TCM X30020

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This illustrated parts catalog is provided as a reference for non-production
Continental Motors aircraft engines. Part numbers cited in this catalog may have
been superseded by a later part number.
1. Locate the figure representing your installed engine specification to
determine the part number(s) required.
2. Contact an authorized Continental Motors Parts Distributor or Continental
Motors Customer Service to check the part number supersedure history.
This catalog applies only to the engine model specifications listed below. For all
other engine models, refer to

GO-300-A GO-300-C GO-300-D GO-300-E


PART NO. X30020 AUGUST 2011

This catalog has been edited to mask or remove information pertaining to current
production engines. The remaining information, applicable to non-production engines, is
untouched and identical to the original information, dated Sep 1970.



Cover 2
A 2
i 1
ii 0
1 thru 25 0

Change 2
Intentionally Left Blank

SECTION I - INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

SECTION 11 - GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

F i g u r e 1 - C r a n k c a s e G r o u p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . 2

Figure 2 - Crankshaft, Connecting Rods, Counterweight A s s e m b l y and Hydraulic

Valve L i f t e r s .............................. 4

F i g u r e 3 - P r o p e l l e r Reduction G e a r Unit and Oil Cooler Assenlbly . . . . . . . . . . . 6

F i g u r e 4 - Piston, Cylinder and Pushrod A s s e m b l i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

F i g u r e 5 - Oil Sump, C a r b u r e t o r and Induction System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

F i g u r e 6 - C r a n k c a s e Cover Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

F i g u r e 'l - G e n e r a t o r , S t a r t e r , Magneto, Regulator a n d Ignition System . . . . . . . . . 15

F i g u r e 8 - S t a r t e r and A d a p t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

SECTION I11 - NUMERICAL PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


SECTION V - REPAIR PARTS SETS AND MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


AR As required NS Not Sold

Cyl. Cylinder ( s ) OD Outside D i a m e t e r
Dia. Diameter Ref. Reference
Hd . Head 7 O v e r s i z e p a r t s a r e available
ID Inside D i a m e t e r t Undersize p a r t s a r e available
In. Inch ( e s ) - - *-- End of a group of attaching
Lg . Long parts
mm Millimeters P a r t of a s e t supplied for
No. Number ( s ) overhaul of one c o n ~ p l e t e
NPT National P i p e T a p ( o r T h r e a d ) engine


P a r t s l i s t s and s e r v i c e i n s t r u c t i o n s r e l a t i v e t o a c c e s s o r i e s m a y be obtained f r o m the following s o u r c e s .


Carburetor MA4-5 Marvel-Shebler Div. ,

Borg Warner Corp.,
Flint, Michigan

Magneto Model 667 Slick E l e c t r o Co.

Rockford, Illinois

Generator 1101910 12-Volt Delco-Remy United Motors Service

G e n e r a l Motors Bldg.,
S t a r t e r ( f o r A & C) 1109677 12-Volt Delco-Remy Detroit, Michigan

Starter (for D & E) 1109514

Regulator 1118736 Delco-Remy

Oil Cooler 60566A H a r r i s o n Radiator Div.,

G e n e r a l Motors C o r p . ,
Lockport, New York
This catalog contains illustrations and descriptive l i s t s usually wanted in such groups for overhaul work.
of a l l parts of the Continental Model GO-300-A, GO- These p a r t s should be ordered by set p a r t numbers.
300-C, GO-300-D and GO-300-E Aircraft Engines.
Studs whose part numbers containf our digits ( a s 2465),
Section I1 contains 8 Figures, in each of which the those which contain five digits (as 24030) and those
major assemblies o r groups of the engine a r e illus- numbered in the range of 530000-535999, eventually
trated in "exploded" form. Each figure has its own will be superseded by studs bearing part numbers in
s e t of index numbers t o indicate the sub parts. The the range of 401000-402999. If replacement studs a r e
l i s t of parts i n a f i g u r e appears on the s a m e page with ordered from this catalog by numbers in the ranges t o
the illustrationor onan adjacent page. The f i r s t col- be superseded, a s described above, and studs shipped
umn of each assembly group l i s t contains the figure bear numbers between 401000 and 402999, the p a r t s
number (not repeated on a l l lines), and, following a received will be correct.
dash, the index numbers of the s u b p a r t s in numerical
order. Do not o r d e r p a r t s by index number. Use p a r t P a r t s listed in t h i s catalog a r e sold only by Approved
numbers which appear in the second column and the Service Stations who c a r r y stocks for immediate de-
corresponding names of p a r t s which appear in the third livery, and a r e equipped t o perform maintenance work.
column under "description". Castings without studs Engine operators a r e urged to consult the nearest
installed and certain other p a r t s of assemblies a r e Continental Approved Service Station f o r p a r t s and
listed only to match the illustrations and show assem- s e r v i c e information and advice. P r i c e s of s p a r e parts
bly composition. Such p a r t s a r e not sold separately a r e not listed herein, because they a r e subject t o f r e -
and a r e s o marked. quent changes. P r i c e s of s p a r e p a r t s and a c c e s s o r i e s
a r e listed in our Master P a r t s Price List which i s
Quantities of parts, a s listed in Section 11, a r e f o r furnished to a l l Approved Service Stations.
specific applications in one assembly. Total quantities
of a l l p a r t s a r e listed in Section V f o r the entire en- Obviously a catalog cannot be revised often enough to
gine. Similar assemblies in Section I1 may be listed reflect each supersession in part numbers. Service
in sequence and their components listed a f t e r the l a s t Bulletins a r e issued t o our Service Stations when de-
assembly. In such combined breakdowns, quantities sign changes occur which affect the applicability of
of components a r e for one assembly. p a r t s previously sold o r t h e i r interchangeability with
new parts. Some bulletins describe recommended r e -
Indentation of part descriptions show assembly rela- placements, while others contain maintenance data
tionship. P a r t descriptions indented t o column 3 a r e and advice. These bulletins may be procured from our
of p a r t s of subassemblies. The subassembly name is Publications Department, P.O. Box 90, Mobile, Alabama 36601,
the preceding item which begins in column 2. Such on a subscription basis. A price list of service publications will be
subassemblies a r e included in a s s e m b l i e s whose des- furnished o n request.
criptions a r e listed next above and beginning in col-
umn 1.
Section V contains a l i s t of all engine part numbers
arranged in numerical o r d e r without regard to prefix The following application code will be used wherever
letters. If the number of any d e s i r e d p a r t is known, it i s necessary t o distinguish between engine models.
the name may be located by r e f e r r i n g t o t h e figure and The l e t t e r o r l e t t e r s appearing in the "USABLE ON
index number listed. CODE" column will signify the p a r t s application to one
o r m o r e models. If the column i s blank the part i s
Section 111 contains a list of oversize and undersize applicable t o a l l models listed in this publication.
parts. These p a r t s must be o r d e r e d by the numbers
listed therein, with c o r r e c t description, to avoid e r - CODE LETTER ENGINE MODEL
r o r s . Corresponding standard s i z e p a r t numbers in
Section I1 a r e preceded by a symbol ( t )t o indicate the
availability of the nonstandard sizes.

Section IV contains a l i s t of s e t s of p a r t s which a r e

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

1- No Number Crankcase Assembly, Complete ......... NS

626668 Service Assembly, Crankcase ......... A
628110 Service Assembly, Crankcase ......... C, D, F
-1 No Number Crankcase, 1-3-5 Side ........... NS
-2 No Number Crankcase, 2-4-6 Side ........... NS
-3 21080 *.Dowel, Crankcase Cover .......... 2
-4 22811 Dowel, Starter Pinion Pivot Pin ....... 1 A
-5 MS122122 Insert, Helical Coil. 2
-6 t AN 126606 Stud, Cylinder Pad, 3/8 X 1-1/2 in. g 12 A
-6 t633181 Stud, Cylinder Pad, 3/8 X 1-1/2 in. 1g. 12 C, D, E
-7 125331 Stud, Cylinder Pad, 7/16 X 1- 1/2 in. lg. 12
-8 401801 Stud, Oil Sump, 1/4 X11-3/16 in.ig.. 14
-9 t 401804 Stud, Pushrod Flange, 1/4 X11-1/16 in. 1g. . 18
-10 t401809 Stud, Crankcase Cover & Reduction Housing,
5/16 X11-3/8 in. lg ............ 12
-11 t401814 Stud, Reduction Housing, 5/16 X11-7 /8 in. 1g. . 1
-12 t401836 Stud, Crankcase Cover, 5/16 X1 1-7/16 in. 1g. . 1
-13 t 401964 *.Stud, Engine Mount, 3/8 X11-19/32 in. 1g. 8
-14 t 402034 *.Stud, Reduction Housing, 5/16 X16 in. 1g. 2
-15 1 402439 Stud, Crankcase Cover, 5/16 X12-5/8 in.1g. 2
-16 2024 Plug, Pipe, 1/8 NPT ............ 3
-17 6295 18-1 Plug, Pipe, 1/8 NPT ............ 1
-18 22202 Pin, Oil Line ............... 1
-19 537297 Guide, Oil Gauge Rod ............ 1
-20 537299 Ring, Oil Gauge Rod ............ 1
-21 23487 Pivot, Starter Pinion ............. A
-22 632227 Pivot, Removable Pin ............ C
-23 Bearing, Starter Shaftgear .......... 1
628919 D, E
-24 628921 Retainer, Starter Pivot ............ C, D,E

-25 36025 Washer, Tab ................ 1 C, D, 1E
-26 626487 Bolt, 1/4-20 Special ............. 1 C, D, E

-27 626135 Bracket, Engine Mount, Right Side Front.... 1

-28 626138 Bracket, Engine Mount, Right Side Rear....
-29 626136 Bracket, Engine Mount, Left Side Front....
-30 626139 Bracket, Engine Mount, Left Side Rear ..... 1

-31 537465 Bolt, Thru, 3/8-24 X 10-1/2 in. Ig ....... 2
-32 627739 Washer, Plain (at through bolts only) ...... 4
-33 401507 Washer, Plain, 3/8 in ............. 8
-34 MS 353 38-46 Washer, Lock, 3/8 in ............. 12
-35 2441 Nut, Plain, 3/8-24 .............. 12

-36 531211 Bolt, 7/16-20 X110-5/8 in. 1g .. 8

-37 537466 Bolt, 3/8-24 X 8-13/16 in. Ig .. 2
-38 20202 Washer, Plain, 7/16 in ............ 4
-39 531001 Nut, Flanged, 7/16-20 ............ 4
-40 2958 DELE-TED)
-41 401507 Washer, Plain, 3/8 in ............. 4
-42 MS35338-46 Washer, Lock, 3/8 in............. 4
-43 2441 Nut, Plain, 3/8-24 .............. 4
-44 &AN123861 Packing, Preformed ............. 16
-45 AN4-13A Screw, Hex Hd ................ 8 A, C, D
-45 AN4-13A Screw, Hex Hd ................ 6 E
-46 AN4- 16A Screw, Hex Hd. , 1/4-28 2X1-25/32 in. lg. .. 2 E
-47 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ............. 16
-48 MS35338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in............. 8
-49 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 .............. 8
-50 626263 Bolt, Drilled, 3/8-24 X 3-31/64 In. Ig.. 2

Fig. &' Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 234 5 Per Assy On Code

1-51 401507 Washer, Plain, 3/8 in .............. 2

-52 520022 Washer, 7 /16 X 3/4 X 25/32 in. thick ...... 2
-53 626140 Nut, Slotted, 3/8-24 .............. 2
-54 639292 Pin, Cotter ......... 2
-55 24879 Eye, Lifting ......... 1

-56 25164 Spacer, Lifting Eye .............. 2
-57 24878 Screw, Hex Head, 1/4-28 X 1-5/8 in. ig ...... 2 A
-57 24878 Screw, Hex Head 1/4-28 X 1-5/B in. lg. .... 1 C, D, E
-57 AN4- 16A Screw, Hex Head, 1/4-28 X 1-25/3 2 in. lg. C, D, E
-58 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 In .............. 2
-59 MS3 5338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in .............. 2
-60 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ............... 2

-61 626786 Plate, Engine Identification.... 1 A

-61 6 2828 1 Plate, Engine Identification ... C
-61 629158 Engine Identification.... 1
Plate, D
-61 629784 Plate, Engine Identification.... 1
-62 21007 Screw, Drive, i/8 in ........ 6

628412-Al * Rod Assembly, Oil Gauge ...... 1

-63 No Number . Rod, Oil Gauge .......... NS
-64 &AN 123860 * . Packing, Preformed ....... 1
-65 & 530928 * Gasket, Pushrod Housing Flange ... 6
-66 530163 * Flange, Pushrod Housing ...... 6

-67 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in........ . . . . 18

-68 MS35338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ........ . .. . 18

-69 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ......... . .. . 18


Figure 1. Crankcase Group.

Fig. &. Pa rt Description Units Usable
Index No. Nu mbe r 12 34 5 Per Assy On Code

2- 627822 Crankshaft and Counterweight Assembly 1

No Number *Crankshaft Assembly ........ NS
-1 No Number *.Crankshaft and Oil Tubes Assembly NS
-2 t 626566 *.Bushing, Crankshaft ....... 12
-3 630651 *.Dowel ..............
627821 *Counterweight Assembly ...... 6
-4 No Number *.Counterweight, Crankshaft.... NS
-5 626564 Bushing, Counterweight ...... 4
-6 630261-11i Pin, Crank Counterweight ...... 12
-7 633976 Plate, Counterweight Pin Retainer . 24
-8 629004 Ring, Internal Retaining ....... 24
-9 626144 Gear, Crankshaft Cluster ....... A, C
-9 627846 Gear, Crankshaft Cluster ....... D, E

-10 22532 Screw, 1/4-28 X 7/16 in. lg ...... 4

-11 &t626230 Bearing, Crankshaft Main ....... 8

-12 &t 626943 Bearing, Crankshaft Thrust ...... 2
-13 626656 Shaft, Quill .............
-14 626635 Gear, Propeller Shaft Drive ......
-15 626544 Plate, Quill Shaft Retaining ......
-16 21346 Screw, 1/4-28 X 7/16 in. Ig ...... 2
-17 401665 Ring, Internal Retaining .......
626168 Connecting Rod and Bushing Assembly 6
-18 No Number *Rod and Cap, Connecting ...... NS
-19 538684 *Bushing, Piston Pin ........ 1
-20 530213 *Bolt, Connecting Rod ........ 2
-21 626140 *Nut, Slotted, 3/8-24 Special ..... 2
-22 639292 Pin, Cotter ............ 2





N 25

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

2-23 t 35897 Bearing, Connecting Rod. ............ 12

-24 626126 Camshaft. ................... I A, C
- 24 628145 Camshaft .1.......... D, E
-25 626091 Gcar, Camshaft .1.........

-26 22534 Screw, Hex Head, 1/4-28 X 25/64 in. ig. ..... 4

637270 Lifter Assembly, Hydraulic Valve. ........ 12

-27 530851 .Body, Hydraulic Valve Lifter.......... 1
-28 637269 .Unit, Hydraulic Valve Lifter.......... 1
-29 633758. Socket, Pushrod................ 1
-30 530940 .Snap Ring .1..........

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 3 4 5 P e r Assy On Code

Gasket, Propeller Reduction Unit-to-Crankcase . . 1

Studding Assembly, P r o p e l l e r Reduction Housing . . 1 A
Studding Assembly, P r o p e l l e r Reduction Housing . . 1 C
Studding Assembly, P r o p e l l e r Reduction Housing . . 1 D
Studding Assembly, P r o p e l l e r Reduction Housing . . 1 E

Washer, Plain, 5/16 in. . . . .
......... 12
Washer, Lock, 5/16 in. . . . .
......... 12
Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ... . . .
......... 12
Washer, Plain, 5/16 in. . . . .
......... 2
Bolt, Hex Head, Drilled, 5/16-18
- - * - -
......... 2

. Plug, 1/4 in. N P T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

. Plug, 1/2 in. N P T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. Stud, 1/4 X 1-21/64 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. Stud, 5/16 X 1-7/8 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. Stud, 1/4 X 1-1/8 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Stud, 1/4 X 1-1/8 in. Ig. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. Stud, 1/4 X 1 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. Stud, 1/4 X 1 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. Stud, 1/4 X 1 in. lg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Figure 3. Propeller Reduction G e a r Unit and Oil Cooler.

Fig.&- Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

3-18 t 401814 *Stud, 5'/16 X 1-7/8 in. Ig ......... 4 E

-19 MS122122 Insert, Helical Coil ........... 2
-20 626350 *Bushing, Vacuum Pump Gear Flanged ... 1 A, C
-21 & 25102 Seal, Oil ................ 1 A, C
-22 626165 Bushing, Prop Shaft Rear ........ 1
-23 626269 Screw, Flat Head, No. 10-24 X 1/2 in. 1g.. 1
-24 626184 Bushing, Prop Shaft Front ........ 1
-25 6295 18-4 Plug, 1/2 in. NPT ............ 1
-26 No Number *Ball, Oil Line .............. NS
-27 628171 *Breather Assembly, Crankcase ...... 1 C, D, E
-28 626280 Gear Assembly, Accessory Drive ...... 1 A, C
-29 626162 Gear, Accessory Drive Bevel ........ 1 A, C
-30 626238 Bearing, Accessory Drive Cage ....... 1 A, C
-31 & AN123888 Packing, Preformed ............ 1 A, C
-32 626158 Cage, Accessory Drive Front ........ 1 A, C
-33 & 628332 Gasket, Accessory Drive Cover ....... 1 D, E
-34 628007 Cover, Accessory Drive Front ....... 1 D, E

-35 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in.............. 2
-36 MS3533844 Washer, Lock 1/4 in .. 2
-37 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ............... 2

-38 & MS9134-01 Gasket, Vacuum Pump Drive ........... 1 A, C

-39 633068 Cover, Vacuum Pump Drive ........... 1 A, C

-40 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in....... . . . . . . . 4 A, C
-41 MS35 33 8-44 Washer, Lock 1/4 in....... . . . . . . . 4 A, C
-42 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28. . . . . . . . 4 A, C

-43 &620413 Gasket, Crankshaft Cover ..... 1

626642 Cover Assembly, Crankshaft.... 1

-44 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in....... . . . . . . . 2
-45 MS35 338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in....... . . . . . . . 2
-46 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ........ . . . . . . . 2

-47 No Number Cover, Crankshaft ........ NS

-48 & AN900-10 Gasket, Annular......... 1
-49 2265 Plug, Hex Head, 5/8-18 ..... 1
-50 &627496 Gasket, Vernatherm Valve . 1
-51 639305 Valve, Vernatherm ........ 1
-52 &626258 Gasket, Breather- to- Housi ng.... 1 A
-53 626561 Tube Assembly, Breather . ... 1 A

-54 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ....... 4 A
. . . . . . .
-55 MS353 3844 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in. . . . . . . . 4 A
-56 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ........ . . . . . . . 4 A

-57 & 625017 Gasket, Oil Cooler ............... 1

-58 627392 A Oil Cooler (Harrison Radiator No. 60566A) ..... 1

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

-59 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in......... 8
-60 MS 35 338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ......... 8
-61 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 in ......... . . . . . . 8

626560-Al Shaft Assembly, Propeller Drive 1 A, C, D

-62 No Number *Shaft, Propeller Drive ....... NS
-63 520012 *Plug, Hubbard ........... 1 A, C, D
627317 Shaft Assembly, Propeller Drive .... 1
-64 No Number *Shaft, Propeller Drive ....... NS
-65 No Number Gear, Governor Drive....... NS
-66 627229 *Plug, Propeller Shaft ........ 1 E
-67 627230 *Collar, Oil Transfer ........ 1 E
-68 627231 *Washer, Special .......... 1 E
-69 502144 *Ring, Retaining .......... 1 E
-70 522205 Ring, Retaining .......... 1 E
-71 627232 Tube, Oil Transfer .......... 1 E
-72 36025 Washer, Tab ............. 2 E
-73 626487 Bolt, 1/4-20 X 9/16 in. lg....... 2 E
-74 626367 Washer, Thrust ........... 1 E
-75 626278 Gear, Governor Driven ........ 1 E
-76 401678 Ring, Retaining ............ 1 E
-77 &531083 Gasket, Governor Pad......... 1 E
-78 36181 Cover, Governor Pad ......... 1 E

-79 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in.. 4 E
. . . . . .
-80 MS 353 38-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in.. . . . . . . 4 E
-81 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ......... 4 E

&539241 Seal and Felt Assembly, Propeller Shaft 1

-82 No Number Seal Assembly ........... NS
No Number Seal, 0il............. NS
-83 530974 Spring ......... i.... 1
539242 Felt, Propeller Shaft Oil Seal .... 1
626390-Al Cage Assembly, Propeller Shaft Bearing 1

-84 401506 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in .. 8
-85 MS 35 33845 Washer, Lock, 5/16 ii.. 8
-86 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ....... 8
-87 401506 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in .. 2
-88 MS 35338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in.. 2
-89 626484 Bolt, 5/16-18 X 1 in. lg...... 2

-90 626390 Cage, 1-3-5 Side ...... 1

-91 626391 Cage, 2-4-6 Side ...... 1
-92 626943 Bearing, Propeller Shaft Thrust . . . . 2
-93 &AN123860 Packing, Preformed ..... 1
-94 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ..... 2
-95 21076 Bolt, 1/4-28 X 3-1/2 in. 1g.. 2
-96 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ..... 2
-97 MS 3 533844 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ..... 2
-98 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ...... 2
-99 539044-7. 81 Bolt, Dowel, 7/16-20 ..... 2
-100 20202 Washer, Plain, 7/16 in.. . . . . 4
-101 531001 Nut, Flanged, 7/16-20 .... 4
-102 2958 DELETED
-103 & AN123916 Packing, Prefurnied ..... .. . . . . 1

Figr. & Pa rt Description Units Usable
index No. Number 1 234 5 Per Assy On Cude

4- 626146-Al Piston and Pin Assembly, Complete ........ 6

_-1 t6261 46 *Piston, 7:1 Compression ............ 1
-2 t& 628939 *Ring, Top Compression ............
-2 &640296 *Ring, Top Compression ............ 1
-3 t& 628940 *Ring, Second Groove ..............
-3 *Ring, Second Groove .............. 1
-4 t& 627330 Ring, Third Groove ..............
-4 '&640297 Ring, Third Groove .............. 6
-5 t& 627336 *Ring, Fourth Groove .. ........... NS
-5 &640298 fling, Fourth Groove .
-6 538616 Pin and Plug Assembly, Piston ......... 12
-7 & 21477 Packing, Cylinder Base ............. 24
No Number Cylinder Assembly, Complete ..........

-8 531003 Nut, Flanged, 3/8-24 ..............
-9i Nut, Flanged, 7/16-20 ..............
-10 2561 DELETED
-11 2958 DELETED

*641917(AI *Cylinder and Valve Assembly ..........

*Cylinder and Valve Assembly ..........
-12 641917 *.Cylinder Assembly .............
No Number *..Head and Barrel Assembly, Cylinder. NS
-13 520112 Insert, Spark Plug . . .. . . . . . ... 2


23 -- //'
12 19 1


9 ..

/I 43


Figure 4. Piston and Cylinder Assemblv..

Fig & Part Description Units Usable
Index No . Number 1 2 3 4 5 P e r Assy On Code

t 24024 ... Guide. Intake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

t 628309 . . . Guide. Exhaust Valve . . . . . . . . . . . 1
21284 . . . Housing. Pushrod . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
7 402151 . . . Stud. Exhaust Flange. 5/16 X 1-3/8 in . lg . . . 2
t 401804 . . . Stud. Intake Elbow. 1/4 X 1-1/16 in . lg . . . . 2
629518-1 . . . Plug. 1/8 in. NPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
641793 . . . Insert. Intake Valve Seat . . . . . . . . . . 1
3923 . . . Insert. Exhaust Valve Seat . . . . . . . . . 1
641792 . . Valve. Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
631639 . . Valve. Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
24026 . . Retainer. Valve Spring Intake . . . . . . . . . 1
24044 . . Retainer. Valve Spring Exhaust . . . . . . . . 1
625957 . . Spring. V a l v e I n n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
625958 . . Spring. Valve Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
625961 . . Seat. Valve Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
21361 . . Lock. Valve Spring Seat . . . . . . . . . . . 4
639614 . Rocker Assembly. Intake Valve . . . . . . . . . 1
No Number . . Rocker. Intake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . NS
24122 . . Bushing. V a l v e R o c k e r . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
21007 . . Plug. Valve Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
639615 . Rocker Assembly. Valve Exhaust . . . . . . . . 1
No Number . . Rocker. Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NS
24122 . . Bushing. Valve Rocker A r m . . . . . . . . . 1
21007 . . Plug. Valve Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
21153 . Shaft. Valve Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
& 530162 . Gasket. Rocker Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
40762 . Cover. Valve Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

. Washer. Plain. 1/4 i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. Washer. 1/4 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. Screw. 1/4-20 X 1/2. . *i .n.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Gasket. Exhaust Flange . . . . .........

Nut. Plain. 5/16-24 ... . . . ......... 12
Rod Assembly. Push ... . . . ......... 12
Connector. Pushrod Housing . . ......... 12
Clamp. Hose ...... . . . ......... 24

NOTE: Intake valve inserts and intake valves in new and old cylinders are 30°and 45O respectively and.
therefore. are not interchangeable . Old and new cylinders may be intermixed .
Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

5-I & 626753 Gasket, Oil Sump . ...

* 626695-Al Sump Assembly, Oil.... I .. . NS A, C
**628185 Sump Assembly, Oil..

-2 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in .. 14
-.3 WS35 338-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in.. 14
-4 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28......... 14

No Number Studding Assembly, Oil Sump.... NS

No Number Sump, Oil ............ NS
-6 MS122122 Insert, Helical Coil ....... S
-7 # 628246 Insert, Helical Coil Lock ..... 1
-8 401801 Stud, Riser-to-Sump, 1/4 X 1-3/16 in. 1g. 4
-9 401824 Stud, Carburetor-to-Sump, 5 /16 X 1- 1/2 in. ig. 4
-10 #&AN123867 *.Packing, Preformed ....... 1
-11 # 628166 Washer, Spring ......... 2
-12 # 62817 3 Spring, Suction Tube .......
-13 # 627966 *.Suction Tube Assembly ......





e- 47

Figure 5. Oil Sump, Carburetor and Induction Asserably.

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

-14 # 20522 *.Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ........... I
-15 # 535091 *.Screw, Fillister Head, 1'4_ 20 X 1/2 in. 1g.

-16 No Number T ube, Intake ............... Ng

-17 4 628952-1 *.Ring, Retaining ..............
-18 t-r628952-2 Ring, Manifold Diffuser .......... A, C
tt 628952-1 *.Ring, Manifold Diffuser ..........
-19 Tt 629465 *.Tube Assembly, Diffuser .........
-20 &AN900-28 *Gasket, Annular ..............
-21 % 626978 Plug, Oil Sump ............... 1 A, C
#628307 Plug, Oil Sump ............... 1
-22 %,AN932-3 *Plug, 1' 4 in. Countersunk Head ....... A, C
-23 %X-2024 Plug, I1/8 in. NPT ............. A, C
-24 # AN900-10 Gasket, Annular ..............
-25 # 532432 Plug, Sump Drain .............. 1
-26 %401758 Plug, 1/2 in. NPT .............
A, C
-27 %r~
401759 Plug, 3/4 in. NPT .............
A, C
-28 &AN123990 Packing, Preformed, Carburetor-to- Sump ..
-29 626789 Carburetor, Marvel M.A4-5 ..........

-30 A N960- 516 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in. . . . . . . . . 4
-31 MS 35 338-45 Washer, Lock, 5 /16 in.. . . . . . . . . 4
-32 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ....... . . . . . . . . 4

-33 &AN123990 Packing, Preformed, Riser-to-Sump I

-34 627306 Riser Assembly, Intake Manifold.

-35 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ....... . . . . . . . . 4
-36 MS353 38-44 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ....... . . . . . . . . 4
-37 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ........ . . . . . . . . 4

-38 629518-1 Plug, 1/8 in. NPT ........ I

-39 36151-E Clamp, Hose ........... 16
-40 & 24827 Hose, Intake ........... 8
-41 & 22250 Gasket, Intake Elbow ....... 6
-42 626683 Tube Assembly, Intake Manifold . 6

-43 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in ....... . . . . . . . . 12
-44 MS353 38-4 4 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ....... . . . . . . . . 12
-45 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ........ . . . . . . . . 12

-46 627801 Tube, Balance .1.........

-47 62951 8-1 Plug, 1/8 in. NPT ................
-48 627770 Bracket, Balance Tube ..............
-49 AN501-10-8 Screw, No. 10-32 X 1/2 in. lg........... 1
-50 AN363-1032 Nut, Elastic Stop ................. I
*This sump was originally installed on GO-300-A engines, Serial Nos. 5001 through 6314, and GO-300-C
engines, Serial Nos. 12001 through 12428, 12430 through 12433, 12435 through 12438, 12440 through
12443, 12446 through 12453, 12455 and 12458. When replacing complete sump assembly, order Part
Number 628185.
**This sump was installed on GO-300-A engines, Serial No. 6315 and higher, on GO-300-C engines,
Serial No. 12429, 12434, 12439, 12444, 12445, 12447, 12454, 12456, 12457, 12459 and higher. This
sump was installed on aUl GO-300-D and GO-300-E engines as of the date of this publication.

VI. Refer to Continental Motors Corporation, Service Bulletin "M61-2", dated 1 April, 1962.
Applicable to sump assembly Part No. 626695-Al only.
4 Applicable to sump assembly Part No. 628185 only.

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

6-1 626099 Gasket, Cover-to-Crankcase ........... 1

No NUmber Cover Assembly, Crankcase, Complete ...... NS

-2 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/116 in .............. 13
-3 MS 353 38-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in .............. 11
-4 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ............... '7
-5 537961 Screw, Hex Head, 5/16-18 X l in. Ig .. 5
-6 539916 Bolt, Hex Head, 5/16-24 X 3-1/4 in. Ig.. 1 D, E

-7 627785 Studding Assembly, Crankcase Cover ...... 1 A

-7 628202 Studding Assembly, Crankcase Cover ...... 1 C
-7 628182 Studding Assembly, Crankcase Cover ...... 1 D, E
No Number Cover, Crankcase .............. NS
-8 t 401809 Stud, Generator Pad, 5/16 X 1-_3/8 in. 1g.. 3


AI 2

24 26


36 37

Figure 6. Crankcase Cover Assembly.


Fig. & Pa rt Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Pe.r Assy On Code

6-9 1401 824 *.Stud, Magneto Pad, 5/16 XC1-11/2 in. Ig. 4
-10 1 401870 *.Stud, Tachometer Drive, 1/4 X I in. Ig. 3
-11 1401824 *.Stud, Starter Pad, 5/16 X 1-1/2 in.1g. 3 A, C
1402049 *.Stud, Starter Pad, 5/16 XC 3-3/4 in.1g. 3 D, E
-12 629518-3 Plug, 3/8 in.NPT .............. 1
-13 2024 Plug, 1/8 in. NPT .............. 1
-14 AN900- 10 Gasket, Annular ............... 2
-15 532432 Plug, 5/8-18 Hex Head ............ 2
-16 627762 Bushing, Oil Pump ............. 2
-17 534427 Filler Body, Oil ............... I A
535063 Filler Body, Oil ............... I C, D, E
-18 626594 Cap, Oil Filler Body .............. 1
- 19 626088 Gear, Oil Pump Drive ............. 1
-20 626087 Gear, Oil Pump Driven ............ I
-21 626090 Cover, Oil Pump ............... 1

-22 36025 Washer, Tat) .................
- 23 626487 Screw, Hex Head, 1/4-20 X 5/18 in.lga......
- 24 & 21163 Seal, Tachometer Drive Housing.
- 25 & 36 100 Gasket, Generator and Tachometer Housing
-26 35342 Housing, Tachometer Drive ..........

- 27 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in.............
- 28 22661 Nut, Elastic Stop, 1/4-28 ...........

-29 626972-4 Caplug, Tachometer Drive Cover ........

-30 21114 Plunger, 011 Pressure Relief Valve .......
-31 637083 Spring, Oil Pressure Relief Valve ........
-32 & AN900-14 Gasket, Annular ................
-33 211 13 Cap, Oil Pressure Relief Valve .........
-34 & AN90O-28 Gasket, Annular ................
-35 530003 Screen Assembly, Oil .............
-36 & AN900- 10 Gasket, Annular ................
-37 532432 Plug, 5/8-18 Hex Head .............
-38 &AN900- 16 Gasket, Annular .................
-39 530005 Screen Assembly, Oil Suction ...........

Fig. & Part Description -Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

7-1 & 36100 Gasket, Generator (See Figure 6-26) ....... Ref
No Number Generator Assembly, Complete ......... NS

2473 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in .. 3
-3 21213 Nut, Elastic Stop, 5/16-24 ........... 3

-4 626290 *Generator, 12 Volt, 20 Amp (Delco-Remy

No. 1101910) ................
-5 &352068 *Seal, 0il1................... I
-6 &AN123864 Packing, Prcformed ............. 1
-7 530406 *Hub, Generator Coupling ........... 1
-8 352030 Retainer, Coupling Disc ............
-9 & 626543 *Bushing, Generator Coupling Rubber ...... 2
-10 530407 *Sleeve, Generator Coupling Steel ........ 1
-11 531325 Gear, Generator Drive ............ 1
-12 530412 Nut, Shouldered, Slotted, 5/16-24 .......
-13 2501 *Pin, Cotter ................. 1
-14 & 352179 Gasket, Starter Pad .............. A, C
-15 626292 Starter, Complete (Delco-Remy No. 1109677) A, C

-16 538999 Bolt, Drilled Hex Head, 5/16-18 X 3-3/8 in. 1g. . 2 A, C
-17 MS35338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in .. ........... 2 A, C
-18 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in .. 2 A, C
-19 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in .. 3 A, C
-20 MS35338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in.. 3 A, C
-21 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 .............. 3 A, C

-22 534112 Regulator, 12 Volt, 20 Amp (Delco-Remy No. 1118736) 1

-23 &535324 Gasket, Magneto Flange ............. 2
-24 626416 Magneto, Slick Electro Model 667 ........ 2

-25 401506 Washer, Magneto Flange ............ 4
-26 MS35 338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in.. 4
-27 2439 Nut, Plain, 5/16-24 ............... 4

-28 530603 Gear, Magneto Drive .......... 2

-29 2506 Pin, Cotter .............. 2
630574 Cable Assembly, Right Magneto Ignition. I
627852-35.50 Cable Assembly, No. 1 Cylinder Upper 1
62?7852-30. 50 Cable Assembly, No. 2 Cylinder Lower 1
627852-36. 25 Cable Assembly, No. 3 Cylinder Upper 1
627852-40.75 Cable Assembly, No. 4 Cylinder Lower 1
627852-42.00 Cable Assembly, No. 5 Cylinder Upper I
627852-43.75 Cable Assembly, No. 6 Cylinder Lower 1
-30 No Number Cable ............... NS
-31 636678 Grommet ............. 1
-32 636679 Elbow Assembly .......... 1
-33 628908 Connector ............. 1
-34 626718 Nail ................ I
-35 24226 Bracket, Ignition Cable ........ 2
-36 627759 Bolt, Fillister Head, No. 6-32 X 5/16 in. 1g. 2
-37 627756 Nut, Stop, No. 6-32 .......... 2
-38 25145 Bracket, Ignition Cable ........ 1
-39 530886 Bracket, Ignition Cable ........ 1
-40 21264 Rivet, Ignition Cable Bracket. 2

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

7- 630575 Cable Assembly, Left Magneto Ignition .......

627852-30. 50 Cable Assembly, No. 1 Cylinder Lower ......
627852-31.00 Cable Assembly, No. 2 Cylinder Upper ......
627852-41. 75 Cable Assembly, No. 3 Cylinder Lower ...... 1
627852-39. 50 Cable Assembly, No. 4 Cylinder Upper ...... 1
627852- 47. 25 Cable Assembly, No. S Cylinder Lower ......
627852- 39. 50 Cable Assembly, No. 6 Cylinder Upper ...... 2
-41 630604 Bracket, Ignition Cable.
-42 627759 Bolt, Fillister Head, No. 6-32 X 51 n g 1
-43 627756 Nut, Stop, No. 6-32 ............... 1
-44 530886 Bracket, Ignition Cable ............. 2
-45 25145 Bracket, Ignition Cable ............. 1
-46 21264 Rivet, Ignition Cable Bracket .......... 1
-47 24226 Bracket, Ignition Cable ............. 1
-48 AN742fl8 Clamp, Ignition Cable .............. 12
-49 533067 Band, Wire Harness ............... 1
- 50 627449 Plug, Spark (A. C. No. SR-87) ...........
-51 627969 Clamp, Generator-to-Balance Tube Bracket .....

Figure 7. Ignition System.

Fig. & Part Description Units Usable
Index No. Number 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

8-1 & 627993 Gasket, Starter Adapter-to-Crankcase Cover . 1 D, F

631255 Adapter Assembly, Complete Starter . ... 1 D, E

-2 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/10 in. 5 0, E
-3 628056 Bolt, Hex Head, 5/16-24 C 5-1'3/32' n.l1g. I D, E
-4 MS35338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in. 4 D, E
-5 2437 Nut, Plain, 5/16 in ........ 4 D, E

630540 Adapter Assembly, Starter 1 D, E

-6 No Number Adaptcr, Starter ...... NS
-7 t 401965 Stud, 3/8XIC113/32 in. Ig. 2 0, E
-8 402151 Stud, 5/i6 IC 1-1/4 in. 1g. 1 0, E
-9 629713 *.Bearing, Needle ....... 1 0, E
-10 627882 *.Dowel, 5/16 IC 33/64 in. .. 2 0, E
-11 627817 Shaftgear, Starter ....... 1 0, E
-12 628075 *Bearing, Needle ........ 0, F
-13 627861 *Gear, Starter Worm Wheel .. D, E
-14 539601 Spring, Clutch, Left Hand.... 0, E

21 17
15 4


4' 14
12 21
' 4



Figure 8. Starter and Adapter.

Fig. & Pa rt Description Units Usable
Index No. Numrbe r 1 2 345 Per Assy On Code

-15 501867 *Washer, Tab .......... 1 D, E
-16 536566 *Screw, 1/4-20 X 11,'116 in. 1g. 1 D, E

631254 *Shaft Assembly, Starter Worm. 1 D, E

-17 631253 *.Shaft, Starter Worm ..... 1 D, E
-18 628149 *.BuSh-ing, Shaft ........ D, E
-19 628155-1 Pin, 5/32 X3/4 in. ig. D, E
-20 1
X13041 Bearing, Ball........ D, E
-21 MS3 5756-8 Woodruff ........ 1
*.Key, D, E
-22 539793 *.Gear, Starter Worm ...... D, E
-23 502287 Ring, Retaining ........ D, E
-24 &AN1 23902 *Packing, Preformed ...... 1
D, E
628071 Cover Assembly, Starter Adapter. D, F

-25 2473 Washer, Plain, 5/16 in. 1 D, E
. . . . . . . .
-26 MS 35 338-45 Washer, Lock, 5/16 in. . . . . . . . . 1 D, E
-27 2439 Nut, Plain, Hex ........ . . . . . . . . I D, E

-28 No Number Cover, Starter Adapter. NS

-29 628125 *Bushing, Flanged ....... 1 D, E
-30 633280 *Pin, Bushing ......... 1 D, E
-31 t 401963 Stud, 1,'4 X 1 in. Ig ...... 4 D, E
-32 & 25102 Seal, Oil1........... D, F
-33 & MS9134-01 Gasket, Adapter Cover ..... I
D, E
-34 633068 Cover, Accessory Drive ..... 1
D, E

-35 20522 Washer, Plain, 1/4 in...... . . . . . . . . 4 D, E
-36 MS35338-45 Washer, Lock, 1/4 in ...... . . . . . . . . 4 D, E
-37 2437 Nut, Plain, 1/4-28 ....... . . . . . . . . 4 D, E

-38 & MS9021-038 Packing, Preformed ............... 1 D, E

-39 631261 Starter, 12 Volt (Delco-Remy No. 1109514) ..... 1 D, E

-40 539058 Washer, Plain, 3/8 in ............... 2 D,E
-41 2441 Nut, Plain, 3/8-24 ................ 2 D, E
-42 2561 DELE.TED

Figure Qty Figure Qty
Per Per
Part Number Index Assy Part Number Index Assy
AN123860 1-64 1 MS35338-45 5-31 4
3-93 I 6-03 11
2* 7- 17 2
AN 123861 1-44 16 7-20 3
AN123864 7-06 1 7-26 4
AN123867 5-10 1 8-04 4
AN123888 3-31 1 8- 26 1
AN1 23902 8-24 1 55*
AN123916 3-103 1 MS 35338-4.6 1-34 12
AN123990 5-28 1 1-42 4
5-33 1 16*
2* AN960-516 5-30 4
AN126606 1-06 12
MA4- 5 5-29 1
MS122122 1-05 2
AN363- 1032 5-50 1 3-19 2
5-06 5
MS35756-8 8-21 1
AN4-13A 1-03 8 MS9021-038
1- 8-38
6 MS9134-01 3-38
AN4-16A 1-46 8-33 1
1- 1 X13041 8-20

AN5OI-10-8 5-49 1 20202

AN742D8 1-38 4
7-48 1 3-100 *4
AN75A23 3-08 2 8*
AN900-10 3-48 1 2024 1-16 3
5-24 1 5-23 1
6-14 2 6-13 1
6-36 1 5*
5* 20522 1-47 16
AN900- 14 6-32 1 1- 58 2
AN900-16 6-38 1 1-67 18
AN900- 28 5-20 1 3-35 2
6-34 1 3-40 4
2* 3-44 2
AN932-3 5-22 1
MS3533 844 3-54 4
1-48 8 3-59 8
1-59 2 3-94 2
1-68 18 3-96 2
3-38 2 5-02 14
3-41 4 5-14 1
3-45 2 5-35 4
3-55 4 5-43 12
3-60 8 6-27 3
3-97 2 8-35 4
4-36 36 98*
5-03 14 21007 1-62 6
5-36 4 4-32 6
5-44 12 4- 12
8-36 4 24*
120 * 21076 3-95 2
MS515338-4 5 3-05 12 21080 1-03 2
3- 80 4 21113 6-33 1
3-85 8 21114 6-30 1
3-88 2 21153 4-34 6

Figure Qty Figure Qty
Per Per
Part Number Index Assy Part Number Index Assy

21163 6-24 1 2473 6-02 13

21176 Supsd By AN4-13A 7-02 3
21213 7-03 3 7-18 2
21264 7-40 2 7-19 3
7-46 2 8-02 5
4* 8- 25 1
21284 4-16 12 45 *
21346 2-16 2 24827 5-40 8
21361 4-29 24 24878 1-57 2
21477 4-07 6 1- 1
21493 4-40 6 31*
22022 4-41 12 24879 1- 55 1
22202 1-18 1 25005 Supsd By 633068
22250 5-41 6 2501 7- 13 1
22532 2-10 4
22534 2-26 4 2506 7-29 2
2265 3-49 1 25102 3- 21 1
8-32 1
22661 6-28 3 2*
22811 1-04 1 25145 7-38 1
23487 1- 21 1 7- 45 1
24024 4-14 6 2*
24026 4-24 6 25164 1- 56 2
24044 4-25 6 25331 1-07 12
24122 4-21 6 2561 DE LETED
4- 6
24226 7-35 2 2716 Supsd By 626972-4
7-47 I 2958 DELF.TEI
2437 1-49 8
1-60 2
1-69 18 352030 7-08 1
3-37 2 352179 7- 14 1
3-42 4 35342 6- 26 1
3-46 2 35897 2-23 12
3-56 4 36025 I- 25 1
3-61 8 3-72 2
3-98 2 6-22 4
5-04 14 7-
5-37 4 36100 6- 25 1
5-45 12 7-01 RF
8-05 4 1*
8-37 4 36151E 5-39 16
88 * 36181 3-78 1
2439 3-06 12 3912 Supsd By 6,11793
3-81 4 3923 4-21 1
3 -86 8 401506 3-84 8
5-32 4 3-87 2
6-04 7 7-25 4
7 -21 3 14*
7-27 4 401507 1-33 8
8- 27 1 1- 41 4
39 * 1- 51 2
2441 1-35 12 14*
1- 43 4 401665 2- 17 1
8- 41 2 401678 3-76 1
18* 4017 53 3-09 2
2473 3-04 12 401756 3-10 1
3-07 2 4017 58 5-26 1
3-79 4 401759 5-27 1

Figure Qty Figure Qty
Per Per
Part Number Index Assy Part Number In dex Assy

401801 1-08 14 531001 1-39 4

5-08 4 3-101 4
18* 4-09 24
401804 1-09 18 32*
4-18 12 531003 4-08 12
30 * 531083 3-77 I
401808 3-11 4 531211 1-36 8
401809 1-10 12 531325 7-11 1
6-08 3 531608 Supsd By 64 1792
401814 1-11 1 532432 5-25 1
3-12 8 6-15 2
3-18 4 6-37 1
13 * 533067 7-49 1
401824 5-09 4
6-09 4
6-11 3 534112 7-22
11* 534427 6-17
401836 1-12 1 534471 4-37 36
401870 3-13 8 534885 Supsd By 637083
3-14 2 535063 6- 1
6-10 3 535091 4-39 36
13* 5-15 1
401963 3-15 4 37*
3-16 2 535324 7-23 2
3-17 2 536388-1.25 4-44 24
8-31 4 536566 8- 16 1
12* 536795 Supsd By 2439
401964 1-13 8 537297 1- 19 1
401965 8-07 2 537299 1-20 1
402034 1-14 2 537465 1-31 2
402049 6- 3 537466 1-39 2
402151 4-17 12 537870 4-42 12
8-18 1 537961 6-05 5
13 * 538616 4-06 6
402439 1-15 2 538684 2-19 6
40762 4-36 6 538999 7-16 2
501867 8-15 53 9044-7. 81 3-99 2
502144 3-69 539058 8-40 2
502287 8-23 539241 3-
1 1
520012 3-63 539242 3-
2 1
520022 1-52 539601 8-14
520112 12 1
4-13 539793 8-22
12 12
522205 3-70 539840 4-43
1 12
530003 6-35 539916 6-06
1 1
530005 6-39 60566A 3-58
6 1
530162 4-35 625017 3-57
530163 1-66 12
530213 2-20 625957 4-26
12 12
530406 7-07 625958 4-27
1 12
530407 7-10 625961 4-28
1 12
530412 7-12 626087 6-20
530603 7-28 626088 1
12 6-19
530851 2-27 626090 1
12 6-21
530886 7-39 626091 1
1 2-25
7-44 626099 1
2* 626126 1
530928 1-65 6 1
626135 1-27
530940 2-30 1 626136 1
530974 3-83 1 626138 1

Figure Qty Figure Qty
Per Per
Part Number Index Assy Part Number Index Assy
626139 1-30 1 62697 2-4 6-29 1
626140 1-53 2 626978 5-21 1
2- 21 12 627229 3-66 1
14* 627230 Deleted
626144 2-09 1 627231 3-68 1
626146 4-01 6 627232 3-71 1
626146-Al 4- 6 627306 5-34
626158 3-32 1 627317 3- 1
626162 3-29 1 627330 4-04 6
626165 3-22 1 627336 4-05 6
626168 2- 6 6273 92A 3-58 1
626184 3-24 1 627449 7-50 12
626190 3-01 1 627496 3-50 1
626230 1-44 8 627739 1-32 4
2-1 1 8 627756 7-37 2
16 * 7-43 2
626238 3-30 1 4*
626258 3-52 1 627759 7-36 2
626263 1-50 2 7-42 2
626269 3-23 1* 4*
626278 3-75 1 627762 6-16 2
626280 3-28 1 627770 5- 48 1
626290 7-04 1 627785 6-07 1
626292 7-15 I 627801 5-46 1
626305 7- 1 627817 8-11
626350 3-20 1 627821 2- 6
626367 3-74 1 027822 2-
626390 3-90 1 627846 2- 1
626390-Al 3- 1 627852-30. 50 7- 1
626391 3-91 1 7- 1
626413 3-43 1 2*
626416 7-24 2 627852-31. 00 7-
626484 3-89 2 627852-35. 50 7- 1
626487 1-26 1 627852-36. 25 1
3-73 .2 627852-39. 50 1
6-23 4 7-
7* 2*
626543 7-09 2 627852- 40. 75 7-
626544 2-15 1 627852-41. 75 1
626560-Al 3- 1 627 852-42. 00 1
626561 3-53 1 627852-43. 75 7- 1
626564 2-05 24 627852-47. 25 1
626566 2-02 12 627861 1
626594 6-18 1 627882 8-10 2
626635 2-14 1 627941 Supsd By 639614 4- 6
626642 3- 1 627966 5-13 1
626656 2-13 1 627969 7-51 1
626668 1- 1 627993 8-01 1
626683 5-42 6 628007 3-34 1
626695-Al 5- NS 628009 3- 1
6267 10 Supsd By 641917 628056 8-03 1
626710-Al siipsd By 6419l7A 1 628071 8- 1
626718 7-34 1 628075 8- 12
626753 5-01 1 628110 1- 1
626786 1-61 1 628125 8-29 1
626789 5-29 1 628145 2- 1
626794 3-02 2 628149 8-28
626844 Supsd By 633280 628155-1 8-19 1
626943 2-12 2 628166 5-11 2
3-92 2 628171 3-27 1
4* 628173 5-12

Figure Qty Figure Qty
& Per & Per
Part Number Index Assy Part Number Index Assy
628182 6- 1 640296 4-2 6
628185 5- 1 4-3 6
628189 3- 1 640297 4-4 6
628202 6- 1 640298 4-5 6
628246 5-07 1 641792 4-22 6
028281 1- 1 641793 4-20 6
628307 5- 1 641917 4-12 6
628309 4-15 6 641917A1 4- 6
628332 3-33 1
628412-Al 1- 1
628908 7-33 1
628919 1-23 1
628920 Supsd By 632227
628921 1-24 1
628939 4-02 6
628940 4-03 6
628952-1 5-17 1
5- 1

628952-2 5-18 1

629004 2-08 24
629158 1- 1
629465 5-19 1
629518-1 1-17 1
4-19 6
5-38 1
5-47 1
629518-3 6-12 1
629518-4 3-25 1
629713 8-09 1
629784 1- 1
629786 3-03 1
630261-11 2-06 12
630540 8- 1
630574 7- 1
630575 7- 1
630604 7-41 1
63065] 2-03 1
631253 8-17 1
631254 8- 1
631255 8- 1
631201 8-39 1
631639 4-23 6
632227 1-22 1
633181 1-06 12
633280 8-30 1
633678 7-31 1
633758 2-29 1
633976 2-07 24
636679 7-32 1
637269 2-28 1
637270 2- 12
639292 1-54 2
2-22 2
639305 3-51 1
639614 4-6
639615 4-331

24024 P0l0 Guide . 010" OS on OD 40203 4P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
24024 P020 Guide *020" OS on OD 402034P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
402034P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
2533 1P003 Stud *003" OS on PD
25331 P006 Stud *006" OS on PD 402049 P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
2533 1P009 Stud *009" OS on PD 402049 P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
402049 P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
35897 M010 Bearing . 010" US on ID
402 151P003 Stud .003", OS on PD
401801 P003 Stud *003' OS on PD 402151P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
401801P007 Stud *007" OS on PD 402151P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
401801 P012 Stud *012" OS on PD
402439P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
401804P003 Stud *003" OS on PD 402439 P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
401804P007 Stud *007" OS on PD 402 43 P0 12 Stud .012", OS on PD
401804P012 Stud *012" OS on PD
626126P020 Camishaft .020" OS on OD
401 808 P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
401808P007 Stud .007" OS on PD 626146P015 Piston .015" OS on OD
401808P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
626230M010 Bearing .010" US on ID
401809 P003 Stud *003" OS on PD
401809P007 Stud *007" OS on PD 626566P0015 Bushing .0015" OS on OD
401809 P012 Stud .012" OS on PD 626566P003 Bushing .003" OS on OD
626566P005 Bushing .005" OS on OD
40 1814P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
40 1814P007 Stud .007" OS on PD 626943M010 Bearing . 010" US on ID
4018 14P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
627330P005 Ring .005" OS on OD
401824P003 Stud .003" 0S on PD 627330P015 .015" OS on OD
401824P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
401824P012 Stud .012" OS on PD 6 27336 P005 Ring .005" OS on OD
627336 P015 Ring .015" OS on OD
4018361P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
401836P007 Stud .007" OS on PD 628145 P020 Camshaft .020" OS on OD
40183 6P01 2 Stud .012" 05 on PD
62 8309 P0 10 Guide .010" OS on OD
401870P003 Stud .003" 0S on PD 628309P020 Guide .020" OS on OD
401870P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
401870P012 Stud .012" OS on PD 628939 P005 Ring *005" OS on OD
628939 P015 Ring .015" OS on OD
401963P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
401963 P007 Stud .007" OS on PD 628940 P005 Ring .005" OS on OD
401963 P012 Stud .012" OS on PD 628940P015 Ring .015" OS on OD
401964P003 Stud .003" OS on PD 633 181P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
401964P007 Stud .007" OS on PD 633 181 P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
401964P012 Stud .012" OS on PD 633 181P012 Stud .012" OS on PD
401965P003 Stud .003" OS on PD
4019651P007 Stud .007" OS on PD
4019651P012 Stud .012" OS on PD


20705- 1 Gasket Paste - Tite seal Lightweight 1 oz. tube

627372-Al Gasket Set - complete Overhaul Standard

638109A I Ring Set - Complete Piston Standard

638 109AI P005 Ring Set - Complete Piston .005" OS on OD
638109AI P01 5 Ring Set - Complete Piston .015" OS on OD

63972 1 Ring Set - Complete Piston Standard

626943-Al Bearing Set -Crankshaft Standard

626943-AIMOIO Bearing Set - Crankshaft . 010' OS onID

626531-1 Enamel - Gold Engine 1 Quart

626531-2 Enamel - Gold Engine 1 Gallon

535011 Lock Wire - 0. 040 inch diameter steel Order by the foot

For usc with chrome cylinders.

Intentionally Left Blank

Change 1

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