeerafAvr: It 96 It sanat sanatanatamah kapilah kapi-ravyayaha | svastidas svastikrt-svasti svastibhuk svasti dakshinaha || 96 || avgrg evprs-peiab siteai 519 -celuuan | HaadPs%ad edaciHa gs —edaseorH adaadrBy's coacrB s*sPeoran || 96 ag [page-VISVAS INSTITUTE O Ff SRI VISHNUSAHASRANAMAM,CHENNAL (IN) ax — a aSAUTE OTe eUA: TRU: RUA Ya: | UAE: wereTERTE: ge: yaar 42 shecimorQur aimmedrgi’ gad evdeigsn pad evs Can s*Gauan | Usd 81) upwaruajtoir gap_1i yoprvo vo~Cuteqeman || 42 ns and to achieve all the oregehasmtaren faire: Rrepaghe: | fread: Rracagea: Pafse: RAS ATE: 127 asankhyeyoS prameyatma visishtaé sishtakrch chhuchihi | siddharthas siddhasankalpas siddhidas siddhi sadhanaha| | 27 || owns’ GuGuin(y)rigGwowrgsion uPepio Wap_ige «Aad | ofS 505s" ad 28375 eumiasciuad 685° S's ad of3?S ors an || 27 Desens Doors - Qesdaub Guicss: - (to become economically elf-sustained, for achieving financial prosperity and to live a comfortable and happy life) fara: Bara Sy]: Wael storraray | oreisareit aeretent rere ete: Il 46 1 vistaras sthavara sthanuf pramanam bija-mavyayam | arthoSnartho mahakoso mahabhogo mahadhanaha | | 46 || Sadgryad eds asaign eyhui ipwrenns tg -weiwwes | G52) pG5r wenrGsrGvor waprGun'Gar? wanrs'paD site: often: siPrare: Pf: sitfeeras: | sfterg: sftare: da: Atricetterazaraa: I 65 I Sridaé Srigag Srinivasas Srinidhis Srivibhavanaha | Sridharas Srikaras Sreyas érimal lokatrayasrayaha || 65 || pois? vo usfunrio yfiflasranvio wb gh vo weSur cups | whet rio wsfoova vioGrunio ysioned Boorarurrdopaign 1146 1165 vigVAS INSTITUTE OF SRI VISHNUSAHASRANAMAM, CHENNAL (1 i5|Page-bhatabhavyabhavannathaf pavanaf pavanoSnalaha | kamaha kamakrt kantah kamah kamapradaf prabhuhu ||32 |! 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