18 Performance Weight and Balance Hawker 800

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General. 18·2

Flight Planning 18·2

Trip Planning ····.18·3

Airport Performance ······.18·7

Takeoff Performance ··········.18· 7
Approach and Landing Performance 18·13


General , 18·16

Planning Data 18·16

Calculations 18·18


January 1984


Figure Title Page

18·1 Trip Planning Worksheet 18·4

18·2 Takeoff Performance Worksheet 18·8

18·3 Obstacle Clearance Worksheet 18·12

18·4 Approach and Landing Performance Worksheet 18·14

18·5 Weight and Balance Wor ksheet 18·17

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·¡¡¡



The information in this chapter will assist the pilot in finding necessary performance/weight
and balance data. The basic conditions of flight, such as ambient weather data, airplane load,
etc., will be established and will apply to all calculations. AH references in the text refer to an
HS-125, 700A airplane with APR (automatic power reserve) and without optional thrust

GENERAL Flight planning information for climb, cruise,

and descent is in Volume 2 of the Crew Manual
The information used to determine airplane per- (Section 4). In addition, this section contains
formance and weight and balance is found in the data for holding and single engine cruise perfor-
approved Airplane Flight Manual, Volume 2 of mance. Amplifying information on these sub-
the Crew Manual, and the Weight and Balance jects is found in Section 2 of the same manual.
Weight and balance data, found in the Weight
Charts to determine performance for takeoff, and Balance Manual, include the following:
obstacle clearance, and landing are in Section 5 general information applicable to all 700A air-
of the Flight Manual. In addition, Volume 2 of planes such as the weightlCG diagram, the deri-
the Crew Manual (Section 3) contains takeoff vation of typical operating weight, useful load
and landing tables and simplified takeoff perfor- data including the fuel weight and moments,
mance charts as well as duplicates of sorne charts elevator trim settings, and information specific
found in the Flight Manual. to the individual operator's airplane.



All information given refers to the 700A with Section 4 contains notes explaining the use of the
APR and without thrust reversers. If this is not flight planning charts and tables in that section.
the case, the numbers obtained will be different
but procedures used will be the same. AIso,
Volume 2 of the Crew Manual for airplanes
without APR or with thrust reversers does not Flight planning data may be used in many ways
contain the charts and tables in Section 3. to get useful information. The following
demonstration is only one of those ways. How-
ever, because of the way the planning tables and
PERFORMANCE charts are organized, this method provides a
logical sequence from one type of table or chart
to another.
The following conditions are established in
Various sections of the Flight Manual and Crew order to plan a complete flight. These are ex-
Manual (Volume 2) provide a great deal of infor- amples only. Other altitudes and speeds may be
mation to aid the pilot in the use and under- used in trip planning, and other flap settings
standing of the performance charts and tables. may be used for airport performance.
The Performance Manual issued by FlightSafety
contains a list of recommended readings from Departure Airport Data
these two sources. Pressure altitud e 2,000 ft
Temperature.................................... 20 ° e
In Section 5 of the Flight Manual, performance
Runway length 7,000 ft
information is spread out among the various
subsections referring to different sets of charts Wind 10 knot headwind
(that is, Takeoff Field Length Data, Net Take- Runway gradient 1OJo downslope
off Flight Path, Landing Field Length, etc.). Obstacle:
This information may include all or sorne of the
Height 100 ft
following: how to use the graphs, procedures to
be used to obtain the indicated performance, Distance from end of runway 6,000 ft
regulatory basis for the charts, definitions of Airplane Data
terms, the conditions assumed in the charts, and
notes to explain sorne assumptions or excep- Basic Operating Weight (BOW) 14,300 lb
tions. This information must be read to fully Passengers: 6 @ 170lb each .... .. .. 1,020 lb
understand the charts and how they are used. Baggage: 6 pieces @ 30 lb per
Other information of importance is contained in passenger 180lb
the definitions in Section 1 (General) and in Per-
Zero fuel weight (ZFW) 15,500 lb
formance Limitation in Section 2 (Limitations).
Flaps 15°
The Crew Manual (Volume 2) contains informa- Ice prevention bleeds Off
. tion in Sections 2, 3, and 4. Section 2 has notes
on engine limitations and power settings as- Destination Airport Data
sumed in various flight conditions. There is also Pressure altitude 4,000 ft
extensive data on procedures to be followed to
'~chieve optimum airplane performance as estab- Temperature 20° e
lished in Section 4, Flight Planning. Section 3 Runway length 6,000 ft
has notes on the charts contained in that section. Wind O



Cruise Data In the HS-125 the flight planning tables are

called sector tables, and they include time and
To Destination To Alternate fuel for takeoff, climb, cruise, and descent down
Distance 1,500 NM 160 NM to 1,500 feet. They do not include fuel for start-
Wind 50 knots head- ing, taxiing, approach, or landing. These will be
wind O added separately according to the notes given in
Temperature ISA ISA the Reserves and Allowances subsection.
Cruise altitude 37,000 ft 15,000 ft
Trip planning is begun with the zero-fuel weight
Cruise speed Long-range cruise Long-range
(ZFW). Fuel for allowances, reserve, divert, and
the trip will be added in turno Enter the airplane
ZFW (15,500 pounds) in the gross weight col-
Airplane performance is determined for takeoff,
landing and obstacle clearance (airport perfor- umn of the worksheet.
mance), and trip planning (climb, cruise, and
descent). The actual order of finding data is as Allowances
follows: trip planning, takeoff, obstacle clear-
ance, and landing. The reason this order is If the pilot desires to allow for taxi fuel at the point
followed is that the trip planning tables are ar- of landing, Reserves and Allowances gives 10
ranged in terms of arrival (landing) weights. Fuel pounds per minute as an allowance. Therefore,
required and airplane gross weight must there- assume taxi for 10minutes. Enter 100pounds and
fore be found from trip-planning data before 10 minutes in the worksheet. As is stated aboye,
airport performance can be determined. the sector tables allow for a descent to 1,500 feet.
To account for an approach, refer to Reserves and
Allowances. One hundred pounds is assumed for
TRIP PLANNING a VFR approach and 250 pounds for an IFR ap-
proach. If it's VFR is at the alternate, enter 100
Trip-planning tables and figures are found in pounds. No time value is given.
Volume 2 of the Crew Manual in Section 4. The
following exercise refers to information in the Reserve Fuel Requ!rements
Crew Manual for an airplane without thrust
reversers installed, but the discussion is valid for Reserve fuel requirements for an IFR flight must
both airplanes. The tables and figures will be be sufficient to fly 45 minutes at normal cruise.
used to determine the following: trip and divert One way to figure this is at long-range cruise
information, reserve, climb and descent figures, although any speed may be used. Use the 5,000
and cruise reference numbers. feet data in the Long-Range Cruise table (Table
24) as an example.
In order to figure trip fuel and time re-
quirements accurately, planning must be started At this point the airplane weighs approximately
at the end of the flight-that is, on the ground at 15,700pounds, rounded off to 16,000pounds. At
the alternate. Fuel and time are then figured for 5,000 feet and ISA temperature the fuel flow is
each preceding flight segment until takeoff and 1,500 pounds/hour. However, the chart assumes
ramp requirements are determined. an airplane weight of 20,000 pounds. The Corree-
tion to Fuel Flow table at bottom left shows a sub-
traction of 100 pounds/hour at 16,000 pounds.
Figure 18-1 (Trip-Planning Worksheet) is com-
The fuel required for 45 minutes is therefore 1,050
pleted in three columns: gross weight, fuel, and
pounds (1,500 - 100 x 75070).Enter 1,050 pounds
time. Any additions of fuel are added in both the and 45 minutes in the worksheet.
gross weight and fuel columns. Time factors are
entered in the time column. The final solutions Adding the worksheet columns now gives 16,750
will be takeoff and ramp weights, takeoff and pounds gross weight (arrival weight at alternate)
ramp fuel requirements, and flight time to and 1,250 pounds of fuel. Don't add the time
destination. column.




Dist !?W NM Dist I/J() NM BOW /4¡~pD-

,.,p ('!1II1M
air dist
Wind o ~ ds
Pax /, t:JW LJ.
Temp ItJA Temp ¡9-A Baggage /b'() .IJ.
Altitude _3,'?ea? ff Altitude 15,az; Pr ZFW 1.5;5«)4-
Speed ~- flAN6¡ tALIJé Speed tp~-/lAAI(:é MI/1St

ZFW 15, 5'a; .IJ.

Taxi /!l~ ;/J-. ¡tJ~ /_J. (lO M/N)
Approach and Landing /00 tt lO!) ./J-
Reserve IJ()SpA- ~().5f)/J. ~ N/Al
Weight at Alternate 16, '1S0 IJ- /, 2S0,/J.
Divert q()() A- t¡t()1J. 3~ MIA)
Correction O/J. (l/J. o MII/
Approach 250 A- 25f;Jt
Weight at Destination 1'1, 'I()IJ Jt t~JJ.
Trip S, fI'15/J. .5;9'5/1- 4.¡JZ
Correction 3110 lJ. ~.I- .r2
Takeoff Weight 2'1, /?5 .IJ. ?,~'lr.d-1f]fTime to Dest
Ground Burnoff /00 A. I~()/J.
Ramp Weight 2l/¡ 2-?S- JI. K; ??SJt Total Fuel Required

Climb Information 29 MI)) /32 NU 1,1'10 LJ..

Descent Information It.S' NI)) fe!' NA-! ~~()LJ-
Figure 18·1. Trip·Planning Worksheet



Divert Fuel Requirements long-range cruise at 37,000 feet and ISA tem-
perature, the TAS (true airspeed) for all weights
Enter the Short-Range and Diversion Fuel and is 390 knots. Therefore, go to the 390 KT TAS
Time table from the left with the air distance table labeled "Air Distance in Terms of Sector
(160 NM), go to the desired cruise altitude Distance and Cruise Wind Component." Enter
(15,000 feet), and read the time and fuel re- the table from the top center under Knots O. 00
quired. Enter the fuel (900 pounds) and the time down the column to the no wind ground distance
(36 minutes) in the worksheet. to the destination (1,500 NM). Correct for 50
knots of headwind and read 1,721 NM. Enter
The table assumes that the airplane will be this in the worksheet as the air distance.
landed weighing 16,000 pounds. If the actual
landing weight is higher, more fuel must be car- Trip fuel requirement tables (called Sector
ried for the extra weight. 00 down the altitude Tables) inelude low- and high-altitude tables for
column into the arrival weight (ARVL WT) maximum speed cruise and high altitude for
table at the bottom. At the expected arrival long-range cruise. Each table represents an
altitude range (5,000 feet to 25,000 feet for low
weight (about 17,000 pounds) go to the right in-
altitud e and 27,000 feet to 41,000 feet for high
to the sector fuel tableo At the sector fuel from altitude) at temperatures from ISA - 20 o C to
aboye (900 pounds) read the Correction to Sec- ISA + 20 o C. For this example, the long-range
tor Fuel for Arrival Weight. In the 1,000 pounds cruise table at ISA (Table 14) will be used.
(fuel) column at 17,000 pounds (arrival) there is
Ocorrection. Enter Opounds as the correction in Enter the table from the left with the air distance
the worksheet. As noted, the correction for sec- found aboye (1,721 NM, use 1,725), go to the
tor time is negligible in all cases. Enter Ominutes right to the cruise altitude (37,000 feet) and read
in the worksheet. the sector time and fuel required (interpolate
and read 272 minutes [4 + 32] and 5,975
The sector fuel and time inelude missed ap- pounds). Enter these in the worksheet.
proach or takeoff, elimb at the normal elimb
schedule, cruise at long-range cruise, and de- As in the divert table, this data assumes the
scent at the normal descent schedule to 1,500 airplane is to be landed at 16,000 pounds. As the
feet. (These elimb and descent schedules will be actuallanding weight is to be 17,900 pounds (use
discussed later.) The approach fuel at the alter- 18,000), corrections must be made. I~ the 37,.000
nate has been accounted for aboye, but an ap- feet column drop down to the arnval weight
proach to the destination must now be added. table to 18,000 pounds and go to the right into
Reference to Reserves and Allowances shows the sector fuel tableo At the sector fuel table
250 pounds for an IFR approach. Enter this in from aboye (5,975 pounds, use 6,000) read the
the worksheet. No time value is given. correction to Sector Fuel for Arrival Weight.
Enter this weight (+ 300 pounds) in the
Adding the worksheet columns now gives 17,900 worksheet.
pounds gross weight (arrival weight at destina-
tion) and 2,400 pounds of fuel. A similar correction is made to sector time. In
the Correction to Sector Time table, enter with
the arrival weight (18,000 pounds), and go to the
Trip Fuel Requirements sector time (272 minutes); interpolate to read
1Y2 minutes (use 2 minutes). Enter this in the
Before trip-planning sector tables can be worksheet.
entered, the pilot must correct trip distance for
cruise wind. (This would also be necessary in the Adding the worksheet columns now gives 24,175
Short-Range and Diversion table used aboye if pounds gross weight (takeoff weight), 8,675
any wind were present.) Three tables in the front pounds fuel required, and 4 + 34 flight time to
of Section 4 account for wind based on true air- destination. The time (4 + 34) and fuel (6,275
speeds of 360, 390, and 430 knots. Reference to pounds) to destination inelude takeoff, elimb;
the Long-Range Cruise, .68 M IND or Maxi- cruise, and descent to 1,500 feet. The approach
mum Speed table (Table 25F) shows that, for at the destination was ineluded earlier.



Ramp Weight and Total Fuel is no wind; therefore, a wind adjustment would
have to be made. A correction may be made to
The ramp weight total fuel allows a nominal climb distance by adjusting the mean climb TAS
amount for startup, poststart checks, and taxi- in the Normal Operational Climb-Rate-of-
ing. Reserves and Allowances shows a typical Climb chart with the wind component and
allowance of lOOpounds. Add lOOpounds into multiplying by the time factor; that is, (TAS ±
the worksheet. The final worksheet total is thus wind) x Time -7- 60 = distance (in this example,
24,275 pounds (ramp weight) and 8,775 pounds [323 - 50] x 29 -7- 60 = 131.9, use 132 NM).
(total fuel required). This requirement would
make it necessary that the ventral tank be fueled,
as the wing tank carries only 8,146 pounds. To Deseent Data
get exactly 8,775 pounds the wing tanks would The descent data-time, distance, and fuel
have to be 267 pounds light, because the ventral bumoff-are given in the Descent figure. Enter
tank must be full if it is fueled at all. In actual at left with altitude, correct for weight, and read
practice, most pilots would fill both tanks, thus the time, fuel, and distan ce required. Amplify-
loading 9,042 pounds (8,146 pounds wing fuel ing remarks are in Section 2 under Descent. At
and 896 pounds ventral fuello This weight would the indicated schedule (0.70 M IND/285-250
make the ramp weight 24,442 pounds. For this knots lAS), the descent from 37,000 feet at
exercise we will use the optimum value of 24,175 about 18,000 pounds would be about 18.5 min-
pounds takeoff weight. utes, 220 pounds, and 105 nautical miles. Again,
no wind is assumed. A correction may be made
to descent distance by adjusting the mean TAS
Climb, Descent, and Cruise at the bottom with wind component in the same
Although the fuel and time requirements found method as for climb; that is, (TAS ± wind) x
aboye include climb, cruise, and descent totals, Time -7- 60 = distance (in this example, [342 -50]
separate data for climb and descent may be de- x 18.5 -7- 60 = 90 nautical miles).
sired. Separate charts are provided.
Cruise Data
Climb Data
Cruise data needed to obtain the performance
The climb data-time, distance and fuel determined in the trip planning example are
burnoff -are given in the charts labeled "Normal found by following the cruise schedule that
Operational Climb- Time to Height," "Normal matches the desired cruise speed selected. Maxi-
Operational Climb-Distance to Height," and mum speed cruise tables and long-range cruise
"Normal Operational Climb-Fuel to Height." tables appear in Section 4.
Enter at the bottom with takeoff weight, correct
for level-off altitud e and temperature, and read For the trip planning example of 37,000 feet and
the time, distance, or fuel required at right. The long-range cruise, refer to the Long-Range
information is based on the climb schedule on the Cruise .68 M IND or Maximum Speed tableo
Subtracting the climb fuel (l, 140 pounds) from
charts, 230 knots IAS/0.63 M IND. This sched_ule
the takeoff weight (24,175 pounds) gives an ap-
is expanded in Section 2, in the Climb, Cruise,
proximate level-off weight of 23,000 pounds. At
Descent, and Holding subsection under Normal
O o C temperature relative to ISA, the initial
Operational Climb.
cruise data is (interpolated):
For the takeoff weight of 24,175 pounds (use TAS 390 kt
24,200 pounds) from the problem, climb infor- Total fuel flow 1,400 lb/hr
mation to the cruise altitude of 37,000 feet lAS 213 kt
would be 29 minutes (Normal Operational
Climb- Time to Height), 154 nautical miles The maximum speed cruise and long-range
(Normal Operational Climb-Distance to cruise are explained in Section 2, in the Climb,
Height), and 1,140 pounds .of fuel (~ormal Cruise, Descent, and Holding subsection under
Operational Climb-Fuel to Height). The distance Cruise. At 37,000 feet, long-range cruise is a



constant .68 M IND or maximum speed. In the by the operating regulations, runway require-
case of the example at ISA, the cruise is at .68 M ment, speeds, and power settings.
IND. As the airplane weight decreases to the
descent weight of approximately 18,100 pounds For this problem flaps 15 o is being used. Similar
(17,900 pounds landing weight plus 220 pounds charts are available for flaps O°. Differences do
descent fuel), the TAS and lAS remain the same exist and will be discussed as they occur. Dif-
and the fuel flow decreases as follows: ferences also exist based on whether APR
(Automatic Performance Reserve) is used or
22,000 lb 1,350 lb/hr
20,000 lb 1,300 lb/hr thrust reversers are installed. These will also be
18,000 lb 1,250 lb/hr discussed. The following discussion is based on
APR being used and thrust reversers not in-
stalled. If this is not the case, the weights will
Cruise data of a similar nature is given for maxi-
mum speed cruise. According to the information always be lower than in the example shown.
in Section 2 under Cruise, maximum speed
cruise is based on maximum cruise power. This Maximum Certificated Takeoff
is determined by NI, N2, or ITT limits. There-
fore, the maximum speed cruise tables do not
contain any constants since the NI, N 2, and ITT The maximum certificated weight for the 700A is
limits all change by altitude and temperature and either 24,800 pounds or 25,500 pounds. Earlier
the speeds change by weight. models were 24,800 pounds but may be up-
graded. Where 25,500 pounds is the limit, it is
AIRPORT PERFORMANCE also the maximum ramp weight. For this exam-
ple enter 25,500 pounds in the worksheet for
Airport performance is determined from charts maximum certificated takeoff weight.
in the approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).
Supplementary charts and tables as well as dupli-
cates of sorne charts in the AFM are found in Maximum Takeoff Weight tor
Volume 2 of the Crew Manual (CM) in Section Altitude and Temperature (WAT)
3. Unless otherwise stated, all references to
charts will be to the AFM. The weight found in the Maximum Takeoff
Weight for Altitude and Temperature,Flaps 15 o
Airport performance is divided into 3 areas: chart (in the Takeoff WAT Curves subsection)
takeoff, obstacle clearance, and landing. The complies with the operating regulations for mini-
charts and tables will be used to determine com- mum climb capability if an engine fails at VI.
pliance with the operating regulations and to Enter the chart with the pressure altitude of the
determine the actual airport performance. Com- takeoff airport (2,000 feet), go to the ambient
putation guides to aid in the following steps are in temperature (20 o C), and read the maximum
the Performance Manual issued by FlightSafety. weight at the bottom. Enter the weight (24,550
pounds) in the worksheet as the weight for alti-
NOTE tude and temperature. This is referred to as the
WAT (Weight, Altitude Iemperature) limit.
AH references in the AFM and CM
to altitud e or airport altitude refer
to pressure altitude. Do not use air- NOTE
port elevation in performance com- If the takeoff is to be made with
putations. engine ice prevention bleeds ON,
enter the chart with the higher of
TAKEOFFPERFORMANCE the ambient temperature plus
10 o C or ISA plus 10 o C. This cor- .
Figure 18-2 (Takeoff Performance Worksheet) rection applies to all AFM charts
is filled in to figure maximum weights allowable involving temperature, except NI.





Press Alt 2)000 F'1' Rwy Length ?oOOFr Clearway -

Temp Zo°C Rwy Gradient -/ i. Stopway -
Wind + I() «r Flaps /5" Antl-lce OrF

Max Certificated Z5;S(()O $

Weight for Alt and Temp (WAT) 2/1/ 550 LI-
Weight for Field Length 24,350 11-
Tabulated Data 23" ~b
Simplified Chart 2'1-,3so .b-
2"D" Value Chart Z~ 'Iso .,/J

"Taksoff Weight 2~/7> .tfr. Speeds:

Rwy Required 6,,700 F7 VI /33 KrS
VR /33 "
NI Ref (NI APR) 99. ¿, t (I ol. O ¡.) V2 13'/ "
Max Continuous 9B5°C VFTO /0/ "
VSE /'73 "

TODA 7tJoo Fr D 'l300 Fr

ASDA looo rr V1/VR , ?tfS
&.\t1( IIl!JeV D JJ{:)1" .... , t"Jf3D
,,,- ~@!7(VJ -
ff(J(V' .-
Notes: 'The lowest weight shown is the limiting weight. "This step required only when a clearway is used.
2See"Field Length Calculation~l!or 'D' Value." 4Limiting weight or desired takeoff weight
Figure 18·2. 'Ta~eoff Performance Worksheet



Maximum Takeoff Weight for yield a higher weight than the tables because it
Field Length Requirements does not have any of the limitations except VI =
VR. Enter first at left with temperature (20 o C),
The weight found by this step is the maximum correct for pressure altitude (2,000 feet), and
weight that meets runway requirements; that is, proceed to the reference line at right center.
takeoff distance and accelerate-stop distance. Enter a second time at bottom with runway
The maximum weight may be figured by 3 meth- available (7,000 feet), correct for gradient (-1070),
ods: tables, simplified charts, or "D" value wind (10 kts headwind), pressure altitude (2,000
charts. The first two are found in the CM. For feet), and proceed straight up. Intersect a corree-
airplane operations without APR or for airplanes tion line from the point at which the first line
with thrust reversers, this section is blank, and the hit s the reference line, go to the right, and read
discussion is not applicable. The "D" value charts the maximum weight allowable (approximately
are in the AFM. Each method will be covered. 24,350 pounds). Enter this in the worksheet as
the limit for Simplified Charts. If the runway
Tables available, corrected for gradient, ends up in the
shaded area, brake energy limits are encoun-
The tables are found in the CM. Basic limita- tered. See the note at the left of the chart.
tions are: the tables use zero wind and gradient,
VI = VR, the highest temperatures indicate the
WAT limit, and data cannot be interpolated "D" Value Charts
within the shaded areas. Enter at left with pres- As was mentioned aboye, these charts are in Sec-
sure altitude and go to the desired takeoff weight tion 5 of the AFM, in the Takeoff Field Length
(24,175 pounds from flight planning). This subsection, and must be used for airplanes with-
would be between the 25,000 and 24,000 pound out APR or with thrust reversers. They must also
columns. The highest temperature in the 25,000 be used if clearway or stopway is to be used. How-
pound column is 18 o C, lower than the operat- ever, clearway and stopway will not be discussed.
ing conditions in this problem (20 O), indicating
that the weight exceeds the WAT limit. In the The "D" Value charts are in a series of three.
24,000 pound column, 20 o C is in the shaded "D" values (distance values) are found from the
area, and note number 4 says this data is inac- first two charts, (Value of "D" and V/VR for
curate. Therefore, use the next lower weight. At Takeoff Distance and Accelerate-Stop Distance
23,000 pounds, 20 C is out of the shaded area
Available, Flaps 15 o and Value of "D" and
and requires only 5,600 feet of runway. Enter V,/VR for Takeoff Run and Accelerate-Stop Dis-
23,000 pounds in the worksheet as the Field tance Available, Flaps 15 O), and the lower of the
Length limit for Tabulated Data. This is the two "D" values is used in the third chart (Maxi-
maximum weight that can be determined from mum Takeoff Weight for Value of "D," Flaps
the tables. Even this weight assumes zero wind 15 O) to find the limiting weight. The "D" value
and gradient. In this example, the wind and gra- charts also yield a ratio of VI to VR. Use the Field
dient can be discounted because headwind and Length calculations for "D" value at the bottom
downslope both decrease runway required. of the worksheet. Fill in the following numbers:
For the O o flap tables there is one further limita- • TODA-7,000 ft
tion: the maximum usable runway is 9,800 feet
• ASDA-7,000 ft
due to brake energy limits (see note 3). If more
runway is to be used, the "D" value chart must • TORA-Not required
be used. • ASDA-Not required

Simplified Takeoff Performance The Value of "D" and V,/VR for Takeoff Dis-
tance and Accelerate-Stop Distance Available,
The Simplified Takeoff Performance chart for Flaps 15 o chart is entered twice. Enter at left
15 o flaps in the Crew Manual will, in most cases, with takeoff distance available (TODA = runway



length or 7,000 feet) , correct for gradient, cor- A review of the figures entered in the worksheet
rect for wind, and go into the grid at right. Enter shows that the limiting takeoff weight is 24,350
at bottom with accelerate-stop distance available pounds, the field length limito This is in excess of
(ASDA = runway available or 7,000 feet), cor- the takeoff weight required (24,175 pounds)
rect for grichent, correct for wmd, and go up in- found in trip planning, so the flight can be
to the grid. Where the two lines intersect, read made. The following input s are still needed to
the "D" value and V¡/VR ratio. These should be complete the takeoff worksheet:
approximately 7,300 feet ("D" value) and .995
• Runway required
(V¡/VR ratio). Enter these in the worksheet.
• Takeoff speeds
The value of "D" and V¡/VR for Takeoff Run • Power settings
and Accelerate-Stop Distance Available, Flaps
15 o chart is entered the same way but is only
used if a clearway is being considered. Since this Runway Required
is not the case here, the chart is not required.
To determine the runway required, return to the
The Maximum Takeoff Weight for Value of Simplified Takeoff Performance chart in the
"D, " Flaps 15 o chart is used similarly to the CM. Establish the point on the reference line us-
simplified chart. Enter at left with temperature, ing temperature and pressure altitude as before;
correct for pressure altitude, and proceed to the enter at right with takeoff weight (24,175, use
reference line at right center. Enter a second time 24,200 pounds), go to the left and intersect the
at bottom with the "D" value determined from correction line from the point at which the
the Takeoff Distance chart (7,300 feet), correct temperature, pressure line hits the reference line,
for pressure altitude, and proceed straight up. and go down and correct for pressure altitude,
wind, and gradient. Read the runway required
Intersect a correction line from the point at which
(about 6,700 feet) at the bottom. As explained,
the first line hits the reference line, go to the right,
this is the accelerate-stop distance. The takeoff
and read the maximum weight allowable distance will be somewhat less.
(approximately 24,450 pounds). Enter this in the
worksheet as the limit for "D" Value charts.
Takeoff Speeds
The weight determined from the "D" value (VH VR, V2, VFTO, and VSE)
chart is determined by balanced field length
(that is, the takeoff distance equals the The VI, VR, V2, VFTO, and VSE speeds are
accelerate-stop distan ce as determined by an op- found in the approved Airplane Flight Manual.
timum value of V¡ speed) and is based on the If the tables are used to find takeoff weight, the
V¡/VR ratio found from the chart (.995 in this speeds (except for VSE)can be determined in the
case). For this problem the difference between tables. VR, V2, and VSE speeds are also
V¡ and VR would be about % of a knot which is tabulated separately in the CM (Takeoff Speeds
negligible; therefore, use the simplified limit of with APR). These speeds are inaccurate in the
24,350 pounds as the Weight for Field Length. shaded area. In such a case (as this one is) the
charts must be used.

Critical Engine Failure
Since the simplified charts assume Recognition Speed (V1)
VI = VR, the field length required
is determined by the accelerate-stop For this problem, VI = VR according to the
distance. basic premise of the Simplified Takeoff Perfor-
mance }chart. If a separate VI is to be used, the

18·10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y January 1984


Conversion of VI/VR into VI, Flaps 15 o and Power Settings

Flaps O o chart (AFM) is used. Enter at the bot-
tom with VR, correct for VI/VR ratio (from The Takeoff Reference NI settings and maxi-
"D" value calculations), and read VI at left. mum continuous ratings are the minimums
necessary to obtain the proper engine thrust in
order to achieve the performance found in the
Rotation Speed (VR), Takeoff charts.
Safety Speed (V2), and Final
Takeoff Climb Speed (VFTO) Takeoff Reference N1
Charts for these speeds are in both the AFM in The NI settings are found from tables in the
the Takeoff Procedures and Speeds subsection AFM (Takeoff Reference NI O,1o-Eng Anti-ice
(Takeoff Speeds, Flaps 15 O) and the CM Off), in the CM (Takeoff Reference NI %-Eng
(Takeoff Speeds, Flaps 15 O). Enter the chart Anti-ice Off), or in the checklist. Enter with
with temperature, correct for pressure altitude, pressure altitude and temperature and read NI
and proceed to the right; intercept the weight settings (% rpm). Enter NI reference (99.6%)
grids and read VR and V2 at the bottom. Enter and Nlapr (101.0%) in the worksheet. Nlapr
VR (133 knots) and V2 (134 knots) in the would only occur on engine failure. NI settings
worksheet. Since VI = VR for this problem, for engine anti-ice are shown in separate tables.
also enter 133 knots as V l.

To find VFTO, read the note at the top of the Maximum Continuous
chart. VFTOis V2 + 27. Enter 161 knots in the Maximum continuous rating is defined as
worksheet. For 00 flaps, VFTOis V2 + 20. 885 o C ITT or full throttle (CM, Section 1).
Enter 885 o C in the worksheet.
For operations without APR, VFTO Obstacle Clearance
is V2 + 13 for 15 o flaps and V2 + 6
for O o flaps respectively. Under sorne circumstances it may be necessary
to determine if the airplane can clear obstacles in
NOTE the takeoff flight path. Charts are provided in
the Flight Manual that comply with FAR Part
For airplanes with thrust reversers, 135, which states that all obstacles in the net
VFTO for O o flaps is found on a flight path must be cleared by 35 feet. Net per-
separate chart in the AFM. The formance is determined by subtracting 0.8%
chart is used the same as the normal from gross climb gradients. In actual practice,
speed chart. this is not necessary because the adjustment has
been made in the charts.
Single Engine Enroute Climb
Speed (VSE) The Obstacle Clearance Worksheet (Figure 18-3)
is filled in to figure if airplane net performance is
VSE is dependent only on gross weight and is sufficient to clear the given obstacle(s) or to find
found in the AFM on the Enroute Climb Speed the maximum weight allowable by obstacle
chart and in the CM on the Takeoff Speeds, clearance requirements. All obstacle clearance
Flaps 15 o and O o table. Enter the chart with the charts are in the AFM only in the Net Takeoff
weight, correct at the diagonal line, and read Flight Path Data subsection. Obstacle clearance
VSE at left. VSE is found in the CM table at far is determined by comparing the airplane gra-
right. Interpolate as necessary. Enter the speed dient available with gradient required to clear
(173 knots) in the worksheet. the obstacle.

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·11




Press Alt 2,ot?tJ r'r Rwy Length l~rr Flaps /5°

Temp eZ()- Takeoff Wt ztl,uo.4 Anti-Ice ¿:?Fr
Wind +/0 K7S



1. /a: rr b,a;o pr 6,~ Pí


Rwy Required /::J, ?Q;::) P'r

2Dist from Ref Zero
to End of Rwy 3«> ff
2nd Segment Climb Gradient
Available /,7 f,
Limiting Weight NA
Obstacle /po
Gradient (%) = IJeight x 100 1. Grad = 1,,300
x 100=f.~f.
2. Grad = x 100

'Dlstance from end of runway required to end of runway plus distance from end of
runway to obstacle
2Ref Zero = end of runway required

Figure 18·3. Obstacle Clearance Worksheet



Gradient Required to Clear For the problem, the net airplane gradient
Obstacle available (1.7%) exceeds the gradient required to
clear the obstacle (1.59%); therefore, the climb
The gradient required to clear the obstacle is performance at the desired takeoff weight is suf-
determined mathematically by employing the ficient to clear the controlling obstacle. In this
formula on the worksheet: case it is not necessary to figure a limiting
weight. If the obstacle is not cleared, the second
Gra dilent (1t1 height x 100
-rO) = -'d7-is=ta n:"::_c=--e-
Q segment gradient chart will be entered backward
with the required gradient to figure an obstacle
The "height" is the height of the obstacle aboye clearance limiting weight.
reference zero; the "distance" is the distance to
the obstacle from reference zero. Reference zero APPROACH ANO LANOING
is the point on the ground where the airplane
reaches the end of the takeoff distance (that is, PERFORMANCE
the 35-foot point). For this problem use the run- The Approach and Landing Performance
way required found in Takeoff Performance.
The distance from reference zero, then, is the Worksheet (Figure 18-4) is filled out to figure
total of the distance required to the end of the maximum landing weight allowable by operating
runway plus the distance from the end of the run- regulations, runway requirements, and speeds.
way to the obstacle. For this problem the runway AH approach and landing performance is based
requirement of 6,700 feet is 300 feet short of the on the assumption that APR is off.
end of the runway (7,000 feet). This 300 feet is
added to the distance to the obstacle from the end
of the runway (6,000 feet). Maximum Certiticated Landing
Enter the obstacle height and distance (100 feet
and 6,300 feet) in the formula in the worksheet. The maximum certificated landing weight is
Make the necessary calculation to find the gra- 22,000 pounds for all airplanes. Enter this in the
dient required to clear the obstacle (approxi- worksheet.
mately 1.590/0).Enter this in the worksheet.

Maximum Landing Weight tor

Net Takeoff FlightPath-Second Altitude and Temperature
Segment Net Gradient (Landing WAT)
The Net Takeoff Flight Path-Second Segment There are three landing WAT charts, those for
Net Gradient, Flaps 15° chart is used to figure the
net climb gradient available. Enter at the lower Flaps 15°, Flaps 25°, and Flaps O°. Of these, the
left with the temperature, correct for pressure chart for flaps 15° is the certificate limit; that is,
altitude and weight, and intercept the diagonal this chart gives the maximum weight that meets
line at right. From the diagonal line go straight the operating regulations. The other charts are
up, correct for wind, as necessary, and read the for additional information and will not be
net gradient as a percentage. discussed.

In this problem, the diagonalline is intersected on The chart for flaps 15° complies with operating
the "dog leg" of the lineo When the airplane regulations for minimum climb capability on a
weight is on or near the WAT (climb) limit, the single engine (approach climb). The available
"dog leg" will always be intercepted, giving a net performance exceeds that required on two
gradient available (no wind) of 1.6%. This is as it engine (baulked landing or landing climb). The
should be, for the gross second segment mini-
mum gradient of 2.4% minus the net correction actual intent of the operating regulations is that
of 0.8% gives 1.6%. Taking into account the 10 the takeoff weight should be such that the
knots of headwind, the chart yields an answer of airplane does not arrive at its intended destina-
about 1.7%. Enter this in the worksheet. tion in excess of the weight permitted by climb

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·13




Press Alt 'l,a:o rr Rwy Length 6,cw Fr Flaps .L/s ~

Temp 20" e Anti-Ice OFF
Wind o

Max Certificated 2Z-,~ /.,#

Weight for Alt and Temp (WAT) 2/, ~so o..
Weight for Field Length 2Z, a/C) .Lt-

2Landing Weight 1'l,'1{,OLt Speeds:

3Rwy Required 4~Zt:orr VREF /I~ K15
4Gross Landing Dist 6Approach
Z,S20Fr Climb /:J~ Kr5
5Rwy Required, Wet
!-,SJOff Landing
/13 K-rs
Rwy Required, Slippery t:¡,pa;rr
"The lowest weight shown is the limiting weight.
2Limiting weight or desired landing weight
3FAR Part 135, rwy required
4Part 135, rwy required x 60%
5Part 135, dry rwy required x 1.15%
61.45Vs for flaps 15° (see AFM)

Figure 18-4. Approach and Landing Performance Worksheet



capability. A portion of the chart also contains tance Available, Flaps 45 o chart. Enter at bot-
limits based on brake energy capacity. This tom with landing weight (17,900 pounds) and
assumes the landing will be made at 45 o flaps. work backward, correcting for pressure altitude
and wind to read runway required at left. Enter
Enter the chart from the left with the airport the runway required (4,200 feet) in the work-
pressure altitude, go to the ambient tempera- sheet. Remember, this is the runway required for
ture, and read the maximum weight at the bot- Part 121 and 135. To determine the gross land-
tomo Enter the weight (21,650 pounds) in the ing distance from 50 feet, multiply by 600/0.
worksheet. Note that the limitation in this case is Enter the result (2,520 feet) in the worksheet as
due to brake energy capacity rather than ap- the gross landing distance. This distance is based
proach climb gradient. on being 50 feet over the landing threshold at
VREF, with the engines at idle. The landing is
Maximum Landing Weight íor made within 800 feet of the threshold, and maxi-
mum braking and lift dump are applied on a
Landing Distance Available smooth, dry runway. The use of thrust reversers,
The weight determined by the Maximum Land- if installed , is not assumed in accordance with
ing Weight for Landing Distance Available- the operational regulations.
Flaps 45 o chart (Landing Field Lengths subsec-
tion) is based on the landing distance re- Landing Speeds
quirements of FAR Part 121 and Part 135,
which are the same (see note at top center of
Landing Reference Speed (VREF)
chart). The regulation states that the actualland-
ing distance cannot exceed 60% of the runway V REF varies only by the weight of the airplane
available. Enter the chart at left with landing and is found in the Landing Reference Speed
distance available (runway), correct for wind (VREF) chart. Enter with weight, correct at the
and pressure altitude, and read the maximum Flaps 45 o line, and read VREF at left. Enter
landing weight at the bottom. In this case, as in VREF (113 knots) in the worksheet.
most cases, the weight exceeds 22,000 pounds,
the maximum certificate weight. This indicates AHof the aboye information can also be found in
that there is more runway available than is the CM in the Landing Distance Required tableo
needed. Enter the maximum certificated landing Note that a pressure altitude of 4,000 feet and a
weight (22,000 pounds) in the worksheet as the landing weight of 17,900 pounds (use 18,000
Weight for Field Length. pounds) gives a landing distance of 4,200 feet and
a VREF of 113 knots. The temperatures given are
A review of the worksheet at this time shows
the maximums for the weight and altitude that
that the landing weight is limited by the WAT
meet the climb requirements for landing WAT.
limit of 21,650 pounds. This is in excess of the
Wind corrections are at the bottom.
desired landing weight of 17,900 pounds at the
destination determined previously in trip plan-
ning, so the flight may be made as planned. The Approach Climb and
following inputs are still needed to complete this Baulked Landing Speeds
These speeds are used to determine the climb
• Runway required capabilities in the operational regulations. Ap-
• Landing speeds proach climb and baulked landing speeds are
• Landing distance corrections found by referring to the Associated Conditions
for the appropriate chart in the Landing Climb
Runway Required Gradient subsection. These are 1.45 VS (ap-
proach climb-15 o flaps) and 1.3 Vs (baulked
To determine the runway required, return to the landing-45 o flaps). The Power Off Stalling
Maximum Landing Weight for Landing Dis- Speeds chart is found in the AFM.

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·15


The approach climb guaranteed in the landing 700As are completed at the various completion
WAT Chart (Maximum Landing Weight for centers, this information appears in many
Altitude and Temperature) is based on the ap- forms. Basically, the following data must be
proach climb configuration at the speed found available: basic weight and basic operating
by the aboye method (133 knots). The actual ap- weight (BOW), loading information such as
proach climb speed is below the recommended arms and capacities of each seat and baggage
minimum single engine approach speed for fIaps area, maximum and minimum weights, fuel
15 o or VREF + 25 knots (138 knots). Climb per- loading data, and a weight/CG diagram. Of
formance at the higher speed would be better. these, the last three are standard and are pro-
vided by the manufacturer. The others vary and
The landing climb guaranteed by the operational are provided by the completion center. If the air-
requirements is based on the landing configura- plane configuration is altered in a manner that
tions at the speed aboye. This speed (1.3 Vs) is affects center of gravity, the pilot must use cur-
the same as VREF. rent weighing information.

Landing Distance Corrections It is only necessary to determine the center of

gravity for the zero-fuel weight. If the zero-fuel
Although not required for private operations, weight center of gravity is within limits, fuel may
landing distances should be corrected for be loaded to maximum ramp weight without ex-
adverse runway conditions. The FAR Part 135 ceeding limits. For the airplane with a maximum
wet runway correction is a minimum correction certificated takeoff weight of 25,500 pounds,
that should be applied. To pro vide the minimum maximum fuel may always be loaded because the
runway available under Part 135, multiply the maximum zero-fuel weight (16,050 pounds) plus
distance from the Maximum Landing Weight the maximum fuel load (9,450 pounds) equals
for Landing Distance Available, Flaps 45 o chart the maximum takeoff weight.
(4,200 feet) by 1.15. Enter the distance (4,830
feet) in the worksheet as Runway Required, Although there are no new ways to figure center
Wet. of gravity, BAe uses different reference points
for its charts and also employs a different unit of
A correction found in the AFM is for a runway measurement. For instance, while most manu-
coefficient of friction of 0.05. This is roughly facturers measure arm from a datum line on or
equivalent to a braking action between "poor" close to the nose, for a 700 the datum is near the
and "nil." Enter the Effect of Slippery Runway center of the airplane. This introduces the possi-
on Landing Distance chart at right with the run- bilities of positive and negative arms, moments,
way required from the Maximum Landing and CGs. All items forward of the datum have
Weight, Flaps 45 o chart (4,200 feet) and follow negative notations. Most manufacturers mea-
the guideline to the left. Enter the answer (9,000 sure arm in inches, while in a 700 the measure-
feet) in the worksheet as Runway Required, Slip- ment is in feet and tenths of feet.
pery. Although the 4,200 feet provides a rather
It is very difficult to get the 700 out of CG limits.
substantial margin of error, this chart gives the
It depends, however, on the configuration of the
actual runway required.
individual airplane. Under certain circum-
stances, it is possible to exceed aft limitations on
WEIGHT ANO BALANCE all airplanes, but this condition would result
from ignoring the fuel system management
limitations. This will be discussed later.
Weight and balance information is contained in
the Weight and Balance Manual (W & B). In PLANNING DATA
order to figure the center of gravity, the basic Planning data used for center-of'-gravity calcula-
airplane information must be complete. Since all tions are as follows:




(LB) (FT) (LB·FT)

BASIC OPERATING WEIGHT /4~tJO -r{). Sz f~ /js-O 2'¡' '1


Jump Seat -/'/.6

Seat 1 /'10 -f.9 -/'5/7
Seat 2 /'lO -s» -~5/3
Seat 3 /'l~ -/1.2 - 7//f
Seat 4 /'7?J -4.2 -7/~
Seat 5 /7tJ -rs -2~S-
Seat 6 /?tJ -tJ.'I -ss
Seat 7 '¡-{). ¿



FORWARD BAGGAGE !~P -/2.S - 2~2S()

Zero-Fuel Weight /5,sr;o ftJ.027 f '121 2.J.'1

Wing Fuel Tanks 7,;'7'1 r 3,'1S~
Ventral Tank Sf6 ,¡-¿',612
Dorsal Tank

Ramp Weight 2'/, 2'lS f/J. 'I~2-f/~ f!5 U~.s-

Ground Burnoff
- /PO
Takeoff Weight 7'h/?~ ..

Figure 18·5. Weight and Balance Worksheet

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·17


Airplane Data the forward baggage compartment. Enter the

weight and the moment (- 2,250 lb-ft) in the
Basic operating weight worksheet.
(BOW) 14,300 pounds
Arm (Ca) + 0.52 feet This completes the values for the zero-fuel
weight. Add the weights and the moments, and
Moment 7,450 lb-ft enter the figures in the Zero-Fuel Weight lineo
ca in OJo MAC 29.9% These should be 15,500 pounds (weight) and
+ 423 lb-ft (moment).
Passengers: 6 @ 170lb each .. 1,020 pounds CG Calculations for ZFW
Baggage: 6 pieces @ 30 lb per In order to determine if the ZFW is within ca
passenger in main baggage limits, the center of gravity in reference to the
compartment . 180 pounds ca Datum must be found. This is nothing more
Fuel: Ramp . 8,775 pounds than the arm and is determined by dividing the
Takeoff . 8,675 pounds ZFW moment by the ZFW. For the example,
this calculation gives a ca of + 0.027 feet. Enter
The Weight and Balance Worksheet (Figure this figure under ARM in the ZFW line.
18-5) is filled out to determine the airplane
center of gravity. The final step is to plot the center of gravity on
the Weight/Cfl Diagram. This chart is found in
CALCULATIONS W & B in subsection 1-0 or in the AFM in the
Limitations section. Enter the chart at the bot-
Airplane Data tom with the "Distance from ca Datum-feet
(positive aft)," which is the arm found aboye
The weight and balance calculations are begun ( + 0.027 feet). Enter at left with the ZFW
by entering the airplane data in the worksheet. (15,500 pounds). For the example problem, the
(This information and the arms of the seats and center of gravity is seen to be between the center
baggage compartments have also been entered.) and forward edge of the ca envelope, well
within limits.
To complete the ca worksheet, compute the
The payload is now entered in the worksheet. ca % MAC. This may be done in 2 ways. The
Enter 170 pounds for each passenger in seats 1 first is by the formula in the Control section of
through 6; multiply the weight times the arm of W&B.
the seat and fill in the moment for each
passenger. These are as follows: x + 1.73
Seat 1 -1,513 lb-ft
Seat 2................................. - 1,513 lb-ft In the position marked x enter the arm ( + 0.027
Seat 3................................. -714 lb-ft feet), and perform the indicated functions.
Multiply the answer by 100, and enter the result
Seat4................................. -714Ib-ft (23.4%) in the % MAC column in the ZFW lineo
Seat 5................................. - 255 lb-ft The ca in % MAC can also be found from the
Seat 6................................. - 68 lb-ft Weight/Cfl Diagram by going from the plotted
ZFW ca to the top of the diagram. Read the
The baggage is done identically. Multiply the "percentage standard mean chord" (the MAC)
baggage weight (180 pounds) times the arm of as about 23.4%, the same as from the formula.



Fuel Loading First complete the worksheet calculations for

Ramp Weight. Find the arm by dividing the mo-
The fuel loading diagram is found in W & B in ment by the ramp weight. The result is + 0.432.
subsection 1-2. From the flight planning exer- Plot this in the Weight/CG diagram. From the
cises, the ramp fuel required is 8,775 pounds: CG po sition in the diagram, read the CG in
7,879 pounds in the wing tanks and the full ven- "percentage standard mean chord," approxi-
tral tank (896 pounds). To find the wing fuel mately 26.5%. Enter these in the worksheet. On
moment from the figure, enter at the left with the Elevator Trim Setting Chart, enter with the
wing fuel, correct at the fuel loading line, and CG Position % SMC (the MAC), drop down to
read the moment at the bottom (about + 3,450 the takeoff flap setting, and read Trim Divisions
lb-ft). The ventral tank, which must always be Nose UP at the left. For a CG of 26.5% this
full if used at all, has a constant moment found results in a trim setting of about 4.5.
at the bottom of the page ( + 6,612 lb-ft). Enter
this in the worksheet. Fuel System Management
Total the weight and moment columns to read As mentioned earlier, keeping the center of
24,275 pounds (gross weight) and 10,485 lb-ft gravity within limits is relatively easy. However,
(moment). improper fuel management can cause an out-of-
CG situation. The Limitations section of the
Takeoff Trim Setting AFM states, "Fuel carried in the dorsal tank
and/or ventral fuel tank shall be transferred into
To complete all calculations, the pilot must find the wing tanks when the fuel level in the wing
the elevator trim setting for takeoff. The takeoff tanks falls to 3,300 lb (1,500 kg) per side." This
information should be used, but the difference means that after a fuel burnoff of about 1,500
between ramp and takeoff weight CG and trim pounds, ventral/dorsal fuel must be transferred.
settings will be negligible. The trim setting can be If the CG is in the position of the Weight/CG
found from charts in W & B (subsection 1-4) or Diagram at top right, failure to follow the aboye
in the CM (Section 2, Elevator Trim Setting For instruction will allow the CG to fall out of limits
Takeoff, Flaps Oo and Flaps 15 O). To enter the aft.
charts, the pilot must find the CG position in OJo
SMC (the MAC).


~--- - --------------



Dist Dist BOW


> airdist



Altitude Altitude ZFW

Speed Speed




Approaeh and Landing


Weight at Alternate




Weight at Destination



Takeoff Weight Time to Dest

Ground Burnoff

Ramp Weight Total Fuel Required


Climb Information

Deseent Information





Press Alt Rwy Length Clearway

Temp Rwy Gradient Stopway

Wind Flaps Anti-Ice


Max Certificated

Weight for Alt and Temp (WAT)

Weight for Field Length

Tabulated Data

Simplified Chart

2"D" Value Chart


4Takeoff Weight Speeds:

Rwy Required V1


N1 Ref (N1 APR) V2

Max Continuous VFTO







Notes: 'The lowest weight shown is the limiting weight. 3This step required only when a clearway is used.
'See "Field Length Calculations for 'O' Value." 'Limiting weight or desired takeoff weight

January 1984 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y 18·21




Press Alt Rwy Length Flaps

Temp Takeoff Wt Anti-Ice






Rwy Required

2Dist from Ref Zero

to End of Rwy

2nd Segment Climb Gradient


Limiting Weight


Gradient (%) = peigbt x 100 1. Grad = x 100=
2. Grad = x 100

'Dlstance from end of runway required to end of runway plus distance from end of
runway to obstacle
2Ref lero = end of runway required

18·22 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y January 1984




Press Alt Rwy Length Flaps

Temp Anti-Ice



Max Certificated

Weight tor Alt and Temp (WAT)

Weight for Field Length


2Landing Weight Speeds:

3Rwy Required VREF

4Gross Landing Dist 6Approach


5Rwy Required, Wet Landing


Rwy Required, Slippery

'The lowest weight shown is the limiting weight.
'Limiting weight or desired landing weight
3FAR Part 135, rwy required
·Part 135, rwy required x 60%
5Part 135, dry rwy required x 1.15%
61.45 Vs Ior flaps 15° (see AFM)




(LB) (FT) (LB·FT)



Jump Seat

Seat 1

Seat 2

Seat 3

Seat 4

Seat 5

Seat 6

Seat 7





Zero-Fuel Weight

Wing Fuel Tanks

Ventral Tank

Dorsal Tank

Ramp Weight

Ground Burnoff

Takeoff Weight

18·24 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONL y January 1984

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