Fluids Mechanics & Machinery

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UG Engg./ Tech.

Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

A) Course Title: Fluids Mechanics and Machinery

B) Course Code:

C) Pre- requisite Course (s): Nil

D) Rationale:
The fluids mechanics and machinery course covers topics such as fluid statics, fluid kinematics,
fluid dynamics, flow through pipes and boundary layer, dimensional analysis, turbines and pumps
which are crucial for understanding how fluids behave under various conditions. It deals with basic
principles of working of hydraulic machineries and design of turbine and pumps. The knowledge
gained through this course will help the students to take up advanced course on Aerodynamics in
next semester.

E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure
the accomplishment of following industry expected course outcomes by the learners.

S. Course
No. Outcomes Course Outcome Statements
1. CO-1 Analyse the properties of fluids and behaviour in static conditions
2. CO-2 Apply conservation laws to fluid flow problems.
3. CO-3 Analyse pipes connected in series and parallel, boundary layer and its thickness.
4. CO-4 Apply principles of dimensional analysis to find non dimensional parameters
5. CO-5 Apply principles of impacts of jets in fluid machineries such as turbines and pumps

F) Course Articulation Matrix (CAM):

Programme Outcomes (POs) Specific
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO- 10 PO-11 PO- 12 PSO-1 PSO-2
Outcomes Engineeri Problem Design/ Conduct Modern The Engineer Environment Ethics Individual Communic Project Life-long
(COs) ng Analysis Developme Investigations Tool and Society and and Team ation Management Learning
Knowled nt of of Complex Usage Sustainability Work and Finance
ge Solutions Problems

CO-1 3 3 2 - 1 1 - - - - - -

CO-2 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - -

CO-3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 1

CO-4 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 - - - - 1

CO-5 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1

Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)

NITTTR, Bhopal-Academic Consultant for CDP BEU, Bihar Semester - III

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

G) Teaching & Learning and Assessment Scheme:

Teaching & Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme (Marks)
Classroom Theory Term work & Lab Assessment
Assessment Self-Learning (LA)

Total Hours (CI+LI+TW+SL) (For 15 Weeks)


Total Marks (TA+TWA+LA)

CourseCodes and Category
(TA) Assessment

Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL)


End Term Work Assessment (ETWA)

Progressive Term Work Assessment
Progressive TheoryAssessment

Progressive Lab Assessment

Lab Instruction(LI)

End Laboratory Assessment

Total Credits (C)

End Theory Assessment

Board of

(TW+ SL)
Study CourseTitles




Aeronautical Fluids Mechanics
ESC 03 - 04 01 08 4 25 50 10 15 50 50 200
Engineering and Machinery
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
TW: Term work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Course Category: Basic Science Courses (BSC), Engineering Science Courses (ESC), Professional core courses (PCC),
Professional Core Elective (PCE), Professional Open Electives (POE), Humanities and Social Science Courses (HSC),
Project, Seminar, Internship (PSI), Mandatory Courses (MNC)

H) Course Curriculum Detailing: For attainment of course outcomes, the students are expected to
perform/ undergo various activities through classroom, laboratories/ workshops term/ work, self-
learning/ field sessions. As per the requirements of NEP: 2020, unique features like Green skills,
Multidisciplinary Aspects, Societal Connect, IKS, Renewable Energy are integrated appropriately.

I) Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Units:

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant
TSO 1a. Explain the properties of fluids Unit-1.0 Properties of Fluids and Fluid Statics CO1

TSO 1b. Analyse fluid statics problems using first 1.1 Properties of fluids
principles of mathematics and engineering 1.2 Fluid statics
sciences 1.3 Hydrostatic equation – Forces on plane and
TSO 1c. Apply hydrostatic equation and estimate the curved surfaces
forces on plane and curved surfaces 1.4 Buoyancy – Metacentre
TSO 1d. Explain Buoyancy and Metacentre 1.5 Simple and differential manometers
TSO 1e. Use simple and differential manometers to 1.6 Mechanical pressure gauges and Relative
determine fluid flow parameters equilibrium
TSO 1a. Explain mechanical pressure gauges and

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant

relative equilibrium

TSO 2a. Explain the difference between Lagrangian and Unit-2.0 Fluid Dynamics CO1, CO2
Eulerian approach
2.1 Lagrangian vs Eulerian descriptions
TSO 2b. Explain the various types of fluid flows
2.2 Classification of fluid flows
TSO 2c. Use different flow visualization methods to 2.3 Flow Visualization – Path line – Stream line
visualize the fluid flows – Streak line
TSO 2d. Explain the difference between path line, 2.4 Stream and Potential functions, Flownets.
stream line and Streak line 2.5 Governing equations: Continuity equation,
TSO 2e. Explain the difference between stream and Momentum equation, Energy equation –
potential functions Euler’s equation – Bernoulli’s equation –
TSO 2f. Apply governing equations and solve fluid Applications
dynamics problems
TSO 3a. Analyze Reynold’s Experiment Unit-3.0 Flow through Pipes and Boundary CO3, CO4
TSO 3b. Explain laminar flow through circular conduits Layer
TSO 3c. Apply Darcy Weisbach equation to determine
friction factor 3.1 Reynold’s Experiment
TSO 3d. Explain Moody diagram, major and minor 3.2 Laminar flow through circular conduits
losses 3.3 Darcy Weisbach equation – friction factor -
TSO 3e. Use hydraulic and energy gradient lines to Moody diagram - Major and minor losses
solve flow through pipes problems 3.4 Hydraulic and energy gradient lines
TSO 3f. Analyze pipes in series and parallel 3.5 Pipes in series and parallel
TSO 3g. Explain the boundary layer concepts and types 3.6 Boundary layer concepts and Types of
of boundary layer thickness boundary layer thickness

TSO 4a. Explain fundamental dimensions and Unit- 4.0 Dimensional Analysis and Model CO2, CO4
dimensional homogeneity Studies
TSO 4b. Apply Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham Pi 4.1 Fundamental dimensions, Dimensional
theorem to solve non dimensional parameters homogeneity
TSO 4c. Use dimensionless parameters to solve fluid 4.2 Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham Pi
flow problems theorem
TSO 4d. Analyze similitude and model studies, 4.3 Dimensionless parameters
distorted and undistorted models 4.4 Similitude and model studies, Distorted
and undistorted models
TSO 5a. Apply principles of impacts of jets in fluid Unit- 5.0 Turbines and Pumps CO2, CO5
5.1 Impact of jets, Velocity triangle
TSO 5b. Explain the working principles and types of
5.2 Classification of turbines and Working
TSO 5c. Explain the working principles and types of
5.3 Classification of pumps - Centrifugal
pumps - Working principle
TSO 5d. Analyze velocity triangles and work done by
5.4 Velocity triangles - Work done by the
the impeller
TSO 5e. Explain the working principle of reciprocating
5.5 Reciprocating pump working principle
5.6 Rotary pumps
TSO 5a. Explain the use of rotary pumps in fluid flow

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

J) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical

with Assessment Table:
Relevant Performance
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S. Laboratory COs Viva
(LSOs) No. Experiment/Practical Titles Number Process Product -
(s) Assess- Assess- Voce
ment ment
LSO 1.1. Verify the concept of Bernoulli’s 1. Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem CO1, 30 60 10
principle CO2
LSO 2.1. Verify and apply Bernoulli 2. Flow through Orifice meter CO2 50 40 10
equation for flow measurement in
Orifice meter
LSO 3.1. Verify and apply Bernoulli 3. Flow through Venturi meter CO2 50 40 10
equation for flow measurement in
Venturi meter
LSO 4.1. Measure friction factor in pipes 4. Friction factor for flow through CO2 50 40 10
and compare with Moody diagram pipes CO3
and verify momentum
conservation law.
LSO 5.1. Apply principles of impacts of jets 5. Impact of jet on fixed plate CO2 30 60 10
in fluid machineries CO4
LSO 6.1. Determine metacentric height 6. Determination of metacentric CO1 50 40 10
LSO 6.2. Explain the concept of Buoyancy height CO2
and Metacenter
LSO 7.1. Verify and apply Reynolds Number 7. Determination of Reynolds CO2 30 60 10
Number CO3
LSO 8.1. Determine the performance 8. Characteristics of Centrifugal CO2 50 40 10
characteristics of Centrifugal pump CO3
pump CO5
LSO 9.1. Determine the performance 9. Characteristics of Reciprocating CO3 30 60 10
characteristics of Reciprocating pump CO5
LSO 10.1 Determine the performance 10. Characteristics of Pelton wheel CO2 30 60 10
characteristics of turbines turbine & Francis turbine CO3
Note: This table can be used for both end semester laboratory assessment (ELA) as well as progressive assessment of practical
(PLA). Rubrics need to be prepared by the course wise teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.

K) Suggested Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL):

a. Assignments:

i. Numerical problems on Fluid Statics & Fluid Dynamics

ii. Numerical problems on Dimensional Analysis & Boundary Layer Flow

Seminar Topics

i. Aerodynamic shape optimization,

ii. Biofilms,
iii. Drag reduction techniques,
iv. Dynamics of bubbles and droplets,
v. Flow control and flow sensors,
vi. Microfluidics.

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Visits: Visit nearby fluid flow analysis laboratory/ industry. Prepare report of visit with special
comments of fluid flow visualization/ techniques used, software used, materials used and
manufacturing process followed.

Self-learning topics:
Design of propulsion systems such as jet engines and rocket engines to understand the fluid
flow around the engines

b. Micro Projects: Suggested list of course wise micro projects are mentioned herewith

i. Vacuum bazooka. An introduction: drag coefficient, Reynolds number

ii. Leidenfrost stars. Potential flow, capillary waves.
iii. Filling up a Bottle. Quasi 1D approximations
iv. Hydraulic jump. Froude number
v. Three sphere swimmer. Introduction to Stokes flow

L) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment (ETA):

Total ETA (Marks)

Relevant Classroom Taxonomy Levels of Cognitive Domain
Unit Number and Title Instruction
Number(s) Marks
(CI) Remember & Apply, Analyse,
Hours Understand Evaluate & Create
Unit 1.0 Properties of Fluids and CO1 09 08 04 04
Fluid Statics
Unit 2.0 Fluid Dynamics CO1, CO2 09 10 03 07

Unit 3.0 Flow through Pipes and CO3, CO4 09 10 03 07

Boundary Layer
Unit 4.0 Dimensional Analysis CO2, CO4 09 08 03 05
and Model Studies
Unit 5.0 Turbines and Pumps CO2, CO5 09 14 06 08

Total 45 50 19 31

Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.

M) Suggested Instructional/Implementation Strategies: Different Instructional/ Implementation

Strategies may be appropriately used, as per the requirement of the content/outcome to be
achieved. Some of them are Improved Lecture, Tutorial, Case Method, Group Discussion,
Industrial visits, Industrial Training, Field Trips, Portfolio Based, Learning, Role Play, Live
Demonstrations in Classrooms, Lab, Field Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Based Teaching Learning, Blended or flipped mode, Brainstorming, Expert Session, Video
Clippings, Use of Open Educational Resources (OER), MOOCs etc.

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

N) Suggested Learning Resources:

a) Books

S. No. Titles Author(s) Publisher and Edition with ISBN

1. Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals Yunus A. Cengel and McGraw-Hill
and Applications John M. Cimbala 4th Edition, 2019
ISBN: 9353166217, 978-9353166212
2. Fluid Mechanics Frank M. White McGraw Hill
9th Edition, 2022
ISBN: 9355322046, 978-9355322043
3. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Philip J. Pritchard, Fox John Wiley & Sons Inc,
and McDonald 8th Edition, 2010
ISBN: 9780470547557
4. Fluid Mechanics Pijush K. Kundu, Ira Academic Press,
M. Cohen and David 6th Edition, 2015
R. Dowling ISBN: 9780124059351
5. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics S K Som, Gautam McGraw Hill Education,
and Fluid Machines Biswas, and S Third edition, 2017
Chakraborty ISBN: 0071329196, 978-0071329194

6. Fluid Mechanics with Problems Egon Krause Springer Publications, 2010.

and Solutions, and an ISBN: 3642061885, 978-3642061882
Aerodynamic Laboratory
7. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Modi P.N. and Seth, Standard Book House, New Delhi,
S.M. 23rd Edition, 2022
ISBN-13: 9788189401269

b) Others/ Online Educational Resources (OER)

1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/101103004/ Principles of Fluid Dynamics

2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112104118/ Fluid Mechanics
3. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-01-unified-engineering-i-

O) (a) Course Curriculum Development Team (NITTTR, Bhopal)

S. No. Name and Designation E-mail Address

1. Dr. Anju Rawlley, Professor (Project Coordinator) [email protected]

(b) Course Curriculum Development Team (Expert)

S. Name and Designation E-mail Address Institution Name
1. Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, [email protected] Kumaraguru College of
Assistant Professor & HOD Technology, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu


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