DR. B. S. Rath 13.02.19 Winter School
DR. B. S. Rath 13.02.19 Winter School
DR. B. S. Rath 13.02.19 Winter School
Dr. B. S. Rath
Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Meteorology
CA, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
Focus on
• Weather forecasting
• Entrepreneurship development
• Agriculture
– Agriculture is art, science and business of crop
• It is not a calendar based approach
• Rather it is dedicated holistic approach
• The concept of business invites entrepreneurship
development for earning more profit
• Recently Agriculture attained industry status
• Entrepreneurship in agriculture is agri-entrepreneuer
What is an entrepreneur?
• An entrepreneur is someone who produces for the market
• An entrepreneur is a determined and creative leader, always looking for
opportunities to improve and expand his business
• An entrepreneur likes to take calculated risks, and assumes
responsibility for both profits and losses
• An entrepreneur is passionate about growing his business and is
constantly looking for new opportunities
• Entrepreneurs are also innovators. They always look for better and more
efficient and profitable ways to do things.
• Being innovative, an important quality for a farmer-entrepreneur,
especially when the business faces strong competition or operates in a
rapidly changing environment
Weather Forecasting
Weather is the dominant factor determining the success or failure
of agricultural enterprises.
Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to
predict the conditions of the atmosphere for a given location and
It is estimated that about 50 per cent of the total crop losses can be
avoided through improved weather forecasts.
The weather forecasts also provide guidelines for long range
seasonal planning and selection of crops most suited to anticipated
climatic condition.
If the farmers are informed well in time that the coming weather
may be unfavorable, Wastage can be minimized ,use of plant
protection chemicals , fertilizer application can be saved.
The WMO (2010) classified weather forecasting in different groups, however,
the shorter the range the highest the predictability and the more important
and suitable is the forecast for agriculture. The groups are as follows:
Now-casting (NC) A description of current weather variables and description
of forecast weather variables for 0-2 hours. A relatively complete set of
variables can be produced (air temperature and relative humidity, wind speed
and direction, solar radiation, precipitation amount and type, cloud amount
and type, and the like).
Very Short Range Forecast (VSRF) Description of weather variables for up to
12 hours. A relatively complete set of variables can be produced (same as in
Short Range Forecast (SRF) Description of weather variables for more than 12
hours and up to 72 hours. A relatively complete set of variables can be
produced (same as in nowcasting).
Medium Range Forecast (MRF): 3 to 10 days. A relatively complete set of
variables can be produced (same as in nowcasting).
Long Range Forecast (LRF) From 12-30 days up to two years. Forecast is
usually restricted to some fundamental variables (temperature and
Importance or Significance of Weather Forecast in
1. The forecast of the weather events helps for suitable
planning of farm.
2. It helps in to undertake or withheld the sowing
3. It helps in following farm operation:
I) To irrigate the crop or not
II) When to apply fertilizer or not.
III) Whether to start complete harvesting or to withhold it.
4. It also helps in to take measures to fight frost.
5. It helps in transportation and storage of food grains.
6. Helps in management of cultural operations like plugging
harrowing hoeing etc.
7. It helps in measures to protect livestock.
Weather Forecasts…
• Help you decide about
• Crop varieties
• Acreage allocation
• Plant
• Fertilize
• Irrigate
• Spray
• Crop insurance
• Marketing strategy
• Weather forecast
• Contingent measures
• Crop planning
• Crop, Livestock, poultry and fishery management
• Resource use
• Input and output price fixed by the Government
• Government subsidies/programmes
• Market Intelligence
Who are the prominent players of ICT
services in Odisha?
• TATA (mKissan)
• Reliance.
• OUAT (Supported by MoES & MOA)
1. SMS Text
(a)Agrisne:t 1.12 crore outreach cumulate
(b) mKissan : About 2.5 a week
2. SMS Voice : Odisha Mobile Bani
3. Reliance Foundation
4. Television
5. Radio
6. Website and Internet
7. Newspapers
8. E-mail
9. FAX
10. Phones
Way forward…
• Advanced Mobile Technology:
– Visuals
– Target specific
– Feedback
– Voice
• Involvement of rural youth and Civil Societies:
– Village Climate Risk Manager
• Convergence of Programmes
– Cooperation, Civil Supply, Panchayat Raj, Rural
Development, Agriculture, Water Resources,
Energy, etc.
• Encouragement of private players
Farmer level Advisory Initiative
• Static Info:
– Which crop is suitable to my land ?
– How much fertilizer is required for my “X” crop ?
• Dynamic Info:
– What crop shall I plant now ?
– What pest management practice should I do now ?
– Should I irrigate now or wait for Rainfall ?
– Should I sell my produce now or wait ?
– And so on…
Farmer level Advisory Cont…
• Solution
-Farmer level Dynamic Expert system.
• Requirement
– Village level land, soil, rainfall, Temperature, Irrigation
• Technology
– Remote sensing and GIS.
– Running SWAT model, DSSAT model and using weather
forecast model output.
• Pilot Districts: Baragah and Ganjam
• Consortium: IMD Delhi, IIT Chennai and OUAT,