Bea Form 7 - Natg6 PM

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Room Examiner’s Report Form
Testing Program:

Region: Division: Date:

Testing Center: Room No.:
Delivery and Retrieval of Test Materials (from & to the Chief Examiner): Delivery Retrieval
Number of times the test booklets were used: Once Twice Thrice N/A

Direction: Please complete/answer truthfully and objectively each section of this report.

A. Examinees and Test Materials

1. Number of Examinees
Male Female Total
Number of Expected Examinees
Number of Actual Examinees
Number of Absentees
2. Test Materials (TMs)
No. of copies
A. Sufficiency of TMs Quantity needed if
 Test Booklets (TBs)
 Answer Sheets (ASs)
 Examiner’s Handbook
 Name Grid Replica
 BEA Forms 1 and 2: List of Actual Examinees
and Seat Plan
 BEA Form 7: Room Examiner’s Report Form
B. Condition of the Test Booklets Quantity
In good condition
Not in good condition
- with misprints
- with same Serial Numbers
- with blurred Serial Numbers
- without Serial Number

Put a checkmark ( ) if the following activities were evident in your testing room.

1. PRE-TEST Evident Not Evident

1. The Chief Examiner requires each Room Examiner to count the Test Booklet in
sealed plastic bags in the distribution room.
2. Testing room is well-lighted, well ventilated, and conducive.
3. The room number and list of examinees are posted outside of the testing room.

4. The first and the last rows of seats are close as possible to the walls to allow
enough space.
2. TEST PROPER Evident Not Evident
1. Instructions in filling in of information on the Answer Sheets and markings were
2. Accomplishment of BEA Form 2 (Seat Plan) was completed.
3. Time limit for test proper was well adhered to.
4. Testing Discipline was strictly imposed.
4.1. No unnecessary noise while the exam was in progress.
4.2. Cheating in any form was strictly prohibited (e.g. talking to co- examinees)

4.3. Ensure strict adherence to Section 13 of DepEd Order 55, s. 2016

5. Refrain from the following activities was strictly followed:
5.1. Reading of test items from the test booklet to the examinees
5.2. Copying test items from the test booklet
5.3. Explaining/Translating certain word/s used from the Test Booklet
6. Keep custody of the TBs and ASs was strictly followed.
7. Refrain from scanning/browsing the unused TMs while the test is in progress.
3. POST-TEST Evident Not Evident
1. Required each examinee to insert first their Answer Sheet in the test booklet before
submitting it to the Room Examiner.
2. Checked the number of Test Booklets and Answer Sheets before the examinees were
3. Arranged TBs and ASs according to serial numbers.
4. Placed the used Answer Sheets in the original plastic bag.
5. Placed the following in the ETRE: Used Scannable Answer Sheets (ASs), Form A:
List of Examinees, BEA Forms 1 & 2: List of Actual Examinees and Seat Plan, BEA
Form 7: Room Examiner’s Report Form, Boardwork with
actual time record
6. Sealed the ETRE while still inside the examination room.
7. Counted and recounted the Test Booklets by the:
7.1. Chief Examiner
7.2. Room Supervisor
8. Submitted the Unused Answer Sheets to the Chief Examiner.
9. Retained the Name Grid Replica in the Testing Center.

Problems Encountered, Solutions Provided, and Recommendations

Direction: Specify the problem/s encountered, solution/s provided, and recommendation/s to improve the
administration of future national examination. (Provide additional sheets if needed.)

Solution/s made:


Time Frame Activity Time Allotment Time Time

Started Finished
Part I. Pre-Test
1:00-1:10 Entrance of Examinees Seating 10 minutes
1:10-1:20 Orientation and General Direction 10 minutes
Distribution of Test Materials
1:20-1:35 Filling in of information in the 15 minutes
Answer Sheet
1:35-2:00 Answering of Examinee’s 25 minutes
Descriptive Questionnaire
Part II. Test Proper
2:00-2:30 Filipino 30 minutes
2:30-3:10 Mathematics 40 minutes
3:10-3:40 English 30 minutes
3:40-3:55 Snack Break 15 minutes
3:55-4:25 Science 30 minutes
4:25-4:55 Araling Panlipunan 30 minutes
Part III. Post-Test
4:55-5:10 Retrieval of Test Materials and 15 minutes
Preparing of Reports and Sealing the
Total Time Allotment 4 hours and 10 minutes

Signature over Printed Name of the Room Examiner

Official Station/School

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