Group5 - Concrete Research Assignment - Building Tech4
Group5 - Concrete Research Assignment - Building Tech4
Group5 - Concrete Research Assignment - Building Tech4
Site Cast Flat Slab Construction
Construction Time and Cost
Curing Concrete
-28 days to let the concrete reaches the strength for design.
-The top surfaces of the concrete slab must be kept moist by repeat
spraying and covering with moisture-resistant sheets.
-Extra care is needed when slabs are poured in hot or windy weather, it
can cause the surface of the concrete dry out and crack even before it
begins to cure.
-At low temperature, the concrete may curing much more slowly, if the
concrete reaches subfreezing temperatures while curing, the curing
action will stop completely until the temperature of the concrete rises
above the freezing mark.
-Braced panels of wood, metal, or plastic.
Are the bays of the building square or nearly a If Yes, Two-way flat slab system will be more
square proportion? economically.
How long are the spans? From 25’ to 30’ Two-Way Flat Slab System.
How heavy are the loads? Heavy Loads- Thicker Slab and Larger Beams.
Will there be a finish ceiling below the slab? If no, One Way slab construction have smooth
surface that can serve as ceiling
Must the frame supply lateral force resistance? If Yes- One Way System
Case Study
Church of Light by Tadao Ando