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Quality problem is a major panic for manufacturers.

Hence, they are using

several methods to improve production process. Today, we will discuss a
unique method which is vastly used to control product quality that is Traffic
Light System, and it is shortened as TLS.
Traffic Light System (TLS):
It is a quality system designed to identify problems and get help from
management to solve those problems.

* The purpose of Traffic Light System

The purpose of this system is to determine the quality problems within the
needlepoint and to give remedies to stop it from recurring immediately.
* Introduction:
During the course of the day, the Inline inspector (TLSA) will randomly check
the operator’s work as 7 pieces out of the bundle, and the minimum round of
daily checks per operator will be 4 per day.
Sequence of Capturing defects in 04 visits:
* 1st Visit – (Regular Visit) Traffic Light System Auditor (TLSA) has to cover all
machines and evaluate the process in terms of Constructional issues as well
as other visual defects.
* 2nd Visit – (Follow Up) TLSA has to cover all Critical to Quality (CTQ –
which needs approve mocks on the process), Yellow and Red labeled
* 3rd Visit – (Follow Up) same as 2nd visit
* 4th Visit – (Regular Visit) TLSA has to cover all process again and judge
each process in terms of overall quality view.
Example – Traffic light symbols:
Basic Concept of COLOR Light Card:

Green light cards allow traffic to proceed

The concerned parties (QA and Production Supervisors, Technicians,

Mechanics) should actively assist the operator to solve quality problems when
yellow light cards are attached.

WIP or Products cannot be passed to the next production stage when the red
light cards are hanging. In case of red labeled process, Floor Management
(APM, QA, Technicians, and Mechanics) has to involve validating the
process. Red labeled process can be treated as SOS; operators need help.

During the next inspection time, when 1 PC of garment is to be defective or

substandard, the Green light card should be replaced by a Yellow light card
During the next inspection time, if they do not found any defect garment, the
card remains in green light.

During follow-up visit, while there is no defect found, Yellow color can be
changed to Green, If more than one defects, it should be changed to Red.
When the garments successfully pass in consecutive inspections for two times
and the result is zero defects, the red light card can be replaced by a yellow
light card. In case of continuous red light, process should be stopped and find
the solution to rectify immediately. Floor management has to be involved.
The actual physical standard is representing the work content of that particular
workstation and the associated specification needed to achieve that standard.
Operation Specification:

*Mentioning the details of an operation:

a) The purpose of the operation
b) The key quality problems and their downstream impacts on the product
c) Operation Key measurements, guide settings, trim off allowance, needle
size/type stitches per inch, type, and any other relevant specification.
d) Prepared by the technician, reviewed and agreed by team leader and
e) Sewing Operation Standard
f) Prepared by operator and approved by technical team leader, mechanic and
quality management (QM).
g) Used to highlight stitch density, balance, SPI,
h) Sewing margin
i) Using correct bulk raw material
j) Placed on the Operation Specification Sheet.
It has to be added for only Critical to quality process which has to be assessed
during PP meeting; it can be modified with QA manager’s approval during bulk
if all concern feels different process as critical. 


Garments styles are changing rapidly. Also the fast changing economic conditions such as global
competition, declining profit margin, customer demand for high quality product, product variety and
reduced leadtime etc. had a major impact on manufacturing industries. The demand for higher value
at lower price is increasing and to survive, apparel manufacturers need to improve their operations
through producing right first time quality and waste reduction. Unless buyers expectations and
requirements are met, it would be very difficult to survive or to grow. Therefore, quality is becoming a
vital key to successful growth of a company. Reworks in the garments industry are a common work
that hampers the smooth production rate. Rework is a vital issue for poor quality product and low
production rate. Stitching operations (with respect to cutting and finishing) needs high skill as well as
quality work, because of difficulty associated with repairing of products sewed with wrong
specifications. We have to give more attention to stitching than to cutting and finishing. Here, how a
traffic light system in sewing floor can be used to detect defects at source level is described.

What Is Traffic Light System

Traffic light system is the most effective inspection tool to reduce defect generation at source.

This is a random inspection system. Traffic light system is more effective in controlling shop floor
quality than other quality tools because of its visual communication. At the same time it measure
operators performance level in quality. No operators like to be presented themselves as lower quality
makers. They concentrate on quality aspect during stitching garments.

Inline checking system will alert operators in concentrating their job. If less number of defective seam
is made, less the time will be lost in repairing it. It also helps in other way. May be at the start of the
style an operator do not understand the specification, an interaction with quality inspector will make
an operator clear about the quality requirement. Traffic Light System is designed to flag the problem
at source and allow immediate corrective action rather than all potentially defective product to
continue to be manufactured.

How It Works

Traffic Light System is a visual control for highlighting quality issues in sewing line.  Traffic light
quality system works in a similar fashion the transportation traffic light system works. Three different
colour cards are placed in each operators place. Green indicates that Quality meets the customers
Standard. Yellow indicates that a minor fault has been found and caution is required. Red indicates
that the Quality Standard does not meet the customers standard requirement.

One Inline Quality Checker is to be allocated for every line of particular style or cover 15 or 20
Workstations. She/he has to check the semi finished garment pieces from current bundle once in an
hour or two. Pieces will be taken randomly and check all the quality parameters required for that
operation. Stitches per inch, seam width, sewing allowance, correct trims and their placement and
measurement etc are to be verified by the Inline Quality checker. While inspecting, depending upon
the quality level, colour cards are placed on their machine.

The red card is given for those, who are identified by the line supervisor have produced 5 or more
defective item out of ten pieces inspected. The yellow card is given to those who are identified by the
line supervisor have produced 2 or more defective items out of ten inspected. The green card is given
if no reworks are found. This can motivate the worker to produce good quality products. It is also an
indication of how and which operator is going wrong to the production in charge and quality
supervisor. They can monitor from any corner of the floor easily.
Number of pieces to be checked and limit of number of defect pieces for colour code change slightly
differs in different factories depending upon the quality level they target. But when any worker who
does multiple faults, a red card is hanged above his or her head that indicates that this worker is
producing several faults that should be corrected and an extra care should be taken to this worker. The
extra care may be in a way that he or she should be trained for that operation or if there have any
problem, could be solved.

The format shown below is used for a single operator or workstation. A single sheet will keep record
for the whole month for an operator. Inline Quality checker, on the first day of the month have to fill
details such as Operator name, Line number and name of the Month. The format is displayed in two
sections (front & back) to cover 31 days (whole month). Each row contains space to cover hourly
inspections in a shift. The space is filled with respective colour pen. At the end of the day quality
auditor /supervisor has to sign in the report. At the end of month, performance of operator can be
easily noted form colour filled columns.

Employee Motivation
The system offers that, the best worker and the best line that scored highest should be honored by the
management and some incentive should be given to them for their outstanding performance. The
system also offers that, they should also be honored by being put a best quality badge for the whole
month so that they could feel proud and all other workers could inspire to achieve the highest quality
level. It is practiced by lot of factories nowadays and they find improvement in employee performance.

Success Stories

Md. Mazharul Isla et al reported that about 5%

production capacity has been increased through
quality improvement system when they
implemented traffic light system in a company at
Bangladesh. The monthly capacity before
implementing the traffic light system was
equivalent to 925 days production of one line for
a month whereas after the system being
implemented it reduced to 878 days with an
improvement of 47 days production capacity.

In a study conducted by group of students after implementing traffic light system at Gokilaa Garments
Tirupur, it is reported that the rework percentage has reduced from 2.14 % to 1.01 % in the sewing


Traffic light system is a system that can be implemented easily in any garment manufacturing
company and it will help to improve the quality status, reduced the cost, improve the lead time and
thus strengthen the supply chain performance without increasing the resource. Poorly managed
factory loses productivity up to 10% due to repair and reject. Hence implementation of traffic light
system will help to get more quality products from Operators of this age.

Traffic Light system in Garments Sewing

in Quality, Sewing
Traffic Light system is a very effective quality control system in garments sewing
line. Every garment factory aims to achieve a minimum DHU level possible. A new
framework is the Traffic Light System which helps to reduce the work-pressure on the
quality department and improving the level of quality in sewing lines at the same time.
Thus, such a Traffic Light system (TLS) system can prove to be a boon for apparel
manufacturing. Traffic Light System (TLS) is a quality system designed to identify
problems and involve help from management to solve the problems. This is a “Pareto”
based system which focuses on solving the 3 highest occurring faults daily. The
system incorporates the key fundamentals necessary for any system successful:
1. Clear standards and tolerance.
2. The ability to track a problem back to the source.
3. Reporting and process discipline.
• TLS will transit the vendor to a Right First Time (RFT) mentality and culture.
Objectives of Traffics Light system in Sewing
1.      Tracking operators sewing quality and operator wise defects
2.      To monitor the level of quality in sewing lines through a different approach to Traffic
Light System
3.      To reduce sewing DHU% and process defects percentage.

Traffic Light system

In-line Auditors together with Technicians should prepare “Quality Specification”
cards for every operation. When the operator fully understands what is required and
completed three garments with the right quality, this is agreed with the operator and a
sample selected out of the above three is attached. The agreement & the approval of
the sample sign off by the Operator, Production Supervisor, Technician and Mechanic
on Quality Specification sheet in the presence of the In-line Auditor. This is then
hanged on the stand located on every machine set at an eye-level for ease of viewing.
Traffic Light Auditor Role in Sewing Line
There is an assigned traffic Light Auditor every 2 or 3 sewing lines who works as a roaming
QC and control the traffic light system. A traffic light Auditor has the authority to stop the
machine, the machine have to be stopped when auditor put the red light indicator in front of
an operator.
Traffic Light Audit system
In-line Auditor (Quality Monitor) starts the day work with “Patrol Inspection” of
which he/she checks 3 components/pieces from each and every operation. The Patrol
Inspection should be completed within fifteen (15) minutes of starting the day. In-line
Auditor turns the Traffic Light Cards (TL Cards ) into respective colors according to
the result of the Patrol Inspection.
Zero defects - Green
One defect - Yellow
Two or more defects – Red

Action on Traffic Light

Auditor turns the Traffic Light Cards ( TL Cards ) into respective colors according to
the result of the Inspection.
Green-Appreciate & ask to continue the Operation

Yellow- Inform to operator & Production Supervisor to increase the attention

& the level of her own inspection

Red -Stop the operation. Inform to Operator, Production Supervisor to identify

the problem & solve it with the help of Mechanic & Technician.

The result is marked on the Traffic Light Chart or Daily In-line Audit Sheet.  In-line
Auditor makes the normal random audit route as follows by considering the 3 highest
defect making operations / Critical operations on the previous day. Two visits for top
3 defect making operations / Critical operations in two hrs (a quarter of a shift)
– One visit for other operations in two hrs • It is marked on the “Daily Inline Audit
• In-line Auditor then inspects each operation as per the random audit sequence four
times per day.
• In each visit to an operation, Inline Auditor selects 7 pieces /components randomly
and checks them 

The Traffic Light Chart ( TL Chart ) is updated with the color given for the visit.
• The relevant record is made on the “Daily In-line Audit sheet” with fault code.
– No. defects out of 7 checked components, Mark as “  ”.
• Actions taken for Red dots by the Supervisor / Technician and the team are noted
down on the reverse side of the “Daily In-line Audit Sheet”.
• If any operation gets a Red dot, In-line Auditor makes a 2nd visit to audit the
relevant operation again in the same quarter.
• At the end of the day, In-line The auditor summarizes the quality performance of the
operation and it is marked on the “In-line Quality Performance” board hanged in front
of the line.
• The top three (3) operations that made highest no. of defectives, are marked together
with relevant fault code on the “Daily In-line Audit Sheet” and “RFT Meeting
Minute” as inputs for the RFT meeting. 
• In-line Auditor provides the following information
– No. of Red dots for the shift / a day with fault code.
– No. of defectives found & no of components audited at the In-line Audit.
– Top three operations making the highest no of defectives with fault codes as per the
In-line audit result.
– Top three operations making highest no. of defectives with fault codes as per the
End-line inspection result.
– No. of seconds garments 

End Line Inspection

• End-line checker carries out 100% garment inspection at the end of the line.
• In-line Auditor provide all necessary measurements ( measurement strips for the
checking table ), “How to measure” sheet, approved
garment spec, Quality Specification sheet with inspection guidance, Inspection
procedure, Reject Analysis Record sheet, Label information.
• If End-checker finds any defective garment, the place of the defect is marked and
sends back to relevant operator through In-line Auditor for repairing.
• The record is made against the relevant operation with fault code on the “Reject
Analysis Record” using the Five-Bar-Gate method.
• End checker informs to In-line Auditor when no. of defectives for a specific
operation reaches to 5 and the In-line auditor informs it to Production Supervisor &
Quality Supervisor to take corrective action.
The action taken is written down on the “Action Taken for Defect Makers” sheet
( reverse side of the “Reject Analysis Record” ) by Production Supervisor.
• If the defective garment is non-repairable, In-line Auditor seconds the garment after
consulting Quality Supervisor & Quality Executive if necessary and a record is made
on the “Reject Analysis Record”
• The Seconded garments are kept under In-line Auditor custody in the demarcated
area until they are handed over to the QA dept. at the end of the shift/day.
• After finishing the necessary calculations & marking the top three operations made
highest no. of defectives, End-checker hands over the “Reject Analysis Record” to In-
line Auditor at the end of the shift/day.  
Traffic light system implementation in Sewing Line
Defect Color Traffic Action required
found code Light
None Green Once per None
One Yellow Twice per Inform Operator
hour Supervisor, Line Chief
Manager to make the
necessary correction
of the process.

Two or Red 3 times 1. Show the correction

more per method to the
hour operator.
2. Involve the
mechanic to solving a
sewing machine
3. If Operator cannot
reach the quality level
of the process, sewing
operator change is
4. If sewing machine
trouble cannot be
solved, need to replace
the machine.
Traffic light system operation Procedure
1. The QC will check every operation on the line (manual or sewing) in random
2. The QC only examines the work for the operation specified on the clipboard.
3. If any of the garments are rejected then the bundle is considered to reject and is
held back.
4. The QC will instruct the operator to re-check all the garments within that
bundle and repair any garments that are not to the correct standard for that operation.
5. The traffic light chart & the daily in-line inspection report should be updated
using the correct fault code letter and color sequence identification before leaving the
Improve lean production methods with Andon
switch box
24 February 2014

The term "Andon" originates from Japanese and is the word for a traditional paper lantern
often used to signal warning.

In the language of lean production methods an Andon light commonly refers to any sort of
visual system (signal tower or traffic light system)which will alert staff to danger in the
workplace, a change in status of a machine or process or as a simple "call for action”.

When used as a "call for action” the andon light needs to be manually activated by the
member of staff at the workstation. For example, a simple four colour andon light might
• Green onWorkstation manned.
• AmberAssistance required from maintenance.
• RedSerious error, supervision required.
• BlueMaterial shortage – stores to replenish.

A flexible call system

A workstation equipped with a signal tower and an andon box allows the member of staff to
call immediately for help without leaving the workstation. Local visibility of the "call for
action” is given by the signal tower which may also be equipped with a sounder for additional

Easy to install
The andon box is a switch box and is supplied with the essential cabling to link it to
theandon light or signal tower and a plug in 24V power supply unit.

Wireless technology provides a complete overview 

In larger production areas workstations are often outside the supervisor’s line of sight. For
situation such as these WERMA offers an optimal solution: a combination ofAndonBox and WIN
(Wireless Information Network) allows a central overview of the currents status of up to 50
workstations at the same time. By adding a WIN transmitter to the signal tower operated by
the andon box every time a switch is actuated that data is collected by the WIN system
allowing review and performance monitoring of the workstation.

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