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COBOL (/ˈkoʊbɒl, -bɔːl/; an acronym for "common business-oriented
language") is a compiled English-like computer programming language
designed for business use. It is imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object- Paradigm Procedural,
oriented. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative imperative, object-
systems for companies and governments. COBOL is still widely used in legacy oriented
applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and Designed by Howard Bromberg,
transaction processing jobs. But due to its declining popularity and the Howard Discount,
retirement of experienced COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated Vernon Reeves,
to new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or replaced with software Jean E. Sammet,
packages.[6] Most programming in COBOL is now purely to maintain existing William Selden,
applications.[7] Gertrude Tierney

COBOL was designed in 1959 by CODASYL and was partly based on previous
Developers CODASYL, ANSI,
programming language design work by Grace Hopper, commonly referred to as
"the (grand)mother of COBOL".[8][9][10] It was created as part of a US First appeared 1959
Department of Defense effort to create a portable programming language for
Stable release ISO/IEC
data processing. Intended as a stopgap, the Department of Defense promptly
1989:2014 / 2014
forced computer manufacturers to provide it, resulting in its widespread
Typing Weak, static
adoption.[11] It was standardized in 1968 and has since been revised four times.
Expansions include support for structured and object-oriented programming.
The current standard is ISO/IEC 1989:2014.[12] Filename .cbl, .cob, .cpy
COBOL statements have an English-like syntax, which were designed to be
Major implementations
self-documenting and highly readable. However, it is verbose and uses over
300 reserved words. In contrast with modern, succinct syntax like y = x;,
COBOL has a more English-like syntax (in this case, MOVE x TO y). COBOL
Micro Focus Visual COBOL
code is split into four divisions (identification, environment, data and Dialects
procedure) containing a rigid hierarchy of sections, paragraphs and sentences. ACUCOBOL-GT, COBOL-IT,
Lacking a large standard library, the standard specifies 43 statements, 87 COBOL/2, DEC COBOL-10, DEC
functions and just one class. VAX COBOL, DOSVS COBOL,
Fujitsu COBOL, Hitachi
Academic computer scientists were generally uninterested in business
applications when COBOL was created and were not involved in its design; it
was (effectively) designed from the ground up as a computer language for
IBM COBOL/II, IBM Enterprise
business, with an emphasis on inputs and outputs, whose only data types were
numbers and strings of text.[13] COBOL has been criticized throughout its life,
however, for its verbosity, design process and poor support for structured
isCOBOL, Micro Focus COBOL,
programming. These weaknesses result in monolithic and, though intended to
Microsoft COBOL, Realia COBOL,
be English-like, largely incomprehensible programs with high redundancy.
Ryan McFarland RM/COBOL, Ryan
McFarland RM/COBOL-85, Tandem
(NonStop) COBOL85, Tandem
(NonStop) SCOBOL, UNIVAC 1/30
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Contents COBOL, Unisys MCP COBOL74,

Unisys MCP COBOL85, Unix
History and specification COBOL X/Open, Visual COBOL,
COBOL-61 to COBOL-65 Influenced by
COBOL-85 Smalltalk[a]
COBOL 2002 and object-oriented COBOL
COBOL 2014 Influenced
Legacy CobolScript,[4] PL/I,[5] PL/B
Features COBOL at Wikibooks
Code format
Identification division
Object-oriented programming
Environment division
Data division
Aggregated data
Other data levels
Data types
PICTURE clause
USAGE clause
Report writer
Procedure division
Control flow
Data manipulation
Scope termination
Self-modifying code
Hello, world
Criticism and defense
Lack of structure
Compatibility issues
Verbose syntax
Isolation from the computer science community
Concerns about the design process
Influences on other languages
See also
External links 2/30
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History and specification

In the late 1950s, computer users and manufacturers were becoming concerned about the rising cost of programming. A
1959 survey had found that in any data processing installation, the programming cost US$800,000 on average and that
translating programs to run on new hardware would cost $600,000. At a time when new programming languages were
proliferating at an ever-increasing rate, the same survey suggested that if a common business-oriented language were
used, conversion would be far cheaper and faster.[14]

In April 1959, Mary K. Hawes called a meeting of representatives from

academia, computer users, and manufacturers at the University of
Pennsylvania to organize a formal meeting on common business languages.[15]
Representatives included Grace Hopper, inventor of the English-like data
processing language FLOW-MATIC, Jean Sammet and Saul Gorn.[16][17]

The group asked the Department of Defense (DoD) to sponsor an effort to

create a common business language. The delegation impressed Charles A.
Phillips, director of the Data System Research Staff at the DoD, who thought
that they "thoroughly understood" the DoD's problems. The DoD operated 225
computers, had a further 175 on order and had spent over $200 million on
implementing programs to run on them. Portable programs would save time,
reduce costs and ease modernization.[18]

Grace Hopper, the inventor of

Phillips agreed to sponsor the meeting and tasked the delegation with drafting
FLOW-MATIC, a predecessor to
the agenda.[19]

On May 28 and 29 of 1959 (exactly one year after the Zürich ALGOL 58 meeting), a meeting was held at the Pentagon to
discuss the creation of a common programming language for business. It was attended by 41 people and was chaired by
Phillips.[20] The Department of Defense was concerned about whether it could run the same data processing programs on
different computers. FORTRAN, the only mainstream language at the time, lacked the features needed to write such

Representatives enthusiastically described a language that could work in a wide variety of environments, from banking
and insurance to utilities and inventory control. They agreed unanimously that more people should be able to program
and that the new language should not be restricted by the limitations of contemporary technology. A majority agreed that
the language should make maximal use of English, be capable of change, be machine-independent and be easy to use, even
at the expense of power.[22]

The meeting resulted in the creation of a steering committee and short-, intermediate- and long-range committees. The
short-range committee was given to September (three months) to produce specifications for an interim language, which
would then be improved upon by the other committees.[23][24] Their official mission, however, was to identify the strengths
and weaknesses of existing programming languages and did not explicitly direct them to create a new language.[21] The
deadline was met with disbelief by the short-range committee.[25] One member, Betty Holberton, described the three-
month deadline as "gross optimism" and doubted that the language really would be a stopgap.[26] 3/30
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The steering committee met on June 4 and agreed to name the entire activity as the Committee on Data Systems
Languages, or CODASYL, and to form an executive committee.[27]

The short-range committee was made up of members representing six computer manufacturers and three government
agencies. The six computer manufacturers were Burroughs Corporation, IBM, Minneapolis-Honeywell (Honeywell Labs),
RCA, Sperry Rand, and Sylvania Electric Products. The three government agencies were the US Air Force, the Navy's
David Taylor Model Basin, and the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and
Technology).[28] The committee was chaired by Joseph Wegstein of the US National Bureau of Standards. Work began by
investigating data description, statements, existing applications and user experiences.[29]

The committee mainly examined the FLOW-MATIC, AIMACO and COMTRAN programming languages.[21][30] The
FLOW-MATIC language was particularly influential because it had been implemented and because AIMACO was a
derivative of it with only minor changes.[31][32] FLOW-MATIC's inventor, Grace Hopper, also served as a technical adviser
to the committee.[25] FLOW-MATIC's major contributions to COBOL were long variable names, English words for
commands and the separation of data descriptions and instructions.[33]

IBM's COMTRAN language, invented by Bob Bemer, was regarded as a competitor to FLOW-MATIC[34][35] by a short-
range committee made up of colleagues of Grace Hopper.[36] Some of its features were not incorporated into COBOL so
that it would not look like IBM had dominated the design process,[23] and Jean Sammet said in 1981 that there had been a
"strong anti-IBM bias" from some committee members (herself included).[37] In one case, after Roy Goldfinger, author of
the COMTRAN manual and intermediate-range committee member, attended a subcommittee meeting to support his
language and encourage the use of algebraic expressions, Grace Hopper sent a memo to the short-range committee
reiterating Sperry Rand's efforts to create a language based on English.[38] In 1980, Grace Hopper commented that
"COBOL 60 is 95% FLOW-MATIC" and that COMTRAN had had an "extremely small" influence. Furthermore, she said
that she would claim that work was influenced by both FLOW-MATIC and COMTRAN only to "keep other people happy
[so they] wouldn't try to knock us out".[39] Features from COMTRAN incorporated into COBOL included formulas,[40] the
PICTURE clause,[41] an improved IF statement, which obviated the need for GO TOs, and a more robust file management

The usefulness of the committee's work was subject of great debate. While some members thought the language had too
many compromises and was the result of design by committee, others felt it was better than the three languages examined.
Some felt the language was too complex; others, too simple.[42] Controversial features included those some considered
useless or too advanced for data processing users. Such features included boolean expressions, formulas and table
subscripts (indices).[43][44] Another point of controversy was whether to make keywords context-sensitive and the effect
that would have on readability.[43] Although context-sensitive keywords were rejected, the approach was later used in PL/I
and partially in COBOL from 2002.[45] Little consideration was given to interactivity, interaction with operating systems
(few existed at that time) and functions (thought of as purely mathematical and of no use in data processing).[46][47]

The specifications were presented to the Executive Committee on September 4. They fell short of expectations: Joseph
Wegstein noted that "it contains rough spots and requires some additions", and Bob Bemer later described them as a
"hodgepodge". The subcommittee was given until December to improve it.[25]

At a mid-September meeting, the committee discussed the new language's name. Suggestions included "BUSY" (Business
System), "INFOSYL" (Information System Language) and "COCOSYL" (Common Computer Systems Language).[48] The
name "COBOL" was suggested by Bob Bemer.[49][50]

In October, the intermediate-range committee received copies of the FACT language specification created by Roy Nutt. Its
features impressed the committee so much that they passed a resolution to base COBOL on it.[51] This was a blow to the
short-range committee, who had made good progress on the specification. Despite being technically superior, FACT had 4/30
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not been created with portability in mind or through manufacturer and user consensus. It also lacked a demonstrable
implementation,[25] allowing supporters of a FLOW-MATIC-based COBOL to overturn the resolution. RCA representative
Howard Bromberg also blocked FACT, so that RCA's work on a COBOL implementation would not go to waste.[52]

“ 'And what name do you want inscribed?'

I said, 'I'll write it for you.' I wrote the name down: COBOL.
'What kind of name is that?'
'Well it's a Polish name. We shortened it and got rid of a lot of unnecessary notation.' ”
Howard Bromberg on how he bought the COBOL tombstone[53]

It soon became apparent that the committee was too large for any further progress to be made quickly. A frustrated
Howard Bromberg bought a $15 tombstone with "COBOL" engraved on it and sent it to Charles Phillips to demonstrate his
displeasure.[b][53][55] A sub-committee was formed to analyze existing languages and was made up of six individuals:[21][56]

William Selden and Gertrude Tierney of IBM,

Howard Bromberg and Howard Discount of RCA,
Vernon Reeves and Jean E. Sammet of Sylvania Electric Products.
The sub-committee did most of the work creating the specification, leaving the short-range committee to review and
modify their work before producing the finished specification.[21]

The specifications were approved by the Executive Committee on January 3,

1960, and sent to the government printing office, which printed these as
COBOL 60. The language's stated objectives were to allow efficient, portable
programs to be easily written, to allow users to move to new systems with
minimal effort and cost, and to be suitable for inexperienced programmers.[57]
The CODASYL Executive Committee later created the COBOL Maintenance
Committee to answer questions from users and vendors and to improve and
expand the specifications.[58]

During 1960, the list of manufacturers planning to build COBOL compilers

grew. By September, five more manufacturers had joined CODASYL (Bendix,
Control Data Corporation, General Electric (GE), National Cash Register and
Philco), and all represented manufacturers had announced COBOL compilers.
GE and IBM planned to integrate COBOL into their own languages, GECOM
and COMTRAN, respectively. In contrast, International Computers and
Tabulators planned to replace their language, CODEL, with COBOL.[59] The cover of the COBOL 60 report

Meanwhile, RCA and Sperry Rand worked on creating COBOL compilers. The
first COBOL program ran on 17 August on an RCA 501.[60] On December 6 and 7, the same COBOL program (albeit with
minor changes) ran on an RCA computer and a Remington-Rand Univac computer, demonstrating that compatibility
could be achieved.[61]

The relative influences of which languages were used continues to this day in the recommended advisory printed in all
COBOL reference manuals: 5/30
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COBOL is an industry language and is not the property of any company or group of companies, or of any
organization or group of organizations.

No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by any contributor or by the CODASYL COBOL Committee as to
the accuracy and functioning of the programming system and language. Moreover, no responsibility is
assumed by any contributor, or by the committee, in connection therewith. The authors and copyright
holders of the copyrighted material used herein are as follows:

FLOW-MATIC (trademark of Unisys Corporation), Programming for the UNIVAC (R)

I and II, Data Automation Systems, copyrighted 1958, 1959, by Unisys Corporation;
IBM Commercial Translator Form No. F28-8013, copyrighted 1959 by IBM; FACT,
DSI 27A5260-2760, copyrighted 1960 by Minneapolis-Honeywell.

They have specifically authorized the use of this material, in whole or in part, in the COBOL specifications.
Such authorization extends to the reproduction and use of COBOL specifications in programming manuals
or similar publications.[62]

COBOL-61 to COBOL-65
Many logical flaws were found in COBOL 60, leading GE's Charles Katz to
It is rather unlikely that Cobol will
warn that it could not be interpreted unambiguously. A reluctant short-term be around by the end of the
committee enacted a total cleanup and, by March 1963, it was reported that decade.
COBOL's syntax was as definable as ALGOL's, although semantic ambiguities Anonymous, June 1960[63]

Early COBOL compilers were primitive and slow. A 1962 US Navy evaluation
found compilation speeds of 3–11 statements per minute. By mid-1964, they had increased to 11–1000 statements per
minute. It was observed that increasing memory would drastically increase speed and that compilation costs varied wildly:
costs per statement were between $0.23 and $18.91.[64]

In late 1962, IBM announced that COBOL would be their primary development language and that development of
COMTRAN would cease.[64]

The COBOL specification was revised three times in the five years after its publication. COBOL-60 was replaced in 1961 by
COBOL-61. This was then replaced by the COBOL-61 Extended specifications in 1963, which introduced the sort and
report writer facilities.[65] The added facilities corrected flaws identified by Honeywell in late 1959 in a letter to the short-
range committee.[60] COBOL Edition 1965 brought further clarifications to the specifications and introduced facilities for
handling mass storage files and tables.[66]

Efforts began to standardize COBOL to overcome incompatibilities between versions. In late 1962, both ISO and the
United States of America Standards Institute (now ANSI) formed groups to create standards. ANSI produced USA
Standard COBOL X3.23 in August 1968, which became the cornerstone for later versions.[67] This version was known as
American National Standard (ANS) COBOL and was adopted by ISO in 1972.[68]

COBOL-74 6/30
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By 1970, COBOL had become the most widely used programming language in the world.[69]

Independently of the ANSI committee, the CODASYL Programming Language Committee was working on improving the
language. They described new versions in 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1973, including changes such as new inter-program
communication, debugging and file merging facilities as well as improved string-handling and library inclusion
features.[70] Although CODASYL was independent of the ANSI committee, the CODASYL Journal of Development was
used by ANSI to identify features that were popular enough to warrant implementing.[71] The Programming Language
Committee also liaised with ECMA and the Japanese COBOL Standard committee.[70]

The Programming Language Committee was not well-known, however. The vice-president, William Rinehuls, complained
that two-thirds of the COBOL community did not know of the committee's existence. It was also poor, lacking the funds to
make public documents, such as minutes of meetings and change proposals, freely available.[72]

In 1974, ANSI published a revised version of (ANS) COBOL, containing new features such as file organizations, the DELETE
statement[73] and the segmentation module.[74] Deleted features included the NOTE statement, the EXAMINE statement
(which was replaced by INSPECT) and the implementer-defined random access module (which was superseded by the new
sequential and relative I/O modules). These made up 44 changes, which rendered existing statements incompatible with
the new standard.[75] The report writer was slated to be removed from COBOL, but was reinstated before the standard was
published.[76][77] ISO later adopted the updated standard in 1978.[68]

In June 1978, work began on revising COBOL-74. The proposed standard (commonly called COBOL-80) differed
significantly from the previous one, causing concerns about incompatibility and conversion costs. In January 1981, Joseph
T. Brophy, Senior Vice-President of Travelers Insurance, threatened to sue the standard committee because it was not
upwards compatible with COBOL-74. Mr. Brophy described previous conversions of their 40-million-line code base as
"non-productive" and a "complete waste of our programmer resources".[78] Later that year, the Data Processing
Management Association (DPMA) said it was "strongly opposed" to the new standard, citing "prohibitive" conversion costs
and enhancements that were "forced on the user".[79][80]

During the first public review period, the committee received 2,200 responses, of which 1,700 were negative form
letters.[81] Other responses were detailed analyses of the effect COBOL-80 would have on their systems; conversion costs
were predicted to be at least 50 cents per line of code. Fewer than a dozen of the responses were in favor of the proposed

In 1983, the DPMA withdrew its opposition to the standard, citing the responsiveness of the committee to public concerns.
In the same year, a National Bureau of Standards study concluded that the proposed standard would present few
problems.[80][83] A year later, a COBOL-80 compiler was released to DEC VAX users, who noted that conversion of
COBOL-74 programs posed few problems. The new EVALUATE statement and inline PERFORM were particularly well
received and improved productivity, thanks to simplified control flow and debugging.[84]

The second public review drew another 1,000 (mainly negative) responses, while the last drew just 25, by which time
many concerns had been addressed.[80]

In late 1985, ANSI published the revised standard. Sixty features were changed or deprecated and many were added, such

Scope terminators (END-IF, END-PERFORM, END-READ, etc.)

Nested subprograms
CONTINUE, a no-operation statement 7/30
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EVALUATE, a switch statement

INITIALIZE, a statement that can set groups of data to their default values
Inline PERFORM loop bodies – previously, loop bodies had to be specified in a separate procedure
Reference modification, which allows access to substrings
I/O status codes.
The standard was adopted by ISO the same year.[68] Two amendments followed in 1989 and 1993, the first introducing
intrinsic functions and the other providing corrections. ISO adopted the amendments in 1991 and 1994 respectively,[68]
before subsequently taking primary ownership and development of the standard.

COBOL 2002 and object-oriented COBOL

In 1997, Gartner Group estimated that there were a total of 200 billion lines of COBOL in existence, which ran 80% of all
business programs.[87]

In the early 1990s, work began on adding object-orientation in the next full revision of COBOL. Object-oriented features
were taken from C++ and Smalltalk.[1][2] The initial estimate was to have this revision completed by 1997, and an ISO
Committee Draft (CD) was available by 1997. Some vendors (including Micro Focus, Fujitsu, and IBM) introduced object-
oriented syntax based on drafts of the full revision. The final approved ISO standard was approved and published in late

Fujitsu/GTSoftware,[89] Micro Focus and RainCode introduced object-oriented COBOL compilers targeting the .NET

There were many other new features, many of which had been in the CODASYL COBOL Journal of Development since
1978 and had missed the opportunity to be included in COBOL-85.[90] These other features included:[91][92]

Free-form code
User-defined functions
Locale-based processing
Support for extended character sets such as Unicode
Floating-point and binary data types (until then, binary items were truncated based on their declaration's base-10
Portable arithmetic results
Bit and boolean data types
Pointers and syntax for getting and freeing storage
The SCREEN SECTION for text-based user interfaces
The VALIDATE facility
Improved interoperability with other programming languages and framework environments such as .NET and Java.
Three corrigenda were published for the standard: two in 2006 and one in 2009.[93]

COBOL 2014
Between 2003 and 2009, three technical reports were produced describing object finalization, XML processing and
collection classes for COBOL.[93]

COBOL 2002 suffered from poor support: no compilers completely supported the standard. Micro Focus found that it was
due to a lack of user demand for the new features and due to the abolition of the NIST test suite, which had been used to
test compiler conformance. The standardization process was also found to be slow and under-resourced.[94] 8/30
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COBOL 2014 includes the following changes:[95]

Portable arithmetic results have been replaced by IEEE 754 data types
Major features have been made optional, such as the VALIDATE facility, the report writer and the screen-handling
Method overloading
Dynamic capacity tables (a feature dropped from the draft of COBOL 2002)[96]

COBOL programs are used globally in governments and businesses and are running on diverse operating systems such as
z/OS, z/VSE, VME, Unix, OpenVMS and Windows. In 1997, the Gartner Group reported that 80% of the world's business
ran on COBOL with over 200 billion lines of code and 5 billion lines more being written annually.[97]

Near the end of the 20th century, the year 2000 problem (Y2K) was the focus of significant COBOL programming effort,
sometimes by the same programmers who had designed the systems decades before. The particular level of effort required
to correct COBOL code has been attributed to the large amount of business-oriented COBOL, as business applications use
dates heavily, and to fixed-length data fields. After the clean-up effort put into these programs for Y2K, a 2003 survey
found that many remained in use.[98] The authors said that the survey data suggest "a gradual decline in the importance of
Cobol in application development over the [following] 10 years unless ... integration with other languages and technologies
can be adopted".[99]

In 2006 and 2012, Computerworld surveys found that over 60% of organizations used COBOL (more than C++ and Visual
Basic .NET) and that for half of those, COBOL was used for the majority of their internal software.[7][100] 36% of managers
said they planned to migrate from COBOL, and 25% said they would like to if it was cheaper. Instead, some businesses
have migrated their systems from expensive mainframes to cheaper, more modern systems, while maintaining their
COBOL programs.[7]


COBOL has an English-like syntax, which is used to describe nearly everything in a program. For example, a condition can
be expressed as x IS GREATER THAN y or more concisely as x GREATER y or x > y. More complex conditions can be
"abbreviated" by removing repeated conditions and variables. For example, a > b AND a > c OR a = d can be
shortened to a > b AND c OR = d. As a consequence of this English-like syntax, COBOL has over 300 keywords.[101][c]
Some of the keywords are simple alternative or pluralized spellings of the same word, which provides for more English-
like statements and clauses; e.g., the IN and OF keywords can be used interchangeably, as can IS and ARE, and VALUE and

Each COBOL program is made up of four basic lexical items: words, literals, picture character-strings (see § PICTURE
clause) and separators. Words include reserved words and user-defined identifiers. They are up to 31 characters long and
may include letters, digits, hyphens and underscores. Literals include numerals (e.g. 12) and strings (e.g. 'Hello!').[103]
Separators include the space character and commas and semi-colons followed by a space.[104]

A COBOL program is split into four divisions: the identification division, the environment division, the data division and
the procedure division. The identification division specifies the name and type of the source element and is where classes
and interfaces are specified. The environment division specifies any program features that depend on the system running 9/30
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it, such as files and character sets. The data division is used to declare variables and parameters. The procedure division
contains the program's statements. Each division is sub-divided into sections, which are made up of paragraphs.

COBOL's syntax is usually described with a unique metalanguage using braces, brackets, bars and underlining. The
metalanguage was developed for the original COBOL specifications. Although Backus–Naur form did exist at the time, the
committee had not heard of it.[105]

Elements of COBOL's metalanguage

Element Appearance Function
All capitals EXAMPLE Reserved word
Underlining EXAMPLE The reserved word is compulsory
Braces {} Only one option may be selected
Brackets [] Zero or one options may be selected
Ellipsis ... The preceding element may be repeated
{| |} One or more options may be selected. Any option may only be selected once.
[| |] Zero or more options may be selected. Any option may only be selected once.

As an example, consider the following description of an ADD statement:

This description permits the following variants:

ADD 1 TO x
ADD 1, a, b TO x ROUNDED, y, z ROUNDED

ADD a, b TO c

ADD a TO b
DISPLAY "No error"

Code format
COBOL can be written in two formats: fixed (the default) or free. In fixed-format, code must be aligned to fit in certain
areas (a hold-over from using punched cards). Until COBOL 2002, these were: 10/30
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Name Column(s) Usage

1–6 Originally used for card/line numbers, this area is ignored by the compiler
number area
The following characters are allowed here:

* – Comment line
Indicator area 7 / – Comment line that will be printed on a new page of a source listing
- – Continuation line, where words or literals from the previous line are
D – Line enabled in debugging mode, which is otherwise ignored

This contains: DIVISION, SECTION and procedure headers; 01 and 77 level

Area A 8–11
numbers and file/report descriptors
Area B 12–72 Any other code not allowed in Area A
Program name Historically up to column 80 for punched cards, it is used to identify the program or
area sequence the card belongs to

In COBOL 2002, Areas A and B were merged to form the program-text area, which now ends at an implementor-defined

COBOL 2002 also introduced free-format code. Free-format code can be placed in any column of the file, as in newer
programming languages. Comments are specified using *>, which can be placed anywhere and can also be used in fixed-
format source code. Continuation lines are not present, and the >>PAGE directive replaces the / indicator.[106]

Identification division
The identification division identifies the following code entity and contains the definition of a class or interface.

Object-oriented programming
Classes and interfaces have been in COBOL since 2002. Classes have factory objects, containing class methods and
variables, and instance objects, containing instance methods and variables.[107] Inheritance and interfaces provide
polymorphism. Support for generic programming is provided through parameterized classes, which can be instantiated to
use any class or interface. Objects are stored as references which may be restricted to a certain type. There are two ways of
calling a method: the INVOKE statement, which acts similarly to CALL, or through inline method invocation, which is
analogous to using functions.[108]

*> These are equivalent.

INVOKE my-class "foo" RETURNING var
MOVE my-class::"foo" TO var *> Inline method invocation

COBOL does not provide a way to hide methods. Class data can be hidden, however, by declaring it without a PROPERTY
clause, which leaves the user with no way to access it.[109] Method overloading was added in COBOL 2014.[110]

Environment division
The environment division contains the configuration section and the input-output section. The configuration section is
used to specify variable features such as currency signs, locales and character sets. The input-output section contains file-
related information. 11/30
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COBOL supports three file formats, or organizations: sequential, indexed and relative. In sequential files, records are
contiguous and must be traversed sequentially, similarly to a linked list. Indexed files have one or more indexes which
allow records to be randomly accessed and which can be sorted on them. Each record must have a unique key, but other,
alternate, record keys need not be unique. Implementations of indexed files vary between vendors, although common
implementations, such as C‑ISAM and VSAM, are based on IBM's ISAM. Relative files, like indexed files, have a unique
record key, but they do not have alternate keys. A relative record's key is its ordinal position; for example, the 10th record
has a key of 10. This means that creating a record with a key of 5 may require the creation of (empty) preceding records.
Relative files also allow for both sequential and random access.[111]

A common non-standard extension is the line sequential organization, used to process text files. Records in a file are
terminated by a newline and may be of varying length.[112]

Data division
The data division is split into six sections which declare different items: the file section, for file records; the working-
storage section, for static variables; the local-storage section, for automatic variables; the linkage section, for parameters
and the return value; the report section and the screen section, for text-based user interfaces.

Aggregated data
Data items in COBOL are declared hierarchically through the use of level-numbers which indicate if a data item is part of
another. An item with a higher level-number is subordinate to an item with a lower one. Top-level data items, with a level-
number of 1, are called records. Items that have subordinate aggregate data are called group items; those that do not are
called elementary items. Level-numbers used to describe standard data items are between 1 and 49.[113][114]

01 some-record. *> Aggregate group record item

05 num PIC 9(10). *> Elementary item
05 the-date. *> Aggregate (sub)group record item
10 the-year PIC 9(4). *> Elementary item
10 the-month PIC 99. *> Elementary item
10 the-day PIC 99. *> Elementary item

In the above example, elementary item num and group item the-date are subordinate to the record some-record, while
elementary items the-year, the-month, and the-day are part of the group item the-date.

Subordinate items can be disambiguated with the IN (or OF) keyword. For example, consider the example code above
along with the following example:

01 sale-date.
05 the-year PIC 9(4).
05 the-month PIC 99.
05 the-day PIC 99.

The names the-year, the-month, and the-day are ambiguous by themselves, since more than one data item is defined
with those names. To specify a particular data item, for instance one of the items contained within the sale-date group,
the programmer would use the-year IN sale-date (or the equivalent the-year OF sale-date). (This syntax is
similar to the "dot notation" supported by most contemporary languages.)

Other data levels 12/30
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A level-number of 66 is used to declare a re-grouping of previously defined items, irrespective of how those items are
structured. This data level, also referred to by the associated RENAMES clause, is rarely used[115] and, circa 1988, was
usually found in old programs. Its ability to ignore the hierarchical and logical structure data meant its use was not
recommended and many installations forbade its use.[116]

01 customer-record.
05 cust-key PIC X(10).
05 cust-name.
10 cust-first-name PIC X(30).
10 cust-last-name PIC X(30).
05 cust-dob PIC 9(8).
05 cust-balance PIC 9(7)V99.

66 cust-personal-details RENAMES cust-name THRU cust-dob.

66 cust-all-details RENAMES cust-name THRU cust-balance.

A 77 level-number indicates the item is stand-alone, and in such situations is equivalent to the level-number 01. For
example, the following code declares two 77-level data items, property-name and sales-region, which are non-group
data items that are independent of (not subordinate to) any other data items:

77 property-name PIC X(80).

77 sales-region PIC 9(5).

An 88 level-number declares a condition name (a so-called 88-level) which is true when its parent data item contains one
of the values specified in its VALUE clause.[117] For example, the following code defines two 88-level condition-name items
that are true or false depending on the current character data value of the wage-type data item. When the data item
contains a value of 'H', the condition-name wage-is-hourly is true, whereas when it contains a value of 'S' or 'Y', the
condition-name wage-is-yearly is true. If the data item contains some other value, both of the condition-names are

01 wage-type PIC X.
88 wage-is-hourly VALUE "H".
88 wage-is-yearly VALUE "S", "Y".

Data types
Standard COBOL provides the following data types:[118]

Data type Sample declaration Notes

Alphabetic PIC A(30) May only contain letters or spaces
Alphanumeric PIC X(30) May contain any characters
Boolean PIC 1 USAGE BIT Data stored in the form of 0s and 1s, as a binary number
Index USAGE INDEX Used to reference table elements
Similar to alphanumeric, but using an extended character set, e.g. UTF-
National PIC N(30)
Numeric PIC 9(5)V9(5) May contain only numbers
Object May reference either an object or NULL
Pointer USAGE POINTER 13/30
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Type safety is variable in COBOL. Numeric data is converted between different representations and sizes silently and
alphanumeric data can be placed in any data item that can be stored as a string, including numeric and group data.[119] In
contrast, object references and pointers may only be assigned from items of the same type and their values may be
restricted to a certain type.[120]

PICTURE clause
A PICTURE (or PIC) clause is a string of characters, each of which represents a portion of the data item and what it may
contain. Some picture characters specify the type of the item and how many characters or digits it occupies in memory. For
example, a 9 indicates a decimal digit, and an S indicates that the item is signed. Other picture characters (called insertion
and editing characters) specify how an item should be formatted. For example, a series of + characters define character
positions as well as how a leading sign character is to be positioned within the final character data; the rightmost non-
numeric character will contain the item's sign, while other character positions corresponding to a + to the left of this
position will contain a space. Repeated characters can be specified more concisely by specifying a number in parentheses
after a picture character; for example, 9(7) is equivalent to 9999999. Picture specifications containing only digit (9) and
sign (S) characters define purely numeric data items, while picture specifications containing alphabetic (A) or
alphanumeric (X) characters define alphanumeric data items. The presence of other formatting characters define edited
numeric or edited alphanumeric data items.[121]

PICTURE clause Value in Value out
100 00100
PIC 9(5)
"Hello" "Hello" (this is legal, but results in undefined behavior)[119]
PIC +++++ -10 " -10" (note leading spaces)
PIC 99/99/9(4) 31042003 "31/04/2003"
100.50 "**100.50"
PIC *(4)9.99
0 "****0.00"

USAGE clause
The USAGE clause declares the format data is stored in. Depending on the data type, it can either complement or be used
instead of a PICTURE clause. While it can be used to declare pointers and object references, it is mostly geared towards
specifying numeric types. These numeric formats are:[122]

Binary, where a minimum size is either specified by the PICTURE clause or by a USAGE clause such as BINARY-LONG.
USAGE COMPUTATIONAL, where data may be stored in whatever format the implementation provides; often equivalent
USAGE DISPLAY, the default format, where data is stored as a string
Floating-point, in either an implementation-dependent format or according to IEEE 754.
USAGE NATIONAL, where data is stored as a string using an extended character set
USAGE PACKED-DECIMAL, where data is stored in the smallest possible decimal format (typically packed binary-coded

Report writer 14/30
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The report writer is a declarative facility for creating reports. The programmer need only specify the report layout and the
data required to produce it, freeing them from having to write code to handle things like page breaks, data formatting, and
headings and footings.[123]

Reports are associated with report files, which are files which may only be written to through report writer statements.

FD report-out REPORT sales-report.

Each report is defined in the report section of the data division. A report is split into report groups which define the
report's headings, footings and details. Reports work around hierarchical control breaks. Control breaks occur when a key
variable changes it value; for example, when creating a report detailing customers' orders, a control break could occur
when the program reaches a different customer's orders. Here is an example report description for a report which gives a
salesperson's sales and which warns of any invalid records:

RD sales-report
CONTROLS seller-name.


03 COL 1 VALUE "Sales Report".
03 COL 74 VALUE "Page".

01 sales-on-day TYPE DETAIL, LINE + 1.

03 COL 3 VALUE "Sales on".
03 COL 12 PIC 99/99/9999 SOURCE sales-date.
03 COL 21 VALUE "were".
03 COL 26 PIC $$$$9.99 SOURCE sales-amount.

01 invalid-sales TYPE DETAIL, LINE + 1.

03 COL 19 PIC X(34) SOURCE sales-record.

01 TYPE CONTROL HEADING seller-name, LINE + 2.

03 COL 1 VALUE "Seller:".
03 COL 9 PIC X(30) SOURCE seller-name.

The above report description describes the following layout:

Sales Report Page 1

Seller: Howard Bromberg

Sales on 10/12/2008 were $1000.00
Sales on 12/12/2008 were $0.00
Sales on 13/12/2008 were $31.47

Seller: Howard Discount

Sales Report Page 12

Sales on 08/05/2014 were $543.98

INVALID RECORD: William Selden 12O52014FOOFOO
Sales on 30/05/2014 were $0.00

Four statements control the report writer: INITIATE, which prepares the report writer for printing; GENERATE, which
prints a report group; SUPPRESS, which suppresses the printing of a report group; and TERMINATE, which terminates
report processing. For the above sales report example, the procedure division might look like this: 15/30
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OPEN INPUT sales, OUTPUT report-out

INITIATE sales-report


READ sales

VALIDATE sales-record
IF valid-record
GENERATE sales-on-day
GENERATE invalid-sales

TERMINATE sales-report
CLOSE sales, report-out

Procedure division

The sections and paragraphs in the procedure division (collectively called procedures) can be used as labels and as simple
subroutines. Unlike in other divisions, paragraphs do not need to be in sections.[124] Execution goes down through the
procedures of a program until it is terminated.[125] To use procedures as subroutines, the PERFORM verb is used. This
transfers control to the specified range of procedures and returns only upon reaching the end.

Unusual control flow can trigger mines, which cause control in performed procedures
to return at unexpected times to unexpected locations. Procedures can be reached in
three ways: they can be called with PERFORM, jumped to from a GO TO or through
execution "falling through" the bottom of an above paragraph. Combinations of these
invoke undefined behavior, creating mines. Specifically, mines occur when execution of
a range of procedures would cause control flow to go past the last statement of a range
of procedures already being performed.[126][127]

For example, in the code in the adjacent image, a mine is tripped at the end of update-
screen when the screen is invalid. When the screen is invalid, control jumps to the
fix-screen section, which, when done, performs update-screen. This recursion
triggers undefined behavior as there are now two overlapping ranges of procedures
being performed. The mine is then triggered upon reaching the end of update-screen
A mine is "armed" when the
screen is invalid. and means control could return to one of two locations:

The first PERFORM statement

The PERFORM statement in fix-screen, where it would then "fall-through" into update-
screen and return to the first PERFORM statement upon reaching the end.

COBOL 2014 has 47 statements (also called verbs),[128] which can be grouped into the following broad categories: control
flow, I/O, data manipulation and the report writer. The report writer statements are covered in the report writer section. 16/30
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Control flow
COBOL's conditional statements are IF and EVALUATE. EVALUATE is a switch-like statement with the added capability of
evaluating multiple values and conditions. This can be used to implement decision tables. For example, the following
might be used to control a CNC lathe:

EVALUATE TRUE ALSO desired-speed ALSO current-speed

WHEN lid-closed ALSO min-speed THRU max-speed ALSO LESS THAN desired-speed
PERFORM speed-up-machine
WHEN lid-closed ALSO min-speed THRU max-speed ALSO GREATER THAN desired-speed
PERFORM slow-down-machine
PERFORM emergency-stop

The PERFORM statement is used to define loops which are executed until a condition is true (not while true, which is more
common in other languages). It is also used to call procedures or ranges of procedures (see the procedures section for
more details). CALL and INVOKE call subprograms and methods, respectively. The name of the subprogram/method is
contained in a string which may be a literal or a data item.[129] Parameters can be passed by reference, by content (where a
copy is passed by reference) or by value (but only if a prototype is available).[130] CANCEL unloads subprograms from
memory. GO TO causes the program to jump to a specified procedure.

The GOBACK statement is a return statement and the STOP statement stops the program. The EXIT statement has six
different formats: it can be used as a return statement, a break statement, a continue statement, an end marker or to leave
a procedure.[131]

Exceptions are raised by a RAISE statement and caught with a handler, or declarative, defined in the DECLARATIVES
portion of the procedure division. Declaratives are sections beginning with a USE statement which specify the errors to
handle. Exceptions can be names or objects. RESUME is used in a declarative to jump to the statement after the one that
raised the exception or to a procedure outside the DECLARATIVES. Unlike other languages, uncaught exceptions may not
terminate the program and the program can proceed unaffected.

File I/O is handled by the self-describing OPEN, CLOSE, READ, and WRITE statements along with a further three: REWRITE,
which updates a record; START, which selects subsequent records to access by finding a record with a certain key; and
UNLOCK, which releases a lock on the last record accessed.

User interaction is done using ACCEPT and DISPLAY.

Data manipulation
The following verbs manipulate data:

INITIALIZE, which sets data items to their default values.

MOVE, which assigns values to data items.
SET, which has 15 formats: it can modify indices, assign object references and alter table capacities, among other
ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, and COMPUTE, which handle arithmetic (with COMPUTE assigning the result of a
formula to a variable).
ALLOCATE and FREE, which handle dynamic memory.
VALIDATE, which validates and distributes data as specified in an item's description in the data division. 17/30
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STRING and UNSTRING, which concatenate and split strings, respectively.

INSPECT, which tallies or replaces instances of specified substrings within a string.
SEARCH, which searches a table for the first entry satisfying a condition.
Files and tables are sorted using SORT and the MERGE verb merges and sorts files. The RELEASE verb provides records to
sort and RETURN retrieves sorted records in order.

Scope termination
Some statements, such as IF and READ, may themselves contain statements. Such statements may be terminated in two
ways: by a period (implicit termination), which terminates all unterminated statements contained, or by a scope
terminator, which terminates the nearest matching open statement.

*> Terminator period ("implicit termination")

IF invalid-record
IF no-more-records
READ record-file
AT END SET no-more-records TO TRUE.

*> Scope terminators ("explicit termination")

IF invalid-record
IF no-more-records
READ record-file
AT END SET no-more-records TO TRUE

Nested statements terminated with a period are a common source of bugs.[133][134] For example, examine the following

IF x

Here, the intent is to display y and z if condition x is true. However, z will be displayed whatever the value of x because
the IF statement is terminated by an erroneous period after DISPLAY y.

Another bug is a result of the dangling else problem, when two IF statements can associate with an ELSE.

IF x
IF y

In the above fragment, the ELSE associates with the IF y statement instead of the IF x statement, causing a bug. Prior
to the introduction of explicit scope terminators, preventing it would require ELSE NEXT SENTENCE to be placed after the
inner IF.[134]

Self-modifying code 18/30
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The original (1959) COBOL specification supported the infamous ALTER X TO PROCEED TO Y statement, for which
many compilers generated self-modifying code. X and Y are procedure labels, and the single GO TO statement in
procedure X executed after such an ALTER statement means GO TO Y instead. Many compilers still support it,[135] but it
was deemed obsolete in the COBOL 1985 standard and deleted in 2002.[136]

Hello, world
A "Hello, world" program in COBOL:

PROGRAM-ID. hello-world.
DISPLAY "Hello, world!"

When the – now famous – "Hello, World!" program example in The C Programming Language was first published in
1978 a similar mainframe COBOL program sample would have been submitted through JCL, very likely using a punch
card reader, and 80 column punch cards. The listing below, with an empty DATA DIVISION, was tested using
GNU/Linux and the System/370 Hercules emulator running MVS 3.8J. The JCL, written in July 2015, is derived from the
Hercules tutorials and samples hosted by Jay Moseley.[137] In keeping with COBOL programming of that era, HELLO,
WORLD is displayed in all capital letters.

//COBUCLG JOB (001),'COBOL BASE TEST', 00010000

//COB.SYSIN DD * 00040000
01100 PROGRAM-ID. 'HELLO'. 00070000
02200 SPECIAL-NAMES. 00120000
02210 CONSOLE IS CONSL. 00130000
03000 DATA DIVISION. 00140000
04000 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 00150000
04100 00-MAIN. 00160000
04900 STOP RUN. 00180000
// 00220000

After submitting the JCL, the MVS console displayed:


19.52.48 JOB 3 IEFACTRT - Stepname Procstep Program Retcode
19.52.48 JOB 3 +HELLO, WORLD
19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP395 COBUCLG ENDED 19/30
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Line 10 of the console listing above is highlighted for effect, the highlighting is not part of the actual console output.

The associated compiler listing generated over four pages of technical detail and job run information, for the single line of
output from the 14 lines of COBOL.

Criticism and defense

Lack of structure
In the 1970s, adoption of the structured programming paradigm was becoming increasingly widespread. Edsger Dijkstra,
a preeminent computer scientist, wrote a letter to the editor of Communications of the ACM, published 1975 entitled "How
do we tell truths that might hurt?", in which he was critical of COBOL and several other contemporary languages;
remarking that "the use of COBOL cripples the mind".[138] In a published dissent to Dijkstra's remarks, the computer
scientist Howard E. Tompkins claimed that unstructured COBOL tended to be "written by programmers that have never
had the benefit of structured COBOL taught well", arguing that the issue was primarily one of training.[139]

One cause of spaghetti code was the GO TO statement. Attempts to remove GO TOs from COBOL code, however, resulted in
convoluted programs and reduced code quality.[140] GO TOs were largely replaced by the PERFORM statement and
procedures, which promoted modular programming[140] and gave easy access to powerful looping facilities. However,
PERFORM could only be used with procedures so loop bodies were not located where they were used, making programs
harder to understand.[141]

COBOL programs were infamous for being monolithic and lacking modularization.[142] COBOL code could only be
modularized through procedures, which were found to be inadequate for large systems. It was impossible to restrict access
to data, meaning a procedure could access and modify any data item. Furthermore, there was no way to pass parameters
to a procedure, an omission Jean Sammet regarded as the committee's biggest mistake.[143] Another complication
stemmed from the ability to PERFORM THRU a specified sequence of procedures. This meant that control could jump to and
return from any procedure, creating convoluted control flow and permitting a programmer to break the single-entry
single-exit rule.[144]

This situation improved as COBOL adopted more features. COBOL-74 added subprograms, giving programmers the
ability to control the data each part of the program could access. COBOL-85 then added nested subprograms, allowing
programmers to hide subprograms.[145] Further control over data and code came in 2002 when object-oriented
programming, user-defined functions and user-defined data types were included.

Nevertheless, much important legacy COBOL software uses unstructured code, which has become unmaintainable. It can
be too risky and costly to modify even a simple section of code, since it may be used from unknown places in unknown

Compatibility issues
COBOL was intended to be a highly portable, "common" language. However, by 2001, around 300 dialects had been
created.[147] One source of dialects was the standard itself: the 1974 standard was composed of one mandatory nucleus
and eleven functional modules, each containing two or three levels of support. This permitted 104,976 official
variants.[148] 20/30
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COBOL-85 was not fully compatible with earlier versions, and its development was controversial. Joseph T. Brophy, the
CIO of Travelers Insurance, spearheaded an effort to inform COBOL users of the heavy reprogramming costs of
implementing the new standard.[149] As a result, the ANSI COBOL Committee received more than 2,200 letters from the
public, mostly negative, requiring the committee to make changes. On the other hand, conversion to COBOL-85 was
thought to increase productivity in future years, thus justifying the conversion costs.[150]

Verbose syntax
COBOL syntax has often been criticized for its verbosity. Proponents say that
this was intended to make the code self-documenting, easing program
COBOL: /koh′bol/, n.
maintenance.[152] COBOL was also intended to be easy for programmers to
“ A weak, verbose, and
flabby language used by
learn and use,[153] while still being readable to non-technical staff such as code grinders to do
managers.[154][155][156][157] The desire for readability led to the use of English- boring mindless things
on dinosaur mainframes.
like syntax and structural elements, such as nouns, verbs, clauses, sentences, [...] Its very name is
sections, and divisions. Yet by 1984, maintainers of COBOL programs were seldom uttered without
struggling to deal with "incomprehensible" code[156] and the main changes in ritual expressions of
disgust or horror. ”
COBOL-85 were there to help ease maintenance.[81]
The Jargon File 4.4.8.[151]
Jean Sammet, a short-range committee member, noted that "little attempt
was made to cater to the professional programmer, in fact people whose main
interest is programming tend to be very unhappy with COBOL" which she attributed to COBOL's verbose syntax.[158]

Isolation from the computer science community

The COBOL community has always been isolated from the computer science community. No academic computer scientists
participated in the design of COBOL: all of those on the committee came from commerce or government. Computer
scientists at the time were more interested in fields like numerical analysis, physics and system programming than the
commercial file-processing problems which COBOL development tackled.[159] Jean Sammet attributed COBOL's
unpopularity to an initial "snob reaction" due to its inelegance, the lack of influential computer scientists participating in
the design process and a disdain for business data processing.[160] The COBOL specification used a unique "notation", or
metalanguage, to define its syntax rather than the new Backus–Naur form because few committee members had heard of
it. This resulted in "severe" criticism.[161][162][59]

Later, COBOL suffered from a shortage of material covering it; it took until 1963 for introductory books to appear (with
Richard D. Irwin publishing a college textbook on COBOL in 1966).[163] By 1985, there were twice as many books on
Fortran and four times as many on BASIC as on COBOL in the Library of Congress.[105] University professors taught more
modern, state-of-the-art languages and techniques instead of COBOL which was said to have a "trade school" nature.[164]
Donald Nelson, chair of the CODASYL COBOL committee, said in 1984 that "academics ... hate COBOL" and that
computer science graduates "had 'hate COBOL' drilled into them".[165] A 2013 poll by Micro Focus found that 20% of
university academics thought COBOL was outdated or dead and that 55% believed their students thought COBOL was
outdated or dead. The same poll also found that only 25% of academics had COBOL programming on their curriculum
even though 60% thought they should teach it.[166] In contrast, in 2003, COBOL featured in 80% of information systems
curricula in the United States, the same proportion as C++ and Java.[167]

There was also significant condescension towards COBOL in the business community from users of other languages, for
example FORTRAN or assembler, implying that COBOL could be used only for non-challenging problems. 21/30
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Concerns about the design process

Doubts have been raised about the competence of the standards committee. Short-term committee member Howard
Bromberg said that there was "little control" over the development process and that it was "plagued by discontinuity of
personnel and ... a lack of talent."[69] Jean Sammet and Jerome Garfunkel also noted that changes introduced in one
revision of the standard would be reverted in the next, due as much to changes in who was in the standard committee as to
objective evidence.[168]

COBOL standards have repeatedly suffered from delays: COBOL-85 arrived five years later than hoped,[169] COBOL 2002
was five years late,[1] and COBOL 2014 was six years late.[88][170] To combat delays, the standard committee allowed the
creation of optional addenda which would add features more quickly than by waiting for the next standard revision.
However, some committee members raised concerns about incompatibilities between implementations and frequent
modifications of the standard.[171]

Influences on other languages

COBOL's data structures influenced subsequent programming languages. Its record and file structure influenced PL/I and
Pascal, and the REDEFINES clause was a predecessor to Pascal's variant records. Explicit file structure definitions preceded
the development of database management systems and aggregated data was a significant advance over Fortran's
arrays.[105] PICTURE data declarations were incorporated into PL/I, with minor changes.

COBOL's COPY facility, although considered "primitive",[172] influenced the development of include directives.[105]

The focus on portability and standardization meant programs written in COBOL could be portable and facilitated the
spread of the language to a wide variety of hardware platforms and operating systems.[173] Additionally, the well-defined
division structure restricts the definition of external references to the Environment Division, which simplifies platform
changes in particular.[174]

See also
COBOL compilers
Programming language genealogies
Alphabetical list of programming languages
Comparison of programming languages

a. Specifically influenced COBOL 2002's object-oriented features.[1][2][3]
b. The tombstone is currently at the Computer History Museum.[54]
c. Vendor-specific extensions cause many implementations to have far more: one implementation recognizes over 1,100


1. Saade, Henry; Wallace, Ann (October 1995). "COBOL '97: A Status Report" ( 22/30
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e/rpn/biblio/ddj/Website/articles/DDJ/1995/9510/9510e/9510e.htm). Dr. Dobb's Journal. Retrieved 21 April 2014.

2. Arranga, Edmund C.; Coyle, Frank P. (February 1998). Object-Oriented COBOL (
posN1cl6XFUC&pg=PA15). Cambridge University Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0132611404. "Object-Oriented COBOL's
style reflects the influence of Smalltalk and C++."
3. Arranga, Edmund C.; Coyle, Frank P. (March 1997). "Cobol: Perception and Reality". Computer. IEEE. 30 (3): 127.
doi:10.1109/2.573683 ( ISSN 0018-9162 (
62). (Subscription required (help)).
4. Imajo, Tetsuji; et al. (September 2000). COBOL Script: a business-oriented scripting language. Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing Conference ( Makuhari, Japan: IEEE.
doi:10.1109/EDOC.2000.882363 ( ISBN 0769508650. (Subscription
required (help)).
5. Radin, George (1978). Wexelblat, Richard L., ed. The early history and characteristics of PL/I. History of
Programming Languages. Academic Press (published 1981). p. 572. doi:10.1145/800025.1198410 (
1145%2F800025.1198410). ISBN 0127450408. (Subscription required (help)).
6. Mitchell, Robert L. (14 March 2012). "Brain drain: Where Cobol systems go from here" (
m/article/2502420/data-center/brain-drain-where-cobol-systems-go-from-here.html). Computerworld. Retrieved
9 February 2015.
7. Mitchell, Robert L. (4 October 2006). "Cobol: Not Dead Yet" (
ot_Dead_Yet). Computerworld. Retrieved 27 April 2014.
8. Porter Adams, Vicki (5 October 1981). "Captain Grace M. Hopper: the Mother of COBOL" (
ooks?id=JT0EAAAAMBAJ&pg=RA1-PA33). InfoWorld. 3 (20): 33. ISSN 0199-6649 (
9. Betts, Mitch (6 Jan 1992). "Grace Hopper, mother of Cobol, dies" (
C&pg=PA14). Computerworld. 26 (1): 14. ISSN 0010-4841 (
10. Lohr, Steve (2008). Go To: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Maverick
Scientists, and Iconoclasts--The Programmers Who Created the Software Revolution (
s?id=XfPLVx6qS_cC&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52). Basic Books. p. 52. ISBN 978-0786730766.
11. Ensmenger, Nathan L. (2009). The Computer Boys Take Over: Computers, Programmers, and the Politics of
Technical Expertise ( MIT Press. p. 100. ISBN 978-
0262050937. LCCN 2009052638 (
12. "ISO/IEC 1989:2014" ( ISO.
26 May 2014. Retrieved 7 June 2014.
14. Beyer 2009, p. 282.
15. Gürer, Denise (2002-06-01). "Pioneering Women in Computer Science" (
SIGCSE Bull. 34 (2): 175–180. doi:10.1145/543812.543853 ( ISSN 0097-
8418 (
16. Beyer 2009, pp. 281–282.
17. Sammet 1978a, p. 200.
18. Beyer 2009, p. 283.
19. Beyer 2009, p. 284.
20. "Early Meetings of the Conference on Data Systems Languages". IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 7 (4):
316. 1985. doi:10.1109/MAHC.1985.10047 ( (Subscription required
21. Sammet 2004, p. 104.
22. Beyer 2009, p. 286.
23. Conner 1984, p. ID/9.
24. Sammet 1978a, p. 201.
25. Bemer 1971, p. 132. 23/30
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26. Beyer 2009, p. 288.

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External links
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