Delegation of Power of CPWD Officer
Delegation of Power of CPWD Officer
Delegation of Power of CPWD Officer
Subject: Delegation of enhanced powers to the officers of CPWD In exercise of the powers delegated to the Director General (Works), CPWD, the monetary limits of the financial powers delegated to the officers of CPWD vide O.M. No. DGW/MAN/129 dated 30.12.2005, in respect of matters connected with the execution of works are enhanced as detailed in Annexure to this office Memo. The exercise of the delegated powers is subject to the restrictions which might be imposed by orders issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure from time to time and is also subject to the observance of the provisions contained in the various codes as well as in CPWD Works Manual 2007 duly amended from time to time.
Superintending Engineer (C&M) Issued from file no. CSQ/CM/M/19/1/2005. Copy forwarded as per mailing list overleaf
Name of power To accord Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction to minor works for residential and non-residential buildings.
Designation of officer
50,000 1.5 lacs EE 250,000 7.5 lacs SE 1,500,000 45 lacs CE 2,500,000 75 lacs ADG 5,000,000 150 lacs DGW Note: For works of upgradation of residential/office accommodation, the provision of OM No. 18/18/2004-WI (DGW) dt. 15.4.2005 will be applicable.
Petty works, repairs, addition & alteration to hired and requisitioned buildings CE CE 5000 p.a. for non-recurring expenditure 1000 p.a. for recurring expenditure 5000 p.a. for non-recurring expenditure 1000 p.a. for recurring expenditure
To issue orders declaring stores including spare parts of vehicles, other than those not involving losses, as surplus or unserviceable, the original purchase value of articles being estimated if not known. EE SE CE ADG 7,500 40,000 200,000 500,000 15,000 40,000 Full powers 7,500 40,000 200,000 500,000 15,000 40,000 Full powers
Write-off losses: 1) On stores due to theft and/or negligence of individuals. SE CE ADG 2) On stores not due to theft or negligence of individuals SE CE ADG 4,000 25,000 50,000 4,000 25,000 50,000 4,000 25,000 50,000 4,000 25,000 50,000
Issue of order of disposal of stores declared by competent authority to be unserviceable (subject to any orders, the SE may have passed) where the stores were so declared by himself or by Government. EE SE 10,000 Full powers 10,000 Full powers
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Write off returns of unserviceable T&P of which part value is recovered. EE SE CE 10,000 20,000 Full powers 10,000 20,000 Full powers
Sale of stores to private parties on full value plus 10% unless waived by competent authority CE Full powers Full powers Notes: 1. Recovery in all cases should be made in cash in advance 2. Losses mentioned against S. No. 4 above may be broadly attributed to: (i) Normal fluctuation of market prices (ii) Fair wear and tear (iii) Lack of foresight in regulating purchases (iv) Neglect after purchase 3. Powers mentioned against S. No. 5 (1) & (2) will be exercised in respect of actual losses of stores as opposed to losses of stock due to depreciation. Losses against 5(2) may be due to act of God and other calamities such as fire, enemy action, damages, obsolescence etc. 4. The authority issuing orders against S. No. 6 should, after disposal of stores, of which value accounts are kept, determine and intimate to the audit officer concerned, the net amount to be written off to the final head (to be specified) as loss on stocks. Against item No. 8, see also paragraph 120 of CPWA Code.
Accord of sanction to expenditure on ceremonies connected with laying of foundation stone and opening of public buildings CE ADG
2,500 10,000
2,500 10,000
To make advance payment to private firms/autonomous bodies for chemical analysis and testing of materials CE 45,000* 65,000* * Notes: In each case out of project contingencies subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: i) Advance payments are made only in cases where it is considered absolutely necessary. ii) Advance payments made on the basis of a valid expenditure sanction of the competent authority. iii) The firm should be well established and has reputation for fair dealings. iv) The officer drawing the money for making advance payment shall be responsible for its adjustment for which purpose he will send the detailed bills to the Accounts Officer within a period of one month from the date of drawl of the advance. If an advance cannot be adjusted within one month of the drawl, a detailed report should be sent to the component authority concerned. v) The amount of advance shall be drawn on a simple receipt and accounted for under the final head to which the expenditure on service in question would be debited.
To write-off construction
on SE 1% of contract value 1% of contract value subject to ceiling of Rs. subject to ceiling of Rs. 7500 7500 1% of contract value 1% of contract value subject to ceiling of Rs. subject to ceiling of Rs. 30,000 30,000
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(a) Grant of extension of time and levy of compensation AE Full powers in respect of Full powers in respect of contracts amounting up to contracts amounting up to his power to accord TS his power to accord TS - do Full Powers Full powers do Full Powers Full Powers
(b) Levy of compensation Augmentation of electrical power supply to the residences of VIPs up to maximum electrical load sanctioned a) Ministers b) Judges of Supreme Court / High court c) Member of Parliament d) Secretaries/additional Secretaries & equivalent officers. To undertake deposit works a).At full rates of departmental charges or all Central Govt. works and works of autonomous bodies fully funded by the Central Govt. where no departmental charges are to be levied.
Full powers
600 lakh 900 lakh ADG Full powers Full powers DG (W) Note: Delegation of full powers will be subject to the condition that the departmental charges to be charged shall not vary by more than 20% of the standard departmental charges and subject to the following conditions: a). Such departmental charges will be reviewed at every upward revision of normal departmental charges; and b). Deposit work will be accepted to utilize spare capacity of the CPWD at the Zonal level and should not in any way affect departmental
Acceptance of lowest tender with or without negotiations Where AE (planning) is not provided Where AE (planning) is provided Under his own power With prior approval of ADG With prior approval of DG (W) With prior approval of C.W. Board Acceptance of single tender with or without negotiations AE/AEE EE EE SE CE CE CE CE 1 lakh 10 lakh 15 lakh 100 lakh 400 lakh 600 lakh 800 lakh Full powers 3 lacs 30 Lacs 45 Lacs 500 Lacs 1000 Lacs 1300 Lacs 1600 Lacs Full powers
25,000/AE/AEE EE i).Under his own 1.5 lakh authority Acceptance of single tender with or without ii). With prior 10 lakh negotiations approval of next higher authority (para 95 of CPWD code) SE i).Under his own 45 lakh authority
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200 lacs
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ii). With prior 100 lakh approval of next higher authority CE i).Under his own 200 lakh authority ii).With prior 300 lakh approval of ADG
350 lacs
iii).With prior 500 lakh 1000 lacs approval of DG (W) iv).With prior Full powers Full powers approval of C.W. Board Note: Full reasons should be recorded by the approving authority who should also guard against contractor holding out unjustifiably higher rates. Award of work without call of tenders 20,000 60,000 AE/AEE EE SE CE 1.25 lakh 4.5 lakh 4 lacs 15 lacs 25 lacs 100 lacs
i).Under his own 10 lakh authority ii).With prior 45 lakh approval of ADG iii).With prior 90 lakh approval of DG (W) iv).With prior Full powers approval of C.W. Board
180 lacs
Full powers
Award of work to labour co-operative societies without call of tenders EE SE 1.5 lakh 3.00 lakh 3 lacs 6 lacs of CPWD.
Notes: a) Award of minor works upto Rs. 6.00 lakh. b) Award of works at current market rates provided the same are certified as reasonable by the officers
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Award of work by negotiations ab-initio after infructuous call of tender or with a firm which has not quoted for execution of the remaining work after rescission of the contract AE/AEE EE SE CE i).Under his own 15 lakh authority ii).With prior 75 lakh approval of ADG iii).With prior 150 lakh approval of DG (W) iv).With prior Full powers approval of C.W. Board 30 lacs 150 lacs 300 lacs 30,000 2.5 lakh 6 lakh 60,000 5 lacs 12 lacs
Full powers
i) Splitting up projects / works/sub-heads EE Upto 10 lakh Where sanctioned cost of Work/Sub head is up to 30 lacs Above 10 lakh & upto 100 Where sanctioned cost of lakh Work/Sub Head is above 30 lacs & upto 500 lacs Full powers Full powers
Up to 10 lakh
Above 10 lakh & upto 100 Where sanctioned cost of lakh Work/split up sub-head is above 30 lacs & up to 500 lacs Above 100 lakh & upto 400 Where sanctioned cost of lakh Work/split up sub-head is above 500 lacs & up to 1000 lacs Full powers Where sanctioned cost of Work/split up sub-head is up to 1300 lacs Where sanctioned cost of Work/split up sub-head is up to 1600 lacs Full powers
DG (W)
Full powers
C. W. Board
Full powers
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(i) The tenders for the split up portion shall be accepted by the same competent authority who permitted such splitting for projects/ works costing up to Rs. 1000 lakh. The fact that the project/ work has been split up for the purpose of inviting tenders should, however, be clearly brought to the notice of the authority competent for split up, explaining the reasons while forwarding the tenders for such works. ii) The tenders for the split up portions of projects/works costing more than Rs. 1000 lakh, shall be accepted by the ADG/DG (W)/CW Board as the case may be. The fact that the project has been split up for the purpose of inviting the tenders should be clearly brought to the notice of ADG/DG(W)/CW Board explaining the reasons while forwarding the tenders for their consideration/approval. iii)Tenders relating to component parts of the project, if the amount of such component parts appears as distinct sub-head will be dealt with by the authorities concerned according to their powers of acceptance of the tenders and sanction of estimates and not referred to the higher authorities even though they may form part of the project beyond their acceptance as a whole. iv) The procedure mentioned in note (iii) above will also apply in respect of tenders for sanitary and
Acceptance of tenders for smaller works likely to CE crop up during the execution of work /project and for which no provision exists in the sanctioned project estimates
Full powers to accept Full powers to accept tenders for such works tenders for such works subject to availability of subject to availability of funds under sub head funds under sub head contingencies in the contingencies in the sanctioned project sanctioned project estimate. estimate. 2 lacs 15 lacs 45 lacs 6 lacs 45 lacs 225 lacs (per division)
Award of work order (Annual limit) AE/AEE In addition to sub-division powers In addition to Sub-Division and Division powers EE SE
a)To accept highest tender bid for disposal of govt. buildings without land at/and above the reserve price fixed by CE / DGW 6 lakh EE 50 lakh SE CE/ADG/ DG(W) Full powers b)Below reserve price EE/SE/CE Decision to be taken by Decision to be taken by next higher authority next higher authority Full powers Full powers 9 lacs 75 lacs Full powers
ADG/ DG(W) c)Acceptance of single tender/ bid at/ and above the reserve price EE SE CE CE CE CE
Under his own power With prior approval of ADG With prior approval of DG (W) With prior approval of C.W. Board (d)(i) Sale/dismantlement of public building other than purely temporary structure
45,000 45 lacs 135 lacs 150 lacs 200 lacs Full powers
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ii).purely temporary structure EE Full powers subject to the Full powers subject to the conditions mentioned in conditions mentioned in Para 127 of CPWD code Para 127 of CPWD code Full powers if the structure Full powers if the structure is to be sold at lower than is to be sold at lower than reserve price reserve price on assessed salvage value of dismantled materials only.
(ii) Authority competent to fix reserve price will be competent to fix salvage value of dismantled materials also. Only for replacement of Only for replacement of Purchase of inspection vehicles DG (W) vehicles survey reported in vehicles survey reported in with accordance with accordance government instructions on government instructions on the subject from time to the subject from time to time time
detailed AE/AEE
1 lac
3 lacs
EE i)where AE(P) is 10 lacs not provided i)where AE(P) is 15 lacs provided 100 lacs SE Full powers CE/ADG/DGW
Note: This delegation of power is subject to restriction and provision of orders issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time and as also the provision contained in various codes. In this context, instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. F-10(28)/EE Coord./77 dt. 20.1.1978 should be kept in view. Acceptance/challenge of arbitration award CE ADG DGW 10 lacs 30 lacs Full powers 15 lacs 45 lacs Full powers
Accord of A/A & E/S for construction of houses for CPWD project staff for major projects 150 lacs 225 lacs ADG Full powers Full powers DG(W) Note: This will be subject to the condition that the cost of construction will be met out of the contingencies of the project where there is no separate provision for the same. (i) Accord of Administrative Approval & Expenditure sanction for construction of houses for CPWD maintenance staff. 40 lacs *60 lacs ADG 100 lacs *150 lacs DGW *In case of project costing more than Rs. 15 lakh, pre budget financial scrutiny should have been done by the competent authority i.e. Budget Section, MOUD. Note: (i)Due care should be taken to ensure that powers are not used to create separate pool of accommodation and to ensure that DGW/ADG would draw up a list of maintenance staff for whom the quarters near the inquiry office are essential. (ii) Power should be exercised by CE/ADG/DGW in consultation with FO/CCA/MOUD.
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Powers to modify contract conditions ADG DGW *15% **25% *15% **25%
30 31 32
As per MAN/75: * Where financial implication is up to 15% of the contract amount. ** Where financial implication is up to 25% Acceptance of tender conditions not in line with DGW Full powers the standard conditions Full powers DGW Purchase of Tools and Plants To allow State PWD contractors to tender for the ADG works of CPWD outside the State in which enlisted Accord of sanction to extra /substituted items AE/AEE Full powers
OM No. DGW/MAN/ 175 30% of contract amount or 30% of contract amount or 30% of power to accord 30% of power to accord TS, whichever is lower TS, whichever is lower - do 30% of contract value or equal to the power to accord technical sanction, whichever is lower. Full power OM No. DGW/MAN/ 175 dt. 5.3.09 10% of contract amount or 50% of power to accord TS, whichever is lower - do 30% of contract value or equal to the power to accord technical sanction, whichever is lower. Full power
15% of contract amount or 15% of contract amount or 50% of power to accord 50% of power to accord TS, whichever is lower TS, whichever is lower 30% of contract amount 30% of contract amount Full power
Full power CE Note: 1. Deviation means increase or decrease in quantities of agreement items. 2. Deviations upto + 10% of agreement quantity will not require any sanction.
3. Items deviating beyond + 10% of agreement quantity needs sanction for total deviation (including initial + 10%) 4. The amount of a deviation statement shall be the sum of absolute value of deviated amounts of all individual items.
To approve Supply orders OM No. DGW/MAN/153 dt. 17.03.09 Designation of the Exiting provisions officer Individual Annual supply order ceilling 10% of powers Powers to AE to accord TS accord TS
Modified provisions Individual supply order 10% of powers to accord TS Annual ceiling Powers to accord TS
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do do do do do do do do to 10% of power Power to 10% of power Power to accept the accept the to accept the accept the tender under tender tender under tender his his own under his his own under own own authority authority authority authority 20% of power to accept the tender No limit do do
No limit
a)Local purchase of petty stationery stores AE/AEE EE SE/SA CE/CA ADG DG(W) b) Local purchase of Drawing Stationery SE/SA CE/CA ADG DG(W)
OM No. DGW/MAN/ 135 of 23/24.03.06 Nil 10,000/- PA 45,000/- PA 80,000/- PA 1 Lakh PA 1 Lakh PA 20,000/PA 80,000/- PA 1 Lakh PA 1 Lakh PA 6,000/Nil 15,000/- PA 70,000/- PA 1.2 lacs PA 1.5 lacs PA 1.5 lacs PA 30,000/- PA 1.2 lacs PA 1.5 lacs PA 1.5 lacs PA 9,000
i) Permanent imprest to AE provided imprests are not allowed to JEs at the same time ii) Local Purchase powers of AE out of permanent imprest Engagement of private Architects/consultants ADG
1500/- for petty payments Full power Full power Upto 50% of the advance or Rs. 30 lakh, whichever is lower. Balance advance with the prior approval of the SE
Full powers DGW Note: The power is subject to fulfillment of conditions laid down in Section 6 of the Manual. To sanction Mobilization Advance Upto 50% of the advance EE or Rs. 20 lakh, whichever is lower. Balance advance with the prior approval of the SE
Note: The mobilization Advance can be sanctioned to the contractors as per term of the contract on thier specific request.
Declaration of specialised items ADGs ADG (TD) For works in their For works in their respective regions. respective regions. For works in and around For works in and around Delhi Delhi
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EE 1.5 lacs 5 lacs SE 7.5 lacs 25 lacs CE 45 lacs 150 lacs ADG 75 lacs 250 lacs DGW 150 lacs 500 lacs Note: For works of up gradation of residential / office accommodation, the provision of OM No. 18/18/2004-WI (DGW) dt. 15.4.2005 will be applicable.
To accord Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction to minor works for residential and nonresidential buildings.
In addition to above the following amendments in regard to Grant of extension of time are hereby made as under;
Designation of officer
(a) Grant of extension of time and levy of compensation AE Full powers in respect of contracts amounting up to his power to accord TS - do Full powers Full powers
(a) Grant of extension of time and rescheduling of milestones AE Full powers in respect of contracts amounting up to his power to accord TS - do Full powers Full powers
Other powers as earlier circulated vide above-cited will remains the same.
Superintending Engineer (C&M) Issued from file no. CSQ/CM/M/19/1/2005. Copy to: All ADGs, CPWD, E-in-C, PWD, Delhi Govt. 2. All CEs, CPWD, E-in-C, PWD, Delhi Govt.-They are requested to endorse a copy of this O.M. to all SEs & EEs with further directions that they should bring this change to the notice of all the concerned.
Designation of officer
Name of power
Name of power
Revised Powers