05-MAC Address Table Configuration
05-MAC Address Table Configuration
05-MAC Address Table Configuration
Configuring the MAC address table
An Ethernet device uses a MAC address table to forward frames. A MAC address entry includes a
destination MAC address, an outgoing interface, and a VLAN ID. When the device receives a frame,
it uses the destination MAC address of the frame to look for a match in the MAC address table.
• The device forwards the frame out of the outgoing interface in the matching entry if a match is
• The device floods the frame in the VLAN of the frame if no match is found.
• Static entries—A static entry is manually added to forward frames with a specific destination
MAC address out of the associated interface, and it never ages out. A static entry has higher
priority than a dynamically learned one.
• Dynamic entries—A dynamic entry can be manually configured or dynamically learned to
forward frames with a specific destination MAC address out of the associated interface. A
dynamic entry might age out. A manually configured dynamic entry has the same priority as a
dynamically learned one.
• Blackhole entries—A blackhole entry is manually configured and never ages out. A blackhole
entry is configured for filtering out frames with a specific source or destination MAC address.
For example, to block all frames destined for or sourced from a user, you can configure the
MAC address of the user as a blackhole MAC address entry. A blackhole entry has higher
priority than a dynamically learned one.
• Multiport unicast entries—A multiport unicast entry is manually added to send frames with a
specific unicast destination MAC address out of multiple ports, and it never ages out. A multiport
unicast entry has higher priority than a dynamically learned one.
A static, blackhole, or multiport unicast MAC address entry can overwrite a dynamic MAC address
entry, but not vice versa. A static entry, a blackhole entry, and a multiport unicast entry cannot
overwrite one another.
Tasks at a glance
(Optional.) Configuring MAC address entries
• Adding or modifying a static or dynamic MAC address entry globally
• Adding or modifying a static or dynamic MAC address entry on an interface
• Adding or modifying a blackhole MAC address entry
• Adding or modifying a multiport unicast MAC address entry
(Optional.) Disabling MAC address learning
(Optional.) Setting the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries
(Optional.) Setting the MAC learning limit
(Optional.) Configuring the unknown frame forwarding rule after the MAC learning limit is reached
(Optional.) Assigning MAC learning priority to interfaces
(Optional.) Enabling MAC address synchronization
(Optional.) Configuring MAC address move notifications and suppression
(Optional.) Enabling ARP fast update for MAC address moves
(Optional.) Disabling static source check
(Optional.) Enabling SNMP notifications for the MAC address table
Configuring MAC address entries
Configuration guidelines
• You cannot add a dynamic MAC address entry if a learned entry already exists with a different
outgoing interface for the MAC address.
• The manually configured static, blackhole, and multiport unicast MAC address entries cannot
survive a reboot if you do not save the configuration. The manually configured dynamic MAC
address entries are lost upon reboot whether or not you save the configuration.
A frame whose source MAC address matches different types of MAC address entries is processed
Type Description
Forwards the frame according to the destination MAC address regardless of
Static MAC address entry
whether the frame's ingress interface is the same as that in the entry.
• Learns the MAC address of the frame and generates a dynamic MAC
Multiport unicast MAC address entry, but the generated dynamic MAC address entry does not
address entry take effect.
• Forwards the frame based on the multiport unicast MAC address entry.
Blackhole MAC address
Drops the frame.
• Learns the MAC address of the frames received on a different interface
Dynamic MAC address from that in the entry and overwrites the original entry.
entry • Forwards the frame received on the same interface as that in the entry
and updates the aging timer for the entry.
Step Command Remarks
• Enter Layer 2 aggregate
interface view:
By default, no MAC address entry
is configured on the interface.
3. Add or modify a static or mac-address { dynamic | static }
dynamic MAC address entry. mac-address vlan vlan-id Make sure you have created the
VLAN and assigned the interface
to the VLAN.
You can configure a multiport unicast MAC address entry globally or on an interface.
Configuring a multiport unicast MAC address entry globally
Step Command Remarks
learning. mac-learning enable learning is enabled.
An aging interval that is too long might cause the MAC address table to retain outdated entries. As a
result, the MAC address table resources might be exhausted, and the MAC address table might fail
to update its entries to accommodate the latest network changes.
An interval that is too short might result in removal of valid entries, which would cause unnecessary
floods and possibly affect the device performance.
To reduce floods on a stable network, set a long aging timer or disable the timer to prevent dynamic
entries from unnecessarily aging out. Reducing floods improves the network performance. Reducing
flooding also improves the security because it reduces the chances for a data frame to reach
unintended destinations.
To set the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries:
Step Command Remarks
Step Command Remarks
By default, the device can forward
unknown frames received on an
3. Configure the device to interface after the MAC learning
forward unknown frames limit on the interface is reached.
received on the interface mac-address max-mac-count
after the MAC learning limit enable-forwarding You cannot use the undo
on the interface is reached. mac-address max-mac-count
enable-forwarding command on
Layer 2 aggregate interfaces.
Step Command Remarks
to the interface. { high | low } priority is used.
When Client A roams to AP D, Device B learns a MAC address entry for Client A. Device B
advertises it to Device A to ensure service continuity for Client A, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 MAC address tables of devices when Client A roams to AP D
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view. system-view N/A
By default, MAC address move
notifications are disabled.
If you do not specify a detection
interval, the default setting of 1
2. Enable MAC address move minute is used.
notifications and optionally mac-address notification After you execute this command, the
specify a MAC move mac-move [ interval interval ] system sends only log messages to
detection interval. the information center module. If the
device is also configured with the
snmp-agent trap enable
mac-address command, the
system also sends SNMP
notifications to the SNMP module.
Figure 4 ARP fast update application scenario
Enabling SNMP notifications for the MAC address
To report critical MAC address move events to an NMS, enable SNMP notifications for the MAC
address table. For MAC address move event notifications to be sent correctly, you must also
configure SNMP on the device.
When SNMP notifications are disabled for the MAC address table, the device sends the generated
logs to the information center. To display the logs, configure the log destination and output rule
configuration in the information center.
For more information about SNMP and information center configuration, see the network
management and monitoring configuration guide for the device.
To enable SNMP notifications for the MAC address table:
Task Command
display mac-address [ mac-address [ vlan vlan-id ] | [ [ dynamic |
Display MAC address table
static ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ] | blackhole |
multiport ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ count ] ]
Display the aging timer for dynamic
display mac-address aging-time
MAC address entries.
Display the system or interface MAC display mac-address mac-learning [ interface interface-type
address learning state. interface-number ]
Display MAC address statistics. display mac-address statistics
(In standalone mode.) Display the
display mac-address mac-move [ slot slot-number ]
MAC address move records.
(In IRF mode.) Display the MAC display mac-address mac-move [ chassis chassis-number slot
address move records. slot-number ]
MAC address table configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 5:
• Host A at MAC address 000f-e235-dc71 is connected to GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 of Device and
belongs to VLAN 1.
• Host B at MAC address 000f-e235-abcd, which behaved suspiciously on the network, also
belongs to VLAN 1.
Configure the MAC address table as follows:
• To prevent MAC address spoofing, add a static entry for Host A in the MAC address table of
• To drop all frames destined for Host B, add a blackhole MAC address entry for Host B.
• Set the aging timer to 500 seconds for dynamic MAC address entries.
Figure 5 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
# Add a static MAC address entry for MAC address 000f-e235-dc71 on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 that
belongs to VLAN 1.
<Device> system-view
[Device] mac-address static 000f-e235-dc71 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 vlan 1
# Add a blackhole MAC address entry for MAC address 000f-e235-abcd that belongs to VLAN 1.
[Device] mac-address blackhole 000f-e235-abcd vlan 1
# Set the aging timer to 500 seconds for dynamic MAC address entries.
[Device] mac-address timer aging 500
Configuring MAC Information
The MAC Information feature can generate syslog messages or SNMP notifications when MAC
address entries are learned or deleted. You can use these messages to monitor user's leaving or
joining the network and analyze network traffic.
The MAC Information feature buffers the MAC change syslog messages or SNMP notifications in a
queue. The device overwrites the oldest MAC address change written into the queue with the most
recent MAC address change when the following conditions exist:
• The MAC change notification interval does not expire.
• The queue has been exhausted.
To send a syslog message or SNMP notification immediately after it is created, set the queue length
to zero.
Setting the MAC change notification interval
To prevent syslog messages or SNMP notifications from being sent too frequently, you can set the
MAC change notification interval to a larger value.
To set the MAC change notification interval:
GE1/0/1 GE1/0/3
Host A GE1/0/2
Host B
correctly to the log host. The logging facility name and the severity level are configured by using
the info-center loghost and info-center source commands, respectively.
Configuration procedure
1. Configure Device to send syslog messages to Host B:
# Enable the information center.
<Device> system-view
[Device] info-center enable
# Specify the log host and specify local4 as the logging facility.
[Device] info-center loghost facility local4
# Disable log output to the log host.
[Device] info-center source default loghost deny
To avoid output of unnecessary information, disable all modules from outputting logs to the
specified destination (loghost, in this example) before you configure an output rule.
# Configure an output rule to output to the log host MAC address logs that have a severity level
no lower than informational.
[Device] info-center source mac loghost level informational
2. Configure the log host, Host B:
Configure Solaris as follows. Configure other UNIX operating systems in the same way Solaris
is configured.
a. Log in to the log host as a root user.
b. Create a subdirectory named Device in directory /var/log/.
# mkdir /var/log/Device
c. Create file info.log in the Device directory to save logs from Device.
# touch /var/log/Device/info.log
d. Edit the file syslog.conf in directory /etc/ and add the following contents:
# Device configuration messages
local4.info /var/log/Device/info.log
In this configuration, local4 is the name of the logging facility that the log host uses to
receive logs, and info is the informational level. The UNIX system records the log
information that has a severity level no lower than informational to the file
e. Display the process ID of syslogd, end the syslogd process, and then restart syslogd
using the –r option to make the new configuration take effect.
# ps -ae | grep syslogd
# kill -HUP 147
# syslogd -r &
The device can output MAC address logs to the log host, which stores the logs to the specified
3. Enable MAC Information on Device:
# Enable MAC Information globally.
[Device] mac-address information enable
# Configure the MAC Information mode as syslog.
[Device] mac-address information mode syslog
# Enable MAC Information on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 to enable the port to record MAC address
change information when the interface performs either of the following operations:
{ Learns a new MAC address.
{ Deletes an existing MAC address.
[Device] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Device-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] mac-address information enable added
[Device-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] mac-address information enable deleted
[Device-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
# Set the MAC Information queue length to 100.
[Device] mac-address information queue-length 100
# Set the MAC change notification interval to 20 seconds.
[Device] mac-address information interval 20