Syllabus M4B

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2 Course Code BA282IU
3 No of credits 4
4 Degree Level Bachelor in Business Administration

5 Time Allocation 15 classes; 1 class = 4 periods; 1period = 50 minutes

6 Pre-requisite No

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of fundamental

mathematical techniques and methods to business context and management
7 Main objectives
decision making. The course will also provide students with the mathematical
framework and a scientific approach of modelling business and economic behavior.

After successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

L01. Recognise and become familiar with linear equations, nonlinear equations
L02. Recognise and become familiar with mathematics in finance
L03. Understand and master the techniques of differentiation, integration and their
Course relationship.
8 Learning L04. Understand and become familiar with matrices
Outcomes L05. Become familiar with linear programming
L06. Understand and recognize the global and local context of business
L07. Know how to work within a team

The course will provide students with an understanding of fundamental mathematical

techniques and methods to business context and management decision making.
More specifically, the course will introduce the basic theory and concepts of
Calculus, Linear Algebra and Optimization, with applications to management,
9 Description
economics, finance.
Included topics are Mathematical Func¬tions, Vectors and Matrices, Differentiation
and Integration, Linear Programming.

Attend more than 80% of contact hours in order to be accepted to the final
Actively participate in class activities
Fulfill tasks given by instructor after class
Student's tasks Use their own laptop in class only for learning purpose
Read the textbook in advance
Access the course website ( for up-to-date
information and material of the course, for online supports from teachers and other
students and for practicing and assessment.

[1] Ian Jacques, Mathematics for Economics and Business, 8th edition, Prentice
Hall, 2015.
Teaching &
Reference materials:
11 Learning
[2] Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business,
Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13th Edition, Pearson, 2011.

IM, PPT, Test bank

Assessment 1. Online quizzes: 20%, 2. In-class tests: 10% ; 3. Midterm exam: 30%; 3. Final
scheme Exam; 40%

13 Scoring scale 100

14 Schedule See Appendix 1
15 Exam structure See Appendix 2
16 Mr. Duong Minh Hoang
17 [email protected]
Tuesday and Thursday, room O1.306
Morning: 9:00 A.M. - 11 A.M.
18 Office hours Afternoon: 1:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

(Or other time slots by email appointments)



Program Expected Learning Outcomes
Business Knowledge

Knowledge: The students possess a solid body of knowledge relevant to the areas of Corporate Finance, Banking
and Financial Investment. The program helps students understand the role of financial markets and financia
investment issues of individual and institutional investors, fundamental theories in financial investment and
financial investment operations, financial management in view of enhancing corporate governance by meeting the
legitimate requirements of a stakeholder perspective and identify the important role of corporate finance in the
international business environment. (PLO1)

Political perspective: the students understand fundamentally the structure and principles of Vietnamese politica
system and its orientation. (PLO2)

Analytical skills: Finishing the program students can manage portfolios of profitability and risk; make policies
investment planning strategies for businesses as well as investors; analyze impact of macroeconomic policy
(monetary finance) on financial market as well as on financial investment; set financial plans and provide financia
management information for decision making of management. (PLO3)

Communication skills: the students demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively by using appropriate
communication methods to both domestic and international audiences. They are able to communicate effectively
in English in all forms of communication such as writing, presenting, organizing and sharing information. (PLO4)

Critical thinking skills: the students understand related issues in multi perspectives, interpret information
effectively, and give sound judgment. (PLO5)

Technology skills: the students understand how to apply effectively and efficiently appropriate technologies to
business and communication settings. (PLO6)

Ethical attitude at work: the students develop an awareness of the ethical dimensions of communication
behaviour, and decision-making at the workplace. (PLO7)
Cognitive ability and perspectives on globalization: the students are sensitive to opportunities and challenges o
globalization; responsive to cross-cultural issues that influence business operations in the global context so as to
take advantages of global opportunities and overcome challenges. (PLO8)

Teamwork, self-studying, and career development skills: the students are effective team members who are able to
and willing to support others, to become successful team leaders, to pursue life-long study having future-oriented
perspectives. They learn and respect the abilities and contributions of colleagues, and willing to take responsibility
for their behaviour and actions. (PLO9)
Course Learning Outcome

LO1; LO2; LO3, LO4, LO5,LO6


LO1; LO2; LO3





Back to Syllabus

Learning Bloom's Category Teacher's Material

Week Content
Outcomes Taxonomy

KN Lecture
Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource
Chapter 1: Linear Equation
LO1 Instructor's Resource
1 AP, AN, EV Tutorial
Individual task: MCQ for Linear Equation
LO1 Instructor's Resource
AP, AN, EV Tutorial

KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource
Chapter 2: Nonlinear Equation
2 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource
Individual task: MCQ for Nonlinear Equation
AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

LO2, LO6, LO7

Chapter 3: Mathematics of Finance KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource

LO2, LO6, LO7

3,4 Individual task: MQC for Mathematics of Finance AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

LO2, LO6, LO7

Group task:: WQ for Mathematics of Finance AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

5 REVIEW Tutorial

LO3, LO6, LO7
KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource
Chapter 4: Differentiation
LO3, LO6, LO7
6 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource
Individual task: MCQ for Differentiation
LO3, LO6, LO7
AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

7 Midterm Review Tutorial




LO3, LO6, LO7

KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource
Chapter 5: Partial differentiation
LO3, LO6, LO7
11,12 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

Individual task: MCQ for Partial differentiation

LO3, LO6, LO7
AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

LO3, LO6, LO7
KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource
Chapter 6: Integration
LO3, LO6, LO7
13 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource
Individual task: MCQ for Integration
LO3, LO6, LO7
AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

14 REVIEW Tutorial

LO4, LO6, LO7 KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource

Chapter 7: Matries LO4, LO6, LO7 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource
Individual task: MCQ for Matries LO4, LO6, LO7 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

LO5, LO6, LO7 KN Lecture Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource

Chapter 8: Linear Programming LO5, LO6, LO7 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource
Individual task: MCQ for Linear Programming LO5, LO6, LO7 AP, AN, EV Tutorial Instructor's Resource

17 TEST 2 (Final Review) TEST Instructor Manual, Instructor's Resource

MCQ: Multiple choice questions;

WQ: Writing questions

Student Homework's

Part 1: 17 page 20, 5 page

38, 9 page 52, 4 page 65, 5
and 6 page
83, 7 page 92

Questions 4abc,5abc (page

129), question 10 (page 130)
Questions 5,6 (page 140),
questions 9 (page 141)
Questions 6 (page 161)
question 5 (page 162)
Question 5 (page 175)
question 4 (page 176)

Part 1: Questions 4,5,6,9,11

(page 197) 14 (page 198), 8
(page 200),
1,5,6 (page 212)
Questions 12, 15 page 213,
Question 6 page 214,
Question 11 page 215
Part 2.
Question 3 page 224
Questions 6, 8 page 225
Questions 1, 2, 3 page 239
Question 6 page 240

Chapter 4 part 1: Questions
1, 6 (page 257), 6 (page
268), 1abfg, 2c,
3c (page 292), 1a, 2a, 3a, 4b
(page 293)
Chapter 4 part 2: Questions
1, 2, 5a (page 306); 3, 5, 7, 8
325-326) and 1 (page 339)

Chapter 5 part 1: Questions

4ad, 6 (page 369), 3bd (page
370), 11,
12a (page 371)
Questions 2, 3, 7, 9 (page
Chapter 5 part 2: 1, 3, 5
(page 412), 2 (page 413), 2,
5 (page 425), 2 (page 426),
1, 4 (page 437)

Chapter 6
Questions: 2, 3, 6 (page
454), 1, 4, 10 (page 455-
456), 4, 5 (page
467), 9, 1 (page 468), 6
(page 469)

Questions: 2 (page 522), 7, 1

(page 523)

3, 4 (page 545)

Student's book

Back to Syllabus Evaluation structure

Evaluation Learning Number of Scope of knowledge and

Part Weight Duration Type of questions How?
Category outcomes questions skill of questions

Assess the understanding

of the topics covered in the
taught chapters.
Test 10% TBA LO1,2,3,4,5 Writing questions TBA Classroom

The utilization of brief

online multiple-choice
questions serves three
objectives: confirming
Class students' attendance,
participation and 20% TBA LO1,2,3,4,5 Online multiple-choice questions 10 assessing their Online
preparation comprehension of subjects
covered in prior sessions,
and evaluating their level
of preparedness before

The questions will

encompass the content
covered in lectures, class
Mid-term Exam 30% TBA LO1,2,3,6,7 TBA TBA Exam room
discussions, activities,
exercises, and the

The questions will

encompass the material
presented in lectures,
discussed in class, covered
Final exam 40% TBA LO3,4,5,6,7 TBA TBA Exam room
in activities and exercises,
and provided in the

Total 100%


These assessments will be administered at

the start of each class.
Students will not be permitted to reference
any documents or information in any

Number of tests in total: 4 (drop the

lowest score)

The participation grade will be calculated

by evaluating students' preparedness, their
active engagement during class, and the
quality of their contributions. The
assessment will take into account their
quiz scores as well as their active
participation in promoting and
contributing to class discussions.

Number of quizzes: 11 (drop the three

lowest scores)

No documents or information in any form

are permitted to be used within the
examination room.

No documents or information in any form

are permitted to be used within the
examination room.

Knowledge (KN)
Knowledge involves recognizing or remembering facts, terms, basic concepts, or answers without necessarily
understanding what they mean. Its characteristics may include:
Knowledge of specifics—terminology, specific facts
Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics—conventions, trends and sequences, classifications and
Knowledge of the universals and abstractions in a field—principles and generalizations, theories and structures
Example: Name three common varieties of apple.
Comprehension (CO)
Comprehension involves demonstrating an understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, summarizing, translatin
generalizing, giving descriptions, and stating the main ideas.
Example: Summarize the identifying characteristics of a Golden Delicious apple and a Granny Smith apple.
Application (AP)
Application involves using acquired knowledge—solving problems in new situations by applying acquired knowledge
techniques and rules. Learners should be able to use prior knowledge to solve problems, identify connections and
relationships and how they apply in new situations.
Example: Would apples prevent scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin C?
Analysis (AN)
Analysis involves examining and breaking information into component parts, determining how the parts relate to one
another, identifying motives or causes, making inferences, and finding evidence to support generalizations. Its
characteristics include:
Analysis of elements
Analysis of relationships
Analysis of organization
Example: Compare and contrast four ways of serving foods made with apples and examine which ones have the hi
health benefits.
Synthesis (SY)
Synthesis involves building a structure or pattern from diverse elements; it also refers to the act of putting parts toge
form a whole. Its characteristics include:
Production of a unique communication
Production of a plan, or proposed set of operations
Derivation of a set of abstract relations
Example: Convert an "unhealthy" recipe for apple pie to a "healthy" recipe by replacing your choice of ingredients. A
the health benefits of using the ingredients you chose versus the original ones.
Evaluation (EV)
Evaluation involves presenting and defending opinions by making judgments about information, the validity of ideas
quality of work based on a set of criteria. Its characteristics include:
Judgments in terms of internal evidence
Judgments in terms of external criteria
Example: Which kinds of apples are best for baking a pie, and why?

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