A. Nature of Portfolio
Portfolio Testing
Representing the range of reading and Assessment students across a limited
writing students are engaged in. range of reading and writing
assignments which may not match what
students do.
Engages students in assessing their Mechanically scored or scored by
progress and/or accomplishments and teachers who have little input
establishing ongoing learning goals
Measures each student’s achievement Assesses all students on the same
while allowing for individual differences dimension
between students
Represents a collaborative approach to Assessment process is not collaborative
assessment and achievement
Links assessment and teaching to Separates learning, testing and teaching
B. Purpose of Portfolio
Second, Portfolio assessment has clear goals. In fact they are decided on at the
beginning of instruction and are clear to teacher and students alike. In cognitive
testing, the objectives are set at the beginning but the actual items may or may not
reflect achievement of such objectives.
Fourth, Portfolio assessment is a tool for assessing a variety of skills not normally
testable in a single setting for traditional testing. The portfolio can show written, oral
and graphic outputs of students in a variety of ways which demonstrate skills
developed by the students.
Seventh, portfolio assessment develops social skills. Students interact with other
students in the development of their own portfolios. Sometimes they are assessed
on group work done in groups or in pairs so that they necessarily have to interact
and collaborate to complete the tasks.
Ninth, portfolio assessment can improve motivation for learning and thus
achievement. When students are empowered to prove their own achievement and
worth they become highly motivated to pursue the learning tasks.
C. Principles of Portfolio
D.Types of Portfolio
a) Documentation Portfolio
b) Process Portfolio
c) Showcase Portfolio
The showcase portfolio only shows the best of the students’ output
and products. As such, this type of portfolio is best used for summative
evaluation of students’ mastery of key curriculum outcomes. It should
include students’ very best work, determined through a combination of
student and teacher selection. Only completed work should be included. In
addition, this type of portfolio is especially compatible with audio-visual
artifact development, including photographs, videotapes and electronic
record of students’ completed work.