GCAS 01 Syllabus 2nd Sem 2022 2023
GCAS 01 Syllabus 2nd Sem 2022 2023
GCAS 01 Syllabus 2nd Sem 2022 2023
Learning Plan
At the end of the course, the students must be able to approach a work of art from a perspective informed by the history and tradition of art and the social milieu in which it was
produced as well as the perspective of aesthetics. Such an approach would require a written essays must clearly demonstrate not only understanding and appreciation of a specified
work of art, but also a sense of the work’s important in life, culture and history.
Course Credit: 3 units
Contact Hours: 3 hours/ week
Pre-requisites: None
Placement: 2nd Semester, SY 2022-2023
Vision: A model institution of learning where relevant knowledge is acquired and skills are developed in response to the needs of the global community.
C.A.S. Vision: Given the University’s overall vision, the College of Arts and Sciences visualizes an environment that supports collaboration, promotes quality, and
ensures thoughtful stewardship of resources.
Mission: To provide equitable access to learning through relevant, innovative, industry, sensitive and environmental-conscious academic programs and services.
C.A.S. Mission: As the intellectual core of the Arellano University, the College of Arts and Sciences explains and transmits fundamental knowledge in the Arts,
Natural and Social Sciences, as well as Humanities. The College has the unique responsibility of providing Liberal Arts education to the
undergraduate students.
Core Values
The core values that Arellano University students must internalize and manifest:
C ompetence - Sufficient knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable him/ her to act reasonably in a while variety of situation
H umility - Being able to let go of oneself and be courteous and respectful to others
I ntegrity - Capability of doing the right thing in a reliable and upright manner he/she has the wholeness of character
E quality - Attribute of looking a thing in a fair and partial way towards all concerned, based on the principles of even-handed dealing
F ortitude - Strength and courage to face adversity of difficulty
S tewardship - Wise and responsible management of resource
Arellano Graduate Attributes Intended Learning Outcomes
A. Professional Competence Apply relevant knowledge and skills required for an effective professional in the field of specialization.
B. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills Exercise critical and innovative thinking in providing solutions to problems.
C. Communication Skills Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills using the English language.
D. Lifelong Learning Continuously acquired knowledge skills and values through formal, non-formal and informal learning.
E. Spirituality Enhance one’s spirituality through character beyond reproach acceptable to God and to people.
Hold ethical values and beliefs of a peace-loving environment conscious and freedom- loving Filipino
F. Social and Ethical Responsibility
consistent with industry desired values and global citizen values.
Program Outcomes:
A. Furnish students with deep insights regarding ARTS Appreciation.
B. Equip the students with the right knowledge and skills for them to appreciate arts specifically those that are written by local writers.
C. Achieve a high degree of ethical behavior to work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Demonstrated an understanding and appreciation of composition, function, values, designs, history and theories of arts in the Philippines and global context.
2. Discovered and deepened their identity through art with respect to their nationality, culture, and religion and organize group in the classroom for artistic promotion, curation
and cultural preservation.
3. Explained and evaluated different theories of art, and developed an appreciation for local and foreign arts, and how can they relate and use their course to promote and
influence other people in art appreciation.
Ariola. Mariano M. (2021). Introduction to art appreciation : A tTextbook in Humanities. C&E Publishing, Quezon City
Hall, Dorris et. al., (2020). Exploring the Arts: A Brief Introduction to Art, Theatre, Music, and Dance. LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network.
Head Librarian, AU - Pasig
Consultation Hours: 1
Grading System: Averaging
Criteria for Grading Students Performance:
A. Components of Class Standing (CS)
a. Activities: 10%
b. Written Reports or Projects (case study, written 15%
composition, research etc.):
c. Quizzes 10%
d. Long Tests or Chapter Tests 15%
e. Assignments 10%
Learning Plan
Learning Outcomes Topic Activities Resources Assessment
At the end of the lesson, the students
will be able to: A. Orientation Live Orientation session: PowerPoint
Articulate the University and the 1. AU Vision, Mission, Goals and Zoom/Google Meet (1 hour Presentation on Class Recitation through:
School’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives & 30 mins.) Orientation participation in
Objectives 2. CAS Vision, Mission, Goals and Self-assessment: Course Presentation of Student Question-and-Answer
Recall the policies, rules and Objectives Familiarization & Handbook part of Live Orientation
regulations of the school 3. School Policies, Rules and Expectations (30 mins.) Self-assessment Session
Describe the course overview Regulations Online Forum/Discussion questionnaire responses during online
4. Overview of the Course board: Course Overview and Course Outline, Course forum
5. Course Expectations Expectations (1 hour) Syllabus
Learning plan
At the end of the class the students UNIT II Pictures of various
are expected to: Lesson 3: Art Appreciation and Independent Learning of the Multimodal model for artworks
1. Explain the meaning of art, the Human Faculties Module Online Education
beauty, Theory of Imitation, Art materials
and Aesthetic from a a. Aesthetic, Psychology, Visual examples of artworks
philosophical point of view. Philosophy, and other related to concepts discussed. PowerPoint slide
2. Differentiate beauty from non- fields of learning
beauty objects and define b. Understanding the Human Video clips presenting the
important aesthetic terms. Faculties concepts tackled in the
3. Examine critically the different discussion.
artworks or objects and justify Lesson 4: Art and the Perception
appreciation or dislike of of Reality
those arts.
4. Create and appreciate an a. Realism in Renaissance
artwork using different media Style
and present it orally (Art Talk) b. Cubism, De Still and
or in written form. Readymade Art
Learning Plan
At the end of the class the students UNIT III
are expected to: Lesson 5: Aesthetics: Study of Art Class Recitation
1. Explain the meaning of art, and Beauty Group/Individual Output
beauty, Theory of Imitation, Modules thru AU Pegasus LMS
and Aesthetic from a a. Imitation Theory of Art and
Seatwork/Quizzes thru
philosophical point of view. Beauty Art Materials
2. Differentiate beauty from non- b. Introduction to Aesthetics AU Pegasus LMS
beauty objects and define Camera or CP with cam
important aesthetic terms. Lesson 6: Eastern and Filipino Drawings and Illustrations of
3. Examine critically the different Concept of Art and Beauty Different Artworks Photo slides
artworks or objects and justify
appreciation or dislike of those a. Filipino Aesthetics Video clips
arts. b. Spatial Perception
4. Create and appreciate an c. Concept of Maximalism Online Collaborative
artwork using different media and Minimalism learning
and present it orally (Art Talk)
or in written form.
Learning Plan
At the end of the class the students UNIT IV
are expected to: Lesson 7: Art, Beauty, Design and Class Recitation
1. Discuss the different principles Composition Group/Individual Output
in Art, Design and Beauty. thru AU Pegasus LMS
2. Ascertain the role of Beauty as a. Elements of Visual Arts
Seatwork/Quizzes thru
influence on art and as the b. Role of Beauty
impact of art. c. Principles of Art, Design Modules AU Pegasus LMS
3. Identify the different and Beauty
composition that comprised an Art Materials
Visual examples of artworks
art. Lesson 8: Art Reproduction and
related to concept discussed. Camera or CP with cam
4. Explain why art has been Intellectual Property Rights
a. Painting, Sculpture,
b. Digital Production Video clips
Assigned Readings/article
c. Mechanical Reproduction
Online Collaborative
Lesson 8: Art Reproduction of Art learning
a. Painting
b. Sculpture
c. Architecture
d. Digital Arts