I disagree 1
1 1ll
across .:
act :
s-.t1A .1" I L,
actor argue
actual argument
add arithmetic
addicted arrn
addition army
address around
adjust ilrange
administration arrest
administrator arrival
admire art
admission artist
admit as
adult ash "x
advance ask
advantage asleep
adventure association
advertise . asthma
isement astronaut
aclvocate attempt
aerobics attend
aeroplane attention
allect attentive
aflection attitude
afford announce attract
answer audio
again author
against authority
age automatic
agency autufirn
agent available
ago avenue
agree average
agricuhure aviation
ahead avoid
aid award
AIDS away
alarm awful
baby before breakfast
bachelor beg breed ,.,.- .rhrr-\
back begin trrew - t4'1^
back behind bribe
backward belief brick
bacteria believe bride
bad belly bridge
badge belong bright
badminton belt ,- brilliant
bag b"qd $ bring
bake broadcast
balance *ffn'-n.41 broccoli
balcony best brochure
ball better broke
between . broken
beverage bronchitis
bamboo big brown
banana biil brush
band billiards bucket
bandage billion bud
bank biochemistry build
bar biology building
barbarian bird bullet
barbecue birth
a* bun
barber biscuit bunch
bargain bitter bundle
tr black
basement blanket burn
basic blind bus
basis blood business
' basket blue ' busy
bat boat but
bath body butcher
batman bomb butler
I hrttery
border buy
beach born by
bear boss by-product
beard botany cabbage
beat both cabin
beautiful bottle cabinet
beauty bottom cable
became bowl cactus
because boy cafeteria
become brain cage
bed brave cake
beef bread calcium
beer break calculate
a ,l;t
calculation cautious chosen
calculator cave Christmas
calendar cavity church
calf celebrate cigarette
call celsius cinema
calm cement circle
camel censor circumstance
camera centenarian circus
camp centigrade city
campus centimetre civil
can 'central civilian
canal centre civilisation
cancel century civilise
cancer ceremony class
candidate certain classical
. candle certificate clay
, candy chain clean
cime chair clear
cannon challenge clerk
canteen chamber clever
capability champion client
capable chance climate
capacity chancellor climb
capital change qlinic
capsule channel clip
captain chapter clock
car character close
carbon charge closet
card charity clothes
care chart -clothing
career cheap cloud
caretaker , cheat club
carpenter check coach
ca{pet cheese coal
carrier chemist coast
carrot chemistry coat
carry cheque cocaine
case chess cock
cash chest ' coconut
cashier chew code
cassette chick coffee
cast chief coin
casual child coke
catalogue ' chilli cold
cataract chocolate collar
catch choice colleague
cholera collect
cholesterol college
choose colony
caution chose .
. naA
cotumn CA
l.-e6tfr6'\ -fi91n
combat correct date
combination cost day
come cottage dead
comedian cotton deal
comedy couch dear
comfort cough death
command could debate
commander council decay
commercial count decision
commission country deck
commissioner decline {.
:::il" - ,}re er'-^r\
commonwealth court dedication
community courtesy deduct
company cow deep
compare cream deer
competition creative defeat
complete credit defence
complex crime defend
1c!mPlqhenslon critical degree
computer delay
concentration crowd delicate
conclusion crown delicious
condition cruel delight
conduct crystal deliver
confidence cube delta
confident cultivate democracy
connection cultivation demolish
,ffeY, ttlil:illfi:",
conscious culture
^f-------r A
consistent current '-department
{-.egnsolation curriculum departure
constitution curry depend
consume cut dependant
consumer cycle dependence
consumption cyclone deposit
contact cylinder depression
continue dad describe
contract daddy description
contribution daily desert.
control '
dairy design
controversy damage desire
conversation ii-d1'np-i desk
cook dance dessert
corn danger destination
, 4llE.
destroy donate election
destruction done electric
detail donkey electrician
detect door electricity
develop double electron
device down element
devil downtown elementary
diabetes draft elephant
diagnose dragon elevator
dialogue drama eleven
diamond drearn else
diarrhoea dress empty
diary drew encourage
dictionary drink end
did drive enemy
die drop energy
- td!
1'drought ' engine
diet drug engineer
difflerent drum English
difficult drunk enjoy
dimensional dry enough
dust enter
diplomacy Dutch enterprise
diplomat . duty entertain
direct dynamic entire
direction each entrance
director eager entry
disadvantage eagle envelope
disagree ear environment
disc early epidemic
discipline ezun equal
discover earth equally
discuss east equation
dish easy equator
- 5Q'ui- eat equipn'rent
+ t economic enor
\{<v economics escalator
divide economy escape
division :
edition escort
do effective especially
doctor efticient essay
document effort essential
docunrentary egg establish
dog eight estate
dollar eighth eve
dolphin either even
dome ' - fi-^{tb elastic event
dornestic ,\, elder every
v evidence family five
famine fixture
fan flug
exact fancy
exactly flame
exam flat
examination flavour
far flood
examine fare
example floor
farewell fluctuate
excellent farm
except fluctuation
, fashion fly
exception fashi<lnable
excess focus
fast fog
exchange fat
excuse follow
father food
fatty fool
,€xemPL fault foot
Exerfise favour
exhibition force
favourite forecast
exist fax
exit foreign
fear forget
expand feast
expect forgive
expensive form
experience formal
February fortune
experiment federation
expert forty
explain forward
explosion fought
fell found
export female
express foundation
fertilizer fountain
e)rtend fever
extension fourteen
few fourteenth
extra finance
extraordinary fox
field free
fifteen 'freedom
eye fr-fteenth
eyeball freeze
fight freezer
facility figure
factor French
file fresh
factory fi[
faculty Friday
filter frog
fail final
failure from
finance front
fair find
fuuy frozen
finger fruit
faith '
linish fruittul
GFdh-r fre
faii frustrated
first frustration
fit turfil
fruitful gold happy
frustrated golderr harbour
frustration good hard
turfit goodbye
full gourmet
fun govem harvest
function SOVernment hat
fund governor hate
funny grade have
furniture graduate head
further gramrlar health
future grandl'ather hear
galaxy grandmother heart
gallery Srape heat
gamble grapefruit heaven
game graph heavy
garage graphic heel
garden grass height
garlic gravity helicopter
gas gravy helium
gasoline grease
great help
gather green heritage
gear grill hero
gender ground hide
generate group highly
generator grown hill
generation growth himself
genetic guarantee Hindu
gentle guarantor hire
gentleman guardian his
genuine guess historian -
geography guest historic
geology guide historical
geometry guitar history
German gum hit
get gun hobby
ghost gym hockey
giant gymnasium hold
sift habit holiday
ginger hair holy
girl half home
give Llamburger honest
glass \hamlEE honey
glotral nammer honeymoon
gloriotrs hand honour
glory handicap hope
glycerine handle horn
go hang horrible
goal happen horror
host index jog
hostel infection join
hot inferior joint
hotel inform jolly
hour informal journal
household initiative journey
housing inject joy
how innocent judge
however inside July
human instalment jump
humanity instant jungle
humid instead jury
humour instruction justice
hunt instrument justifr
hurricane insult justification
hydrogen insurance kangaroo
ice integrity keen
idea intelligence keep
ideal intelligent keeper
identity intensive kept
igloo interest l
ignorant 'kettle '
interior key
iil interview kick
illegal into kid
illiterate introduction kidnap
illness introductory kidney
illogical invest kilogram
image investigate kilometre
imaginary investigation kind
imagine invite kindergarten
imitate involve kingdom
imitation iron kiss
immature irregular king
immediate Islam kit
immediately island kitchen
immigrant isolated kite
impact isolation knee
import issue knife
important jack
impression jacket
t, it '-
impressive jam knock
,Ianuary know
Jar knowledge
inch jaw
' incidence jeep
incident . jelly Iaboratory
income jet labour
incorrect jewel labourer
increase jigsaw lace
independent job Iadder
,l tn
lady life majority
lamb lift make
land light make
landlady Iike malaria
landlord limit male
landscape line mall
lane linguist Inan
Ianguage liquid manage
large list management
Iaser . listen manager
last literature :,.lTlEIIIe ,
' tl ,s
new nutrient operation
news nutrition operator
next nylon opinion
nice obedient opium
nickname obey opportunist
nicotine object opportunity
niece objection opposed
night objective opposite
nineteen obligation opposition
nineteenth . obligatory or
nitrogen observation oral
no observe orange
noble obstacle orbit
nobody obtain orchard
nomination occasion orchestra
non occasional orchid
none occupant order
nonsense occupation ordinary
noon occupy organ
nobody occur organic
nor ocean organization
normal o'clock organizn
north octane orientation
nose October origin
not octopus original
note odd ornament
nothing odour orphan
notice of orthodox
rP!i-f,Y -, off ostrich
lpglorious:- offence other
noun offensive otherwise
t4ourishnren!*\ offer ought
novel office ounce
novelist officer our
November official ourselves
''- ,..-t
offspring out
now often outbreak
nowadays ointment outcome
nowhere oil outdoor
notzle OK outdoors
' nuclear old outfit
nucleus olive outgoing
nude omelette outing
numb on outline
number ,
once outlook
numerous one outside
nun onion outspoken
nurse only outstanding
nursery open oval
nut opening oven
over Pq*lsqut ion permission
. overall
l*PlIlsleJ permrt
*[articular person
overdose partner personal
overdfawn party personality
overlap pass pet
overlapping passage petal
overseas passenger petrol
overtime passion petroleum
overweight passive pharmaceutical
owl passport pharmacist
own past pharmacy
ox pasta phase
oxygen paste philosopher
oyster pastry philosophy
ozone patent phone
pace path telephone
pack pathetic . phonology
package pathology photograph
packet patience phrase
pad patient physical -t
paddle patio physically
page patriot physician
paid pattern physics
pain pavilion physiology
pailrter palvn piano
pair pay pick
palace peace pickle
pan peacock pictorial rtt, lc* 1n'j
pancake peak picture
panda peanut
*rgl f';F,.0
panel pis
panic prgeon
pants pillar
papa penalty pilot
paper penguin pin
paragraph penicillin pinch
parallel penny pineapple
paralysis. pension pink
aramilitary penthouse pioneer
paramount people prpe
parce pepper pistol
percentage piston
perfect pitch
parliament perfection p,ty"l
parlour perform pwa
parmt performance place
part perfume plague
participate pcrhaps plain
participant period plan
plant porter president
plantation portfolio' press
plastic portion pressure
plate posh prestige
platform position pretty
platinum positive prevent
play [rcssess price
plenty possessor pride
plot possibility priest
plough possible primary
plug post primarily
plum postage prime
plumber postal prince
plural poster princess
plus postgraduate principal
pneumonia postpone principle
pocket pot print
poem potassium 'prior l.
poet potato priority
poetic potential prison
poetry poultry privacy
point pound private
pointless pour prue
poison poverty pro
police powder probability
policy power probable
polio powerful probation
polish practical problem
polite practise procedure
political prawn proceed
politician pray process
politics prayer procession
pollute precious product
pollution precise production
polo precision productivity
polyester predict profession
polytechnic prefer professional
polythene pregnant professor
pornegranate premature proficient
pool premium proficiently
poorly preparation profit
pop prePare program
poppy preposition programme
popular prescribe progress
popularity prescription prohibit
presence project
present projector
presentation promise
promote quick recommend
promotion quiet record
l, pronounce quite recorder
it pronunciation rabbit recount
' proof race recover
proper rack
' property racket
proposal radar recycle
prospect radiant red
prosper radiation reduce
prostitute radiator reduction
. prostitution radio reef
protect radiology refer
protein rag referee
protest rail reference
proud rain reflect
prove rainy refiection
proverb raise refiesh
provide raisin refiigerate
provided rank refrigeration
province rape refrigerator
provisional rare refund
psychology raspberry refuse
psychological rat regard
psychologist rate regiment
public raw registrar
publicity reach registration
pudding react registry office
pull reaction regular
pump reactor regulation
punch read reject
punctual reader relate
punish reading related
purchase ready relation
pure real relationship
purple reality relative
purpose realize relax
push really relaxation
put reason relaxed
pyramid reasonable release
python rebel reliable
qualification rebound relief
qualify recall relieve .
qualified receipt religion
quality , receive religious
quarrel recent remain
quarter reception remark
quarterly recipe remember
queen recognize remind
question recognition renew
*a nF
renowned rickshaw sack
rent rid sacrifice
repair ride sacrificial
fepay ridiculous sad
repetition rifle salari
replay right safe
report ring safety
represent rise sail
representation risk saint
representative . ritual salad
republic rival salami
reputation rivalry salary
request river sale
require rob saline
rescue robber salmon
research robbery salon
reservation robin saloon
reserye robot salt
resident rock salute
residential rocket salvage $ava .fngt" A
resign rocky salvation + g*YL {ns*
resignation role same
resolution roll sample
resource roller sanction
respect Roman sand
respiration romance sandwich
respond romantic sanitary
responsibility roof sanitation
responsible room satellite
rest root satisfaction
restaurant rope satisfactory
result rose satisff
resume rough Saturday
retail round sauce
retain routine sausage
retina row savage
return royal saw
reunion royalty say
revenge rub scale
reverse rubber sqare
revolt rude scary
revolution *9uY scarf
revolutionary rutn scenario
revolver. rule scene
reward ) rumour scent
;401 run schedule
rhyine rural scheme
ribbon rush scholar
rice rust school
rich ruttrless science
scissors seventeen signature
score seventeenth significance
Scottish several significant
scratch severe silence
screen sew silent
script sex : silicon
sculptor sexual silk
sculpture shade silver
sea shadow similar
search s[rake similarity
seat shall simple
second shampoo since
secondary shape sincere
secret share sing
secretary shark single
section sharp sir
sector shave siren
security she sister
see sheep sit
seed sheet site
seek shelf situation -E
I as
stuff surprise technician
stupid surprising technique
subject surprisingly technology
subjective surrender teddy bear o
a tA
there together treasure
thereby toilet treatment
therefore token : tree
thermal toll +.
thermometer ton i
thesis tone trial
thick tongue triangle
thief tonic tribe
thin tonight trick
think . too. trip
thinking took triple
third tool tropical
thirteen tooth trouble
thirteenth top trousers
thirty torch truck
thirtieth tomado true
this tortoise trunk
thorough torture trust
though total truth
thought touch try
thousand tough tube
thread tour tuberculosis
tlueaten towards Tuesday
tlreatening towel tuna
throat tower tune
ttrrougtr town tunnel
tltoughout toxic turf
thumb toy turkey
thunder track turn
thunderstorm tractor turtle
Thursday tradition tutor
thus traditional tutorial :
tick traditionally ,.-^Juxedo -. 1
uncertain utility victory
uncle utilize victorious
uncomlnon utilization video
unconscious U+urn cassette recorder
undecided vacancy view
under vacant village
undercover vacation villain
underdeveloped vaccination vinegar
underground vaccine violate
underline vacuum violation
underneath valentine violent
understand valiant violet
understood valid violin
underwater valley virus
underwear valuable visa
unexpected value vision
unfair valve visit
unfamiliar van visual
unhappy vanilla vital
uniform vanish vitamin
union variation ,$
unique variety vocabulary
unit various vodka
unity vary voice
universe vast volcano
uruverslty vat voluntary
unkind vault voluntarily
unknown vegetables volunteer
unlike vegetarian vomit
unload vehicle vote
unlock veil voucher'
unnecessary vein voyage
unreal velvet vulnerable
unreasonable venom vulture
until venomous wage
up venue waist
uphill verb wait
upon verbally waive
upper verdict wall
upset veriS wallet
upside-down' version want
up to-date vertebra war
ur0nium vertical ward
urge very warm
urgent vessel warn
US vest warrant
USA veteran warrior
use veto wils
used vibration wash
vice washer
washing wisdom znc
waste wise zip
watch wish zone
watchman, witch zoo
water with zoology
way withdraw zoological
we within zoologist
weak without zoom
wealth witness zucchini
weapon wizard Zimbabwe
wear wolf
worn woIIuIn
weather wonderful
Wednesday wood
week wool
weight word
welcome work
welfare working
well worn
west wom
western worry "b
wet worse
whale worship
what worst
whatever worth
wheat would
when wrestle
whenever wrestler
where write
wherever written
whisky writing
white X-mas
who X-ray
whoever yard
who[e year
wholesale yellow
whom yesterday
whose yet
why . yield
wicket yoga
wide y,ogurt
widow you
wife young
wild your
will '
wind yourselves
window youth
wine youthful
wipe zero
wire zigzag
d ?al
23 ."4
To conclude
To sum up "r