Circulation in Animals

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Topic 2:

Circulation in
Transport in
Activity 1.1: Read out Text 1
• Organization of Vertebrate Circulatory Systems
The closed circulatory system of humans and other vertebrates is often called
the cardiovascular system. Blood circulates to and from the heart through an
amazingly extensive network of vessels: The total length of blood vessels in an
average human adult is twice Earth’s circumference at the equator! Arteries,
veins, and capillaries are the three main types of blood vessels. Within each
type, blood flows in only one direction. Arteries carry blood away from the heart
to organs throughout the body. Within organs, arteries branch into arterioles,
small vessels that convey blood to the capillaries. Capillaries are microscopic
vessels with very thin, porous walls. Networks of these vessels, called capillary
beds, infiltrate every tissue, passing within a few cell diameters of every cell in
the body. Across the thin walls of capillaries, chemicals, including dissolved
gases, are exchanged by diffusion between the blood and the interstitial fluid
around the tissue cells. At their “downstream” end, capillaries converge into
venules, and venules converge into veins, the vessels that carry blood back to
the heart.
The hearts of all vertebrates contain two or more muscular chambers. The
chambers that receive blood entering the heart are called atria (singular, atrium).
The chambers responsible for pumping blood out of the heart are called
• Cardiovascular system: A closed circulatory system with
a heart and branching network of arteries, capillaries, and
veins. The system is characteristic of vertebrates.
• Artery (plural: arteries): A vessel that carries blood away
from the heart to organs throughout the body.
• Arteriole: A small vessel that conveys blood between an
artery and a capillary bed.
• Capillary: A microscopic blood vessel that penetrates the
tissues and consists of a single layer of endothelial cells
that allows exchange between the blood and interstitial
• Capillary bed: A network of capillaries in a tissue or
• Venule: A small vessel that conveys blood between a
capillary bed and a vein.
• Vein: a vessel that carries blood toward the heart
• Atrium (plural: atria): A chamber of the vertebrate heart
that receives blood from the veins and transfers blood to
a ventricle.
• Ventricle: A heart chamber that pumps blood out of the
Activity 1.2: Translate the text into
Activity 1.1.1. Match the half sentences
1. The cardiovascular system…
2. A capillary …
3. A capillary bed …
4. An arteriole…
5. The vessels that collect blood and pump it back
to the heart …

a. is usually a small blood vessel having a thin and

porous wall.
b. is a small blood vessel branched from an artery.
c. is a type of circulatory systems.
d. are veins.
e. consists of numerous tiny blood vessels.
Activity 1.1.2. Word quiz
Which word in the text:
- best describes the mechanism by which
chemicals are exchanged between the
blood and the cells?
- has the closest meaning to a
- has the closest meaning to a “network”?
- Has the closest meaning to “in the space
between the cells”?
Activity 1.3: Now explain the following:

1. How many types of blood vessels

are there? What do they do?

2. What are the two chambers of the

heart? What do they do?
Activity 1.4: Continue to read out the text
• Double Circulation
The circulatory systems of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals have two
circuits, an arrangement called double circulation. The pumps for the
two circuits are combined into a single organ, the heart. Having both
pumps within a single heart simplifies coordination of the pumping
cycles. One pump, the right side of the heart, delivers oxygen-poor blood
to the capillary beds of the gas exchange tissues, where there is a net
movement of O2 into the blood and of CO2 out of the blood. This part of
the circulation is called a pulmonary circuit if the capillary beds
involved are all in the lungs, as in reptiles and mammals. It is called a
pulmocutaneous circuit if it includes capillaries in both the lungs and
the skin, as in many amphibians.
After the oxygen-enriched blood leaves the gas exchange tissues, it
enters the other pump, the left side of the heart. Contraction of the heart
propels this blood to capillary beds in organs and tissues throughout the
body. Following the exchange of O2 and CO2, as well as nutrients and
waste products, the now oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart,
completing the systemic circuit.
Activity 1.4.1: Now watch a video about
double circulation (C23, Act 23B)
In mammals, blood pumped by the right side of the
heart passes through the lungs and enters the left side
of the heart. This is the pulmonary circuit. Blood
pumped by the left side of the heart is distributed to
the other body organs and returns to the right side of
the heart. This is the systemic circuit. This pattern,
called double circulation, ensures vigorous blood flow
to the organs, because the heart pumps the blood a
second time after it returns from the lungs.
• Double circulation: A circulatory system consisting of
separate pulmonary and systemic circuits, in which blood
passes through the heart after completing each circuit.
• Pulmonary circuit: The branch of the circulatory system
that supplies the lungs.
• Pulmocutaneous circuit: A branch of the circulatory
system in many amphibians that supplies the lungs and
• Systemic circuit: The branch of the circulatory system
that supplies oxygenated blood to and carries
deoxygenated blood away from organs and tissues
throughout the body.
Activity 1.5: Translate the text into
Activity 1.4.2. Answer the following
1. As can be deduced from the text, a frog has:
a. a pulmonary circuit
b. a pulmocutaneous circuit
2. What can be implied by the “pumps”
mentioned in the text?
3. Fishes do not have:
a. a systemic circuit
b. a pulmonary circuit
c. a big circulatory system
Activity 1.6: Now explain the following
in short:

1. What is the pulmonary circuit for?

2. What is the systemic circuit for?

Activity 2.1: Watch the video
Now watch the video (C.32, Act. 32B) and look at Text 2:
• It's summer, and this plant's leaves are making sugars that are being stockpiled in its
taproot. A tissue called phloem transports the organic products of photosynthesis
throughout the plant in a solution called phloem sap.
• Sugar produced by the leaves is pumped into the sieve-tube elements of the phloem by
active transport. This raises the concentration of sugar, causing water to move into the
phloem by osmosis. Water pressure at the sugar source increases, pushing water and
sugar away from the sugar source and toward the sugar sink-- a mechanism called
pressure flow. At the sugar sink, root cells remove sugar by active transport. Again water
follows by osmosis. This lowers the water pressure at the sink. Thus, the phloem
transports water and its sugar cargo from the sugar source (in the leaves), where there is a
buildup of pressure, to the sugar sink (in the root), where the pressure is lower.
• Now the weather is changing. In autumn, the plant's leaves die and its metabolic
processes slow down. The plant is dormant during the winter. In early spring, new leaves
begin to grow.
• In the spring, the direction is reversed, but the mechanism responsible for the translocation
of phloem sap is the same. Sugar in the taproot is actively transported into the phloem.
Water flows into the phloem by osmosis, increasing the water pressure. In the leaves,
sugar is actively transported out of the phloem and water follows. Pressure flow drives
water and sugar away from the sugar source and toward the sugar sink.
• Taproot: A main vertical root that develops from an
embryonic root and gives rise to lateral (branch)
• Phloem: The portion of the vascular system in plants
consisting of living cells arranged into elongated
tubes that transport sugar and other organic nutrients
throughout the plant
• Phloem sap: The sugar-rich solution carried through
a plant’s sieve tubes.
• Sieve-tube elements: Cells that join together in
chains to form sieve tubes in phloem
• Osmosis: The diffusion of water across a selectively
permeable membrane
Activity 2.1.1: Fill in the blanks:

1. ………is the liquid inside the phloem.

2……… is the mechanism of transporting
water and sugars.
3. In ……, sugars are transported from the
leaves to the taproot. In spring, the direction of
transport is ……….
4. The direction of transporting sugars is from
………., where sugars are more concentrated,
to the………, where sugars are stored.
5. A plant is ………. when its metabolic
processes slow down.
Activity 2.1.2: Read out the text
Activity 2.2: Translate the text into
Activity 2.3: Now explain the following
in short:

1. What happens inside a plant in


2. What happens inside a plant in

Activity 3: Study Text 4
(C32A) (for Game 3)
• As a plant lives and grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air, and
water and minerals from the soil. How does the plant move these substances to
where they are needed for chemical reactions such as photosynthesis? Water and
minerals are transported upward within the xylem as xylem sap.
• The surface area of a root is enormously expanded by thousands of root hairs and
symbiotic mycorrhizae. The root hairs are in direct contact with water and dissolved
inorganic ions held in tiny spaces between soil particles. Water and ions can travel
into the root by the extracellular route-- moving between cells along cell walls-- or by
the intracellular route-- moving from cell to cell through plasmodesmata. A molecule
or ion may also move through the root via a combination of these two routes, or by
moving slowly from cell to cell across plasma membranes and cell walls.
• All water and ions eventually have to pass through a plasma membrane, and this is
how the plant controls their uptake. Even water and ions that are traveling by the
extracellular route must eventually pass through cells, because of a waxy waterproof
band called the Casparian strip. This barrier forces all water and solutes to pass
through the plasma membranes of endodermis cells, and thus these cells are able to
exert ultimate control over the kinds and amounts of substances that enter the plant.
Once the selected solutes and water are in the endodermis cells, they can be
discharged into the xylem for transport to the rest of the plant.
Activity 3: Study Text 4 (cont)
• How do water and minerals get to the leaves? Although roots can exert a slight upward
pressure, it is evaporation of water from leaves, a process called transpiration, that moves
water molecules and ions up from the roots. Transpiration exerts a pull that is relayed
downward along a string of water molecules, from leaf to root.
• Hydrogen bonds cause water molecules to stick together-- a phenomenon called cohesion. As
each water molecule evaporates, it pulls on the next water molecule, and it pulls on the next.
This relays the pull of evaporating water molecules all the way down to the roots. The adhesion
of water to walls of the xylem cells helps to keep gravity from pulling the water molecules back
• As each water molecule escapes from the leaf, it pulls a column of water molecules upward.
Solutes are transported along with the water. Thus, the plant's xylem uses the movement of
evaporating water molecules, cohesion, and adhesion to draw water and dissolved minerals
from the soil into its roots and upward to its leaves.
• Hot, dry, windy conditions increase transpiration. If not enough water moves up from the soil to
replace the water lost to evaporation, the plant will wilt and it could die. How does a plant
prevent excessive water loss?
• An opening in a leaf is called a stoma. Stomata are generally open during the day to allow
carbon dioxide into the leaf, where it is used in photosynthesis. While the stomata are open,
water moves out of the leaf by transpiration. This allows the plant to move water and minerals
to the leaf, and the evaporation of water also functions to cool the plant. If hot, dry conditions
require the plant to conserve water, guard cells close the stomata. This is a tradeoff. Although
closing the stomata reduces water loss, this also slows down photosynthesis, and may cause
the plant to overheat.
• Xylem: The tube-shaped, nonliving portion of the vascular system in plants
that carries water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant
• Mycorrhiza: A mutualistic association of plant root and fungus
• Plasmodesma (plural, plasmodesmata): An open channel in the cell wall of
plants through which strands of cytosol connect from adjacent cells
• Endodermis: The innermost layer of the cortex in plant roots; a cylinder one
cell thick that forms the boundary between the cortex and the stele
• Transpiration: The evaporative loss of water from a plant
• Cohesion: The binding together of like molecules, often by hydrogen bonds
• Adhesion: The attraction between different kinds of molecules
• Stoma (plural, stomata) A microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in
the epidermis of leaves and stems that allows gas exchange between the
environment and the interior of the plant.
• Guard cell: A specialized epidermal plant cell that forms the boundaries of
the stomata
Writing tip: Verb tenses in scientific
reports (1)
• Rule of thumb: Do not remember too many rules!
What is known/evident/established 🡪 Present tense
What was found/observed; what was done 🡪 Past tense
• Literature review/ Introduction: what is known 🡪 usually
Present tense is used
“At present six forms of Tonkin leafmonkey (Presbytis or Trachypithecus
francoisi) are known in the Indochinese peninsula:..”
But it’s OK to write:
“It has been/was reported that six forms of Tonkin leafmonkey (Presbytis
or Trachypithecus ]rancoisi) are present in the Indochinese
Or “ABC showed/has shown that six forms …”
Writing tip: Verb tenses in scientific
reports (1)
• Materials and Methods: what you did 🡪 usually Past
tense is used
“Field observations were made on each of these four
subspecies during the course of the Mammal Surveys.”
But it’s OK to write:
“These specimens closely resemble those described for the
respective taxa by OsaooD …”
• Results: what you found/observed 🡪 usually Past
tense/Present Perfect tense is used
“During some field investigations of these habitats in North
Vietnam from 1957-71, the author has remarked that …”
But it’s OK to write: “Table X/ Figure Y shows that…”
Or: “The Tonkin leafmonkey is afraid of water” 🡪 always true
1. The function of the pulmonary circuit is to
A. carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues where
they are needed
B. retrieve waste products from the body tissues
C. carry blood through the heart, lungs, and all of
the body tissues
D. carry carbon dioxide to the lungs and pick up
oxygen from the lungs
E. screen blood from the small intestine in case
toxic substances are present
2. The blood vessels with the thinnest walls
are the _____.
3. _____ transport blood to capillaries, and
_____ transport blood away from
A.Arteries ... arterioles
B.Veins ... arteries
C.Venules ... veins
D.Venules ... arteries
E.Arterioles ... venules
4. In what are sugar and organic compounds
C.root hair
5. What best describes the structure of
A.a long tube
B.a transport system carrying water
C.a system of sieve-tube elements
D.a xylem
• One person explains terms for the others
of the group to guess
Rule: Do not say the word! No body
• Watch the video (32A,1) and answer the
1. Where are water and minerals
a. in phloem
b. in root hair
c. in the soil
d. in xylem and xylem sap
• Watch the video (32A,2&3) and answer the
1.1. Water and ions can move:
a. by an extracellular route
b. by both an extracellular route and an
intercellular route
c. by mycorhizae
1.2. What can control control the kinds and
amounts of substances entering the plant?
a. endodermis cells b. epidermis cells
• Watch the video (32A,4) and answer the
2. According to the video, what does
“transpiration” refer to?
a. Respiration
b. The evaporation of water from leaves
c. The transport of minerals
d. A process in the root
• Watch the video (32A,5-7) and answer the
2. 1. What is the name of the phenomenon
in which molecules stick together?
a. interaction
b. collision
c. Cohesion
2.2. The plant will …. if there is not enough
water to compensate for the water lost to
• Watch the video (32A,8) and answer the
3. What subject is discussed in the video?
a. Stroma b. Stoma(ta) c. water loss
4. In hot, dry conditions, what helps
conserve water? …………..

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