English 9 Q4 Weeks 1 8

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Quarter 4 – Weeks 1-8

NAME: __________________________________________________
GRADE LEVEL & SECTION: _____________________________
STUDENT’S SIGNATURE: _______________________________
Quarter 4 – Weeks 1-2

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify whether the text has sound or unsound
2. improve statements with unsound reasoning; and
3. determine which among the statements contain factual
information or subjective content.

What I Know
Let us begin with a short review about how to identify
quality or sound reasoning. Answer the following activity to test
your background knowledge about the topic.

Directions: Tell whether the following situations exhibit sound

reasoning or not. Put a check mark (/) before the number if the
situation exhibits sound reasoning, and x mark (x) if not.
Unemployed cannot afford health insurance. All politicians can
afford health insurance. Therefore, no politician is unemployed.

Answer: /, sound reasoning, the premises are actually true.

1. Insects have four legs, spiders have eight. Therefore,

spiders are not insect.
2. Her parents are both engineers therefore, she, too will
become an engineer.
3. Chance has sweet tooth. He doesn’t like chocolates and
4. Mammals have mammary glands. Dolphin is a mammal.
Therefore, dolphins have mammary glands.
5. Covid-19 is a contagious disease. Therefore, Covid-19 is
easily transmitted.

Let’s check your answers. What’s your score?

Soundness of Ideas and Effectiveness of

It is an exciting world out there. A lot of new things are

emerging in our ever-changing world. It is our responsibility to
discern what to follow and what to believe in. While we enjoy
the changes, the world has to offer we should still be grounded
on the values that shape our being. They will guide us in our
journey through life and our quest for a better future for
ourselves and for others. Reasoning is generally seen as a
means to improve knowledge and make better decisions. This
module will help you learn how to discriminate sound from
unsound reasoning.
With the help of the tasks you will explore in this module,
you will surely hone your logical reasoning.
Good luck!

What’s In

Directions: Read the situation about a friend who is planning

for a dinner meeting. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Source: “Girl and A Baker,” cc by-nc, accessed August 10, 2020, https://www.google.com/search?

Agatha’s prior knowledge tells that Seventh-day Adventists

members do not eat crustaceans. Ronaldo is a member of this religious
organization. Agatha will not take him to a seafood restaurant that

serves shrimps, lobsters and crabs because she knows that eating
those kinds of food are not allowed in their faith.
Comprehension Check:
1. What is the dilemma of Agatha?
2. Is the reasoning of Agatha logical or makes sense?
3. What was her basis on her decision?
4. Do you think Agatha will do the right thing? Why?
5. If you were Agatha, would you do the same? Why?

What’s New

Reasoning is the process of combining alternatives,

information, and values to arrive at a decision. Choosing an
alternative for an important decision just because it feels right
is not enough. Sound reasoning requires an explanation.
Sound Reasoning is simply reasoning that makes sense,
and follows some sort of logic. Sound reasoning means
logical reasoning. However, poor reasoning leads to poor

Example of sound reasoning:

1. An argument is sound if it meets these two criteria: (1) It is
valid. (2) Its premises are true.
2. A sound argument is a valid argument in which all of the
premises are in fact (i.e. actually) true.
Valid + All True Premises = Sound
Daffy Duck is a duck. All ducks are birds. Therefore, Daffy Duck
is a bird.

In this argument, the premises are true (all ducks are in fact
birds, and Daffy Duck is in fact a duck)—so the conclusion
must also be true (therefore, the argument is sound).
Example of unsound reasoning:
An unsound argument is either an invalid argument or a
valid argument with at least one false premise.
If Chelo is a wife, she is a woman. Chelo is not a wife.
Therefore, Chelo is not a woman.
In this argument, there is at least one false premise, Chelo is
not a woman. Even assuming the premises to be true, it's
possible for Chelo to be a woman. She could be an unmarried
woman. Thus, the premises don't guarantee that she is not a

B. Read and analyze the text below then answer the

questions that follow:
Obama: “There Were No Winners in this Government
President Barack Obama’s Address to the Americans

Hi everybody. This week, because

Democrats and responsible Republicans
came together, the government was
reopened, and the threat of default was
removed from our economy.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of
the politics of this shutdown. But the truth
is, there were no winners in this. At a time when our economy
needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured crises of
these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and

growth. And it’s understandable that your frustration with what
goes on in Washington has never been higher.
The way business is done in Washington has to change. Now
that these clouds of crisis and uncertainty have lifted, we need
to focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do –
grow the economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle
class, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity, and get
our fiscal house in order for the long haul.
It won’t be easy. But we can make progress. Specifically, there
are three places where I believe that Democrats and
Republicans can work together right away.
First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a
responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and
shrinks our long-term deficits further. There is no choice
between growth and fiscal responsibility – we need both. So
we’re making a serious mistake if a budget doesn’t focus on
what you’re focused on: creating more good jobs that pay
better wages. If we’re going to free up resources for the things
that help us grow – education, infrastructure, research – we
should cut what we don’t need, and close corporate tax
loopholes that don’t help create jobs. This shouldn’t be as
difficult as it has been in past years. Remember, our deficits
are shrinking – not growing.
Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken
immigration system. There’s already a broad coalition across
America that’s behind this effort, from business leaders to faith
leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy. It
would secure our borders. The Senate has already passed a
bill with strong bipartisan support. Now the House should, too.
The majority of Americans thinks this is the right thing to do. It
can and should get done by the end of this year.
Third, we should pass a farm bill – one that America’s farmers
and ranchers can depend on, one that protects vulnerable
children and adults in times of need, and one that gives rural
communities opportunities to grow and the longer-term
certainty they deserve.
We won’t suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of
crisis has passed. But we shouldn’t hold back on places where
we do agree, just because we don’t think it’s good politics, or
just because the extremes in our parties don’t like compromise.
I’ll look for willing partners from either party to get important
work done. There’s no good reason why we can’t govern
responsibly, without lurching from manufactured crisis to
manufactured crisis. Because that isn’t governing – it’s just
hurting the people we were sent here to serve.
Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have
an obligation to do our job the best we can. We come from
different parties, but we’re Americans first. And our obligations
to you must compel all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to
cooperate, and compromise, and act in the best interests of
this country we love.
Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend.
Source: “Obama: ‘There Were No Winners In This’
Government Shutdown
President Barack Obama’s Address to the Americans,” The
White House, accessed August 11, 2020

What is It

Directions: Answer the following questions about President

Obama’s address.

1. What is the issue presented in the speech?

2. Are the terms used clearly defined and applied throughout
the message?

3. Is the thesis (the point to be made) clearly and directly
stated? What is the thesis statement?
4. Are facts provided as evidence? If so, identify them.
5. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does one point follow
from another?)
6. What persuasive devices or propaganda techniques does
the author use (examples: appeal to emotions, name-
calling, appeal to authority)?
7. Does the author succeed in persuading you to accept his
8. Is there an issue similar to the one presented here in the
Philippines? Explain your answer.

What’s More

Task 1 Validate Info

Statements below are taken from President Obama’s “There

Were No Winners…” address. Identify which among the
statements contain factual information (statements that can be
verified or proven to be true or false) or subjective content
(involves judgment, feeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather
than factual information).
Write F for factual and S for subjective.
_________ 1. There were no winners in this government
__________2. At a time when our economy needs more
growth and more jobs, the manufactured crises of these last
few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth.
__________ 3. The way business is done in Washington has
to change.
__________ 4. First, we should sit down and pursue a
balanced approach to a responsible budget, one that grows
our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits further.
__________ 5. Second, we should finish the job of fixing our
broken immigration system. There’s already a broad coalition
across America that’s behind this effort, from business leaders
to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our
economy. It would secure our borders.
_________ 6. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong
bipartisan support.
_________ 7. Those of us who have the privilege to serve this
country have an obligation to do our job the best we can.

Task 2 It Sounds Right

Directions: Encircle the number that has statements which

apply sound reasoning.

1. Some girls love signature bags.

Diana brings a second-hand bag.
Diana doesn’t want signature bags.

2. She wears a red color shirt, it’s her birthday.

3. All men are mortal.

Simon is a man; therefore, Simon is mortal.

4. Covid-19 is a virus.
It spreads around the world.
Covid-19 is a pandemic.

5. Some farmers used carabaos to plow their fields.

Andoy used hand tractor to plow his field; therefore,
Andoy is not a farmer.

What Have I Learned

Sound reasoning is a reasoning that follows logic and can
be easily understood by reader or an audience.
1. An argument is sound if it meets these two criteria: (1)
It is valid. (2) Its premises are true.
2. A sound argument is a valid agreement in which all of
the premises are in fact (i.e. actually) true.

What Can I Do on My Own

Unsound Reasoning

Animals that eat meats and plants are called omnivores.

Panda eats plants only.
Therefore, Panda is not an animal.

This is unsound reasoning, because panda could also be
an animal but not an omnivore.

Sound Reasoning
Animals that eat meats and plants are called omnivores.
Panda eats plants only. Therefore, Panda is not an omnivore.

What Can I Do

Tune Up.
Directions: Write S if the context applies sound reasoning and
if not, revise the statements to make it sound.

____1. All cats are pink.

Toffee is a cat; therefore, Toffee is pink.

____2. All whales are mammals.

Killer whale is a whale; therefore, killer whale is a mammal.

____3. All cows are mammals.

All dogs are mammals; therefore, dogs are cows.

What Can I Do on My Own

Directions: Write S if the given situation exhibits sound

reasoning; if not, write U.
_____1. Inarawan is a barangay in Naujan. Naujan is a town in
Oriental Mindoro; therefore, Inarawan is a part of the province
of Oriental Mindoro.
_____2. Heroes are people admired for their achievements
and noble qualities. Medical frontliners and police officers are
dubbed as Covid-19 pandemic heroes; therefore, medical
frontliners and police officers have noble qualities.
____3. Pandemic is an occurrence in which a disease spread
very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide
area or throughout the world. Covid-19 affects people all over
the world; therefore Covid-19 is considered as pandemic.
____4. If Ariel works in a machine shop, his hands will get
dirty. Ariel’s hands didn’t get dirty; therefore, he didn’t work in a
machine shop.
_____5.All spiders have 8 legs. Chino is a spider; therefore,
Chino has 8 legs.
_____6.If Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the President of the
Philippines, then Duterte is the Commander-in-Chief of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines; therefore, Philippine
President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines.
_____7.Senior citizens are not allowed to leave their homes
during Enhanced Community Quarantine. Sonia, goes to work
every day as a frontliner; therefore, Sonia is not a senior
_____8.If Amiel is literate, he can read and write. He can read
but he can’t write; therefore, Amiel is literate.
_____9.All men are married. Some doctors are not married;
therefore, some doctors are not men.
_____10.All girls loves teddy bear. Agnes hates teddy bear;
therefore, Agnes is not a girl.
_____11. All humans have heart. Angela is a human;
therefore, Angela is a human.

_____12.Birds have feathers and most of them can fly. Ostrich
has feathers but it can’t fly; therefore, ostrich can be
considered as bird.
_____13. Most herbal medicines have bitter taste. Bignay has
a tangy taste; therefore, bignay is not an herbal medicine.
_____14.All mothers are women. Perlita is a mother; therefore,
Perlita is a woman.
_____15.Beauty queens have genuine teeth. Tara has
dentures; therefore, Tara can’t be a beauty queen.

What I Can Do More

Directions: Construct three sets of statements that exhibit
sound reasoning.
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

“Everyone judges constantly: positively judging one person is

the same as negatively judging everyone else; it is to say that
that person is superior in some sense.”
― Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

End of Module

Quarter 4 – Weeks 3-4

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. analyze the stand of the speaker based on explicitly
stated ideas;
2. come up with a positive disposition on the social issues;
and concerns in real life

1 Judging Relevance and Worth of Ideas

You are living in a fast-changing society where new ideas

and things emerge regularly. As `a responsible citizen, it is
your obligation to discern what to follow and believe in. While
you appreciate these changes in life, you must still continue to
preserve your values and standards as a true Filipino.

This lesson will also help you become assertive by taking

a stand regarding the critical issues that affect your decision as
a student and as a member of your community. Your ability to
decide will help you in forming sound and appropriate
judgments which are indispensable for your future success.

What’s New

Understanding literature entails knowing the world of

the writers. Thus, in order to grasp what they really want to
convey in their text, you should be open in taking into
consideration their views and opinions on certain matters. We
must also consider the clarity of words, sound and logical
judgments to determine the validity or falsity of their ideas and

Author’s Purpose is his or her reason for writing. These

are: to inform or to explain, to persuade, to entertain, or to
express thoughts or feelings.

Perspective is the lens through which a writer views a
topic. That lens is colored by the writer’s values, beliefs, and
experiences and can influence readers’ perceptions of the

Note: Analyzing purpose and perspective helps you to

determine how a writer might want you to react to his or her
ideas. Use these three strategies to help you analyze the
author’s purpose and perspective:

1. Identify the basics. Look at the title of the text, the text
type, the subject and the intended audience. These
elements can give clues to the author’s purpose.
2. Examine other clues to the purpose.

● To inform- if there are facts and statistics mentioned

● To persuade- statements of opinions, appeals to

emotion, and calls to action
● To entertain- if the writing includes descriptions of
intriguing conflicts or humorous details
● To express- includes observations, statements that
reveal the writer’s feelings

3. Look for direct statements that reveal perspective.

Sometimes, a writer will make direct statements that reveal
his or her opinions and beliefs about a topic.
4. Examine language and tone for clues to perspective.
When an author’s opinion about a topic isn’t directly stated
in the text, you can sometimes determine his or her opinion
by looking closely at the word choices.
Source: “Analyzing Purpose and Perspective,” Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.,
accessed August 10, 2020 https://hmhfyi.com/6-12/reading-tips/craft-and-

What Is It


Directions: Read the essay about the importance of dress code

to high school students. Then, do the activity that follows.

Should high school students follow a dress code?

Some people claim that a uniform can significantly

improve the quality of high school experience, while others
argue that this attempt to unify all students does them only

Some students are relieved by the necessity to wear a

uniform, while others actively protest it. Although, there are
obvious advantages of wearing the clothes of your own
preference, such as comfort and self-expression, a certain
dress code still needs to be followed. Wearing a uniform can
greatly benefit teenagers’ personalities and improve their
learning experience in many ways.

First of all, a uniform makes all students even. It

discourages the division into poor and rich. Although, the
wealth of certain students can still be recognizable because
some of them drive expensive cars or carry around mobile
phones of pricey brands, nonetheless it makes the division less

Such dress code teaches young minds an invaluable

lesson, which is seeing what is behind the clothes. They learn
to value other people for their personal traits and qualities,
rather than for such superficial aspect as dress. Moreover, the
common uniform can help to stop bullying that has become a
big trouble for high school nowadays.

Nonetheless, the opponents of a high school dress code

claim that it prevents children from expressing their
personalities. In fact, it encourages them to look for more

creative and meaningful ways of self-expression, than just
fancy brand clothes.

In addition, a school uniform is a good option for families

with low income. It is a relief for parents who cannot afford to
buy new stylish sets of clothes for their children. The kids from
poor families will be able to feel as equal as their classmates
and will no longer be bullied for their looks.

To sum it up, following a dress code such as the school

uniform has many positive aspects and can improve the
learning outcomes. It compels students to value other people
for their personal qualities instead of their dress. Thus, the
application of school uniform should be encouraged in
educational establishments as a tool of improving learning

Source: “Sample Argumentative Essay.” Star Writers, accessed August 10, 2020

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the topic presented in the essay?
2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?
3. Are the terms used explicitly defined and applied
throughout the writing?
4. Are facts provided as evidence? If so, identify them.
5. Is the reasoning fair and logical? Justify.
6. How does the speaker affect your disposition regarding the

What’s More


Directions: Using the above text, complete the table on the
next page.
Stand of the Speaker:



Your Stand:

What I Have Learned

To fully comprehend the message and relevance of a text,

we must understand the world of the writers. We should be
open to consider their views and opinions on certain matters.
We must also look into the clarity of their words, sound and
logical judgments to determine the validity or falsity of their
ideas and claims.

To analyze the author’s perspective, examine other clues

to the purpose, such as to inform, to express, to entertain, and
to persuade. We may also analyze the tone of the author to
easily evaluate his stand on the topic.

Remember, our ability to evaluate the logic of the writer’s

argument enhances our critical 17 thinking skills and analytical
What I Can Do on My Own

Directions: Read the speech below and be ready to answer

the questions that follow.

Is Peer Pressure harmful?

I am standing here today to defend ur rights and our

liberty or freedom to decide. Would you do something that you
do not want, like smoking or doing drugs or drinking alcohol in
order to "fit in"? Let me tell you that you are violating yourself
as a person if your answer is yes. Because you are not staying
true to yourself and you are making some other person treat
you like a puppet, by making you do things that can hurt, ruin
and damage your body. I am a high school student, so this
means I am around this kind of thing all the time. All this peer
pressure starts because they tell you that if you don't do
something, like deal drugs, or smoke or drink alcohol, you are
not part of the group. Thus, you run out of reasons not to do it.

But smoking, dealing or taking drugs and drinking alcohol

are damaging both to the body and the mind. Teenagers do
not know who they are and what is right and wrong because
they are being fooled by their friends. Once you start the vices,
you think that everything is going to be the same. But is it?
You can't ever go back to how it was before, your old self gets
lost behind, you cross the line to the wrong side, once you start
drinking, smoking, and taking drugs. You don't realize that
because of the peer pressure, of not staying true to yourself
and of not being able to say "no". You are fooled by your
friends, who are in the same situation who can end up in a
hospital with lung cancer, alcoholism, and other related

It is not the end of the world, if you are conscious of

what you are doing, you can find your true self that is lost
somewhere inside you, and leave that part of you who only
follows other people's rules. Because that is what you are
doing, obeying them. If you have a friend who is going through
this, help him or her, because this can end up badly. If it is
difficult for you to rescue a friend, there are organizations that
can help. But remember that you always have to stay true to
yourself, no matter what happens or what people tell you.
Learn to say no, do what you want and believe in yourself. You
have to understand the consequences of peer pressure so that
you can actually enjoy your time in high school by just being
Source: Marked by Teachers. “Persuasive Speech on Peer Pressure.” Accessed
August 10, 2020 http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/english/peer-pressure-

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?

A. to entertain C. to persuade
B. to inform D. to express

2. What is the topic presented in the speech?

A. how to understand the world of teenagers

B. misconceptions of students about peer pressure
C. common vices of high school students inside the school
D. disadvantages of peer pressure to high school student

3. Based on the speech, what is the tone of the writer?

A. informal C. inviting
B. optimistic D. unfriendly

4. What is the stand of the speaker regarding the issue?

A. Favor, peer pressure benefits students in many ways.

B. Not favor, peer pressure may only bring damaging
effects to high school students.
C. Undecided, either of the two may be considered.
D. The speaker did not provide his/her stand.

5. As stated in the first paragraph, why do students become

victims of peer pressure?

A. They want to fit in a group.

B. They fear rejection from their friends.
C. They struggle to cope with the new environment.
D. They seek attention from their parents or guardians.

6. The following are the disadvantages of peer pressure


A. Students have the tendency to learn new vices.

B. Some positive habits will be reinforced.
C. Learners may perform poorly in classes.
D. Students are prone to diseases due to smoking and

7. In writing the speech, the writer used ______________.

A. vivid language C. specific details or

B. personal references D. all of the above

8. These are facts from the text except:

A. Drugs and alcohol both damage the minds.

B. You have freedom to decide whether to say yes or no.
C. Fitting into a group causes peer pressure.
D. Pleasing others should be our utmost priority.

9. The last paragraph serves as a ____________________.

A. challenge C. plea
B. threat D. reflection

10. What is the greatest advice given by the speaker?
A. Live your life pleasing your friends and families.
B. Focus on your studies while trying to learn new skills.
C. Enjoy high school life while you accept and appreciate
D. Choose your friends depending on their intelligence
and personality.


DIRECTIONS: After understanding the text and the literary

craftsmanship, you are now aware of the message and
author’s purpose in writing. And to finally hear your thoughts,
you will be tasked to write an argumentative speech about
your chosen social issue. Let the rubrics below be your guide
in doing the activity.


4 3 2 1
CRITERIA Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards

Focus & Essay Essay Essay Essay does

Structure maintains a maintains a maintains not
clear, relevant clear, mostly clear maintain a
and logical relevant and and logical clear and
organization. logical organization. logical
Essay is organization. Simple organizatio
organized into Multiple paragraphs are n. Simple
multiple sections used (rather paragraphs
sections that (groups of than multiple are used in
creatively and paragraphs) sections) a
intelligently work disorganize
build up to together to d manner.
support a form an
unique and argument.

Introductio Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory

n section section section section
provides a provides a provides a contains
strong strong strong some
opening, opening, opening, context and
context and a context and a adequate an unclear
complex and thesis context and a thesis
original thesis statement. clearer statement.
statement. The The thesis statement.
thesis includes includes
details that details that
preview the preview the
rest of the rest of the
essay. essay.

Evidence Student Student Student Student

supports their supports supports their supports
thesis their thesis thesis their thesis
statement with statement statement with statement
multiple clear with multiple some clear with few
and relevant clear and and relevant clear and
examples relevant examples from relevant
examples credible examples
from credible
from credible sources using from
sources using
sources quotes and credible
quotes and
using quotes citations. sources
and citations. Evidence using
Evidence attempts to quotes and
acknowledge acknowledge citations.
and refutes 22
s and refutes and refute No
alternate or
alternate or alternate or alternate
opposing opposing points are
points of view
points of points of view discussed.
-End of Module-

Quarter 4 – Weeks 5-6


What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. react on social, moral and economic issues affecting the
2. determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas

What I Know
Directions: Read and analyze the following situations. Choose
the letter of the correct answer and write it in your notebook.

1. Your friend posted his photo with her girlfriend on his
Facebook account and you commented that you are
happy for them. What kind of issue is this?
a. Economic issue c. Moral issues
b. Social issue d. Spiritual issue
2. Covid-19 measures the capacity of health and economy of
every country that suffers from it. What kind of issue is
a. Social issue c. Economic issue
b. Moral issue d. Spiritual issue
3. What kind of issue has something to do with morals and
values of a person?
a. Economic issue c. Moral Issue
b. Social issue d. Spiritual issue

4. ABS-CBN shutdown generates different opinions and

feelings to everyone. Which of the following issue is
a. Economic issue c. Moral issue
b. Social issue d. Spiritual issue
5. Helping other people develops you to be a good person.
What issue is suggested?
a. Economic issue c. Moral issue
b. Social issue d. Spiritual issue

Lesson Reacting on Critical Issues to Prompt Actions

The Covid-19 pandemic is literally the most talk-of-the-

town issue worldwide. It affects a lot of people, establishments,
and economic growth of the country. How are we going to react
on social, moral and economic issues affecting the nation?
How to determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented by an author?

Read on and do the activities that follow to find the
What’s New

A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens
within a society. It is a common problem in present-day society
and one that many people strive to solve. It is often the
consequence of factors extending beyond an individual’s control.
Social issues are the source of conflicting opinion on the grounds
of what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or
interpersonal social life decisions.
A moral issue can be understood as an issue to be resolved
not 1.only change the technical stuff but also by keeping
by considering
2. Poverty
moral and
values in homelessness
mind. To be more precise, let us consider the
definition in general.
3. Gender inequality

“Moral issue is a working definition of an issue of moral concern is

presented as any issue with the potential to help or harm anyone,
including oneself.”

Example 1
After a recent collapse of a structure in which many people
died, an Engineer came to know about a bridge which is
marginally safe. He informed his superior who asked him to stay
calm and not to discuss with anyone, while waiting for the next
year budget sessions to get financial help for the repair required.
What should the engineer do?

Example 2
What should an Engineer who observes his unauthorized
colleague copying confidential information do immediately? If he
chooses to stop his colleague, what if he repeats the crime again
without his notice? If he chooses to report it to the management,
what if his friend loses the job? Which is morally correct?
These are few examples just to understand the kind of moral
dilemmas. There might be one or more correct answers at times.
There can be some other way around to deal with the issue, which
What Is It
What kind of issue are the following? Write SI for social issue,
MI for moral issue and EI for economic issue. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.

1. ABS-CBN employees in Davao City gather in prayer,

journalists hold noise barrage.
2. Extra marital and pre-marital relationship.
3. Metro Manila still has more than 75% of virus cases in PH
4. Bohol records 13 new COVID-19 cases, 1 death.
5. Schools gear up for education under the new normal.
6. Financial abuse and exploitation by employers to
7. Manila sets up 2nd drive-thru COVID-19 test site due to
high demand.
8. Government nurses get pay hike 18 years overdue.
9. Abra motorcycle rider killed in collision with truck.
10.Pampanga parish churches reopen after protesting
quarantine protocols.

What’s More

Activity 1: What Does It Mean?
Directions: Analyze the pictures below.

Guide Questions:
1. What idea is presented by the pictures?
2. How would you relate the pictures to issues on social

What I Have Learned

Suggested points to consider in reacting to an issue:

1. Consider the person you would like to be.

2. Think about the meaning or origin of your reactions.

There is a reason that you react as you do.

3. Observe the outcome of your reactions: Pay close

attention to the results of your reactions. By bringing
negative consequences to your awareness, you will be
more motivated to change your reaction to a desired

4. Imagine a better response: Think about better ways to
respond. Imagine doing them and the consequences of
this. Also imagine what it would feel like to respond more
in keeping with what you want for yourself.

5. Learn a more compassionate approach to yourself:

Because personal change takes effort and time to
accomplish, it is important to support this process within
yourself. Being critical will only undermine your efforts.

Source: “Don’t Just React: Choose your response. Psychology Today. Accessed
August 10, 2020.

To persuade others here are the 5 Steps of Monroe’s

Motivated Sequence:
1. Attention: Grab the attention of your audience
2. Need: Demonstrating a need for change
3. Satisfaction: Present a practical and concise solution
4. Visualization: Allow your audience to picture the results
5. Action: Request immediate action from your audience
Source: “Persuade Anyone With These 5 Steps,” Taskworld, accessed August 13, 2020,

What I Can Do
Activity 1: Channel of Hope

Directions: Read the selection below and answer the

questions that follow.
1. How can the government educate the public about
2. What made the nurse came up with the idea of
documenting the case of Howie Severino?

3. As a student, what are the words of wisdom that you can
share to people who are suffering from Covid19?


Howie Severino shares Covid-19 ordeal in docu
byThe Manila Times
April 18, 2020

GMA News pillar and veteran journalist Howie Severino

shares his personal experience as a Covid-19 survivor in a
special documentary of “I-Witness” airing today after

As someone who is physically active and in good health,

Severino, who also serves as GMA Network’s Safety Officer,
thought he would be the last person to contract the
coronavirus. He was wrong.

After a fever of seven days, he discovered he had

pneumonia. Days later, he would test positive for COVID-19
and became Patient 2828.

In the hospital, Severino met a nurse who was interested

in documentaries. Howie urged him to document his life as a
front liner. Being a patient, Severino also became a subject of
this documentation.

“I taught him how to shoot and he began to document his

life as a front liner, which eventually became a documentation
of his patient,” shares the documentarist in an article he
penned after he was discharged from the hospital. “This
apprenticeship was a great diversion, kept my mind active
while giving me a blessed sense that even lying there in
isolation, I was getting something done.”

Ako si Patient 2828 is the product of this collaboration, the

inside story of the pandemic’s front lines inside isolation in a
Covid hospital. The documentary shows the tests done on
Patient 2828, describes the agony of the unknown, and then
the joy of finally being able to go home.

Meanwhile, Howie talks to another COVID survivor,

actress Iza Calzado. The two of them now belong to an
exclusive club of survivors who must decide how best to help
other patients and educate the public about this terrifying
Severino is now waiting for doctor’s clearance so that he can
donate his blood and help those who are still battling the virus
to recover like he did.

“It will be impossible to pay back all the front liners who
helped save our lives, but this is a way to pay it forward. It is a
small price for all survivors to pay to see the sun again. As a
journalist of three decades, I have never been in a position to
directly save lives. As a victim of this virus, I can save lives by
simply lying down while doctors and nurses extract my blood,”
he said in another written article on GMA News Online.
Source: “Howie Severino shares covid-19 ordeal in docu,” The Manila Times, accessed
August 9, 2020, https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/04/18/lifestyle-entertainment/show-

Activity 2: Do It Right!
Directions: Write a persuasive speech on how the youth like
you help our country to fight the pandemic Covid19. Use the
following criteria in writing your persuasive speech.

10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points

Audience and Provides Provides Provides Shows little
Purpose arguments, arguments, some support attention to
illustrations illustrations, that appeals the audience
and words and words that to the or persuasive
that forcefully appeal to the audience and purpose
appeal to the audience and serves the
audience and serve the persuasive
effectively persuasive purpose
serve purpose
Organizatio Uses clear, Uses clear Uses Shows lack of
n consistent organizational inconsistent organizationa
organizational strategy with organizationa l strategy;
strategy occasional l strategy writing is
inconsistencie confusing
Elaboration Provides Provides some Provides Lacks
specific, elaborated some support, support
wellelaborate support for the but with little
d support for writer’s position elaboration
the writer’s
Use of Uses Uses some Uses few Shows little
Language transitions to transitions; transitions; connection
connect ideas shows few shows some between
smoothly; mechanical mechanical ideas; shows
shows few errors errors many
mechanical mechanical
errors errors.
Quarter 4 – Weeks 7-8

What I Need to Know

Life is a journey, so enjoy life’s different adventures along

the way. You will have a glimpse of the different walks of life in
every activity in this module.

After your journey through this module, you are expected

A. analyze a literary text;
B. make connections between the text and the society;
C. give reactions on the message of the text based on social
issues; and concerns or dispositions in real life

Good luck!

Relating Text Content, Social Issues
and Concerns

In a changing world, some people take refuge from books

and from reading. They read poems that can inspire them and
motivate them in making their lives better. They also read
stories that can give strength to their heart and soul to forget
their worries and fears. What about you? How do you
overcome your worries?

This lesson focuses on literary texts such as poems and

stories as an expression of feelings and emotions for you to
understand critical issues in this changing world. Dictionary is
needed in this module.

What’s New

Directions: Read and reflect on this poem written by Langston

Hughes. You need to climb the stair to get to the goal by
answering the question in each step.

Dreams Deferred ,

By Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
6. What social issue is
Does it dry up present in the poem?
Like a raisin in the sun? 5. What do you think the poem is
Or fester like a sore-- And then allrun?
Does it stink like rotten 4meat?
. As you read the poem, what do you feel?
Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags 3. Who “tells” the poem? Who is the speaker
addressing the poem to?
2. Does the poem’s title give you a clue about
the poem?
What clue does the poem give?
1 Are the lines short and meant to be read slow? Yes or No?

What is It

Did you have fun climbing up the stair? Were you able to
answer each step? Which among the questions do you find
difficult to answer?

In Mathematics, how do you solve a word problem?

Teachers often ask you to identify what is asked, what is

given, what is the operation to be used, right? There are steps
to follow before you come up with the answer. How about in
Science, how do you conduct an experiment? I know that you
are already familiar with what we call the “Scientific Method”
which also contains steps to follow in performing an

English is no different from Mathematics and Science

because it also has steps for you to understand the content of
a particular text and to relate it with social issues and concerns.
The 6 questions in the stair are the steps that you need to
remember in this this lesson.

Step 1 READ

How can you understand a text if you will not read it? You
need to read the text at least twice. If there are words that are
unfamiliar to you, try to look for the meaning in a dictionary.

Step 2 TITLE

In the poem above, does the title “Dreams Deferred” give

you clues on what the poem is all about? You may think that
the poem is all about dreams, right? But how about the word

Sometimes, a title gives important clues about what the

text is all about. Think about the title and how it relates to the
words used in the text. Does the title give you different images
or pictures in your mind? Does the title convey an event or an
action in the text? These are some of the questions that you
need to think about the title.


In the line “What happens to a dream deferred?” do you

think that Langston Hughes is the speaker in the poem? Does
the speaker ask someone else in the poem or does the
speaker ask you the question?

Knowing who speaks in a text and who is the speaker

speaking to are important in understanding and analyzing a
text. How would you feel if the speaker is speaking directly to
you? Would it help you to be more engaged in finding out the
message of the text?

The questions “To whom does the speaker speaking to”

would make you think that the speaker is speaking to you since
you are the one reading his work. It would help you find out the
answer to the question “What is the message of the text?”

Step 4 MOOD

What do you feel while reading the poem? Does the poem
give you a sad or happy feeling? What feeling does the attitude
of the speaker give you? Is he sad? Is he mad about
something? Knowing the answers to these questions is
knowing the mood of the text.

In the poem, the words “deferred”, “dry”, “pester”, “rotten”,

do these words give you positive feelings or vibes? Or do these
words give you the opposite feeling or negative vibe?

In literature, mood is an element that arouses feelings and

vibes in readers through the words and descriptions used in
the text.

Step 5 THEME

What is the poem all about? Answering this question is to

identify the theme of the poem. The theme relates to a
universal truth, issue or conflict. To know the theme, connect
the previous steps and find their connection.

In the poem, answer the following questions to find out its

a. What is the subject?
b. This pertains to the word that is described by the poem.
c. Who is the speaker?
d. What is the mood given by the poem?


Last but not the least, it’s time to make a connection

between the text and the society. How are you going to do
that? Knowing the theme will help you to think of a relevant
issue happening in our society and relate it with the content of
the text.

For example, one may conclude that the poem “Dreams

Deferred” is about the bad consequences of giving up one’s
dream. That a dream, if not realized, will be shattered into
pieces. Can you think of a social issue that is related to the
poem’s theme? If you can, then you can now relate the text
content to social issues and concerns.

Source: “How to Analyze a Poem in 6 Steps”, The TFA Editorial Team, last modified April
25, 2016, https://www.teachforamerica.org/stories/how-to-analyze-a-poem-in-6-steps

Activity 1: Pat the cheeseburger together!

Directions: Read the poem and answer the questions.
On a separate sheet of paper, draw the
Becolor it and cut out the parts. Paste
Maltie and write your answer in each part.

We are not here to play, to dream, to

drift, 35

We have hard work to do, and loads to

Source: “Be Strong,” One Hundred and One Famous Poems, accessed August 12, 2020,

What idea does the title give you

about the poem?

Who is speaking in the poem? To whom does the

speaker address the poem?

What kind of feeling does the poem give you?

What attitude does the speaker show in the

What is the poem all about?

What particular social issue is presented in the

poe ? Give exa ples
m m .

Activity 2
Directions: Read the poem below.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to
pole, thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of

circumstance I have not
winced nor cried aloud. Under
the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the
shade, And yet the menace of
the years Finds and shall find
me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the
scroll, I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Source:”Invictus,” Poets. Org, accessed August 10, 2020, https://poets.org/poem/invictuss

Answer the following. Use the chart below to organize your

A. Describe the speaker of the poem.
B. Pick out the lines in the poem that describe the
experience of the speaker.
C. Pick out the lines from the poem that describe the
courage of the speaker.

Speaker Chart

D. Does the speaker complain because fate has been cruel

to him? Pick out the lines that support your answer.

E. What is the attitude of the speaker towards the trials in


F. Where does the strength of the speaker come from?


G.Can you recall some people in our society who acted

bravely? What did they do?

Can you recall instances in your life when you acted bravely?
Give at least 2 instances.

Example: Overcoming my fear to stand in front of the class was

a great success.

What I Can Do On My Own

To end this lesson, you will accomplish and submit your

final task. This task will serve as your output for this module.
Your final output will be graded using rubrics for assessment
with different criteria.
Final task:
Show and express your reactions/thoughts/ideas/opinions
about the different problems and issues in this time of
pandemic by doing one (1) from the following:
1. Slogan Making
Materials needed:
1 cartolina
pentel pen or marker

 Keep your slogan short, 10- 15 words may do.
 Slogan should be written in English.
 Slogan should not contain inappropriate and offensive
 Slogan should be written legibly.
 Write your complete name at the lower right corner of the

2. Poster Making
Materials needed:
1/8 illustration board
Oil pastel
 Draw images clearly and neatly.
 Write your complete name and a brief description of your
poster in a paper and paste it at the back of your
illustration board.

3. Song Writing
 Compose a song expressing your feelings and thoughts
about the problems and issues in this time of pandemic. A
song with 3-4 verses may do.
 Lyrics should not contain any inappropriate and offensive
 You may use a tune of any songs.
 Record your song using your mobile phones or any
recording materials. You may send it via messenger.

4. Vlog Making

 Record a video log expressing your feelings and thoughts
about the problems and issues in this time of pandemic
using your android phones or any video recording
materials. A 1-2 minute vlog may do.
 Do not say any inappropriate and offensive language in
your vlog.
 Do not forget to introduce yourself in your vlog.
 You may send your vlog via messenger.

A. Slogan Making Rubric

4 3 2 1 Score
Craftmanship The slogan The slogan The slogan The slogan
is is attractive is is
exceptionall in terms of acceptably distractingly
y neatness. attractive messy.
attractive in Good though it
terms of construction may be a
neatness. and not bit messy.
Well- very messy.
and not
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionall creative and creative does not
y a good and some reflect any
creative. A lot amount of thought was degree of
of thought was put into creativity.
thought and put into decorating it.
effort was decorating it.
used to
make the
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average No use of
use of new new ideas use of new new ideas
ideas and and ideas and and
originality to originality to originality to originality to
create create create create
slogan. slogan. slogan. slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatica more than 2
mistakes on mistake on l mistakes grammatical
the poster. the poster. on the mistakes on
poster. the poster.
Source: “Slogan Making Rubric,” Rubric Gallery, accessed August 10, 2020,

B. Poster Making Rubric

4 3 2 1 Scor
Creativity Poster is Shows Some No
very many creative creation
creative. creative ideas has been
ideas. used. used.
Neatness Very neat Some Many Very
and tidy untidy untidy careless
poster. errors. errors. and
Organizatio Images Images Poster is Poster is
n are well- are put poorly put
organized organized together together
and easy but a little okay but is and very
to difficult to difficult to difficult to
understan understan understan understan
d. d. d. d.
Content Ideas are Some The poster The poster
well- ideas are shows few does not
presented well- ideas. show any
and easy presented. idea.
Source: “Poster Making Rubric,” Rubric Gallery, accessed August 10, 2020,

C. Song Writing Rubric

4 3 2 1 Scor
Content & The The
Lyrics themes themes Some The
are clearly and song themes themes
presented lyrics are song lyrics and lyrics
. The good. The are not are not
song words are clear. clear.
lyrics are memorabl
outstandin e.
g and the
Melody & The The The The
melody melody melody
Tempo and and melody and
rhythm rhythm are and rhythm do
perfectly mostly rhythm are not
match the smooth mostly match the
lyrics. and clear. unclear. lyrics.
Organizati Ideas are Ideas are Some Ideas are
on clearly organized ideas are not
organized with few not organized
with no grammatic properly with
grammatic al errors. organized many
al errors. and with grammatic
grammatic al errors.
al errors.
Source: “Song Writing Making Rubric,” Rubric Gallery, accessed August 10, 2020,

D. Video Log Rubric

4 3 2 1 Score

Content Appropriate Appropriat Vlog and Vlog is not

Quality , engaging, e and comments engaging,
reflective, and respectful done, but lacks irrelevant,
respectful to to others. engagement, or is
others. Vlog has a analysis or difficult to
Vlog is in- purpose substantial follow in
depth, and on reflection, or meaning.
analytical, point. may be off
reflective, topic.
make a
point and
beyond the
Speech Vlog has Speech is Vlog contains Vlog
& originality fluent. Vlog several errors contains
emphasizin contains in grammar; significant
Grammar g important one or two errors impede errors in
points; errors in viewer’s grammar.
contains no grammar; understanding Speech is
errors in errors do . Speech lack choppy
grammar. not impede fluency. without
viewer's complete
understan sentences
ding or clear
. topic.

Reference Consistentl y Incorporate Discusses Includes

s& uses s some references no
direct references from outside reference
Support references from sources in a s or
from outside general way, supportin
outside sources, but doesn't g
sources to but may use specific evidence.
support not be references.
thoughts. consistent.
Video & Video is well lit. Video is Video is fairly Vlog is
Editing is well lit. well lit. poorly lit,
good. Editing is Editing is not making
Quality Sound is clear quite good. good. Sound the video
and Sound is is difficult to unclear.
volume is understand hear. Volume Vlog is
appropriate abl e and is sometimes difficult to
. volume is loud. hear and
appropriate. too loud.
Source: “Video Log Rubric,” Rubric Gallery, accessed August 10, 2020,

-End of Module-


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