CSCE 120: Learning To Code: Hacktivity 1.1: Getting Started

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CSCE 120: Learning To Code

Hacktivity 1.1: Getting Started

We will be using various web technologies throughout this course, including JavaScript.
To make development easier, we will be using an Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) called Light Table. In this hacktivity, well install the necessary software and orient
ourselves with their usage.
This hacktivity is written under the assumption that you will be installing software on
your personal laptop. The necessary software has already been installed on the lab
computers which you can use if you do not have a laptop.
Since this is an orientation, you will still be assigned a partner for this hacktivity and will
work with them throughout. However, you should both do the work on your respective
laptops so that you both have the necessary software.

1 Administrivia
You will receive a CSE account and will need to agree to the usage policy. Your instructor
will help you with this process. To recover your account or reset your password, you can
always go to

2 Install-Fest
If you are using your own computer, well need to install some software. If you are using
a lab computer, these pieces of software should already be installed.

2.1 Light Table

Light Table is a lightweight Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which offers

several features to facilitate software development. Install Light Table by pointing your
browser to the following URL:
Follow the instructions for installing Light Table to your personal computer.

2.2 FileZilla

FileZilla is an FTP client (File Transfer Protocol) that allows you to transfer files between
your computer and other computers, in particular the CSE server. If you already have
an FTP client installed and are familiar with its usage, you may skip this step.
Point your browser to the following URL:
Download and install the FileZilla Client.

3 Getting Started
Lets get some practice using our new IDE. To get started, well download, open, and
modify a preexisting project. The project is a small application that calculates how old
you are when you enter your birthdate. The project is hosted on GitHub, a popular
code/project hosting repository service.

1. Point your browser to the following URL:
2. Download this project by clicking the Download ZIP button in the lower-right:

3. Unzip the file in a location in which youll store all of your projects for this class.
Youll want to create a new folder somewhere on your computer. If you are using
a lab computer, be sure to create this new folder in your Z: drive.
4. Rename the folder to BirthdayApp (remove the -master part)
5. Start Light Table and click View Workspace to make your workspace viewable
at the left. This is essentially a way to browse files in your projects.
6. Add your new folder to your workspace by dragging and dropping it into your

7. Expand your folder and open both the HTML and JavaScript files in Light Table
8. Evaluate the HTML file to open it up as a browser in Light Table by viewing the
file and pressing:
Shift-Command-Return for Mac
Shift-Control-Enter for Windows
This opens the HTML inside Light Table and renders it as it would appear in a
9. You may want to create a separate tabset (right click tabs select New tabset) so
that you can view files side-by-side
10. Interact with the page by entering a date and clicking the Calculate button
11. With your partner, take a look at the HTML code and try to identify at least three
relations between code elements and the elements displayed in the rendered page.

3.1 Making Changes

You may have noticed several mistakes in the page. In particular, there are a few mis-
spellings. Work with your partner to do the following:

1. Fix all spelling mistakes by exploring and hunting for these errors and correcting
them. Note that some of the mistakes are in the HTML file while others are in
the JavaScript file. Take care that when you correct these mistakes that you dont
inadvertently cause other mistakes by deleting or adding too much.
2. When the page loads, you are presented with a default date of October 14th,
1908. Find the code responsible for this default and change it to todays date.

3.2 Making Your App Better

The page is rather drab and plain looking. Well make it look a bit better by pulling in
a few libraries and frameworks which provide some basic styling and functionality to a
web page.

3.2.1 jQuery

1. Well first include the jQuery ( library. Copy and paste the
following lines into the HTML file after the <title> element:

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet"
<script src=""></script>

This essentially imports the jQuery library by hotlinking it from a Content

Delivery Network (CDN) hosted by Google.
2. Now lets use jQuerys Date Picker widget that will add a popup calendar to the
textbox. Add the following lines of code after the code you just inserted:
1 <script>
2 $(function() {
3 $(#birthDate).datepicker();
4 });
5 </script>
Reload your page and observe the results.

3.2.2 Bootstrap

1. We will now include another library called Bootstrap (

Created by Twitter, the Bootstrap library provides many stylistic elements that
make a web page look and feel more modern. To include the necessary files, add
the following lines after the previous code (but before the closing tag, </head> )
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

2. Now lets modify a few of the elements in your page to give them different display
properties. Modify the <body> element by adding a primary division (div) element
as follows:
1 ...
2 <body>
3 <div class="container">
4 ...
5 </div>
6 </body>
7 ...
This adds some margins to the page and changes the basic fonts.
3. Second, change the class="" attribute of the calculate button. Find the code in
the HTML file that corresponds to the button and change the class to:
class="btn btn-lrg btn-primary"
This changes the appearance of the Calculate button.
4. Refresh or reevaluate your page to see the changes.

4 Publishing Your Project
The files youve been working with only exist on your computer. We will now make them
available to anyone in the world by uploading them and making them available on the
CSE webserver. Once completed, anyone will be able to access your starter project.

1. Open FileZilla and connect to the CSE server using the following:
Host: s
Username: your cse login
Password: your cse password
You should see, among other things, your local file system on the left and the remote
(CSE) file system on the right.
2. Create a new directory on the CSE server that will host all of your web files. Right-
click on the right-side and select Create directory; name it public_html .
3. Drag and drop your BirthdayApp folder (and thus all of its contents) to the
public_html folder you created
4. You will need to change permissions on these files so that the world can read them.
To do this:
a) Right-click the public_html folder and select File Attributes (or File
b) Enter 755 for the numeric value
c) Click Recurse into Subdirectories
d) Click Okay
5. Point your browser to the following url:
Where cselogin is replaced with your login.

From now on, any project you build in Light Table can be uploaded to the CSE server
and it is available to everyone through any browser. Take care that you change the URL
depending on the folder/directory name.

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