Lenze E94AYFLF - Digital Frequency Module - v3-2 - EN

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13279709 L-force Drives

Software Manual


Digital frequency extension module (E94AYFLF)

Parameter setting & configuration

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Overview of the technical documentation for Servo Drives 9400

Overview of the technical documentation for Servo Drives 9400

Project planning, selecting & ordering Legend:

 9400 Hardware Manual  Printed documentation
 Catalogue / electronic catalogue (DSC - Drive Solution Catalogue)  Online documentation
(PDF/Engineer online help)
Mounting & wiring Abbreviations used:
 MA 9400 HighLine/ServoPLC BA Operating Instructions
 MA for communication module KHB Communication Manual
 MA for extension module MA Mounting Instructions
 MA for safety module SW Software Manual
 MA for accessories
 MA for remote maintenance components

Parameter setting
 BA keypad
 SW for Lenze »Engineer« software
 SW for controller (9400 HighLine/ServoPLC)
 SW for regenerative power supply module
 KHB for communication module
 SW for extension module Í This documentation
 SW for safety module
 SW for Lenze technology application
 SW 9400 function library

 SW for Lenze »Engineer« software
 SW for controller (9400 HighLine/ServoPLC)
 KHB for communication module
 SW for extension module Í This documentation
 SW for safety module
 SW for Lenze technology application
 SW 9400 function library

Commissioning of the drive

 Commissioning guide
 SW for controller (9400 HighLine/ServoPLC)
 Remote Maintenance Manual

 KHB for communication medium used

2 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration

1 About this documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Conventions used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Terminology used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Definition of notes used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Digital frequency input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1 Terminal assignment X9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Parameter setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.1 Signal form configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Encoder signal detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.3 Position setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.4 Use of machine parameters for scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.5 Voltage control - TTL encoder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.6 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.7 Touch probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Problem description - speed variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyInput" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 System block "LS_TouchProbeDFIN" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 Digital frequency output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1 Terminal assignment X10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Parameter setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.1 Signal source selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.2 Number of increments and zero pulse offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.3 Position setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.4 Use of machine parameters for scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.5 Frequency limitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.6 Touch probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Problem description - speed variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.5 System block "LS_TouchProbeDFOUT" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4 Parameter reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.1 Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Table of attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration

5 Fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

6 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Your opinion is important to us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation

1 About this documentation

This documentation contains information on how to parameterise & configure the digital
frequency extension module with the L-force »Engineer« and keypad.

 Note!
This documentation completes the Mounting Instructions supplied with the
extension module. It is valid only in conjunction with the respective Operating
Instructions for the standard devices permitted for use.
The Mounting Instructions contain safety instructions which must be observed!

The information given in this documentation applies to:

Extension module Type designation From hardware From software

version version
Digital frequency E94AYFLF VA -

This extension module can be used in conjunction with the following standard devices:

Product series Type designation From hardware From software

version version
9400 Servo Drives E94AxxExxxx VA 01.37

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 5

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation
Conventions used

1.1 Conventions used

This documentation uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types
of information:

Type of information Writing Examples/notes

Decimal separator Point The decimal point is always used.
Example: 1234.56
Program name »« The Lenze PC software »Engineer«...
Window pane Italics The Message window... / The Options dialog box...
Control element Bold The OK button... / The Copy command... / The
Properties tab... / The Name input field...
Sequence of menu If the execution of a function requires several
commands commands, the individual commands are separated
by an arrow: Select FileOpen to...
Keyboard command <Bold> Use <F1> to open the Online Help.
If a command requires a combination of keys, a "+" is
placed between the key symbols:
Use <Shift>+<ESC> to...
Program listings Courier IF var1 < var2 THEN
Keyword Courier bold a = a + 1

Hyperlink Underlined Optically highlighted reference to another topic. It is

activated with a mouse click in this online
Page reference ( 6) Optically highlighted reference to another page. It is
activated with a mouse click in this online
Step-by-step instructions Step-by-step instructions are indicated by a
 pictograph.

6 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation
Terminology used

1.2 Terminology used

Term Meaning
»Engineer« Lenze software which supports you throughout the whole machine life
cycle - from planning to maintenance.
Code "Container" for one or several parameters used for controller parameter
setting or monitoring.
Subcode If a code contains several parameters, the individual parameters are
stored under "subcodes".
This Manual uses a slash "/" as a separator between code and subcode
(e.g. "C00118/3").
Function block A function block (FB) can be compared with an integrated circuit that
contains a certain control logic and delivers one or several values when
being executed.
• An instance (reproduction, copy) of the function block is always
inserted in the circuit.
• It is also possible to insert several instances of a function block in a
• Each instance has a unique identifier (the instance name) and a
processing number which defines the position at which the function
block is calculated during the task cycle.
System block System blocks provide interfaces to basic functions and hardware of the
controller in the function block editor of the »Engineer« (e.g. to the
digital inputs).
• System blocks cannot be instanced in contrast to function blocks.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation
Definition of notes used

1.3 Definition of notes used

The following signal words and symbols are used in this documentation to indicate
dangers and important information:

Safety instructions
Layout of the safety instructions:

 Danger!
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous

Pictograph Signal word Meaning

Danger! Danger of personal injury through dangerous electrical voltage
 Indicates an impending danger that may lead to death or severe personal injury
if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Danger! Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger
 Indicates an impending danger that may lead to death or severe personal injury
if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Stop! Danger of material damage
 Indicates a potential danger that may lead to material damage if the
corresponding measures are not taken.

Application notes

Pictograph Signal word Meaning

Note! Important note for trouble-free operation

Tip! Useful tip for easy handling

Reference to another document

8 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Terminal assignment X9

2 Digital frequency input

The optionally available digital frequency extension module serves to extend the L-force
9400 Servo Drive by a digital frequency input and a digital frequency output.
 The digital frequency input X9 reads encoder signals with TTL level (0 ... 500 kHz) and
converts these to scaled speed and position values for the application.

2.1 Terminal assignment X9

Pin Signal
1 B
2 A
3 A
4 +5 V encoder voltage (controlled)
6 Z
7 Z
8 Sense / Lamp control / Enable
9 B

 Stop!
If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension
module "in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves
to control and monitor the +5 V encoder voltage. Monitoring
In this case, no digital signal ("Lamp control" or "Enable") may be supplied to PIN
Please also observe the documentation for the encoder used.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2 Parameter setting

 Note!
Depending on the module receptacle the digital frequency extension module is
plugged in, different code ranges are assigned to the parameters!
• Module receptacle MXI1: Parameters are in the C130xx range
• Module receptacle MXI2: Parameters are in the C140xx range

Short overview of the parameters for the digital frequency input:

Parameter Info Lenze setting

  Value Unit

C13010 C14010 Encoder type DFIN Digital frequency output DFOUT

C13011 C14011 No. of increments DFIN 2048
C13012 C14012 Signal form DFIN 4x evaluation (A, B)
C13013 C14013 Initialisation time DFIN 3000 ms
C13014 C14014 Track monitoring DFIN Active after initialisation time
C13021 C14021 TP delay time DFIN 0 μs
C13030 C14030 Speed at DFIN - Incr./ms
C13031 C14031 Frequency at DFIN - Hz
C13032 C14032 Position at DFIN - Increments
C13040 C14040 Resp. to track monitoring DFIN Warning
C13041 C14041 No resp. to DFIN enable signal Warning
C13042 C14042 Resp. to Vcc error DFIN Warning
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter

10 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2.1 Signal form configuration

In order that the input signals are interpreted correctly from the digital frequency
extension module, the setting in C13012 / C14012 must correspond to the signal form of
the input signals applied:

4x evaluation (A, B)

Setting C13012 / C14012 = "0"

CW rotation CCW rotation
A Track A leads track B by 90° lags track B by 90°
Track B - -

Phase-displaced signal sequence (CW


A:Increments B:Sign

Setting C13012 / C14012 = "1"

CW rotation CCW rotation
A Track A transmits the speed transmits the speed
Track B = FALSE = TRUE
Control of the direction of rotation via track B

Increments A:pos. B:neg.

Setting C13012 / C14012 = "2"

CW rotation CCW rotation
A Track A transmits speed and = FALSE
B direction of rotation
Track B = FALSE transmits speed and
direction of rotation
Control of speed and direction of rotation via
track A or track B

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2.2 Encoder signal detection

From the encoder signals applied to digital frequency input X9 and the number of
increments set in C13011 / C14011 the speed is created in [rpm] and provided to the
application via the output DFIN_nActualSpeed_s of the system block
At the same time the detected speed is integrated to a 32-bit absolute position and
provided to the application via the output DFIN_dnActualPos_p of the system block

See also: Problem description - speed variations ( 17)

2.2.3 Position setting

The 32-bit absolute position output by the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput at the
output DFIN_dnActualPos_p can be set as follows to a certain position value:
1. Define the desired absolute position at the input DFIN_dnReferencePos_p in
2. Set the input DFIN_bLoadReferencePos from FALSE to TRUE to accept the defined
position for the digital frequency input in the next cycle.

 Note!
The speed is not affected by setting the position.
If the speed is integrated in the application, the integrator and the position
assume different values, i.e. they diverge. In case of further position changes, the
difference between the values remains the same.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2.4 Use of machine parameters for scaling

This function extension is available from software version V3.0 onwards!

The input DFIN_AxisData can be used to transfer the machine parameters of the own
motor/drive or of a higher-level drive to the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput.
 If valid machine parameters are applied to the input DFIN_AxisData, then the outputs
for the actual position and the actual speed are evaluated on the basis of the
transferred machine parameters (gearbox factors, encoder resolution).
– The position is scaled to the set measuring system/traversing range.
– The encoder mounting position can be parameterised under C13015 / C14015.
 If the input DFIN_AxisData remains unused, the system block continues to operate as
before. In this case the units are scaled to revolutions.

 Tip!
With this function extension, the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput can be
coupled directly to a master value measuring system. The system block then uses
the units of this measuring system for processing.

Short overview of the parameters for this function extension:

Parameter Info Lenze setting

  Value Unit

C13015 C14015 Encoder mounting position DFIN Clockwise rotation

C13035/1 C14035/1 Position unit DFIN -
C13035/2 C14035/2 Speed unit DFIN -
C13036 C14036 Actual position DFIN - Unit
C13037 C14037 Actual speed DFIN - Unit/t
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 13

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2.5 Voltage control - TTL encoder

If a TTL encoder is connected as the signal source and C13010 / C14010 is set to TTL
encoder, the encoder can be supplied with a controlled +5 V voltage via pin 4, which serves
to compensate the voltage drop on the encoder cable.

 Stop!
If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension
module "in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves
to control and monitor the +5 V encoder voltage. Monitoring
In this case, no digital signal ("Lamp control" or "Enable") may be supplied to PIN
Please also observe the documentation for the encoder used.

2.2.6 Monitoring

Initialisation time
In C13013 / C14013 an initialisation time can be set, which must elapse after starting the
system before the monitoring modes are switched active.
 Thanks to this "delay" other system parts which serve as signal sources, can initialise
themselves first without monitoring being triggered due to missing signals.
 In the "0" setting the initialisation time is set to infinity so that monitoring is
deactivated permanently.
 If the setting is changed from "0" to another value, the initialisation time is restarted.
– A higher-level control can, for instance, switch monitoring active by a corresponding
parameter setting of C13013 / C14013 even if the device has been switched on for a
long time.

Monitoring of the +5 V voltage for the encoder

If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension module
"in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves to control and
monitor the +5 V encoder voltage.
 If the voltage control is not able to compensate the voltage drop, a fault message is
created and the response set in C13042 / C14042 is executed.
– At the same time the output DFIN_bVccCtrlLimited of the system block
LS_DigitalFrequencyInput is set to TRUE.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

Monitoring of the "Enable" or "Lamp control" signal

If the +5 V encoder voltage is not controlled by the digital frequency extension module, a
digital signal can be read in and monitored via pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9, e.g.
the "Lamp control" signal of an encoder or the "Enable" signal of an upstream digital
frequency module.
 If pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 is not set to HIGH level (+5V) after the
initialisation time has elapsed, a fault message is generated and the response set in
C13041 / C14041 is executed.
 The binary status of pin 8 is also displayed at the output DFIN_bSense of the system
block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput .

Track monitoring (open circuit detection)

The signal tracks A, B, and Z are monitored with regard to their differential voltage value.
 For the activation of track monitoring, two modes are available in C13014 / C14014:

C13014 / C14014 = "1" C13014 / C14014 = "2"

The track monitoring modes are activated after the The track monitoring modes only become active if pin 8
initialisation time has elapsed. of the digital frequency input X9 is set to HIGH level
• The initialisation time is set in C13013 / C14013. (+5 V).
• They may be activated e.g. by an encoder (status
"Lamp control") or an upstream digital frequency
module (status "Enable").
• When this mode is selected, monitoring can be
switched active by a signal source if the levels on the
tracks have valid values.

 Monitoring is both done at standstill and while the encoder is rotating.

 If track monitoring responds, a fault message is generated and the response set in
C13040 / C14040 is executed.
– At the same time the corresponding output DFIN_bTrackAError, DFIN_bTrackBError
or DFIN_bTrackZError of the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput is set to TRUE.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting

2.2.7 Touch probe

When the zero pulse occurs on track Z - Z, a touch probe is triggered.

 The corresponding signals to execute touch probe processing are available via the
system block LS_TouchProbeDFIN.
 In C13021 / C14021 a delay time can be set for the touch probe.
 If a touch probe has been triggered, the output DFIN_bTouchProbeReceived is set to
TRUE for one cycle.

 Tip!
Detailed information on touch probe processing can be found in the online
documentation for the controller in chapter "I/O terminalsTouch probe

16 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Problem description - speed variations

2.3 Problem description - speed variations

In the digital frequency extension module rectangular encoder signals are processed. The
speed is determined by counting the edges occurring within a defined time interval (1 ms).
Due to this defined time interval of 1 ms and a finite number of encoder increments per
revolution, the calculated speed signal can only assume discrete values. This gives the
impression that the signal is very unsteady and inexact. This effect increases with lower
numbers of increments.
An example for calculating the expected speed variation can be found in chapter "Digital
frequency output". Problem description - speed variations ( 28)

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 17

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyInput"

2.4 System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyInput"

The system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput displays the optional digital frequency

extension module in the FB editor of the »Engineer«.
 The system block must be called cyclically since only then speed and position will be
calculated accurately to increments.



Input Info/possible settings

Data type

DFIN_bLoadReferencePos Position setting

BOOL Position setting ( 12)
FALSEÊTRUE Sets the 32-bit absolute position output at the output
DFIN_dnActualPos_p to the value which is applied to input
DFIN_dnReferencePos_p Absolute position in [increments], to which the output DFIN_dnActualPos_p is set by
DINT a FALSE-TRUE edge at input DFIN_bLoadReferencePos.
Position setting ( 12)
DFIN_AxisData Machine parameters
V3.0 or higher • To transfer the machine parameters of the drive/motor, connect this input to the
output DI_AxisData of SB LS_DriveInterface.
• The machine parameters of a higher-level drive can be transferred via the
FB L_SdSetAxisData. For this purpose, you have to connect the FB's AxisData
output to this input.
• If the input remains unused, the system block continues to operate as before. In
this case the units are scaled to revolutions.
Use of machine parameters for scaling ( 13)

18 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyInput"


Output Value/meaning
Data type

DFIN_dnActualPos_p Current position in [increments]

DINT • Output as signed 32-bit value (positive value ≡ CW rotation).
For software versions prior to V3.0:
• A virtual revolution is resolved to 16 bits.
For software version V3.0 or higher:
• If valid machine parameters are applied to the input DFIN_AxisData, a virtual
revolution is resolved with the encoder resolution specified in the machine
• If the input DFIN_AxisData remains unused, a virtual revolution is resolved with
the setting under C00100 (Lenze setting: 16 bits).
DFIN_dnActualSpeed_s Current speed in [rpm]
DINT Problem description - speed variations ( 17)
DFIN_bTrackAError Status signal "Differential signal of track A - A invalid"
BOOL Monitoring ( 14)
TRUE The differential signal of track A - A is outside the valid voltage range
(open circuit).
DFIN_bTrackBError Status signal "Differential signal of track B - B invalid"
BOOL Monitoring ( 14)
TRUE The differential signal of track B - B is outside the valid voltage range
(open circuit).
DFIN_bTrackZError Status signal "Differential signal of track Z - Z invalid"
BOOL Monitoring ( 14)
TRUE The differential signal of track Z - Z is outside the valid voltage range
(open circuit).
DFIN_bSense Status signal "Enable/Lamp control signal is set"
BOOL Monitoring ( 14)
TRUE An upstream digital frequency output has set the "Enable signal"
(HIGH signal at X9, pin 8).
DFIN_bVccCtrlLimited Status signal "Voltage control for TTL encoder is at the limit"
BOOL Voltage control - TTL encoder ( 14)
TRUE The voltage control for a connected TTL encoder has reached the
limit value.

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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
System block "LS_TouchProbeDFIN"

2.5 System block "LS_TouchProbeDFIN"

The system block LS_TouchProbeDFIN provides the touch probe signals of the digital
frequency input of the optional digital frequency extension module in the FB editor of the
 The touch probe is triggered when a zero pulse occurs on track Z - Z.
 In C13021 / C14021 a delay time can be set for the touch probe.
 When a touch probe has been triggered, the output DFIN_bTouchProbeReceived is set
to TRUE for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.



Output Value/meaning
Data type

DFIN_dnTouchProbeTimeLag Scaled time stamp for further processing of the touch probe event with the
DINT FB L_SdTouchProbe.

DFIN_bTouchProbeReceived Status signal "Touch probe detected"

BOOL • Status is only pending for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.
TRUE Touch probe event has been triggered.
DFIN_bTouchProbeLost Status signal "Touch probe(s) lost"
BOOL • Status is only pending for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.
TRUE More than one touch probe event has been triggered within the task
runtime and could therefore not be registered anymore.

 Tip!
Detailed information on touch probe processing can be found in the online
documentation for the controller in chapter "I/O terminalsTouch probe

20 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Terminal assignment X10

3 Digital frequency output

The optionally available digital frequency extension module serves to extend the L-force
9400 Servo Drive by a digital frequency input and a digital frequency output.
 The digital frequency output X10 serves to output encoder signals with TTL level
(0 ... 500 kHz).

3.1 Terminal assignment X10

Pin Signal
1 B
2 A
3 A
4 +5 V (±6 %)
6 Z
7 Z
8 Enable
9 B

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 21

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

3.2 Parameter setting

 Note!
Depending on the module receptacle the digital frequency extension module is
plugged in, different code ranges are assigned to the parameters!
• Module receptacle MXI1: Parameters are in the C130xx range
• Module receptacle MXI2: Parameters are in the C140xx range

Short overview of the parameters for the digital frequency output:

Parameter Info Lenze setting

  Value Unit

C13050 C14050 Signal source DFOUT Application

C13051 C14051 No. of increments DFOUT 2048
C13052 C14052 Zero pulse offset DFOUT 0 Increments
C13053 C14053 Frequency limitation DFOUT 500 kHz
C13061 C14061 TP delay time DFOUT 0 μs
C13070 C14070 Speed at DFOUT - Incr./ms
C13071 C14071 Frequency at DFOUT - Hz
C13072 C14072 Position at DFOUT - Increments
C13080 C14080 Resp. to frequency limit. DFOUT Warning
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter

22 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

3.2.1 Signal source selection

The signal source for the digital frequency output is selected in C13050 / C14050:


X9 X10
1 1
Off Off
0 2 2
Motor speed 3 3
Load speed 4 4
Resolver speed 5 5
Encoder speed 6 6

7 7
Application DFOUT_dnSpeedSet_s
C1 3 050

[3-1] Selection of the signal source for X10

Selection Info
1 Digital frequency output is inactive
• "0" frequency is output a the digital frequency output.
• All tracks remain on the level output last.
• After the controller is switched on, the tracks A, B, and Z are set to HIGH level.
2 The digital frequency input X9 is directly connected to the digital frequency output.
Due to the direct connection between input and output, sensors are no longer required.
• The zero pulse offset (C13052 / C14052) is without function.
• The frequency limitation (C13053 / C14053) is without function.
• The zero track is only output if connected to X9.
• The display parameters for the actual values (speed, frequency, position) are not updated
(remedy: use display parameters of the digital frequency input).
• The outputs DFOUT_dnActualPos_p and DFOUT_dnActualSpeed_s of the system block
LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput are not updated.
3 Output of the motor encoder
• The angle of rotation in [increments] derived from the motor encoder is output as a frequency
signal after being evaluated with the set number of increments (C13051 / C14051).
• The output signal is integrated to a position value via a counter and made available to the
application via the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p of the system block
4 Output of the load encoder
• The angle of rotation in [increments] derived from the load encoder is output as a frequency
signal after being evaluated with the set number of increments (C13051 / C14051).
• The output signal is integrated to a position value via a counter and made available to the
application via the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p of the system block
5 Output of the resolver angle
• The angle of rotation in [increments] derived from the resolver input is output as a frequency
signal after being evaluated with the set number of increments (C13051 / C14051).
• The output signal is integrated to a position value via a counter and made available to the
application via the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p of the system block
• It is irrelevant for the output whether the resolver input is used as a load encoder, motor encoder,
or not used at all for the motor control.

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 23

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

Selection Info
6 Output of the encoder angle
• The angle of rotation in [increments] derived from the encoder input is output as a frequency
signal after being evaluated with the set number of increments (C13051 / C14051).
• The output signal is integrated to a position value via a counter and made available to the
application via the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p of the system block
• It is irrelevant for the output whether the encoder input is used as a load encoder, motor encoder,
or not used at all for the motor control.
7 Output of a speed signal of the application
• The speed signal in [rpm] defined via the input DFOUT_dnSpeedSet_s of the system block
LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput is integrated and output as a frequency signal after being evaluated
with the set number of increments (C13051 / C14051).
• The output signal is integrated to a position value via a counter and made available to the
application via the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p of the system block

3.2.2 Number of increments and zero pulse offset

The number of increments set in C13051 / C14051 defines e.g. the number of increment to
be output before a zero pulse is created.
 Each zero pulse defines a covered "revolution" of the rotary transducer simulated by the
digital frequency output.
 Within such a "revolution" (in the value range 0 ... 65535 increments) the zero pulse can
be shifted by setting a zero pulse offset in C13052 / C14052.
A connection between absolute position and "revolution" is defined by setting the position,
as described in the following chapter "Position setting". The position of a zero pulse within
a "revolution" remains unchanged.

Example - signal characteristic:


Œ DFOUT_dnActualPos_p

65535 Ž
n Absolute position (DFOUT_dnActualPos_p, also takes into account each overflow of the encoder position)
o Position difference (is determined by Position setting)
p Encoder position (in the value range 0 ... 65535 increments)
q Zero pulse offset (adjustable in C13052 / C14052)
r Zero pulses

[3-2] Example: Signal characteristic with the zero pulse offset set to 39321 increments

24 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

3.2.3 Position setting

The digital frequency output provides a 32-bit absolute position for the application via the
output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p. This absolute position is created by integrating the
frequency signal to be output.
This position can be set as follows via the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput :
1. Define the desired absolute position at the input DFOUT_dnReferencePos_p in
2. Set the input DFOUT_bLoadReferencePos from FALSE to TRUE to accept the defined
position for the digital frequency output in the next cycle.

 Note!
The speed is not affected by setting the position.
If the speed is integrated in the application, the integrator and the position
assume different values, i.e. they diverge. In case of further position changes, the
difference between the values remains the same.

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 25

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

3.2.4 Use of machine parameters for scaling

This function extension is available from software version V3.0 onwards!

The input DFOUT_AxisData can be used to transfer the machine parameters of the own
motor/drive or of a higher-level drive to the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput.
 If valid machine parameters are applied to the input DFOUT_AxisData, then the
outputs for the actual position and the actual speed are evaluated on the basis of the
transferred machine parameters (gearbox factors, encoder resolution) and the position
is scaled to the set measuring system/traversing range.
 If the input DFOUT_AxisData remains unused, the system block continues to operate as
before. In this case the units are scaled to revolutions.

 Tip!
With this function extension, the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput can be
coupled directly to a master value measuring system. The system block then uses
the units of this measuring system for processing.

Short overview of the parameters for this function extension:

Parameter Info Lenze setting

  Value Unit

C13075/1 C14075/1 Position unit DFOUT -

C13075/2 C14075/2 Speed unit DFOUT -
C13076 C14076 Actual position DFOUT - Unit
C13077 C14077 Actual speed DFOUT - Unit/t
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
 Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter

26 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Parameter setting

3.2.5 Frequency limitation

In C13053 / C14053 a frequency limitation can be set for the digital frequency output.
 If the frequency is limited, a fault message is generated and the response set in C13080
/ C14080 is executed.
– At the same time the output DFOUT_bOutputFreqLimited of the system block
LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput is set to TRUE.
 The hardware limits the digital frequency output to 500 kHz.

 Note!
• Due to the remainder processing implemented in the 4 kHz control cycle, only
settings ≥ 4 kHz are reasonable for frequency limitation!
• If the digital frequency input is directly connected to the digital frequency
output, the set frequency limitation is without function!

3.2.6 Touch probe

When the zero pulse occurs on track Z - Z, a touch probe is triggered.

 The corresponding signals to execute touch probe processing are available via the
system block LS_TouchProbeDFOUT.
 In C13061 / C14061 a delay time can be set for the touch probe.
 If a touch probe has been triggered, the output DFOUT_bTouchProbeReceived is set to
TRUE for one cycle.

 Tip!
Detailed information on touch probe processing can be found in the online
documentation for the controller in chapter "I/O terminalsTouch probe

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 27

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
Problem description - speed variations

3.3 Problem description - speed variations

In the digital frequency extension module rectangular encoder signals are processed. The
speed is determined by counting the edges occurring within a defined time interval (1 ms).
Due to this defined time interval of 1 ms and a finite number of encoder increments per
revolution, the calculated speed signal can only assume discrete values. This gives the
impression that the signal is very unsteady and inexact. This effect increases with lower
numbers of increments.

Example for the digital frequency output

An encoder with 2048 increments at a speed of 60 rpm is to be simulated.
 Setpoint speed n_setDFOUT = 60 rpm = 1 Hzmech.
 Simulated encoder: 2048 increments
(by fourfold evaluation 4 * 2048 = 8192 edges are counted per revolution)
 Output frequency = n_setDFOUT * number of incrementsDFOUT = 1 Hzmech. * 2048
= 2048 Hz
If the measurement lasts 1 ms, 8.192 edges occur per ms. Since the count can only be an
integer, 8 or 9 increments are counted. Thus, the speed is calculated as follows:

n measure_1 = 60 rpm ⋅ -------------- = 58.59 rpm
n measure_2 = 60 rpm ⋅ -------------- = 65.91 rpm

The speed variation which is detected during this process amounts to:

Δn measure = n measure_2 – n measure_1 = 7.32 rpm

General formula for calculating the expected speed variation

Δn measure = ---------------------------------------------------------- rpm
number of increments

28 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput"

3.4 System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput"

The system block LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput displays the digital frequency output of the
optional extension module in the FB editor of the »Engineer«:




Input Info/possible settings

Data type

DFOUT_dnSpeedSet_s Speed in [rpm], which is to be output via the digital frequency output as encoder
DINT signals with TTL level.
• To select this signal source, C13050 / C14050 = "7" must be set.
Signal source selection ( 23)
DFOUT_bLoadReferencePos Position setting
BOOL Position setting ( 25)
FALSEÊTRUE Sets the 32-bit absolute position output at the output
DFOUT_dnActualPos_p to the value which is applied to input
DFOUT_dnReferencePos_p Absolute position in [increments], to which the output DFOUT_dnActualPos_p is set
DINT by a FALSE-TRUE edge at input DFOUT_bLoadReferencePos.
Position setting ( 25)
DFOUT_AxisData Machine parameters
V3.0 or higher • To transfer the machine parameters of the drive/motor, connect this input to the
output DI_AxisData of SB LS_DriveInterface.
• The machine parameters of a higher-level drive can be transferred via the
FB L_SdSetAxisData. For this purpose, you have to connect the FB's AxisData
output to this input.
• If the input remains unused, the system block continues to operate as before. In
this case the units are scaled to revolutions.
Use of machine parameters for scaling ( 26)

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 29

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
System block "LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput"


Output Value/meaning
Data type
DFOUT_dnActualPos_p Current position as signed 32-bit value in [increments]
DINT For software versions prior to V3.0:
• A virtual revolution is resolved to 16 bits.
For software version V3.0 or higher:
• If valid machine parameters are applied to the input DFOUT_AxisData, a virtual
revolution is resolved with the encoder resolution specified in the machine
• If the input DFOUT_AxisData remains unused, a virtual revolution is resolved
with the setting under C00100 (Lenze setting: 16 bits).
DFOUT_dnActualSpeed_s Current speed in [rpm]
DINT Problem description - speed variations ( 28)
DFOUT_bOutputFreqLimited Status signal "Frequency to be output is limited"
BOOL Frequency limitation ( 27)

TRUE The frequency to be output is limited by the value set in C13053 /


30 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency output
System block "LS_TouchProbeDFOUT"

3.5 System block "LS_TouchProbeDFOUT"

The system block LS_TouchProbeDFOUT provides the touch probe signals of the digital
frequency output of the optional digital frequency extension module in the FB editor of the
 The touch probe is triggered when a zero pulse occurs on track Z - Z.
 In C13061 / C14061 a delay time can be set for the touch probe.
 When a touch probe has been triggered, the output DFOUT_bTouchProbeReceived is set
to TRUE for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.



Output Value/meaning
Data type

DFIN_dnTouchProbeTimeLag Scaled time stamp for further processing of the touch probe event with the
DINT FB L_SdTouchProbe.

DFOUT_ Status signal "Touch probe detected"

bTouchProbeReceived • Status is only pending for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.
TRUE Touch probe event has been triggered.
DFOUT_bTouchProbeLost Status signal "Touch probe(s) lost"
BOOL • Status is only pending for one cycle of the task in which the SB is being processed.
TRUE More than one touch probe event has been triggered within the task
runtime and could therefore not be registered anymore.

 Tip!
Detailed information on touch probe processing can be found in the online
documentation for the controller in chapter "I/O terminalsTouch probe

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 31

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list

4 Parameter reference

 Note!
This chapter completes the parameter list and attribute table in the online
documentation for the controller by parameters of the digital frequency
extension module.

 Tip!
General information on parameters can be found in the online documentation for
the controller.

4.1 Parameter list

This chapter contains all parameters of the digital frequency extension module in
numerically ascending order.

Abbreviated units

Abbreviation Meaning
Incr. Increments

32 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13010

C13010 Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8

C13010 | Encoder type DFIN Index: 11565d = 2D2Dh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Selection of the encoder type for digital frequency input X9
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Digital frequency output DFOUT
2 TTL encoder
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C13011 | No. of increments DFIN Index: 11564d = 2D2Ch

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Number of increments for digital frequency input X9
• Definition of the number of pulses for one "mechanical" revolution.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 16384 2048
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13012 | Signal format DFIN Index: 11563d = 2D2Bh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Signal form for digital frequency input X9
• Selection of how to interpret the input signal.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
0 4x evaluation (A, B)
1 A:Increments B:Sign
2 Increments A:pos. B:neg.
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C13013 | Initialisation time DFIN Index: 11562d = 2D2Ah

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Initialisation time for digital frequency input X9
• Waiting time after which the "Enable" signal is evaluated and the track monitoring modes are switched active.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 ms 65535 3000 ms
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13014 | Track monitoring DFIN Index: 11561d = 2D29h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Monitoring configuration for digital frequency input X9
• Selection when track monitoring modes (open circuit detection) are active.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Active after initialisation time
2 Active after enable signal
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 33

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13015

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C13015 | Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) Index: 11560d = 2D28h

Selection list (Lenze setting in bold) Info

0 Clockwise direction of rotation
1 Counter-clockwise direction of
; Read access ; Write access ; CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C13021 | TP delay time DFIN Index: 11554d = 2D22h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Touch probe delay for digital frequency input X9
• The delay time set is considered when the position at the instant of touch probe is determined (instant of zero
pulse) and serves to compensate dead times, if existent.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 μs 7000 0 μs
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13030 | Speed at DFIN Index: 11545d = 2D19h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current speed at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr./ms 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13031 | Frequency at DFIN Index: 11544d = 2D18h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current frequency at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Hz 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13032 | Position at DFIN Index: 11543d = 2D17h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current position at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr. 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: VISIBLE_STRING
C13035 | Unit Index: 11540d = 2D14h

Subcodes Info
C13035/1 Unit for the position
C13035/2 Unit for the speed
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

34 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13036

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13036 | Actual position DFIN Index: 11539d = 2D13h

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13037 | Actual speed DFIN Index: 11538d = 2D12h

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit/s 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13040 | Resp. to track monitoring DFIN Index: 11535d = 2D0Fh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Response when track monitoring is triggered for digital frequency input X9
• Track monitoring is triggered if a signal cable (A, B, or Z) is interrupted.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13041 | Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. Index: 11534d = 2D0Eh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Response when "Enable" signal at digital frequency input X9 fails
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 35

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13042

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13042 | Resp. to Vcc error DFIN Index: 11533d = 2D0Dh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Response when monitoring for encoder voltage supply at digital frequency input X9 is triggered
• Monitoring is triggered if the encoder voltage controlled by the digital frequency input reaches the voltage limit.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13050 | Signal source DFOUT Index: 11525d = 2D05h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Selection of the signal source for digital frequency output X10
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 None
2 Digital frequency input DFIN
3 Motor feedback system
4 Load feedback system
5 Resolver
6 Encoder
7 Application [Incr./ms]
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C13051 | No. of increments DFOUT Index: 11524d = 2D04h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Number of increments for digital frequency output X10
• Definition of the number of pulses for one "mechanical" revolution.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 16384 2048
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C13052 | Zero pulse offset DFOUT Index: 11523d = 2D03h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Zero pulse offset for digital frequency output X10
• Offset for displacing the zero pulse to be output.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 Incr. 65535 0 increments
; Read access ; Write access ; CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

36 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13053

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C13053 | Frequency limitation DFOUT Index: 11522d = 2D02h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Limit frequency for digital frequency output X10
• Frequency to which the digital frequency output is limited by the software.
• If the limit value is reached, the response set in C13080 is executed.
• In terms of the hardware, the digital frequency output is limited to 500 kHz.
• If the digital frequency input is directly connected to the digital frequency output, the set frequency limitation
is functionless!
Note: Du to the remainder processing implemented in the 4 kHz control cycle, only settings ≥ 4 kHz are reasonable
for frequency limitation!
 Frequency limitation
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 kHz 500 500 kHz
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C13061 | TP delay time DFOUT Index: 11514d = 2CFAh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Touch probe delay for digital frequency output X10
• The delay time set is considered when the position at the instant of touch probe is determined (instant of zero
pulse) and serves to compensate dead times, if existent.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 μs 7000 0 μs
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13070 | Speed at DFOUT Index: 11505d = 2CF1h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current speed at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr./ms 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13071 | Frequency at DFOUT Index: 11504d = 2CF0h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current frequency at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Hz 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13072 | Position at DFOUT Index: 11503d = 2CEFh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Display of the current position at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr. 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 37

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C13075

Parameter | Name: Data type: VISIBLE_STRING
C13075 | Unit Index: 11500d = 2CECh

Subcodes Info
C13075/1 Unit for the position
C13075/2 Unit for the speed
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13076 | Actual position DFOUT Index: 11499d = 2CEBh

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C13077 | Actual speed DFOUT Index: 11498d = 2CEAh

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit/s 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C13080 | Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT Index: 11495d = 2CE7h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1:

Response when limit frequency for digital frequency output X10 is reached.
• Is executed if the digital frequency reaches the limit value set in C13053.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

38 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14010

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14010 | Encoder type DFIN Index: 10565d = 2945h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Selection of the encoder type for digital frequency input X9
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Digital frequency output DFOUT
2 TTL encoder
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C14011 | No. of increments DFIN Index: 10564d = 2944h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Number of increments for digital frequency input X9
• Definition of the number of pulses for one "mechanical" revolution.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 16384 2048
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14012 | Signal format DFIN Index: 10563d = 2943h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Signal form for digital frequency input X9
• Selection of how to interpret the input signal.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
0 4x evaluation (A, B)
1 A:Increments B:Sign
2 Increments A:pos. B:neg.
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C14013 | Initialisation time DFIN Index: 10562d = 2942h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Initialisation time for digital frequency input X9
• Waiting time after which the "Enable" signal is evaluated and the track monitoring modes are switched active.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 ms 65535 3000 ms
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14014 | Track monitoring DFIN Index: 10561d = 2941h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Monitoring configuration for digital frequency input X9
• Selection when track monitoring modes (open circuit detection) are active.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Active after initialisation time
2 Active after enable signal
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 39

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14015

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C14015 | Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) Index: 10560d = 2940h

Selection list (Lenze setting in bold) Info

0 Clockwise direction of rotation
1 Counter-clockwise direction of
; Read access ; Write access ; CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C14021 | TP delay time DFIN Index: 10554d = 293Ah

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Touch probe delay for digital frequency input X9
• The delay time set is considered when the position at the instant of touch probe is determined (instant of zero
pulse) and serves to compensate dead times, if existent.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 μs 7000 0 μs
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14030 | Speed at DFIN Index: 10545d = 2931h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current speed at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr./ms 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14031 | Frequency at DFIN Index: 10544d = 2930h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current frequency at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Hz 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14032 | Position at DFIN Index: 10543d = 292Fh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current position at digital frequency input X9
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr. 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: VISIBLE_STRING
C14035 | Unit Index: 10540d = 292Ch

Subcodes Info
C14035/1 Unit for the position
C14035/2 Unit for the speed
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

40 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14036

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14036 | Actual position DFIN Index: 10539d = 292Bh

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14037 | Actual speed DFIN Index: 10538d = 292Ah

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit/s 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14040 | Resp. to track monitoring DFIN Index: 10535d = 2927h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Response when track monitoring is triggered for digital frequency input X9
• Track monitoring is triggered if a signal cable (A, B, or Z) is interrupted.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14041 | Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. Index: 10534d = 2926h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Response when "Enable" signal at digital frequency input X9 fails
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 41

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14042

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14042 | Resp. to Vcc error DFIN Index: 10533d = 2925h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Response when monitoring for encoder voltage supply at digital frequency input X9 is triggered
• Monitoring is triggered if the encoder voltage controlled by the digital frequency input reaches the voltage limit.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14050 | Signal source DFOUT Index: 10525d = 291Dh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Selection of the signal source for digital frequency output X10
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 None
2 Digital frequency input DFIN
3 Motor feedback system
4 Load feedback system
5 Resolver
6 Encoder
7 Application [Incr./ms]
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C14051 | No. of increments DFOUT Index: 10524d = 291Ch

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Number of increments for digital frequency output X10
• Definition of the number of pulses for one "mechanical" revolution.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 16384 2048
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C14052 | Zero pulse offset DFOUT Index: 10523d = 291Bh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Zero pulse offset for digital frequency output X10
• Offset for displacing the zero pulse to be output.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 Incr. 65535 0 increments
; Read access ; Write access ; CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

42 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14053

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_16
C14053 | Frequency limitation DFOUT Index: 10522d = 291Ah

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Limit frequency for digital frequency output X10
• Frequency to which the digital frequency output is limited by the software.
• If the limit value is reached, the response set in C14080 is executed.
• In terms of the hardware, the digital frequency output is limited to 500 kHz.
• If the digital frequency input is directly connected to the digital frequency output, the set frequency limitation
is functionless!
Note: Du to the remainder processing implemented in the 4 kHz control cycle, only settings ≥ 4 kHz are reasonable
for frequency limitation!
 Frequency limitation
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1 kHz 500 500 kHz
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_32
C14061 | TP delay time DFOUT Index: 10514d = 2912h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Touch probe delay for digital frequency output X10
• The delay time set is considered when the position at the instant of touch probe is determined (instant of zero
pulse) and serves to compensate dead times, if existent.
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
0 μs 7000 0 μs
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14070 | Speed at DFOUT Index: 10505d = 2909h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current speed at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr./ms 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14071 | Frequency at DFOUT Index: 10504d = 2908h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current frequency at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Hz 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14072 | Position at DFOUT Index: 10503d = 2907h

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Display of the current position at digital frequency output X10
Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)
-2147483648 Incr. 2147483647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 43

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C14075

Parameter | Name: Data type: VISIBLE_STRING
C14075 | Unit Index: 10500d = 2904h

Subcodes Info
C14075/1 Unit for the position
C14075/2 Unit for the speed
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14076 | Actual position DFOUT Index: 10499d = 2903h

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: INTEGER_32
C14077 | Actual speed DFOUT Index: 10498d = 2902h

Display range (min. value | unit | max. value)

-214748.3647 Unit/s 214748.3647
; Read access Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 10000

Parameter | Name: Data type: UNSIGNED_8
C14080 | Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT Index: 10495d = 28FFh

Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2:

Response when limit frequency for digital frequency output X10 is reached.
• Is executed if the digital frequency reaches the limit value set in C14053.
Selection list (Lenze setting in bold)
1 Fault
2 Trouble
3 Quick stop by trouble
5 Warning
4 Warning locked
6 Information
0 No response
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC-STOP No transfer

44 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Table of attributes

4.2 Table of attributes

The table of attributes contains information required for communicating with the
controller via parameters.

How to read the table of attributes:

Column Meaning Entry

Code Parameter designation Cxxxxx
Name Short parameter text (display text) Text
Index dec Index under which the parameter is addressed. 24575 - Lenze code number Only required for access via bus
The subindex of array variables corresponds to the system.
hex Lenze subcode number. 5FFFh - Lenze code number

Data DS Data structure E Single variable

(only one parameter element)
A Array variable
(several parameter elements)
DA Number of array elements (subcodes) Number
DT Data type BITFIELD_8 1 byte bit-coded
BITFIELD_16 2 bytes bit-coded
BITFIELD_32 4 bytes bit-coded
INTEGER_8 1 byte with sign
INTEGER_16 2 bytes with sign
INTEGER_32 4 bytes with sign
UNSIGNED_8 1 byte without sign
UNSIGNED_16 2 bytes without sign
UNSIGNED_32 4 bytes without sign
Factor Factor for data transmission via bus system, Factor 1 ≡ no decimal positions
depending on the number of decimal positions. 10 ≡ 1 decimal position
100 ≡ 2 decimal positions
1000 ≡ 3 decimal positions
Access R Read access ; Reading allowed
W Write access ; Writing allowed
CINH Controller inhibit required ; Writing only possible when controller is inhibited

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 45

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Table of attributes

Table of attributes

Code Name Index Data Access

dec hex DS DA DT Factor R W CINH
C13010 Encoder type DFIN 11565 2D2D E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13011 No. of increments DFIN 11564 2D2C E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C13012 Signal format DFIN 11563 2D2B E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13013 Initialisation time DFIN 11562 2D2A E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ;
C13014 Track monitoring DFIN 11561 2D29 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13015 Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) 11560 2D28 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ; ;
C13021 TP delay time DFIN 11554 2D22 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C13030 Speed at DFIN 11545 2D19 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13031 Frequency at DFIN 11544 2D18 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13032 Position at DFIN 11543 2D17 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13035 Unit 11540 2D14 A 2 VISIBLE_STRING ;
C13036 Actual position DFIN 11539 2D13 E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C13037 Actual speed DFIN 11538 2D12 E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C13040 Resp. to track monitoring DFIN 11535 2D0F E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13041 Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. 11534 2D0E E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13042 Resp. to Vcc error DFIN 11533 2D0D E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13050 Signal source DFOUT 11525 2D05 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C13051 No. of increments DFOUT 11524 2D04 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C13052 Zero pulse offset DFOUT 11523 2D03 E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ; ;
C13053 Frequency limitation DFOUT 11522 2D02 E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ;
C13061 TP delay time DFOUT 11514 2CFA E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C13070 Speed at DFOUT 11505 2CF1 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13071 Frequency at DFOUT 11504 2CF0 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13072 Position at DFOUT 11503 2CEF E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C13075 Unit 11500 2CEC A 2 VISIBLE_STRING ;
C13076 Actual position DFOUT 11499 2CEB E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C13077 Actual speed DFOUT 11498 2CEA E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C13080 Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT 11495 2CE7 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14010 Encoder type DFIN 10565 2945 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14011 No. of increments DFIN 10564 2944 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C14012 Signal format DFIN 10563 2943 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14013 Initialisation time DFIN 10562 2942 E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ;
C14014 Track monitoring DFIN 10561 2941 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14015 Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) 10560 2940 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ; ;
C14021 TP delay time DFIN 10554 293A E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C14030 Speed at DFIN 10545 2931 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14031 Frequency at DFIN 10544 2930 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14032 Position at DFIN 10543 292F E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14035 Unit 10540 292C A 2 VISIBLE_STRING ;
C14036 Actual position DFIN 10539 292B E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C14037 Actual speed DFIN 10538 292A E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C14040 Resp. to track monitoring DFIN 10535 2927 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14041 Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. 10534 2926 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14042 Resp. to Vcc error DFIN 10533 2925 E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14050 Signal source DFOUT 10525 291D E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;
C14051 No. of increments DFOUT 10524 291C E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;
C14052 Zero pulse offset DFOUT 10523 291B E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ; ;
C14053 Frequency limitation DFOUT 10522 291A E 1 UNSIGNED_16 1 ; ;
C14061 TP delay time DFOUT 10514 2912 E 1 UNSIGNED_32 1 ; ;

46 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Parameter reference
Table of attributes

Code Name Index Data Access

dec hex DS DA DT Factor R W CINH
C14070 Speed at DFOUT 10505 2909 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14071 Frequency at DFOUT 10504 2908 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14072 Position at DFOUT 10503 2907 E 1 INTEGER_32 1 ;
C14075 Unit 10500 2904 A 2 VISIBLE_STRING ;
C14076 Actual position DFOUT 10499 2903 E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C14077 Actual speed DFOUT 10498 2902 E 1 INTEGER_32 10000 ;
C14080 Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT 10495 28FF E 1 UNSIGNED_8 1 ; ;

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 47

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Fault messages

5 Fault messages

 Note!
This chapter completes the fault list in the online documentation for the
controller by fault messages concerning the digital frequency extension module.

 Tip!
General information on diagnostics & fault analysis and fault messages can be
found in the online documentation for the controller.

48 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Fault messages

DFIN (MXI1): Track error A-/A [0x00990000]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: • Check signal cable for track A.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track A. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI1): Track error B-/B [0x00990001]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: • Check signal cable for track B.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track B. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI1): Track error Z-/Z [0x00990002]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: • Check signal cable for track Z.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track Z. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI1): Signal error enable/lamp control [0x00990003]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13041 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: • Check signal cable for "Enable" signal.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for "Enable" • Check encoder.
signal or no "Enable" signal available.

DFIN (MXI1): Supply cannot be corrected anymore [0x00990004]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13042 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: The Check encoder.

encoder voltage controlled by the digital frequency input
has reached the voltage limit.

DFOUT (MXI1): Maximum frequency reached [0x00990005]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C13080 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI1: Limit Check set limit value.
frequency at the digital frequency output reached.
• The digital frequency has reached the limit value set
in C013053.

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 49

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Fault messages

DFIN (MXI2): Track error A-/A [0x00aa0000]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: • Check signal cable for track A.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track A. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI2): Track error B-/B [0x00aa0001]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: • Check signal cable for track B.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track B. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI2): Track error Z-/Z [0x00aa0002]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14040 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault : Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked ; Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: • Check signal cable for track Z.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for track Z. • Check encoder.

DFIN (MXI2): Signal error enable/lamp control [0x00aa0003]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14041 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: • Check signal cable for "Enable" signal.
Interruption (open circuit) of signal cable for "Enable" • Check encoder.
signal or no "Enable" signal available.

DFIN (MXI2): Supply cannot be corrected anymore [0x00aa0004]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14042 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: The Check encoder.

encoder voltage controlled by the digital frequency input
has reached the voltage limit.

DFOUT (MXI2): Maximum frequency reached [0x00aa0005]

Response (Lenze setting in bold) Setting: C14080 (; Adjustable response)

; No System fault ; Fault ; Trouble ; Quick stop by trouble ; Warning locked : Warning ; Information

Cause Remedy

Digital frequency extension module in MXI2: Limit Check set limit value.
frequency at the digital frequency output reached.
• The digital frequency has reached the limit value set
in C014053.

50 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration

6 Index
A C14036 41
Actual position DFIN (C13036) 35 C14037 41
Actual position DFIN (C14036) 41 C14040 41
Actual position DFOUT (C13076) 38 C14041 41
Actual position DFOUT (C14076) 44 C14042 42
Actual speed DFIN (C13037) 35 C14050 42
Actual speed DFIN (C14037) 41 C14051 42
Actual speed DFOUT (C13077) 38 C14052 42
Actual speed DFOUT (C14077) 44 C14053 43
Application notes 8 C14061 43
C14070 43
C C14071 43
C13010 33 C14072 43
C13011 33 C14075 44
C13012 33 C14076 44
C13013 33 C14077 44
C13014 33 C14080 44
C13015 34 Calculation of speed variations 17, 28
C13021 34 Conventions used 6
C13030 34
C13031 34 D
C13032 34 DFIN (MXI1)
C13035 34 Signal error enable/lamp control 49
Supply cannot be corrected anymore 49
C13036 35
Track error A-/A 49
C13037 35
Track error B-/B 49
C13040 35
Track error Z-/Z 49
C13041 35
C13042 36 Signal error enable/lamp control 50
C13050 36 Supply cannot be corrected anymore 50
C13051 36 Track error A-/A 50
C13052 36 Track error B-/B 50
C13053 37 Track error Z-/Z 50
C13061 37 DFOUT (MXI1)
C13070 37 Maximum frequency reached 49
C13071 37 DFOUT (MXI2)
C13072 37 Maximum frequency reached 50
C13075 38 Digital frequency input 9
C13076 38 Digital frequency output 21
C13077 38
C13080 38 E
C14010 39 E-mail to Lenze 53
C14011 39 Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) (C13015) 34
C14012 39 Encoder mounting dir. (DFIN) (C14015) 40
C14013 39 Encoder type DFIN (C13010) 33
C14014 39 Encoder type DFIN (C14010) 39
C14015 40 Error number
C14021 40 0x00990000 49
0x00990001 49
C14030 40
0x00990002 49
C14031 40
0x00990003 49
C14032 40
0x00990004 49
C14035 40 0x00990005 49

EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010 L 51

Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration

0x00aa0000 50 Signal format DFIN (C13012) 33

0x00aa0001 50 Signal format DFIN (C14012) 39
0x00aa0002 50 Signal source DFOUT (C13050) 36
0x00aa0003 50 Signal source DFOUT (C14050) 42
0x00aa0004 50 Speed at DFIN (C13030) 34
0x00aa0005 50
Speed at DFIN (C14030) 40
Speed at DFOUT (C13070) 37
Speed at DFOUT (C14070) 43
Fault messages 48
Speed variations 17, 28
Feedback to Lenze 53
System fault messages 48
Frequency at DFIN (C13031) 34
Frequency at DFIN (C14031) 40 T
Frequency at DFOUT (C13071) 37
Table of attributes 45
Frequency at DFOUT (C14071) 43
TP delay time DFIN (C13021) 34
Frequency limitation DFOUT (C13053) 37
TP delay time DFIN (C14021) 40
Frequency limitation DFOUT (C14053) 43
TP delay time DFOUT (C13061) 37
TP delay time DFOUT (C14061) 43
Track monitoring DFIN (C13014) 33
Initialisation time DFIN (C13013) 33
Track monitoring DFIN (C14014) 39
Initialisation time DFIN (C14013) 39
Unit (C13035) 34
Layout of the safety instructions 8
Unit (C13075) 38
LS_DigitalFrequencyInput 18
Unit (C14035) 40
LS_DigitalFrequencyOutput 29
Unit (C14075) 44
LS_TouchProbeDFIN 20
LS_TouchProbeDFOUT 31 Z
Zero pulse offset 24
Zero pulse offset DFOUT (C13052) 36
No. of increments DFIN (C13011) 33
Zero pulse offset DFOUT (C14052) 42
No. of increments DFIN (C14011) 39
No. of increments DFOUT (C13051) 36
No. of increments DFOUT (C14051) 42
Number of increments 24

Parameter list 32
Position at DFIN (C13032) 34
Position at DFIN (C14032) 40
Position at DFOUT (C13072) 37
Position at DFOUT (C14072) 43

Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. (C13041) 35
Resp. to DFIN enable sig. miss. (C14041) 41
Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT (C13080) 38
Resp. to freq. limit. DFOUT (C14080) 44
Resp. to track monitoring DFIN (C13040) 35
Resp. to track monitoring DFIN (C14040) 41
Resp. to Vcc error DFIN (C13042) 36
Resp. to Vcc error DFIN (C14042) 42

Safety instructions 8

52 L EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010

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L 53

© 10/2010
) Lenze Automation GmbH Service Lenze Service GmbH
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EDS94AYFLF ƒ 13279709 ƒ EN 3.2 ƒ TD05

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