He December 2020

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Yavuz Ertune and Megan Schaenzer,

Siemens Energy, make the case for

using integrally geared compressors in
high-flow applications.

istorically, horizontally split compressors have
been the most widely used technology for
compression in chemical and steel plants where
high-volume flows are required. This has
particularly been the case for large air separation units
(ASUs) i.e., blast furnace blowers, and regeneration air
applications in propane dehydrogenation (PDH) facilities.
However, end users often cite many pain points with
axial compressors, including a large footprint, long lead
time, high costs, and frequent service – the latter of
which increases plant downtime.
Although integrally geared compressors (IGCs) can
solve many of these issues, they have traditionally not
been viewed as a viable option for high-flow
applications. However, in recent years this has changed,
as advancements in the design of these machines have
enabled them to reliably achieve rates of up to
1 million m3/hr in a single stage. IGCs are also smaller
and require less maintenance than axial compressors, and

Reprinted from December
lead times are shorter. When evaluating the entire predictable performance. However, the units come with
compression train, significant cost savings can be several trade-offs.
achieved. For example, axial compressors utilise complex
This article looks at some of the specific design designs – often with four to six stages for PDH
enhancements that have made IGCs a suitable alternative applications and up to 17 stages for blast furnace
to axial machines, and makes a case for why they should application. A single unit can contain up to 400 blades,
be considered in high-flow applications. each of which is critical to compressor operation. The
higher number of intricate parts increases the likelihood
Axial compressor pain points of component failure and results in the requirement for
Across the oil and gas industry, the adoption of new more frequent service. Owing to their design complexity,
technology is often viewed as a risk to production. This is they are also often associated with long lead times.
particularly the case in the downstream sector, where Additionally, the up-front cost of an axial compressor
downtime can result in millions of dollars in losses per is comparatively higher than other types of technologies.
day. Operators of these facilities have traditionally been Other drawbacks include high oil consumption, a large
reluctant to implement new rotating equipment footprint, and expensive maintenance. The last of these is
configuration, instead electing to replicate ‘tried-and-true’ attributable to several factors, including the need to
designs that they are familiar with. remove inlet cones for bearing and/or seal exchange, and
In PDH, blast furnace blower, and fluid catalytic the requirement for heavy lifting equipment when
cracking (FCC) applications, axial compressors have been servicing the rotor.
the solution of choice when it comes to process air These pain points have generally been accepted by
compression. Up until recently, these machines were end users as unavoidable because there were no other
widely recognised as the best available technology (BAT) suitable compressor technologies available for high-flow
for such purposes. They offer high efficiency and, with applications.
thousands of project references, provide relatively However, this is no longer the case. Advancements in
the design of IGCs have allowed them to achieve
comparable flow rates to axial compressors.
They are now a viable and cost-effective
option in PDH plants, FCC units, blast furnace
blowers, and large ASUs.

Old technology, new

An IGC comprises one or more compressor
stages, each of which is fixed to the end of a
high-speed pinion. The pinions are mounted in
a housing that contains a low-speed bull gear.
For each pinion shaft, an optimal
combination of shaft speed and impeller size
can be achieved. All impellers are of overhung
design and can be fitted with adjustable inlet
guide vanes (IGVs) in front of each impeller.
Figure 1. Typical compression train setup with a single-stage Inter-stage cooling of the gas stream can be
STC-GV compressor. achieved after each impeller discharge.
Combining these features
Table 1. Comparison of single-stage STC-GV vs axial compressor allows for high-volume flows
and energy efficiency (even
Train features Single-stage STC-SX axial Reduction under partial loads). It also
STC-GV (200-1) compressor (450-06) (approximate)
results in a very compact
Train length (without 12.7 m 15.3 m -20%
Although IGCs have only
Reduced machine €170 000 €233 000 -27% recently been considered for
house (single-stage:
535 m3, axial: 730 m3), high-flow applications, they
(€320/m )3 have been used successfully
Foundation weight 275 t 460 t -60%
for decades. Siemens
developed the first IGC in
Maximum maintenance 10 t 47 t -78%
1948 (formally named the VK).
The first single-stage overhang
Rotor weight 3.7 t 12.5 t -70%
design was implemented in
Rotor dimension 2400 mm, 1700 mm 5900 mm, 1900 mm -60% 1996. In total, the company
(length, diameter) has more than 2300 units in

Reprinted from December 2020 HYDROCARBON

STC-GV, for example, bearings can be
inspected without lifting the upper half of
the compressor. The overall maintenance
weight of the unit (i.e., the weight of parts
that require lifting) is also 80% lower. When
a base frame is included, the entire
compressor assembly can be moved with a
single lift. Overall, compression train
lifecycle costs can be as much as 10 – 20%
lower with an integrally geared machine.
n Efficiency and performance – as previously
mentioned, the single-stage IGC can
achieve up to 1 million m3/hr or
590 000 ft3/min. – with a pressure ratio of
approximately 3 (up to around 6.5 in case
of two units). The performance of the
compressor is virtually identical to that of
an axial machine, with efficiencies of
around 90%.
n Smaller footprint – the train length is
12.7 m, roughly 20% less than the axial
Figure 2. Train length comparison with axial (top) vs integrally compressor. Rotor length is also reduced
geared compressor (bottom). by approximately 60%. This results in a
much more compact train footprint
operation worldwide, many of which are being used in (Figure 2).
applications with flows exceeding 400 000 m3/hr. nn Reliability/availability – fewer highly sensitive and
One of the latest advances in the STC-GV line is the intricate parts in the IGC mean less likelihood
single-stage overhang compressor specially designed for of failure. All of the components used in the machine
atmospheric air compression at low pressure ratios are proven and have accumulated millions of hours of
(Figure 1). It covers a broad flow range, from low to very uninterrupted service in many different types of
high volumes of up to 1 million m3/hr. In higher pressure compression applications.
ratio requirements, such as blast furnace blowers and FCC nn Flexibility – the STC-GV was designed with a flexible
units, two single-stage overhung machines driven by a installation concept. This includes an adjustable volute
double-ended steam turbine drive between the position. Additionally, installation on concrete without
compressors can be utilised. a tabletop foundation is possible. This modular design
The STC-GV line uses proven and standardised also offers the advantage of an unchanged compressor
components from IGCs, which have achieved decades of design, irrespective of whether the machine is driven
reliable operation. All units are designed as per API 617. by a steam turbine, gas turbine, or electric motor. For
example, if the steam supply at the facility decreases
Benefits over time, the compressor can be driven with a motor.
When compared to axial compressors, the single-stage In such cases, an intermediate gearbox is implemented,
STC-GV can provide a number of advantages to end users but the compressor itself can remain in place, with no
(Table 1), including: design modifications.
nn Lower CAPEX – the up-front cost of an axial nn Shorter lead time – the typical lead time for an IGC is
compressor can be as much as three times higher than approximately 25 – 30% faster than an axial
that of a single-stage overhung compressor. compressor.
Additionally, with far fewer components, end users
can reduce the number of spare parts in their Conclusion
inventories and associated costs. With the IGC, > 90% Axial compressors continue to be the machine of choice
of parts are standardised (e.g., volute, low solidity for compression in high-flow applications, including PDH
diffuser [LSD], IGV, contour ring, etc.) plants, FCC units, blast furnaces, and large ASUs. However,
nn Reduced OPEX and simpler maintenance – generally recent advancements have now made IGCs a suitable
speaking, a single-stage IGC requires less frequent alternative. Given their capabilities, they should, at the
service than an axial compressor. Much of this is very least, be evaluated during the front-end engineering
attributable to the lower number of rotor stages (1 – 2 and design (FEED) phase.
rotor stages instead of 4 – 6) and simpler design. Oil As this article has outlined, IGCs are not new
consumption is also reduced by 25% (approximately technology. Their implementation can yield numerous
190 l/min. or 50 gal./min.). The requirement for jacking benefits for the end user, including lower lifecycle costs,
oil is eliminated. Additionally, the simplified design higher reliability, and increased design flexibility. All of
makes maintenance tasks easier to carry out. With the these can translate directly into bottom-line savings.

HYDROCARBON Reprinted from December 2020


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