Ex-7 Flow Meter Demonstration
Ex-7 Flow Meter Demonstration
Ex-7 Flow Meter Demonstration
To investigate the operation and characteristics of three different basic types of flowmeter, including
accuracy and energy loss.
By measurement of volume flow rates and associated pressure losses with three flowmeters connected in
series and using timed volume collection to produce a reference measurement of flow rate.
In order to complete the demonstration, we need a number of pieces of equipment.
The Hydraulics Bench which allows us to measure flow by timed volume collection.
The Flow Meter Apparatus
A stopwatch to allow us to determine the flow rate of water.
Name Symbol Unit Type Definition
Test Pipe Area A1 2 7.92 x 10-4 Cross-sectional area of the test section.
(Calculated from Diameter of 31.749 mm)
Orifice Area A1 2 3.14 x 10-4 Cross-sectional area of the orifice in the orifice
plate meter. (Calculated from Diameter of 20.0
Venturi Area A1 2 1.77 x 10-4 Cross-sectional area at the throat of the Venturi
meter. (Calculated from Diameter of 15.0 mm
Volume Collected V 3 Measured Taken from scale on hydraulics bench. The
volume is measured in liters. Convert to cubic
meters for the calculation (divide reading by
Time to Collect T s Measured Time taken to collect the known volume of
water in the hydraulics bench.
Variable Area Meter Reading l/min Measured Reading from variable area meter scale.
hx m Measured Measured value from the appropriate
manometer. The value is measured in mm.
Timed flow rate Qt m3/s Calculated Qt =V/t
Variable area flow rate Qa m3/s Calculated Convert from instrument reading (divide by
Orifice plate flow rate Qo m3/s Calculated Qo = Volume flow rate equation see below
Venturi meter flow rate Qv m3/s Calculated Qv = Volume flow rate equation see below
Variable area % flow rate error % Calculated ((Qa-Qt)/Qt) *100
Orifice plate % flow rate error % Calculated ((Qo-Qt)/Qt) *100
Venturi meter % flow rate error % Calculated ((Qv-Qt)/Qt) *100
Variable area head loss Ha mm Calculated Ha = h4 – h5
Orifice plate head loss Ho mm Calculated Ho = h6 – h8
Venturi head loss Hv mm Calculated Hv = h1 – h3
Venturi meter reading ∆hv mm Calculated ∆hv = h1 - h2 Manometer Levels
Orifice plate reading ∆ho mm Calculated ∆ho =h6 - h7 Manometer Levels
Timed flow rate squared Qt (m3/s Calculated Used to demonstrate the relationship
2 between flow rate and losses
Application of the Bernoulli equation yields the following result which applies for both the Venturi
meter and the orifice plate. The Volume flow rate is given by
∆h is the head difference in m determined from the manometer readings for the appropriate meter
Use of a discharge coefficient, Cd, is necessary because of the simplifying assumptions made when applying the
Bernoulli equations. Values of this coefficient are determined by experiment; the assumed values used in the software
For the Venturi meter: Cd = 0.98, A2 = 1.77 x 10-4 m2
For the Orifice plate: Cd = 0.63, A2 = 3.14 x 10-4 m2
Common pipework: A1 = 7.92 x 10-4 m2
The energy loss that occurs in a pipe fitting (so-called secondary loss) is commonly expressed in terms of a head loss (h,
meters), and can be determined from the manometer readings. For this experiment, head losses will be compared against
the square of the flow rate used.
Equipment Set Up
Place the flowmeter test rig on the bench and ensure that it is level (necessary for accurate readings from the
manometers). Connect the inlet pipe to the bench supply and the outlet pipe into the volumetric tank, then secure the end
of the pipe to prevent it moving about. Start the pump and open the bench valve and the test rig flow control valve, to
flush the system.
In order to bleed air from the pressure tapping points and manometers, close both the bench and test rig valves, open the
air bleed screw and remove the cap from the adjacent air valve. Connect a length of small bore tubing from the air valve
to the volumetric tank. Next, open the bench valve and allow flow through the manometer tubes to purge them of air.
Then tighten air bleed screw and partly open the test rig flow control valve and partly close the bench valve. Now open
the air bleed screw slightly to allow air to be drawn into the top of the manometer tubes. Re-tighten the screw when the
manometer levels reach a convenient height.
Check that all manometer levels are on scale at the maximum flow rate (full-scale reading on the variable area meter).
These levels can be adjusted further by using the air bleed screw or the hand pump supplied.
At a fixed flow rate, record all manometer heights and the variable area meter reading and carry out a timed volume
collection using the volumetric tank. This is achieved by closing the ball valve and measuring (with a stopwatch) the time
taken to accumulate a known volume of fluid in the tank, as measured from the sight-glass. You should collect fluid for at
least one minute to minimize timing errors. Repeat this measurement three times to check for consistency and then
average the readings.
Ensure that you understand the operating principle of each of the three flowmeters.
7.92 x 10-4 3.14 x 10-4 1.77 x 10-4 33 X 10-4 30 5 253 233 242 238 169 170 159
7.92 x 10-4 3.14 x 10-4 1.77 x 10-4 40 X 10-4 30 7 265 231 248 243 174 175 154
h8 Timed Variable Orifice Venturi Variable Orifice Venturi Variable Orifice Venturi Timed
(mm) Flow Area Plate Flow Meter Area % Plate % Meter % Area Plate Meter Flow
Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Head Head Head Rate
Qt Rate Qa Qo Qt Error Error Error Loss Loss Loss Squared
3 3 3 3 (%) (%) (%) (Ha) (Ho) (Hv) (Qt2)
(m /sec) (m /s) (m /s) (m /s)
Comment on the differences in accuracy of the meters. Could these differences be due to experimental error?
Why does the variable area meter show less variation in head loss with flow rate than the other two meters?
B. Determination of CD for Venturi and Orifice Meter
Objective: To determine the coefficient of discharge of orifice meter.
To determine the coefficient of discharge of Venturimeter
Apparatus used: Orifice meter, installed on pipes, arrangement of varying flow rate, manometer, collecting tank,
stop watch, etc…
Formula used: -
act12 A2
A2 A1
Where: A1= Cross sectional area of inlet, A 2= Cross sectional area of outlet, ∆h = head difference in manometer,
Qact = actual discharge, Cd = Coefficient of discharge and g = Acceleration due to gravity.
Theory: - Orifice meter /Venturimeter is depending on Bernoulli’s equation. Orifice meter is a device used for is
a device used for measuring the rate of fluid flowing through a pipe. Orifice meter is a cheaper device then
Venturimeter. Venturimeter consists of `three part in short: convergent area part, throat and divergent part.
Figure 3: Venturimeter
Observation: -
Diameter of orifice meter = 20mm
Area of cross-section orifice meter A2 = 3.14 x 10-4
m2 Diameter of Venturimeter = 15mm
Area of cross-section Venturimeter A2 = 1.77 x 10-4 m2 (Cross-sectional area at the
throat) Test Pipe Area A1 = 7.92 x 10-4 m2 (Calculated from Diameter of 31.749 mm)
V(m )3 3
(m /s) A A 2gh
2 1
The range of Cd is between 0.95 to 0.995 for Venturimeter. Could your result layover between
the range? discus
A typical value of Cd for orifice is between 0.58 to 0.65. Could your result layover between the
range? discus
Venturimeter and orifice meter are used for flow measuring. How?
Define coefficient of discharge?
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering’ by McCabe and Smith, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Inc.