A Comprehensive Watermelon Farming Guide - Dennis Muindi

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Watermelon is a warm-season crop related to cantaloupe, squash, cucumber and pumpkin. Watermelons can be
grown on any well-drained soil in most parts of Kenya but are particularly well adapted to the Coastal Plain
soils. Yields of 10tons to 25tons per acre are common. Watermelons will continue to be an important part of
vegetable production in Kenya. Increases in average yield per acre will continue as more growers adopt plastic
mulch, drip irrigation intensive management and new hybrid varieties


Watermelons range in shape from round to oblong. Rind colors can be light to dark green with or without
stripes. Flesh colors can be dark red, red or yellow. Watermelon varieties fall into three broad classes based on
how the seed were developed: open-pollinated, F1 hybrid, and triploid or seedless.

Open-pollinated varieties are developed through several generations of selection. The selection can be based
upon yield, quality characteristics and disease resistance. Open-pollinated varieties have true-to-type seed
(seed saved from one generation to the next will maintain the same characteristics) and are less expensive then
F1 hybrid varieties.

F1 hybrids are developed from two inbred lines that have been selfed for several generations and then crossed,
with the subsequent seed sold to growers. F1 hybrid seed will exhibit increased uniformity of type and time of
harvest compared with open-pollinated seed and can exhibit as much as a 20 percent to 40 percent increase in
yields over open-pollinated varieties grown under similar conditions. The disadvantages of F1 hybrid seed are
cost and availability. F1 hybrid seed will be as much as five to 10 times as costly as open-pollinated seed, and
available F1 hybrid varieties will change from year to year.

The third type is triploid or seedless watermelon. These are developed by creating watermelon plants with
double the usual chromosome number and crossing them with normal watermelon plants. The resulting plants
have one-and-a-half times the normal chromosome number. Because they have an odd number of chromo-
somes, they cannot form viable seed. In addition, they produce very little pollen; therefore, normal watermelon
must be planted with triploid watermelon as a source of pollen. Although triploid watermelons are referred to
as seedless, they are not truly seedless but rather have undeveloped seeds that are soft and edible. Triploid
seeds will be even more expensive than F1 hybrid seeds, and the melons should command a premium in the

Watermelons are also grouped according to fruit shape, rind color or pattern, and size. These groups are often
named for a popular variety with those characteristics. For example, oblong melons with dark stripes on a light
background in the 10 to 15 kg range are called Jubilee types after the popular Jubilee variety.

Melons of similar shape and size as Jubilee but with a light green rind are called Charleston Gray types, again
for a popular cultivar, Charleston Gray.

Round melons in the range of 8 to 12kgs with a striped rind are called Crimson Sweet types.

Small oblong melons (5 to 10kgs) with a dark green rind and light yellow stripe with dark red flesh are called
all sweet types.

Watermelons with a blocky shape (between a Jubilee and Crimson Sweet type) are referred to as Royal Sweet
or Mirage types.

Finally, round watermelons of 4kgs or less are referred to as icebox types to denote their ability to fit into a

Because varieties are constantly being changed and market trends are also changing, selecting varieties ac-
ceptable for your market is important. Consult your seed dealer, buyers, brokers or your county Extension of-
fice for the latest information on available varieties.


SUKARI F1-Kenya seeds company

Medium to early (90 days) hybrid with good fruit setting ability. Fruits are
oblong in shape with an average fruit weight of 7-8 kg - some may grow to
upto 12 kg. Rind is light green with dark green stripes. Flesh is deep
crimson with good granular texture and high TSS (12-13%). Has good
transport and keeping qualities. Yield upto 20-25 tons/acre.

KITO F1-Seedco

Medium-early hybrid melon maturing: 70-90days depending on growing condi-

tions. Has excellent fruit setting ability. Fruits are blocky oblong in shape with
average fruit weight of 8-12kgs. The rind is light green with dark green stripes.
The flesh is deep crimson with excellent granular texture and high sugar content
of 12-13%. Has good transport and keeping qualities. Yields upto 25-

ASALI F1-Royal seeds

A very popular hybrid with oblong shaped fruits and very sweet red flesh.Maturity:
85 days from planting.Fruit weight: 10 - 12 Kgs.Yield potential 30 - 40 tonnes per
acre. Plant vigour very strong with green striped skin. Excellent storage and
transportability traits

Tiger F1

Sweetrose F1

Julie F1



Sandy loam

•Rich in organic matter & good drainage

•Heavy textured soils: Slower crop development & Cracked fruits

•Soil pH: 6 –7

•Apply lime if soil pH is too low


Long, warm growing periods

•Bright, hot days (27 –35 o C)

•Warm nights (16 –21 oC)

•Cool Temp & Excessive RF: Delay germination, Slows growth, poor fruit setting, hallow fruit

•High humidity: Suceptible to various diseases & Reduce the flowering

Planting and Spacing

Watermelon seed germinate at soil temperatures of 20° to 35° C; however, germination below 20°C is very
slow. At a soil temperature of 25°C, watermelon plants should emerge in about five days. Watermelon seed
should not be planted until soil temperatures are warm enough to ensure rapid germination. Planting seed too
early will delay germination, can result in uneven stands and will increase the likelihood of crop loss. Early
seeding can, however, result in an early harvest, which generally commands better prices. These contradictory
elements in deciding when to plant watermelon seed are best resolved by successive plantings that attempt to
produce for the early market while ensuring a crop by planting when soils are warmer. Seed should be planted
approximately 1 inch deep.

Seed Rate: 500 –600 gmsper acre


Single row system:

Row spacing: 2.0 -2.5 metres

Plant spacing: 60 cm

Double row system:

Row spacing: 3.5 –4.0 metres

Plant spacing: 60


Most well-drained soil whether clay or sandy, can be managed to produce a good crop of watermelon. The best
soils, however, are sandy loams that have not been in cucurbit (cantaloupe, cucumber, squash, etc.) production
for a minimum of five years. Soils with a history of watermelon diseases should be avoided or fumigated to
avoid problems

Land preparation involves one or more tillage operations performed:

(1) To make the soil more suitable for seeding and seedling (or transplant) establishment,

(2) To enhance productivity by providing the best soil structure for subsequent root growth and development,

(3) To help control some disease problems.

Several operations may be required to prepare land for planting. This is partially determined by previous crop-
ping history. Land that has been under cultivation for several years may develop a hardpan several inches be-
low the surface. This is particularly problematic on clay soils. To penetrate and break up this hardpan, a sub-
soiler should be used. Litter from previous crops should be disked and deep turned with a moldboard plough
two to four weeks prior to planting to insure its decomposition. Broadcast fertilizer should be applied at this
time (if no other soil preparation is anticipated) or just before final bedding.

Watermelons respond favorably to warm soils. Raised beds tend to warm quickly and are particularly desirable
for early season production. Raised beds will facilitate drainage in heavy soils but are more prone to drying;
therefore, particular care should be taken with watering, especially during the first two weeks after emergence.

Root growth can be severely restricted by compacted soil. Proper land preparation should eliminate or signifi-
cantly reduce soil compaction. Tillage systems utilizing the moldboard plough without subsequent recompact-
ing operations consistently produce the highest watermelon yields. Basically, this superior performance results
from more extensive root systems that are more efficient at extracting nutrients and water from the soil.
Cover Crops and Green Manure

Winter cover crops help protect the soil from excessive water and wind erosion. When incorporated into the
soil as green manure, cover crops add organic matter (OM) to Coastal Plain soils, which are naturally low (of-
ten less than 1 percent) in OM.

Soil organic matter consists of plant and animal residues in various stages of decay. Adding OM improves soil
structure, which, in turn, enhances soil tilth (helps to reduce compaction and crusting), increases water infiltra-
tion and decreases both water and wind erosion. Also of importance, OM serves as a storehouse of many plant
nutrients. Furthermore, OM improves the efficiency of applied fertilizers by increasing the soil’s ability to re-
tain plant nutrients under leaching conditions. Georgia watermelon growers frequently plant wheat, oats, rye or
ryegrass as winter cover crops. Whenever these non-nitrogenfixing cover crops are to be incorporated as green
manure, they should be provided with adequate nutrients (especially nitrogen) during their growth. This in-
creases the quantity of OM produced and helps provide a carbon to nitrogen (C: N) ratio less likely to tie-up
(immobilize) nitrogen during decomposition. As a general rule, when non leguminous OM having a C: N ratio
greater than 30 to one is incorporated into the soil, it is usually beneficial to broadcast supplemental nitrogen
before incorporation. The amount of nitrogen to add varies, depending on the C: N ratio, soil type and amount
of any residual nitrogen in the soil. Typically, green manure crops should be ploughed under as deeply as pos-
sible with a moldboard plow so that large amounts of crop residue will not be in the immediate vicinity of
germinating watermelon seed. Lush cover crops should be turned under at least two weeks prior to planting the
succeeding crop.

If small grains are grown as a cover crop, strips of grain (2 feet to 6 feet wide) left in spray or harvest lanes
provide windbreaks that help reduce damage and sandblasting of small plants during early spring. To minimize
the possibility of insect migration to the watermelon crop, grain strips should be turned under before the onset
of senescence.

Lime and Fertilizer Management

The only way to accurately manage soil fertility and pH is to have the soil tested. Soil sampling must be con-
ducted in such a manner that it is representative of the field being sampled. This is essential to ensure accurate
results and recommendations. Your county Extension agent can help you with the proper method for collecting
a soil sample.

KARI, SOIL CARES, CROPNUTS can analyze your soil and make recommendations. A good fertilizer man-
agement program for watermelon production answers four basic questions:

1. What fertilizer materials (including lime) are to be applied?

2. In what quantities will they be applied?

3. How frequently will they be applied?

4. By which method(s) (broadcasted, banded, etc.) will they be applied?

In addition, the most successful management programs include frequent evaluations and modifications, if
needed, to deal with unanticipated problems such as floods, droughts and other factors that affect the plants’
ability to utilize nutrients.

Soil pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, with values above 7 be-
ing alkaline and values below 7 acidic. Soil pH will have a profound effect on plant growth, development and,
ultimately, yield.

Soil pH affects the availability of nutrients for plant growth. A slightly acid soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal
for watermelons.

The only accurate way to determine the soil pH is to have the soil tested. This analysis can determine if lime is
required to raise the pH. Lime is relatively slow acting in raising soil pH and is relatively immobile in soils.
For this reason lime should be added two to three months before planting and completely incorporated into the

top 6 to 8 inches. Soils that are also deficient in magnesium should receive dolomitic lime instead of calcitic

For watermelon production, the maximum recommended amount of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and po-
tassium (K2O) is 50kgs per acre. Watermelons are a relatively long-season crop; therefore, applying fertilizer
in small amounts several times throughout the season will maximize production. Rain and overhead irrigation
can leach nutrients from the soil, particularly N and K. All required phosphorus can be applied preplant and
should remain available throughout the growing season, because it is relatively immobile in the soil.

Many different methods exist for applying the recommended fertilizer. A simple method would be to broadcast
and incorporate all of the P and K and apply half the N preplant and half the N four to six weeks after seeding.

Apply 250gms of boron per acre and4kgs of sulfur per acre. If the soil test zinc level is low, apply 2.5kgs of
zinc per acre.

Leaching rains or insufficient applications may result in nitrogen and/or magnesium deficiencies after vines
have covered the soil surface. If under center pivot, symptoms may be alleviated by fertigating 10 to 15kgs of
nitrogen per acre or 5 to7kgs magnesium per acre.

If fertigation is not practical, 5 to7kgs of magnesium sulfate in approximately 380litres of water can be applied
as a foliar spray to correct magnesium deficiency.

To alleviate nitrogen deficiencies after full vine cover, sodium nitrate may be broadcast over the top (when
vines are dry) at 60 to 80 (10 to 13kgs N) Kgs per acre.

Granular calcium nitrate should not be used over the top, because it tends to result in a significant incidence of
leafburn. Any time granular fertilizer is applied over the top, leaf burn may be reduced by thoroughly washing
the fertilizer from the leaves with irrigation water.

Watermelon growers have occasionally experienced unsatisfactory fruit set even with sufficient bee activity.
Two to three foliar applications of water-soluble boron (approximately 30gms by weight of actual boron per
application) at weekly intervals coinciding with opening of the first female flowers can enhance pollination
and improve fruit set. Many growers routinely use a commercial formulation that also contains calcium (60 to
85gms by weight of actual calcium per application) to help prevent blossom-end rot. A good fertilizer man-
agement program includes frequent observations of plants for any nutrient deficiency symptoms. For optimal
yield and quality, monitor watermelon fields frequently and apply supplemental applications of fertilizer
promptly if needed.


Water is a critical component in the production of watermelons. A ripe watermelon consists of more than 90
percent water (a 15kg watermelon contains more than 10litres of water). Thus, an adequate water supply is
critical to optimizing yield and quality of this crop.

Watermelons are potentially deep rooted (4 to 6 feet); however actual rooting depth will vary considerably
depending on soil conditions and cultural practices.

The restricted rooting depth and the fact that watermelons are commonly grown in sandy soils with a low wa-
ter-holding capacity make irrigation necessary for consistently high yields of quality watermelons

Water deficits during the establishment of watermelons delay maturity and may cause gaps in production. Wa-
ter stress in the early vegetative stage results in reduced leaf area and reduced yield. The most serious yield
reductions result from water stress during flowering and fruit development.

Several types of irrigation systems may be used successfully on watermelons. Ultimately, the decision about
which type to choose will be based on one or more of the following factors:

availability of existing equipment

field shape and size

amount and quality of water available

labor requirements

fuel requirements


Furrow irrigation

Sprinkler Irrigation

Currently, most watermelons are irrigated with some type of sprinkler irrigation. These systems include center
pivot, linear move, traveling big-gun, permanent set and portable aluminum pipe with sprinklers. Any of these
systems are satisfactory, if they are used correctly. However, significant differences exist in initial cost and
labor requirements. Any sprinkler system used on watermelons should be capable of delivering at least an inch
of water every four days. In addition, the system should apply the water slowly enough to prevent run-off.
With most soils, a rate less than 2 inches per hour safely prevents runoff.

Sprinkler systems with high application uniformity (center pivot and linear move) can apply fertilizer through
the system. This increases the efficiency of fertilizer use by making it readily available to the plant and reduces
leaching Although overhead irrigation is not recommended with plastic mulch, when it is employed, a narrow
plastic mulched bed (12 to 24 inches) is better because water can reach the roots more easily. Wider beds
(greater than 24 inches) may be more problematic, particularly on sandy soils where lateral water movement is

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is gaining popularity for production of watermelons. It can be used with or without plastic
mulch. One of the major advantages of drip irrigation is its water use efficiency if properly managed. Studies
in Florida have indicated that 40 percent less water was required over the growing season for drip irrigated
vegetables than for sprinkler irrigated vegetables. Weeds are also less of a problem because only the rows are
watered and the middles remain dry. Some studies have indicated that drip also enhances early yield and fruit

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Drip tubing (or tape) may be installed on the ground surface or buried just below the surface. When used in
conjunction with plastic mulch, the tape can be installed at the same time the plastic mulch is laid. It is usually
desirable to offset the tape slightly from the center of the bed. This prevents the tape from being damaged dur-
ing the hole punching and the planting operation. Typically, one line of drip tape is installed beside each row.

Tape is available in various wall thicknesses ranging from 4 mils to 25 mils. Most growers use thin wall tape
(less than 10 mils) and replace it every year. Heavier wall tape can be rolled up at the end of the season and
reused; however, care must be taken in removing it from the field.

Drip systems can easily be adapted for fertilizer injection. This allows plant nutrients to be supplied to the field
as needed. This method also eliminates the need for heavy early-season fertilizer applications, which tend to
leach beyond the reach of root systems or cause salt toxicity problems. Only water-soluble formulations can be
injected through the drip systems. The system should be thoroughly flushed following each injection.

Water used in a drip irrigation system should be well filtered to remove any particulate matter that might plug
the tape. The water should be tested for minerals that might cause plugging problems.

Scheduling Irrigation

The water used by a crop and evaporated from the soil is called evapotranspiration (ET). ET rates for water-
melons have been reported as high as 0.3 inches per day. Stage of crop growth, temperature, relative humidity,
solar radiation, wind and plant spacing affect ET.

The following is a general recommendation for irrigation rates on sprinkler irrigated watermelons:

From planting until plants begin to run

Apply ½ inch whenever soil in top 6 inches becomes dry (about every five or six days when weather is dry).

From time plants begin to run until first bloom

Apply ¾ inch every five days during dry weather. If wilting occurs before noon, increase frequency of irriga-

From first bloom until harvest

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Apply 1 inch every four days during dry weather. During extremely hot weather (more than 53°C), frequency
may need to be increased to every three days to avoid stress.

Sandy soils may require more frequent, lighter applications than heavier soils to prevent moisture stress. Drip
irrigation systems need to be operated more frequently than sprinkler systems. Typically, they are operated
every day or every other day. Do not overwater, especially when using plastic mulch, because the plastic will
keep the soil from drying out.


Watermelons produce two types of flowers. Most varieties generally produce imperfect female and male flow-
ers. When flowering begins in watermelon, male flowers will be produced at every node while female flowers
will be produced approximately every seventh node.

Male flower

Female flower

Watermelon flowers are viable for only one day; therefore, an adequate population of pollinating insects must
be available every day during the flowering period. Even with sufficient pollinators, it is not uncommon for
watermelons to abort flowers. Under average conditions, two to three fruit should set per plant. The actual
number of fruit set will depend on variety, cultural practices, environmental conditions, irrigation and number
of pollinating insects.

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Watermelons require insects for proper pollination and fruit growth. Research has shown that each female
flower must be visited, on average, seven times by a pollinating insect to ensure proper fruit set. Insufficient
pollination results in misshapen melons, which must be culled individually, honeybees are not as efficient at
pollinating as wild bees, but their large numbers make them very good at ensuring proper pollination.

If an insufficient number of pollinators are present, supplement them with domestic hives. One strong hive
(30,000 bees in a two story hive) for every 1 to 2 acres is recommended. Ideally, hives should be spaced even-
ly throughout the field. This, however, may be impractical due to inaccessibility to the field. Hives should have
adequate clean water. Hives often are clustered along the edge of the field, which results in bees foraging fur-
ther into a field because of competition between the hives. Apply pesticides when bee activity is low to mini-
mize impact on the hives. This will occur late in the day, around dusk and on overcast days. Check pesticide
labels for additional precautions concerning bees.

Watermelon flowers are not nutritionally attractive to honeybees; therefore, blooming weeds or other crops can
out compete watermelons in attracting honeybees. Destroy nearby flowering plants that may be attractive to
honeybees.This will ensure that the bees work the watermelon flowers exclusively. Monitor hives and honey-
bee activity during flowering. Early to mid-morning is the best time to monitor bee activity. If numerous bees
are not vigorously working watermelon flowers, corrective action must be taken immediately to prevent poor
or delayed set.


Successful weed management is vital to the production of quality watermelons. Weeds compete with the crop
for light, space, nutrients and, particularly, water. Weed growth promotes disease problems and can harbor
deleterious insects and diseases. Weeds also impair the ability to harvest effectively, reducing the quantity of
marketable fruit and increasing labor costs. Watermelons, as with most crops, require early season weed con-
trol to ensure a quality crop. In addition, the spreading nature of this crop makes weed control difficult once
the vines begin to form.

Factors Affecting Weed Control

One of the most important factors to consider when growing watermelons is site or field selection. Fields
heavy in Texas panicum, sicklepod, cocklebur and other difficult-to-control species should be avoided. In ad-
dition, perennial weeds such as nuts edge or Bermuda grass will cause problems and can be extremely hard to
control. With perennial weeds such as these, frequent disking or mechanical disturbance prior to planting may
reduce the severity of infestation. Nonselective herbicides may also be used to reduce perennial weeds.

Weed identification, especially seedling weeds, is also important. Seedling weeds are generally easier to con-
trol and in many cases control can occur only at the seedling stage. Another important factor is the growth of
the crop.

Generally, an aggressive, healthy crop will outcompete and exclude many weeds. Proper fertilization as well as
disease, nematode and insect management will promote crop growth and aid in weed suppression.

Methods of Weed Control

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Several methods of weed control exist for watermelons. Selecting the method best suited for an individual
grower will depend on several factors: weed species, stage of crop and weed development, and labor cost and
its availability.

Hand weeding provides very effective weed control and is safe to the crop. Weeding should be performed
when the crop and weeds are small to reduce crop damage and to allow hoeing. Removal of large weeds with
extensive root systems may damage crop roots or vines. Hand weeding, however, is costly in terms of labor.

Mechanical cultivation provides very effective weed control but is limited to small weeds that can be easily
uprooted or covered. More importantly, mechanical cultivation should not be performed once the plants have
begun to vine (“run”). These vines are very tender and are easily damaged by tractor wheels or cultiva-
tors.Mechanical control must be supplemented with chemical or hand weeding to remove weeds in the rows or
after the plants produce vines

Weed control using the stale seedbed technique involves chemical weed control of emerged weeds before crop
emergence. A nonselective contact material is used.

The stale seedbed method often is coupled with a preplant incorporated herbicide treatment. If the crop is
transplanted, this method may be used to kill emerged weeds before transplanting. On direct-seeded plantings,
apply the herbicide to those weeds that have emerged after planting but before the crop has emerged.

Fumigation will provide substantial weed control but is expensive and dangerous and must be performed by
trained personnel. To ensure proper fumigation, a nonporous material such as plastic covers the soil. The fu-
migant is placed under the plastic, and the edges are sealed with soil. The length of time the cover remains in
place varies with fumigant but is generally three days. When planting into plastic mulch after fumigation, al-
low at least three weeks for the chemical to disperse to avoid crop injury. Most small-seeded broadleaves and
grasses will be controlled, but larger seeds and nuts edge tubers will not.

Plastic mulch with drip irrigation is a very effective method of weed control. Black or non-light-transmitting
plastic is preferred, eliminating light required for weed germination and growth. This will eliminate most
weeds except nuts edge. The tightly folded and pointed leaves of this species will penetrate the plastic and
emerge. Plastic that covers the plant beds should fit tightly and seal the edges to prevent wind disturbance.
Once the bed is covered, a small hole is made in the plastic and the transplant or seeds inserted. The smallest
hole possible is advantageous to eliminate weed emergence. Those areas between the beds should be treated
only with an herbicide registered for the crop, because the crop roots may extend into the row middles and
contact the treated soil.


Diseases are important in determining the success or failure of watermelon production. Certain diseases have
destroyed entire watermelon crops in some areas when weather conditions favored their development. If dis-
ease control practices are not followed, some loss can be expected every year from foliage and stem diseases.
All watermelon foliage diseases spread in a similar manner. Some diseases can easily be brought into an area
in or on the seed. Seed grown in dry, arid regions of the West have the best chance of being free of seedborne
diseases. Locally grown seeds are more likely to be infested with diseases.

Disease-causing fungi can live from year to year on undecayed vines of watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber,
citrons, gourds and pumpkins. These fungi produce millions of spores on susceptible plants. The spores are
sticky when wet; any time humans, animals or machines move through wet vines, these diseases can be spread.
Splashing rain or runoff water can also spread these fungi from one area to another. The amount of disease
pressure in any given year is directly related to environmental conditions. Rain is the most important factor in
the spread of foliage diseases. Under ideal weather conditions, some diseases can destroy entire fields within a
few days. When weather forecasts predict extended rainy periods, you should consider applying a recommend-
ed chemical to control foliage diseases atleast 24 hours before the rain is expected and again immediately after
the rain.


Damping-off is caused by a seedling disease complex that usually involves Phythium spp., Rhizoctonia spp. or
Fusarium spp. The amount of damping-off is usually directly related to litter from the previous crop and to
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environmental conditions. In some years, seedling diseases reduce stands by 50 percent; in other years, seed-
ling diseases are rare. Good cultural practices and seed treatment are essential in preventing damping-off of
young watermelon seedlings. Basically, conditions unfavorable for rapid emergence, which involves cool, wet
weather, are usually most favorable for damping-off


The Fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum causes

Fusarium wilt of watermelons. Symptoms can occur at any
stage of growth. Infected plants develop wilt symptoms on
one or more runners, usually beginning at their tips. The
vascular tissue in the lower stem and roots develops a light
brown discoloration. In severe cases, the entire root may
become dark brown and a soft rot develops near the crown.

The pathogen can spread to new areas on seed or in soil

transported by equipment, drainage water and man. Several
varieties are considered somewhat resistant to this disease.

However, even with resistant varieties it is desirable to use

new land or have a minimum of eight years between dis-
eased crops on the same land. On old land, some wilting can occur even with resistant varieties; final thinning
should be delayed as long as possible to eliminate the great number of wilt-susceptible plants before the final
stand is established. Contamination of new fields with soil from Fusarium infested fields should be avoided.


Plant in well-draining soils and avoid water logging; Crop rotation. Avoid using urea and ammonia based ferti-
lizers, Nitrate is recommended. Soil solarization and fumigation


Downy mildew is caused by the fungus Pseudoperonospora

cubensis. This fungus attacks only the leaves of watermelons.
Lesions first appear on the oldest crown leaves as yellow,
mottled spots with indefinite borders blending gradually into
healthy portions of the leaf.

Older lesions are dark brown with a slight yellow border. As

the disease progresses, brown areas coalesce, causing leaves to
curl inward toward midribs. Under favorable conditions for
disease development, downy mildew develops rapidly, result-
ing in a scorched appearance over an entire field. The pathogen
is airborne.


Remove old plant debris. Do not overcrowd plants; avoid overhead irrigation, water plants through furrows.
Spray: Triadimefon, Tebuconazole, Propineb + Cymoxanil, Azoxystobin


Gummy stem blight is caused by the fungus Didymella

bryoniae. During the past few years, this has been the
most serious disease affecting watermelons. This fungus
can cause damping-off, crown rot, leaf spot, stem canker
and fruit rot of watermelons. Lesions on the cotyledons
and leaves are round or irregular and brown in color.
Lesions on the crown and stem are brown and usually
turn white with age. Early infection usually comes from
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diseased seeds. On older leaves, brown to black spots develop between the leaf veins. The first spots usually
occur in the lobes of the leaves. Gummy stem blight spreads from the center of the plant outward.

As the season advances, gummy stem blight attacks vines, causing elongated, water-soaked areas that become
light brown to gray. Vine cankers are most common near the crown of the plant. Gum oozes from stem cracks,
and runners usually die one at a time. It is unusual to find gummy stem causing fruit rot in watermelons


Rotate crops every 2-3 years to a non-cucurbit to reduce disease build up in soil.Spray: Mancozeb, Copper
Oxychloride, Chlorothalanil, Mandipropamid


Characterized by white powdery spots on leaves and stems.

Spots may enlarge and completely cover leaves. Grayish
patches on older leaves. Defoliation may occur. Yields re-
duced. Disease emergence favoured by dry weather and
high relative humidity


Remove old plant debris. Plant in sites with good air circulation and sun exposure; do not overcrowd plants.
Spray: Triadimefon, Tebuconazole, Propineb + Cymoxanil, Difenoconazole, Azoxystobin


Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulata var.

orbiculare (Colletotrichum lagenarium, C. orbiculare), can be
a destructive disease of watermelons. This fungus attacks all
above ground parts of the watermelon plant. Plants can be
infected at any stage of growth; disease symptoms are first
noticed as round to angular reddish brown spots on the oldest
leaves. Spots may later dry, turn almost black and tear out,
giving the leaf a ragged appearance. Often the leaves at the
center of the plant die first, leaving the stem and a portion of
the runners bare. Light brown to black elongated streaks de-
velop on the stems and petioles. After a few days of warm,
rainy weather, every leaf in an entire field may be killed, giv-
ing the field a burned over appearance. Round, sunken spots
may appear on the fruit. Spots first appear water-soaked, and
then turn a dark green to brown color. The pinkish-colored ooze often noticed in the center of the sunken spot
is spores of the fungus. There are three types of the anthracnose fungus, known as races 1, 2 and 3. In recent
years, Race 2 has become widespread. It has severely damaged watermelon varieties that have previously
shown anthracnose resistance. In areas where all three races of the fungus are present, no variety is resistant to


Rotate crops with non-cucurbits every 1-2 years to prevent disease build-up; Spray: Difenoconazole,
Azoxystrobin, Tebuconazole, Triadimefon, Propineb+Cymoxanil; Chlorothalonil, Mancozeb

16 | P a g e
Rind Necrosis

The cause of rind necrosis is not known. However, it is

reported in association with bacteria such as Erwinia spp.
The symptom of this disease is the development in the rind
of light brown, dry, corky spots, which may enlarge and
merge to form rather extensive necrotic areas that rarely
extend into the flesh. Although there are no external symp-
toms of rind necrosis, infected fruits appear to have excep-
tionally tough rinds. It is not known how this disease is
transmitted, but it apparently is limited to fruit infection.

Watermelon varieties differ in the relative incidence and

severity of rind necrosis

Watermelon Mosaic Virus

Watermelon mosaic virus I and II are now known

as papaya ringspot virus watermelon type (PRSV-
W) and watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), respec-
tively. These are two common viruses found on

Several other viruses affect watermelon; all have

similar symptoms. The most common symptom is
mottling of the leaf. However, mottling may be
difficult to see under certain weather conditions.
Some plants are stunted with abnormal leaf shapes,
shortened internodes and bushy erect growth habits of some runner tips. The first symptom on the fruits is usu-
ally a bumpy and mottled appearance of the fruit surface. This disease symptom is strongly expressed in peri-
ods of extended high temperatures, which occur just before watermelon harvests. These viruses are spread by
aphids, which can spread through an entire planting during the growing season


Use reflective mulches to deter aphids; spray: Deltamethrin, Imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam, Lambdacyhlothrin


The disease defoliates vines , reduces fruit yield, Size

and quality. It attacks oldest leaves, show round water
soaked lesions

Chemical control– Chlorothalonil
Cultural control– Resist varieties, crop rotation, remove or burn crop debris

17 | P a g e

Fruit blotch is caused by the bacterium Acidovorax avenae

subsp. citrulli. The fruit blotch bacterium can cause seed-
ling blight, leaf lesions and fruit symptoms. First symptoms
in watermelon seedlings appear as dark water soaking of
the lower surface of cotyledons and leaves followed by ne-
crotic lesions, which frequently have chlorotic halos. In
young seedlings, lesions can occur in the hypocotyls, result-
ing in collapse and death of the plant. Leaf lesions are light
brown to reddish-brown in color and often spread along the
midrib of the leaf. Leaf lesions in the field do not result in
defoliation, but are important reservoirs of bacteria for fruit
infection. Symptoms on the surface of fruit begin as small, greasy appearing water-soaked areas a few millime-
ters in diameter. These enlarge rapidly to become dark-green, water-soaked lesions several centimeters in di-
ameter with irregular margins. Within a few days, these lesions may rapidly expand to cover the entire surface
of the fruit, leaving only the ground spot symptomless. Initially, the lesions do not extend into the flesh of the
melon. With age, the center of the lesions may turn brown and crack, and a fruit rot may develop. White bacte-
rial ooze or effervescent exudates follows fruit decay. Fruit blotch bacteria may be introduced into a field by
infested seed, infected transplants, contaminated volunteer watermelons or infected wild cucurbits


Rotate crops; avoid the use of overhead irrigation. Spray: Mancozeb + Copper or tebuconazole + copper


Watermelons are subject to attack by a variety of insect pests. These attacks do not always result in economic
injury, so certain insect management practices can be used to ensure cost-effective control decisions. Indis-
criminate use of insecticides often creates more favorable conditions for the development of harder-to control
insect pests, thus increasing the cost of production. Insects cause injury to the leaves, stems, roots and melons.
The developmental stage of the plant at the time of attack often governs the plant part injured by different in-
sect pests. However, some insects feed specifically on one plant structure; others may feed on several struc-
tures. Certain cultural practices may have a dramatic effect on the potential for economic injury by certain in-
sects. Planting during optimum growing conditions ensures rapid seedling emergence and subsequent growth.
This reduces the amount of time that plants are susceptible to injury from seedling insect pests.

Most insect problems can be treated as needed if detected early, but no one insecticide will adequately control
all the insects that may attack watermelon. Scouting for insects is the most efficient way to determine what
problems may exist and what action should be taken. Preventive treatments may be necessary for certain insect
pests. Preventive treatments are used against insects that are certain to cause economic injury if they are pre-
sent. Field history, harvest dates and insect pressure in nearby production areas influence preventive treatment

Root-knot Nematodes

Root-knot nematodes are small eel-like worms that live in

the soil and feed on plant roots. Root knot nematodes cause
serious damage to watermelons when planted to infested
fields. All species of root-knot nematodes are capable of
causing serious damage to watermelons. The lack of a good,
easy-to-use nematicide for watermelons makes the worms a
major problem. Although fumigants are excellent for reduc-
ing nematode populations, the waiting period required after
application can cause delays in planting; therefore, plan
ahead if fumigation is to be used. Nematodes impair the root
18 | P a g e
system so the plant cannot take up water and nutrients; moreover, they allow diseases like Fusarium wilt to
enter the plant. Serious root-knot injury usually appears as stunted, wilted growth in the above ground part,
with a galled root system becoming progressively worse during the growing season. Potential watermelon
fields should be inspected for root-knot nematodes before the crop is planted

Cucumber Beetles

Several species of cucumber beetles may attack watermel-

on. The most common species are the spotted cucumber
beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata, and the striped cu-
cumber beetle, Acalymma vittata. The banded cucumber
beetle, Diabrotica balteata, is found occasionally. Cucum-
ber beetles sometimes are mistaken for lady beetles, which
are beneficial predators. Cucumber beetles are more ob-
long than lady beetles, which are nearly circular.

The spotted cucumber beetle adult is about ¼ inch long

with 11 black spots on its yellowish-green to yellow wing
covers. The banded cucumber beetle is slightly smaller
than the spotted cucumber beetle. The banded cucumber
beetle is yellow with three black stripes on the back. The larvae of the different cucumber beetles are very sim-
ilar and live underground. Larvae are creamy, yellowish white, soft-bodied worms with three pairs of incon-
spicuous legs. Mature larvae of the spotted cucumber beetle may be from ½ to ¾ inch long. The striped cu-
cumber beetle larvae are slightly smaller. Both larvae have a dark brown head and a dark brown plate on the
last body segment.

Beetles and larvae may damage watermelon. The beetles have been responsible for most economic damage.
Beetles feed on the stems and foliage of the plant. Beetles feed on the stems until the plants become less attrac-
tive because of hardening, after which more foliage damage will be apparent. Feeding begins on the undersides
of the cotyledons or true leaves. If beetle populations are high during the seedling stage, stand reductions can

Larvae may feed on all underground plant parts and usually cause insignificant amounts of damage. Occasion-
ally, larvae cause direct damage to the melon. This is more likely to occur during excessive moisture condi-
tions when the larvae feed on that portion of the melon in direct contact with the soil surface. The damage con-
sists of small trail-like canals eaten into the surface of the rind. The most severe consequence of larval damage
is the introduction of secondary disease organisms. Cucumber beetles can be controlled with foliar applications
of insecticides when 10 percent or more of the seedlings are infested. The natural feeding behavior of cucum-
ber beetles leads to their avoidance of insecticidal sprays, so thorough spray coverage is imperative. The most
cost-effective application method is to band over the- top and direct sprays to the base of the plant. There are
no recommendations for control of the larvae


This is the major pest of watermelon. The damage by

maggots results in rotting of young and ripened fruits
or drying and shriveling of fruits before maturity.
Maggots of this fly causes severe damage to young
developing fruits. Fruit flies are usually a problem as
soon as female flower initiation takes place.


19 | P a g e
The affected fruits should be regularly pinched off and buried in a pit. Place 3 Para Pheromone traps per acre
to attract and trap male fruit flies.

Spray: Deltamethrin, Lambdacyhlothrin, Alphacypermethrin


Characterized by fine stippling on leaves. Leaf under-

sides are silver-grey with fine webbing and yellow, or-
ange or red dots. Mites feed on the plant sap and can
defoliate vines in a few weeks in hot, dry weather. Defo-
liated plants tend to yield small, poor quality fruit.


Cutting and burning of severely infested plant parts reduces further multiplication of mites. Ensure proper ven-
tilation, irrigation and clean cultivation.

Spray: Profesofos+cypermethrin, Abamectin, Emamectin benzoate


The granulate cutworm, Feltia subterranea, is the pre-

dominant species. The adult is a nondescript moth. Lar-
vae are greasy-looking caterpillars that may be 1½ to 1¾
inches long at maturity.

Young larvae may be pinkish-gray; older larvae are usu-

ally dingy gray. A series of chevrons slightly lighter
gray than the body runs along the back. Cutworms feed
at night and remain inactive during the day, either on the
soil surface or below ground. Cutworms may attack all
plant parts, but the most severe damage occurs when
they feed on young seedlings or developing melons.
Cutworms damage young plants by chewing on the stem slightly above or below ground. Stand reductions
may occur. Damage to the melon is often confined to the rind. Rind damage may be superficial. Cutworm
feeding results in trails or patches of tan to russet callus tissue.

20 | P a g e
Cutworms can be difficult to control, but understanding their behavior can help. Cutworms pass the winter
months in the larval stage. This means that the larvae may be present at the time of planting. In these cases,
stand reductions will be likely. Inspect fields during land preparation and just before and during the planting
operation. If cutworms are found, treatments should be made either by incorporation of a soil insecticide or a
directed sprays if plants are already present. Foliar sprays should be made as late in the day as possible to co-
incide with the greatest larval activity.


Proper tillage will help eliminate some species of cutworms that may move off of cover crops.

Spray: Deltamethrin, Thiamethoxam, Lambda-cyhlothrin


The melon aphid ( Aphis gossypii,) and the green peach

aphid. Aphids are soft-bodied, oblong insects that rarely
exceed 3/32 inches long. Adults may be winged or wing-
less, most often wingless. Aphids have two exhaust-
pipe-like structures called cornicles on the rear of the
abdomen. Immature sap, the leaves curl downward and
take on a puckered appearance. Heavy populations cause
plants to yellow and wilt. Aphids secrete a substance
known as honeydew, which collects on the surface of the
lower leaves. Under favorable conditions, the honeydew
provides the sustenance for the growth of sooty mold, a
fungus that blackens the leaf surface. This reduces pho-
tosynthesis, thereby reducing quality and/or yield. The greatest damage caused by aphids is indirect. Aphids
vector several viruses that can reduce melon quality. For this reason, aphid populations should be kept to a
minimum. Winged aphids are the primary vectors of such diseases and should be monitored two to three times
per week until melons are full size.

Several insecticides are effective on light to moderate populations of aphids. If winged aphids are found easily
(10 percent of plants infested), treatment is warranted.

Thorough coverage is essential because aphids live on the undersides of leaves aphids are wingless and look
like the adults, only smaller. Aphids are slow-moving insects that live in colonies on the undersides of leaves


Spray: Deltamethrin; Thiamethoxam, Imidacloprid, Lambda-cyhlothrin, Methomyl, Acetamiprid


Leaves distorted; leaves are covered in coarse stip-

pling and may appear silvery; leaves speckled with
black feces. Transmit viruses such as Tomato spotted
wilt virus; once acquired, the insect retains the ability
to transmit the virus for the remainder of its life


Avoid planting next to onions or cereals where very large numbers of thrips can build up; use reflective
mulches early in growing season to deter thrips
21 | P a g e
Spray: Deltamethrin, Imidacloprid, Lambda-cyhlothrin, Lufenuron, Thiamethoxam, Acetamiprid


Leaves turn yellow. They suck plant sap and excrete

honeydew where moulds grow, which may affect plant
growth and vigour. The tobacco whitefly is considered a
major pest due to its ability to vector various virus dis-
eases, which cause considerable damage to watermelons.


Remove infested leaves as quickly as possible. Remove lower infested leaves of plants not totally infested

Spray Deltamethrin, Thiamethoxam, Imidacloprid, Lambda-cyhlothrin, Acetamiprid

Rind worms

“Rindworm” is a term that describes any worm that

may attack the rind of the melon. It does not refer to a
specific species. The most common worms that may fit
this description are cutworms, corn earworms, loppers,
and beet and fall armyworms. When the rind is at-
tacked, the insect must be identified correctly because
no one insecticide will control all of the aforemen-
tioned species


Physiological disorders are caused by non-pathogenic agents that affect fruit quality. Usually, aesthetic quality
is degraded. The cause can be either one or a combination of environmental, genetic or nutritional factors.


Constricted growth at the stem end of the fruit, especially in elon-

gated watermelons. Bottle necks or otherwise mis-shaped fruit
can be caused by poor pollination & fluctuations in watering
(Moisture Stress). Low temperatures can also cause mis-shaped


Place two bee hives per acre to increase honey bee activity. Avoid
spraying chemicals in morning hours during flowering period to
encourage honeybee pollination. Proper irrigation at regular inter-

22 | P a g e

Symptoms first appear as small, light brown spots at the

blossom end of immature fruit. As affected melons
grows, spot can enlarge rapidly to form dark water
soaked, sunken, leathery lesions. This is caused by calci-
um deficiency or moisture stress or both. Excessive ni-
trogen fertilizer also can contribute BER by promoting
vigorous vine growth and depleting available calcium in
the soil.


Proper soil pH (6.0 -7.0), apply lime if soil pH is too

low. Ensure uniform and sufficient supply of moisture. Remove affected fruits. Reduce excessive nitrogen
during fruiting stage. Calcium foliar spray to reduce the damage.


Cracking is caused by cool temperatures during early fruit-filling pe-

riod. Excess nitrogen, low boron levels, or heavy infrequent watering
at fruit filling stage. Affected melons tend to be flattened in shape and
feel lighter than usual


To apply boron before fruit setting or foliar sprays to reduce the dam-
ages. Reduce excess nitrogen and maintenance of adequate uniform
soil moisture


White heart is white streaks or bands of undesirable

flesh in the heart (centre) of the fruit. This is caused
by excessive moisture and probably too much nitro-
gen during fruit maturation.


Proper Irrigation and reduce excess nitrogen during

fruit maturity stage


Sunscald is damage to the melons caused by intense sunlight.

Sunscald can be particularly severe on dark colored melons.
Developing and maintaining adequate canopy cover to afford
protection (shade) to the melons may prevent sunscald. Sun-
scald reduces quality by making melons less attractive and may
predispose the melon to rot

23 | P a g e

Watermelons are considered optimum for eating when their flesh matures to produce a sweet flavor, crisp tex-
ture and deep red color. Some newer cultivars, however, range in color from light red to yellow. Determining
maturity of melons without tasting each is not easy. External rind appearance does not always predict good
internal flesh quality and full maturity. Because of consumer demand for sweet, flavorful watermelons, total
sugar content is an important quality factor. One way to determine field maturity before harvest is to cut a few
melons taken from random parts of the field and test their sugar level using a hand refractometer. High quality
watermelons should have a sugar content (measured as soluble solids) of 10 percent or more in the flesh near
the center of the melon.

Time between harvest and consumption is a critical factor in determining when to harvest watermelons. Mel-
ons bound for distant markets are harvested when mature, but before full ripeness, to minimize handling dam-
age and breakdown in texture that they can suffer in transit. Watermelons should be consumed within two to
three weeks after harvest, primarily because of loss of crispness.

Selecting mature melons, ripe for harvest, is most difficult early in the season. Immature melons are character-
ized as being very firm, not yielding to pressure and having flesh colors of white to pink. If harvested imma-
ture, red color will develop, but the flesh will never develop acceptable sweetness, because sugar content does
not increase after harvest. Watermelons should be harvested before vines become withered, in which case the
fruit is overmature. Overmaturity is characterized by flesh mealy in texture and reddish-orange in color.

Several maturity indicators help determine when to harvest watermelons. No single indicator is absolute for
determining ripeness, because maturity differs with variety, location and plant growth. Look for a combination
of these signs of maturity for best results:

Inspect the stem. You should see a spiral coil near the stem of the watermelon. If the coil is brown
and dried up, the melon is almost ready to be picked.

Inspect the bottom of the watermelon. Look at the spot that was laying on the ground. If it's still
white, the watermelon isn't ready yet. If the spot has turned a rich yellow color, go ahead and harvest
the watermelon.

Inspect the watermelon. If it has lost its shiny appearance, you're off to a good start.

24 | P a g e
Thump the watermelon. Rap it with your knuckles. If it sounds hollow inside, it's getting close to
being ready..


Before planning watermelon harvest operations, consider:

Buyer’s requirements

Availability of labor

Equipment for harvesting, grading and packing

Availability of trucks for transportation to market

Harvesting and handling costs are much higher than growing costs. Therefore, melons must be harvested at the
right stage of maturity and handled gently enough to avoid damage to ensure market quality.

Watermelons should be cut from the vine rather than pulled, twisted or broken off. Pulling stems out provides
an entrance for bacteria and fungi that can cause souring and can decay the internal flesh. As melons are cut
from their vines, the bottoms, which are subject to sunscald, should be turned down. Cutters should carefully
lay melons at the edge of roadways in the field for loaders to pick up and pass to stackers in a field truck. The
typical field harvesting crew may range from nine to 12 people, including two to three cutters, four to six load-
ers, two stackers and one truck driver. Field trucks haul melons out of the field to waiting over-the-road trac-
tor-trailers for bulk loading or to nearby packing sheds for bin and carton loading


Rough handling due to carelessness and haste during harvest will cause damage and quality loss. Loaders on
the ground should hand pass melons to stackers who carefully place them in the load. Pitching melons often
results in their being dropped or rolled onto the load

Never stack melons on their ends, because the thin blossom end is the most susceptible area for bruising. A
drop of only 8 inches can result in severe internal bruising; a 1-foot drop can crack the flesh internally or split
the melon open. Bruising and abrasion result when loaders throw melons into the truck on top of other melons.
Cutters should take care not to skin or scuff melons with their knives. These areas provide an entrance for de-
cay-causing pathogens. Harvesting only when melons are dry can reduce abrasions caused by sand on the mel-
on surface at harvest. Harvesting or loading wet melons is inadvisable because of the increased risk of decay.
Watermelons are subject to impact damage and abrasion injury from rough surfaces during field harvesting
and transport to loading areas. For this reason, field trucks or wagons should be well padded with burlap or
carpet on the side, front and back. Six inches of hay or straw should be on the bottom. Padding on the bottom
should be changed frequently to remove sand that causes abrasion injury to the rinds. Although it is common
practice, workers should not ride on top of the load to packing facilities. Direct sunlight can affect watermelon
quality after harvest. Sunburn develops quickly on exposed melons whether on the ground or loaded in a truck.
Temperatures above 32° C cause internal flesh breakdown and increase decay. These effects may require sev-
eral days to become apparent. Shading is a necessary protection against direct sunlight and heat while waiting
for bulk shipment or unloading at a packing facility
25 | P a g e

Watermelons shall be of similar varietal characteristics that are mature, but not overripe, and fairly well
formed. They must be free from anthracnose, decay, sunscald and from damage caused by other diseases, sun-
burn, hail, scars, insects, hollow heart, whiteheart or mechanical injury. Retail merchandising programs require
watermelons to be packed according to specific weight sizes: small, less than 3kgs; medium, 3 to 10kgs; and
large, greater than 10kgs


Temperature management is important for optimum watermelon quality. The optimum storage temperature for
melons is 15°c. Transit temperatures of 12°c to 21° c with ventilation are recommended. Whole watermelons
should not be refrigerated. At temperatures below 10° c, chilling injury can develop; causing decreased redness
and juice leakage of the internal flesh, and surface pitting and Alternaria decay to the melon rind .Chilling will
also cause discoloration in the internal flesh after the melon is warmed to room temperature if it was bruised
before cold storage. Once melons are sliced for sectional display, they should be wrapped with film and stored
at 0° C to avoid souring. Watermelons are normally shipped in open or closed trucks and trailers without re-
frigeration. Melons should not be shipped in closed trucks or stored with fruits (bananas, peaches) and vegeta-
bles (tomatoes, cantaloupe) that emit ethylene. Ethylene is a colorless gas regarded as the natural aging or rip-
ening hormone. When exposed to ethylene, watermelons breakdown internally and the flesh takes on a water-
soaked appearance. This leads to flesh softening and flavor loss.

In summary, the important factors in determining watermelon quality during harvesting and handling are:

Harvest fruit at the maturity best suited for the intended market.

Avoid injury during harvesting, handling, packing and shipping.

Maintain proper storage temperature at 15° to 21° C.


Consumers, not producers, drive the economy; therefore, marketing must be customer oriented. Marketing
must provide:

What the customers want

When they want it

Where they want it

How much they want to buy

At a price they are willing to pay

Marketing Methods

There is no particular best method of marketing watermelons. Growers should determine which methods are
available to them and use the marketing method that is expected to return the most income for their land, labor,
management and time. The different marketing methods include:

Selling the field

Retailing at farmers markets

Selling direct to truckers or stores

Selling through brokers

26 | P a g e
The field method of sales, whether by acre or by kilogrammes, is preferred by many growers because it is rela-
tively simple

Basically, the grower finds a buyer willing to purchase the entire field. Often, the buyer does the harvesting.

Large watermelon growers (more than 20 acres) generally use brokers. Brokers are capable of handling the
large volume sales that these growers require. Brokers provide the marketing services that individual growers
are not able to provide. They have contacts in the major markets so that they can move large volumes of mel-
ons over an extended period of time. Their contacts with both producers and buyers allow for matching buyers’
needs with what the producers have. The matches include volume, variety, size, transportation, etc.

Farmers market retail sales should result in higher prices than other methods. The grower is responsible for the
marketing functions of harvesting, transporting and selling. The amount of time required to sell a load through
this method is so great that large acreage growers are not able to move enough melons this way.

Direct sales to truckers or to chains is a reasonable marketing method for the grower who has the contacts.The
growers’ volume must match their contacts’ needs. Matching needs with volume is difficult, which often pre-
vents this method from being used

27 | P a g e
Watermelon spray guide for 2016

How to Get the Most Out of Spraying

 Crop rotation for three years is an important start to controlling gummy stem blight.
 Chlorothalonil and mancozeb protect against gummy stem blight, downy mildew,
and anthracnose; chlorothalonil also protects against powdery mildew. These two
fungicides are the backbone of the spray program.
 Rotate systemic fungicides, like tebuconazole, to reduce the risk of fungicide
 Dry weather limits gummy stem blight but favors powdery mildew; dry weather
does not stop downy mildew or anthracnose when they are already in a field.
 During a wet period, spray every 5 to 7 days. The chlorothalonil label limits the
spray interval to 7 days for watermelon.
 If leaves stay wet for 48 hours, use a systemic fungicide for the next spray.
 When cold, spray every 7 days, starting at vine run, and shorten the spray interval to
5 days during rainy periods.
 Apply fungicides before a predicted rain rather than after. As long as the fungicide
dries on the leaves before rain starts, it will protect plants from new infections
 Repeated use of copper causes leaf yellowing,start applications at first bloom.
Ineffective once the fruit has reached maturity
 Make a maximum of 3applicatons of Tebuconazole per season
 Avoid late application of chlorothalonil once the fruits have reached maturity as it
causes rind burn
 Control cucumber beetle from emergence to fruitset to effectively control bacterial
wilt as bactericidal sprays alone aren’t effective
 Spray chemicals with short PHI prior to harvest

Production schedule/crop planting calendar

This is a tool used by farmers to plan for production and ensure that marketing coincides
with peak demand

The procedure involves:

Conduct a market survey and determine where there is peak demand which translates to
high prices

Work backwards from month when there is peak demand to prepare monthly farm activities
preceding the peak period

Use the monthly activities preceding the peak as a procurement plant for farm inputs and a
guide to farm operations

28 | P a g e
Sept-Oct peak season

Nov-Dec peak season

March-April Peak season

29 | P a g e
Melon spray program
The program is designed to manage the following:

Diseases( bacterial fruit blotch, bacterial leaf spots, gummy stem blight, powdery
mildew, anthracnose, and downy mildew)
Pests (Cutworms, cucumber bettle, cabbage looper, aphids, thrips, leafminer, white-
fly, spidermites, melonfly)


Sowing (use Apronstar for seed treatment) Manure-4tons/acre
Soak seeds for 24hours in DI Grow Green at a dose of 3ml/1 ltr of water DAP-80Kgs
Apply well decomposed manure 2weeks before planting MOP-20kgs
Week 1 Ridomil Gold Confidor
week 2 Folicur Engeo D.I. Grow Green
(15th Day After
week 3 Milraz Thunder

week 4 Ridomil Gold Engeo D.I. Grow Green CAN-50kgs

Bactrolure (25th Day After MOP-20kgs
Traps(4 per acre) Planting) (25 Days After
week 5 Folicur Fastac D.I.Grow Red
(35th Day After
week 6 Milraz Fastac CAN-50kgs
(40 Days After
week 7 Ridomil Gold Thunder D.I.Grow Red
(45th Day After
week 8 Folicur Engeo

week 9 Milraz Thunder

week 10 Ridomil Gold Engeo

Fertilizer application depends on soil test results

DAS-Days after sowing

Compiled by FARMING GURUS-K LTor Farm visits and other consultancy services
Dennis Muindi (0726216659/[email protected])
Founder&Admin- Watermelon&Onion Farming Gurus
Director-Farming Gurus-K Ltd

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