Aci 349.2R-97
Aci 349.2R-97
Aci 349.2R-97
Charles A. Zalesiak
Appendix B of AC1 349 was developed to better define the design requue-
ments for steel embedmnts revisions are penodically made to the code as a
result of on-going research and testing As with other concretebuilding
codes, the design of embedments attempts to assure a duchle failure mode so Example A2 Single stud, shear only
that the reinforcement yelds before the concrete fails In embedments Example A3 Single stud, combined tension and shear
designed for direct loading, the concrete puliout strength must be greater Example A4 Anchor bolt, combined tension and shear
than the tensile strength of the steel This report presents a senes of design
Example A5 Single rebar, combined tension and shear
examples of duchle steel embedments These examples have been updated to
include the revision incorparated in Appendix B of AC1 349-97
Keywords: Anchorage (structural); anchor bolts; anchors (fasteners); Example B 1 Four-stud rigid embedded plate, tension only
embedment; inserts; loads (forces); load transfer; moments; reinforced con- Example B2(a) Four-stud rigid embedded plate,
crete; reinforcing steels; shear strength; structural design; studs; tension. combined shear and uniaxial moment
Example B2(b) Four-stud flexible embedded plate,
combined shear and uniaxial moment
Example B2(c) Four-bolt rigid surface-mountedplate,
combined shear and uniaxial moment
Example B3(a) Four-stud rigid embedded plate,
combined tension, shear, and
uniaxial moment
AC1 Committee Reports, Guides, StandardPractices,and Commen-
Example B3(b) Four-stud flexible embedded plate,
taries are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing,
and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the
combined tension, shear, and
use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the signifi- uniaxial moment
cance and limitations of its content and recommendations and Example B4 Four-stud rigid embedded plate in thin slab,
who will accept responsibility for the application of the material tension only
it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all
responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be lia-
ble for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 349.2R
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract docu-
AC1 349.2R-97 became effective October 16, 1997.
ments. If items found in this document are desired by the Archi- Copyright O 1997, American Concrete Institute.
tecangineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
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Ductile single embedded element
in semi-infinite concrete
f: = 4000psi
fy = 50,000 psi
fut = 60,000 psi
Pu = 8 kips
where Pu is the required factored external load
as defined in Section 9.2 of the Code.
B.5.1.l(a) a) Area of the anchor head (Ah)(including the Ah = 7C(dh/2)2= 0.79 in.2
B.4.5.2 area of the tensile stress component) is at (per manufacturer’s data, d h = 1 in.)
least 2.5 times the area of the tensile stress &/A,= 0.79/0.196 = 4 > 2.5 OK
com ponent.
b) Thickness of the anchor heat ( Th) is at least Th = 0.312 in. (per manufacturer’s data)
1.O times the greatest dimension from the outer ( d h - d,)/2 = 0.25 in.
most bearing edge of the anchor head to the T., = 0.312 > 0.25 OK
face of the tensile stress component.
B.5.1. I The design pullout strength of the concrete, f d , Asfut= 0.196 x 60 = 11.8 kips
B.4.2 must exceed the minimum specified tensile @ 4 E= 0 . 6 5 x 4 x d w )
strength (Asfut)of the tensile stress component.
= 165 psi (see Note 2)
pd >
7C[(Ld + 0.5)2 - 0.52]0.165 2 11.8
pd = @4 E L d ( L d + 1.o) 2 22.8
Acp= n [ ( L d + d/7/2)2-(dh/2)2] 2
Ld + L d - 22.8 2 0
Compute i d from the equation:
Ld 2 4.30 in.
7C[Ld + dh/2)2- ( dh/2)2]@4Jfc 2 Asfut Use in. diameter stud 1-5/16in. long,
which has an effective length of 4.87 in.
giving i d = 4.87 + 0.38 = 5.25 in.
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Example A I , continued
NOTE: 1) In the above example, the embedment length id is taken to the face of the concrete. If
the plate were larger than the stress cone, then the embedment length would exclude
the thickness of the embedded plate.
2) In all design examples, the strength reduction factor @ for concrete pullout is taken
as 0.65 per Category (d) of Section B.4.2.
f: = 4OOOpsi
fy = 50,000 psi
fut = 60,000 psi
Vu = 6 kips
where Vuis the required factored external load
as defined in Section 9.2 of the Code.
STEP 1: Determine required steel area of the stud
B. Use the shear friction provision of Section 11.7 vu = @V”= @YAvffy
with @ = 0.85, p = 0.9. Av, = W @ P f y )
Equate the external (required strength) and A v , = 6/(0.85 x 0.9 x 50) = 0.16 in.2
internal (design strength) forces and solve Use one Il2 in. diameter stud,
for the required steel area for the stud. A, = 0.196 in.2 > 0.16 in.2 OK
B.4.5.2 Procedure is identical to that in Example A I Use Il2 in. diameter stud 5-3/16 in. long
B.5.1. I since tensile capacity of the stud must be (see calculation in Example A I )
Select plate thickness such that d,/t 2.7* t > 0.W2.7 = 0.185
3/8 in. thick plate is OK.
NOTE: The provisions of Section 11.7.5 on shear strength are not applicable at the surface between the steel
plate and the concrete. Shear loads at this interface are carried by local bearing and wedge action as
described in commentary Section B.4.3.
* Ref.: “Shear Strength of Thin Flange Composite Sections,” G. G. Goble, AISC Engineering Journal,
April, 1968.
f: = 4000psi
fy = 50,000 psi
Pu = 4 kips
fut = 60,000 psi
Pu = 4 kips
Vu = 2 kips
Vu = 2 kips
where Pu and Vuare the required factored external loads \\
as defiied in Section 9.2 of the Code. \
internal (design strength) tension forces and Ast = 4/(0.9 x 50) = 0.09 in.2
solve for the required steel area for tension.
B. Use the shear friction provision of Section 11.7 Vu = @Vn= @PA,&
with @ = 0.85, p = 0.9. As,= V J ( @ P f y )
11.7 Equate the external (required strength) and A,, = 2/(0.85 x 0.9 x 50) = 0.05 in.2
Eq. (1 1-26) internal (design strength) forces and solve for the
required steel area for shear.
B. Sum the area of steel required for tension A, = 0.09 + 0.05 = 0.14 in.2
with the area of steel required for shear. Use one Il2 in. diameter stud,
Total Area A, = Ast + A,, A, = 0.196 in.2 > 0.14 in.2 OK
B.4.2 Procedure is identical to that in Example A I Use Il2 in. diameter stud in. long
B.5.1. I (see calculation in Example A I )
Select plate thickness such that d,/t< 2.7* t > 0.W2.7 = 0.185
3/s in. thick plate is OK
NOTE: The provisions of Section 11.7.5 on shear strength are not applicable at the surface between the steel
plate and the concrete. Shear loads at this interface are carried by local bearing and wedge action as
described in commentary Section B.4.3.
* Ref.: ?Shear Strength of Thin Flange Composite Sections,?G. G. Goble, AISC Engineering Journal,
April, 1968.
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f: = 4OOOpsi
fy = 81,000 psi
fuf = 105,000 psi
Pu = 40kips
Vu = 20 kips
where Pu and Vuare the required factored external loads
as defined in Section 9.2 of the Code.
B.4.5.2 a) Procedure is identical to that in Example A I A 325 Heavy Hex Head for 1-1/4in. diameter
bolt width across flats = 2.0 in.,
thickness = 0.78 in.
Ah = (1.o)2 X 2 X f i = 3.46 in.2
&/A, = 3.46/0.97 = 3.57
> 2.5 OK
b) Procedure is identical to that in Example A I ( d h - d s ) / 2 = ( 2 x 2 f i -1.25)/2
= 0.53 in.
Th = 0.78 > 0.53 OK
B.4.2 Procedure is identical to that in Example A I A,fu, = 0.97 x 105 = 102 kips
B.5.1. I
@ 4 E= 0.65 x 4 x ,,/m)
= 165 psi
[(Ld + 1.125)2- 1.125210.165 2 102
Ld(Ld+ 2.25) 2 196.8
f: 4000psi =
fy 60,000 psi =
( 5 60,000 OKper Code Section
fuf = 90,000 psi (based on typical test results)
Pu = 15 kips
Vu = 5 kips
where Pu and Vu are the required factored external loads
as defiied in Section 9.2 of the Code.
11.7 Equate the external (required strength) and A,, = 5/(0.85 x 0.9 x 60) = 0.1 1 in.2
Eq. (1 1-26) internal (design strength) forces and solve
for the required steel area for shear.
B. Sum the area of steel required for tension A, = 0.28 + 0.1 1 = 0.39 in.2
with the area of steel required for shear. Use No. 6 Grade 60 reinforcing bar,
Total Area A, = A,, + A,, A, = 0.44 in.2 > 0.39 in.2 OK
Id = [(3/40)] x [(60000/J4oo0)]
x [( 1.3 x 1.O x 0.8)/(2.5)] x 0.75
= 22.2 in.
12.2.4 Assume no transverse reinforcement (k,, = O), Use Id = 24 inches
no adjacent anchors or edges ([c + k,,]/db = 2.5,
max.), more than 12 in. of fresh concrete to be
cast below the anchor (a= 1.3), uncoated anchor
(ß = 1.O), No. 6 bar (y= 0.8).
Ductile multiple embedded element
in semi-infinite concrete
Design an embedment with four welded studs and a rigid embedded plate for a 3 x 3 x 3/i6 in. A 501 structural tube attachment.
f: = 4000psi
fy = 50,000 psi (studs)
fuf = 60,000 psi
Fy = 36,000 psi (plate)
Pu = 18 kips
where Pu is the required factored external load
as defiied in Section 9.2 of the Code.
(dh - ds)/2 = 0.25 in.
Th = 0.312 > 0.25 OK
The design pullout strength of the concrete, f d, Asfut= 4 x 0.110 x 60 = 26.4 kips
must exceed the minimum specified tensile @ 4 K= 0.65 x 4 x A m ) = 165 psi
strength of the tensile stress components.
pd As fuf Acpmin = ~ . s f u t 1 ( @ 4 J C )
= 26,400/165 = 160.6 in.2
pd= @ 4 E A c p
Where A, = the projected area of the 45 deg
stress cones radiating toward the attachment
from the bearing edge of the anchors. This area
must be limited by overlapping stress cones and
by the bearing area of the anchor heads.
Example B I , continued
STEP 3: (continued)
For a four-stud plate with studs at spacing S The projected area of the stress cones may
and radius R of the projected stress cone, be calculated for each standard stud length
the projected area is (see Appendix A) (id) and a range of stud spacings, S
(see Table B I - I ) . All values greater than:
,A, = ( 4 -~2B)R2 - 4Ah (2R > S > & R)
, = A, f U , / ( @ 4 n )are then
Acp=(3~-B)R2+S2-4Ah ( & R > s)
The radius of the projected stress cone is
i d + dh/2 at the underside of the embedded Select 3/8 in. x 4-’/8 in. stud with effective
plate, and i d + dh/2 + t at the outer surface length of 3.71 in. at 6 in. spacing.
of the concrete and plate. Conservatively
neglect the thickness of the plate t.
The above calculation utilizes an exact calculation
of the projected area. In many cases, an
approximate calculation is sufficient. Such a
method is used in Example B2. For the stud
configuration selected above ( R = 4.09 in.,
S = 6 in.), the approximate method would give:
, 6 x 6 + 4 x 6 x 4.09 + 7c x4.092
= 4 x 7c x 0.3752 = 184.9 in.2
This compares with the exact value of 175.4 in.2
calculated in Table B I - I
Development Spacing S
length id, Radius R,
inches inches 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 7 in.
I 3.71 I 4.09 in.2 I 129.5in.2 I 152.4 in.2 I 175.4 in.2 I 195.2 in.2 I
I 5.71 I 6.09 in.2 I 226.0 in.2 I 258.0 in.2 I 290.8 in.2 I 324.4 in.2 I
Example B I , continued
Calculate the bending strength of the plate based At face of tube (a-a):
on the yield moment capacity using yield stress. M = 9 x 1.5 = 13.5 in.-kips
Evaluate plate sections to determine minimum 0.9 X My= '/6 X 8 X t 2 X 0.9 X 36
load capacity. = 43.2 t2
,,t = A( 13W43.2) = 0.56 in.
On diagonal (b-b):
M = 4.5 x 1 . 5 4 = 9.5 in.-kips
My= '/6 X 5 4 X t 2 x 0.9 x 36
= 38.2t2
,,t = J(9.5/38.2) = 0.50 in.
f: = 4OOOpsi Vu = 12.4 kips
fy = 50,000 psi (studs) f
fut = 60,000 psi
Fy = 36,000 psi (plate)
Mu = 70in.-kip~
I 15”
Vu = 12.4 kips
where Mu and Vuare the required factored external loads
as defined in Section 9.2 of the Code. /‘
3 x 3xlI4”Tube
9.2 Equate the internal forces and solve for a : 0.85fC ab = A,fy
9.3.1 a = A, fy /( 0.85 ;f b )
a = A,50/[0.85(4)(7)]
a = 2.10Ae
Try in.
Il2 diameter studs A,/stud = 0.196 in.2
B.5.1. I Calculate design load assuming all studs may Put = Asfut
resist concurrent tensile loads. This assumption of = 4(0.196)(60)
f: = 4000psi
fy = 50,000 psi (studs)
fut = 60,000 psi
Fy = 36,000 psi (plate)
Mu = 70 in.-kips
Vu = 12.4kips M u = 70 in.-kips 1
For simplicity, it may also be assumed that the
compressive reaction is located at the edge of the
attached member.
Determine c. c = Mn/C
NOTE: c = FyS/A, fy
From summation of forces T = C = A, f y c = 16.4/Ae(50)
c = 0.328/Ae
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STEP 1: continued
9.2 Design shear strength must be greater than @ V, = 0.85( 21.5 kips)
9.3 the required strength @ V, = 18.3 kips > 12.4 kips OK
Determine minimum base plate thickness M = Tdt
to prevent base plate yielding and possible M = A, fydt
prying action on tension side. M = (0.307)( 50)(1.O)
M = 15.35 in.-kips
Given: 7”
I *
f: = 4000psi Vu = 12.4 kips
fy = 105,000 psi (bolts)
fut = 125,000 psi (bolts)
Fy = 36,000 psi (plate)
Mu = 70in.-kip~
Vu = 12.4 kips
where Mu and Vu are the required factorec, 5xternE
loads as defined in Section 9.2 of the Code.
M u = 70 in.-kips
3 x 3 ’íd”Tube
/ --- --H
Equate the internal forces and solve for a : 0.85 fCab = A,fy
a = A,fy/(0.85 fCb)
a = A,105/[0.85(4)(7)]
a = 4.41Ae
Try 3/8 in. diameter bolts (for 3/8 in. threaded A,/bolt = 0.078 in.2
bolts A , = 0.078 in.2)
B. The nominal shear strength is the sum of the Vn = 0.70A,,fy + 0.40 C
shear strength provided by the anchors and the
friction force between the base plate and concrete
due to the compressive reaction, taken as 0.4
in this example.
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STEP 2: continued
B.6.5.3 The anchor area not used for moment is available A= , 2(0.078 - 0.065) + 2(0.078)
for shear transfer. Assume threads in shear plane A, = 0.182 in.2
9.2 Design shear strength must be greater than @Vn= 0.85(18.8 kips)
9.3 the required strength. @ V, = 16.0 kips > 12.4 kips OK
This step in the example is for information only.
Actual design of the base plate is not covered
by AC1 349 Appendix B. Although the design
procedure shown is appropriate for base plate
design, the actual design values used should be
based on the appropriate structural steel code.
I 1
Example B2(c), continued
STEP 3: continued
Nominal moment capacity of base plate Mn = F y S
Mn= Fy(bt2/6) = (36)(7)t2/6
Mn = 42t2
A P u = 11.1
Sum moments about the center line of base plate 70.0 = 0.9[50Ae(2.5)
(line of axial load). + 0.85fC â b ( d - 2.5 -â/2)]
@ = 0.9 for flexure
77.78 = 50Ae(2.5)
+ 0.85(4)(2.1Ae- 0.466)
x (7)[6 - 2.5 - O q 2 . 1 A, - 0.466)]
Assume the total stud area not used for moment A,, = 2(0.30 - 0.23) + 2(0.30)
and tension is available for shear transfer by = 0.74 in.2
shear friction.
f: = 4OOOpsi I 7”
fy = 50,000 psi (studs) Vu = 12.4 kips
fut = 60,000 psi
Fy = 36,000 psi (plate) vA
Mu = 70in.-kip~
Vu = 12.4 kips
Pu = 11.1 kips
where Mu, Pu, and Vuare the required factored external
= -; M u = 70 in.-kips
B.6.5.3 The stud area not used for moment and tension A,, = 2 (0.30 - 0.24) + 2 (0.30)
is available for shear transfer by shear friction. = 0.72 in.2
B. Nominal shear strength V, = 0.9(0.72)(50)
p = 0.9 = 32.40 kips
Determine the reduction of projected stress area due to limited concrete thickness for the embedment of Example B1.
P, = 18 kips
f: = 4000psi 5/8‘‘ thick plate
fy = 50,000 psi (studs)
fut = 60,000 psi
Thickness of concrete slab = 6 in. 3.71 ”
b+2 (Ld+ t- h)
B.4.2 Total stress reduction area
=(b+2Ld+2t-2h)2 = [ 6.75 + 2 ( 3.71 ) + 2 (0.625) - 2( 6.5)]2
= 5.86 in.2 14.8 in.2 area still available
for stress reduction, OK
Ductility requirements met.
Example B I describes an embedment assembly with a projected area of 175.4 sq. in. when there was a minimum
required area of 160.6 in.2. this leaves approximately 14.8 sq. in. available for reduction in projected area before
the minimum requirements for concrete strength are no longer met.
Due to biaxial symmetry of the assembly in Example B I , all sides of the rectangular stress reduction area are equal
and, therefore, only one side needs to be found.
Note that the projected area calculated in Example B I , conservatively neglects the thickness of the plate and
uses i d = 3.71 in. rather than the length of 4.33 in. to the face of concrete.
This appendix develops the projected area of four There are two cases of overlapping stress cones. In
stress cones at the surface of the concrete. The studs Case I, there is no overlap at the center of the rectangle
are located at the corners of a rectangle with spacing since R < ( Sx2 + Sy2)1/2. In Case II, all four stress
S, and C y in each direction. The radius of the project- cones overlap. The projected area for the two cases is
ed stress cones (45 deg cone angle) is R = i d + d h / 2 . formulated below.
The projected area is equal to the area of four full cones
minus the area of the four overlapping portions minus the
area of the four heads.
The projected area is equal to the area of the central rect- CASE I
angle plus the area of the four three quarter cones minus the
area of the four overlapping portions outside the rectangle
minus the area of the four heads.
Acp2= S,Sy+(4)(3/4)~R2-(a,-sina,)R2
- (ay-S¡nay)R2-4Ah
A cpl = ( 4 7 ~- 2 B )R2 - 4 A h
Acp2 = ( 3 7 ~- B ) R2 + S X S y - 4 A h
B = (a,- sin a,) + (ay- sin ay)
a, = 2cos -1 (S, / 2 R )