Reading 4to Medio JUNIO 2017 FILA A

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Instituto Parral
Colegio subvencionado con
Financiamiento compartido
Teacher: Rodrigo Muoz Jimnez

Name: ______________________________________________
Date : June _____ 2017 Grade: 4 Secondary level

Ideal points: _42 pts. Real points: ________

Objetivos de aprendizaje: Unit 2, leer y demostrar comprensin sobre una actividad de lectura.
Habilidades: Conocer, comprender, aplicar.

Getting medicine for the poor

1 Fill the gaps using one of these words from the text: (7 pts)

suffer treat publish allowed afford agree protect develop save received

1 Scientists are trying to ________________ a new drug against AIDS.

2 Special drugs are used to ____________ malaria.
3 Millions of people ____________ from malaria in poor countries.
4 Poor people cannot ____________ to buy expensive drugs.
5 Drugs can ____________ people from diseases.
6 Cheaper drugs could ____________ lives in poor countries.
7 You are right! I ____________ with you.

2. Vocabulary: Find the Word (8 pts)

1 Find a word which means the opposite of poor. ___________________________________________________________

2 Find a word which means illnesses. ___________________________________
3 Find a word which means a special licence for a product. ___________________________________
4 Find a word which means a serious disease caused by mosquitoes. ___________________________________
5 Fine a word which means the opposite of cheap. _______________________________
6 Find a word which means the detailed study of a subject in order to find out new information. __________________________
7 Find a word which means someone with special knowledge of a subject. ___________________________________
8 Find a word which means someone who writes a book or a report. _______________________________

3. Comprehension check (5 pts)

1 Why are medicines expensive for people in poor countries?

a Because they are protected by patents.
b Because they are produced in rich countries.
c Because they are imported.

2 How long do patents last?

a 5 years. b 10 years. c 20 years.

3 Why do drugs companies need patents?

a To get money to produce new drugs. b To sell drugs in poor countries. c To sell drugs in rich countries.

4 What does the report say?

a Poor countries should spend more money on drugs.
b Poor countries should be allowed to make copies of drugs.
c Poor countries should import drugs.

5 What might happen if the patent system is changed?

a Drugs companies will stop producing drugs.
b Millions of lives will be saved in poor countries.
c Drugs companies will make more money.
4. Traduce el siguiente prrafo en espaol (10 points)
Last month, however, a group of experts published a report which says that patents are very bad
for poor countries. The report says that drug companies do not want to find new medicines for
diseases of poor people in poor countries._______

5.- Fill the gaps using a preposition. Check your answers in the text. (5 pts)

1 Millions of people suffer ______ AIDS.

2 Many people have no money to pay ______ expensive drugs.
3 People _______ poor countries cannot afford expensive drugs.
4 The pharmaceuticals industry does not agree _____ the report.
5 Patents are bad _______ poor countries.

6.- Read the text and choose the best alternative (7 PTS)

Fish and chips

them french fries, the combination is still called "fish
"Fish and and chips".
chips" is Fish and chips have separately been eaten for many
deep-fried fish years though the potato was not introduced to
in batter with Europe until the 17th century. The originally dish
deep-fried Pescado frito, or deep-fried fish, came to Netherlands
potatoes, and and England with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in
a popular the 17th and 18th centuries.
take-away The dish became popular in more widespread circles
food. Fish and in London and the south-east in the middle of the
chips is originally from the United Kingdom, but also 19th century while in the north of England a mark in
very popular in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New deep-fried "chipped" potatoes developed.
Zealand, South Africa and some coastal towns of the It is unclear when and where these two marks
Netherlands and Norway; and also in the United appeared to become the fish and chip shop industry
States even in Chile. For decades it was the dominant we know today. The first combined fish and chip shop
(if not the only) take-away food in the United was probably the one opened in London by Joseph
Kingdom. Malin in 1860.
The fried potatoes are called chips in British and During World War II, fish and chips were one of the
international usage; and while American English calls few foods that were not rationed in the UK.

1. Fish and chips are popular only in England.

True. False. We don't know.
2. Americans call "French fries" what British call "chips".
True. False. We don't know.
3. Americans call "chips" what British call "crisps".
True. False. We don't know.
4. The potato was introduced to Europe in the 18th century.
True. False. We don't know.
5. The dish became popular in the 19th century.
True. False. We don't know.
6. The first fish and chip shop was opened in the 19th century.
True. False. We don't know.
7. Fish and chips were not eaten during World War II.
True. False. We don't know.

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