History of Biltong Comprehension

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The History of

Biltong is a favourite South African snack. It is part of South Africa's rich
heritage and has an interesting history. The word biltong is derived from the
Dutch word ‘bil’ and ‘tong’, which means rump and tongue. In short, it is a strip
of tasty dried meat.

Biltong has been around for centuries, The skills of making biltong have been
with its roots tracing back to South passed down through generations and
Africa. In a time where there were no biltong is now one of South Africa’s
refrigerators or freezers, indigenous favourite meaty; and healthy snacks!
people had to find a way to preserve
their meat in the hot climate. To do
this, they had to cure the raw meat
with salt and hang it up to dry.

Early in the 17th century, European

settlers arrived in southern Africa.
They saw the benefits of having
a stock supply of food and took
advantage of the abundance of game
in South Africa. They adopted the
traditional methods of meat curing
and introduced new ingredients such
as vinegar, coriander and cloves.
Did you know...?
Then, in the 19th century, thousands of
Dutch farmers (called the Voortrekkers) Biltong is a great source of natural
migrated from the Cape of Southern protein which helps with muscle
Africa and moved inland. For this long growth. It is also a source of iron
journey, they needed food that would and vitamin B12, which supports
provide nutrition without going off. the production of red blood cells and
Biltong was their perfect solution. helps with muscle maintenance.

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The History of Biltong

1. The word biltong is derived from a Dutch word ‘bil’ and ‘tong’, which means…

leg and tongue

rump and tongue
rump and leg

2. True or False? Biltong is a strip of cooked meat.

3a. Why did the indigenous people of South Africa have to preserve their meat?

3b. Which methods did they use to preserve their meat?

4. How did the European settlers improve the curing process of biltong?

5. Find and copy the term used for wild mammals hunted for food.

6. Fill in the missing words.

When the Voortrekkers migrated from the Cape of Southern Africa and moved inland, they
needed food that would provide .

7. True or False? Biltong is one of South Africa’s favourite snacks.

8. Why do you think biltong can be seen as a healthy snack?

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The History of Biltong

1. The word biltong is derived from a Dutch word ‘bil’ and ‘tong’, which means…

leg and tongue

rump and tongue
rump and leg

2. True or False? Biltong is a strip of cooked meat.

3a. Why did the indigenous people of South Africa have to preserve their meat?
They could not keep the raw meat fresh in the hot climate. At that time there were no
refrigerators or freezers.

3b. Which methods did they use to preserve their meat?

They cured the raw meat with salt and hung it up to dry

4. How did the European settlers improve the curing process of biltong?
They introduced new ingredients such as vinegar, coriander and cloves.

5. Find and copy the term used for wild mammals hunted for food.

6. Fill in the missing words.

When the Voortrekkers migrated from the Cape of Southern Africa and moved inland, they
needed food that would provide nutrition .

7. True or False? Biltong is one of South Africa’s favourite snacks.

8. Why do you think biltong can be seen as a healthy snack?
It is a great source of protein which helps with muscle growth. It will also provide you
with iron and vitamin B12, which supports the production of red blood cells and helps
with muscle maintenance.

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