The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Acad
The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Acad
The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Acad
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Saemah Rahman
National University of Malaysia
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Abstract: - This paper examined the relationship between Locus of Control and academic achievement, and discussed
the possibility of gender differences. Past research indicated a positive correlation relationship between internal scores
and high academic achievement. Overall, the research regarding gender found males to be more internal and external
than females. The sample of this study included 204 first year Yarmouk University students, from four different
departments (English. Accounting, Chemistry and Engineering). The multidimensional- multi-attributional causality
scales (MMCS). was administered to the respondents of the study. The MMCS were then correlated with academic
achievement and gender. The statistical analysis evidenced a correlation between Locus of Control and academic
achievement, The internal locus of control were high and positively correlated with academic achievement among the
male students (r=.362, p=.000) and positively correlated with external locus of control (r=-.208, p=.035). However
only the internal locus of control was positively correlated with academic achievement among female students (r=.274,
p=.006) and negatively correlated with external locus of control (r=.002, p=.982). The findings showed that males
were more internal and external then females. Overall, this study supported the findings of past research supporting a
positive relationship between Locus of Control and academic achievement.
successes and failures to luck or chance, they tend to Locus of Control and Academic Achievement
lack persistence and not have very high levels of
The literature available on Locus of Control and
expectation. [3].
academic achievement was reviewed by Findley and
Locus of control is grounded in expectancy-value
Cooper [7]. They compiled 98 studies (consisting of
theory, which describes human behavior as determined
275testable hypotheses) where a Locus of Control and
by the perceived likelihood of an event or outcome
academic achievement measure was compared. A
occurring contingent upon the behavior in question, and
statistically significant positive correlation was found for
the value placed on that event or outcome. More
193 of the 275 hypotheses. In other words, 70% of these
specifically, expectancy-value theory states that if (a)
hypotheses found internals to have significantly higher
someone values a particular outcome and (b) that person
academic achievement than externals. Bar-Tal and Bar-
believes that taking a particular action will produce that
Zohar reviewed 36studies that examined the relationship
outcome, then (c) they are more likely to take that
between Locus of Control and academic achievement
particular action.
among children, adolescents and adults. They also found
Julian Rotter's [3] locus of control formulation
a positive correlation relationship between the two
classified generalized beliefs concerning who or what
variables, regardless of population being examined. [8]
influences thing along a bipolar dimension from internal
The relationship between LOC and academic
to external control: "Internal control" is the term used to
achievement is convoluted. Intuitively, students who
describe the belief that control for future outcomes
attribute success to internal factors are likely to expect
resides primarily in oneself while "external control"
future successes; students who attribute failure to
refers to the expectancy that control is outside of
internal factors may expect future failure unless they
oneself, either in the hands of powerful other people or
consider themselves capable of and actively address
due to fate/chance. Locus of control:refers to how much
those factors. Conversely, attributing success to external
one feels in control of his or her environment that is the
factors would make future successes unpredictable and
extant to which he or she believes that his of her
deem the student powerless to address what they
behavior influences outcomes [4].
perceive to be uncontrollable factors. Within the domain
This paper discusses the findings of part of a bigger
of education, internal LOC has been found to be a
study that examines the theory of Locus of Control
positive predictor of academic achievement [9] and
gender and academic achievement among first year
external LOC to be a negative predictor of academic
Jordanian students from four departments of Yarmouk
achievement [10]. In the present study, LOC is measured
University .The study was based on the main assumption
using a domain-specific academic LOC scale [10].
that locus of control influences students’ behavior and
According to Ray [11], these conclusions are
subsequently academic achievement.The students
expected based on Rotter's theory of Locus of Control.
completed the MMCS scale and indicated their gender
An individual with internal control expects to be
and accumulative average category .The test
rewarded for performing specific behaviors. Therefore,
administrator then separates the answer sheets,
the internal individual exerts the effort to achieve
according to student's fields. The (MMCS) scores were
academically, and feels great pride when it is obtained.
correlated with academic achievement and gender
This positive emotional experience, in turn, makes
achievement more appealing, which increases the
2 Problem Formulation performance of specific behaviors, and strengthens the
The theory of Locus of Control has been extensively expectation of reward.
researched for the past several decades. The application Major literature reviews showed that internals and
of this theory to academic achievement and related externals differed in numerous ways, particularly in
behaviors has been thoroughly examined. [6] The terms of their cognitive activity and environmental
multidimensional- multi-attributional causality scales mastery. Because they are more perceptive of their
(MMCS). The role of gender with regards to Locus of situations, internals seem to exert more control over their
Control is also a popular subject of study. It is lives in part by their knowledge of their environments
imperative to examine the relationship between Locus of [6]. That is, internals more readily acquire and utilize
Control and academic achievement, while considering information that is relevant to their goal situation even
the possible effects of gender. To enhance university when it seemingly is not relevant.
students learning and achievement one should be Rotter [5] had two explanations for this
sensitive to non academic factors such as locus of phenomenon. Firstly, as stated before, Locus of Control
control. This belief is based upon several findings in the measures have greatest predictability with novel
literature as described below. achievement situations. Secondly, there is the "defensive
external" or individuals that adopt an external
perspective as a defense mechanism to protect ego from variables in Yarmouk University students. The sample
failure. According to the theory, of Locus of Control, consisted of 600- students of both sexes from various
internal individuals believe that their accomplishments campus faculties during the university year 1997/1998.
and failures are a result of own actions. When internal The researcher used two scales; Rotter external and
individuals succeed they feel a sense of pride. However, internal locus of control- translated into Arabic version
when they fail, they feel guilt and shame, which is and controlled for the Jordanian setting; and Gowrad
damaging to the ego. Therefore, these individuals are self- disclosure scale "translated into Arabic version and
still motivated to achieve academically, but they embody controlled for the Jordanian setting". Results showed that
an external perspective. This weakens the correlation subjects tended more (75%) to be externalized locus of
between Locus of Control and academic achievement control. Results also revealed no statistical significant
because the Locus of Control scores are not an accurate differences in locus of control attributed to economic
measure of actual beliefs regarding control. level of family.
Park and Kim [12] have conducted two studies to Yaqoub and Maqableh [14] conducted a study aimed
investigate the relationship between behavior patterns, at investigating disparity in degrees of locus of control in
locus of control and academic achievement. The first university population in accordance with some variables
study analyzed behavior patterns and locus of control in (gender, specialty, and educational level). The randomly
university honored students holding scholarships selected sample was consisted of (721) students of both
comparing with low achievers. Findings from the first sexes. Rotter external and internal locus of control-
study revealed that high achievers showed higher translated into Arabic version and controlled for
internalized locus of control and lower externalized Jordanian setting was administered to subjects. The
locus of control. The focus of the other study was on researcher used T-test, one-way analysis of variance
interrelationship between locus of control and academic (ANOVA) were used. Findings indicated that females
achievement in three groups: Korean, Chinese, and versus males showed greater tendency to externalized
Korean- Chinese students. A 40- items questionnaire locus of control. No statistical significant differences
relating to locus of control, personal demographics attributable to specialty and educational level variables
including gender, and accumulative average was used. were showed.
Findings showed a tendency toward internalized locus of AL Jaberi [15] conducted a study sought to identify
control in favor of Korean students. The study also the relationship between locus of control, cognitive
showed positive relationship between internalized locus patterns in Yarmouk University students. The researcher
of control, academic achievement, and achievement, administered Rotter locus of control scale and forms
which was in favor of Korean students too. scale (collective puzzle) - translated into Arabic version
to fit Jordanian setting. Subjects were 582- students of
Locus of control (Internal- External) both sexes representing all scientific majors out of
Yarmouk University population during the university
The concept ' locus of control' derives from social year 1992/1993. Findings showed statistical significant
learning theory [5]. Sited in. In his 1966 monograph, differences between locus of control (internal- external)
J.B. Rotter defined locus of control as the degree of attributed to gender, where females had externalized
control that individuals believe they have over the locus of control more than males.
outcome of certain situations. When reinforcement is
perceived by the subject as following some action, then
it is typically perceived as the result of luck, chance, Gender differences and locus of control
fate, as under the control of powerful others, or as Findley and Cooper’s [7] found male scores to be more
unpredictable because of the great complexity of the internal than females. However, this may be due to
forces surrounding him We have labeled this a belief in social desirability [15]. Based on traditional gender
external control. If the person perceives that the event is roles, females tend to believe that an internal perspective
contingent upon his own behavior or his own relatively is inconsistent with female gender roles, and thus is
permanent characteristics, we have termed this a belief socially undesirable. Stipek and Weisz [15] found
in internal control." Thus, the person who believes that females who were high in beliefs of social desirability to
he/she has control over his/her life is internally have higher external scores than females with low
controlled. The person who believes that he/she is beliefs in social desirability. Therefore, female responses
controlled by luck, chance, and fate or powerful others on locus of control scales are influenced by their belief
are externally controlled. of appropriate gender roles. Thus, locus of control scores
AL Momani [13] conducted a study aimed at of females may not accurately depict actual beliefs.
identifying the relationship between locus of control and The main issue in this problem statement would be
self-disclosure, and how each is affected by some to examine relationship between Locus of Control and
academic achievement among first year Yarmouk that there is a significant variants (locus of control
University students. The possibility of gender model) on academic achievement, with the value F =
differences was also explored. The advantages of the 12.634, p = 0.000 < 0.05 (factor locus of control model).
study would be to subsequently develop programs to By this finding the null hypothesis is rejected and the
enhance locus of control alternative hypothesis is accepted.
null hypothesis and supporting the alternative other factors. This student does not attribute success to
hypothesis. his/her own actions, and so may not consistently study.
This finding is consistent with a number of recent
Table 3.4 Correlation between academic achievement studiesmentioned earlier.
and locus of control (internal, external) by gender. Rotter [3] featuring in his new I-E scale measuring
locus of control orientations briefly touched upon some
Gender R R2 Sig sex and socio-cultural differences in the measure. From
Male .362** .13 .000 Internal these samples, he found that sex differences were slight
Female .274** .075 .006 LOC .But in a university of Connecticut sample, means were
Male -2.08 .043 .035 External found to be higher than most of the sample scores
Female .002 .004 .982 LOC compiled in the Midwestern university samples, M=8.72
for males and M=9.62 for females in U. of Connecticut
and M=7.71 for males and M=7.75 for females (Rotter,
4 Implication of the Findings 1966). This finding, depicting women as scoring more
external than males.
Results found that locus of control construct was indeed
In a later article by McGinnies [16], a study of sex
related to GPA/ gender or academic achievement as
and cultural differences in locus of control in five
mentioned in past literature. It was also found significant
countries indicated more interesting findings. According
relationship between MMCS scale measure and GPA/
to an analysis of variance, it was found that overall
grades. This finding is consistent with a number of
females had higher scores on the externality dimension
recent studies. [16]
of the I-E scale than males, sex (F=20.53) and country
Moreover, it also was seen that there were gender
(F=24.52), P=.001 [19]. Females from Sweden and those
differences on (MMCS) scale. This is indeed an exciting
from Japan, Australia, the United States, and New
trend to note for it contribute support to the assumption
Zealand were found to have the greatest external scores
that men and women may have similar locus of control
according to the country main effects, M=15.59,
orientation regarding general areas but different internal-
M=12.07, M=11.54, M=1065, M=10.66, P=.001
external orientations regarding more specific areas like
respectively. All in all, this gave an indication that
academic achievement.. For one would expect as we
females also were overall more external than males even
approach the millennium that the population would be
in other socio-cultural areas, although differences did
more internally directed or self-directed rather than more
vary from country to country.
externally focused or directed towards outcomes in
The findings has far reaching implications for both
one’s own life. Significant differences were also found
theory and practice. In implementing the curriculum and
between the sexes on the variables of GPA. Lastly upon
teaching learning processes in the classroom lecturers
analyzing the correlation of both gender found that there
should plan , implement , monitor and revaluate the
were indeed apparent differences, mainly, individuals
curriculum in terms of students affect and locus of
from both sexes. Moreover, both genders possessing
control. Locus of control is an important variable to
high positively correlated internal locus of control with
account for in achievement .Thus students should be
academic achievement. Subsequently only male scores
empowered to be independent, to decide their outcomes
high positively correlated external locus of control with
of learning and to be able to access knowledge readily
academic achievement. While the female scores
and resourcefully. They should be oriented to the
negatively correlated external locus of control with
differences in the two types of locus of control initially
academic achievement
during the orientation week. They should be able to
Regarding academic achievement, it seems logical
evaluate what it means to be internally directed and how
that individuals with an internal locus of control achieve
internal locus of control leads to greater success. It is
more academically than individuals with an external
recommended that educationists develop How to
locus of control. For example, an internal student, who
Develop an Internal Locus of Control Modules. Students
studies hard and does well on a test, will attribute the
should be encouraged to make choices and that they
success to his/her own actions This student will then
have the choice to change a situation. Secondly students
continue to study hard, because an expectation to
should brainstorm on alternative ideas to overcome
succeed in the future is established. Moreover, the
frustrating situations in their lives. Since attitude affects
individual feels a positive emotional response of pride
learning they should engage in positive self talk.
for the successes, which strengthens the expectation and
As for gender differences in locus of control care
the motivation. On the other hand, an external student
should be taken to observe how gender differences
may study and do well on a test, but may believe the
necessitate differences in teaching approaches and
success is due to an easy test, or luck, or a variety of
teaching styles. Again although locus of control can be