Technical Compliance Check List
Technical Compliance Check List
Technical Compliance Check List
19 Are they have in-process QC? On what proportion of products? What do they do with the data collected this way
(corrective/ preventive actions)? What happens to pieces found to be defective? √
20 Do they ensure that measuring instruments are available and correctly used? √
21 Do the operators control their own work? √
22 Is there regular training? √
23 Subcontracted production
24 How does the factory control the work of the subcontractors. N/ A
25 What do they check about the subcontractors operations? N/ A
26 Final QC
27 Is there one last inspection based on AQL statistics? Based on what level of AQL? √
28 Does they take corrective action when non-conformities ard detected? √
29 Sampling
30 When the factory prepares some prototypes/ samples, how does it make sure that the resulting product can meet all
the customer's requirements in bulk production? Is there any check list?
43 Are different patterns made when shrinkage report shows rolls >3% Difference? Is a meas chart before wash created
for each pattern? √
44 Are development patterns saved in different folder than Bulk approved patterns? √
45 Marker printer calibration 100cm×100cm CHECK daily & keep records. √
46 Fabric inspection done with proper frame using 4 points system on at least 10% of each lot on packing list. √
47 Do the report shows defect types, point/ defect, total points per 100 linear or sq/ yds (depending on brand
requirement), pass/ fail for each roll & for each lot? Signed by supervisor? √
48 Are run cards maintained? Shade swatches proper ID with roll & lot #, shade blanket done. Shade grouping done? If
grouping is done, then all rolls (100%) must be checked. √
49 Are group shade swatches compared against approved color standard in light box? √
50 Are Left- center- Right blanket done to check shade variation within same roll on start- middle- end? √
Is shrinkage test done with a proper tool for square drawing, rigid ruler to measure? Is there a shrinkage grouping
51 done when shrinkage is >3% difference? If some rolls >3% then all rolls (100%) must be checked….is there a shrinkage √
52 Are shade/ color evaluations done in a dark room (no external lights) using Light box with Buyer approved light
sources D65 and CWF, light box must be calibrated or bulbs changed <500 hrs (keep records)? √
53 Are there Color approved swatches kept with proper approval signature, date, chop & protected from
sunlight & dust? √
54 Are rejected rolls identified & kept in separate area with clear sign and a log indicating how many rolls, yds, defects
type etc… √
55 Are all rolls covered/ protected from dust, stains, sunlight? All on shelves, racks, pallets? √
56 Are all rolls properly identified with roll#, lot# - - - FIFO / Tracking system in place? √
57 Is Humidity kept under target <60% (using dehumidifiers, fans etc) & proper records maintained? √
58 Is there a Needle Control Policy, (Sharps, Staples present)? √
59 Down storage with proper ID? √
60 Is bulk color checked against approved color standard? √
61 Are 5'S audits done at least once/ month? Show results for each area. Are there training records for 5's? √
62 Thread in/ out and left over record? √
63 Separation of dark/ light color in pre- twisting process? √
64 Is there a Fabric 3rd party or internal lab test report available? √
65 Is there a Down 3rd party or internal lab test report available? √
66 Are Trim 3rd party lab test report from each Trim supplier available? √
67 Is there a supplier summary sent for feedback to suppliers on Top 3 problems found each quarter? Does the Factory
track main problems using control chart tools to ensure improvement?
68 Are incoming trims audited with 1.5 AQL under 1,000 lux & keep proper records? √
69 Is there a standard Trim card with approved signature & date? Matches buyer approved trims? √
70 Are additional approved Trim cards signed for the Production Departments? √
71 Are snap & rivets pull test done by lot# at moment shipment is received? Proper records? √
72 All materials are not past the expired date? (e. g. heat transfer, seam sealing tape). √
73 Is seam sealing tape storaged in a/ c room to control temperature? √
74 Rejected materials logged and kept in isolated area? Trims not used (old stock) identified and separated? √
75 Is fabric properly relaxed based on stretch properties? (each roll laying flat, not tied, no roll stacked up on top of other
roll). √
76 Is relaxation (start) time properly indicated near each roll as well as when roll will be available for cutting (min 24
hrs)? Is it according to lycra/ spandex % content? Roll/ Dye Lot # clear?
77 Does spreader follows shade grouping done by fabric warehouse? Keep records of rolls/ dye lots used? √
78 Materials not be stapled together. √
79 Is there a QC checking spreading tension, edge alignment, end alignment, bowing, ply count, marker/ fabric width,
shade grouping etc….Must have updated report?
80 Are cutting accuracy & notches checked using a hard pattern Top- Middle- Bottom? Records kept? √
81 Is cutting grain direction followed in die cutting (mold)? √
82 Is there panel inspection using 100%? Records? √
83 Product Quality - (Check 5 pcs at random) - Pass for Visual/ Dimension Major Defects.
84 Is the numbering & bundling separation done following correctly the spreading report? √
85 Visual and relevant SOP present? English & local language? √
86 Is there a Preventive Maintenance Plan / Schedule in place? Show updated plan vrs actual. √
87 Are there Quality improvement efforts with Quality meetings, Defects summaries, Pareto Analyses and Follow up
(Follow PPA SOP)?
88 Is there a PP meeting report on new styles with attendance & PP sample reports? √
89 Is there a Pilot Run procedure on new styles before Bulk starts? Show reports. √
90 Is there a 1st bundle review & reported? √
91 Are seam-sealing / down / laser / bonding / all sewing operations process follow SOP? √
92 Does cutting guides keep correct seam allowance on overlock machines? √
93 Is there a daily roaming QC check using AQL? Is there operator name/ # & Defect q'ty/ type recorded?
S. P. I & seams puckering monitored daily to match approved sample on all operations? √
94 Are in process measurements done daily using Tolerances, calibrated meas tape & correct reports? √
95 Are out of tolerance occurences investigated further by measuring extra pieces & recording corrective actions? √
99 Are End of line inspectors under good illumination of 1,000 lux, do they have checking method, defect q'ty & type
records updated before moving to finishing area? √
100 Product Quality - (Check 5 pcs at random) - Pass for Visual / Major Defects. √
101 Is the Needle Control Policy present & effectively managed? (Broken Needle Log / no needle on idle machines? √
106 Is there a supplier recommended or lab tested machine setting available? Does it match machine setting in bulk? N/ A
107 Is there a daily checking of machine actual temperature, time & pressure against machine setting?
Records kept?
N/ A
112 Are snap machine pinch setting following snap manufacturer recommendations & checked daily?
Are original dies being used? √
113 Is there pull test done with machine & following Buyer requirements? Moke- ups & reports available? Machine
calibrated? √
115 Disposal of pressed garments is adequate to maintain good ironed appearance? Garments not crushed
or stacked too high afterwards?
116 Is there a Final Inspection or AQL audit procedure before moving garments to packing under 1,000 lux light? √
117 Are packing trim (hang tag, UPC, stricker) being attached following specific written instructions by P. O. or
destination? Placement instructions or approved sample? Is there an approve trim card present?
118 Are there approved (sign & date) packing samples for each running style present in Finishing section? √
Is there metal detection machine located as to ensure after metal detector garments will be contained inside a metal
119 free zone machine calibrated with 9 points method every hour & records kept? Records of PO, color/ size scanned √
production too every hour?
120 Scan and pack system implement & Correct SOP followed? √
121 Are there shipping marks written instructions for each style & destination? √
122 Does factory have an internal Pre-final audit procedure using AQL to ensure all POs will pass Buyer audit? √
123 Product Quality - (Check 25 pcs at random) - Pass for Visual / Major / Measurements Defects. √
124 Are all garments packed free of uncut thread/ loose threads? √
125 Is the Finishing area well illuminated (with 1,000 lux on inspection areas), not excessive WIP accumulating on tables or
shelves/ trolleys, transit areas are clearly marked & unobstructed?
127 Are there Quality Improvement efforts with Quality meetings, Defects Summaries, Pareto Analyses and Follow up? √
135 Do QA have QC File (Approved: Sample, tack pack, fabric swatches, strike off, embroidery & Trim Card etc) presently
available for Final Inspection (audit)? √
136 Does the bulk production match the spec & approved / Signed Sample? √
137 Does factory has QA Manul hard copies in Quality Department for all VF brands being manufactured? √
138 Is there a formal training program for all new QC/ QA personnel with: Training schedule, attendance & evaluation
procedure to give score/ rating for each trainee/ session?
139 Are QA metrics (defect results, pass rate & B grades etc…) every visibly displayed daily or weekly in each line/ area? √
140 Are there calibration exercises each month to standardize quality criteria? Documented all areas? √
141 Are there quality meetings weekly / monthly to evaluate WHOLE FACTORY defects trends? Is there a minutes report &
action plan followed? √
142 (No Child Labor seen- OK/ NO) Any under- aged workers seen (under the age of 15:/ 16 in China)? Check written policy
and random check workers against ID cards. √
143 (deposits
No Forced Labor seen - OK/ NO) Any signs of forced overtime, passport custody, withhold payment, monetary
& disapproval of resignation etc. Any incidents you heard during walk through.
144 (No Abuse seen - OK/ NO ) Any harrassment or discrimination issues heard during the walk through? Circle any of
them: Physical abuse / Verbal abuse / Sexual abuse / Discrimination issue / Others.
145 Does Overtime match Buyer Policy? (Need 1 day rest in 7 days). √
146 Does the factory pay their employees fairly i. e. comply with legal minimum standards? √
147 Any worker complained following issues heard? Circle relevant: Underpaid / No overtime premium / Excess wage
deduction / Late payment / Others.
148 Does the factory have emergency evacuation diagrams in the native language(s) of the workers posted in conspicuous
locations in the facility.
149 Check if an emergency / evacuation alarm is installed and can be heard in all areas of the factory. √
150 Determine if the facility has an adequate number of properly located and clearly marked emergency exists available.
(Minimum 2 per floor).
151 Confirm that the exits are accessible and unlocked during working hours. √
152 Confirm that, where necessary, the emergency exit doors have panic hardware or lever style (one hand, one motion
door openers)? √
153 Does the building structure appears to be adequate for safe usage - visual assessment (no cracks, no unsafe exposed
electrical wiring)? √
154 Check the factory does not have the location shared with other companies? 13b. Check the factory building are not
located above shops & markets?
155 Are the dormitories separate from the production line and warehouse? N/ A