MECH4411 Tsang Revision

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MECH4411 Heat Transfer

Part 2 – Convective heat transfer

Exam revision

What are the important parameters?
We have discussed four types of reference temperature:
- film Temperature Tf
- bulk Temperature Tb
- wall Temperature Tw
- free-stream Temperature T∞
The reference depends on the geometry considered.

Key dimensionless numbers:

Reynolds number Re
Prandtl number Pr = ν/α (obtained from property table)
Nusselt number Nu
Grashof number Gr (expression given in the exam)
Graetz number Gz (expression given in the exam)
Kinematic viscosity and thermal diffusivity:
μ k
ν= 𝛼=
ρ ρcp 2
Forced convection
Forced convection (Chapter 3-5): Tw
Tw T$,'
T!! T!"
tube cylinder sphere tube banks (M tubes in a row)
Reference T! + T!" T$,& + T$,'
Tw , T! = ! Tw , T∞ Tw , T∞ Tw , T$ =
Temperatures: 2 2
T! ≈ T!! or T! ≈ T!" if T# + T$ T# + T$ T$ ≈ T$! or T$ ≈ T$" if
T" = T" =
either T!! or T!" is not given. 2 2 either T$! or T$" is not
Iteration is needed to given. Iteration is needed to
determine T! (See example determine T$ (See example
2 in lecture note 4). 4 in lecture note 5).
T# + T! T# + T$
T" = T" =
2 2
Dimensionless ρu+ d hd ρu$ d hd ρu$ d hd ρu()* d hd
numbers: Re = , Nu = Re = , Nu = Re = , Nu = Re = , Nu =
μ k μ k μ k μ k

Heat transfer: q = hA Tw − Tb av q = hA Tw − T∞ av q = hA Tw − T∞ av q = hA Tw − T∞ av
A = πdL A = πdL A = πd' A = MπdL
Free convection and combined convection
Free convection and combined convection (Chapter 6-7):

T1 T2

Reference Tw , T∞ T1 , T2 T!! + T!"
Temperature: Tw , T! =
T# + T$ T& + T' T! ≈ T!! or T! ≈ T!" if either
T" = T" =
2 2 T!! or T!" is not given. Iteration
is needed to determine T! .
T# + T!
T" =
Dimensionless gρ ' β(T# − T$ )x, hx gρ ' β(T& − T' )δ, hδ ρu+ d hd
numbers: Gr = , Nu = Gr = , Nu = Re = , Nu =
μ' k μ' k μ k
gρ ' β T# − T! d,
Gr =
Heat transfer: q = hA Tw − T∞ av
k$ A T% − T& q = hA Tw − Tb
q = hA T& − T' = av
A = Lw δ A = πdL
A = Lw
Determine property of fluids
Properties of some fluids (e.g., water, air) can be obtained from property tables. If we are given certain state
properties of a fluid (e.g., temperature), other state properties of the fluid can be obtained from the table.

However, sometimes the state properties we got may not match with the state properties provided by the
table and we will need to do interpolation.

Formula for linear interpolation: b

bc – b1 b2 – b1 a –a
= → bc = b1 + (b2 – b1)( c 1 )
ac – a1 a2 – a1 a2 – a1 (ac,bc) (a2,b2)

If we want to obtain the properties at T = 25°C, then we need to interpolate

the data at T = 21.11°C and T = 26.67°C. Suppose if we wants to look for μ: (a1,b1)

a1 b1

bc 5
a2 b2
Ideal gas and coefficient of expansion
Ideal gas relation:
p = ρRT
where p is the pressure of the gas (Pa), ρ is the gas density (kg/m3), R is the gas constant (J/kg*K),
T is the temperature in the absolute scale (K). For air, R = 287 J/kg*K.

The volume coefficient of expansion β for ideal gas (used in free convection problem):

β = 1/T+
where T is the film temperature of the gas in absolute scale.

For non-ideal gas (e.g., water), β is obtained from the property table. For water, β is given in the form of
gβρ ,c-
which can be used to calculate the Grashof number- Prandtl number product Gr Pr.

gβρ! c" .
Gr Pr = x T/ − T0
Isothermal vs constant heat flux surface
Isothermal surface: T# is constant

Constant heat flux surface: q# is constant

q# =

Alternative way to calculate heat transfer
For heat transfer in tube flows or flows in tube banks, we can calculate heat transfer by energy flux:

For tube flows:

Mass flow rate: ṁ = ρud
Energy flux: ̇ p(T1! − T1# )
q = mc

For flows in tube banks

Mass flow rate: ṁ = ρ0u0MS2

where M is the number of tubes in one row of the tube banks, S- is the space between tubes in a row,
ρ$ and u$ are the density and velocity of inlet flows

Energy flux: ̇ - T0,, − T0,3

q = mc
From slide 2 – slide 8, all equations should be memorized by heart, except the expressions for the Grashof
number Gr. Empirical relations for Nu and the ranges of valid parameters will be given in the exam. 8
Forced heat transfer in tube flows
The reference temperature is the bulk temperature T! if it is not specified.

If multiple sets of empirical relations applied to the problem, only one set of relations will be given in the
exam, but you will need to determine from the condition which equation to use (e.g., laminar vs turbulence).
The critical Re for the transition of laminar to turbulence flows will be given.

There are several types of problems:

- turbulence heat transfer in smooth tubes (slide 6, slide 9 in lecture note 4)
- turbulence heat transfer in rough tubes (slide 7-8 in lecture note 4), friction factor f is determined from the
Moody diagram
- short tubes or entrance flows that are undeveloped.
For laminar flow, Nu is determined from a figure (slide 11 in lecture note 4)
For turbulence flow, a correction factor is determined from a figure (slide 11 in lecture note 4), the correction
factor is multiplied with the solution of turbulence heat transfer in smooth tubes (slide 6 in lecture note 4)
- tubes of non-circular cross-section (slide 10 in lecture note 4)

Remember that the energy flux of the flow can be used to calculate heat transfer in addition to Nu.

Forced heat transfer in cylinders, spheres, tube banks
The reference temperature is the film temperature T" if it is not specified.
For cylinders:
- use empirical relation and tables (for coefficients) to solve for Nu (slide 7, slide 9 in lecture note 5)
- Non-circular cylinder (slide 11 in lecture note 5)

For sphere:
- use empirical relation to solve for Nu (slide 10 in lecture note 5)

For tube-banks
- use empirical relation and tables (for coefficients) to solve for Nu (slide 12-15 in lecture note 5)
- check whether the configuration of the tube banks is in-line or staggered.
- determine u()* for Re (slide 13, equations will be given in the exam if needed).
- determine the correction factor if the number of rows N is less than 10 (Grimson, slide 12, 13 in lecture note 5)
or 20 (Zukauskas, slide 14,15 in lecture note 5)
- remember the energy flux of the flow can be used to calculate heat transfer in addition to Nu. 10
Free convection in plates or cylinders
The reference temperature is the film temperature T" if it is not specified.
Isothermal surface:
- use empirical relation and tables (for coefficients) to solve for Nu (slide 9, slide 11 in lecture note 6).
- calculate GrPr (expression will be given if needed).
- distinguish which cases you have (vertical plates, horizontal plates vertical cylinders, horizontal cylinders)
- For vertical cylinder, a correction factor may be needed if the ratio of diameter to length is too large (slide 10
in lecture note 6).

Constant heat flux surface:

- use empirical relation to solve for Nu (slide 12, 13 in lecture note 6).
For laminar flow (given in the exam if needed):
h4 = h
4 ./0
For turbulence flow (given in the exam if needed):
h4 = h./0

Free convection in enclosed spaces
The reference temperature is the film temperature T" if it is not specified.
For horizontal plates, if the upper plate has a higher temperature, Nu1 = 1 (pure conduction).
For horizontal plates with the lower plate having a higher temperature or for vertical plates:
- use empirical relation and tables (for coefficients) to solve for ke/k (slide 8 in lecture note 7).
- if GrPr is smaller than certain threshold (see slide 8 in lecture note 7), ke/k = 1 and pure conduction occurs.
This can be achieved by reducing the separation distance δ or reducing the pressure p and hence the density ρ
of the fluids (by vacuuming).

Combined convection in tubes
The reference temperature is the bulk temperature T! if it is not specified.
- determine the regimes of the flows (slide 11 of lecture note 7).
- determine which empirical relation to use.

Example 1
Water at 60°C enters a tube of 3 cm diameter at a mean flow velocity of 4 cm/s. Calculate the exit water
temperature if the tube is 2 m long and the wall temperature is constant at 80°C.
(a) Calculate the Reynolds number.
(b) Calculate the exit air temperature.

The following formula and fluid properties are given:

Sieder and Tate formula
d μ 3.&5 d
Nu+ =1.86 Re+ Pr for laminar flow Re + < 2000 and Re+ Pr > 10
L μw L
μ 3.&5
Nu+ = 0.027Re3.6
+ Pr&/, for turbulence flow Re+ > 2000
Properties of water
T [K] cp [kJ/kg×°C] r [kg/m3] µ [kg/m×s] k [W/m×°C] Pr
60 4.179 983.3 4.71 ´ 10-4 0.654 3.01
65.55 4.183 980.3 4.3 ´ 10-4 0.659 2.73
71.11 4.186 977.3 4.01 ´ 10-4 0.665 2.53
76.67 4.191 973.7 3.72 ´ 10-4 0.668 2.33
82.22 4.195 970.2 3.47 ´ 10-4 0.673 2.16 14
Example 1
(a) Since the exit temperature is unknown, we used the inlet temperature as the approximation for T! .
At T! = 60°C,
ρ = 985 kg/m3 μ = 4.71 × 10 75 kg/m * s k = 0.651 W/m * °C cp = 4.18 kJ/kg * °C Pr = 3.01
ρumd (985)(0.04)(0.03)
Red = = = 2510 > 2000
μ 4.71 × 10 75
The flow is therefore turbulent and the second equation is used.

(b) At the wall temperature T" = 80°C, μw = 3.55 × 10 75 kg/m * s

μ 3.&5 4.71 × 10 75
Nu+ = 0.027Re3.6
+ Pr
= 0.027(2510) 3.6 (3.01)&/, = 21.30
μw 3.55 × 10 75
kNu+ (0.651)(21.30)
h= = = 462.2 W/m2 * °C
d 0.03
The mass flow rate is
πd' (985)(0.04)π(0.03) '
ṁ = ρu8 = = 2.785 × 10 7' kg/s
4 4 15
Example 1
The energy balance gives
T! + T!"
q = hπdL Tw − ! = mċ p T!" − T!!
60 + T!"
(462.2)π(0.03)(2) 80 − = (2.785 × 10 7' )(4180) T!" − 60
T!" = 70.9°C

Perform iteration for better solution. We should go back and evaluate properties at
70.9 + 60
Tb,mean = = 65.5°C
ρ = 980.3 kg/m3 μ = 4.3 × 10 75 kg/m * s k = 0.659 W/m * °C cp = 4.18 kJ/kg * °C Pr = 2.73

ρumd (980.3)(0.04)(0.03)
Red = = = 2736 > 2000
μ 4.3 × 10 75
μ 3.&5 4.3 × 10 75
Nu+ = 0.027Re3.6
+ Pr
= 0.027(2736) 3.6 (2.73)&/, = 21.78
μw 3.55 × 10 75

kNu+ (0.659)(21.78)
h= = = 478.4 W/m2 * °C
d 0.03 16
Example 1
πd' (980)(0.04)π(0.03) '
ṁ = ρu8 = = 2.771 × 10 7' kg/s
4 4
T!! + T!"
q = hπdL Tw − ̇ p T!" − T!!
= mc
60 + T!"
(478.4)π(0.03)(2) 80 − = (2.771 × 10 7' )(4180) T!" − 60
T!" = 71.2°C

Example 2
Consider a horizontal air gap between two glass plates heated from below. The air gap is reduced so that the
air behaves as a pure conductor. For air at a mean temperature of 300 K and a temperature difference of 20°C,
calculate the minimum separation distance needed to be reduced from an original spacing of 2 cm.
Grashof number
gρ ' β(T& − T' )δ,
Gr = ,

g = 9.8 m/s2

Properties of air
T [K] cp [kJ/kg×°C] r [kg/m3] µ [kg/m×s] k [W/m×°C] Pr
300 1.0057 1.1774 1.846 ´ 10-5 0.02624 0.708
350 1.0090 0.9980 2.075 ´ 10-5 0.03003 0.697
400 1.0140 0.8826 2.286 ´ 10-5 0.03365 0.689

Example 2
At T" = 300 K, the properties of air are
μ = 1.846 × 10 79 kg/m∙s, ρ = 1.1774 kg/m3 k = 0.02624 W/m∙°C, Pr = 0.708, β= = 3.33 × 10 7, K−1
For pure conduction,
gρ ' β(T& − T' )δ,
Gr1 Pr = Pr < 1700
9.8 1.1774 ' 3.33 × 10 7, 20 δ,
0.708 < 1700
1.846 × 10 79 '

δ < 0.00845 m = 0.845 cm

Minimum separation distance needed to be reduced = 2 cm − 0.845 cm = 1.155 cm


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