Design and Management Notes
Design and Management Notes
Design and Management Notes
This is the separation of a product from its original place. This point Post-harvest technology is an interdisciplinary "Science
of origin can be part of the plant above ground (apple, tomato, etc.) and Technique" applied to agricultural products after
or an underground plant part-like potato, carrot, etc. This involves harvest for its protection, conservation, processing, packaging,
separating the product from the parent plant by hand or with a tool or distribution, marketing, and utilization to meet the food and
nutritional requirements of the people about their needs.
Harvesting Methods.
Can be hand harvesting and mechanical harvesting.
Advantages of hand-harvesting:
Hand harvesting is common in those crops in which
the product has to be harvested at different stages
of maturity and the crop is harvested several times.
Ripe fruits can be precisely selected.
agriculture, organic farming, and agroecology, to
ensure longterm viability without compromising future
generations' ability to meet their needs.
Direct losses occur when the disappearance of a foodstuff is Seed set aside for sowing, like any product used for
caused by leakage (for example, spillage from bags) or reproduction, is preserved with great care in order to maintain
consumption by pests (insects, rodents, birds) its full germinative potential. The protein-rich grain heart can
be a favorite target of certain pests
Indirect losses occur when a reduction in quality leads to the
consumer's refusal to purchase. Atmospheric conditions also play a part, as they can weaken
the seed’s productive potential; variations in light, temperature
and humidity, leading to excessive respiration, are particularly
While weight loss is easy to observe and measure, it does not responsible here.
necessarily mean food loss, since it can result simply from a
reduction in moisture content. Moisture loss during drying is
therefore not a food loss. Commercial loss is the translation of the various types of loss
listed above into economic and monetary terms. This applies
An abnormal increase in weight through moisture absorption
especially to the qualitative elements starting with cleanliness
following rainfall on stocks left in the open can cause serious
and purity, which will be all the more sought after if supplies
damage resulting in loss.
are abundant in the market-place.
Weight loss can be caused by leakage, during transport for
A producer's ability to take advantage of a time when the
example, if sacks have holes or are insecurely attached.
scarcity of a commodity pushes up the price, is an element in
It is often the result of prolonged infestation and consumption good marketing management of his production, based on
by insects, rodents and birds or poor packaging. information and foresight.
E. QUALITY LOSS This assumes good organization, in which structural and not
Quality criteria cover a wide range and are concerned both only market-situational factors are taken into account as well
with external features, shape and size and with odor and taste. as keeping abreast of long-term developments, such as socio-
cultural changes, which affect the future.marketplace
The cleanliness and healthy condition of a product are primary
concerns for the market and correspond to what is referred to
as a "sound, legal and merchantable" product in commercial I. IRREDUCIBLE LOSSES AND COMPENSATION
Arise basically from the respiration of the product and
Presence of foreign bodies, which can distort the weight of a mechanical rubbing of grain against itself, as well as the
batch being sold, also affects the quality and thus the market breakage inevitable with certain machines
value of a product.
Losses, whether pre-harvest or post-harvest cannot be
materially reduced to zero, and that they have to be
These unit operations are connected to create the overall Shelves, bins and drawers: Shelves, drawers and bins within
process. A process may require many unit operations to obtain shelving units store smaller materials.
the desired product from the starting materials, or feedstocks.
Mezzanines: Wooden, steel or fiberglass raised platforms that
FIVE CLASSES OF UNIT OPERATION create additional storage.
1. Fluid flow processes, including fluids transportation, Stacking frames: Equipment that stores and stacks numerous
filtration, and solids fluidization. pallets and racks.
2. Heat transfer processes, including evaporation and
heat exchange.
3. Mass transfer processes, including gas absorption, BULK HANDLING MATERIAL EQUIPMENT
distillation, extraction, adsorption, and drying. Bulk handling material equipment stores, controls and
4. Thermodynamic processes, including gas transports loose form materials in large quantities.
liquefaction, and refrigeration.
Loose form materials can include liquid, food and minerals,
5. Mechanical processes, including solids
such as stones and rocks, and metal items, such as bolts and
transportation, crushing and pulverization, and
screening and sieving.
Bulk handling equipment includes:
Material handling can be used across industries, but is typically BENEFIT OF MATERIAL EQUIPMENT
utilized in warehousing, where goods need to be securely
An effective material handling system allows your company to
stored, retrieved, and shipped.
have the necessary stock in smaller spaces where possible,
Material handling equipment utilizes manual, semi-automated, reduce time spent on internal operations (such us transport and
and automated equipment to assist the movement and storage picking), control inventory in real-time, reduce operational
of materials within the warehouse. costs and optimize the overall flow of goods in your facility.
TYPES OF MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT From preventing workplace accidents to saving you money,
here are four reasons why material handling is key to
Storage and handling equipment secures your goods while they
implement in your warehouse.
aren’t being used or waiting for the next stage in the supply
chain process. An effective material handling system allows your company to
have the necessary stock in smaller spaces where possible,
Storage and handling equipment can keep materials for short or
reduce time spent on internal operations (such us transport and
long periods of time, depending on your warehouse’s needs.
picking), control inventory in real-time, reduce operational
Storage and handling equipment includes costs and optimize the overall flow of goods in your facility.
• Prevents Workplace Accidents PAES 417:2002
• Improves Workplace Accidents
Fruit and Vegetable Storage
• Increase Productivity and Efficiency
• Cost Efficient Controlled atmosphere storage
equipment to achieve predictable results while Produce is placed in boxes or pallet bins which in turn are
considering flexibility. For example, if you have boxes stacked in storage room.
of the same size, your team should anticipate future
changes regarding box sizes, so you can choose
equipment that can efficiently transport smaller or Low portable platform made of wood or metal or plastic or in
larger boxes in the future. combination to facilitate handling, storage, or transport of
3. Work: Reduce unnecessary work by using equipment materials as a unit load using a forklift.
that will minimize or eliminate repetitive tasks.
Drip cooler
4. Ergonomics: Acknowledge your employees’
restrictions and capabilities by investing in ergonomic Storage structure with continuously wetted wall
equipment to ensure safety in the workplace.
5. Unit load: Utilize unit loads such as containers and
pellets to reduce effort and walking time in the Coarse cloth made of jute, flax or hemps.
Space requirement
shall be provided for checking the commodity without
For palletized storage, floor area shall be determined opening the main door. It shall be constructed with a
by calculating volume of the boxes or pallet bins and glass (reinforced) panel at eye level. The width shall be
dividing the volume by the maximum stacking height 600 mm750 mm.
and adding area for aisles, room for forklift
Main entrances and exits shall be arranged so that the product
maneuvering, and staging areas.
generally moves in one direction through the facility.
For bulk storage, floor area shall be determined by
knowing the weight of the produce and by dividing by NOTE For cold storage room, provisions for ceilings, wall and
the bulk density and pile depth. access is optional.
Piling system
Functional Requirements
Stack should be about 80 mm away from outer walls
Storage area
and 100 mm – 120 mm away from the wall that is
Drip cooling exposed to the sun.
o should be made of burlap or porous materials Space between the ceiling and the stack shall be 300
and should be held in place by wire netting. mm
o Water pipe with nozzles on the top of the wall Within a stack, a minimum of 10 mm vertical air path
or sprinkling hose shall be provided to trickle shall be provided between each box
water down the walls Space between stack and sides and floor shall be 150
o Water collector made from curve metal sheet mm – 200 mm.
of gutter shall be provided. Stacking height shall be up to 12 units for the cell pack
o If necessary, forced air circulation system to and 8 units high for telescopic tray pack cartons
draw air from outside and ceiling exhaust fan Facilities and equipment
to force air out should be provided
Natural convection Artificial lighting shall always be available for use
Air inlets shall be located near the floor level and during the night or darkened periods of the day.
outlets shall be near the roof.
Forced ventilation
There shall be provision for regulating inside
temperature by a ventilation system. Entry of air
should be mechanically controlled using fan and
installing automatically regulated openings or
All electrical design and installation shall conform to
Philippine Electrical Code.
Ceiling, wall and floor shall be provided with vapor Toilet rooms shall not open directly into areas where
barriers and shall be insulated with minimum R-values. the product is exposed unless steps have been taken to
prevent airborne contamination (example: double
doors, positive airflow)
Toilet rooms must have self-closing doors.
Adequate and convenient hand-washing and, if
necessary, hand-sanitizing facilities should be provided
anywhere in the building where the nature of
employees jobs requires that they wash, sanitize and
dry their hands
Material R Factor
( m² ˚K/W)/cm
Fiberglass batts 0.230
Fiberglass, loose 0.177
Fiberglass, board 0.277
Cellular glass 0.198
Styrofoam, extruded 0.346
Styrofoam, beadboard 0.289
Polyurethane, board 0.433
Polyurethane, foamed in 0.433
Polyisocyanurate, board 0.488
Space requirements
Raw material storage area shall not be used for the Packaging materials should either be corrugated
storage of other products that may be contaminating, cartons, plastic bags, shrinkwrap, stretch-wrap, layer
such as pesticides, paint, or cleaning utensils, all of pads, pallets and slip sheets, drums and other
which must be kept in specially designated areas. containers and filler materials (i.e. polystyrene, foam
paper, etc.).
Processing area
A separate area shall be provided where the basic All electric power points shall be placed at a sufficient
inspection and tests required to establish the quality of height above the floor. Waterproof sockets shall be
performed. All plugs shall be fitted with fuses that are appropriate
shall be preferably equipped with a small sink, running for the power rating of the equipment and ideally the
water and a counter where tests may be carried out mains supply shall have an earth leakage trip switch.
All electrical wiring design and installation shall
Storeroom for finished products
conform with the Philippine Electrical Code.
The area shall be clean, the temperature and humidity
Water supply and plumbing facilities
levels shall be appropriate (less than 25 C° and 60% of
relative humidity), and it shall be protected from The water supply shall be ample, clean, and potable
It shall be easily accessible, so that tests may be distribution and protection against contamination and
may be detected on the spot. if necessary, covered storage tanks either in the roof-
space or on pillars outside the building shall be
Equipment and facilities
Equipment and utensils The capacity of each tank shall be sufficient for one
o shall be designed and constructed so that they day's production.
are adequately cleanable and will not The tanks shall have a sloping base and be fitted with
adulterate commodity with lubricants, fuel, drain valves above the slope and at the lowest point.
metal fragments, contaminated water, and In use, water is taken from the upper valve and when
other contaminants. the tank is almost empty, the lower valve shall be
o Equipment should be installed so that it, and opened to flush out any sediment that has accumulated.
the area around it, can be easily cleaned. Drainage and plumbing system for the fruit and
o Food contact surfaces shall be made of vegetable processing plant shall be in accordance with
nontoxic materials and must be corrosion- the National Plumbing Code.
resistant. Sewage should flow into an adequate sewage system
o Seams on commodity contact surfaces shall be or disposed of through other adequate means
smoothly bonded, or maintained in order to
Toilet and hand-washing facilities
shall be provided inside the laboratory
Toilet rooms shall not open directly into areas where
the culture is exposed unless steps have been taken to
prevent airborne contamination (example: double
doors, positive airflow).
Toilet rooms must have self-closing doors.
Adequate and convenient hand-washing and, if
necessary, hand-sanitizing facilities should be provided
anywhere in the laboratory where the nature of
employees jobs requires that they wash, sanitize and
dry their hands
Water control valves should be designed and
constructed to protect against recontamination of clean
and sanitized hands.
percentage points of moisture after black layer man- hours (about 16 man-days) per hectare. Hand
development (10 percentage points / 0.4 percent moisture harvesting of maize is considered practicable for
loss per day = 25 days). Differences in hybrids also play a crops of under 12 hectares if climate and availability
When maize reaches physiological maturity, the moisture This machine is derived from a combine-harvester
content of the grains can be as high as 37-38 percent. For for wheat on which modifications have been made to the
this reason, before proceeding to hand-harvest the ears, cutting apparatus and the threshing device. Although the
maize is often pre-dried standing in the field. The work capacity of these machines depends on harvesting
techniques generally used for this operation are: conditions and on the size and shape of the parcels, it can
run from 0.8 to 1.2 h/ha for six-row machines processing
Leave the ears on the whole plant, just as it grew.
the whole plant, and from 0.4 to 0.6 h/ha for six-row
Break the stalks of the plants or the ears so that their machines treating only the ears. Ø Overall grain losses,
tips are pointing downward; this is a frequent practice usually caused by the cutting device, are rarely higher
in South America where it is called "doblado”. than 3 percent. ØTwo operators are generally needed for
these machines. Ø The use of combine-harvesters, like
Cut the tops of the plants to encourage exposure of
that of corn-shellers, offers an economic advantage for
the ears to the sun.
harvests of a minimum of 40-75 hectares a year.
PRE-DRYING OPERATIONS Direct (Convection): Heat transfer occurs through
direct contact with hot air or gas.
For maize, the use of cribs permits not only pre-
drying, or complete drying of the grains, but also storage Indirect (Conduction): Heat transfer occurs through
of the ears. The duration of pre-drying is difficult to contact with a heated surface.
establish because it is influenced by several factors. The
Radiant (Radiation): Heat transfer occurs through
weather, moisture content at harvest time, the threshing or
electromagnetic radiation.
shelling systems and machines used, the proximity of
artificial drying installations, storage methods: these are Dielectric (Microwave): Heat transfer occurs using
only a few of the factors that must be taken into account radio frequency waves.
when establishing the duration and the kind of pre-drying
Drying Zones: Constant-Rate Period: Moisture
evaporates from a saturated surface at a rate governed
PRE-DRYING by diffusion.
Definition: Pre-drying refers to the initial stage of Falling-Rate Period: Moisture content decreases as
moisture removal from a material before the main drying progresses.
drying process.
Applications: Drying is critical in various industries,
Purpose: Moisture Reduction: Pre-drying reduces including pharmaceuticals, food processing, and
the initial moisture content, making the subsequent chemical manufacturing.
drying process more efficient.
Standing-crop pre-drying
Handling Improvement: It improves the handling
One of the simplest and most common methods,
characteristics of materials, especially powders and
especially in favorable weather, consists of postponing
the harvest. Once maturity has been reached, the products
Stabilization: Pre-drying stabilizes moisture-sensitive are allowed to pre-dry standing in the field, before
materials. harvesting them. As for maize, for instance, this method
sometimes requires several weeks in the field after
Examples: Standing-Crop Pre-Drying: In agriculture,
physiological maturity. When used for sorghum,
crops are partially dried while still standing in the
sunflowers, and especially maize, this method is risky and
field before full harvest.
has great disadvantages:
Blanching: Vegetables are blanched before drying to
Losses from natural falling of grain.
prevent rapid darkening and improve storage
quality12. Losses from attack by pests (rodents, birds, etc.).
Methods: Pre-drying methods include microwave Losses from infestation (insects, molds, etc.) that
drying, sun drying, and other preliminary treatments. could have grave consequences during storage.
during mechanical harvesting, reducing losses and standing-crop pre-drying can be alleviated by harvesting
improving overall efficiency. at maturity and placing the ears (or sunflower heads) to
pre-dry in the naturally ventilated cells called cribs. By
Storage Preparation: When crops are partially dried
permitting the natural circulation of air among the ears,
in the field, they are better prepared for storage.
cribs ensure a slow and progressive reduction in the
Lower moisture content prevents post-harvest issues
moisture content of the grains, but too long a stay in cribs
such as insect infestations and fungal growth.
may bring about severe losses from insect infestation.
Standing-crop pre-drying is a straightforward and Cribs, which are used both for drying and storage, can be
commonly used method, especially when weather used in damp climates, but more efficiently in dry
conditions are favorable. Here's how it works: climates. They are relatively inexpensive, since they can
be built from local materials using traditional techniques.
Harvest Timing: When crops reach maturity, instead
of immediately harvesting them, they are allowed to Threshing and shelling
pre-dry while still standing in the field.
Threshing or shelling consists of separating the grains, or
Purpose: The goal of standing-crop pre-drying is to the shells in the case of groundnuts, from the portion of
reduce the moisture content of the harvested product the plant that holds them. This separation, done by hand
before the actual harvest. This step prepares the crop or machine, is obtained by threshing, by friction or by
for the subsequent operation of threshing or shelling. shaking the products; the difficulty of the process depends
on the varieties grown, and on the moisture content and
Common Application: This method is often
the degree of maturity of the grain.
employed for crops like maize (corn), sorghum, and
sunflowers. Threshing
Duration: Depending on the specific crop and Purpose: To separate the grains (such as rice, wheat,
environmental factors, standing-crop pre- drying can or sorghum) from the rest of the plant.
take several weeks after physiological maturity. Threshing involves separating the grains (or seeds)
Advantages: from the portion of the plant that holds them, such as
the husks or panicles.
Simplicity: It requires minimal intervention. Utilizes
natural conditions: The crop dries naturally in the Threshing is the process of separating the edible part
field. of the grain (the kernels) from the inedible parts (the
husks or cobs) of the corn plant.
Shelling specifically refers to the process of removing necessary for the shell to function properly.
the kernels from the cob of the corn plant. According to PNS/BAFPS 20:2008 - Shelling
After threshing, the kernels are still attached to the 1. Before shelling, dry the corn ears to at least 21 %
cob. Shelling removes them from the cob, making moisture content (MC). This is the optimum MC that will
them ready for consumption or further processing. bring about less damage to corn kernels during shelling.
Shelling can be done manually by hand or using 2. Use clean, dry and properly calibrated mechanical
mechanical equipment such as a corn sheller machine. sheller for efficient shelling.
Hand shelling 3. Use clean and dry containers of the shelled corn.
The easiest traditional system for shelling maize is to Threshing with animals or vehicles
press the thumbs on the grains in order to detach them
If draught animals are available and there are large
from the ears.
quantities of rice, threshing can be done by driving the
Another simple and common shelling method is to animals (harnessed, in that case, to threshing devices)
rub two ears of maize against each other. These over a layer of sheaves about 30 cm thick. This operation,
methods require a lot of labour, however. It is which is also called "treading out", can equally well be
calculated that a worker can hand-shell only a few accomplished with vehicles. This method of threshing
kilograms an hour. Shelling of maize, as well as of rice is adopted in some Asian countries, using a tractor
sunflowers, can be more efficiently accomplished by for power instead of draught animals.
striking a bag full of ears or heads with a stick.
Maize shellers are of two types: spring type and Similarly to other agricultural commodities, cacao beans
cylinder type. Spring-type sheller consists of a undergo a vital postharvest process that directly impacts
their quality, safety, and marketability (De Shon, 2022).
This process extends beyond basic handling and storage
to encompass specific practices such as fermentation,
drying, cleaning, roasting, and grinding, each with a
crucial role in unlocking the full potential of the beans
(Shrestha, 2023). These processes, requiring careful
control and precise timing at each step, transform the
initially bitter seed into the flavorful and aromatic base of
Once the flower on the cacao tree is pollinated, it takes roasting – grinding – blending – conching - tempering
about five to six months for the cacao pod to ripen. The
ripening period may vary depending on the country of
Harvesting cacao pods involves carefully cutting the pods
cultivation, climatic conditions, and the cacao variety.
to prevent damage to the beans (International Cocoa
The change in color of the pods from green to yellow or
Organization, 2021). The pods are typically harvested
orange is a key indicator of ripeness, and a ripe cacao pod
manually by making a clean cut through the stalk with a
makes a hollow sound when tapped. These fruits are
well-sharpened blade, such as a machete. Special care is
typically harvested when they change color, with green
taken to avoid damaging the trunk or branches from
pods turning yellow when mature and reddish pods
which the pods grow. After harvesting, the pods are
turning yellow or orange
opened to extract the wet beans, a process that is usually
done within a week to 10 days after harvesting
(CocoTerra & CocoTerra, 2023). The beans then undergo
a fermentation and drying process before being bagged
for delivery.
The pulp itself is sterile before it’s removed from the pod,
but naturally occurring yeast and bacteria soon find their
way to the pulp when the pod is opened. These microbial
inoculants come from a variety of sources in the local
environment (Hocking et al., 1999). Fermentation
follows, converting natural sugars in the beans into acids, specialized equipment and expertise. The ground nibs are
shaping the chocolate's unique flavor (Rufino, 2010). further processed to separate the cocoa presscake from the
cocoa butter (Bulk., 2015). The grinding of roasted cocoa
beans can be done using a coffee grinder, food processor,
After the fermentation process, the next crucial step in or flour mill (Prish, 2022).
post-harvest processing of cocoa beans is drying (Asare et
Challenges in the Postharvest Process of Cacao
al., 2015). Drying is essential to prevent mold growth and
maintain the characteristic flavor of the beans (Adebayo The quality and value of the product can be affected by
& Afolabi, 2013). During this stage, the moisture content several challenges in the postharvest process. These may
of the beans is reduced from around 60% to include challenges in fermentation, drying, storage, and
approximately 7.5% (Afoakwa et al., 2013). This process lack of infrastructure knowledge (Adewoyin, 2023). The
should be done slowly and carefully to ensure that off- quality of cacao beans is greatly affected by microbial
flavors don't develop (Adebayo & Afolabi, 2013). If the activity during the post-harvest handling stage, which can
beans are dried too quickly, some of the chemical impact the overall quality of the beans.
reactions initiated during fermentation might not be
The uncontrolled growth of unwanted microorganisms in
completed, potentially leading to an undesirable bitter
the postharvest process of cacao can lead to off-flavors
taste (Adebayo & Afolabi, 2013).
and contamination with mycotoxins, posing health risks
On the other hand, if the drying process is too slow, it can and reducing marketability. This microbial activity
create the perfect environment for mold growth and greatly affects the quality of cacao beans during post-
undesirable off-flavors to develop (Afoakwa et al., 2013). harvest handling, particularly in the fermentation and
Therefore, striking the right balance between slow and drying stages (Subroto et al., 2023).
fast drying is crucial. Ideally, the drying period should
Damage caused by pests, insects, rodents, and molds can
take five to seven days to gradually reduce the moisture
also lead to deterioration of facilities and result in losses
content of the beans to the desired 7.5% range (Asare et
in quality. These challenges are prevalent and can
al., 2015). Achieving this optimal drying pace is crucial
significantly impact the quantity and quality of food from
for preserving the inherent quality of the cocoa beans, as
harvest to consumption. Common postharvest challenges
it directly impacts the final quality of the chocolate
include lack of secure storage facilities, quality
produced (Adebayo & Afolabi, 2013).
degradation during the drying stage, and delays in
transportation, all of which can contribute to postharvest
losses and reduction in the economic value of crops
After the beans are fully dried, roasting and grinding
(Levai, 2020).
happens next. The roasting and grinding of cacao beans
are essential steps in the chocolate making process. Intensified rainfall can slow down the fermentation
Roasting the cocoa beans brings out their natural flavors process, leading to quality and flavor issues. Inadequate
and aromas while removing any excess moisture. The drying methods and circumstances can result in
beans are typically roasted at a temperature of 120-140°C production losses and reduced quality (Kumar & Kalita,
for 10-30 minutes (Tim, 2023). The roasting process also 2017). Addressing these challenges is crucial to
helps separate the outer husk from the inner bean, making preserving the quality and value of agricultural produce
cracking and winnowing easier. during the postharvest process.
After roasting, the cocoa beans are ground to produce Postharvest Processing of Celery: Optimizing
chocolate liquor, which forms the base for all chocolate Crispness, Quality, and Shelf Life
products. The grinding process is complex and requires
The journey from field to fork for celery involves 5. COLD STORAGE AND CONTROLLED
meticulous postharvest processing to maintain its ATMOSPHERE
characteristic crispness, vibrant color, and nutritional
Optimal storage conditions involve maintaining a
value. These critical steps ensure its arrival at market in
temperature near 0°C (32°F) and high humidity (95-
optimal condition, maximizing quality and minimizing
98%). Some facilities utilize controlled atmosphere
systems with low-oxygen conditions to further slow down
1. RAPID PRE-COOLING respiration and extend shelf life.
Packaging Strategies
Manual harvesting + machine threshing
• MANUAL HARVESTING Drying is the process that reduces the moisture content of
Manual harvesting makes use of traditional threshing the rice paddy down to a safe-level where rice can be
racks, simple treadle threshers and animals for trampling. properly milled and, importantly, put away safely for
storage. Drying is the most critical operation after
harvesting a rice crop. Any delay in the drying process,
incomplete drying or ineffective drying will reduce the 3. Practically no losses due to birds, rodents and
grain quality and result in post-harvest losses. insects
4. Entire process is hygienic
5. Suitable for handling of large quantity of grain
METHODS OF DRYING with in a short period of time
common drying method in Asia because of its low cost 1. Cost of drying is relatively higher compared to
compared to mechanical drying. sun-drying for commercial drying
2. The process requires fuel and electrical or
mechanical power to drive the blower, elevators
1. Uncontrolled and non-uniform drying, results in
sun checks or cracks in kernels.
2. Completely dependent on weather. CLEANING
3. Not possible round the clock and round the year. Cleaning is the process to remove rice straw chaff,
4. Excessive losses occur due to shattering, birds, foreign matters and immature/empty grains within paddy
rodents etc. It is usually 0.1 to 0.4 % after threshing and drying. High percentage of chaff,
5. Require specially constructed large drying floor foreign matters include the soil piece, sand, small stones,
6. The entire process is unhygienic. metal debris, plastic or paper pieces, twig and branches,
7. Unsuitable for handling large quantity of grain wood piece, weed seed, other grains, chemical and
within a short period of time. poisonous matters, etc., will unnecessarily increase the
8. Require large number of unskilled labour. number of sack of rice and weight of paddy, which may
cost the grower avoidable transport fees and milling fees
paid the mill operator; and for the rice mill operator the
cost of wear-and-tear and spoilage to his machine.
Mechanical Drying methods is drying the grains by
ventilating natural or heated air through the grain mass to
get it evaporated the moisture from it. MILLING
✓ Paddy separation: separating de-hulled paddy Objectives of establishing standards and grades
(brown rice kernels) from any remaining paddy
• To ensure only edible rice reaches the
✓ Bran removal or whitening: removing all or part
• To improve post harvest practices so as to
of the bran layer from the grain to produce white
eliminate or reduce waste.
• To improve agronomic practices to
✓ Grading: separation (or grading) of broken from increase farm yields.
unbroken rice. The broken rice is often separated • To improve processing practices for better
into different sizes. milling recoveries and for market
• To protect consumers from price/quality
• To provide uniform supply of food The most common modes of transportation are;
throughout the year, because grains are
• Road transportation
produced seasonally while consumption is
• Railways
fairly uniform throughout the year.
• Water transport
• To provide reserve for contingencies such
as flood, drought and other calamities.
• To speculate on a good price either in POSTHARVEST PROCESS OF
domestic or in the export market.
Good storage systems include:
The postharvest journey begins with harvesting, a pivotal
1. protection from insects, rodents and birds, step in determining the fruit's ultimate quality.
2. ease of loading and unloading, Watermelons are typically harvested when the fruit
3. efficient use of space, reaches maturity, as indicated by a uniform color, a dull
4. ease of maintenance and management, and surface, and a hollow sound upon tapping. Premature
5. prevention of moisture re-entering the grain after harvesting can lead to underdeveloped flavor and texture
drying. issues.
1. On-field Storage Watermelons are graded according to their size for the
a. Barn/ Granary- this is made of cement local market. The distinction among grades is based
and concrete materials. It can load an predominantly on external appearances. However,
average volume of sacked grains. watermelons should be symmetrical and uniform in
b. Holder/ Receptacle- like crates, boxes, appearance. The surface should be waxy and bright in
drums, tin cans, etc. appearance devoid of scars, sunburn, transit abrasions, or
2. Commercial Storage other surface defects. The fruits are transported by road in
a) Warehouse- – made of concrete materials and can bulk by stacking them on dried grass in trucks. The
contain large volume of sacked grains melons are sorted according to grade and number.
b) Flat Store- this is like the warehouse, however, Discolored, misshapen, sugar cracked, blossom-end rot,
the grains are spread on the floor. and insect-damaged fruit is regarded as culls but still may
c) Silo-is a structure used for storing bulk materials. be sold to nearby markets. Watermelon sales usually are
Silos are used in agriculture to store grains or based upon a 1% to 2% shrink, because of breakage.
fermented feed known as silage
Less than 50 % of the melons exposed to any
Melons should be packed in clearly marked cardboard
concentration of ethylene were acceptable for
bins. Inspect all containers to ensure no sharp objects,
which may damage the fruit, are present. Ensure
minimum handling of melons, as extra handling is
Watermelons, particularly early in the season, are expensive and may harm the fruit. Seeded melons are
sometimes shipped in mixed loads with other produce or sorted and packed in large, sturdy, tri-wall fiberboard
they may be stored in central warehouses near products containers. The melons are sorted according to grade:
that may emit C2H4. Watermelons are usually harvested number 6.4 to 11.8 kg, and number 3.6 to 6.4 kg. Inferior
at their peak maturity and flavor, and generally will not melons may be sold at nearby markets; culls (discolored,
improve with storage. An increase in C2H4 production is misshapen, sugar-cracked, rotted blossom end, and insect-
associated with the respiratory peak and with the end of damaged fruit) are discarded. Containers that hold 60 to
senescence after harvest. 80 melons and weigh 500 to 545 kg are shipped on
flatbed trucks to terminal markets or wholesale receivers.
The containers are covered to prevent sunburn in transit.
Watermelons are detrimentally affected by ethylene and
Seedless melons are sorted according to size and packed
should not be held with cantaloupes, honeydews or other
in cartons containing 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 fruit. “Fours” and
mixed melons. The whole fruit may become spongy and
“fives” are preferred sizes; “sixes” and “eights” are
the internal pulp may become mealy and breakdown if
common later in the season after the crown-set melons
exposed to low concentrations (>0.5 ppm) of ethylene.
have been removed from the vine. The rough gross
weight of a carton is 18 to 22.7 kg. Seedless melons may
also be sold in large bulk containers. Personal seedless transit. This fruit must be utilized for prompt market sales
watermelons are sorted by size and packed in single- as quality declines rapidly under these conditions.
layer boxes containing 6, 8, 9, or 11 fruit. Shipping boxes
roughly weigh 15 kg and arranged 50 boxes per pallet.
Watermelons should not be stored with apples and
bananas as the ethylene produced during storage from
these fruits hastens the softening and development of off
flavor to watermelons.
if they are to be stored for long periods. They should be round to meet the industry and consumer demands,
held at 10° to 15°C and 90 percent relative humidity. postharvest storage of potatoes becomes as important as
Under the ideal conditions of 7 ° C and a relative good crop management. Processors require a constant
humidity of 80 to 90 percent melons can be stored for up supply of healthy disease- and damage-free tubers of
to two weeks. The consensus is that watermelons will proper size throughout the year to retain processing
keep for 2-3 weeks if stored at between 12° – 15 °C. quality. The quality of processed potato is important for
the industry as well as consumers. Because the varieties
required for different end uses need different
Watermelons can be stored for 14 days at 15°C. For characteristics as well as storability, varietal screening by
short-term storage or transit to distant markets (> 7 days), plant breeding and other genetic modification methods
watermelons can be stored at 7.2°C with 85-90% relative should meet rigorous selection processes to choose the
humidity. Extended holding at this temperature will correct variety. Quality loss during storage occurs owing
induce chilling injury. Many watermelons are still to various factors starting from the conditions of the tuber
shipped without pre-cooling or refrigeration during placed into storage, depending on the storage
temperature, mechanical injury during harvesting and
handling, storage conditions such as humidity, the production centre to the ultimate consumer in safe
ventilation, and pests and diseases. Hence, a thorough and condition at an affordable price. Two main functions of
sound knowledge of the potato physiology, crop packaging are: to assemble the produce into convenient
management, storage conditions, and management as well units for handling and to protect the produce during
as grower education is critical in meeting the quality distribution, storage and marketing.
standards of the end use, which varies from seed tuber to
Packaging materials serve as an efficient handling unit. It
table stock and processing varieties.
protects from mechanical damage, moisture loss and
2. POST-HARVEST PHYSIOLOGY OF POTATO pilferage. For processed products, packaging provides
TUBERS sales and service motivation; it reduces the cost of
transport and marketing. It also makes the products look
Potato is one of the most widely consumed staple food
attractive and keeps the products in a hygienic condition.
crop throughout the world with high nutritional value due
to its high content in vitamins, minerals, high quality 4. POSTHARVEST STORAGE AND FRESH
protein and numerous bioactive compounds. Despite PROCESSING OF POTATO
being less perishable than fresh vegetable products, the
Postharvest management determine not only that potato
marketing needs and consumer demands for all year
reaches its maximum storage potential (genetically
round supply, as well as the increasing needs for
defined) but also the organoleptic, nutritional, and
transportation of products to long distances, necessitate
functional quality maintenance of the final product. The
the storage of tubers for mid or long time periods.
potato must be harvested in endodormancy state. After
However, potato tubers are living organs with unique
harvest and before storage, curing occurs (15-20 °C and
morphology and physiology that differentiates them from
90-95% HR for 5-10 days) and periderm is formed to
seed grains and pulses, and vegetables. Therefore,
protects tubers from dehydration and pathogens entry.
knowning the main physiological processes of potato
During storage, temperature management allows to
tubers after harvesting allows to further understand their
prolong dormancy (2-4 °C) and reduce metabolic activity,
response to storage conditions and most importantly to
which reaches minimum values between 4-5 °C.
minimize post-harvest losses and retain product quality
However, the storage temperature will depend on potato
according to marketing standards. Moreover, hormones
destination since it is sensitive to cold and when stored
and genes that regulate tuber physiology, as well as the
below 4 °C, glucose and fructose levels increase, and it
main physiological disorders that occur during storage are
would not be suitable for frying (non-enzymatic
also highlighted. Finally, a brief description of storage
browning). Potato is a source of beneficial compounds
facilities is also presented along with storage
such as vitamins, polyphenols, anthocyanins, carotenoids,
recommendations for the various end products of potato
and minerals. More than 50% of the marketed potato is
value chain.
destined for industrial processing (frozen or minimally
3. POTATO POST-HARVEST MANAGEMENT processed) and is consumed in several forms: fried,
(PACKAGING) steamed and/or microwaved. The suitability of the potato
genetic material for these preparations depends
Packaging is required to keep fruits, vegetables and
fundamentally on the dry matter content, determined
root crops like potatoes in good condition until it is sold
genetically and on the reducing sugars, mainly dependent
and consumed. It serves as an efficient handling unit to
on the storage conditions. Processing prior cooking and
carry produce from field to consumer. The package
cooking itself determine changes at the functional quality,
should protect the produce against rotting. It should also
in some cases reducing or increasing compounds.
protect the produce from damage.
Food packaging is defined as a mean or system by
which fresh produce or processed product will reach from
can result in the sprouting, rotting, and loss of potatoes.
Lack of proper ventilation and insulation can also
contribute to these problems.
2. Temperature and Humidity Management:
Post-harvest process in potato involves several
Maintaining the ideal temperature and humidity levels is
practices and technologies to ensure the quality and
essential for potato storage. Fluctuations in temperature
preservation of the tubers. After harvesting, the tubers are
and humidity can accelerate the sprouting and spoilage of
kept in a heaped condition temporarily and covered with
potatoes. It can be challenging to control these factors,
straw. Sorting is done after a few days to separate
especially in regions with extreme climates.
damaged or diseased tubers. The curing or wound healing
period immediately after harvest is critical to successful 3. Disease and Pest Management: Potatoes are
storage. Store tubers at about 50-60°F at high relative susceptible to various diseases and pests, such as late
humidity (95%) for 10-14 days to allow wounds to heal. blight, early blight, and potato tuber moth. Effective
Controlled atmosphere storage, a cutting-edge technique management of these diseases and pests requires proper
that modifies atmospheric conditions, has proven to be a monitoring, timely intervention, and the use of
game changer in reducing spoilage and extending the appropriate control measures.
shelf life of potatoes. BMPs and precision agriculture
4. Handling and Transportation: Rough handling
technologies are revolutionizing potato production,
during harvesting, sorting, and transportation can lead to
increasing efficiency, profitability, and sustainability,
mechanical damage and bruising of potatoes. These
while reducing waste and ensuring high-quality potatoes
damages can provide entry points for pathogens and
for consumers.
accelerate spoilage. Ensuring gentle handling and proper
packaging is crucial to minimize these issues.
Postharvest practices play a crucial role in maintaining 7. Lack of Knowledge and Training: Many farmers and
the quality and extending the shelf life of potatoes. stakeholders involved in postharvest practices may lack
However, there are several challenges that can be adequate knowledge and training on best practices. This
identified in postharvest practices of potatoes. Here are can result in improper handling, storage, and management
some of the common challenges: techniques. Providing education and training programs
can help address this gap.
1. Storage Facilities: Inadequate storage facilities can
lead to improper temperature and humidity control, which
RESULT AND DISCUSSION for consumers, However, there are several challenges in
post-harvest processing of potatoes. To address these
Potatoes are sensitive to mechanical damage, so they
challenges, it is essential to improve post-harvest
need to be handled with care to prevent bruising and cuts.
practices, invest in technology, and provide education and
The removal of field debris and soil is also important to
training programs for farmers and stakeholders involved
maintain cleanliness and prevent the growth of pathogens.
in potato production and processing.
Understanding and improving post-harvest handling
practices is essential for minimizing losses and enhancing
the competitiveness of potato commodities. Harvesting
should be done in dry weather to avoid bruising and
skinning of tubers, and curing is essential for healing the
wounds of the tubers. Proper post-harvest handling is A. HARVESTING
important for improving the quality and competitiveness
of potato commodities, as post-harvest losses can be
significant. The post-harvest process plays a critical role It is important for harvesters to have experience
in ensuring food security and income generation for and knowledge of the specific variety of coconut being
potato farmers. After potatoes are harvested, they undergo harvested, as maturity indicators may vary among
a series of steps to minimize spoilage, maintain their different coconut cultivar. Additionally, local practices
nutritional value, and prepare them for storage, and regional preferences may influence the choice of
transportation, and further processing. harvesting method. Here are the methods of harvesting
coconuts at the appropriate stage of maturity:
The post-harvest process of potatoes, including storage,
physiology, management, and handling practices, is 1. Visual Inspection- it is the common method of
crucial for maintaining the quality, safety, and determining the maturity of coconuts. Experienced
marketability of this vital food crop. Thorough harvesters can assess the maturity of coconuts
knowledge and adherence to best practices in post-harvest based on their color, size and other visual
operations are essential for minimizing losses and characteristics. Mature coconuts typically have a
meeting the diverse demands of the potato industry and brown husk and well-developed shape.
consumers. 2. Sound Test- it is done by tapping the coconut
The post-harvest process of potatoes involves several with fingers or a tool. A mature coconut will
practices and technologies to ensure the quality and produce a hollow sound, indicating that the
preservation of the tubers. After harvesting, the tubers are coconut is ready for harvesting. Immature
kept in a heaped condition temporarily and covered with coconuts will produce a dull or solid sound.
straw. Sorting is done after a few days to separate 3. Shake Test- performing a shake test by gently
damaged or diseased tubers. The curing or wound healing shaking the coconut. If the coconut is mature, the
period immediately after harvest is critical to successful water inside will have less movement, indicating
storage. Store tubers at about 50-60°F at high relative that the coconut is ready for harvesting. Immature
humidity (95%) for 10-14 days to allow wounds to heal. coconuts will have more sloshing sounds and
Controlled atmosphere storage, a cutting-edge technique movement of water.
that modifies atmospheric conditions, has proven to be a
4. Weight Test- assessing the maturity of coconuts
game changer in reducing spoilage and extending the
by comparing their weight to a reference coconut
shelf life of potatoes. BMPs and precision agriculture
of known maturity. Mature coconuts tend to be
technologies are revolutionizing potato production,
heavier than immature ones due to the higher
increasing efficiency, profitability, and sustainability,
water content in immature coconuts.
while reducing waste and ensuring high-quality potatoes
5. Measurement of Husk Thickness - it can be and techniques should be used, and hygiene practices
done by measuring the thickness of the husk as an should be followed to prevent contamination.
indicator of maturity. Mature coconuts usually
1. Husk Removal- The outer husk of the coconut is
have a thicker husk compared to immature ones. often trimmed to reduce its weight. This involves
This method requires specialized tools such as a removing the fibrous layer of the husk while
leaving the inner shell intact. Trimming the husk
husk thickness gauge. also helps to improve the appearance of the
TRIMMING METHODS quality.To ensure that the cleaning process is carried out
hygienically and that clean water is used. Proper
Trimming should be done carefully to avoid damaging
sanitation practices should be followed, and cleaning
the coconuts or compromising their quality. Proper tools
equipment should be regularly cleaned and sanitized to spoilage. Proper ventilation and protection from
prevent cross-contamination.Here are some common rain are essential during the drying process.
cleaning procedures used in the postharvest process of Artificial Drying: In some cases, artificial drying
coconuts: methods, such as hot air drying or drying in
specialized drying chambers, are employed to
1. Water Washing- Coconuts can be cleaned by
accelerate the drying process.
washing them with clean water. This helps
remove dirt, dust, and other surface contaminants. C. PACKAGING AND STORAGE
The coconuts are typically immersed in water or
Packaging materials and techniques play a crucial
sprayed with water to thoroughly clean the outer
role in protecting coconuts during storage and
transportation. Considering the specific requirements of
2. Brushing- Brushing is another effective method coconuts, such as their size, weight, and perishability,
to clean coconuts. Soft brushes or scrubbing pads when selecting packaging materials and techniques.
can be used to gently scrub the surface of the Additionally, proper handling and storage practices
coconuts, removing any dirt or debris. This should be followed to ensure the integrity and quality of
method is particularly useful for removing the packaged coconuts.
stubborn stains or residues.
Proper Storage Conditions: Coconuts should be stored in
3. Air Blowing-High-pressure air can be used to a cool and well-ventilated area to prevent mold growth
blow away loose dirt and debris from the surface and maintain their quality. Storage duration should be
of the coconuts. This method is often employed in minimized to avoid quality deterioration.
industrial settings where large quantities of
Packaging: Coconuts can be packaged in sacks, crates, or
coconuts need to be cleaned quickly.
mesh bags to protect them during storage and
4. Drying-the coconuts should be properly dried to transportation. In addition for safety packing coconuts;
remove excess moisture. This helps prevent the
1. Cushioning Materials: provide additional
growth of mold or bacteria. Coconuts can be air-
protection against impact and vibration,
dried naturally or dried using mechanical dryers,
cushioning materials such as foam inserts, straw,
depending on the available resources and the
or shredded paper can be placed between the
desired drying time.
coconuts or around the packaging. This helps
5. Sorting-coconuts can also be sorted to remove absorb shocks and prevent damage.
any damaged or defective ones. This ensures that
2. Labels and Barcodes: Each package of coconuts
only high-quality coconuts are selected for further
should be labeled with relevant information such
processing or packaging.
as product name, origin, weight, and handling
By implementing these cleaning procedures, coconuts can instructions. Barcodes or QR codes can be used
be effectively cleaned, removing dirt and debris and for efficient tracking and inventory management.
ensuring their quality and hygiene.
3. Ventilation and Air Circulation: is essential to
B. DRYING TECHNIQUES prevent the buildup of moisture and heat, which
can lead to spoilage or fungal growth. Packaging
Drying is an important step in the postharvest process of
should allow for adequate air circulation to
coconuts. It helps to reduce the moisture content and
maintain the quality of the coconuts.
prolong the shelf life of the coconuts.
4. Palletization: For large-scale transportation,
Natural Drying: Coconuts are traditionally dried
pallets can be used to stack and transport multiple
in the sun to reduce moisture content and prevent
packages of coconuts. Palletization facilitates
efficient loading and unloading, protects the conducted to detect any pesticide or chemical
coconuts from damage, and allows forklifts or contaminants.
pallet jacks to handle the packages easily. 6. Traceability and Documentation: Implementing
a traceability system allows for the tracking and
Employing suitable packaging materials and techniques,
documentation of coconuts from the farm to the
coconuts can be protected from physical damage,
consumer. This helps in identifying the source of
moisture, and contamination, ensuring their freshness and
any quality or safety issues and enables quick and
quality throughout storage and transportation.
efficient recalls if necessary.
D. QUALITY CONTROL AND POSTHARVEST 7. Compliance with Food Safety Standards:
LOSSES Coconuts should meet the regulatory requirements
QUALITY CONTROL MEASURES and food safety standards set by the relevant
authorities. This includes adherence to good
To ensure the freshness and safety of coconuts, it is
agricultural practices, proper handling, storage,
important to implement quality control measures
and transportation practices, and compliance with
throughout the post-harvest process. Here are some key
hygiene and sanitation guidelines.
quality control measures:
8. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:
1. Harvesting at the Right Stage: Coconuts should Regular monitoring of the postharvest process is
be harvested at the appropriate stage of maturity to important to identify any quality or safety issues
ensure optimal quality and taste. and take corrective actions. Continuous
2. Proper Handling and Storage: Coconuts should improvement initiatives should be implemented to
be handled with care to prevent physical damage. enhance the quality control measures and ensure
They should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated the ongoing freshness and safety of coconuts.
environment with the right temperature and
By implementing these quality control measures, the
humidity levels to maintain freshness and prevent
freshness and safety of coconuts can be ensured,
providing consumers with high-quality, safe products, and
3. Cleaning and Sanitization: Coconuts should
maintaining the reputation of coconut producers.
undergo thorough cleaning to remove dirt, debris,
and surface contaminants. Proper sanitization FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO POST-
of microbial contamination Post-harvest losses can occur due to various factors. Here
4. Packaging and Labeling: Coconuts should be are some common factors contributing to post-harvest
packaged in clean, durable, and properly sealed losses of coconuts and strategies to minimize them:
containers or bags to protect them from physical
1. Physical Damage: it occur during harvesting,
damage, moisture, and contamination. Each
handling, or transportation can lead to postharvest
package should be labeled with relevant
information, including product name, origin,
weight, and handling instructions. 2. Moisture Loss: Coconuts naturally contain
5. Quality Testing: Regular quality testing should moisture, and excessive moisture loss during
be conducted to assess the sensory attributes, such storage can lead to quality deterioration and
as taste, aroma, and texture, of the coconut meat weight loss.
and water. Microbiological testing can also be
3. Temperature and Humidity: Inadequate storage
performed to ensure the absence of harmful
conditions, such as improper temperature and
microorganisms. Chemical residue analysis can be
humidity levels, can accelerate spoilage and skincareproduct. . It is also used in the production
reduce the shelf life of coconuts. of cosmetics, soaps, and hair care products.
4. Pest and Disease Infestation: Insects, rodents, 2. Coconut Water: is the clear liquid found inside
and microbial pathogens can cause significant young, green coconuts. It is a refreshing and
postharvest losses. hydrating beverage that is rich in electrolytes,
vitamins, and minerals. Coconut water is
5. Ethylene Exposure: Coconuts are sensitive to
consumed as a natural energy drink and is also
ethylene gas, which can be produced by certain
used as a base for smoothies, juices, and cocktails.
fruits and vegetables during ripening. Exposure to
ethylene can accelerate the ripening process and 3. Coconut Milk: is made by blending the grated
lead to premature spoilage of coconuts. flesh of mature coconuts with water and then
straining it. It is a creamy, dairy-free alternative to
6. Improper Handling and Storage Practices:
cow's milk and is widely used in Asian and
Inadequate handling and storage practices can
Caribbean cuisines. Coconut milk is used in
contribute to postharvest losses..
curries, soups, desserts, and as a dairy substitute in
7. Market and Supply Chain Issues: Inefficient baking and cooking.
supply chain management, lack of infrastructure,
4. Coconut Flour: r is made from the dried and
and market fluctuations can also contribute to
defatted coconut meat. It is a gluten-free
postharvest losses.
alternative to wheat flour and is rich in fiber and
8. Value Addition and Processing: Value addition protein. Coconut flour is used in baking,
through processing can help minimize postharvest particularly for gluten-free and grain-free recipes.
losses. By converting coconuts into value-added It adds a subtle coconut flavor and a light texture
products like coconut oil, coconut water, or to baked goods.
coconut milk, the shelf life of coconuts can be
5. Coconut Sugar: also known as coconut palm
extended, and market opportunities can be
sugar, is derived from the sap of coconut palm
flowers. It is a natural sweetener with a caramel-
By addressing these factors through proper handling, like flavor and is considered a healthier alternative
storage, pest control, and value addition strategies, to refined sugar.
postharvest losses of coconuts can be minimized,
6. Desiccated Coconut: is the dried, grated flesh of
ensuring better economic returns for farmers and a
mature coconuts. It is commonly used as a topping
consistent supply of high-quality coconuts to consumers.
for cakes, pastries, and desserts.
Green coffee seeds are managed by one of three methods
In the wet method, a substantial amount of water (40
known as dry, wet, and semi-dry processing.
L/Kg) is used to remove the pulp and mucilage from ripe
cof-fee cherries. This is carried out by chemical products
or by fermentation with starter cultures like S. cerevisiae
(Martins et al. 2020; Seninde & Chambers 2020). At the
end of the fermentation, the seeds are washed and dried.
Hulling is the next step after drying. The dried coffee right packaging materials and transferred to the storage
Finally, the green coffee beans are ready to be cleaned Roasting is considered the essential steps in the formation
and sorted according to colour, size, and density of the aroma and flavour properties (Arya & Lao, 2007).
(Wanyonyi, 1972).The hulled coffee beans then undergo When the roasting temperatures are higher than 200°C,
sorting processes, which is done bymachine and hand. the precursors in green coffee are transformed into
Hand sorting is most widely used, and it requires roasted coffee constituents, which lead to the
intensivelabour for sorting the coffee beans based on size, development of diverse aroma test and colour. The
colour, and density. roasting duration and the final temperature of the coffee
beans determine the development of flavour compounds
quality. Smart sensors optimize water and energy use, hold a prominent place as a popular legume in the Philippines.
Recognized by their petite, variable-hued seeds ranging from
while advanced sorting ensures product consistency. Yet,
green and yellow to brown and black, these warm-season crops
challenges like high initial costs and access to skilled
are extensively cultivated across Asia, notably in the Indian
operators persist. The key lies in finding the right
subcontinent, India, China, Korea, and Thailand. Typically
balance: utilizing technology to overco hurdles while
grown during the dry season, spanning from November to
ensuring responsible practices and fair worker treatment.
April, mung beans are harvested with anticipation in May or
June (Hou et al., 2019).
can influence the coffee quality. However, each step of industrial settings (Hou et al., 2019).
the post-harvest activities can cause a significant quality The process involved in post-harvesting of mung bean
loss and lead to a lower market price that's why correct involved harvesting and threshing , cleaning and drying,
procedures must be taken to achieve a good quality sorting and grading , storage, packing for transport, and
After harvesting, the beans are threshed to separate the Beans are packaged in various materials like jute
grain from the dried stems. This can be done manually or with bags, plastic bags, or hermetically sealed containers for
the use of threshing machines such as threshing cylinders and transportation, distribution, and retail sale. Packaging choices
rotary threshers. There are also various machines available for influence shelf life, product presentation, and marketability.
threshing mung beans, such as the UGT-10 Mung Bean
Threshing Machine Green Bean Thresher, which includes both
seed threshing and cleaning functions. It has the powerful Following harvest, beans are trucked to a grading shed
vibration cleaning screen and air blower, so in fact it can also where they are cleaned, graded and bagged as soon as possible.
be used as a multi-crops cleaning machine. Mung bean does not require specialized transport.
Threshed beans contain impurities like pod As with all specialty crops with limited market uses, a
fragments, dust, and debris. These are removed using grower should always identify markets before producing mung
sieves, winnowing baskets, or specialized cleaning machines. bean on a large scale. It is also advisable to identify markets as
early as possible rather than waiting until after the harvest.
Local health food stores, restaurants and brokers may be able
Beans need to be dried to a safe moisture content to purchase the produce. Production costs for mung beans are
(around 12-13%) to prevent mold growth and spoilage. Sun very similar to production costs for soya bean, except that post-
drying is common which beans spread out on mats under the harvest cleaning and transportation costs may differ.
sun, but mechanical dryers offer faster and more controlled
drying, especially in humid climates (Hou et al., 2019b). Once
cleaned, the beans are dried to an appropriate moisture level to
prevent spoilage during storage.
caused the chilling. fruit were held in a modified atmosphere containing 10%
carbon dioxide for 1 to 3 days, followed by storage under
Note: Bananas stored at tropical temperatures around 30°C do regular atmosphere conditions at 12.5°C. Packing the fruit in
not fully degreen due to ethylene inhibition and reduced Mg- polyethylene bags and treatment with different concentrations
dechelatase activity, hindering chlorophyll breakdown. of 'Semperfresh' also extended the storage life.
pathogens can infect the fruit during various occur after harvest at different points in the handling chain. A
stages of postharvest handling, including loss assessment study conducted under this project in 2015,
harvesting, transportation, and storage. showed that losses amounted to 31 percent due mainly to decay
Pathogen infestation leads to the development that manifested at the retail level (Photo 2). Bruising and
of visible symptoms such as rotting, weight loss which represent loss in marketable weight are the
discoloration, and tissue degradation, other nature of losses. These losses can be attributed to poor
rendering the fruit unmarketable and causing harvesting, rough handling, and poor packaging and transport
substantial economic losses for producers and conditions. The high incidence of decay mainly in the form of
distributors. anthracnose and stem end rot can be attributed to the high level
4. PACKAGING AND TRANSPORTATION ISSUE of pre-harvest infection due to improper disease management
methods pose significant risks to the symptoms of the disease become apparent only as the fruit
postharvest quality of bananas. Improper
packaging fails to provide adequate protection Post-harvest losses represent a waste of the resources –
against physical damage, leaving the fruit land, labour, energy, water, fertilizer, etc. that went into
vulnerable to bruising, crushing, and impact producing the crop. Every effort must therefore, be made to
during handling and transit. Such damage not minimize these losses. Unless these losses are minimized, the
only affects the appearance of the fruit but also gains from production will be offset and potential income
accelerates ripening, leading to a shorter shelf cannot be realized.
With the changing tastes and lifestyles of consumers,
Addressing these challenges requires the and the need to reduce the high levels of post-harvest losses,
implementation of appropriate postharvest management the need for good post-harvest handling becomes a matter of
practices, including careful handling, temperature control, concern. The continuous growth of supermarkets and
ethylene management, disease prevention strategies, and hypermarkets and the demands from institutional buyers
improved packaging and transportation methods. These require giving more attention to post-harvest handling of
measures are crucial for maintaining banana quality and mango to satisfy demand forbetter quality and safe produce
extending shelf life from harvest to consumption.
POSTHARVEST PROCESS OF Mango fruits undergo programmed changes The mango fruit,
being a living tissue is subject to continuous change until it
completely deteriorates. The process of ageing and eventual
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most dying in living tissues is called senescence. There are
important and popular fruits in Bangladesh and is referred to as programmed changes in the fruit like ripening that influence
the “king of fruits” because of its excellent overall eating appearance, flavor, texture and nutritive value that cause them
characteristics. It is consumed as a fresh fruit, in the frozen, to age.
In general, the application of post-harvest technology can only A fruit is considered mature when it has reached a
maintain, not improve or little ifany, the quality of harvested stage of development such that after harvesting and during
fruit. post-harvest handling, both the external and internal quality
The main objective of applying any post-harvest technology is attributes are acceptable to consumers. Harvesting at the proper
to keep fruit quality and safety as high as possible until it stage of maturity, the manner in which the fruit is detached
reaches the final consumer. from the tree and the time of harvesting are important
considerations during harvesting.
Maturity indices
Mango fruits harvested at the correct stage of maturity
The pulp of the mango fruit consists mainly of develop good peel and pulp color and have full flavor and
water. When harvested, the fruit can no aroma at the ripe stage. Mangoes harvested at an immature
longerreplace the water that is lost through stage of development can be induced to ripen but the quality of
respiration. Mangoes are, therefore, subject to the ripe fruit and particularly the flavor,is inferior.
shriveling(Photo 5) and weight loss and
consequently loss in marketable weight.
Exposure of the fruit tothe sun results in rapid Maturity indices are an indication of the readiness of the fruit
water loss. for harvest. There are several methods of assessing the
maturity of mangoes. These include:
deterioration. Rough handling may create powdery substance on the peel, change in peel
wounds which serve as entry points for color from dark to light green (for some
baskets have rough and pointed edges that Pulp color – light creamy yellow pulp
could damage the fruit, hence the need to line TIME OF HARVESTING
the containers with clean plastic sacks or jute
sacks to prevent injury on the fruit.
The recommended time for harvesting mature fruits is or in a packinghouse .The packing area should provide
from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to minimize latex flow. Latex stain adequate protection from sun and rain, kept clean at all times,
(Photo 9) which leads to unsightly latex burns are major causes pet animals should be kept away from the packing area, and all
of rejection especially if fruits are to sold on export and workers should practice good personal hygiene.
premium markets like supermarkets and hotels. Harvesting
The sequence of operations should insure that cross
immediately following rain, should be avoided.
contamination is avoided. The surroundingsof the
packinghouse should always be kept clean.
Mango fruits with the following defects, on the other isfunctioning properly and water outlets are not
Anthracnose and stem end rot are the two most markets. Cooling is needed since HWT
important post-harvest diseases of mango fruits. These two hastens ripening of the fruit.
diseases cannot be detected at the green stage and symptoms of o If fast ripening is desired, then fast cooling is
infection appear only as the fruits ripen. An integrated pre- and not necessary.
post-harvest disease management protocol will ensure adequate o llow fruits to cool and dry before packing.
HWT is a non-chemical method of controlling decay. Fruits should be treated within 36 hours after harvest
Additional benefit gained from HWT is the removal of fresh to get the maximum benefit ofdisease control.
latex and dirt adhering on the surface of mangoes.
Hot water treatment is most effective against stem end
During HWT, green mature fruits are dipped for 5 to rot when applied while fruit isstill fully green.
10 minutes in water heated to 52– 55oC. At this temperature Do not allow latex to dry on the fruit before applying
range, the disease-causing organisms are killed without HWT since this will aggravatelatex burns that develop
injuring the fruit. The effectiveness of HWT is reduced if the later.
temperature drops below 52oC and while temperature above Change the water if it becomes contaminated with
55oC will cause scalding of the peel of the dipped fruits. latex and dirt. Dipping fruit in dirty and latex-
contaminated water can increase the incidence of fruit Hygiene – plastic crates should be thoroughly
and lenticel damagethat develop during ripening cleaned with soap/detergent after use.
Handling – handle with care during loading,
stacking and unloading; do not drop. Don’t use
Packaging as seats when sorting .
Proper packaging is essential in maintaining produce Storage – store in a clean area that will
quality during transport and subsequent handling. Packaging prevent harborage of insects and rodents. Store
materials should provide adequate protection to its contents, separately from chemicals and farm machinery
should facilitate convenience in handling the produce, attract to prevent contamination. Crates should not be
consumers and sell the contents, and inform the consumers left exposed to the external environment since
about the produce inside the pack. they will readily wearout
Do not use as storage containers for chemicals
(fertilizers and pesticides) if used forfresh
Packaging materials for mangoes produce
Cartons or fiberboard boxes should be equipped with a Allow air to circulate in the stacks or piles of packaged
vertical divider in the middle and with ventilation holes at the produce by providing space in between stacks. If
sides to prevent heat buildup inside the carton. The physical canvass is used as cover, provide space for air to pass
strength of fiberboards decreases as they absorb moisture with through at the bottom and top of stack. Use light
time. Recycled cartons shouldNOT be over packed and over colored material as cover as this willreflect heat.
stacked as this results in compression damage and the Minimize delays or facilitate the transfer of packages
incidenceof premature ripening. from one part of the market to another; four-wheeled
hand trolleys will minimize damage during unloading
While awaiting transport, filled cartons should not be
and transfer of produce packed in plastic crates
used as a “resting” area as this will lead to damage particularly
Observe cleanliness of the transport vehicle; produce
compression and bruising which may not be apparent at the
safety is compromised when:
green stage but will show up later in the handling chain
there are decaying remains of produce from the
especially when fruits are already ripe.
previous shipment
insects and rodents nesting in the vehicles
Considerations in the use of plastic crates vehicle used as storage area of farm implements when
not in use