virus, or extrachromosomal DNA.[1] Viral genomes contain either DNA or RNA. Mutations result
from errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis, or meiosis or other types of damage to DNA
(such as pyrimidine dimers caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation), which then may undergo
error-prone repair (especially microhomology-mediated end joining),[2] cause an error during other
forms of repair,[3][4] or cause an error during replication (translesion synthesis). Mutations may also
result from insertion or deletion of segments of DNA due to mobile genetic elements.[5][6][7]
Mutations may or may not produce detectable changes in the observable characteristics (phenotype)
of an organism. Mutations play a part in both normal and abnormal biological processes including:
evolution, cancer, and the development of the immune system, including junctional diversity.
Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, providing the raw material on which
evolutionary forces such as natural selection can act.
Mutation can result in many different types of change in sequences. Mutations in genes can have no
effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely.
Mutations can also occur in non-genic regions. A 2007 study on genetic variations between different
species of Drosophila suggested that, if a mutation changes a protein produced by a gene, the result
is likely to be harmful, with an estimated 70% of amino acid polymorphisms that have damaging
effects, and the remainder being either neutral or marginally bene cial.[8] Due to the damaging
effects that mutations can have on genes, organisms have mechanisms such as DNA repair to
prevent or correct mutations by reverting the mutated sequence back to its original state.[5]
Mutations can involve the duplication of large sections of DNA, usually through genetic
recombination.[9] These duplications are a major source of raw material for evolving new genes,
with tens to hundreds of genes duplicated in animal genomes every million years.[10] Most genes
belong to larger gene families of shared ancestry, detectable by their sequence homology.[11] Novel
genes are produced by several methods, commonly through the duplication and mutation of an
ancestral gene, or by recombining parts of different genes to form new combinations with new
Here, protein domains act as modules, each with a particular and independent function, that can be
mixed together to produce genes encoding new proteins with novel properties.[14] For example, the
human eye uses four genes to make structures that sense light: three for cone cell or color vision and
one for rod cell or night vision; all four arose from a single ancestral gene.[15] Another advantage of
duplicating a gene (or even an entire genome) is that this increases engineering redundancy; this
allows one gene in the pair to acquire a new function while the other copy performs the original
function.[16][17] Other types of mutation occasionally create new genes from previously noncoding
Changes in chromosome number may involve even larger mutations, where segments of the DNA
within chromosomes break and then rearrange. For example, in the Homininae, two chromosomes
fused to produce human chromosome 2; this fusion did not occur in the lineage of the other apes,
and they retain these separate chromosomes.[20] In evolution, the most important role of such
chromosomal rearrangements may be to accelerate the divergence of a population into new species
by making populations less likely to interbreed, thereby preserving genetic differences between
these populations.[21]
Sequences of DNA that can move about the genome, such as transposons, make up a major fraction
of the genetic material of plants and animals, and may have been important in the evolution of
genomes.[22] For example, more than a million copies of the Alu sequence are present in the human
genome, and these sequences have now been recruited to perform functions such as regulating gene
expression.[23] Another effect of these mobile DNA sequences is that when they move within a
genome, they can mutate or delete existing genes and thereby produce genetic diversity.[6]
Nonlethal mutations accumulate within the gene pool and increase the amount of genetic variation.
[24] The abundance of some genetic changes within the gene pool can be reduced by natural
selection, while other "more favorable" mutations may accumulate and result in adaptive changes.
Neutral mutations are de ned as mutations whose effects do not in uence the tness of an
individual. These can increase in frequency over time due to genetic drift. It is believed that the
overwhelming majority of mutations have no signi cant effect on an organism's tness.[25][26] Also,
DNA repair mechanisms are able to mend most changes before they become permanent mutations,
and many organisms have mechanisms for eliminating otherwise-permanently mutated somatic
cells.[citation needed]
Main article: Mutagenesis
Four classes of mutations are (1) spontaneous mutations (molecular decay), (2) mutations due to
error-prone replication bypass of naturally occurring DNA damage (also called error-prone
translesion synthesis), (3) errors introduced during DNA repair, and (4) induced mutations caused
by mutagens. Scientists may also deliberately introduce mutant sequences through DNA
manipulation for the sake of scienti c experimentation.[citation needed]
One 2017 study claimed that 66% of cancer-causing mutations are random, 29% are due to the
environment (the studied population spanned 69 countries), and 5% are inherited.[29]
Humans on average pass 60 new mutations to their children but fathers pass more mutations
depending on their age with every year adding two new mutations to a child.[30]
Spontaneous mutation
Spontaneous mutations occur with non-zero probability even given a healthy, uncontaminated cell.
Naturally occurring oxidative DNA damage is estimated to occur 10,000 times per cell per day in
humans and 100,000 times per cell per day in rats.[31] Spontaneous mutations can be characterized
by the speci c change:[32]
creation of GC tautomers.[34]
• Depurination – Loss of a purine base (A or G) to form an apurinic site (AP site).
• Deamination – Hydrolysis changes a normal base to an atypical base containing a keto
group in place of the original amine group. Examples include C → U and A → HX
(hypoxanthine), which can be corrected by DNA repair mechanisms; and 5MeC (5-
methylcytosine) → T, which is less likely to be detected as a mutation because thymine is a
normal DNA base.
• Slipped strand mispairing – Denaturation of the new strand from the template during
replication, followed by renaturation in a different spot ("slipping"). This can lead to
insertions or deletions.
Error-prone replication bypass
There is increasing evidence that the majority of spontaneously arising mutations are due to error-
prone replication (translesion synthesis) past DNA damage in the template strand. In mice, the
majority of mutations are caused by translesion synthesis.[35] Likewise, in yeast, Kunz et al.[36] found
that more than 60% of the spontaneous single base pair substitutions and deletions were caused by
translesion synthesis.
A covalent adduct between the metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene, the major mutagen in tobacco smoke,
and DNA[38]
Induced mutation
Induced mutations are alterations in the gene after it has come in contact with mutagens and
environmental causes.
• Chemicals
◦ Hydroxylamine
◦ Base analogs (e.g., Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU))
◦ Alkylating agents (e.g., N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU). These agents can mutate both
replicating and non-replicating DNA. In contrast, a base analog can mutate the DNA
only when the analog is incorporated in replicating the DNA. Each of these classes
of chemical mutagens has certain effects that then lead to transitions, transversions,
or deletions.
◦ Agents that form DNA adducts (e.g., ochratoxin A)[39]
◦ DNA intercalating agents (e.g., ethidium bromide)
◦ DNA crosslinkers
◦ Oxidative damage
◦ Nitrous acid converts amine groups on A and C to diazo groups, altering their
hydrogen bonding patterns, which leads to incorrect base pairing during replication.
• Radiation
◦ Ultraviolet light (UV) (including non-ionizing radiation). Two nucleotide bases in
DNA—cytosine and thymine—are most vulnerable to radiation that can change their
properties. UV light can induce adjacent pyrimidine bases in a DNA strand to
become covalently joined as a pyrimidine dimer. UV radiation, in particular longer-
wave UVA, can also cause oxidative damage to DNA.[40]
◦ Ionizing radiation. Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as gamma radiation, can
result in mutation, possibly resulting in cancer or death.
Whereas in former times mutations were assumed to occur by chance, or induced by mutagens,
molecular mechanisms of mutation have been discovered in bacteria and across the tree of life. As
S. Rosenberg states, "These mechanisms reveal a picture of highly regulated mutagenesis, up-
regulated temporally by stress responses and activated when cells/organisms are maladapted to their
environments—when stressed—potentially accelerating adaptation."[41] Since they are self-induced
mutagenic mechanisms that increase the adaptation rate of organisms, they have some times been
named as adaptive mutagenesis mechanisms, and include the SOS response in bacteria,[42] ectopic
intrachromosomal recombination[43] and other chromosomal events such as duplications.[41]
Large-scale mutations
Small-scale mutations affect a gene in one or a few nucleotides. (If only a single nucleotide is
affected, they are called point mutations.) Small-scale mutations include:
• Insertions add one or more extra nucleotides into the DNA. They are usually caused by
transposable elements, or errors during replication of repeating elements. Insertions in the
coding region of a gene may alter splicing of the mRNA (splice site mutation), or cause a
shift in the reading frame (frameshift), both of which can signi cantly alter the gene
product. Insertions can be reversed by excision of the transposable element.
• Deletions remove one or more nucleotides from the DNA. Like insertions, these mutations
can alter the reading frame of the gene. In general, they are irreversible: Though exactly the
same sequence might, in theory, be restored by an insertion, transposable elements able to
revert a very short deletion (say 1–2 bases) in any location either are highly unlikely to exist
or do not exist at all.
• Substitution mutations, often caused by chemicals or malfunction of DNA replication,
exchange a single nucleotide for another.[45] These changes are classi ed as transitions or
transversions.[46] Most common is the transition that exchanges a purine for a purine (A ↔
G) or a pyrimidine for a pyrimidine, (C ↔ T). A transition can be caused by nitrous acid,
base mispairing, or mutagenic base analogs such as BrdU. Less common is a transversion,
which exchanges a purine for a pyrimidine or a pyrimidine for a purine (C/T ↔ A/G). An
example of a transversion is the conversion of adenine (A) into a cytosine (C). Point
mutations are modi cations of single base pairs of DNA or other small base pairs within a
gene. A point mutation can be reversed by another point mutation, in which the nucleotide is
changed back to its original state (true reversion) or by second-site reversion (a
complementary mutation elsewhere that results in regained gene functionality). As discussed
below, point mutations that occur within the protein coding region of a gene may be
classi ed as synonymous or nonsynonymous substitutions, the latter of which in turn can be
divided into missense or nonsense mutations.
By impact on protein sequence
The structure of a eukaryotic protein-coding gene. A mutation in the protein coding region (red) can
result in a change in the amino acid sequence. Mutations in other areas of the gene can have diverse
effects. Changes within regulatory sequences (yellow and blue) can effect transcriptional and
translational regulation of gene expression.
Selection of disease-causing mutations, in a standard table of the genetic code of amino acids[47]