1,4-Azaborine Based Unfused Non-Fullerene
1,4-Azaborine Based Unfused Non-Fullerene
1,4-Azaborine Based Unfused Non-Fullerene
Materials Chemistry A
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1,4-Azaborine, containing both boron and nitrogen in an aromatic hydrocarbon, displays unique electronic
Published on 16 January 2023. Downloaded on 11/14/2023 2:01:31 PM.
properties compared with its all-carbon analogue and shows great potential as a multiresonant thermally
activated delayed fluorescence material. However, conjugated molecules featuring 1,4-azaborine for
organic solar cells (OSCs) have not yet been explored. In this study, two novel acceptor–donor–
acceptor (A–D–A) conjugated molecules, ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT, using dithieno-1,4-azaborine as the
core D unit have been designed and synthesized. Both molecules exhibited excellent solubility, strong
and broad absorption and appropriate energy levels, enabling them to be promising candidates for non-
fullerene acceptors (NFAs). It was found that the shorter alkyl chain of ABBT-BO could endow the device
with superior morphology, resulting in more sufficient exciton dissociation, improved carrier transport
and suppressed charge recombination. Impressively, PM6:ABBT-BO based OSCs achieved a power
Received 25th November 2022
Accepted 15th January 2023
conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.07% with an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.900 V, a short-circuit
current density (JSC) of 16.41 mA cm−2, and a fill factor (FF) of 68.16%, which is the highest efficiency
DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09188g
reported for NFAs featuring BN-heteroarenes. This work demonstrates the significant potential of 1,4-
rsc.li/materials-a BN-heteroarenes for constructing novel NFAs toward high-performance OSCs.
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Fig. 1 (a) The classification of BN-heteroarenes featuring azaborines. (b) Chemical structures of PM6, ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT. (c) Schematic
energy diagram of PM6, ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT. (d) Normalized absorption spectra in chloroform solution. (e) Normalized absorption spectra of
neat films.
electronic properties due to the different p-electron distribu- noncovalent interactions. Both molecules exhibit good solu-
tions and dipole moments.29 Since the rst 1,4-azaborine-con- bility, strong NIR absorption, and appropriate energy levels,
taining anthracene was reported in 1961,33 numerous 1,4-BN- making them competitive candidates for NFAs. As a result,
heteroarenes have been designed and synthesized. In partic- OSCs with ABBT-BO/DT as acceptors have been successfully
ular, p-extended conjugated molecules featuring 1,4-azaborine fabricated. It was found that the length of branched alkyl chains
have attracted great interest due to their potential in multi- in the nitrogen atom of 1,4-azaborine will make a distinct
resonant thermally activated delayed uorescence (MR-TADF) difference to the exciton dissociation, carrier transport and
materials.34–36 However, to the best of our knowledge, conju- charge recombination in devices. Eventually, the optimal
gated molecules featuring 1,4-azaborine for OSCs are still PM6:ABBT-BO device achieved a PCE of over 10% due to its
unexplored. Therefore, it is necessary to design and synthesize superior morphology, higher exciton dissociation, increased
1,4-BN-heteroarene based donor/acceptors for OSCs and inves- carrier lifetime and suppressed charge recombination. To the
tigate the impact of 1,4-azaborine on material properties as well best of our knowledge, it is the highest performance for OSCs
as device performance. based on small molecule NFAs featuring BN-heteroarenes. As
Herein, dithieno-1,4-azaborine was used, for the rst time, the rst attempt to design and synthesize 1,4-BN-heteroarene
as the core unit to construct two novel A–D–A-type small based NFAs, this study may provide some inspiration for
molecule NFAs, ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT (Fig. 1a and b). The developing more BN-containing NFAs for high-performance
molecular skeleton exhibits good planarity because of the nearly OSCs.
planar structure of 1,4-azaborine and intramolecular S/O
3654 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 3653–3662 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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Results and discussion absorption peak at 792 nm, slightly red-shied relative to that at
778 nm of ABBT-DT. Accordingly, optical bandgaps of 1.57 and
Materials synthesis and characterization 1.59 eV were deduced for ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT, respectively.
The synthetic routes of ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT are shown in The complementary absorption with PM6 and appropriate
Fig. S1 and S2.† Intermediates 2 with a butyl-octyl chain and 6 energy levels make these two 1,4-azaborine-containing mole-
with a decyltetradecyl chain were both obtained in a one-pot cules competitive candidates for NFAs in OSCs.
palladium-catalysed Buchwald–Hartwig cross-coupling reac-
tion with sequential formation of two C–N bonds. The incor- Calculated geometry and electronic properties
poration of a long alkyl chain on the nitrogen atom was
Density-functional theory (DFT) calculations were conducted to
essential to ensure sufficient solubility for the fabrication of
investigate the molecular geometry and energy levels at the
devices using the spin-coating method. The key intermediates 3
B3LYP/6-311+g(d,p) level using the Gaussian 16 package. To
and 7 were then generated by a selective Friedel–Cras-type C–
simplify the calculations, all alkoxy and alkyl chains were
H borylation from commercially available reagent PhBCl2.37
respectively replaced by methoxyl and methyl groups. As shown
Aer converting compound 3 and 7 to their respective bis-
in Fig. 2a, the conjugated skeleton exhibited good coplanarity
Published on 16 January 2023. Downloaded on 11/14/2023 2:01:31 PM.
Acceptors Solution Film [lm] Eopt
g [eV] EHOMO [eV] ELUMO [eV] Eg [eV] 3 [M−1 cm−1]
ABBT-BO 673 719 792 1.57 −5.71 −3.97 1.74 1.44 × 105
ABBT-DT 673 713 778 1.59 −5.72 −3.97 1.75 1.45 × 105
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Fig. 2 (a) Molecular geometries obtained by DFT calculations. (b) Calculated frontier molecular orbitals of the molecules, (c) ESP distribution on
the molecular surface of the ABBT-BO/DT backbone. (d) Dielectric constant versus frequency.
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Fig. 3 (a) J–V characteristics and (b) EQE spectra of the optimal OSCs. (c) PL spectra of PM6 and PM6:NFA blend films. (d) Jph–Veff relationships
of PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT. (e) VOC versus light intensity curves and (f) JSC versus light intensity curves of PM6:ABBT-BO and
The spectra of external quantum efficiency (EQE) are dis- exciton dissociation behaviours in OSCs (Fig. 3d). The Jph/Jsat
played in Fig. 3b. Both devices achieved a broad photo response value is dened as exciton dissociation efficiency, where Jph and
in the region of 400–800 nm, coinciding well with the combined Jsat respectively represent the photogenerated and saturation
absorption of PM6 and ABBT-BO/DT. Impressively, a thoroughly current density. The Jph/Jsat values were calculated to be 97.1%
stronger photo response was achieved for the PM6:ABBT-BO and 90.4% for PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT based devices.
device, which was in a good agreement with its higher JSC. As The higher Jph/Jsat value of the PM6:ABBT-BO based device
a result, JSC values of 15.61 and 12.07 mA cm−2 were deduced for suggests its more efficient exciton dissociation, which is
PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT, respectively, both of which consistent with the above PL-quenching results.
agree well with the JSC results obtained from the J–V curves The curves of JSC or VOC versus the light intensity (Plight) were
(within 5% error), validating the authenticity of device data. plotted to study the recombination behaviours in ABBT-BO/DT
To elucidate the underlying mechanism for the performance based devices. As shown in Fig. 3e, the Plight dependence of the
difference between ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT based devices, VOC was tted to reveal the trap-assisted recombination. The
exciton dissociation, charge recombination, carrier lifetime and slope approaching 1KT/q means weaker trap-assisted recombi-
transport were investigated. Photoluminescence (PL) emission nation in the devices (K is the Boltzmann constant, T is the
spectra of neat PM6 and PM6:ABBT-BO/DT lms are shown in temperature in units of kelvin, and q is the elementary charge).
Fig. 3c, and the PL emission of PM6 (excited at 615 nm) was The slopes for PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT devices were
largely quenched in both blend lms, indicating efficient deduced to be 1.23 and 1.56KT/q, respectively, indicating the
exciton dissociation at D/A interfaces. However, it should be severer trap-assisted recombination in PM6:ABBT-DT devices.
noted that the PL quenching efficiency of the PM6:ABBT-BO Additionally, the curves of JSC versus Plight were measured
lm (97%) is slightly higher than that of the PM6:ABBT-DT one (Fig. 3f) to clarify the bimolecular recombination. The rela-
(95%), showing more sufficient exciton dissociation in the tionship between JSC and Plight can be described as JSC f Plighta,
former lm. The photocurrent density (Jph) versus effective where a is the exponential factor which would be close to 1
voltage (Veff) curves were measured to gain further insight into when there is negligible bimolecular recombination. The slopes
Table 2 Photovoltaic parameters of the optimized solar cells based on ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT under standard AM 1.5 G illumination, 100 mW
Entry VOC [V] JSC [mA cm−2] FF [%] PCEavea [%] PCEmax [%]
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extracted for PM6:ABBT-BO/ABBT-DT devices were 0.974 and The transient photovoltage (TPV) and transient photocurrent
0.959, respectively, indicating the weaker bimolecular recom- (TPC) decay measurements were also carried out to thoroughly
bination in the PM6:ABBT-BO device. The higher exciton understand charge properties including carrier lifetime,
dissociation efficiency, and lower trap-assisted and bimolecular recombination and extraction in devices. As shown in Fig. 4d,
recombination together veried the higher FF and JSC for the transient photovoltage decay lifetime of ABBT-BO and
PM6:ABBT-BO devices. ABBT-DT based devices was 190 and 137 ms, respectively. The
Moreover, the Platform for All-In-One Characterization of longer lifetime indicates the weaker premature recombination
Solar Cells and OLED (PAIOS) was used to gain insight into the of charge carriers in the PM6:ABBT-BO device. The TPC
charge recombination within active layers in operating measurement was conducted under short-circuit conditions,
devices.61–63 The charge density for devices based on ABBT-BO/ which reects the time from charge generation to charge
DT were shown as a function of bias light intensity (Fig. 4a). The collection by the electrode.64 A shorter TPC means more effi-
charge lifetime (s) was extracted from the transient photo- cient carrier transport and extraction progress in OSCs. By
voltage (TPV) decay dynamics. Obviously, at the same light tting the TPC curves as shown in Fig. 4e, the charge extraction
intensity, the PM6:ABBT-BO device exhibited higher carrier time was calculated to be 0.27 and 0.41 ms for ABBT-BO and
Published on 16 January 2023. Downloaded on 11/14/2023 2:01:31 PM.
density, suggesting the reduced charge recombination and thus ABBT-DT based devices, respectively. Overall, the results of TPV
higher photocurrent generation. Additionally, the PM6:ABBT- and TPC measurements indicated that the improvement of the
BO active layer displayed a higher s value than its ABBT-DT charge transfer and collection were signicantly enhanced in
counterpart in a wide range of light intensities (Fig. 4b). ABBT-BO based devices.
Furthermore, charge-extraction (CE) measurements were per- The hole (mh) and electron (me) mobilities were also
formed at various light intensities to estimate carrier densities measured by the space-charge-limited-current (SCLC) method
(n) for PM6:ABBT-BO/DT devices(Fig. 4c). An increased n value (Fig. S6 and S7†). The mh/me of PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT
can be obtained for the ABBT-BO based device, which agrees devices were 7.20/5.38 × 10−5, and 5.16/3.52 × 10−5 cm2 V−1
well with its higher JSC. The bimolecular recombination rate s−1, respectively. Accordingly, the mh/me ratio of 1.34 and 1.47
constants krec were then calculated from the s and n values were calculated for PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT devices,
according to krec = 1/(l + 1)ns (l is the recombination order). As respectively. Apparently, PM6:ABBT-BO based devices exhibited
shown in Fig. 4d, krec for the ABBT-DT based device was higher and more balanced charge transport, contributing to its
signicantly larger than that for the ABBT-BO based one. All of higher FF and JSC.
these results further revealed that the superior performance of Moreover, energy losses (Eloss) in ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT
the ABBT-BO based device was mainly derived from a higher based devices were measured by using the Fourier-transform
carrier lifetime and density, and reduced carrier recombination. photocurrent spectrum (FTPS) (Fig. S9†).65 In general, Eloss in
Fig. 4 (a) Charge density versus light intensity. (b) The carrier lifetimes and densities under different illumination intensities. (c) Charge lifetime
versus charge density. (d) Bimolecular recombination rate constant krec extracted from s and n. (e) TPV and (f) TPC characterization of
3658 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 3653–3662 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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solar cells can be divided three parts: (1) DE1 is the intrinsic PM6:ABBT-DT lm. A root-mean-square roughness (Rq) of
radiative recombination loss in the Shockley–Queisser limit, 2.54 nm was observed for the PM6:ABBT-BO lm, remarkably
which is inevitable for all photovoltaic cells. (2) DE2 is the larger than 6.07 nm for the PM6:ABBT-DT one. The superior
additional radiative recombination energy loss, originating blend morphology of PM6:ABBT-BO was supposed to facilitate
from the extra absorption within the bandgap active layer in exciton dissociation, charge transport and eventually improve
BHJ OSCs. (3) DE3 results from the non-radiative recombination the device performance.
at the D/A interface in OSCs. As shown in Table S1,† the The Flory–Huggins interaction parameters (c) were calcu-
incorporation of different alkyl side chains showed weak lated to investigate the miscibility of PM6 with ABBT-BO and
impacts on Eloss. Unfortunately, a relatively high value of over ABBT-DT (Fig. S23 and Table S3†). According to the equation:
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi
0.70 eV was calculated for both ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT based cDA ¼ Kð gD gA Þ2 ; where K is a constant, g is the surface
devices compared to Y6 based devices, which probably resulted energy, and D and A refer to donor and acceptor, respectively.
in the inferior Jsc and FF of the ABBT-BO/DT based device The c parameters were calculated to be 0.10 K and 0.28 K for
relative to the state-of-the-art devices. PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT, respectively. The higher c
parameter of PM6 and ABBT-DT prefers to form oversized
Published on 16 January 2023. Downloaded on 11/14/2023 2:01:31 PM.
Morphology phase separation, which is consistent with the TEM and AFM
It is well recognised that the nanoscale morphology of the active images.
layers is intimately connected with the exciton dissociation, Grazing-incidence wide angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) was
charge transport and recombination in OSCs.66 Transmission performed to reveal the intermolecular packing of ABBT-BO/DT
electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) lms as well as PM6:ABBT-BO/DT lms. Their 2D-GIWAXS
results were obtained as shown in Fig. 5. The homogeneously patterns and line-cut proles are presented in Fig. 6 and S9.†
distributed nanober microstructures in the PM6:ABBT-BO lm For the neat lms, PM6 had reections at approximately 0.99
were supposed to be favourable for exciton dissociation and Å−1 in the out-of-plane (OOP) direction and a weak lamellar
charge transport. In contrast, obvious island-like agglomeration stacking peak at approximately 0.30 Å−1 in the in-plane (IP)
could be observed in the PM6:ABBT-DT lm, leading to the direction (Table S2†). The p–p stacking peak could be attrib-
oversized phase separation caused by the ordered packing of uted to the reection at 1.74 Å−1 in the OOP direction, with a d-
the longer alkyl chain in ABBT-DT as reported in previous spacing of 3.22 Å. However, there were weak p–p stacking peaks
studies.67,68 As shown in the AFM images, the PM6:ABBT-BO but strong lamellar stacking peaks at approximately 0.33 Å in
lm showed a smoother top surface compared to the the OOP direction for both ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT neat lms,
Fig. 5 (a and b) TEM height images and (c and d) AFM images of PM6:ABBT-BO and PM6:ABBT-DT.
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Fig. 6 2D GIWAXS patterns of (a) PM6:ABBT-BO, (b) PM6:ABBT-DT and (c) the corresponding out-of-plane (black lines) and in-plane (red lines)
line cuts.
Published on 16 January 2023. Downloaded on 11/14/2023 2:01:31 PM.
indicating the random intermolecular packing mode. For the Author contributions
blend lms, the alkyl-to-alkyl lamellar packing in the OOP
direction plays a crucial and decisive role in determining the Shihao Chen designed and synthesised the molecules, con-
crystalline structure. The p–p stacking peaks of the PM6:ABBT- ducted the experiments and draed the original manuscript.
BO and PM6:ABBT-DT lms were located at 1.83 and 1.80 Å−1 in Minghao Dong fabricated the organic solar cells and contrib-
the OOP direction, with a d-spacing of 3.07 and 3.12 Å, respec- uted to the data analyses. Yuanqing Bai contributed to the
tively. The stronger and intensive p–p stacking peaks indicated theoretical calculations. Yuting Chen and Hongbin Wu carried
that the incorporation of PM6 enhanced the crystallinity of out the energy loss measurement. Yuang Fu and Xinhui Lu
blend lms. The crystal coherence length (CCL), which is closely performed the GIWAXS measurement. Lin Shao helped in data
related to the charge transport and device performance, was curation. Kai Zhang helped in device data analyses. Chunchen
extracted from the GIWAXS line proles. The CCL was calcu- Liu and Fei Huang guided and supervised the whole project. All
lated to be 21.97, 32.50 and 32.84 Å for the p–p stacking peaks authors discussed the results and commented on the
located at approximately 1.80 Å−1 for PM6, PM6:ABBT-BO and manuscript.
PM6:ABBT-DT, respectively. The longer CCL of blends lms
indicates that more ordered domains and tighter p–p stacking
were formed, which was benecial for the charge transport and
Conflicts of interest
reduced charge recombination. The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Conclusions Acknowledgements
In summary, dithieno-fused 1,4-azaborine was innovatively This work was nancially supported by the National Key
used for constructing two novel A–D–A structural molecules, Research and Development Program of China
ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT. These molecules possessed desired (2019YFA0705900) funded by MOST, the Basic and Applied
solubility, broad absorption, appropriate energy levels, unique Basic Research Major Program of Guangdong Province (No.
ESP distribution, high dielectric coefficient and coplanar 2019B030302007), the National Natural Science Foundation of
conformation, making them promising candidates for NFAs. China (No. U21A6002), and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
The OSCs with PM6 as the donor and ABBT-BO/DT as acceptors Joint Laboratory of Optoelectronic and Magnetic Functional
have been successfully fabricated, and it was found that the Materials (No. 2019B121205002).
length of branched alkyl chains in 1,4-azaborine could make
a signicant difference to the device performance. Impressively, References
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