Question #1

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1,Explore Ethiopias role in regional continental and global institutions and affairs

1.Regional organizations: are organizations whose operations are confined to a specific geographical region. They
are formed to achieve specific goals or to address common issues within a specific geographic region.

Types of regional organizations

These organisations can be economic, political and security, environmenta, etc.

Economic:organizations focusing on promoting economic integration and cooperation among member states. This
include the EU which aims to create a single market and a single currency among member states. And also aims to
create a level playing field for businesses and to promote sustainable development.

The other example could be The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) which aims to promote economic
integration and cooperation among member states in South America.

Political and security:These organizations focus on promoting political and security cooperation among member
states.The African Union (AU) can be taken as a aims to promote peace, security, and stability in Africa.
Also to promote political cooperation and integration among member states and to address issues such as conflict
resolution and human rights.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): is another example with the same goal and active in the gulf region.

Environmental Regional Organizations: These organizations focus on environmental protection and conservation
within a specific region. Examples include The Arctic Council which aims to promote environmental protection and
sustainable development in the Arctic region and The Antarctic Treaty System which aims to preserve the
Antarctic environment and protect its unique ecosystem.

Ethiopia actively participates in various international organizations across different domains as well as it's region.
we can see the IGAD and COMESA for instance.

1.The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD): is a regional organization in Eastern Africa established
in 1996. It was formed by the governments of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda, with
a focus on addressing common challenges such as conflict, drought, and widespread famine in the region.

Its areas of work include Agriculture & Environment,Economic cooperation, health & social development and peace

Ethiopia plays an essential role in this organization and contributes are vast and varied, impacting several critical

Ethiopia from being one of the founding members, has played several important roles within.

-The headquarters of IGAD is located in Djibouti, but Ethiopia has hosted many IGAD meetings and summits over the

-Ethiopia has held leadership positions within IGAD, including serving as the Chair of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of
State and Government on several occasions.

-As a regional power, Ethiopia has played a key role in efforts to mediate and resolve conflicts in the Horn of
Africa region, such as the civil wars in Somalia and South Sudan.

-Ethiopia has been actively involved in IGAD's regional development initiatives, particularly in areas like
infrastructure, agriculture, and natural resource management.

-Ethiopia has collaborated with other IGAD member states on regional security issues, including counter-terrorism
efforts and peacekeeping operations.

-Ethiopia has often represented IGAD in international forums and negotiations, leveraging its influence and
diplomatic ties to advocate for the organization's interests.

2. The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI): is a regional partnership that was established in 1999 to manage and develop the
shared water resources of the Nile River basin in a cooperative manner. It includes 10 Nile Basin countries - Burundi,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Eritrea (as
an observer).

Ethiopia plays a significant role in the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) due to its position as the source of the Blue Nile,
which contributes around 85% of the Nile's water flow.

- Ethiopia is a founding and active member of the NBI and participates in its various programs and initiatives. This
includes engaging in regional cooperation, data sharing, and joint projects related to the sustainable management
of the Nile Basin's water resources.

-Water Resources Management: As the primary source of the Nile's water, Ethiopia's water management and
development projects, such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), have a significant impact on the
overall Nile Basin.

- Ethiopia has been engaged in diplomatic efforts to foster cooperation and resolve disputes among the Nile Basin
countries, particularly regarding the utilization of the Nile water resources.

Ethiopia also has involvement in bilateral cooperation made between it's neighbouring countries. Such as the
Ethiopia-Djibouti cooperation and the Ethiopia-kenya coperation dealing on issues such as border security, joint
infrastructure projects, trade agreements and transportation links.

In overal, Ethiopia has a significant role in its region.

2.Continental organizations:they refer to international organizations that are composed of countries within a
specific geographic region or continent. These organizations are formed to promote cooperation, economic
integration, and address common challenges among the member states within a particular continental context. Here
are some examples of major continental organizations:

1. African Union (AU):brings together 55 African countries and was established in 2002 to replace the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) and aims to promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation among African states.

2. European Union (EU): The EU is a political and economic union of 27 European countries. It was established to
foster economic and political integration among its member states.

Ethiopia Participates in various organisations and affairs within it's continent and across its continent.

1.The AU:Ethiopia was one of the founding members of the Organization of African Unity,the predecessor to the
African Union, in 1963.

-The OAU was established in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

- Addis Ababa has been the headquarters of the OAU and later the African Union since its establishment. This makes
Ethiopia the host country for the continental organization.

-As the host country, Ethiopia has played an influential role in the affairs of the AU. Ethiopian leaders, such as
former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, have held key positions within the AU and shaped its policies and initiatives.

-Ethiopia has been a significant contributor to AU peacekeeping missions, deploying troops to various conflict zones
in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan.

-Addis Ababa's role as the AU headquarters has made it a diplomatic hub, hosting various African and international
summits and conferences related to African affairs.

2.The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECA:is one of the five regional economic commissions under
the United was established in 1958 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to
encourage the economic and social development of the African states.

Some of ethiopias roles within the institution:

-UNECA has 54 member states, which are all the countries in the African continent.its headquar is located in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.

- Ethiopia has played a significant role in the UNECA's activities and decision-making processes. Ethiopian officials
have often held senior positions within the UNECA's leadership.

-The UNECA provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to member states, and Ethiopia has been a
major beneficiary of these services, particularly in areas such as infrastructure development, trade, and

3.Global organisations:refer to organizations that operate on a worldwide scale, addressing issues and challenges
that transcend national borders.

1.United Nations (UN): The UN is the largest and most well-known global organization, founded in 1945 to maintain
international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and promote social progress, better
living standards, and human rights.
2.World Bank Group: This is a group of five international organizations that provide financial and technical
assistance to developing countries for the purpose of economic development and poverty reduction.

Ethiopia participates in a number of major international organizations.

1.United Nations (UN) - Ethiopia has a long and significant history of engagement with the UN.

-It's was one of the original 51 countries that founded the United Nations in 1945 after World War II.

-Ethiopia has been a major contributor to UN peacekeeping operations, deploying troops to various conflict zones
in Africa, such as Darfur, South Sudan, and Somalia. It is one of the top troop-contributing countries to UN
peacekeeping missions.

-Ethiopian nationals have held senior leadership positions within the UN system, including Seyoum Mesfin, who
served as the UN Special Representative and Head of the UN Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

- Ethiopia has worked closely with various UN agencies, funds, and programs to advance its development agenda,
particularly in areas like poverty reduction, food security, and infrastructure development.

-As an active member of the UN, Ethiopia has used the multilateral platform to advocate for African interests and
priorities, such as the reform of the UN Security Council.

2.World Health Organization (WHO) :As a UN member state, Ethiopia actively participates in the activities and
initiatives of the WHO.

- The WHO has a long-standing partnership with Ethiopia, collaborating on various public health initiatives and
programs in the country.

- Ethiopia has held senior leadership positions within the WHO, including serving as a member of the WHO
Executive Board and chairing various technical committees and working groups. Tewodros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
an Ethiopian national, has played a significant role in the WHO. In 2017, he was elected as the Director-General of
the WHO, becoming the first African to hold this position.

- As the head of the organization, he has provided strategic leadership and oversight for the WHO's global health
agenda and operations.

He instrumental in driving reforms within the WHO to enhance its efficiency, responsiveness, and ability to address
global health challenges.

This includes initiatives to strengthen the organization's emergency preparedness and response capabilities. During
his tenure, Tewodros has led the WHO's response to several major health emergencies, including the COVID-19
pandemic, Ebola outbreaks, and humanitarian crisis.

- Ethiopia has used this platform to advocate for issues relevant to the African region, such as strengthening
health systems, addressing communicable and non-communicable diseases, and improving access to essential medicines.

- Ethiopia hosts the WHO Regional Office for Africa in Addis Ababa, the country's capital.
Global affairs

Ethiopia has played an active and influential role in global affairs, particularly in the areas of diplomacy,
peacekeeping, and international development as tried to be stated above.

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