Mock Questions
Mock Questions
Mock Questions
f' consultants
One should concentrate on interview as there may be a possiblity that the visa officer will just ask u questions and
u may not have to show a single document.
(Questions marked with *are very likely out of all questions to be asked to you or in general they are asked to most of the students.
Counselor From how many university did you get acceptance, (specify their na mes)?
Ans (Do take along all your acceptance letters a nd 1-20 from other universities a lso)
Ans (Do take along all your rejection letters from other universities a lso)
Ans From professors, some of my seniors and my resea rch using websites like US news.
Counselor Why your GRE I Verbal Score is low? (only intended for students whose scores are low less than 300) .
Ans Sir Icould not answer all the questions due to time shortage.
Sir it was just a bad day .
Counselor Do you know any body in United States?
Ans The a nswer should be - YES. Some of my friends are already studying there.
Counselor In which university you are going?
Counselor Why don't you do this course of study in your home country?
* Why you a re choosing this university only?
Ans 1.Sir, this univ is one among the best university and it offers the best course for the specilization that iwant,
that is---------
2. Sir this University offers the best course for------- Engineering as well as specilization that i
want, that is---------of mine interest.
3. ------University is Research One University.
4. It ranks among top 2% of elite Research Universities
• krishna 0
f' consultants
5. The Research going on in the------ Engineering Department I.e on -----is in the field
of mine interest.
6. There is lot of research activity being undertaken in my area of specialisation in this Uni.
Counselor Ca n you tell me some deta ils about your University?
Ca n you tell me some deta ils about other Universities you have applied?
Have you checked with or interacted with any faculty members of the University? Or Do you know anyone at this
Counselor University?
Ans Say Yes, a nd show them copy of mail downloaded or alternatively name any of the
faculty members na me.
Counselor What professo rs will you work with? (for grad uate students)
Counselor What steps have you taken to ensure that you w ill be able to perform well in the field you wis h to change to?
Counselor: W hat does your degree comprise, I mean is there a research component or just course based?
Ans: It's actually a research oriented degree, and requires the completion of a thesis. (only if the degree is Master of Scie nce not MEng)
Counselor: Do you plan to get a Ph.D.after the M.S. degree (or an MS after the BS)?
Ans Yes, my final year project was on this topic only and I a m working on this a rea
from last _ yea rs.
Counselor What are the application or uses of your specialisatio n ?
* When did you complete your graduation ?
Counselor What are your grades I percentage of marks in graudatio n ?
Counselor Show me your Degree certificate & Marksheets?
Ans Sir, I have appeared for my final year exams exams of Engg. And the results are
Counselor How many backlogs do you have?
Counselor Show me your Memos?
* What have you been doing after your graduation ?
Counselor Do you have financial assistantship?
No/Yes. If YES,I have got scholarship/teacher assista ntship of Amo unt Rs. _,- ( Do take your confirmat ion
of fina ncial assista ntship along with you. )
* Who is sponsor ing you ?
Ans My Parents a re my sponsorer .
* What does your Father Do?
Ans My Father is _
* What is your Father I Sponsor's Income?
Ans My fathers I Parents income is around Rs. p.a.
• krishna 0
f' consultants
Yo u can specify your Sponsore r's Income a nd if seems to be less ju st say my fa mily income is . (You
can show your parents Income Tax Returns here) You should know in dolla rs your parents income as well as in
dollars the total bank ba lance as they convert our indian rupee income of parents and saving in indian rupee into
dollars and try to evaluate whether it is ok .
Counselor Why the income is low?
Ans This f igures in the I.T. Return are coming after various deduct ions available hence the figures shown in the I.T.
Return are on lower side.
Counselor How will you incur your Education Cost?
What provision you have for your 2nd yr. Expenses?
Counselor What is your college/ university yearly expense?
Counselor In case of students whose parents are in business, what is the turnover
of your fathe r's business
Counselor How are you going to repay your education loan of Rs. Lakh?
After doing my Masters from US I will get a good job in India offering me a salary of
Rs.l,OO,OOO/- app. per month. Hence,I will be able to repay my Education Loan easily.
Counselor Do you have a ny suppo rt in U.S? I Do you have any other relatives in USA?
Ans No.
I.e ----------
Will you come back to India? Or Tell me how you can prove that you are going to come back home after completing
Counselor your degree?
Ans As my parents & whole my family is in India & as I am unmarried, to settle
down in life I will come back to India .
• krishna 0
Counselor Is there a lot of demand for these kinds of professions in your home country?
Counselor Why didn't you take a job or joi ned graduate school after doing your B.E .?
Counselor Did anybody assisted in filling the application of DS-160 (Visa form)?
Ans No, Sir I filled it myself
There can be many more questions but only thing to be remembered is your
confidence and your zeal to Study Abroad and shape your dreams .
Note : * Do take your final year mark sheet a nd degree along with you.
• krishna 0
f' consultants
* You should go in a forma l dress up.Wear a light blue shirt, dar k blue paint and a tie.
Visa Officer appreciate it.