Univariate Data, 2155
Univariate Data, 2155
Univariate Data, 2155
In this article,we will be discussing univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data and their
Univariate data:
Univariate data refers to a type of data in which each observation or data point corresponds
to a single variable. In other words, it involves the measurement or observation of a single
characteristic or attribute for each individual or item in the dataset. Analyzing univariate
data is the simplest form of analysis in statistics.
Heights (in cm) 164 167.3 170 174.2 178 180 186
Suppose that the heights of seven students in a class is recorded (above table). There is
only one variable, which is height, and it is not dealing with any cause or relationship.
Bivariate data
Bivariate data involves two different variables, and the analysis of this type of data focuses
on understanding the relationship or association between these two variables. Example of
bivariate data can be temperature and ice cream sales in summer season.
Temperature Ice Cream Sales
20 2000
25 2500
35 5000
Suppose the temperature and ice cream sales are the two variables of a bivariate data(table
2). Here, the relationship is visible from the table that temperature and sales are directly
proportional to each other and thus related because as the temperature increases, the sales
also increase.
Multivariate data
Multivariate data refers to datasets where each observation or sample point consists of
multiple variables or features. These variables can represent different aspects,
characteristics, or measurements related to the observed phenomenon. When dealing with
three or more variables, the data is specifically categorized as multivariate.
Example of this type of data is suppose an advertiser wants to compare the popularity of
four advertisements on a website.
Advertisement Gender
Ad1 Male 80
Ad3 Female 55
Ad1 Male 66
Ad3 Male 35
The click rates could be measured for both men and women and relationships between
variables can then be examined. It is similar to bivariate but contains more than one
dependent variable.
It only summarize
It only summarize two It only summarize more than 2
single variable at a
variables variables.
The main purpose is The main purpose is to The main purpose is to study the
to describe. explain. relationship among them.