EmeryThompson Etal 2007
EmeryThompson Etal 2007
EmeryThompson Etal 2007
Female East African chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, tend to range apart from each other in dis-
persed core areas, and they have dominance interactions with each other so rarely that it is difficult for
observers to assess a dominance hierarchy. Nevertheless female chimpanzees can have high variance in fit-
ness. Here, we test the hypothesis that female chimpanzee fitness variance is associated with variation in
the foraging quality of their ranges. We studied range usage of 21 wild adult female chimpanzees within
the Kanyawara community, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Core areas of individuals remained stable over
a 9-year period and varied in their density of preferred foods. Females in neighbourhoods containing more
preferred foods had elevated ovarian hormone production, shorter birth intervals and higher infant survi-
vorship. Our results thus suggest that superior access to food may have enabled some community females
to reproduce more successfully than others. Although dominance interactions are less frequent among fe-
males than among males of this species, we propose that the intensity of selection on intrasexual compe-
tition may be similar between the sexes. We discuss potential applications to other fissionefusion species.
Ó 2006 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: chimpanzee; endocrinology; habitat ecology; intrasexual competition; Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii; ranging;
reproductive ecology; reproductive success
Sexual selection theory has traditionally pointed to high commonly associated with femaleefemale aggression
variance in male reproductive success as a strong selective and philopatry, and are maintained by alliances among fe-
pressure for sexual ornamentation and competitive ability, male kin (Wrangham 1980; Koenig 2002).
whereas covariates of female reproductive success are less Among chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, by contrast, fe-
emphasized (Trivers 1972). For female mammals, socio- males show high fitness variance without consistent fe-
ecological models focus on the central role of resource ac- male aggression, philopatry or alliances. Dominant
cess as a limiter to reproductive success (Gadgil & Bossert females in one community at Gombe reproduced more
1970; Schneider & Wade 2000) and a major determinant quickly and had higher infant survival and faster matur-
of social relationships (Wrangham 1980; Sterck et al. ing daughters than did subordinates (Pusey et al. 1997).
1997; Koenig 2002). Yet, female dominance interactions were rare, as they
Resource competition among female primates fre- tend to be in this species compared with both conspecific
quently results in dominants outperforming subordinates males and females in other primates (de Waal 1982; Good-
(Gouzoules et al. 1982; Harcourt 1987; Bercovitch & Strum all 1986; Nishida 1989). Neither aggressive interactions
1993; Ellis 1995; Altmann & Alberts 2003b; Creel 2005), nor ritualized displays occur often enough to have a mean-
sometimes due to reproductive suppression of subordi- ingful impact on the social or feeding behaviour of fe-
nates (Abbott 1984; Epple & Katz 1984; Ziegler et al. males, and, even in the 22 years covered by the Gombe
1987; Abbott 1987; Barrett et al. 1990, 1993; Kuederling study, some female dyads were never observed to have
et al. 1995; Ziegler & Sousa 2002; Saltzman et al. 2004). a single dominance interaction. Females typically transfer
Rank and fitness differentials within social groups are out of their natal communities at adolescence and rarely
form alliances in their new communities. The observed
Correspondence: M. Emery Thompson, Department of Anthropology, variance in reproductive success, therefore, does not con-
Harvard University, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. form to expected patterns of social relationships, and has
(email: [email protected]). not been explained.
0003e 3472/07/$30.00/0 Ó 2006 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although female chimpanzees rarely fight over food, recorded simultaneously by three to four observers (i.e.
there is evidence that energy availability influences their 2e3 Kibale Chimpanzee Project field staff and 1e2
reproductive rates, as expected. First, across populations, graduate students). Field staff collected group scan sam-
variation in interbirth intervals is correlated with differ- ples every 15 min, recording: (1) location of chimpanzees
ences in habitat quality (Knott 2001; Emery Thompson on a trail map, (2) party composition, (3) oestrous status
2005a). Second, timing of conception in chimpanzees co- of females and (4) food species and part(s) being con-
incides with the availability of high-quality foods, which sumed. This study incorporates results from 82 956 scan
show considerable temporal variability (Sherry 2002; Em- samples (20 649 h) collected between January 1996 and
ery Thompson 2005a). Food items also show considerable May 2004.
spatial heterogeneity within chimpanzee home ranges,
suggesting an additional dimension to variation in energy
availability. Chimpanzees live in a fissionefusion social Ranging Data Analysis
system in which a group of bonded males aggressively
In this analysis, we were concerned with the concen-
defends a home range, including the food resources and fe-
tration of ranging in particular locations within the larger
males within it (Nishida 1968; Sugiyama 1968; Wrangham
territory. To assess this we recorded the locations of
1975; Williams et al. 2004). While community members
chimpanzees on a 500 500-m grid superimposed over
maintain long-term affiliative ties, members of the com-
the trail system, and calculated the frequency that each
munity are typically dispersed across the home range in
chimpanzee was observed in each of 380 grid cells as a per-
smaller, temporary associations (parties) that may vary
centage of the total scans in which that chimpanzee was
in size in accordance with the presence and number of
observed. Because sexual receptivity probably influences
cycling females with sexual swellings, and the social affin-
female ranging patterns (e.g. Hasegawa 1990), we only
ities of community members (Wrangham et al. 1996;
considered nonoestrous observations. To test for site fidel-
Matsumoto-Oda 1999; Pepper et al. 1999; Emery Thomp-
ity, we divided the study into two time periods (1996e
son & Wrangham 2006). At Gombe, mothers share a com-
2000, 2001e2004) in which we included adult individuals
munity range but each female tends to maintain her own
and subadults who ranged independently of their mothers
small ‘core area’ where she spends the majority of her
and for whom reproductive information was available
time (Wrangham 1979). Core areas cluster into localized
(Table 1). Several females died in late 2000 or early 2001,
‘neighbourhoods’ within the community range (Williams
so this division represents an important demographic
et al. 2002). Therefore, it is possible that individual
change in the community.
females increase their fitness by accessing higher-quality
To compare range usage across females, we conducted
areas of the community range, rather than by competing
hierarchical cluster analyses of the grid cell usage data for
directly at individual food sites (Pusey et al. 1997;
each individual. This procedure yields a dissimilarity
Williams et al. 2002).
matrix by calculating the difference (squared Euclidean
To test this hypothesis, we collected data on patterns of
distance) between grid cell usage frequencies for each
range use, ovarian hormone levels and reproductive
chimpanzee dyad, and then produces a dendrogram de-
parameters of females in the Kanyawara community of
scribing their relative relationships (median clustering
chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We pre-
method) (Romesburg 2004). Based on this dendrogram,
dicted that (1) as in Gombe, Kanyawara females would
the cluster of the females with the most similar ranging
maintain differentiated core areas, and (2) females in
patterns were considered members of a single ‘neighbour-
higher-quality core areas would have a reproductive ad-
hood’, and the range of each other female was categorized
vantage, as indexed by ovarian function, birth rate and
in relation to this group by the evaluation of range histo-
offspring survival.
grams. Grid locations of males were also included in the
cluster analysis for comparison.
To determine the location of each female neighbour-
hood within the home range, we calculated the mean
Study Site and Population percentage usage of each grid square by all females within
a particular classification based on the cluster analysis
The Kanyawara home range spans approximately (central, northern, or southern). Our observations of
32 km2 (Wilson 2001), consisting of approximately 60% chimpanzees were neither randomly nor evenly distrib-
moist deciduous forest, with small areas of swamp, grass- uted, so grid cell usage was expressed as a percentage more
land and colonizing forest (Chapman & Wrangham or less than expected from the distribution of all chim-
1993). The community consisted of 47 chimpanzees at panzee observations.
the beginning of the current study in 1996, and numbered
38 individuals (including 10 adult males and 19 subadult
and adult females) at the end of the study in May 2004. Neighbourhood Habitat Quality
The Kanyawara region can be divided into forest sectors
Data Collection based on logging history and general forest type. Skorupa
(1988) reported primate habitat quality statistics for
Chimpanzees were searched for daily or were followed Kanyawara according to these forest sectors, including
as they left their sleeping sites. Behaviour was typically the impact of logging outtake and densities of stems fruit
*Chimpanzees are a male philopatric species, so most female ages are estimates.
yScans of the subject females during periods of full anogenital swelling were excluded from analysis.
zNumber of unique grid cells in which each female had been observed.
xUrinary steroid analysis controlled for individual and longitudinal differences in sampling frequency, see Methods. Note that several individuals
died or disappeared before urine collections began.
**Surviving ¼ lived to age 4 or had not yet reached age 4 but was alive at the time of the study.
trees and primates. Where we could conclusively match at a time. So, we also calculated the proportion of
a forest sector to a chimpanzee neighbourhood, we report unique feeding locations that were found within each
these measures of general habitat quality (Table 2). neighbourhood. Third, as a measure of female access to
Kanyawara chimpanzees preferentially consume non- resources in each neighbourhood, we calculated the per-
fig fruits when available (Wrangham et al. 1996; Emery centage of preferred fruits, all fruits and fallback foods
Thompson 2005a), and three particularly preferred spe- (piths and leaves) constituting the diets of female parties
cies (Mimusops bagshawei, Pseudospondias microcarpa, in each grid cell. Finally, we determined the degree to
and Uvariopsis congensis) show strong relationships to re- which the distribution of events of non-fig fruit feeding
productive timing (Sherry 2002; Emery Thompson by chimpanzees predicted the ranging patterns of fe-
2005a), although they are sporadically available (Wrang- males in each neighbourhood. We calculated the regres-
ham et al. 1996; Emery Thompson 2005a). In any given sion of the percentage of non-fig fruit use occurring
month, these drupe fruits may constitute 0e83% of the within each cell against the mean percentage of observa-
diet (X ¼ 27:5, Emery Thompson, unpublished data). To tions that females of a particular neighbourhood spent
evaluate the quality of each female neighbourhood, we in those cells. Although we generally expected female
determined the locations of all episodes of feeding on ranging habits to correlate with feeding opportunities,
non-fig fruits by chimpanzees and compared these grid we also expected that females with the best quality
cells to the cells constituting each neighbourhood. We core areas and the best access to resources would have
then calculated four measures of non-fig fruit availability ranges that accorded most closely to the use of preferred
and feeding intensity by neighbourhood. First, we calcu- foods.
lated the number of observations of non-fig fruit feeding
that occurred within each neighbourhood and used
a chi-square analysis to evaluate whether this distribu- Urinary Steroid Analysis
tion differed from an even distribution across neighbour-
hoods. This measure may be biased by more intensive Field personnel have collected urine samples opportu-
observations in certain regions. However, we are confi- nistically from all chimpanzees since November 1997.
dent that chimpanzees would have been observed feed- Samples were collected on plastic sheets or pipetted
ing at least once in each location of their three most directly from vegetation (Knott 1997) and frozen until
preferred fruit species because these fruits tend to occur analysis at the Primate Reproductive Ecology Laboratory
in localized patches that are exploited for days or weeks at Harvard University. All samples were analysed for
Basal area
Clinical Endocrinology Laboratory at University of Cali-
fornia, Davis (C. J. Munro). Thorough assay procedures
Logging history
to others.
Ovarian hormone levels are a powerful tool for evalu-
ating fecundity at a proximate level (Ellison 1995), be-
Reproductive Data
Interbirth intervals were calculated using KaplaneMeier
and the time since the mother was last observed, with all
1996−2000 2001−2004
N=8 N=5
Northern L L
N=8 N=9
Central K K
F Grid cell use vs expected
H Usage >5x expected
I 2.1–5.0x expected
Southern K 1.6–2.0x expected
L 1.1–1.5x expected
M <1.1x expected
O Excluded, location of <0.01% of
P total obsevations
Figure 2. Range concentrations of female Kanyawara chimpanzees within each spatial cluster: (a) 1996e2000, (b) 2001e2004. Shaded areas
illustrate the observed/expected percentage of utilization of each grid square (500 500 m) by that group of females, with expected distri-
butions based on the frequency of all chimpanzee observations per grid cell. Blank cells outside of border were excluded from analysis; they
were not used by chimpanzees or were used in less than 0.01% of total observations.
observed versus expected frequencies). Similarly, during Males were also observed more often in the central
2001e2004, 45% of observations of non-fig fruit feeding neighbourhood than in the northern neighbourhood
occurred in the central neighbourhood, while only 28% (Fig. 1), as expected if the central neighbourhood had
occurred in the northern neighbourhood (c21 ¼ 308:49, more fruit available. This raises the possibility of biased
P < 0.0001). sampling if groups of males were more likely to be
Table 3. Female neighbourhood quality assessed by feeding locations of three preferred fruit species
Percentage of feeding locations within neighbourhood range
Number of grid
Neighbourhood cells in neighbourhood Mimusops bagshawei Uvariopsis congensis Pseudospondias microcarpa
Northern 33 18 10 8
Central 31 39 42 42
Southern 34 46 58 100
Northern 34 37 16 0
Central 28 48 42 73
Neighbourhoods had a small degree of overlap and did not encompass the entirety of the chimpanzee range.
Our results indicate that female chimpanzees in the
–2 Kanyawara community used the community range in
a differentiated manner, forming distinct northern, cen-
–3 P2=0.04 P2=0.04
tral and southern clusters. Females with core areas in the
–4 north had reduced access to preferred fruit trees, low
Urinary oestrogens Urinary progestins ovarian hormone levels and decreased reproductive suc-
Figure 4. Urinary oestrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3- cess as indexed by interbirth intervals and infant
glucuronide (PdG) in central and northern female Kanyawara survivorship.
chimpanzees, standardized for reproductive state. N ¼ number of Lower habitat quality in the northern neighbourhood
females; P values from t test. Southern females were omitted because was reflected in general forest structure and locations of
of inadequate sampling. preferred chimpanzee foods. These habitat differences
may have been partly due to a greater intensity of logging
in the northern neighbourhood, but effects of soil type,
(N ¼ 3 complete, 5 incomplete) after infant survival. The
drainage and altitude may also be important. Differences
sample of birth intervals for northern females was small,
in tree density between the northern and central neigh-
particularly because so few of their infants survived. Nev-
bourhoods are also likely to account for differences in
ertheless, the difference between northern and central fe-
frugivore density (Struhsaker 1997; Chapman et al. 2000).
males in mean birth interval approached significance
The strong stability of female spatial relationships over
(following infant death: log rank ¼ 3.86, P ¼ 0.05; follow-
the 9-year span of this study conforms to Williams et al.’s
ing infant survival: log rank ¼ 3.26, P ¼ 0.07).
(2002) suggestion that female chimpanzees gain impor-
Infant survival statistics over the study period also
tant advantages from site fidelity, such as increased knowl-
showed profound differences (Fig. 5). With a limiting
edge of feeding locations. Northern females may also
age of 17 (due to study length), mean SE infant survival
ameliorate the effects of lower food quality by adopting
was 11.7 1.2 years (N ¼ 41 infants, 29 censored (i.e. liv-
social strategies that reduce feeding competition. Ranging
ing)). Offspring of southern females had the highest sur-
patterns of individual northern females were more differ-
vival (15.4 1.4 years, N ¼ 7, 6 censored). Central
entiated from one another than those of either central
offspring survived for 11.1 1.6 years (N ¼ 23, 17
or southern females, suggesting less overlap in individual
core areas or less association between individuals. Indeed,
the northern females at Kanyawara are less gregarious
1.1 than the central females (Emery Thompson & Wrangham
1 Our limited data on the southern females suggest that
Southern-censored these females may have had the highest quality range and
the best reproductive outcomes. High-quality resources
0.9 in the south might also have made this region desirable to
the neighbouring chimpanzee community in the south,
Cumulative survival
mortality in most cases. However, low mortality rates in human contacts) may be proposed to influence female fe-
the southern neighbourhood suggest that, even though cundity via variation in social stress. Our results suggest
these females were living in a high-quality border zone that this is not the case, however. While central females
and did not typically enjoy the protection of community have the most interaction with aggressive males and the
males, intercommunity aggression was not a major threat most contact with human observers, they have higher fe-
to infant and juvenile survivorship. Females in both cundity than northern females.
southern and northern communities were less gregarious Differential range use could have effects on reproductive
than central females and spent less time in the presence success besides access to food resources. Females ranging
of observers (Emery Thompson & Wrangham 2006). in peripheral areas may be more susceptible to infanticides
Thus, direct feeding competition and anthropogenic ill- by neighbouring communities (Wilson & Wrangham
nesses are unlikely sources of mortality. We also have no 2003), although this did not appear to be the case for
evidence of predation on chimpanzees at Kanyawara. southern Kanyawara females. Increased maternal sociality
Our available evidence therefore suggests that the best ex- has been linked to infant survivorship in some primates
planation for differences in survivorship is differing ma- (Silk et al. 2003), so range dispersion could also affect re-
ternal and juvenile nutrition and resultant somatic productive success by affecting gregariousness.
condition. The degree of female reproductive variance reported
Assuming no difference in female life span or age at here suggests that there ought to be competition over
maturity among neighbourhoods and a mean reproduc- where female chimpanzees settle within the home range.
tive span of 16 years (Hill et al. 2001), our data for central Results from other field studies suggest that immigrant
mothers predict a mean of 3.7 offspring born; 2.2 of these adolescent females do encounter resistance from resident
offspring can be expected to survive to maturity. Northern females (Pusey 1980, 1990; Nishida 1989); we are cur-
mothers, by contrast, should have produced a mean of 2.7 rently investigating rates of aggression during immigration
offspring, of whom only 1.0 can be expected to survive to events at Kanyawara, as well as the rank relationships of
maturity. This evidence for an approximate doubling of re- northern and central females when they join parties
productive success in one cluster compared to another together. We hypothesize that female chimpanzees estab-
suggests that, in chimpanzees, there can be intense selec- lish their dominance relationships in the context of core
tion pressures for females to occupy high-quality core area establishment, and that the resultant ranging het-
areas. erogeneity reduces the need for frequent, potentially
The differences between neighbourhoods that we found costly contest competition. Thus, rather than indicating
in fruit availability, fecundity and infant survival support a lack of differentiated social status, the relative rarity
the role of energy availability in the reproductive success of overt dominance interactions observed among
of females. Such differences are consistent with the role of female chimpanzees may result from stable dominance
nutrition in mediating reproductive function in humans relationships.
(Ellison et al. 1989, 1993; Ellison 1995, 2003; Bentley et al. These results may not be generalizable to all chimpan-
1998) and nonhuman primates (van Schaik & van Noord- zee communities. Notably, female chimpanzees in the Ta€ı
wijk 1985; Bercovitch 1987; Bercovitch & Strum 1993; community in Cote d’Ivoire (Pan troglodytes verus) show
Strier et al. 2001; Altmann & Alberts 2003b, 2003a; Knott increased gregariousness and wider ranging habits than
2005). Conception timing and ovarian hormone levels in do Kanyawara chimpanzees (Lehmann & Boesch 2003,
Kanyawara chimpanzees have both been correlated to the 2005); they also show more clearly defined rank relation-
utilization of preferred non-fig fruits (Sherry 2002; Emery ships in the context of feeding competition (Boesch
Thompson 2005a), supporting a causal link between lower 1997; Wittig & Boesch 2003), with higher-ranking females
habitat quality and poorer reproductive variables in north- ranging further and making more use of peripheral areas
ern females. (Lehmann & Boesch 2005). It is unclear what is responsi-
There are possible alternative or intermediary explana- ble for the differences in social structure between Ta€ı and
tions for the observed relationships. One possibility is that East African sites (Kibale, Gombe). Similarly, chimpanzees
females with higher fitness attributes, such as larger body in Budongo Forest, Uganda, live in a relatively small range
size or better competitive abilities, succeed in settling in of high resource density (Newton-Fisher 2002), and like-
higher-quality core areas. However, it is difficult to wise appear to have very little differentiation of female
imagine this effect acting independently of subsequent ranges (Emery Thompson et al. 2006). Thus, although
effects of differing dietary quality, given that adult our results do not necessarily apply to chimpanzees in
chimpanzee body weights can show significant seasonal general, they suggest that reproductive skew among fe-
weight fluctuations (Pusey et al. 2005). Indeed, if we as- male chimpanzees may be largely determined by local eco-
sume that core area settlement is nonrandom, we have logical factors that remain to be characterized.
all the more reason to believe that there are important Few species can be expected to show spatially based
consequences of core area location. In Kanyawara, increas- reproductive skew within groups, because within social
ing age appears to be a strong predictor of dominance rank communities, females normally travel together. However,
among females (Kahlenberg 2006). While both of the analogous fissionefusion patterns occur outside of the
southern females at Kanyawara were past prime, there primate order and may be expected to be associated with
were no systematic differences in the ages of central and similar ecological constraints, as well as similar reproduc-
northern females. Differences in the socioecology of tive variance. Within-group female range heterogeneity
neighbourhoods (e.g. presence of males, party sizes, has been observed in one fissionefusion species, the
spotted hyaena, Crocuta crocuta. Low-ranking female hy- Bentley, G. R., Harrigan, A. M. & Ellison, P. T. 1998. Dietary com-
aenas at Masai Mara ranged closer to territorial bound- position and ovarian function among Lese horticulturalist women
aries, particularly when prey were scarce, and had lower of the Ituri Forest, Democratic Republic of Congo. European Jour-
reproductive success than did high-ranking females (Boy- nal of Clinical Nutrition, 52, 261e270.
dston et al. 2003). How much of the fitness variance was Bercovitch, F. B. 1987. Female weight and reproductive condition
in a population of olive baboons (Papio anubis). American Journal
due to variation in food intake was unclear, however, since
of Primatology, 12, 189e195.
subordinate hyaenas also experience severe aggression
Bercovitch, F. B. & Strum, S. C. 1993. Dominance rank, resource
and infanticide of their litters (Hofer & East 1995; Frank availability, and reproductive maturation in female savanna
1996; Muller & Wrangham 2002). To our knowledge, baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 33, 313e318.
therefore, our results for Kanyawara chimpanzees are the Boesch, C. 1997. Evidence for dominant wild female chimpanzees
first example of intragroup variation in female reproduc- investing more in sons. Animal Behaviour, 54, 811e815.
tive success correlated with habitat variation and space Boydston, E. E., Kapheim, K. M., Szykman, M. & Holekamp, K. E.
use. Attention to these variables warrants future attention 2003. Individual variation in space use by female spotted hyenas.
in a range of species. Journal of Mammalogy, 84, 1006e1018.
Chapman, C. A. & Wrangham, R. W. 1993. Range use of the forest
chimpanzees of Kibale: implications for the understanding of
Acknowledgments chimpanzee social organization. American Journal of Primatology,
31, 263e273.
Research at Kanyawara was supported by funding from
Chapman, C. A., Balcomb, S. R., Gillespie, T. R., Skorupa, J. P. &
National Science Foundation grant 0416126 to R. Wrang-
Struhsaker, T. T. 2000. Long-term effects of logging on African
ham. Hormonal analyses were supported by grants to primate communities: a 28-year comparison from Kibale National
M.E.T. from Harvard University, the L.S.B. Leakey Foun- Park, Uganda. Conservation Biology, 14, 207e217.
dation, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropo- Creel, S. F. 2005. Dominance, aggression, and glucocorticoid levels
logical Research. Local research support and permissions in social carnivores. Journal of Mammalogy, 86, 255e264.
were obtained from the Uganda National Council for Eissa, M. K., Obhrai, M. S., Docker, M. F., Lynch, S. S., Sawers,
Science and Technology, the Uganda Wildlife Authority R. S. & Newton, R. R. 1986. Follicular growth and endocrine
and the Makerere University Biological Field Station. Daily profiles in spontaneous and induced conception cycles. Fertility
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pher Muruuli, Peter Tuhairwe, John Barwogeza, Christo- Ellis, L. 1995. Dominance and reproductive success among nonhu-
pher Katongole and the late Donor Muhangyi, with field man animals: a cross-species comparison. Ethology and Sociobiol-
management by Michael Wilson, Martin Muller, Kather- ogy, 16, 257e333.
ine Pieta, Carole Hooven and Kimberly Duffy. We thank Ellison, P. T. 1995. Understanding natural variation in ovarian
function. In: Human Reproductive Decisions: Biological and Social
Meg Crofoot, Zarin Machanda, Martin Muller, Rachel
Perspectives (Ed. by R. I. M. Dunbar), pp. 22e51. London:
Carmody, Peter Ellison and four anonymous referees for
St. Martin’s Press/Galton Institute.
helpful comments on the manuscript.
Ellison, P. T. 2003. Energetics and reproductive effort. American
Journal of Human Biology, 15, 342e351.
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