Dust3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy

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DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy

Shuzhe Wang∗ , Vincent Leroy† , Yohann Cabon† , Boris Chidlovskii† and Jerome Revaud†
∗ †
Aalto University Naver Labs Europe
[email protected] [email protected]
arXiv:2312.14132v1 [cs.CV] 21 Dec 2023

Figure 1. Overview: Given an unconstrained image collection, i.e. a set of photographs with unknown camera poses and intrinsics, our
proposed method DUSt3R outputs a set of corresponding pointmaps, from which we can straightforwardly recover a variety of geometric
quantities normally difficult to estimate all at once, such as the camera parameters, pixel correspondences, depthmaps, and fully-consistent
3D reconstruction. Note that DUSt3R also works for a single input image (e.g. achieving in this case monocular reconstruction). We also
show qualitative examples on the DTU, Tanks and Temples and ETH-3D datasets [1, 50, 107] obtained without known camera parameters.
For each sample, from left to right: input image, colored point cloud, and rendered with shading for a better view of the underlying geometry.

Abstract that this formulation smoothly unifies the monocular and

Multi-view stereo reconstruction (MVS) in the wild re- binocular reconstruction cases. In the case where more than
quires to first estimate the camera parameters e.g. intrinsic two images are provided, we further propose a simple yet
and extrinsic parameters. These are usually tedious and effective global alignment strategy that expresses all pair-
cumbersome to obtain, yet they are mandatory to triangu- wise pointmaps in a common reference frame. We base our
late corresponding pixels in 3D space, which is the core network architecture on standard Transformer encoders and
of all best performing MVS algorithms. In this work, we decoders, allowing us to leverage powerful pretrained mod-
take an opposite stance and introduce DUSt3R1 , a radi- els. Our formulation directly provides a 3D model of the
cally novel paradigm for Dense and Unconstrained Stereo scene as well as depth information, but interestingly, we
3D Reconstruction of arbitrary image collections, i.e. oper- can seamlessly recover from it, pixel matches, relative and
ating without prior information about camera calibration absolute cameras. Exhaustive experiments on all these tasks
nor viewpoint poses. We cast the pairwise reconstruction showcase that the proposed DUSt3R can unify various 3D vi-
problem as a regression of pointmaps, relaxing the hard sion tasks and set new SoTAs on monocular/multi-view depth
constraints of usual projective camera models. We show estimation as well as relative pose estimation. In summary,
DUSt3R makes many geometric 3D vision tasks easy.
1 https://dust3r.europe.naverlabs.com

1. Introduction practically all scene parameters (i.e. cameras and scene ge-
ometry) can be straightforwardly extracted. This is possible
Unconstrained image-based dense 3D reconstruction from because our network jointly processes the input images and
multiple views is one of a few long-researched end-goals of the resulting 3D pointmaps, thus learning to associate 2D
computer vision [24, 71, 89]. In a nutshell, the task aims at structures with 3D shapes, and having the opportunities of
estimating the 3D geometry and camera parameters of a par- solving multiple minimal problems simultaneously, enabling
ticular scene, given a set of photographs of this scene. Not internal ‘collaboration’ between them.
only does it have numerous applications like mapping [13,
72] , navigation [15], archaeology [86, 132], cultural her- Our model is trained in a fully-supervised manner using
itage preservation [38], robotics [78], but perhaps more im- a simple regression loss, leveraging large public datasets for
portantly, it holds a fundamentally special place among all which ground-truth annotations are either synthetically gen-
3D vision tasks. Indeed, it subsumes nearly all of the other erated [68, 103], reconstructed from SfM softwares [55, 161]
geometric 3D vision tasks. Thus, modern approaches for 3D or captured using dedicated sensors [25, 93, 121, 165]. We
reconstruction consists in assembling the fruits of decades drift away from the trend of integrating task-specific mod-
of advances in various sub-fields such as keypoint detec- ules [164], and instead adopt a fully data-driven strategy
tion [26, 28, 62, 96] and matching [10, 59, 99, 119], robust based on a generic transformer architecture, not enforcing
estimation [3, 10, 180], Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and any geometric constraints at inference, but being able to ben-
Bundle Adjustment (BA) [20, 58, 105], dense Multi-View efit from powerful pretraining schemes. The network learns
Stereo (MVS) [106, 138, 157, 175], etc. strong geometric and shape priors, which are reminiscent of
In the end, modern SfM and MVS pipelines boil down those commonly leveraged in MVS, like shape from texture,
to solving a series of minimal problems: matching points, shading or contours [110].
finding essential matrices, triangulating points, sparsely re- To fuse predictions from multiple images pairs, we revisit
constructing the scene, estimating cameras and finally per- bundle adjustment (BA) for the case of pointmaps, hereby
forming dense reconstruction. Considering recent advances, achieving full-scale MVS. We introduce a global alignment
this rather complex chain is of course a viable solution in procedure that, contrary to BA, does not involve minimiz-
some settings [31, 70, 76, 142, 145, 147, 162], yet we argue ing reprojection errors. Instead, we optimize the camera
it is quite unsatisfactory: each sub-problem is not solved pose and geometry alignment directly in 3D space, which
perfectly and adds noise to the next step, increasing the com- is fast and shows excellent convergence in practice. Our
plexity and the engineering effort required for the pipeline experiments show that the reconstructions are accurate and
to work as a whole. In this regard, the absence of communi- consistent between views in real-life scenarios with various
cation between each sub-problem is quite telling: it would unknown sensors. We further demonstrate that the same
seem more reasonable if they helped each other, i.e. dense architecture can handle real-life monocular and multi-view
reconstruction should naturally benefit from the sparse scene reconstruction scenarios seamlessly. Examples of reconstruc-
that was built to recover camera poses, and vice-versa. On tions are shown in Fig. 1 and in the accompanying video.
top of that, key steps in this pipeline are brittle and prone to In summary, our contributions are fourfold. First,
break in many cases [58]. For instance, the crucial stage of we present the first holistic end-to-end 3D reconstruction
SfM that serves to estimate all camera parameters, is typi- pipeline from un-calibrated and un-posed images, that uni-
cally known to fail in many common situations, e.g. when fies monocular and binocular 3D reconstruction. Second, we
the number of scene views is low [108], for objects with introduce the pointmap representation for MVS applications,
non-Lambertian surfaces [16], in case of insufficient camera that enables the network to predict the 3D shape in a canoni-
motion [13], etc. This is concerning, because in the end, “an cal frame, while preserving the implicit relationship between
MVS algorithm is only as good as the quality of the input pixels and the scene. This effectively drops many constraints
images and camera parameters” [32]. of the usual perspective camera formulation. Third, we intro-
In this paper, we present DUSt3R, a radically novel ap- duce an optimization procedure to globally align pointmaps
proach for Dense Unconstrained Stereo 3D Reconstruction in the context of multi-view 3D reconstruction. Our proce-
from un-calibrated and un-posed cameras. The main com- dure can extract effortlessly all usual intermediary outputs
ponent is a network that can regress a dense and accurate of the classical SfM and MVS pipelines. In a sense, our ap-
scene representation solely from a pair of images, without proach unifies all 3D vision tasks and considerably simplifies
prior information regarding the scene nor the cameras (not over the traditional reconstruction pipeline, making DUSt3R
even the intrinsic parameters). The resulting scene represen- seem simple and easy in comparison. Fourth, we demon-
tation is based on 3D pointmaps with rich properties: they strate promising performance on a range of 3D vision tasks
simultaneously encapsulate (a) the scene geometry, (b) the In particular, our all-in-one model achieves state-of-the-art
relation between pixels and scene points and (c) the rela- results on monocular and multi-view depth benchmarks, as
tion between the two viewpoints. From this output alone, well as multi-view camera pose estimation.

2. Related Work of 3D information and, combined with camera intrinsics,
can straightforwardly yield pixel-aligned 3D point-clouds.
For the sake of space, we summarize here the most related SynSin [150], for example, performs new viewpoint syn-
works in 3D vision, and refer the reader to the appendix in thesis from a single image by rendering feature-augmented
Sec. C for a more comprehensive review. depthmaps knowing all camera parameters. Without cam-
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) [20, 21, 44, 47, 105] aims era intrinsics, one solution is to infer them by exploiting
at reconstructing sparse 3D maps while jointly determin- temporal consistency in video frames, either by enforcing a
ing camera parameters from a set of images. The tradi- global alignment et al. [155] or by leveraging differentiable
tional pipeline starts from pixel correspondences obtained rendering with a photometric reconstruction loss [36, 116].
from keypoint matching [4, 5, 42, 62, 98] between multiple Another way is to explicitly learn to predict camera intrin-
images to determine geometric relationships, followed by sics, which enables to perform metric 3D reconstruction
bundle adjustment to optimize 3D coordinates and camera from a single image when combined with MDE [167, 169].
parameters jointly. Recently, the SfM pipeline has under- All these methods are, however, intrinsically limited by the
gone substantial enhancements, particularly with the incor- quality of depth estimates, which arguably is ill-posed for
poration of learning-based techniques into its subprocesses. monocular settings.
These improvements encompass advanced feature descrip- In contrast, our network processes two viewpoints simul-
tion [26, 28, 96, 134, 166], more accurate image match- taneously in order to output depthmaps, or rather, pointmaps.
ing [3, 17, 59, 81, 99, 119, 125, 144], featuremetric refine- In theory, at least, this makes triangulation between rays
ment [58], and neural bundle adjustment [57, 152]. Despite from different viewpoint possible. Multi-view networks for
these advancements, the sequential structure of the SfM 3D reconstruction have been proposed in the past. They are
pipeline persists, making it vulnerable to noise and errors in essentially based on the idea of building a differentiable SfM
each individual component. pipeline, replicating the traditional pipeline but training it
MultiView Stereo (MVS) is the task of densely reconstruct- end-to-end [130, 135, 183]. For that, however, ground-truth
ing visible surfaces, which is achieved via triangulation be- camera intrinsics are required as input, and the output is gen-
tween multiple viewpoints. In the classical formulation of erally a depthmap and a relative camera pose [135, 183]. In
MVS, all camera parameters are supposed to be provided contrast, our network has a generic architecture and outputs
as inputs. The fully handcrafted [32, 34, 106, 146, 174], the pointmaps, i.e. dense 2D field of 3D points, which handle
more recent scene optimization based [31, 70, 75, 76, 142, camera poses implicitly and makes the regression problem
145, 147, 162], or learning based [52, 64, 85, 160, 163, 179] much better posed.
approaches all depend on camera parameter estimates ob- Pointmaps. Using a collection of pointmaps as shape rep-
tained via complex calibration procedures, either during the resentation is quite counter-intuitive for MVS, but its us-
data acquisition [1, 23, 108, 165] or using Structure-from- age is widespread for Visual Localization tasks, either in
Motion approaches [47, 105] for in-the-wild reconstructions. scene-dependent optimization approaches [8, 9, 11] or scene-
Yet, in real-life scenarios, the inaccuracy of pre-estimated agnostic inference methods [95, 123, 158]. Similarly, view-
camera parameters can be detrimental for these algorithms to wise modeling is a common theme in monocular 3D recon-
work properly. In this work, we propose instead to directly struction works [56, 112, 126, 140] and in view synthesis
predict the geometry of visible surfaces without any explicit works [150]. The idea being to store the canonical 3D shape
knowledge of the camera parameters. in multiple canonical views to work in image space. These
Direct RGB-to-3D. Recently, some approaches aiming at approaches usually leverage explicit perspective camera ge-
directly predicting 3D geometry from a single RGB image ometry, via rendering of the canonical representation.
have been proposed. Since the problem is by nature ill-posed
without introducing additional assumptions, these methods 3. Method
leverage neural networks that learn strong 3D priors from
large datasets to solve ambiguities. These methods can be Before delving into the details of our method, we introduce
classified into two groups. The first group leverages class- below the essential concept of pointmaps.
level object priors. For instance, Pavllo et al. [82–84] pro- Pointmap. In the following, we denote a dense 2D field
pose to learn a model that can fully recover shape, pose, and of 3D points as a pointmap X ∈ RW ×H×3 . In association
appearance from a single image, given a large collection of with its corresponding RGB image I of resolution W × H,
2D images. While this type of approach is powerful, it does X forms a one-to-one mapping between image pixels and
not allow to infer shape on objects from unseen categories. A 3D scene points, i.e. Ii,j ↔ Xi,j , for all pixel coordinates
second group of work, closest to our method, focuses instead (i, j) ∈ {1 . . . W } × {1 . . . H}. We assume here that each
on general scenes. These methods systematically build on camera ray hits a single 3D point, i.e. ignoring the case of
or re-use existing monocular depth estimation (MDE) net- translucent surfaces.
works [6, 90, 168, 170]. Depth maps indeed encode a form Cameras and scene. Given the camera intrinsics K ∈ R3×3 ,

𝑋1,1 ∈ ℝ𝑊×𝐻×3
ViT Transformer Head1 Common coordinate frame
encoder Decoder1 Confidence of camera 1 (image 𝐼1 )
𝐶 1 ∈ ℝ𝑊×𝐻
Image 𝐼1 ∈ ℝ𝑊×𝐻×3 Shared Information (at origin)
weights sharing

𝑋 2,1 ∈ ℝ𝑊×𝐻×3 Camera2
ViT Transformer Head2
encoder Decoder2 (unknown position)
2 Confidence
Patchify 𝐹
𝐶 2 ∈ ℝ𝑊×𝐻
Image 𝐼2 ∈ ℝ

Figure 2. Architecture of the network F. Two views of a scene (I 1 , I 2 ) are first encoded in a Siamese manner with a shared ViT encoder.
The resulting token representations F 1 and F 2 are then passed to two transformer decoders that constantly exchange information via
cross-attention. Finally, two regression heads output the two corresponding pointmaps and associated confidence maps. Importantly, the two
pointmaps are expressed in the same coordinate frame of the first image I 1 . The network F is trained using a simple regression loss (Eq. (4))

the pointmap X of the observed scene can be straight- token of a view attends to tokens of the same view), then
forwardly obtained from the ground-truth depthmap D ∈ cross-attention (each token of a view attends to all other

RW ×H as Xi,j = K −1 [iDi,j , jDi,j , Di,j ] . Here, X is ex- tokens of the other view), and finally feeds tokens to a MLP.
pressed in the camera coordinate frame. In the following, we Importantly, information is constantly shared between the
denote as X n,m the pointmap X n from camera n expressed two branches during the decoder pass. This is crucial in
in camera m’s coordinate frame: order to output properly aligned pointmaps. Namely, each
decoder block attends to tokens from the other branch:
X n,m = Pm Pn−1 h (X n ) (1)
G1i = DecoderBlock1i G1i−1 , G2i−1 ,

with Pm , Pn ∈ R the world-to-camera poses for images
G2i = DecoderBlock2i G2i−1 , G1i−1 ,

n and m, and h : (x, y, z) → (x, y, z, 1) the homogeneous
for i = 1, . . . , B for a decoder with B blocks and initial-
3.1. Overview ized with encoder tokens G10 := F 1 and G20 := F 2 . Here,
We wish to build a network that solves the 3D reconstruction DecoderBlockvi (G1 , G2 ) denotes the i-th block in branch
task for the generalized stereo case through direct regression. v ∈ {1, 2}, G1 and G2 are the input tokens, with G2 the
To that aim, we train a network F that takes as input 2 RGB tokens from the other branch. Finally, in each branch a sep-
images I 1 , I 2 ∈ RW ×H×3 and outputs 2 corresponding arate regression head takes the set of decoder tokens and
pointmaps X 1,1 , X 2,1 ∈ RW ×H×3 with associated confi- outputs a pointmap and an associated confidence map:
dence maps C 1,1 , C 2,1 ∈ RW ×H . Note that both pointmaps X 1,1 , C 1,1 = Head1 G10 , . . . , G1B ,

are expressed in the same coordinate frame of I 1 , which X 2,1 , C 2,1 = Head2 G20 , . . . , G2B .

radically differs from existing approaches but offers key
advantages (see Secs. 1, 2, 3.3 and 3.4). For the sake of Discussion. The output pointmaps X 1,1 and X 2,1 are re-
clarity and without loss of generalization, we assume that gressed up to an unknown scale factor. Also, it should be
both images have the same resolution W × H, but naturally noted that our generic architecture never explicitly enforces
in practice their resolution can differ. any geometrical constraints. Hence, pointmaps do not neces-
Network architecture. The architecture of our network F sarily correspond to any physically plausible camera model.
is inspired by CroCo [149], making it straightforward to Rather, we let the network learn all relevant priors present
heavily benefit from CroCo pretraining [148]. As shown in from the train set, which only contains geometrically con-
Fig. 2, it is composed of two identical branches (one for each sistent pointmaps. Using a generic architecture allows to
image) comprising each an image encoder, a decoder and leverage strong pretraining technique, ultimately surpassing
a regression head. The two input images are first encoded what existing task-specific architectures can achieve. We
in a Siamese manner by the same weight-sharing ViT en- detail the learning process in the next section.
coder [27], yielding two token representations F 1 and F 2 :
3.2. Training Objective
F 1 = Encoder(I 1 ), F 2 = Encoder(I 2 ).
The network then reasons over both of them jointly in the 3D Regression loss. Our sole training objective is based
decoder. Similarly to CroCo [149], the decoder is a generic on regression in the 3D space. Let us denote the ground-
transformer network equipped with cross attention. Each truth pointmaps as X̄ 1,1 and X̄ 2,1 , obtained from Eq. (1)
decoder block thus sequentially performs self-attention (each along with two corresponding sets of valid pixels D1 , D2 ⊆

{1 . . . W } × {1 . . . H} on which the ground-truth is defined. the principal point is approximately centered and pixel are
The regression loss for a valid pixel i ∈ Dv in view v ∈ squares, hence only the focal f1∗ remains to be estimated:
{1, 2} is simply defined as the Euclidean distance:
H 1,1 1,1
X 1,1 (Xi,j,0 , Xi,j,1 )
ℓregr (v, i) =
1 v,1 1 v,1
X − X̄i . (2) f1∗ = arg min Ci,j (i′ , j ′ ) − f1 1,1 ,
z i z̄ f1 i=0 j=0

To handle the scale ambiguity between prediction and with i′ = i − W ′ H

2 and j = j − 2 . Fast iterative solvers, e.g.
ground-truth, we normalize the predicted and ground-truth based on the Weiszfeld algorithm [87], can find the optimal
pointmaps by scaling factors z = norm(X 1,1 , X 2,1 ) and f1∗ in a few iterations. For the focal f2∗ of the second camera,
z̄ = norm(X̄ 1,1 , X̄ 2,1 ), respectively, which simply repre- the simplest option is to perform the inference for the pair
sent the average distance of all valid points to the origin: (I 2 , I 1 ) and use above formula with X 2,2 instead of X 1,1 .
1 X X Relative pose estimation can be achieved in several fashions.
norm(X 1 , X 2 ) = 1 ∥Xiv ∥ . (3)
|D | + |D | 2
One way is to perform 2D matching and recover intrinsics
v∈{1,2} i∈D
as described above, then estimate the Epipolar matrix and
Confidence-aware loss. In reality, and contrary to our as- recover the relative pose [44]. Another, more direct, way is
sumption, there are ill-defined 3D points, e.g. in the sky or to compare the pointmaps X 1,1 ↔ X 1,2 (or, equivalently,
on translucent objects. More generally, some parts in the X 2,2 ↔ X 1,2 ) using Procrustes alignment [63] to get the
image are typically harder to predict that others. We thus relative pose P ∗ = [R∗ |t∗ ]:
jointly learn to predict a score for each pixel which repre-
X 1,1 1,2 2
sents the confidence that the network has about this particular R∗ , t∗ = arg min Ci Ci σ(RXi1,1 + t) − Xi1,2 ,
pixel. The final training objective is the confidence-weighted σ,R,t i
regression loss from Eq. (2) over all valid pixels: which can be achieved in closed-form. Procrustes align-
X X v,1
Lconf = Ci ℓregr (v, i) − α log Civ,1 , (4) ment is, unfortunately, sensitive to noise and outliers. A
v∈{1,2} i∈D v more robust solution is finally to rely on RANSAC [30] with
PnP [44, 51].
where Civ,1 is the confidence score for pixel i, and α is a Absolute pose estimation, also termed visual localization,
hyper-parameter controlling the regularization term [136]. can likewise be achieved in several different ways. Let I Q de-
To ensure a strictly positive confidence, we typically define note the query image and I B the reference image for which
Civ,1 = 1 + exp Civ,1 > 1. This has the effect of forcing 2D-3D correspondences are available. First, intrinsics for
the network to extrapolate in harder areas, e.g. like those I Q can be estimated from X Q,Q . One possibility consists of
ones covered by a single view. Training network F with obtaining 2D correspondences between I Q and I B , which
this objective allows to estimate confidence scores without in turn yields 2D-3D correspondences for I Q , and then run-
an explicit supervision. Examples of input image pairs with ning PnP-RANSAC [30, 51]. Another solution is to get the
their corresponding outputs are shown in Fig. 3 and in the relative pose between I Q and I B as described previously.
appendix in Figs. 4, 5 and 8. Then, we convert this pose to world coordinate by scaling it
appropriately, according to the scale between X B,B and the
3.3. Downstream Applications ground-truth pointmap for I B .
The rich properties of the output pointmaps allows us to
perform various convenient operations with relative ease. 3.4. Global Alignment
Point matching. Establishing correspondences between pix- The network F presented so far can only handle a pair of
els of two images can be trivially achieved by nearest neigh- images. We now present a fast and simple post-processing
bor (NN) search in the 3D pointmap space. To minimize optimization for entire scenes that enables the alignment
errors, we typically retain reciprocal (mutual) correspon- of pointmaps predicted from multiple images into a joint
dences M1,2 between images I 1 and I 2 , i.e. we have: 3D space. This is possible thanks to the rich content of
our pointmaps, which encompasses by design two aligned
M1,2 = {(i, j) | i = NN1,2 2,1
1 (j) and j = NN1 (i)} point-clouds and their corresponding pixel-to-3D mapping.
with NNn,m (i) = arg min Xjn,k − Xim,k . Pairwise graph. Given a set of images {I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I N }
j∈{0,...,W H} for a given scene, we first construct a connectivity graph
G(V, E) where N images form vertices V and each edge
Recovering intrinsics. By definition, the pointmap X 1,1 is e = (n, m) ∈ E indicates that images I n and I m shares
expressed in I 1 ’s coordinate frame. It is therefore possible some visual content. To that aim, we either use existing
to estimate the camera intrinsic parameters by solving a off-the-shelf image retrieval methods, or we pass all pairs
simple optimization problem. In this work, we assume that through network F (inference takes ≈40ms on a H100 GPU)

Figure 3. Reconstruction examples on two scenes never seen during training. From left to right: RGB, depth map, confidence map,
reconstruction. The left scene shows the raw result output from F(I 1 , I 2 ). The right scene shows the outcome of global alignment (Sec. 3.4).

and measure their overlap based on the average confidence Waymo [121]. These datasets feature diverse scenes types:
in both pairs, then we filter out low-confidence pairs. indoor, outdoor, synthetic, real-world, object-centric, etc.
Global optimization. We use the connectivity graph G When image pairs are not directly provided with the dataset,
to recover globally aligned pointmaps {χn ∈ RW ×H×3 } we extract them based on the method described in [148].
for all cameras n = 1 . . . N . To that aim, we first pre- Specifically, we utilize off-the-shelf image retrieval and point
dict, for each image pair e = (n, m) ∈ E, the pair- matching algorithms to match and verify image pairs. All in
wise pointmaps X n,n , X m,n and their associated confidence all, we extract 8.5M pairs in total.
maps C n,n , C m,n . For the sake of clarity, let us define Training details. During each epoch, we randomly sam-
X n,e := X n,n and X m,e := X m,n . Since our goal involves ple an equal number of pairs from each dataset to equal-
to rotate all pairwise predictions in a common coordinate ize disparities in dataset sizes. We wish to feed relatively
frame, we introduce a pairwise pose Pe ∈ R3×4 and scaling high-resolution images to our network, say 512 pixels in
σe > 0 associated to each pair e ∈ E. We then formulate the the largest dimension. To mitigate the high cost associated
following optimization problem: with such input, we train our network sequentially, first on
X X HW X v,e 224×224 images and then on larger 512-pixel images. We
χ∗ = arg min Ci ∥χvi − σe Pe Xiv,e ∥ . (5)
χ,P,σ randomly select the image aspect ratios for each batch (e.g.
e∈E v∈e i=1
16/9, 4/3, etc), so that at test time our network is familiar
Here, we abuse notation and write v ∈ e for v ∈ {n, m} if with different image shapes. We simply crop images to the
e = (n, m). The idea is that, for a given pair e, the same desired aspect-ratio, and resize so that the largest dimension
rigid transformation Pe should align both pointmaps X n,e is 512 pixels.
and X m,e with the world-coordinate pointmaps χn and χm , We use standard data augmentation techniques and train-
since X n,e and X m,e are by definition both expressed in the ing set-up overall. Our network architecture comprises a
same coordinate frame. To avoid Q the trivial optimum where Vit-Large for the encoder [27], a ViT-Base for the decoder
σe = 0, ∀e ∈ E, we enforce that e σe = 1. and a DPT head [90]. We refer to the appendix in Sec. F
Recovering camera parameters. A straightforward for more details on the training and architecture. Before
extension to this framework enables to recover all training, we initialize our network with the weights of an off-
cameras parameters. By simply replacing χni,j := the-shelf CroCo pretrained model [148]. Cross-View com-
−1 −1 n n n
Pn h(Kn [iDi,j ; jDi,j ; Di,j ]) (i.e. enforcing a standard pletion (CroCo) is a recently proposed pretraining paradigm
camera pinhole model as in Eq. (1)), we can thus esti- inspired by MAE [45] that has been shown to excel on var-
mate all camera poses {Pn }, associated intrinsics {Kn } ious downstream 3D vision tasks, and is thus particularly
and depthmaps {Dn } for n = 1 . . . N . suited to our framework. We ablate in Sec. 4.6 the impact of
Discussion. We point out that, contrary to traditional bundle CroCo pretraining and increase in image resolution.
adjustment, this global optimization is fast and simple to
Evaluation. In the remainder of this section, we benchmark
perform in practice. Indeed, we are not minimizing 2D
DUSt3R on a representative set of classical 3D vision tasks,
reprojection errors, as bundle adjustment normally does, but
each time specifying datasets, metrics and comparing per-
3D projection errors. The optimization is carried out using
formance with existing state-of-the-art approaches. We em-
standard gradient descent and typically converges after a few
phasize that all results are obtained with the same DUSt3R
hundred steps, requiring mere seconds on a standard GPU.
model (our default model is denoted as ‘DUSt3R 512’, other
4. Experiments with DUSt3R DUSt3R models serves for the ablations in Section Sec. 4.6),
i.e. we never finetune our model on a particular downstream
Training data. We train our network with a mixture task. During test, all test images are rescaled to 512px while
of eight datasets: Habitat [103], MegaDepth [55], ARK- preserving their aspect ratio. Since there may exist different
itScenes [25], MegaDepth [55], Static Scenes 3D [68], ‘routes’ to extract task-specific outputs from DUSt3R, as
Blended MVS [161], ScanNet++ [165], CO3D-v2 [93] and described in Sec. 3.3 and Sec. 3.4, we precise each time the

employed method. Baselines and metrics. We compare DUSt3R pose es-
Qualitative results. DUSt3R yields high-quality dense 3D timation results, obtained either from PnP-RANSAC or
reconstructions even in challenging situations. We refer global alignment, against the learning-based RelPose [176],
the reader to the appendix in Sec. B for non-cherrypicked PoseReg [139] and PoseDiffusion [139], and structure-based
visualizations of pairwise and multi-view reconstructions. PixSFM [58], COLMAP+SPSG (COLMAP [106] extended
with SuperPoint [26] and SuperGlue [99]). Similar to [139],
4.1. Visual Localization
we report the Relative Rotation Accuracy (RRA) and Rel-
Datasets and metrics. We first evaluate DUSt3R for the ative Translation Accuracy (RTA) for each image pair to
task of absolute pose estimation on the 7Scenes [113] and evaluate the relative pose error and select a threshold τ = 15
Cambridge Landmarks datasets [48]. 7Scenes contains 7 to report RTA@15 and RRA@15. Additionally, we calcu-
indoor scenes with RGB-D images from videos and their late the mean Average Accuracy (mAA)@30, defined as the
6-DOF camera poses. Cambridge-Landmarks contains 6 out- area under the curve accuracy of the angular differences at
door scenes with RGB images and their associated camera min(RRA@30, RTA@30).
poses, which are obtained via SfM. We report the median Results. As shown in Table 2, DUSt3R with global
translation and rotation errors in (cm/◦ ), respectively. alignment achieves the best overall performance on the
Protocol and results. To compute camera poses in world two datasets and significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art
coordinates, we use DUSt3R as a 2D-2D pixel matcher (see PoseDiffusion [139]. Moreover, DUSt3R with PnP also
Section 3.3) between a query and the most relevant database demonstrates superior performance over both learning and
images obtained using off-the-shelf image retrieval AP- structure-based existing methods. It is worth noting that
GeM [94]. In other words, we simply use the raw pointmaps RealEstate10K results reported for PoseDiffusion are from
output from F(I Q , I B ) without any refinement, where I Q is the model trained on CO3Dv2. Nevertheless, we assert that
the query image and I B is a database image. We use the top our comparison is justified considering that RealEstate10K
20 retrieved images for Cambridge-Landmarks and top 1 for is not used either during DUSt3R’s training. We also report
7Scenes and leverage the known query intrinsics. For results performance with less input views (between 3 and 10) in
obtained without using ground-truth intrinsics parameters, the appendix (Sec. D), in which case DUSt3R also yields
refer to the appendix in Sec. E. excellent performance on both benchmarks.
We compare our results against the state of the art in Ta-
ble 1 for each scene of the two datasets. Our method obtains
comparable accuracy compared to existing approaches, be- 4.3. Monocular Depth
ing feature-matching ones [100, 102] or end-to-end learning-
For this monocular task, we simply feed the same input im-
based methods [11, 54, 101, 124, 151], even managing to out-
age I to the network as F(I, I). By design, depth prediction
perform strong baselines like HLoc [100] in some cases. We
is simply the z coordinate in the predicted 3D pointmap.
believe this to be significant for two reasons. First, DUSt3R
was never trained for visual localisation in any way. Second, Datasets and metrics. We benchmark DUSt3R on
neither query image nor database images were seen during two outdoor (DDAD [40], KITTI [35]) and three indoor
DUSt3R’s training. (NYUv2 [114], BONN [79], TUM [118]) datasets. We com-
pare DUSt3R ’s performance to state-in-the-art methods
4.2. Multi-view Pose Estimation categorized in supervised, self-supervised and zero-shot set-
We now evaluate DUSt3R on multi-view relative pose esti- tings, this last category corresponding to DUSt3R. We use
mation after the global alignment from Sec. 3.4. two metrics commonly used in the monocular depth evalua-
tions [6, 116]: the absolute relative error AbsRel between
Datasets. Following [139], we use two multi-view datasets,
target y and prediction ŷ, AbsRel = |y − ŷ|/y, and the pre-
CO3Dv2 [93] and RealEstate10k [185] for the evaluation.
diction threshold accuracy, δ1.25 = max(ŷ/y, y/ŷ) < 1.25.
CO3Dv2 contains 6 million frames extracted from approxi-
mately 37k videos, covering 51 MS-COCO categories. The Results. In zero-shot setting, the state of the art is rep-
ground-truth camera poses are annotated using COLMAP resented by the recent SlowTv [116]. This approach col-
from 200 frames in each video. RealEstate10k is an in- lected a large mixture of curated datasets with urban, natu-
door/outdoor dataset with 10 million frames from about 80K ral, synthetic and indoor scenes, and trained one common
video clips on YouTube, the camera poses being obtained model. For every dataset in the mixture, camera parameters
by SLAM with bundle adjustment. We follow the protocol are known or estimated with COLMAP. As Table 2 shows,
introduced in [139] to evaluate DUSt3R on 41 categories DUSt3R adapts well to outdoor and indoor environments.
from CO3Dv2 and 1.8K video clips from the test set of It outperforms the self-supervised baselines [6, 37, 120]
RealEstate10k. For each sequence, we random select 10 and performs on-par with state-of-the-art supervised base-
frames and feed all possible 45 pairs to DUSt3R. lines [90, 173].

7Scenes (Indoor) [113] Cambridge (Outdoor) [48]
Chess Fire Heads Office Pumpkin Kitchen Stairs S. Facade O. Hospital K. College St.Mary’s G. Court
AS [102] 4/1.96 3/1.53 2/1.45 9/3.61 8/3.10 7/3.37 3/2.22 4/0.21 20/0.36 13/0.22 8/0.25 24/0.13
HLoc [100] 2/0.79 2/0.87 2/0.92 3/0.91 5/1.12 4/1.25 6/1.62 4/0.2 15/0.3 12/0.20 7/0.21 11/0.16
DSAC* [11] 2/1.10 2/1.24 1/1.82 3/1.15 4/1.34 4/1.68 3/1.16 5/0.3 15/0.3 15/0.3 13/0.4 49/0.3
HSCNet [54] 2/0.7 2/0.9 1/0.9 3/0.8 4/1.0 4/1.2 3/0.8 6/0.3 19/0.3 18/0.3 9/0.3 28/0.2
PixLoc [101] 2/0/80 2/0.73 1/0.82 3/0.82 4/1.21 3/1.20 5/1.30 5/0.23 16/0.32 14/0.24 10/0.34 30/0.14

SC-wLS [151] 3/0.76 5/1.09 3/1.92 6/0.86 8/1.27 9/1.43 12/2.80 11/0.7 42/1.7 14/0.6 39/1.3 164/0.9
NeuMaps [124] 2/0.81 3/1.11 2/1.17 3/0.98 4/1.11 4/1.33 4/1.12 6/0.25 19/0.36 14/0.19 17/0.53 6/ 0.10
DUSt3R 224-NoCroCo 5/1.76 6/2.02 3/1.75 5/1.54 9/2.35 6/1.82 34/7.81 24/1.33 79/1.17 69/1.15 46/1.51 143/1.32
DUSt3R 224 3/0.96 3/1.02 1/1.00 4/1.04 5/1.26 4/1.36 21/4.08 9/0.38 26/0.46 20/0.32 11/0.38 36/0.24
DUSt3R 512 3/0.97 3/0.95 2/1.37 3/1.01 4/1.14 4/1.34 11/2.84 6/0.26 17/0.33 11/0.20 7/0.24 38/0.16

Table 1. Absolute camera pose on 7Scenes [113] and Cambridge-Landmarks [48] datasets. We report the median translation and rotation
errors (cm/◦ ) to feature matching (FM) based and end-to-end (E2E) learning-base methods. The best results at each category are in bold.
Outdoor Indoor
Co3Dv2 [93] RealEstate10K
Methods Train DDAD[40] KITTI [35] BONN [79] NYUD-v2 [114] TUM [118] Methods
Rel↓ δ1.25 ↑ Rel↓ δ1.25 ↑ Rel↓ δ1.25 ↑ Rel↓ δ1.25 ↑ Rel ↓ δ1.25 ↑ RRA@15 RTA@15 mAA(30) mAA(30)
DPT-BEiT[90] D 10.70 84.63 9.45 89.27 - - 5.40 96.54 10.45 89.68
NeWCRFs[173] D 9.59 82.92 5.43 91.54 - - 6.22 95.58 14.63 82.95
RelPose [176] 57.1 - - -
Monodepth2 [37] SS 23.91 75.22 11.42 86.90 56.49 35.18 16.19 74.50 31.20 47.42 Colmap+SPSG [26, 99] 36.1 27.3 25.3 45.2
SC-SfM-Learners [6] SS 16.92 77.28 11.83 86.61 21.11 71.40 13.79 79.57 22.29 64.30
SC-DepthV3 [120] SS 14.20 81.27 11.79 86.39 12.58 88.92 12.34 84.80 16.28 79.67
PixSfM [58] 33.7 32.9 30.1 49.4
MonoViT[181] SS - - 09.92 90.01 - - - - - PosReg [139] 53.2 49.1 45.0 -
RobustMIX [91] T - - 18.25 76.95 - - 11.77 90.45 15.65 86.59
SlowTv [116] T 12.63 79.34 (6.84) (56.17) - - 11.59 87.23 15.02 80.86
PoseDiffusion [139] 80.5 79.8 66.5 48.0
DUSt3R 224-NoCroCo T 19.63 70.03 20.10 71.21 14.44 86.00 14.51 81.06 22.14 66.26 DUSt3R 512 (w/ PnP) 94.3 88.4 77.2 61.2
DUSt3R 224 T 16.32 77.58 16.97 77.89 11.05 89.95 10.28 88.92 17.61 75.44
DUSt3R 512 T 13.88 81.17 10.74 86.60 8.08 93.56 6.50 94.09 14.17 79.89 DUSt3R 512 (w/ GA) 96.2 86.8 76.7 67.7

Table 2. Left: Monocular depth estimation on multiple benchmarks. D-Supervised, SS-Self-supervised, T-transfer (zero-shot). (Parentheses)
refers to training on the same set. Right: Multi-view pose regression on the CO3Dv2 [93] and RealEst10K [185] with 10 random frames.

4.4. Multi-view Depth is part of the Habitat dataset.

We evaluate DUSt3R for the task of multi-view stereo 4.5. 3D Reconstruction
depth estimation. Likewise, we extract depthmaps as the
z-coordinate of predicted pointmaps. In the case where mul- Finally, we measure the quality of our full reconstructions
tiple depthmaps are available for the same image, we rescale obtained after the global alignment procedure described
all predictions to align them together and aggregate all pre- in Sec. 3.4. We again emphasize that our method is the
dictions via a simple averaging weighted by the confidence. first one to enable global unconstrained MVS, in the sense
Datasets and metrics. Following [109], we evaluate it on that we have no prior knowledge regarding the camera intrin-
the DTU [1], ETH3D [108], Tanks and Temples [49], and sic and extrinsic parameters. In order to quantify the quality
ScanNet [23] datasets. We report the Absolute Relative Error of our reconstructions, we simply align the predictions to the
(rel) and Inlier Ratio (τ ) with a threshold of 1.03 on each ground-truth coordinate system. This is done by fixing the
test set and the averages across all test sets. Note that we parameters as constants in Sec. 3.4. This leads to consistent
do not leverage the ground-truth camera parameters and 3D reconstructions expressed in the coordinate system of the
poses nor the ground-truth depth ranges, so our predictions ground-truth.
are only valid up to a scale factor. In order to perform Datasets and metrics. We evaluate our predictions on the
quantitative measurements, we thus normalize predictions DTU [1] dataset. We apply our network in a zero-shot setting,
using the medians of the predicted depths and the ground- i.e. we do not finetune on the DTU train set and apply our
truth ones, as advocated in [109]. model as is. In Tab. 4 we report the averaged accuracy,
Results. We observe in Table 3 that DUSt3R achieves state- averaged completeness and overall averaged error metrics as
of-the-art accuracy on ETH-3D and outperforms most recent provided by the authors of the benchmarks. The accuracy for
state-of-the-art methods overall, even those using ground- a point of the reconstructed shape is defined as the smallest
truth camera poses. Timewise, our approach is also much Euclidean distance to the ground-truth, and the completeness
faster than the traditional COLMAP pipeline [105, 106]. of a point of the ground-truth as the smallest Euclidean
This showcases the applicability of our method on a large distance to the reconstructed shape. The overall is simply
variety of domains, either indoors, outdoors, small scale or the mean of both previous metrics.
large scale scenes, while not having been trained on the test Results. Our method does not reach the accuracy levels of
domains, except for the ScanNet test set, since the train split the best methods. In our defense, these methods all lever-

GT GT GT Align KITTI ScanNet ETH3D DTU T&T Average
Pose Range Intrinsics rel ↓ τ ↑ rel ↓ τ ↑ rel ↓ τ ↑ rel ↓ τ ↑ rel↓ τ ↑ rel↓ τ ↑ time (s)↓
COLMAP [105, 106] ✓ × ✓ × 12.0 58.2 14.6 34.2 16.4 55.1 0.7 96.5 2.7 95.0 9.3 67.8 ≈ 3 min
COLMAP Dense [105, 106] ✓ × ✓ × 26.9 52.7 38.0 22.5 89.8 23.2 20.8 69.3 25.7 76.4 40.2 48.8 ≈ 3 min
MVSNet [160] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 22.7 36.1 24.6 20.4 35.4 31.4 (1.8) (86.0) 8.3 73.0 18.6 49.4 0.07
MVSNet Inv. Depth [160] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 18.6 30.7 22.7 20.9 21.6 35.6 (1.8) (86.7) 6.5 74.6 14.2 49.7 0.32
(b) Vis-MVSSNet [175] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 9.5 55.4 8.9 33.5 10.8 43.3 (1.8) (87.4) 4.1 87.2 7.0 61.4 0.70
MVS2D ScanNet [159] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 21.2 8.7 (27.2) (5.3) 27.4 4.8 17.2 9.8 29.2 4.4 24.4 6.6 0.04
MVS2D DTU [159] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 226.6 0.7 32.3 11.1 99.0 11.6 (3.6) (64.2) 25.8 28.0 77.5 23.1 0.05
DeMon [135] ✓ × ✓ × 16.7 13.4 75.0 0.0 19.0 16.2 23.7 11.5 17.6 18.3 30.4 11.9 0.08
DeepV2D KITTI [130] ✓ × ✓ × (20.4) (16.3) 25.8 8.1 30.1 9.4 24.6 8.2 38.5 9.6 27.9 10.3 1.43
DeepV2D ScanNet [130] ✓ × ✓ × 61.9 5.2 (3.8) (60.2) 18.7 28.7 9.2 27.4 33.5 38.0 25.4 31.9 2.15
MVSNet [160] ✓ × ✓ × 14.0 35.8 1568.0 5.7 507.7 8.3 (4429.1) (0.1) 118.2 50.7 1327.4 20.1 0.15
MVSNet Inv. Depth [160] ✓ × ✓ × 29.6 8.1 65.2 28.5 60.3 5.8 (28.7) (48.9) 51.4 14.6 47.0 21.2 0.28
Vis-MVSNet [175] ✓ × ✓ × 10.3 54.4 84.9 15.6 51.5 17.4 (374.2) (1.7) 21.1 65.6 108.4 31.0 0.82
MVS2D ScanNet [159] ✓ × ✓ × 73.4 0.0 (4.5) (54.1) 30.7 14.4 5.0 57.9 56.4 11.1 34.0 27.5 0.05
MVS2D DTU [159] ✓ × ✓ × 93.3 0.0 51.5 1.6 78.0 0.0 (1.6) (92.3) 87.5 0.0 62.4 18.8 0.06
Robust MVD Baseline [109] ✓ × ✓ × 7.1 41.9 7.4 38.4 9.0 42.6 2.7 82.0 5.0 75.1 6.3 56.0 0.06
DeMoN [135] × × ✓ ∥t∥ 15.5 15.2 12.0 21.0 17.4 15.4 21.8 16.6 13.0 23.2 16.0 18.3 0.08
DeepV2D KITTI [130] × × ✓ med (3.1) (74.9) 23.7 11.1 27.1 10.1 24.8 8.1 34.1 9.1 22.6 22.7 2.07
DeepV2D ScanNet [130] × × ✓ med 10.0 36.2 (4.4) (54.8) 11.8 29.3 7.7 33.0 8.9 46.4 8.6 39.9 3.57
(d) DUSt3R 224-NoCroCo × × × med 15.14 21.16 7.54 40.00 9.51 40.07 3.56 62.83 11.12 37.90 9.37 40.39 0.05
DUSt3R 224 × × × med 15.39 26.69 (5.86) (50.84) 4.71 61.74 2.76 77.32 5.54 56.38 6.85 54.59 0.05
DUSt3R 512 × × × med 9.11 39.49 (4.93) (60.20) 2.91 76.91 3.52 69.33 3.17 76.68 4.73 64.52 0.13

Table 3. Multi-view depth evaluation with different settings: a) Classical approaches; b) with poses and depth range, without alignment; c)
absolute scale evaluation with poses, without depth range and alignment; d) without poses and depth range, but with alignment. (Parentheses)
denote training on data from the same domain. The best results for each setting are in bold.

age GT poses and train specifically on the DTU train set

whenever applicable. Furthermore, best results on this task
are usually obtained via sub-pixel accurate triangulation, re- Methods GT cams Acc.↓ Comp.↓ Overall↓
quiring the use of explicit camera parameters, whereas our Camp [12] ✓ 0.835 0.554 0.695
approach relies on regression, which is known to be less ac- Furu [33] ✓ 0.613 0.941 0.777
curate. Yet, without prior knowledge about the cameras, we (a)
Tola [133] ✓ 0.342 1.190 0.766
reach an average accuracy of 2.7mm, with a completeness
Gipuma [34] ✓ 0.283 0.873 0.578
of 0.8mm, for an overall average distance of 1.7mm. We
believe this level of accuracy to be of great use in practice, MVSNet [160] ✓ 0.396 0.527 0.462
considering the plug-and-play nature of our approach. CVP-MVSNet [157] ✓ 0.296 0.406 0.351
UCS-Net [18] ✓ 0.338 0.349 0.344
4.6. Ablations CER-MVS [64] ✓ 0.359 0.305 0.332
We ablate the impact of the CroCo pretraining and image CIDER [156] ✓ 0.417 0.437 0.427
resolution on DUSt3R’s performance. We report results in PatchmatchNet [138] ✓ 0.427 0.277 0.352
tables Tab. 1, Tab. 2, Tab. 3 for the tasks mentioned above. GeoMVSNet [179] ✓ 0.331 0.259 0.295
Overall, the observed consistent improvements suggest the
DUSt3R 512 × 2.677 0.805 1.741
crucial role of pretraining and high resolution in modern
data-driven approaches, as also noted by [77, 148]. Table 4. MVS results on the DTU dataset, in mm. Traditional
handcrafted methods (a) have been overcome by learning-based
5. Conclusion approaches (b) that train on this specific domain.
We presented a novel paradigm to solve not only 3D recon-
struction in-the-wild without prior information about scene
nor cameras, but a whole variety of 3D vision tasks as well.

Figure 5. Example of 3D reconstruction of an unseen
Figure 4. Example of 3D reconstruction of an unseen MegaDepth MegaDepth [55] scene from two images only. Note this is the
scene from two images (top-left). Note this is the raw output of raw output of the network, i.e. we show the output depthmaps
the network, i.e. we show the output depthmaps (top-center, see (top-center) and confidence maps (top-right), as well as different
Eq. (8)) and confidence maps (top-right), as well as two different viewpoints on the colored pointcloud (middle and bottom). Camera
viewpoints on the colored pointcloud (middle and bottom). Camera parameters are recovered from the raw pointmaps, see Sec. 3.3
parameters are recovered from the raw pointmaps, see Sec. 3.3 in the main paper. DUSt3R handles strong viewpoint and focal
in the main paper. DUSt3R handles strong viewpoint and focal changes without apparent problems
changes without apparent problems

Figure 6. Example of 3D reconstruction from two images only of unseen scenes, namely KingsCollege(Top-Left), OldHospital (Top-
Middle), StMarysChurch(Top-Right), ShopFacade(Bottom-Left), GreatCourt(Bottom-Right). Note this is the raw output of the network, i.e.
we show new viewpoints on the colored pointclouds. Camera parameters are recovered from the raw pointmaps, see Sec. 3.3 in the main

Figure 7. Example of 3D reconstruction from two images only of unseen scenes, namely Chess, Fire, Heads, Office (Top-Row), Pumpkin,
Kitchen, Stairs (Bottom-Row). Note this is the raw output of the network, i.e. we show new viewpoints on the colored pointclouds. Camera
parameters are recovered from the raw pointmaps, see Sec. 3.3 in the main paper.

Figure 8. Examples of 3D reconstructions from nearly opposite viewpoints. For each of the 4 cases (motorcycle, toaster, bench, stop
sign), we show the two input images (top-left) and the raw output of the network: output depthmaps (top-center) and confidence maps
(top-right), as well as two different views on the colored point-clouds (middle and bottom). Camera parameters are recovered from the raw
pointmaps, see Sec. 3.3 in the main paper. DUSt3R handles drastic viewpoint changes without apparent issues, even when there is almost no
overlapping visual content between images, e.g. for the stop sign and motorcycle. Note that these example cases are not cherry-picked; they
are randomly chosen from the set of unseen CO3D v2 sequences. Please refer to the video for animated visualizations.

Figure 9. Reconstruction example from 4 random frames of a RealEstate10K indoor sequence, after global alignment. On the left-hand side,
we show the 4 input frames, and on the right-hand side the resulting point-cloud and the recovered camera intrinsics and poses.

Appendix we complete it in this section with a few equally important
This appendix provides additional details and qualitative
results of DUSt3R. We first present in Sec. B qualitative pair- Implicit Camera Models. In our work, we do not explicitly
wise predictions of the presented architecture on challenging output camera parameters. Likewise, there are several works
real-life datasets. This section also contains the description aiming to express 3D shapes in a canonical space that is
of the video accompanying this material. We then propose not directly related to the input viewpoint. Shapes can be
an extended related works in Sec. C, encompassing a wider stored as occupancy in regular grids [19, 97, 111, 117, 137,
range of methodological families and geometric vision tasks. 153, 154], octree structures [127], collections of parametric
Sec. D provides auxiliary ablative results on multi-view pose surface elements [39], point clouds encoders [29, 65, 66],
estimation, that did not fit in the main paper. We then report free-form deformation of template meshes [88] or per-view
in Sec. E results on an experimental visual localization task, depthmaps [53]. While these approaches arguably perform
where the camera intrinsics are unknown. Finally, we details classification and not actual 3D reconstruction [128], all-
the training and data augmentation procedures in Sec. F. in-all, they work only in very constrained setups, usually
on ShapeNet [14] and have trouble generalizing to natural
B. Qualitative results scenes with non object-centric views [186]. The question
of how to express a complex scene with several object in-
Point-cloud visualizations. We present some visualiza- stances in a single canonical frame had yet to be answered:
tion of DUSt3R’s pairwise results in Figs. 4 to 8. Note in this work, we also express the reconstruction in a canoni-
these scenes were never seen during training and were not cal reference frame, but thanks to our scene representation
cherry-picked. Also, we did not post-process these results, (pointmaps), we still preserve a relationship between image
except for filtering out low-confidence points (based on the pixels and the 3D space, and we are thus able to perform 3D
output confidence) and removing sky regions for the sake of reconstruction consistently.
visualization, i.e. these figures accurately represent the raw Dense Visual SLAM. In visual SLAM, early works on
output of DUSt3R. Overall, the proposed network is able dense 3D reconstruction and ego-motion estimation uti-
to perform highly accurate 3D reconstruction from just two lized active depth sensors [73, 135, 183]. Recent works
images. In Fig. 9, we show the output of DUSt3R after the on dense visual SLAM from RGB video stream are able
global alignment stage. In this case, the network has pro- to produce high-quality depth maps and camera trajectories
cessed all pairs of the 4 input images, and outputs 4 spatially [7, 22, 115, 121, 129, 131], but they inherit the traditional
consistent pointmaps along with the corresponding camera limitations of SLAM, e.g. noisy predictions, drifts and out-
parameters. liers in the pixel correspondences. To make the 3D recon-
Note that, for the case of image sequences captured with struction more robust, R3D3 [104] jointly leverages jointly
the same camera, we never enforce the fact that camera multi-camera constraints and monocular depth cues. Most
intrinsics must be identical for every frame, i.e. all intrinsic recently, GO-SLAM [178] proposed real-time global pose
parameters are optimized independently. This remains true optimization by considering the complete history of input
for all results reported in this appendix and in the main paper, frames and continuously aligning all poses that enables in-
e.g. on multi-view pose estimation with the CO3Dv2 [93] stantaneous loop closures and correction of global structure.
and RealEstate10K [185] datasets. Still, all SLAM methods assume that the input consists of
Supplementary Video. We attach to this appendix a video a sequence of closely related images, e.g. with identical
showcasing the different steps of DUSt3R. In the video, we intrinsics, nearby camera poses and small illumination vari-
demonstrate dense 3D reconstruction from a small set of ations. In comparison, our approach handles completely
raw RGB images, without using any ground-truth camera unconstrained image collections.
parameters (i.e. unknown intrinsic and extrinsic parameters).
3D reconstruction from implicit models has undergone
We show that our method can seamlessly handle monocular
significant advancements, largely fueled by the integra-
predictions, and is able to perform reconstruction and cam-
tion of neural networks [60, 71, 80, 147, 172]. Earlier ap-
era pose estimation in extreme binocular cases, where the
proaches [60, 74, 80] utilize Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
cameras are facing each other. In addition, we show some
to generate continuous surface outputs with only posed
qualitative reconstructions of rather large scale scenes from
RGB images. Innovations like Nerf [71] and its follow-
the ETH3D dataset [108].
ups [46, 67, 69, 93, 143, 177] have pioneered density-based
volume rendering to represent scenes as continuous 5D func-
C. Extended Related Work
tions for both occupancy and color, showing exceptional abil-
For the sake of exposition, Section 2 of the main paper ity in synthesizing novel views of complex scenes. To handle
covered only some (but not all) of the most related works. large-scale scenes, recent approaches [41, 172, 187, 188]
Because this work covers a large variety of geometric tasks, introduce geometry priors to the implicit model, leading to

much more detailed reconstructions. In contrast to the im- Methods N Frames
Co3Dv2 [93] RealEstate10K [185]
RRA@15 RTA@15 mAA(30) mAA(30)
plicit 3D reconstruction, our work focuses on the explicit 3D COLMAP+SPSG 3 ∼22 ∼14 ∼15 ∼23
reconstruction and showcases that the proposed DUSt3R can PixSfM 3 ∼18 ∼8 ∼10 ∼17
not only have detailed 3D reconstruction but also provide Relpose 3 ∼56 - - -
PoseDiffusion 3 ∼75 ∼75 ∼61 - (∼77)
rich geometry for multiple downstream 3D tasks. DUSt3R 512 3 95.3 88.3 77.5 69.5
RGB-pairs-to-3D takes its roots in two-view geometry [43] COLMAP+SPSG 5 ∼21 ∼17 ∼17 ∼34
PixSfM 5 ∼21 ∼16 ∼15 ∼30
and is considered as a stand-alone task or an intermediate Relpose 5 ∼56 - - -
step towards the multi-view reconstruction. This process typ- PoseDiffusion 5 ∼77 ∼76 ∼63 - (∼78)
DUSt3R 512 5 95.5 86.7 76.5 67.4
ically involves estimating a dense depth map and determining
COLMAP+SPSG 10 31.6 27.3 25.3 45.2
the relative camera pose from two different views. Recent PixSfM 10 33.7 32.9 30.1 49.4
learning-based approaches formulate this problem either as Relpose 10 57.1 - - -
PoseDiffusion 10 80.5 79.8 66.5 48.0 (∼80)
pose and monocular depth regression [92, 171, 184] or pose DUSt3R 512 10 96.2 86.8 76.7 67.7
and stereo matching [122, 130, 135, 141, 182]. The ultimate
goal is to achieve 3D reconstruction from the predicted ge- Table 5. Comparison with the state of the art for multi-view pose
ometry [2]. In addition to reconstruction tasks, learning from regression on the CO3Dv2 [93] and RealEstate10K [185] with 3,
two views also gives an advance in unsupervised pretraining; 5 and 10 random frames. (Parentheses) indicates results obtained
the recently proposed CroCo [148, 149] introduces a pre- after training on RealEstate10K. In contrast, we report results for
text task of cross-view completion from a large set of image DUSt3R after global alignment without training on RealEstate10K.
pair to learn 3D geometry from unlabeled data and to apply
this learned implicit representation to various downstream
3D vision tasks. Our method draws inspiration from the
CroCo pipeline, but diverges in its application. Instead of
E. Visual localization
focusing on model pretraining, our approach leverages this
pipeline to directly generate 3D pointmaps from the image
pair. In this context, the depth map and camera poses are We include additional results of visual localization on the
only by-products in our pipeline. 7-scenes and Cambridge-Landmarks datasets [48, 113].
Namely, we experiment with a scenario where the focal
parameter of the querying camera is unknown. In this case,
D. Multi-view Pose Estimation we feed the query image and a database image into DUSt3R,
and get an un-scaled 3D reconstruction. We then scale the
We include additional results for the multi-view pose estima- resulting pointmap according to the ground-truth pointmap
tion task from the main paper (in Sec. 4.2). Namely, we com- of the database image, and extract the pose as described
pute the pose accuracy for a smaller number of input images in Sec. 3.3 of the main paper. Tab. 6 shows that this method
(they are randomly selected from the entire test sequences). performs reasonably well on the 7-scenes dataset, where the
Tab. 5 reports our performance and compares with the state of median translation error is on the order of a few centime-
the art. Numbers for state-of-the-art methods are borrowed ters. On the Cambridge-Landmarks dataset, however, we
from the recent PoseDiffusion [139] paper’s tables and plots, obtain considerably larger errors. After inspection, we find
hence some numbers are only approximate. Our method that the ground-truth database pointmaps are sparse, which
consistently outperforms all other methods on the CO3Dv2 prevents any reliable scaling of our reconstruction. On the
dataset by a large margin, even for small number of frames. contrary, 7-scenes provides dense ground-truth pointmaps.
As can be observed in Fig. 8 and in the attached video, We conclude that further work is necessary for ”in-the-wild”
DUSt3R handles opposite viewpoints (i.e. nearly 180◦ apart) visual-localization with unknown intrinsics.
seemingly without much troubles. In the end, DUSt3R ob-
tains relatively stable performance, regardless of the number
of input views. When comparing with PoseDiffusion [139]
on RealEstate10K, we report performances with and without F. Training details
training on the same dataset. Note that DUSt3R’s train-
ing data include a small subset of CO3Dv2 (we used 50 F.1. Training data
sequences for each category, i.e. less than 7% of the full
training set) but no data from RealEstate10K whatsoever. Ground-truth pointmaps. Ground-truth pointmaps X̄ 1,1
An example of reconstruction on RealEstate10K is shown and X̄ 2,1 for images I 1 and I 2 , respectively, from Eq. (2) in
in Fig. 9. Our network outputs a consistent pointcloud de- the main paper are obtained from the ground-truth camera
spite wide baseline viewpoint changes between the first and intrinsics K1 , K2 ∈ R3×3 , camera poses P1 , P2 ∈ R3×4
last pairs of frames. and depthmaps D1 , D2 ∈ RW ×H . Specifically, we simply

GT 7Scenes (Indoor) [113] Cambridge (Outdoor) [48]
Focals Chess Fire Heads Office Pumpkin Kitchen Stairs S. Facade O. Hospital K. College St.Mary’s G. Court
DUSt3R 512 from 2D-matching ✓ 3/0.97 3/0.95 2/1.37 3/1.01 4/1.14 4/1.34 11/2.84 6/0.26 17/0.33 11/0.20 7/0.24 38/0.16
DUSt3R 512 from scaled rel-pose × 5/1.08 5/1.18 4/1.33 6/1.05 7/1.25 6/1.37 26/3.56 64/0.97 151/0.88 102/0.88 79/1.46 245/1.08

Table 6. Absolute camera pose on 7Scenes [113] (top 1 image) and Cambridge-Landmarks [48] (top 20 images) datasets. We report the
median translation and rotation errors (cm/◦ ).

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