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Series 7, Episode 1

David and Hannah’s Farm, Kiambu, KENYA

This leaflet contains information on: kienyeji chickens,
record keeping, soil testing, soil conservation, fertilizer
for coffee trees.

If undelivered, please return to The Mediae Company, PO Box 215-00502, Karen.

Kienyeji Chickens For more information, SMS “CHICKEN” to 30606

Kienyeji Chickens, also called Indigenous Chickens, need to have good

housing, food and water to grow well and make you a profit.

Keep your chicken house clean and tidy. Sawdust on the floor will
help keep it clean.

Put up walls in your chicken house to keep chicks, growers and layers
apart, because each needs different food. Kienyeji chickens usually
lay 36 eggs a year but if you follow the feeding plan below, you can A foot bath with disinfectant outside
get up to 250 or 300 eggs a year from each bird. your chicken house will help stop
Feeding Kienyeji Layers
Chick Mash Growers Mash Layers Mash

Feed from day 1 until the end of Feed from 9 weeks to point of lay. Feed Fugo Kienyeji Layers Mash
week 8. when some of your chickens
(2.5%) start to lay. This should be
Give each chick 35g (2 tablespoons) Give each chicken 70g (4 table- at around 18-20 weeks.
of Fugo Kienyeji Chick Mash a day. spoons) of Fugo Kienyeji Growers
One chick will consume about 2 kgs Mash each day. One chicken will
of Chick Mash from Day 1 to week 8. consume about 7 kg Growers Give 140g (8 tablespoons) Fugo
Mash from 9 weeks until point of Kienyeji Layers Mash per bird
lay. per day.
Chick mash helps Growers mash Layers mash helps
your chick to build helps your chicken your chicken to lay
a good body frame. to put on weight more good quality
and to lay eggs eggs.
For more information, SMS “COW” to 30606 For more information, SMS “SOIL” to 30606
Record-keeping for Dairy Cows Soil Conservation
Look after your soil for a good crop. Protect your soil by:
It is good to keep records for your dairy herd. Buy Milk Production Records
the ‘Coopers Farm Record Book’ from agrovets,
These will help you to see problems early. Your milk 1. Crop Rotation 2. Plough only where you plant 3. Mulch
or make your own. You need to record:
records can look something like this:
• Name of cow
• Father Date:   1/2/17   2/2/17   3/2/17    
• Mother Milk  (am)   2  litres      
• Date of calving Milk  (pm)   3  litres      
• Sex of calf Total  milk   5  litres      
Milk  sold   2  litres      
By keeping records, you can predict when your
cow will calve down, or make sure that you have Price   60  /-­‐       Rotate crops for less pests and Ploughing disturbs the soil. It breaks Put a layer of dried grass or
good breeding. diseases and more fertile soil. the soil structure & causes loss of organic leaves on the soil under your
Milk records also help you to work out how much matter. The soil loses water and more plants. This stops water loss.
Keeping records on Animal Health is very money you are making. Your profit is how much money Rotate crops from different weeds will grow. It also stops rain and wind
important. Record vaccinations, spraying or you have made after buying feeds, vaccines, etc. families. After maize, plant taking away your soil.
deworming, any medicine given, supplements Profit = total milk income – costs beans. Beans add nitrogen Instead of ploughing the whole field, dig
and feeds. to the soil. You will need less holes only where you will plant. Keep your soil covered at all
If you ever need to borrow money, you may be asked fertiliser. times, even after harvest.
Records will remind you of the farm routines that for your farm records. Record-keeping is part of
you need to do, like spraying, and also help with having a good business.
Plant on Terraces and Contours
your financial planning. If your shamba is on a slope, terraces and contours will help stop your soil from being swept away (erosion).

Soil Testing Soil Test Results Page 1: Soil Test Results Page 2:
Crops take nutrients from the
soil. If your soil is low in nutrients,
your crop will not grow well.

A soil test will tell you what to add Terraces: Cut steps into the slope Contours: Plant crops following Do not plant crops in lines, up
to your soil to make it better. Do of a hill. There is a flat area for the shape of the slope. This slows and down hills. This makes
a soil test every 2-3 years. Green shows where nutrient levels This tells you what to do to make planting. The steps slow down down water and stops soil erosion. pathways for the water; your soil,
are good. your soil better. The report will tell any water flowing. This stops soil and maybe even your crops, will
To do a soil test, call Daktari Red shows where nutrient levels are you how much of each fertiliser to erosion. be washed away.
wa Udongo on 0790 499190. bad. When something is red, you add. Follow the report to increase
must do something to help the soil. production. Plant trees and grasses
Trees and strong grasses help to hold soil together.
Applying Lime
Apply lime to acidic soil at the start of the growing Trees protect soil Trees give shade to
season, just before the rain. Apply every 4 years from wind and splash the soil and your
after a soil test. Lime more often if your soil is erosion (rain drops). crops. Shade reduces
very acidic, on a steep slope, or if you are in a high water loss from the
rainfall area. soil.
A low pH means your soil is acidic. Napier grass is very
Spread lime over
good at holding soil
the ground evenly.
If you are growing Tree roots help to hold
coffee, make sure soil together and get
the lime is over Leaves fall off the tree
Wear protective nutrients from deep in
the roots. Coffee and become mulch.
clothing when Keeping your soil covered and protected does not cost the soil.
roots go out in a They help to keep
using lime. a lot of money. You will get a bigger harvest and pay
circle around the water in the soil.
less money for fertilisers and water. You will make more
base of the plant. money.
For more information, SMS “SOIL” to 30606
For more information, SMS “FERTILIZER” to 30606
Fertilizer for Coffee Trees
Different crops need different nutrients. Nutrients increase yields, weight, quality and resilience of the crop.
Over time, crops take nutrients from the soil (soil nutrient mining). These nutrients need to be put back into
the soil.
Use Mavuno coffee fertilizer to increase your yield. You will make more money, even after you pay for the
fertilizer. Mavuno coffee fertilizer contains the following:
Primary Nutrients
Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) are all needed for good growth.

Secondary Nutrients Micro Nutrients

Calcium (Ca) makes strong cell walls and Zinc (Zn) helps the tree to grow.
helps to reduce bruising and disease Copper (Cu) helps the roots to work
in coffee berries. Berries will have less better.
damage and will last longer. Boron (B) is used to make seeds and
Magnesium (Mg) helps the tree to make fruit.
its own food and grow well. Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo)
Mavuno coffee fertilizer Sulphur (S) is needed for good growth. are needed for healthy plants.

How to apply fertilizer to coffee trees

1. Dig a small trench 5 to 10cm deep in a circle 2. Mix ¼ kg (250 g) of Mavuno coffee fertilizer with
around the tree using the edge of the canopy as soil from the trench. Put the mixture back into the
a guide. trench. Apply fertilizer twice a year before the rains.

>>> TIP <<<

The acidity of the soil (pH) affects how well the trees take up nutrients.
The best pH for coffee trees is pH 6.1.

Produced by Mediae

For another leaflet

or more information,
Watch us on Citizen TV on: SMS 30606
Thursday 1.30pm (English)
Sunday 1.30pm (Kiswahili)

www.cimmyt.org www.cropnuts.com
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www.handinhand-ea.org www.mbeguchoice.com www.royalseed.biz www.mavunofertilizers.com www.seedcogroup.com www.oshochem.com

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