Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Problem solving
The term problem-solving refers to the mental process that people go through to
discover, analyse, and solve problems.1 The steps in the. problem process includes:
The discovery of the problem
The decision to tackle the issue
Understanding the problem
Researching the available options
Taking actions to achieve your goals
Before problem-solving can occur, it is important to first understand the exact nature of the
problem itself. If your understanding of the issue is faulty, your attempts to resolve it will
also be incorrect or flawed.
Problem-Solving Strategies
There are several different ways that people go about solving a problem. Some of these
strategies might be used on their own, but people may also employ a range of approaches to
figuring out and fixing a problem.
An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that will always produce the correct solution. A
mathematical formula is a good example of a problem-solving algorithm.
While an algorithm guarantees an accurate answer, it is not always the best approach to
This strategy is not practical for many situations because it can be so time-consuming. For
example, if you were trying to figure out all of the possible number combinations to a lock
using an algorithm, it would take a very long time.
A heuristic is a mental rule-of-thumb strategy that may or may not work in certain situations.
Unlike algorithms, heuristics do not always guarantee a correct solution.
However, using this problem-solving strategy does allow people to simplify complex
problems and reduce the total number of possible solutions to a more manageable set.2
Trial and Error
A trial-and-error approach to problem-solving involves trying a number of different solutions
and ruling out those that do not work. This approach can be a good option if you have a very
limited number of options available.
If there are many different choices, you are better off narrowing down the possible options
using another problem-solving technique before attempting trial-and-error.
In some cases, the solution to a problem can appear as a sudden insight. This can occur
because you realize that the problem is actually similar to something that you have dealt with
in the past. However, the underlying mental processes that lead to insight happen outside of
Obstacles in Problem-Solving
Of course, problem-solving is not a flawless process. There are a number of different
obstacles that can interfere with our ability to solve a problem quickly and efficiently.
Researchers have described a number of these mental obstacles, which include functional
fixedness, irrelevant information, and assumptions.
Assumptions: When dealing with a problem, people often make assumptions about the
constraints and obstacles that prevent certain solutions.
Functional fixedness: This term refers to the tendency to view problems only in their
customary manner.3 Functional fixedness prevents people from fully seeing all of the different
options that might be available to find a solution.
Mental set: A mental set is the tendency people have to only use solutions that have worked
in the past rather than looking for alternative ideas. A mental set can often work as a heuristic,
making it a useful problem-solving tool. However, mental sets can also lead to inflexibility,
making it more difficult to find effective
Einstellung effect
Einstellung refers to a person's predisposition to solve a given problem in a specific manner even
though better or more appropriate methods of solving the problem exist. The Einstellung effect is the
negative effect of previous experience when solving new problems.
One of the critical problems was called the extinction problem. The extinction problem was
a problem that could not be solved using the previous solution B − A − 2C. In order to answer
the extinction problem correctly, one had to solve the problem directly and generate a novel
solution. An incorrect solution to the extinction problem indicated the presence of
the Einstellung effect. The problems after the extinction problem again had two possible
solutions. These post-extinction problems helped determine the recovery of the subjects from
the Einstellung effect.
The critical problems could be solved using this solution (B − A − 2C) or a shorter solution
(A − C or A + C). For example, subjects were instructed to get 18 units of water from jars
with capacities 15, 39, and 3. Despite the presence of a simpler solution (A + C), subjects in
the experimental group tended to give the lengthier solution in lieu of the shorter one. Instead
of simply filling up Jars A and C, most subjects from the experimental group preferred the
previous method of B − A − 2C, whereas virtually all of the control group used the simpler
solution. When Luchins and Luchins gave experimental group subjects the warning, "Don't
be blind," over half of them used the simplest solution to the remaining problems. Thus, this
warning helped reduce the prevalence of the Einstellung effect among the experimental
The results of the water jars experiment illustrate the concept of Einstellung. The majority
of the experimental subjects adopted a mechanized state of mind and relied on mental sets
formed through previous experience. However, the experimental subjects would have been
more efficient if they had employed the direct method of solving the problem rather than
applying the same solution from previous examples.
Review of Literature-:
According to a study conducted by Murray & Bryne (2013) to study cognitive change in insight
problem solving with initial model errors and counter examples. They report the results of four
experiments that examined the cognitive changes that occur in problem solvers' mental models of
insight problems. The experiments showed that participants produced more correct solutions to
insight problems that required single steps than multiple steps. Experiment 1 showed that their
diagrams and explanations corresponded to initial model errors. Experiment 2 found more correct
solutions for problems reworded to enable the retrieval of counterexamples to common assumptions.
Experiment 3 found more correct solutions when physical props enabled the construction of a
counterexample to the initial erroneous model and also to subsequent erroneous models. Experiment 4
showed more correct solutions when physical props limited the subsequent possibilities. The
implications of the results for alternative theories of insight problem solving were discussed.
Sheridan and Reingold (2013)-studied the Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Einstellung
Effect in Chess: Evidence from Eye Movements. In a wide range of problem-solving settings, the
presence of a familiar solution can block the discovery of better solutions (i.e., the Einstellung effect).
To investigate this effect, we monitored the eye movements of expert and novice chess players while
they solved chess problems that contained a familiar move (i.e., the Einstellung move), as well as an
optimal move that was located in a different region of the board. When the Einstellung move was an
advantageous (but suboptimal) move, both the expert and novice chess players who chose the
5 / 12
move continued to look at this move throughout the trial, whereas the subset of expert players who
chose the optimal move were able to gradually disengage their attention from the Einstellung move.
However, when the Einstellung move was a blunder, all of the experts and the majority of the novices
were able to avoid selecting the Einstellung move, and both the experts and novices gradually
disengaged their attention from the Einstellung move. These findings shed light on the boundary
conditions of the Einstellung effect, and provide convergent evidence for Bilalić, McLeod, & Gobet
(2008)’s conclusion that the Einstellung effect operates by biasing attention towards problem features
that are associated with the familiar solution rather than the optimal solution.
Lippman (2016) studied about a short report concerning the Einstellung effect. For this
participants were given a series of water jug problems, in a study designed to extend the
generality of findings concerning the persistence of a disadvantageous set (Einstellung effect)
in problem solving. In contrast to previous research, set-inducing instructions described a
general tactic, avoiding reference to specific labeled jugs. Results were inconsistent
with those of previous studies. It 6 / 13 was suggested that Einstellung effects may depend
upon consistent cues that lend themselves to a simple coding scheme.
Hypothesis 1:
The experimental group subjects will prefer lengthier solutions in lieu of the shorter one as compared
to control group subjects.
Hypothesis: 2:
Warning will reduce the prevalence of Einstellung effect in the experimental group.
Hypothesis: 3:
The Einstellung effect will be observed even after the extinction problem (question: 9) is solved by
the participants.
Subject Preliminaries-:
Name – Ms. D
Education- Ba Hons English
Gender- Female
Age- 19
Name- Mr. A
Education- B. Com
Gender- Male
Age- 19
Name- Ms. A
Education- Pol. Sci hons
Gender- Female
Age- 18
Name- Ms. T
Education- Eco Hons
Gender- Female
Age- 19
Independent variable:
Practice Trial
Blinding effect
Dependent variable:
Time Taken by the subjects to solve each problem.
Rapport Formation:
The participant was made comfortable. An informal conversation was initiated to make them feel
relaxed. Once it was ensured that they are comfortable, the experiment was introduced. The
instructions for the experiment were given to the subject. The participant was assured that their
results would be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. If they had any query, it was
addressed and the procedure was started.
Material Required
Sets of questions
"You have 3 water jars, each with the capacity to hold, a different, a fixed amount of water, figure out
how to measure a certain amount of water using these jars".
The subjects were made to sit in a quiet and comfortable environment. Rapport has been established
with the subjects by convincing them that their responses will be kept confidential. Then the
instruction was given to the subjects. As such no time limit is there to solve the problems then to be
do it as quickly as possible. Then the subjects were randomly divided into two
groups i.e., experimental and control group. The experimental group was given
five practice problems, followed by six critical test problems. The control group didn’t have
the five practice problems. All the practice problems and some of the critical problems had only
one solution, which was "B-A-2c/ A-C/A+C". The experimenter gave the instruction don’t be blind to
the experimenter group only not to the control group. When the experimenter saw that the
experimenter group is using only long method for solving the problems. One by one the problems
were presented to the subjects. In both the conditions their time taken and responses were noted down
carefully. While the subjects were writing the introspective report the experimenter was writing the
observational report.
Before the conduction of the experiment it was ensured that the lighting facility in the lab was proper.
It was made sure that the subjects were of the same age group and they were randomly assigned
divided into two groups i.e., experimental and control group.
Introspective Report:
It was a really good experiment, I enjoyed doing this experiment.
I was a little nervous doing this experiment, but after the first trial it seemed easy and I liked doing it.
Enjoyed being a part of this experiment, was little anxious earlier but the experiment went great.
Had fun while doing this experiment.
Observational Report:
The subject was calm during the experiment; it was observed that the subject was easily able to solve the
The subject seemed little nervous while doing the experiment, and was agitated at the 9 th question, overall was
relaxed once the experiment was over.
The subject was very focused while performing this experiment and calm throughout.
The subject was very careful while performing the experiment.
Result Table-:
Sheridan, H., & Reingold, E. M. (2013). The Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions
of the Einstellung Effect in Chess: Evidence from Eye Movements. PLoS ONE, 8(10),