Ports Used by CDH Components - 6.3.x - Cloudera Documentation

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Ports Used by CDH Components (#cdh_ports)

All ports listed are TCP.

In the following tables, Internal means that the port is used only for communication among the components; External means that the port can be
used for either internal or external communication.

External Ports
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Apache DataNode
Hadoop 9866 dfs.datanode.address DataNode HTTP server port





Component Service Port Configuration Comment

8020 fs.default.name or fs.default.name is deprecated (but still works)

8022 dfs.namenode. servicerpc- Optional port used by HDFS daemons to avoid sharing the RPC
address port 8022.

9870 dfs.http.address or dfs.http.address is deprecated (but still works)


9871 dfs.https.address or dfs.https.address is deprecated (but still works)


NFS gateway
2049 nfs port ( nfs3.server.port )

4242 mountd port ( nfs3.mountd.port )

111 portmapper or rpcbind port

50079 nfs.http.port The NFS gateway daemon uses this port to serve metrics. The p

50579 nfs.https.port The NFS gateway daemon uses this port to serve metrics. The p

Component Service Port Configuration Comment


Apache ResourceManager yarn. resourcemanager.

Hadoop 8032 address
yarn. resourcemanager.
8033 admin.address

yarn. resourcemanager.
8088 webapp.address

yarn. resourcemanager.
8090 webapp.https.address

NodeManager yarn. nodemanager.

8042 webapp.address

yarn. nodemanager.
8044 webapp.https.address

JobHistory Server mapreduce. jobhistory.

19888 webapp.address

mapreduce. jobhistory.
19890 webapp.https.address
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

ApplicationMaster The ApplicationMaster serves an HTTP service using an ephem

accessed directly from outside the cluster by clients. All reques
YARN ResourceManager (proxy service). Locking down access
restrict your access to the ApplicationMaster UI and its logs, al

Flume Flume Agent 41414

Apache Key Management

Hadoop KMS Server 16000 kms_http_port Applies to both Java KeyStore KMS and Key Trustee KMS.

Apache Master hbase.master. port

HBase 16000 IPC

hbase.master. info.port
16010 HTTP

RegionServer hbase. regionserver. port

16020 IPC

hbase. regionserver.
16030 info.port HTTP

REST 20550 The default REST port in HBase is 8080. Because this is a com

REST UI 8085
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Thrift Server
9090 Pass -p <port> on CLI

Thrift Server

9090 Pass --port <port> on CLI

Lily HBase 11060


Apache Hive Metastore


10000 hive. server2. thrift.port The Beeline command interpreter
requires that you specify this port on the command line.

If you use Oracle database, you must manually reserve this por
HiveServer 2 (cm_ig_oracle.html#concept_csy_lnd_x

HiveServer2 Web
User Interface 10002 hive. server2. webui.port
(UI) in hive-site.xml

WebHCat Server
50111 templeton.port
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Apache Hue Server


Load Balancer

Apache Impala Daemon 21000 Used to transmit commands and receive results by impala-sh
21050 Used to transmit commands and receive results by application
Beeswax query editor in Hue, and version 2.0 or higher of the C

25000 Impala web interface for administrators to monitor and troubl

StateStore 25010 StateStore web interface for administrators to monitor and tro

Catalog Daemon 25020 Catalog service web interface for administrators to monitor an

Apache Broker port The primary communication port used by producers and consu
Kafka 9092

ssl_port A secured communication port used by producers and consum


Apache Kudu Master Kudu Master RPC port


Kudu Master HTTP server port


7050 Kudu TabletServer RPC port
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

8050 Kudu TabletServer HTTP server port

Apache Oozie Oozie Server

11000 OOZIE_HTTP_PORT in oozie- HTTP

11443 HTTPS

Apache Sentry Server

Sentry 8038 sentry.service.

51000 sentry.service. web.port

Apache Solr Solr Server 8983 HTTP port for all Solr-specific actions, update/query.

8985 HTTPS port for all Solr-specific actions, update/query.

Spark Default Master 7077
RPC port

Default Worker 7078

RPC port
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Default Master 18080

web UI port

Default Worker 18081

web UI port

History Server 18088 history.port

Apache sqoop. metastore.

Sqoop Metastore 16000 server.port

ZooKeeper Server (with CDH 2181 clientPort Client port
or Cloudera

Internal Ports
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Apache Secondary dfs.secondary.http.address or

Hadoop HDFS NameNode 9868 dfs.namenode. secondary. http-address dfs.secondary.http.address is
deprecated (but still works)

Component Service Port Configuration Comment

JournalNode dfs.namenode. shared.edits.dir


8480 dfs.journalnode. http-address

8481 dfs.journalnode. https-address

Failover Controller 8019 Used for NameNode HA

Apache ResourceManager
Hadoop YARN 8030 yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address

yarn. resourcemanager. resource-

8031 tracker. address

NodeManager yarn. nodemanager. localizer. address


yarn. nodemanager. address


JobHistory Server mapreduce. jobhistory. address


mapreduce. jobhistory.admin. address

Component Service Port Configuration Comment

Shuffle HTTP 13562

Apache Key Management

Hadoop KMS Server 16001 kms_admin_port Applies to both Java KeyStore KMS
and Key Trustee KMS.

Apache HBase HQuorumPeer hbase. zookeeper. property. clientPort

2181 HBase-managed ZooKeeper mode

hbase. zookeeper. peerport

2888 HBase-managed ZooKeeper mode

hbase. zookeeper. leaderport

3888 HBase-managed ZooKeeper mode

Apache Impala Impala Daemon 22000 Internal use only. Impala daemons
use this port to communicate with
each other.

23000 Internal use only. Impala daemons

listen on this port for updates from
the statestore daemon.

StateStore Daemon 24000 Internal use only. The statestore

daemon listens on this port for
registration/unregistration requests.

Catalog Daemon 23020 Internal use only. The catalog

daemon listens on this port for
updates from the statestore daemon.
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

26000 Internal use only. The catalog service

uses this port to communicate with
the Impala daemons.

Apache Kafka Broker port The primary communication port

9092 used by producers and consumers;
also used for inter-broker

ssl_port A secured communication port used

9093 by producers and consumers; also
used for inter-broker

jmx_port Internal use only. Used for

9393 administration via JMX.

kafka.http.metrics.port Internal use only. This is the port via

9394 which the HTTP metric reporter
listens. It is used to retrieve metrics
through HTTP instead of JMX.

MirrorMaker jmx_port Internal use only. Used to administer

24042 the producer and consumer of the

Apache Spark Shuffle service 7337

Apache X in server.N =host:X:Y

ZooKeeper Server (with CDH 2888 Peer

X in server.N =host:X:Y
Server (with CDH 3888 Peer
Component Service Port Configuration Comment

X in server.N =host:X:Y
Server (with CDH 3181 Peer
and Cloudera

X in server.N =host:X:Y
Server (with CDH 4181 Peer
and Cloudera

ZooKeeper will also use another

ZooKeeper JMX port 9010
randomly selected port for RMI. To
allow Cloudera Manager to monitor
ZooKeeper, you must do one of the
Open up all ports when the
connection originates from the
Cloudera Manager Server
Do the following:
1. Open a non-ephemeral port
(such as 9011) in the firewall.
2. Install Oracle Java 7u4 JDK or
3. Add the port configuration to
the advanced configuration
snippet, for example: -
4. Restart ZooKeeper.
Categories: Components (../categories/hub_components.html) | Deprecated Features
(../categories/hub_deprecated_features.html) | Installing (../categories/hub_installing.html) | Network
(../categories/hub_network.html) | Planning (../categories/hub_planning.html) | Ports (../categories/hub_ports.html) | All
Categories (../categories/hub.html)

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Page generated September 29, 2021.

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