Changes During Khoa Making

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Changes During Khoa Making

Preparation of khoa involves three actions viz. heating, concentration and vigorous stirring and
scraping. These actions cause following physico-chemical changes:

• Denaturation of whey proteins, particularly the β-Lactoglobulin and α-Lactalbumin tend to

undergo varying degree of self aggregation, denaturation/coagulation as the temperature of milk
rises above 77oC (90oC in case of buffalo milk) and their interaction start with k-casein as the
heating temperature rises.

• The denaturation of the whey proteins results into production of sulfhydryl compounds, which
produces characteristic cooked flavour in khoa and other heat desiccated products.

• Though casein is quite stable at high temperature, but the combined effect of severe heat
treatment and concentration and complexing of whey proteins with it, substantially increases the
size of casein micelles. This results into loss of stability of casein micelles. The coagulation of
casein tends to increase logarithmically at a constant temperature of heating with milk solids

• Coagulation of casein and aggregation of whey proteins with it entrap part of the fat in this
aggregate. The moisture also disperses as fine droplets in the aggregates of proteins.

• The removal of moisture from milk results into concentration of milk solids and changes in
their status, particularly proteins and minerals. These eventually change the state of milk from
liquid to solid or semi solid. All the constituents,including lactic acid, increase in proportion to
the degree of concentration.

• Vigorous agitation of milk at elevated temperatures during desiccation of milk disrupts the fat
globule membrane releasing some fat in form of free fat (about 50% of the total fat). Formation
of this free fat is very important from the flavour and texture point of view.

• The heating of milk at high temperature causes conversion of soluble calcium and magnesium
to insoluble form that leads to interaction (denaturation and hydrolytic cleavage) between protein

• Continuous heating of milk solids at high temperature (around boiling) causes browning. This
is attributed to formation of Melanoidin pigment. This browning reaction is Maillard type due to
interaction between addehyde group of lactose and free amino group of casein.

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