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American Journal of Primatology 37:28&296 (1995)

Do Female Rhesus Macaques Choose Novel Males?

Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Prior research has shown that estrous female rhesus macaques (Mucacu
rnuluttu) maintain spatial proximity preferentially to lower-ranking
males. In this paper, 657 h of focal individual follows of 48 free-ranging
estrous female rhesus macaques of two social groups during two mating
seasons are used to evaluate the hypothesis that this phenomenon is at-
tributable to female mate choice for novel males. This hypothesis is plau-
sible because of the positive correlation between dominance rank and the
length of time since a male immigrated into a group or matured in his
natal group (i.e., his breeding tenure). However, partial correlation anal-
ysis showed that after removing the effect of dominance rank, there was no
significant tendency for estrous females to maintain proximity preferen-
tially to males of shorter breeding tenure. In contrast, removing the effect
of breeding tenure did not eliminate the result that estrous females main-
tained proximity preferentially to lower ranking males. Novel (i.e., extra-
group, new immigrant, and newly matured natal) males did not consis-
tently experience more estrous female proximity maintenance than non-
novel males, although sample sizes are too small to conclusively falsify
this hypothesis. Within male-estrous female dyads, responsibility for prox-
imity maintenance did not tend to shift from the female to the male be-
tween consecutive mating seasons. Male breeding tenure was not signifi-
cantly correlated with year-to-year change in responsibility for proximity
maintenance. Male breeding tenure was not consistently correlated with
female sexual refusal. In one of two social groups, in one of two mating
seasons, females appeared to choose novel males. These data provide, a t
most, weak support for the hypothesis that female primates in multi-male
groups exercise mate choice for novel males. o 1995 WiIey-Liss, Inc.

Key words: mate choice, Macaca mulatta, Cay0 Santiago

Female nonhuman primates often engage in behavior patterns that increase
the number of copulatory partners to which they are exposed during a single
breeding episode [for reviews see Hrdy, 1981; Small, 19931. These behavior pat-
terns have been interpreted by several authors as products of selection on females
to exercise mate choice for sexually novel males [Wolfe, 1986; Huffman, 1991,

Received for publication June 6, 1994; revision accepted February 19, 1995.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Joseph H. Manson, Department of Anthropology, UCLA, 405 Hilgard
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553.

0 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

286 I Manson
TABLE I. Composition of Study Groups by Age-Sex Class*
~ _ _ _ _
~ ~

Group Q Group T
Age-sex class June 1988 June 1989 June 1988 June 1989
Adult males 25 (4) 24 (6) 31 (3) 37 (7)
Subadult males 6 (5) 3 (3) 6 (3) 5 (5)
Adult females 30 36 21 27
Adolescent females 7 6 6 4
Juveniles and infants 58 74 40 53
Total 126 142 104 126
*Adult males: 2 5.5 years old. Subadult males: 4.5years old. Numbers in parentheses denote numbers of natal
males. Adult females: 2 4.5 years old. Adolescent females: 3.5 years old.

1992; Small, 19931.Specifically, female choice for novelty has been hypothesized to
(1)deter infanticide [Hrdy, 19811, (2) produce genetically diverse sets of offspring
[Wolfe, 1986; Small, 1993; see also Murray, 1980; Ripley, 19801, and/or (3) prevent
incestuous copying of mate choices by females’ daughters [Huffman, 19923. Alter-
natively, choice for novelty in large, provisioned multi-male groups may represent
the non-adaptive manifestation of behavioral propensities that function to prevent
inbreeding in small unprovisioned groups [Takahata, 19821.
In this paper, data from free-ranging rhesus macaques are used to address an
issue that has been raised by several authors: when females in multi-male groups
choose males other than the most dominant, possibly incurring the cost of in-
creased male aggression [Huffman, 1987; Manson, 1994a1, does this reflect female
mate choice for novelty? Group tenure and male dominance rank are closely, but
not perfectly, correlated in rhesus and Japanese macaques [Drickamer & Vessey,
1973; Sugiyama, 19761. Group tenure reflects, though not perfectly, social and
possibly sexual familiarity. In this paper, I seek to determine whether estrous
female rhesus macaques’ tendency to maintain proximity preferentially to lower-
ranking males [Manson, 19921can be explained as mate choice for novelty. It also
examine whether female sexual refusals are directed preferentially toward males
with longer tenure. The analyses reported here, although they address a previ-
ously unexplored issue, are based on the same set of observations that formed the
basis of earlier work [Manson, 1992, 1994a,b; Manson & Perry, 19931.

Study Species and Site
The subjects of my study were 65 adult (4.5 years and older) female rhesus
macaques of two social groups (groups T and Q) on Cay0 Santiago, a 15 ha island
1km off the southeast coast of Puerto Rico (Table I). The monkeys of Cay0 Santiago
are provisioned and are trapped annually for identification marking. A biweekly
census of the entire population updates a database of births, deaths, intergroup
transfers, and group fissions covering the entire period since 1956. Periodic re-
moval of entire social groups keeps the population between approximately 600 -
1,400. Otherwise, the monkeys are free-ranging and are not handled or interfered
with [for more information about Cay0 Santiago management and history, see
Altmann, 1962; Sade et al., 1985; Rawlins & Kessler, 19861.
Social groups on Cay0 Santiago range in size from 50-300 animals, in contrast
to the 10-140 range observed in wild and feral rhesus on the Indian subcontinent
[e.g., Malik et al., 1984; Melnick et al., 19841. Adult sex ratios within groups are
Novelty and Rhesus Female Choice I 287
approximately 1:l at Cay0 Santiago, whereas in groups on the subcontinent fe-
males outnumber males 2-3:l.
Measures and Definitions
Behavioral endocrinological studies of captive rhesus macaques [Catchpole &
van Wagenen, 1978; Gordon, 19811 show that ovulation occurs during the 4 days
preceeding the “attractiveness breakdown” [Chapais, 19831, i.e., the sharp de-
crease (usually from one day to the next) in the female’s sexual attractiveness. The
attractiveness breakdown is recognizable by either the end of all sexual activity, or
less commonly, the beginning of a 1- t o 2-day period culminating in the end of all
sexual activity and characterized by the (1)marked decrease in proceptive behav-
ior, (2) complete cessation of following and courtship by high-ranking males, and
(3) toleration by these males of occasional copulations with low-ranking males in
plain view (behavior that would have provoked male aggression earlier in the
estrous period). The 4 days preceding the attractiveness breakdown will be called
the Peri-ovulatory period. Rhesus macaques are series mounters. The final ejacu-
latory mount is discernible by a characteristic pause and rigid posture by the male.
I defined mount series culminating in ejaculation as “copulations.” All analyses in
this paper that use copulatory rate as a variable refer to copulations as defined
here; incomplete mount series are not included. Because rhesus macaque females
do not exhibit reliable morphological signs of estrus, a female was regarded as
being in estrus from the day she was first seen in a mount series, or with a mating
plug (coagulated ejaculate on her perineum), until the day after her attractiveness
A dominance interaction was scored whenever one animal supplanted another
(approached and took its spot immediately after the approached animal vacated it)
or when the approach of one animal caused another to “grimace” (retract the lips
and cheeks, exposing the teeth), “cower” (lean downward and away from the ap-
proaching animal), or flee. Adult male dominance relationships were ascertained
by arranging males in matrices showing winners of dominance interactions along
one axis and losers along the other.
An “approach” was scored when one animal decreased the distance between
itself and another animal by at least 1/2 m and stopped or sat, with the final
distance between them being less than 4 m. A “leave” was scored when one animal
increased the distance between itself and another animal by at least 112 m, with the
initial distance between them being less than 4 m. Approaches and leaves taking
place at the artificial drinking stations were excluded from analyses, as were
“leaves” during chases.
For each male-estrous female dyad in which the sum of observed approaches
and leaves was at least 10, I calculated Hinde’s index [Hinde & Atkinson, 19701by
subtracting the proportion of all female leaves within the dyad from the proportion
of all female approaches within the dyad. This index measures responsibility for
maintaining spatial proximity. Its value can very from -1.00 (the male is entirely
responsible for maintaining proximity) to + 1.00 (the female is entirely responsible
for maintaining proximity). The cut-off of 10 summed approaches and leaves, set
arbitrarily before data were analyzed, increases the reliability of Hinde’s index as
a measure of dyadic relationships. The Hinde’s indices calculated were averaged to
give each male with at least one index a mean Hinde’s index (MHI). In the calcu-
lation of natal males’ MHIs, Hinde’s indices with matrilineal relatives were ex-
cluded [see Manson, 19921.
A “sexual refusal” was scored when a female responded to a male’s “hip-grasp’’
(grasping the female’s hips with both hands from behind) by refusing to “present”
288 I Manson
(stand up to be mounted) to begin a mount series. Females refused by either
remaining seated or moving away. For each male, a “refusal proportion” was
calculated as the mean proportion of hip-grasps refused, averaged across all fe-
males that he hip-grasped at least once.
The following data were obtained from the Cay0 Santiago long-term database
for each individual in both study groups: (1)age in years, (2) matriline (for females
and natal males only), and (3)for males, breeding tenure in months (since entering
the group for immigrants, and since June of the male’s fifth year for natal males).
Because of the possibility that breeding females’ past social interactions with im-
mature natal males affected adult sexual interactions between them, analyses
presented here were also carried out with natal males excluded. Figure 1shows the
distributions of male breeding tenures in the two study groups a t the beginning of
the two mating seasons of the study.
Data Collection and Analysis
Data were collected on 162 days during one complete mating season (June-
October 1988) and 49 days of a second mating season (June-August 1989). Two
observers were present during most days of the 1988 mating season, compared to
four in the 1989 mating season. Ad libitum [Altmann, 19741 observations provided
information about dominance relationships and cycling females’ reproductive
states. Observers conducted 2-h focal individual follows [Altmann, 19741, divided
into 30-min sampling blocks with no more than 5 min between them, on females
chosen randomly from those judged to be in estrus on the preceding day. Data from
uncompleted 2-h follows were used in the analyses described here, except for un-
completed 30-min sampling blocks, which were discarded. During follows, check-
sheets were used to record all approaches and leaves, and all occurrences of 54
social behaviors, displayed by or directed toward the focal female. Observers also
recorded the female’s current activity, nearest adult male neighbor, and other
adult neighbors within 10 m every 3 min on a n instantaneous basis. Follows were
temporarily discontinued when focal subjects entered the fenced-in feeding corrals.
To ensure inter-observer reliability, all observers were required to meet a
standard of 90% concordant records with mine, over four consecutive 30-min focal
follows. Data collected during these test sessions were not analyzed.
Sample sizes (number of dyads) vary in the analyses described below because
all variables of interest could not be calculated for every dyad or every individual.
For instance, some males did not have 10 approaches+leaves with any estrous
female. These males, however, were still used in some statistical tests, such a s the
correlation of male breeding tenure and dominance rank.
Significance of results was determined using nonparametric statistical tests.
Kendall partial correlation significance levels are from Maghsoodloo [ 19751 and
Maghsoodloo and Laszlo Pallos [1981]. All tests are two-tailed.
A total of 716 h of focal data on estrous females were collected. Of these, 59 h
of focal data collected on 14 females were discarded because subjects were in estrus
on the last day of data collection (August 18, 1989), raising problems of data
censorship. Thus, 657 h of focal data on 48 estrous females were available for
analysis. Table I1 shows the numbers of focal subjects and focal hours collected in
each mating season in each social group. The substantial difference between group
Q and group T in number of focal hours collected in 1989 resulted from the fact
that, in general, group T females’ first estrous periods started later than group Q
females’ estrous periods. Fewer group T females had begun their first estrus by the
9I = u V W
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I t O1
290 I Manson
TABLE 11. Numbers of Focal Subjects and Focal Hours
Group Q Group T
1988 1989 1988 1989
Focal subjects 23 18 16 8
Focal hours 119.5 345 123 69.5
X hoursisubject ? SD 5.2 ? 3.3 19.2 ? 21.6 7.7 k 4.8 8.7 ? 4.4

structed; i.e., all observed interactions were on the same side of the diagonal. The
dominance relationships of some dyads of low-ranking males could not be deter-
mined because we observed no interactions between the two animals. Males of
uncertain dominance rank (8-38.7% of males, depending on year and social group)
were assigned a rank that was the median rank of all the males of uncertain rank
in their social group. All males of uncertain dominance rank were subordinate to
all males of known dominance rank. In the analyses that follow, male dominance
rank is expressed as the proportion of males dominated within the social group.
In both groups in both mating seasons, males with longer breeding tenures
held higher dominance ranks than males with shorter breeding tenures (group T
1988: Kendall’s T = .431, n = 31 males, P = .0007; group Q 1988: T = 586, n =
25, P = .0001; group T 1989: T = .35, n = 37, P = .0023; group Q 1989: T = .616,
n = 24, P = .0001).
Female Mate Choice: Tactics and Costs
Males’ contributions to the data set of mean Hinde’s indices (MHI) are shown
in Table 111. Previously reported results [Manson, 1992, 1994al from this study
include the findings that (1)in comparisons among heterosexual dyads, female
proximity maintenance correlated positively with peri-ovulatory copulation rate in
group Q; (2) estrous females maintained proximity preferentially to lower-ranking
males (i.e., lower-ranking males had higher MHI) in group Q in both mating
seasons, and in group T in 1988; (3) estrous females suffered higher rates of attack
by intruding males while with low-ranking males than while with high-ranking
males; and (4) heterosexual dyads in which the female refused a smaller proportion
of hip-grasps copulated at higher rates during the female’s peri-ovulatory period.
Whether male breeding tenure affects estrous female behavior toward males has
not yet been addressed.
Male Dominance and Breeding Tenure and Female Mate Choice
Simple and partial correlation analyses, illustrated in Table IVa, show that
although males with longer breeding tenure had significantly lower MHIs (i.e.,
they experienced less female proximity maintenance) than those with shorter
breeding tenure in two of four group-years, these results became non-significant
when male dominance rank was held constant. In contrast, when breeding tenure
was held constant, dominance rank remained significantly negatively correlated
with MHI in three of four group-years. Removing natal males from the analysis did
not alter these results (Table IVb). To test whether female proximity maintenance
was influenced by male novelty in dichotomous fashion (novel vs. non-novel),
males with at least one calculated Hinde’s index (see Methods) were divided into
two categories. “Novel males” were defined as those that had (1)entered the social
group or reached age 5.5 years since the preceding mating season or (2) were
solitary or belonged to a different social group from the focal female, yet had at
least 10 summed approaches and leaves with at least 1female of the social group.
Novelty and Rhesus Female Choice / 291
TABLE 111. Males’ Contributions to the Data Set of Mean Hinde’s Indices (MHI)
Group Q Group T
1988 1989 1988 1989
Males contributing P 1 MHI 20 22 25 12
X ? SD MHI/male 5.3 t 3.1 5.2 ? 3.3 4.0 ? 3.3 2.4 ? 2.2
Range 1-12 1-12 1-1 1 1-7

Other males were classified as “non-novel.” Table V shows that novel males had
significantly higher MHIs than non-novel males only in group Q in 1989. Note,
however, that this was the group-year in which the number of novel males was
greatest, and that trends toward higher MHI for novel males were also apparent in
the other group-years. In group Q in each year, one novel male was a natal male;
removing novel natal males did not change the significance of the results.
If females choose less familiar males, male-estrous female dyads should con-
sistently show decreases in Hinde’s index in consecutive years. Yet Hinde’s index
increased in 23/43 (53.5%) of these dyads, and decreased in the remaining 20143
If females begin to disfavor males only after residing in the same group for two
or more years, then heterosexual dyads in which the male has longer breeding
tenure should be more likely to show decreases in Hinde’s index in consecutive
years than dyads in which the male has shorter breeding tenure. For dyads with
Hinde’s indices in both 1988 and 1989, male breeding tenure was not significantly
correlated with change in Hinde’s index (T = .12, n = 43, P = .25).
Table VIa shows that neither male dominance rank nor breeding tenure was
consistently related to proportion of hip-grasps refused. Only in group Q in 1989
were both hypothesized independent variables significantly correlated with refusal
proportion. Partial correlation analysis of that sample showed that when domi-
nance rank was held constant, breeding tenure remained significantly correlated
with refusal proportion (i.e., males with longer tenure had more hip-grasps re-
fused), whereas when breeding tenure was held constant, dominance rank was no
longer significantly associated with refusal proportion. Removing natal males
from the analysis (Table VIb) produced a significant positive correlation between
dominance rank and refusal proportion in group Q in 1989, and reduced to mar-
ginal significance the partial correlation between breeding tenure and refusal
proportion (with dominance rank held contant) in group Q in 1989.
Data presented here provide, at most, weak support for the hypothesis that
female rhesus macaques choose novel males as mates. Anecdotal reports of such
choices by female macaques [e.g., Brereton, 1981; Burton & Fukuda, 1981; Wolfe,
19861 are similar to some incidents that were observed in group Q in 1989. Com-
pleted peri-ovulatory copulations with non-group Q males accounted for 15/68
(22%)of observed completed peri-ovulatory copulations, and involved 8/16 (50%)of
the group Q females that were observed to complete at least one peri-ovulatory
copulation during that mating season. Females initiated these copulations by ac-
tively “sneaking off” with extra-group males to locations far from other group Q
monkeys. Similarly, Berard et al. (1993) report at least 4/11 (36.4%)group S in-
fants were sired by non-group S males in one mating season. However, quantita-
tive analysis of my data set failed to find a consistent effect (across years and social
groups) of male novelty on female mate choice behavior. Male breeding tenure had
292 I Manson
TABLE IVa. Simple and Partial Kendall’s T Correlations Between Male Dominance
Rank and Breeding Tenure (Independent Variables) and Mean Hinde’s Index
(Dependent Variable) Including All Males
Independent Variable held Group T 1988 Group Q 1988 Group T 1989 Group Q 1989
v a riab1e constant (N = 25) (N = 20) (N = 12) (N = 22)
Breeding tenure - - .20 - .43** - .28 - .35*
Breeding tenure Dominance rank .07 p.21 -.23 - .09
Dominance rank Breeding tenure - .37** -.43** - .22 -.33*
*P < .05; **P < .01

TABLE IVb. Simple and Partial Kendall’s T Correlations Between Male Dominance
Rank and Breeding Tenure (Independent Variables) and Mean Hinde’s Index
(Dependent Variable) Including Non-Natal Males Only
Independent Variable held Group T 1988 Group Q 1988 Group T 1989 Group Q 1989
variable constant (N = 22) (N = 15) (N = 9) (N = 16)
Breeding tenure - .33* - .44* - .37 p.35
Breeding tenure Dominance rank - .11 - .26 - .33 .oo
Dominance rank Breeding tenure -.38** -.53** -.12 - .40*

*P < .05; **P < .01

no significant effect, independently of the effect of male dominance rank, on es-

trous female proximity maintenance. Only in group Q in 1989, estrous females (1)
maintained proximity significantly more actively to novel (new immigrant, extra-
group, and newly mature natal) males than to non-novel males and (2) refused
more hip-grasps by males of longer breeding tenure. However, with respect to the
former result, trends were consistently (across groups and years) in the direction of
greater proximity maintenance toward novel males. Heterosexual dyadic Hinde’s
indices did not consistently decline between the 1988 and 1989 mating seasons; in
fact, there was a non-significant tendency for them to rise. Nor was male breeding
tenure significantly associated with the magnitude of these year-to-year changes.
The hypothesis that male novelty affects sexual attractiveness in rhesus
macaques cannot be unequivocally rejected. The behavior of the group Q females
in 1989 suggests that females choose extra-group males under certain circum-
stances. Because this study incorporated data from only 2 social groups in 2 mating
seasons, the nature of these circumstances cannot be assessed systematically, but
two hypotheses can be suggested. First, females may choose novel males when the
average breeding tenure of the males of their own group is especially long. Figure
1 shows that average male breeding tenure was longest among the group Q males
in 1989. Statistical tests of the differences in breeding tenure among the four sets
of males cannot be performed because of non-independence problems: most of the
males of each group in 1989 also resided in that group in 1988. Second, female
mate choice may be less constrained by male mating tactics (sequestering, aggres-
sion) [see Manson 1994al when ma1e:female ratios are lower [Berenstain & Wade,
19831. Table I shows that the ma1e:female ratio was lowest in group Q in 1989. The
distinction between mate choice (behavior that alters the probability of mating
[Halliday, 19831) and mate preference (underlying propensity [Heisler et al.,
19871) is important here. Females may often prefer novel males but (at least at
Novelty and Rhesus Female Choice / 293
TABLE V. Male Novelty and Mean Hinde’s Index (MHI)
Group T 1988 Group T 1989 Group Q 1988 Group Q 1989
N n o v e l males 3 0 6 20
X MHInovel males .18 - .23 .32
Nnon-noveI males 25 12 19 18
X M H I n o n - n o v e I males .05 .15 .06 - .01
Mann-Whitnev U 25 - 36.5 35.5*
*P < .O1

TABLE VIa. Simple and Partial Kendall’s T Correlations Between Male Dominance
Rank and Breeding Tenure (Independent Variables) and Refusal Proportion
(DeDendentVariable) Including All Males
Independent Variable held Group T 1988 Group T 1989 Group Q 1988 Group Q 1989
variable constant (N = 21) (N = 17) (N = 17) (N = 19)
Breeding tenure - -.01 .07 .16 .48***
Dominance rank - .02 .18 .35* .33**
Breeding tenure Dominance rank -.02 .01 - .06 .37**
Dominance rank Breeding tenure .03 .17 .32* .07
*.05 < P < .lo; **P < .05; ***P < .01

TABLE VIb. Simple and Partial Kendall’s T Correlations Between Male Dominance
Rank and Breeding Tenure (Independent Variables) and Refusal Proportion
(Dependent Variable) Including Non-Natal Males Only
Independent Variable held Group T 1988 Group T 1989 Group Q 1988 Group Q 1989
variable constant (N = 19) (N = 13) (N = 12) (N = 14)
Breeding tenure - - .02 .10 .33 .53***
Dominance rank - .03 .22 .64*** .46**
Breeding tenure Dominance rank -.05 - .02 .07 .34*
Dominance rank Breeding tenure .06 .20 .58*** .17
*.05 < P < .lo; **P < .05; ***P < .01

Cay0 Santiago) seldom be able to exercise this preference. Further investigation of

the conditions eliciting rhesus macaque female mate choice for novelty should
include experimental manipulation of hypothesized independent variables in cap-
tivity, as well as additional observation of free-ranging populations.
Over short periods (between consecutive mating seasons), Cay0 Santiago fe-
males showed consistency in their mate choices. Manson [19921 reported that
male-estrous female Hinde’s indices of 1988 were significantly positively corre-
lated with Hinde’s indices of 1989 in the dyads that had ten or more summed
approaches and leaves in both mating seasons, even controlling for male domi-
nance rank (see Fedigan and Gouzoules [19781 for similar results in Japanese
macaques). If males become sexually unattractive only after very long (4 years)
tenures, observed distributions of breeding tenures show that most males transfer
before experiencing a tenure-related decline in attractiveness. The alpha male of
group Q, an immigrant with a tenure of 111months at the beginning of the 1988
mating season (see Fig. 11,experienced the third lowest MHI in the group in 1988,
294 I Manson

the lowest MHI in the group in 1989, and completed no peri-ovulatory copulations
with adult females in either mating season. Continued residence in a social group
by high-ranking males of long tenure, despite declining mating opportunities, has
been suggested to function to protect offspring sired in past years [Bernstein,
19761. However, whether male rhesus macaques form special affliative relation-
ships with past copulatory partners, which would effectively enable them to protect
likely offspring, is unclear. Neither Hill [1990] nor Manson [1994b] found concor-
dance between mating activity and subsequent birth season heterosexual affilia-
tive relationships in Cay0 Santiago rhesus macaques.
Female mate choice for new immigrant, extra-group, or extra-pair males has
been reported for several primate species (e.g., savanna baboons Papio cynoceph-
a h unubis [Bercovitch, 1991; see also Packer, 19791; vervets Cercopithecus uethi-
ops [Henzi & Lucas, 19801; blue monkeys C . mitis [Tsingalia 8z Rowell, 19841;
long-tailed macaques Mucaca fuscicularis [van Noordwijk, 19853; hanuman lan-
gurs Presbytis entellus [Hrdy, 19771; siamangs Hylobates syndactylus [Palombit,
19941). However, the theoretical basis for expecting female primates to choose
novel males requires further development before researchers can formulate clear
hypotheses about (1)the statistical relationship between male (un)familiarity and
sexual attractiveness and (2) how this relationship will vary a s a function of eco-
logical, social, demographic, and phylogenetic variables.
1. When male dominance rank is held constant, male breeding tenure is not
significantly correlated with proximity maintenance by estrous female rhesus
macaques. When breeding tenure is held constant, lower-ranking males experi-
ence more estrous female proximity maintenance than higher-ranking males.
2. Novel males do not consistently experience significantly more estrous fe-
male proximity maintenance than non-novel males, although trends in this direc-
tion are apparent.
3. Within male-estrous female dyads, responsibility for proximity mainte-
nance does not consistently shift from the female to the male between consecutive
mating seasons. Male breeding tenure is not significantly correlated with year-to-
year change in responsibility for proximity maintenance.
4. Male breeding tenure is not consistently correlated with female sexual re-
I thank Barbara Gault, Julie Gros-Louis, Ann Lake, and Susan Perry for data
collection. Kim Hill, Warren Holmes, Michael Huffman, John Mitani, Susan
Perry, Barbara Smuts, and three anonymous reviewers commented on earlier
drafts of the manuscript. Matt Kessler and John Berard of the Caribbean Primate
Research Center gave permission to conduct this study. This research was sup-
ported by the Leakey Foundation, NSF (BNS-88161321, and two units of the Uni-
versity of Michigan: the Rackham School of Graduate Studies and the Evolution
and Human Behavior Program. Cay0 Santiago was supported by the University of
Puerto Rico, and NIH grant P40-RR03640-03.
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