AGR 521 Soil Fertility Lab Report Group 4
AGR 521 Soil Fertility Lab Report Group 4
AGR 521 Soil Fertility Lab Report Group 4
Table Of Content
Laboratory 1: Soil Sampling and Sample Preparation
Soil sampling and sample preparation are essential steps in conducting accurate and reliable soil
analysis. Understanding the composition and properties of soil is vital for various fields including
agriculture. By collecting representative soil samples and properly preparing them for analysis, we
can gain valuable insights into soil fertility, nutrient content, contamination levels, and overall soil
health. The process of soil sampling involves carefully selecting sampling locations to ensure they
are representative of the target area. Factors such as soil type, topography and land use are
considered to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the soil's characteristics. The samples are
collected at appropriate depths and in sufficient quantities to account for natural variability.
The sampling location that was used in this experiment, Share Farm UiTM Malacca, Jasin Campus
and the area of soil sampling was coconut tree plot. The sampling technique that was conducted,
random sampling where the students collected the soils using auger on a uniform coffee tree
plantation area randomly. The spot of soils that were collected had no same pattern and the distance
from one spot to another spot was different. The reasons why random sampling was chosen in this
experiment is because the precision of the result was high, because there is no bias during the
process of collecting the soils and the time taken to do the sampling technique was shorter to obtain
the soils.
The location of coffee plot at the Share Farm, Uitm Malacca, Jasin
Sample A and B have been air-dried after taking from the coconut plot.
In conclusion, the soil sampling and sample preparation experiment aimed to assess the
effectiveness of various soil sampling techniques and sample preparation methods. By conducting
this experiment, we gained valuable insights into the importance of proper soil sampling and sample
preparation for accurate analysis and interpretation of soil characteristics.
Laboratory 2: Soil pH
The pH level of soil plays a crucial role in determining the health and productivity of plants. Soil pH
affects nutrient availability, microbial activity, and overall soil chemistry, thereby influencing plant
growth and development. Understanding the relationship between soil pH and plant performance is
essential for effective crop management, horticulture, and environmental sustainability. The
purpose of this experiment is to investigate the impact of varying soil pH levels on plant growth. By
manipulating the pH of the soil, we can observe how plants respond and identify the optimal pH
range for their growth. This information will help us make informed decisions about soil
management, nutrient supplementation, and crop selection.
Solution pH 1 pH 2 pH 3 Average pH
Distilled water 6.50 5.96 5.80 6.09
1. State the reason for the difference between pH values in all solutions.
Distilled water
• When soil is mixed with distilled water, the water extracts various compounds and ions
present in the soil. These compounds can include organic acids, carbonates, and other
dissolved substances that influence the pH of the water. The pH value measured in this case
is often referred to as the soil's "pH in water" or "soil-water pH." It represents the acidity or
alkalinity of the soil solution.
Potassium chloride
• Using potassium chloride as the extracting solution provides an indication of the soil's
"exchangeable acidity." The chloride ions in the potassium chloride solution can replace other
cations (such as calcium, magnesium, and hydrogen ions) that are adsorbed on the soil
exchange sites. This exchange process can release hydrogen ions into the solution, which
contributes to acidity. Therefore, the pH value measured with potassium chloride solution,
often referred to as "pH in KCl," tends to be lower than the pH in water.
Calcium chloride
• Similar to potassium chloride, calcium chloride can also extract exchangeable cations from
the soil. However, due to the presence of divalent calcium ions, the exchange process with
calcium chloride is more selective towards hydrogen ions and weakly adsorbed cations. This
means that the pH measured with calcium chloride solution, often referred to as "pH in
CaCl2," tends to be higher than the pH in water or pH in KCl. The higher pH value is attributed
to the lower concentration of exchangeable acidity after the selective extraction with calcium
• This is due to the fact that all solutions have different hydrogen ion concentrations and varying
forces of attraction between particles. Additionally, pH value can be influenced by elements
such as the carbon dioxide content in water, temperature, and the dissolution of Aluminum
hydroxide. The latter leads to an increase in the concentration of Al3+ ions, which then release
hydrogen ions through hydrolysis.
In conclusion, the soil pH experiment yielded valuable insights into the acidity or alkalinity levels of
different soil samples. Through careful analysis and testing, it was determined that the pH of soil can
vary significantly due to various factors. The experiment highlighted the importance of considering
the varying ion hydrogen concentrations and forces of attraction between particles in different
solutions. Furthermore, elements like carbon dioxide content in water, temperature, and the presence
of substances like Aluminum hydroxide were identified as key contributors to pH alterations. The
experiment underscores the need for comprehensive understanding and monitoring of soil pH, as it
plays a crucial role in determining the suitability and fertility of soil for different plants and crops. By
recognizing and addressing pH imbalances, appropriate measures can be taken to optimize
agricultural practices and ensure healthier plant growth and productivity.
Lab 3: Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, K, Ca, and Mg
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is a measure of a soil's ability to retain and exchange cations
(positively charged ions) with the soil solution. It is an important parameter in soil fertility and nutrient
management. CEC is expressed in units of milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil (meq/100g). Base
Saturation refers to the percentage of CEC occupied by basic cations, including potassium (K),
calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). It indicates the proportion of exchangeable sites on soil particles
that are filled with these base cations. The sum of the base saturation percentages for K, Ca, and
Mg should ideally be around 100% to ensure a balanced nutrient environment for plants. The levels
of K, Ca, and Mg in the soil can influence plant growth and nutrient availability. Soil testing is
commonly done to determine the nutrient levels, including the base saturation percentages, and
guide fertilizer application to maintain optimal nutrient balance for plant growth and productivity.
The base of the leaching column was covered with Whatman filter paper no.2 and filled with ashless
floc/ glass wool. Then, 10g of soil was weighed, inserted in the tube, and covered with no.2 Whatman
filter paper. The soil was leached in 100ml of 1M NH4OAc for 5-6 hours. The column’s leaching rate
was maintained at 5-6 drops per minute. The leachate was collected in a 100ml plastic vial and ICP-
OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry) was used to test for K, Ca, Mg
and Na. The soil was washed with 95% ethanol and the ethanol was collected and trashed. Then,
the soil was leached with 100ml of 1M K2SO4, the leachate was collected in 100ml vial, and an auto-
analyser was used to test for the presence of NH4+. The CEC has been determined based on the
concentration of NH4+.
Result and Discussion
Ca 1 202 High
2 35.65 High
Based on Table 1, the soil nutrient concentration (mg/kg) for K in sample 1 and 2 is 150.8 and 162.3
respectively. The nutrient of K in both samples was very high. The soil nutrient concentration (mg/kg)
for Ca in sample 1 and 2 is 202 and 442.5 respectively, this also represent that there are plenty of
Ca in the soil. The soil nutrient concentration (mg/kg) for Mg in sample 1 and 2 is 52.26 and 35.65
respectively. The Mg in sample 1 is higher than in sample 2.
CEC stands for Cation Exchange Capacity. It is a critical soil characteristic that measures the soil's
ability to retain and exchange cations (positively charged ions) between the soil particles and the soil
solution (water and other dissolved substances). CEC is expressed in units of milliequivalents per
100 grams of soil (meq/100g) or centimoles of charge per kilogram of soil (cmolc/kg). Soils with high
CEC can hold more cations and have a greater capacity to provide nutrients to plants, making them
more fertile. Soils with low CEC have limited cation-holding capacity and require more frequent
fertilization to maintain plant health.
In the other hand, base saturation refers to the percentage of the soil's Cation Exchange Capacity
(CEC) that is occupied by basic cations. These basic cations include calcium (Ca2+), magnesium
(Mg2+), potassium (K+), and sodium (Na+). Base saturation is a measure of the relative proportion
of these cations compared to the total CEC of the soil.
Lab 4: Extractable Phosphorus
Extractable phosphorus in soil refers to the portion of phosphorus that is readily available and can
be extracted using chemical methods. Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and
is one of the three primary macronutrients needed by plants, along with nitrogen (N) and potassium
(K). Extractable phosphorus represents the fraction of phosphorus that is in a soluble or readily
exchangeable form, and it is generally measured using various chemical extraction methods.
Common extraction methods include Mehlich-3, Bray P1, Olsen, and ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA
(Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid). Each method is designed to target specific soil conditions and
types, and the choice of extraction method may vary depending on regional preferences and research
practices. Soil testing laboratories often determine extractable phosphorus levels in soil samples to
provide valuable information for nutrient management decisions in agriculture and horticulture,
ensuring optimal plant growth while minimizing environmental impacts.
A 50 ml vial containing 2. 0 g air- dried 2 mm-sieved (2 mm) filled with soil. Next, 20 ml bray 2
extraction reagent was added to a reciprocating shaker and shaken for 45 seconds end over end.
Lastly. filtered promptly using Whatman no. 2 filter paper. Then, the filtering duration was restricted
to 10 minutes and the extract for determining P concentration was kept. This procedure was repeated
for the 2nd soil sample.
Result and Discussion
1 75.89 High
2 15.62 Low
The phosphorus (P) content in a soil sample can be influenced by various factors, both natural and
anthropogenic. Understanding these factors is essential for managing soil fertility and phosphorus
availability for optimal plant growth. Some of the key factors influencing P content in soil samples
• Organic Matter Content: Soils with higher organic matter content typically have more
phosphorus because organic matter contains phosphorus compounds from decomposed
plant and animal residues.
• Soil pH: Soil pH affects the chemical forms of phosphorus in the soil. Acidic soils often have
higher concentrations of available phosphorus, while alkaline soils may have reduced
phosphorus availability.
• Drainage and Water Management: Soil drainage and water management practices can
influence phosphorus levels by affecting nutrient leaching or accumulation in the soil.
Phosphorus in soil exists in different forms, including organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus.
Organic phosphorus is bound to organic matter and is not immediately available to plants. Inorganic
phosphorus, on the other hand, can be further divided into various fractions, with varying degrees of
In this lab, it can be observed that soil sample 1 has low phosphorus than sample 2. Note that soil
sample 1 is from a healthy coconut plant and sample 2 is from an unhealthy coconut plant. This
shows that the amount of phosphorus in the soil affects the growth and health of the respective
coconut plants.
LAB 5: Available Micronutrients
In lab 5, Micronutrients are vital plant nutrients that are present in tissue in minute levels yet are
crucial for the growth and development of plants. As micronutrients, there are seven important
elements for plants: boron (B), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo),
and chlorine (Cl) (Micronutrients | Soil Fertility, n.d.).
There was one reagent preparation used in this experiment which was Mehlich no. 1 (0. 05n HCL in
0. 025n h2so4). A 1000 ml volumetric flask halfway with deionized water was filled and 4 ml
concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCL) was added with 0. 7 ml concentrated sulphuric acid (h2so4).
Firstly, a falcon tube with 5. 0 g air-dried 2 mm- sieved (2 mm) was filled with soil. Then, 25 ml
Mechlich no. 1 extraction reagent was added to a reciprocating shaker and shaken for 5 minutes.
Finally, immediately filtered the extract using Whatman no. 2 filter paper and stored it for determining
fe, mn, cu, and zn concentrations.
Fe 1 0.292 Low
3 0.771 Low
Cu 1 0 Low
3 0 Low
Zn 1 0 Low
3 0 Low
Mn 1 12.2 Adequate/moderate
3 4.958 Low
Any experiment must be handled and stored correctly for it to be successful. Consistency between
experiments is improved by handling and storing reagents properly, which also saves time and effort.
Crops are better able to withstand weather variability, short-term extreme rainfall events, and intra-
seasonal droughts when the soil is healthy. Soil organic matter, a key soil characteristic that affects
soil physical, biological, and chemical functions, has a significant impact on soil health functions. Any
nutrient in excess can prevent the absorption of others, leading to deficiencies. High ammonium
levels can prevent calcium, magnesium, and potassium from being absorbed. Increased soil alkalinity
is linked to high concentrations of base cations like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
To conclude, despite very modest levels, soil micronutrients are critical ingredients for plant
development. Micronutrient deficiency can cause crop failure, while excess amounts might cause
health problems. As a result, it is critical to investigate their status in agricultural land. The
micronutrient concentration of most soils varies; therefore, micronutrient deficits are concerning.
Plants require a healthy balance of all essential elements for appropriate development and
production; hence micronutrients are critical for plant growth. Mehlich-1 is the most widely used
chemical technique in Brazil for determining soil accessible P, however its efficiency is hampered by
fluctuations in clay content caused by depletion of the extractants and reabsorption of P by soil
particles. Thus, other methods have been tested in Southern Brazil to replace the Mehlich-1.
LAB 6: Soil Organic Matter Content
In lab 6, There are many different components that make up soil organic matter. These comprise
an active organic component, which includes microorganisms (10–40%),and resistant or stable
organic matter (40–60%), commonly known as humus, in variable proportions and several
intermediary stages (The Importance of Soil Organic Matter, n.d.).Based on numerous hypotheses,
the organic matter content of soil can be estimated usinga variety of laboratory procedures like the
Walkley Black (WB) and Loss on Ignition (LOI)method for calculating soil organic matter (OM)
involves oxidizing the OM by reacting a predetermined volume of acidic dichromate solution with
a certain volume of soil (Nomo, 2016). A technique used in inorganic analytical chemistry is called
loss on ignition. The procedure is "igniting" (vigorously heating) a sample at a certain temperature
to allow volatile chemicals to escape from the sample material until the mass of the sample
stabilizes (What Is Loss on Ignition? | LOI, 2022)
Dried the air-dry sample for 24 hours in a 60°c oven before chilling it in a desiccator. Next,
determine the original weight of the silica or porcelain dished (crucible).Then, pour 5 g of the sample
onto a silica or porcelain plate (crucible). Added the sample's weight to the silica or porcelain
dished's weight (crucible). The sample was ash for 1 hourat 300°c in a muffle furnace. Increase
the temperature to 550°c for another 8 hours of ashing, then cool the sample before viewing it.
Finally, weigh the sample and the crucibleafter ashing
mg 0.30 20ml L 1000g
= X X X
Zinc (Zn) kg L 5g 1000mL kg Lower
= 1.2 mg/kg of Zn in soil
Factors that influence the soil organic matter content in the sample are soil depth, climate, soil
texture, and drainage. Climate variables like rainfall, temperature, soil aeration, and moisture have
an impact on how quickly organic matter decomposes. Organic material decomposes more quickly
in warm, humid environments than it doesin cool, dry ones. Additionally, it decomposes much more
slowly in saturated soil andconsiderably more slowly in well-aerated soil. By providing the soil's
microbial activity with the best oxygen conditions, tilling the soil accelerates decomposition
(Anonymous, 2012). The amount of organic matter and N in a layer depends on its depth; the
highest level of organic matter is found in the upper layer, which can be upto 20 cm thick (15 to
20%), and it decreases as it descends because the concentration of organic matter is in fact
concentrated in the upper layer.
Relate % OM content with soil pH, CEC and other appropriate parameters.
The relationship between soil pH, CEC, and the necessary parameters. The pH of thesoil is crucial
for CEC because as pH rises (becomes less acidic), more negative charges are added to the colloids,
raising CEC. The more cations that can be supplied,the higher the CEC. The soil's buffer capacity is
what we refer to as. Because the pHof a soil is determined by the relative proportions of bases and
acids on the exchangesites, the idea of base saturation is crucial.
The soil micronutrient concentration (mg/kg) is determined by the soil sample and location.
Micronutrient levels in soil must be measured. Soil sample analysis evaluates micronutrient content
and provides information for plant nutrient management. The optimal soil micronutrient levels vary
according to the plant type or crop. Plants have different optimal micronutrient ranges. Crop-
specific micronutrient reference values are frequently provided by soil testing facilities. Comparing
measured values to suggested or desirable ranges is part of interpreting soil micronutrient content.
The soil has adequate micronutrients for plant development if the measured levels are within an
acceptable range. If the measured values fall below the permissible range, this suggests a
micronutrient shortage that may necessitate supplementation. High micronutrient levels, on the
other hand, might induce toxicity and necessitate treatment. Soil pH, organic matter, and nutrient
interactions all play a role in evaluating soil micronutrient content.
LAB 7: Plant Nutrient Analysis
Plant nutrient analysis provides valuable information about the nutrient status of soils and
their availability for plant uptake. By analyzing the nutrient content of soils and plants, we
can assess soil fertility, diagnose nutrient deficiencies or imbalances, and make informed
recommendations for nutrient management. The analysis of plant nutrients involves
evaluating the concentration of essential elements in plant tissues, such as leaves, stems, or
roots. These essential elements, also known as macronutrients and micronutrients, are
required for plant growth and development. Macronutrients include nitrogen (N), phosphorus
(P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulphur (S), while micronutrients
encompass elements like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B),
molybdenum (Mo), and others.
% of nutrients in plant tissue = ICP reading (mg/L) × vol. Solution/weight of sample) / 1000
In conclusion, plant nutrient analysis plays a significant role in assessing soil fertility,
diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, and guiding nutrient management practices. By analyzing the
concentration of essential elements in plant tissues, it can gain valuable insights into the
nutrient status of soils and their availability for plant uptake. It helps identify nutrient
deficiencies or imbalances, enabling effective corrective measures to be taken. It provides a
means to evaluate the nutrient-supplying capacity of soils and develop customized fertilizer
recommendations for optimizing crop yields while minimizing nutrient losses.
2. Läuchli, A., & Grattan, S. R. (2012). Soil pH extremes. Plant Stress Physiology, May
3. Gatiboni, L. (2022). SoilFacts Careful Soil Sampling - The Key to Reliable Soil Test
Information Table of Where to Take Samples. Soil
4. Tomašic, M., Zgorelec, Ž., Jurišic, A., & Kisic, I. (2013). Cation exchange capacity of
dominant soil types in the Republic of Croatia. Journal of Central European Agriculture.