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carbometalation of cyclobutenes†
Open Access Article. Published on 30 August 2016. Downloaded on 10/16/2023 10:40:44 AM.
Received 15th June 2016 The regio- and diastereoselective zirconocene-catalyzed carbomagnesiation of cyclobutenes is herein
Accepted 4th August 2016
reported to afford configurationally stable cyclobutylmagnesium species that could subsequently react
DOI: 10.1039/c6sc02617f with a large variety of electrophiles to give polysubstituted cyclobutane species as a single diastereoisomer.
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addition reaction proceeds selectively under mild conditions regioisomer III (II anti : III syn ¼ 87 : 13, not shown in Scheme
(25 C, 12 h) to provide 2a in 82% isolated yield with >98 : 2 3). Now that the regio- and diastereoselectivity of the zircono-
diastereoselectivity (Scheme 3). The relative conguration of cene-catalyzed ethylmagnesiation reaction of cyclobutene 1a is
cyclobutane 2a was determined by the Nuclear Overhauser controlled, we were interested to understand the following step,
Effect (NOE) and from this analysis, we could conrm that the namely the transmetalation step, and determine if cyclo-
zirconocene-catalyzed ethylmagnesiation is not only highly butylmagnesium species VIII or its ethyl metalated cyclobutyl
regioselective (formation of II versus III in a 92 : 8 ratio) but also isomer IX would be formed. To answer this question, treatment
fully anti-diastereoselective (unique formation of II anti versus II of 1a with ZrCp2Cl2 (20 mol%) and ethylmagnesium bromide
syn, Scheme 2). As the reaction of a cyclobutene possessing an was stirred at room temperature overnight and quenched with
ether group (1a, R1 ¼ (CH2)2Ph, R2 ¼ Me) or an alcohol (1b, D2O/DCl. The cyclobutane 2c was selectively obtained in 80%
R1 ¼ (CH2)2Ph, R2 ¼ H) could potentially present a comple- yield as a unique diastereoisomer (Scheme 3) suggesting
mentary sense of stereoinduction (reversal of stereoselectivity complete selectivity in the transmetalation reaction. Only the
due to association of magnesium alkoxides with the zircono- cyclobutylmagnesium bromide VIII was therefore obtained
cene reagent),17 the same reaction was performed with 1b and through the reduction depicted in VII. Similarly, when the
the product 2b was obtained with the same diastereoisomeric intermediate cyclobutylmagnesium species was trapped with I2
ratio and with the same relative conguration albeit in slightly or NBS, 2d and 2e were isolated in 67% and in 58% yield,
lower yield (64%, 2b was then transformed into 2a and the respectively, in an excellent diastereoisomeric ratio. The relative
stereochemistry was corroborated). conguration of the cyclobutane 2d was determined by NOE
Therefore, the uniform sense of stereoinduction of the (see ESI†).
reaction with 1a and 1b implies that the reaction is fully The unique stereochemistry of these functionalized cyclo-
controlled by steric factors. Decreasing the basicity of the butanes indicates that the cyclobutylmagnesium bond is
reaction medium and using Et2O as solvent instead of THF does congurationally stable at room temperature under this exper-
not change the stereochemical outcome of the reaction and the imental condition. As the rate for inversion of conguration of
major isomer 2a was still observed with, however, higher the C–MgBr should be higher for cyclobutyl than for cyclo-
quantity of product resulting from the formation of the opposite propyl, we were interested to check if the inversion of the
336 | Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 334–339 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Scheme 3 Zirconocene-catalyzed diastereoselective ethylmagnesiation reaction of cyclobutene and reaction with electrophiles.
organometallic species of 2MgBranti into 2MgBrsyn (Scheme 3, addition of CuI and LiCl (10 and 20 mol% respectively) at 0 C
path b) could occur at higher temperature, as a chelated system for 15 min. Then, addition of allylbromide at 0 C provided the
would be preferentially formed. When the zirconocene-cata- allylated product 2f in 72% yield with the same diastereoiso-
lyzed ethylmagnesiation reaction was performed on 1a meric ratio of 98 : 2 : 0 : 0. The relative conguration of the
(R1 ¼ (CH2)2Ph, R2 ¼ Me) at room temperature for 12 h in THF cyclobutane 2f was determined by NOE and indicates that the
followed by warming at 55 C for 1 h and nally quenching with transmetalation reaction proceeds with retention of congura-
I2, the same isomer 2d was obtained with an identical diaste- tion to lead to a congurationally stable cyclobutyl carbon–
reoisomeric ratio suggesting that the cyclobutylmagnesium copper bond.20 The transmetalation reaction was also per-
bromide species is congurationally stable despite the potential formed on the intermediate resulting from the zirconocene-
stabilizing intramolecular chelation (Scheme 3, path b). The catalyzed carbomagnesiation reaction on alcohol 1b
same congurational stability was observed when the isomeri- (R1 ¼ (CH2)2Ph, R2 ¼ H) to check if a potential reversal of
zation was tested on 1d (R1 ¼ Hex, R2 ¼ H). stereoselectivity with the copper salt may occur due to associa-
Having a congurationally stable C–MgBr bond in the tion with magnesium alkoxide. Further addition of allylbromide
cyclobutylmagnesium bromide structure VIII, we were then leads to the same major diastereoisomer 2g in slightly lower
concerned by the stereochemistry of transmetalation with ratio but still indicating that the transmetalation proceeds
copper salt. Would the resulting cyclobutylcopper species be again with retention of conguration and that the C–Cu bond is
produced with retention18 or inversion19 of conguration and congurationally stable. The reaction is not restricted to allyl-
would it also present some congurational stability? Thus, to bromide and a functionalized electrophile could also be added
the intermediate VIII, prepared as previously described from 1a successfully (formation of 2h) with similar diastereoisomeric
with ZrCp2Cl2 (20 mol%) and ethylmagnesium bromide, the ratio and yield. For functionalization with a sp2-carbon center,
corresponding cyclobutylcopper species was obtained by an additional transmetalation to Pd is required and 2i could be
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