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Object Oriented Programming in

"COBOL 2000"
(Update as of 4/99)

Artur Reimann

Fujitsu Software Corporation

Development Tools Group
3055 Orchard Drive
San Jose, California 95134-2022

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation


Object Orientation _____________________________________________________________4

Objects __________________________________________________________________________ 5
Classes __________________________________________________________________________ 6
Classes and Objects in COBOL ______________________________________________________ 7
Class Definition ___________________________________________________________________ 8
Factory Definition _________________________________________________________________ 8
Object Definition__________________________________________________________________ 8
Method Definition _________________________________________________________________ 9
Class Hierarchy and Inheritance ________________________________________________10
Inheritance______________________________________________________________________ 10
Multiple Inheritance ______________________________________________________________ 11
Accessing Objects and Methods _________________________________________________12
Object References ________________________________________________________________ 12
Messages _______________________________________________________________________ 13
Messages in COBOL______________________________________________________________ 13
Creating Objects _____________________________________________________________15
COBOL Class BASE______________________________________________________________ 15
Creating Objects in COBOL _______________________________________________________ 15
Conformance and interfaces____________________________________________________16
Interfaces _______________________________________________________________________ 16
Conformance ____________________________________________________________________ 16
COBOL INTERFACE definition ___________________________________________________ 16
Polymorphism ___________________________________________________________________ 17
Other OO Features in COBOL __________________________________________________18
Object Modifier__________________________________________________________________ 18
Property ________________________________________________________________________ 18
Generic Classes __________________________________________________________________ 18
Exception Handling __________________________________________________________20
Examples ___________________________________________________________________21
Example 1 ______________________________________________________________________ 21
Example 2 (with attribute) _________________________________________________________ 22
Example 3 (with inheritance) _______________________________________________________ 24

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 2

Example 4 (with factory) __________________________________________________________ 26

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 3

Object Orientation
Object Orientation is the big new programming paradigm of these days. “COBOL 2000”(see separate
document for more details and other features planned for the new standard) will provide full support for
the constructs of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Superficially, the role of OOP in COBOL 2000 is
similar to that of Structured Programming in COBOL 85. There is, however, a very important difference:
While Structured Programming was meant to be an alternative to traditional, "spaghetti-oriented"
programming, believed to be simply a better programming style, OOP will not replace conventional
programming, but will be used just for specific programming tasks, for which it is better suited. Traditional
COBOL programming will not go away, but will be complemented by new language features for defining
classes and objects .
This document describes the new language elements in a very general way. For better understanding, it
also gives an overview of the concepts of OOP. Please understand, that this can be in no way a complete
presentation of this complex matter. Some knowledge of OOP in general must therefore be assumed.
Some of the fundamental concepts of Object Orientation are the following:

• Objects
− Data together with methods for these data form objects
• Data encapsulation
− Objects 'hide' their data
• Classes
− Objects of same kind form classes
• Inheritance
− Sub-classes 'inherit' data and methods of their super-classes
• Polymorphism
− Methods with same name in different classes have different effect

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methods me data (variables)

e tho
ethod d-2

Var-1 Var-2

meth Var-3




This picture is a schematic view of an object. An object consists of data (variables, attributes), describing
the state of the real object at any given time, and methods (procedures, programs), needed to access and
to manipulate these data. The data are "encapsulated" in the object, i. e. they are normally not visible and
certainly not changeable from outside the object. This is only possible through methods associated with
the object.

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class object (factory)

class methods
class data

objects (instances)

Objects of the same kind are organized in "classes", schematically shown in the above picture. A class is
something like a "prototype" of its objects. In OOP, you don't describe individual objects, but only their
An individual object, or "instance", will be created by the class, using a method that is associated with the
class just like object methods are associated with the object. Thus, a class can be thought of a special
object with its own methods and its own class data. It is called "factory object", because it is primarily used
to create instances.

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Classes and Objects in COBOL
The COBOL syntax for a class definition uses a similar concepts as the concept of Nested Programs,
introduced in the COBOL 85 standard. The class itself has the role of the outermost program, factory and
object definitions are nested inside the class definition, and method definitions in turn nested in the factory
and object definitions.

Id Division.
Class-Id. class-name-1 Inherits class-name-2 ... .
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class class-name-3 as "external-class-name-3"
Id Division.
Environment Division.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
Procedure Division.
{class methods}
End Factory.

Id Division.
Environment Division.
Data Division.
Procedure Division.
{object methods}
End Object.
End Class class-name-1.
Example 1. Class Definition

Id Division.
Method-Id. method-name-1 ...
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
Linkage Section.
Procedure Division [Using ...] [Returning ...] .
Invoke object-reference method [Using ...] [Returning ...]
Exit method.
End Method method-name-1.
Example 2. Method Definition

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 7

Class Definition
• Format:
ID DIVISION] (parameterized classes not covered here, see below)
CLASS-ID. class-name-1 [ AS literal-1 ]
INHERITS { class-name-2 … }.
[ { CLASS class-name-3 [ AS "external-class-name-3 " ] … ].
[ { INTERFACE int-name-1 [ AS "external-int-name-1 " ] … ].
[ { factory definition } ]
{ object definition }
END CLASS class-name-1.

Factory Definition
• The factory object contains data and methods associated with the class, for example for creating
• Each class has only one factory object
• Environment Division contains only Input-Output Section
• Factory data and methods are accessible from all object methods of that class
• defined by:
FACTORY [IMPLEMENTS interface-name-1].
[Factory Environment Division ]
[Factory Data Division ]
[{factory methods}…]]

• IMPLEMENTS clause indicates that the interface of this factory object conforms to interface-1 (see
COBOL INTERFACE definition on page 16)

Object Definition
• The object definition contains data and methods associated with the objects, i.e. the instances of the
• Environment Division contains only Input-Output Section.
• Defined by:
OBJECT [IMPLEMENTS interface-name-1].
[Object Environment Division ]
[Object Data Division ]

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 8

[{object methods}...]]

• IMPLEMENTS clause indicates that the interface of this object conforms to interface-1 (see
COBOL INTERFACE definition on page 16)

Method Definition
• Method definitions are contained in the Procedure Division of the Factory or the Object
• The method definition contains object procedures and data associated with the methods.
• Defined by:
method-nam e-1 [AS literal-1] 
 
  PROPERTY property-n ame-1 
SET 
[Method Environment Division ]
[Method Data Division ]
[PROCEDURE DIVISION [USING {data-name-1}...]
[ RETURNING data-name-2].
END METHOD method-name-1.
• Property (details: see Property on page 18)
− property method
• Override
− overrides inherited method

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 9

Class Hierarchy and Inheritance



'inherit' methods of subclasses
'extension' through new methods
'specialization' through overwriting

CLASS-ID. class-name-1 Inherits class-name-2

Separate classes can have common attributes, which means common data and method definitions. For
example, convertibles and sedans are both cars and have many commonalties. Therefore, it makes sense
to define a class "car" with all the common data and methods. Such a class would be called a
"superclass" of the classes "convertible" and "sedan". The common data and methods are defined only for
the superclass and inherited by the "subclass".
It is possible to define a specialized method that is to be used in place of an inherited method with the
same name, as long as its "signature", i. e. the set of parameters and their properties, "conforms" to the
inherited method (see "Conformance" on page 16).

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 10

Multiple Inheritance

CLASS-ID. class-name-1 Inherits class-name-2 class-name-3...

COBOL 2000 supports the concept of "multiple inheritance", which means that a class can have several
superclasses. Thus the subclass inherits all the methods from all the superclasses.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 11

Accessing Objects and Methods
Object References
The individual object (instance) has no name. It is addressed by an object reference. An object reference
is allocated when an object is created, and returned to the invoking program or method.

• Universal object references:

• Specific object references:
[FACTORY OF] class-name [ ONLY ]
− without ONLY: Valid for class-name or its sub-classes
− with ONLY: Valid for class-name only
• ACTIVE-CLASS: Valid for class of active object
• Predefined object references:
− SELF identifies the active object
− SUPER identifies a superclass of the object in which it is specified
• Usage of object references:
− in explicit or implicit messages (method invocations)
− in comparisons on equal/unequal
− as argument with object or program invocation
− in assignment operations (SET statement)

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 12


Messages are the only way of

addressing data of other objects

receiver selector arguments

(object) (method)

Invoke object "method" using ...

Objects communicate with "messages". Data of another object can only be accessed by sending a
message to that object, which causes the execution of a method of the other object.
Such a message has three parts:
1. The receiver of the message. This is an object reference that points to the specific object.
2. The selector. The selector is the name of the receiver's method to be activated.
3. Arguments, to be passed to the selected method, analogous to the arguments in a CALL statement.

Messages in COBOL
• Explicit message through Invoke statement
INVOKE object-reference "method" [USING 
BY CONTENT   {argument ...}]


[ RETURNING return-item ]
− object reference:
∗ class name
∗ 'object reference'
− method:
∗ Literal
∗ Data element (for 'universal ' O-R only)
• Implicit message through inline method invocation:

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 13

object-reference :: method [(parameter...)] ...
− Usage in place of identifiers, analogous to intrinsic functions

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 14

Creating Objects
• COBOL provided class BASE, containing the essential methods for creating objects
• Predefined Methods of Base
− 'New'
∗ class method
∗ creates an object of a given class
− 'FactoryObject'
∗ object method
∗ gives access to the factory object of the class of a given object
− ... (TBD)

Creating Objects in COBOL

• Direct or indirect invocation of "New"
• Returns an object reference to the created object
• Example:
01 handle-b usage object reference class-b
Invoke class-b "New" returning handle-b
Invoke handle-b "object-method-2" ...

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 15

Conformance and interfaces
• Interface (protocol, signature)
− consists of all externally visible characteristics:
∗ method names
∗ parameter names and their properties
− every object has an interface
− every class has two interfaces:
∗ factory interface
∗ object interface

• Conformance
− Interface a conforms to interface b, when
∗ all methods of b are also accessible from a
∗ the number and characteristics of corresponding parameters match
− object with interface a "is an" object with interface b
• Inheritance
− Interface of sub-class conforms to interface the super-class (e. g. "convertible is a motor


A COBOL interface definition can be used to describe factory or object interfaces independently of a
specific class definition. It allows conformance checking even when the class definition is not available. It
contains no methods, but "prototypes" only.

[ID DIVISION.] (parameterized interfaces not covered (see below))

INTERFACE-ID. interface-name-1 [AS literal-1]
[{CLASS class-name-1 [AS "external-class-name-1 "]}...].
[{INTERFACE int-name-2 [AS "external-int-name-2 "]}...].
[{method prototypes}...]
END INTERFACE class-name-1.

• Interface-specific object reference

OBJECT REFERENCE interface-name

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 16

- May be used for any objects that implement the interface interface-name, e. i. are
defined with IMPLEMENTS interface-name


object-1 me me object-2
e-1-1 tho -e1-1 tho
hod hod d-2 (of class-b)
(of class-a) met
d-2 Met


Var-1 Var-1 Var-2


Var-3 Var-3
Var-4 Var-4



Var-5 Var-5









object reference method-4 arguments

Depending on object reference method-4
of object-1 or object-2 is selected

One of the most important characteristics of messages in OOP is that the message itself does not
automatically imply its specific effect. This is because a message can be sent to different objects, as long
as each of these objects have a method of the specified name that takes the same number and
characteristics of arguments, i. e. conforms to the message. There are three cases:

• Hierarchic polymorphism
− Object reference identifies object in specific class hierarchy
− COBOL: USAGE OBJECT REFERENCE class-name (without 'ONLY')
• Polymorphism using interface definition
− Object reference identifies an object of an arbitrary class that implements a specific interface
• Universal Polymorphism
− Object reference identifies an object of an arbitrary class
− COBOL: USAGE OBJECT REFERENCE (without class-name)
− If the selected object does not conform, an "exception condition" exists (see below)

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 17

Other OO Features in COBOL
Object Modifier
• Format
[FACTORY OF] class-name [ONLY] 
 
object-reference AS interface- name 
 
• Allows addressing the object identified by object-reference
− with the interface of class-name or interface-name, or of the associated factory object
− as a universal object reference

• Format:
property-1 OF object-identifier-1
− abbreviated way of addressing the value of an object variable
• Prerequisite:
− The object variable property-1 is defined:

data-name PROPERTY [WITH NO  ]
− for use as a sending item:
∗ without WITH NO GET: implicit generation of method Get Property data-name
− for use as receiving item:
∗ without WITH NO SET: implicit generation of method Set Property data-name
• Example:
Move residence of employee-master to residence of salary-master
is equivalent to
Invoke employee-master Get Property residence Returning temp-1
Move temp-1 to temp-2
Invoke salary-master Set Property residence Using temp-2

Generic Classes
• Generic class (parameterized class)
• defined by:
CLASS-ID. class-name-1 ...
USING { parm-name-1 }... .
• class-name-1 references classes that are fully specified only by the client
• parm-name-1 is a place holder for a class-name to supplied later
• specification in repository of client:
class-name-1 ... EXPANDS class-name-2 USING {class-name-3}...

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− class-name-1 is "instance" of generic class class-name-2
− each class-name-3 replaces the corresponding parm-name-1

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 19

Exception Handling
• Performed by "Generalized Exception Handling":


>>TURN exception-name CHECKING  
OFF 
Use after Exception { class-name | interface-name }
Raise EXCEPTION exception-name
• intrinsic functions
− Exception-Status, Exception-Statement, Exception-Location, Exception-Object
∗ OO Exception-names:


• Example
Use after exception EC-OO-Exception.
Display function exception-location function exception-statement
End Declaratives.

>>Turn EC-OO checking on
>>Turn EC-OO checking off

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 20

Example 1
Class: Hello Program: Client

object: H
object reference: H

Method "New" inherited from Base

Identification Division. Identification Division.

Class-Id. Hello Program-Id. Client.
inherits FjBase. Environment Division.
Environment Division. Configuration Section.
Configuration Section. Repository.
Repository. Class Hello.
Class FjBase. Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
Identification Division. 01 H object reference hello.
Object. Procedure Division.
Procedure Division. Invoke Hello "new" returning H
Invoke H "sayHello"
Identification Division. Exit Program.
Method-Id. sayHello. End Program Client.
Procedure Division.
Display "Hello World!".
End Method sayHello.
End Object.
End Class Hello.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 21

Example 2 (with attribute)

Klasse: Hello Programm:


object: H
object reference: H

Method "New" inherited from Base

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 22

Identification Division.
Class-Id. Hello inherits FjBase.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class FjBase.
Identification Division.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 msg pic x(30).
Procedure Division.

Identification Division.
Method-Id. sayHello.
Procedure Division.
Display msg.
End Method sayHello.

Identification Division.
Method-Id. setMsg.
Data Division.
Linkage Section.
01 in-msg pic x(30).
Procedure Division using in-msg.
Move in-msg to msg.
End Method setMsg.
End Object.
End Class Hello.

Identification Division.
Program-Id. Client.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class Hello.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 H usage object reference hello.
Procedure Division.
Invoke Hello "new" returning H
Invoke H "setMsg" using by content "Hello World!"
Invoke H "sayHello"
Exit Program.
End Program Client.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 23

Example 3 (with inheritance)

Class: Hello
Program: Client



object reference: H


Subclass "SayHello"

Method "New" inherited from Base

Class: Hello-1

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 24

Identification Division.
Class-Id. Hello1 inherits Hello.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class Hello.

Identification Division.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 lang-table.
02 pic x(31) value "EHello World from Sample 3!".
02 pic x(31) value "DHallo Welt von Beispiel 3!".
02 pic x(31) value "FAttention monde d'example 3!".
01 lang-table-x redefines lang-table.
02 lang occurs 3 indexed by x1.
03 lang-code pic x.
03 lang-msg pic x(30).

Procedure Division.

Identification Division.
Method-Id setLang.
Data Division.
Linkage Section.
01 in-lang pic x.
Procedure Division using in-lang.
Set x1 to 1
Search lang
At End
Invoke self " setMsg"
using by content "Wrong language!"
When lang-code(x1) = in- lang
Invoke self " setMsg"
using by content lang-msg(x1)
Exit Method.
End Method setLang.
End Object.
End Class Hello1.

Identification Division.
Program-id. Client.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class Hello1.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 H usage object reference Hello1.
Procedure Division.
Invoke Hello1 "New" returning H
Invoke H "setLang" using "F"
Invoke H "sayHello"
Exit Program.
End Program Client.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 25

Example 4 (with factory)

Class: Hello Program: Client

a c
a b

Method "New" inherited from Base

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 26

Identification Division.
Class-Id. Hello inherits FjBase.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class FjBase.

Identification Division.
Procedure Division.

Identification Division.
Method-Id. HelloCreate.
Data Division.
Linkage Section.
01 in-msg pic x(30).
01 anObject usage object reference Self.
Procedure Division using in- msg returning anObject.
Invoke self "New" returning anObject
Invoke anObject "setMsg" using in-msg.
End Method HelloCreate.

End Factory.

Identification Division.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 msg pic x(30).
Procedure Division.

Identification Division.
Method-Id. sayHello.
Procedure Division.
Display msg.
End Method sayHello.

Identification Division.
Method-Id. setMsg.
Data Division.
Linkage Section.
01 in-msg pic x(30).
Procedure Division using in-msg.
Move in-msg to msg.
End Method setMsg.

End Object.

End Class Hello.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 27

Identification Division.
Program-Id. Client.
Environment Division.
Configuration Section.
Class Hello.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 a usage object reference hello.
01 b usage object reference hello.
01 c usage object reference hello.
Procedure Division.
Invoke Hello " HelloCreate"
using by content "Hello from A" returning a
Invoke Hello " HelloCreate"
using by content "Hello from B" returning b
Invoke Hello " HelloCreate"
using by content "Hello from C" returning c
Invoke a "sayHello"
Invoke b "sayHello"
Invoke c "sayHello"
Exit Program.
End Program Client.

Copyright Fujitsu Software Corporation 28

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